Legendary SoloQ
Simple fix to running past mobs
Legendary SoloQ
The point of skipping mobs is to make the run go faster. Adding more mobs when you can only damage 5 at a time won’t make things faster. Elite mobs aren’t even that much of a problem to begin with.
Youtube Channel – http://www.youtube.com/t3llularman
You’re offering a fix to a problem that you don’t understand, and frankly, doesn’t even exist.
Certain parts of Arah were specifically designed to be skipped, which has been confirmed by a dev at some point. Most of path 2 for example.
Stop the freaking ‘skipping is literally worse than hitler’ threads.
“People wanting content where Berserker sucks should remember that it needs be so hard
that they will cry, not just a river, but a huge ocean.” – Wethospu
Certain parts of Arah were specifically designed to be skipped, which has been confirmed by a dev at some point. Most of path 2 for example.
Stop the freaking ‘skipping is literally worse than hitler’ threads.
So that explains the Path 4 jumping puzzle.
Youtube Channel – http://www.youtube.com/t3llularman
Certain parts of Arah were specifically designed to be skipped, which has been confirmed by a dev at some point. Most of path 2 for example.
Stop the freaking ‘skipping is literally worse than hitler’ threads.
So that explains the Path 4 jumping puzzle.
I’m pretty sure that one wasn’t intended.
And, actually, it’s the Arah jumping puzzle, because you can use it exactly the same way in path 3 as in path 4, and it can be used for some funky stuff in path 1 and 2.
“People wanting content where Berserker sucks should remember that it needs be so hard
that they will cry, not just a river, but a huge ocean.” – Wethospu
Make it so Dragonite drops from silvers. Guaranteed fix.
Certain parts of Arah were specifically designed to be skipped, which has been confirmed by a dev at some point. Most of path 2 for example.
Stop the freaking ‘skipping is literally worse than hitler’ threads.
So that explains the Path 4 jumping puzzle.
I’m pretty sure that one wasn’t intended.
And, actually, it’s the Arah jumping puzzle, because you can use it exactly the same way in path 3 as in path 4, and it can be used for some funky stuff in path 1 and 2.
Vaults of Holiness is a pug saver.
Youtube Channel – http://www.youtube.com/t3llularman
Make it so Dragonite drops from silvers. Guaranteed fix.
I like you.
No more leashing, Everquest fans unite!
I’d be fine with it, I hate how everyone wants to skip mobs. I had someone complain last night that we weren’t killing trash, which was refreshing. I just run past most of the time because I get tired of people telling me “we can skip these”.
People won’t understand that you’re supposed to skip some parts until Anet makes all the mobs Legendaries with a neon sign around them that says “SNEAKY PATH HERE!”
People won’t understand that you’re supposed to skip some parts until Anet makes all the mobs Legendaries with a neon sign around them that says “SNEAKY PATH HERE!”
Really because I did my Dungeon Master title by killing every mob in my way. Not sure why some things are MEANT to be skipped.
People won’t understand that you’re supposed to skip some parts until Anet makes all the mobs Legendaries with a neon sign around them that says “SNEAKY PATH HERE!”
Really because I did my Dungeon Master title by killing every mob in my way. Not sure why some things are MEANT to be skipped.
You killed the legendary risen giants in arah? You killed the risen sharks in path 2? That sounds like the worst day of my life.
People won’t understand that you’re supposed to skip some parts until Anet makes all the mobs Legendaries with a neon sign around them that says “SNEAKY PATH HERE!”
Really because I did my Dungeon Master title by killing every mob in my way. Not sure why some things are MEANT to be skipped.
Dungeon Master only requires every path to be run at least once.
Immersion and exploratory values I can agree on. But I do not want to be chained to perma aggro mobs with high hp and terrible loot table when I have ran a path for the 200th time.
People won’t understand that you’re supposed to skip some parts until Anet makes all the mobs Legendaries with a neon sign around them that says “SNEAKY PATH HERE!”
Really because I did my Dungeon Master title by killing every mob in my way. Not sure why some things are MEANT to be skipped.
And did you jump on top of the clouds that crap rainbows so you could get your chievey-wieveys?
Youtube Channel – http://www.youtube.com/t3llularman
Those clouds smile at me. Dont be mean to them.
No more leashing, Everquest fans unite!
I’d be fine with it, I hate how everyone wants to skip mobs. I had someone complain last night that we weren’t killing trash, which was refreshing. I just run past most of the time because I get tired of people telling me “we can skip these”.
I do sort of miss blackburrow trains.
But some mobs should leash, even in mythology some behave in that manner, or are actually chained down.
Some should be skipped, some should be take timing to skip, others jumping, invisibility, or even stealth.
Some though, should simply be faster and more rewarding to kill, especially if they are “intended” to be harder or impossible to skip.
People won’t understand that you’re supposed to skip some parts until Anet makes all the mobs Legendaries with a neon sign around them that says “SNEAKY PATH HERE!”
Maybe they should all be like the legendary defenders in WvW that one-shot everything they touch.
Morrï (Mesmer) | Serah Mahariel (Guardian) | Morrï Mahariel (Warrior)
“colesy’s on rampage today. Slaying casuals left, right and centre” – spoj
People won’t understand that you’re supposed to skip some parts until Anet makes all the mobs Legendaries with a neon sign around them that says “SNEAKY PATH HERE!”
Really because I did my Dungeon Master title by killing every mob in my way. Not sure why some things are MEANT to be skipped.
And did you jump on top of the clouds that crap rainbows so you could get your chievey-wieveys?
D: those clouds are awesome and I want one of the super horns to make their noise. It’s comments like yours that make those crazy lightning sword wielding clouds
Not sure why some people are obsessed with the idea that skipping mobs needs to be fixed.
Mobs that are skippable (without exploits) are designed that way.
If Anet wanted to, they could put a door that prevents you from entering unless certain mobs are killed (they do this in every single dungeon, in fact, for bosses). If they didn’t put such a mechanic, then they are giving you the option to skip if you wish. There’s nothing to fix here.
No more leashing, Everquest fans unite!
I’d be fine with it, I hate how everyone wants to skip mobs. I had someone complain last night that we weren’t killing trash, which was refreshing. I just run past most of the time because I get tired of people telling me “we can skip these”.
I do sort of miss blackburrow trains.
But some mobs should leash, even in mythology some behave in that manner, or are actually chained down.
Some should be skipped, some should be take timing to skip, others jumping, invisibility, or even stealth.
Some though, should simply be faster and more rewarding to kill, especially if they are “intended” to be harder or impossible to skip.
Blackburrow and Crushbone, two of my favorite zones, Unrest is up there too. Dvinn to zone!