Small things that bug you in (PUG) dungeons

Small things that bug you in (PUG) dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


1) New people who don’t say anything up front. I honestly don’t even mind if you join my “zerk run” group if you actually fulfill the condition of being zerk – but wiping because you don’t even have the courtesy to warn us then go “sry im new actually” really grinds my gears.

2) How I’m literally the only Phalanx Strength warrior in PUG runs. I want to run my elementalist for Fiery Exploit Sword but not having perma 25 might makes me feel bad.

Small things that bug you in (PUG) dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ryn.6459


Well, do you really expect that pick up warrior would have spent 90gold for some runes?

Learning English, any correction is very welcome.

Small things that bug you in (PUG) dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


Well, do you really expect that pick up warrior would have spent 90gold for some runes?

To be fair even without Strength runes PS puts out ~8s of might from the trait, which is still pretty respectable. Although I guess you have a point. I’ll resolve to be less bitter about it in future runs.

Small things that bug you in (PUG) dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Stooperdale.3560


Fractal runners with no AR who fall over at the slightest agony. Come on guys, it can’t be that much fun watching me play GW2 while you lay on the floor all fight?

Small things that bug you in (PUG) dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Big Jay.1479

Big Jay.1479

Well, do you really expect that pick up warrior would have spent 90gold for some runes?

Hoelbrak runes are 66% cheaper (<30g for a set of 6), but don’t offer the 7% damage boost. They are an adequate starter set for PUGs who want to stack strength.

Small things that bug you in (PUG) dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DonQuack.9025


you know how long it takes my pug buds to make 30g? one has 10g and talks like he is Bill Gates. I deign to tell him that wouldnt even get him a stack of proper powerprec food.

Not everyone makes mucho gold playing. Heck even I wont be able to afford hoelbraks when I get my war to 80. I say even I as if im somebody.

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Small things that bug you in (PUG) dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Xhyros.1340


A party with 4 warriors yet no EA.

Small things that bug you in (PUG) dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Silvia.9130


Those who don’t accept people under some xk achievements and that place BoD right after I place mine after linking it in chat;

Those who asks for zerkers only and are not zerkers themselves;

Those who asks for 80s only and have their friend/guildie on a low level char in team;

Those who join for Melee-Lupi and range him/have no idea how to dodge grubs and kicks;

Those who make Lupicus run all the room in phase 3 causing the bubble to be spawned;

Those who don’t listen to help make feedback the most effective to make Lupi skip-phase;

Eles who can’t make 0,1 might and think to be pro and gods of the game;

Rangers meleeing with longbow-Mesmers meleeing with gs-Necros meleeing with staff-and so on…

People who join a team pretending to be experienced and instead are first-timers. Now really… They don’t say it’s their first time because they fear a kick. Wouldn’t they get a kick anyway when at half-way to the end they screwed up badly for not knowing?

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

Small things that bug you in (PUG) dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Arkimedes.8730


I feel like I should tell people that boon duration food with phalanx strength lets you keep perma 25 might stacks by yourself. Strength Runes are not needed for that.

Small things that bug you in (PUG) dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: CntrlAltDefeat.1465


Guardians who force me to take defensive utilities on my ele instead of allowing me to go full yolo damage mode.
Ele’s that dont might stack.
Warriors that dont banner.
ANYTHING that interferes with my fire fields. Im looking at you guardians and necro’s.

“It is not selfish to live how you want to. It is only selfish when you want other people to live the way you want them to.” -Oscar Wilde.

Small things that bug you in (PUG) dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DonQuack.9025


Guardians who force me to take defensive utilities on my ele instead of allowing me to go full yolo damage mode.
Ele’s that dont might stack.
Warriors that dont banner.
ANYTHING that interferes with my fire fields. Im looking at you guardians and necro’s.

“It is not selfish to live how you want to. It is only selfish when you want other people to live the way you want them to.” -Oscar Wilde.

“IDGAF” – DonQuack.9025

I dont always guardian but when I do I make sure my teammates have to worry about as little as humanly possible. Their own defensive abilities are for when my defences run out.

Concerns about HoT pre-order? Check here!

Small things that bug you in (PUG) dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: NOIZERRR.3079


ppl that run ahead like greedy kittens to bug mossman.
ppl that range every kitten it hotw p1 :facepalm:
ppl that cant or even try to melee bosses and dont wanna get out of this mindset

once i had a guy join our lfg for 49 fractal convincing us that rangers are usefull upfront, i was like “cool np man i know” made some jokes about bad rangers and stuff. nice to get a ranger using spotter and frostspirit. he want to invite 2 buddies, so yeah np. cool ele and stuff. turns out he was bearbow, his friends dont stack might and range every kitten, so we basically 2 manned 49. was still an awesome run cuz you feel good after that =D

“People who join a team pretending to be experienced and instead are first-timers. Now really… They don’t say it’s their first time because they fear a kick. Wouldn’t they get a kick anyway when at half-way to the end they screwed up badly for not knowing?”

as i started dungeons 2 weeks ago i ALLWAYS joined experienced groups in lfg, since i think i know how to handle my warrior and just took the time to watch a 10 min video on youtube before joining the path. but i guess when it comes to arah in the first place your arent pugging arah anyway and 2nd place i would rather try to gather up ppl to help me learning this path or just keep trying solo until i get it. since you can really kitten up things there imo. (have never done arah in a group so far)
i have to add: everything went really well in that groups.

(edited by NOIZERRR.3079)

Small things that bug you in (PUG) dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Veckna.9621


I’m not very easily annoyed but here’s a few things that grind my gears when I have to pug:

1. People that cannot break free from their usual pug tactics whenever presented with a superior approach to a fight/phase of a dungeon and are just stubborn;

2. Elementalists that don’t know how to stack might, have no sense of timing whatsoever on when to use FGS and panic into water attunement heals when the group is bursting down a boss;

3. Thieves that camp D/D when we’ve stacked in a corner, thieves that don’t know when or how to stealth people to speed up a run, thieves that don’t realize they got smoke screen to block projectiles and thieves that don’t help blasting fields;

4. Greatsword mesmers;

5. Rangers that can’t keep their pets in their pants, won’t even get into bearbows ;

6. Warriors that don’t coordinate with other warriors concerning their traits and utilities, namely banners and Empower Allies, when they’re not the only warrior in a group;

7. FGS hogging fools that pick them up as soon as they’re dropped when there’s a thief running improvisation in the group;

8. Touchy people that get rattled when you call them out without being offensive towards them asking them to perform better;

9. Fools that make LFG ads of the “5k+ AP zerk gear check” type and then wipe in the most trivial phases of a dungeon;

10. Did I mention healing guardians that don’t pop any reflects, stability or damage mitigation boons?

And that’s about what I can name out of the top of my head right now :P

(edited by Veckna.9621)

Small things that bug you in (PUG) dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: TheKillerAngel.3596


I’m not very easily annoyed but here’s a few things that grind my gears when I have to pug:
3. Thieves that camp D/D when we’ve stacked in a corner, thieves that don’t know when or how to stealth people to speed up a run, thieves that don’t realize they got smoke screen to block projectiles and thieves that don’t help blasting fields;

If you don’t have a bundle weapon and are in a corner isn’t the dagger auto chain the thief’s highest DPS option?

Think stacking and skipping trash is cheap?
Read: Playing to Win.
Guide: How to play a Mesmer in dungeons.

Small things that bug you in (PUG) dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Veckna.9621


I’m not very easily annoyed but here’s a few things that grind my gears when I have to pug:
3. Thieves that camp D/D when we’ve stacked in a corner, thieves that don’t know when or how to stealth people to speed up a run, thieves that don’t realize they got smoke screen to block projectiles and thieves that don’t help blasting fields;

If you don’t have a bundle weapon and are in a corner isn’t the dagger auto chain the thief’s highest DPS option?

Sword/pistol becomes more effective unless you’re in a situation where you can position yourself behind the target, with comparable DPS simply in AA chain and permanent weakness and blinds helping mitigate incoming damage to your group.

Small things that bug you in (PUG) dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Agony.3542


Things I would sum up as “wannabe elitism” (e.g. speedrun but no ranger/ele allowed), aswell as people who don’t understand limits, like 25 might/vuln stacks. I could rage so much at builds that claim “I can keep 25 vuln, so I’m super useful” or players demanding others to take suboptimal weapons.

RIP game 2012-2014

Small things that bug you in (PUG) dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Fluidity.7541


Ranger with spotter buff, but camping longbow and standing far far away from the group sniping kinda kills me inside.

Small things that bug you in (PUG) dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dub.1273


Things I would sum up as “wannabe elitism” (e.g. speedrun but no ranger/ele allowed), aswell as people who don’t understand limits, like 25 might/vuln stacks. I could rage so much at builds that claim “I can keep 25 vuln, so I’m super useful” or players demanding others to take suboptimal weapons.

But guang says other people can drop their vuln on crit trait then to deal more deeps!

Dub | [rT]
#LoveArrows2013, never forget.

Small things that bug you in (PUG) dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: TheKillerAngel.3596


I’m not very easily annoyed but here’s a few things that grind my gears when I have to pug:
3. Thieves that camp D/D when we’ve stacked in a corner, thieves that don’t know when or how to stealth people to speed up a run, thieves that don’t realize they got smoke screen to block projectiles and thieves that don’t help blasting fields;

If you don’t have a bundle weapon and are in a corner isn’t the dagger auto chain the thief’s highest DPS option?

Sword/pistol becomes more effective unless you’re in a situation where you can position yourself behind the target, with comparable DPS simply in AA chain and permanent weakness and blinds helping mitigate incoming damage to your group.

Weakness/blind matter a lot less vs most bosses, and dagger still has heartseeker.

Think stacking and skipping trash is cheap?
Read: Playing to Win.
Guide: How to play a Mesmer in dungeons.

Small things that bug you in (PUG) dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Veckna.9621


I’m not very easily annoyed but here’s a few things that grind my gears when I have to pug:
3. Thieves that camp D/D when we’ve stacked in a corner, thieves that don’t know when or how to stealth people to speed up a run, thieves that don’t realize they got smoke screen to block projectiles and thieves that don’t help blasting fields;

If you don’t have a bundle weapon and are in a corner isn’t the dagger auto chain the thief’s highest DPS option?

Sword/pistol becomes more effective unless you’re in a situation where you can position yourself behind the target, with comparable DPS simply in AA chain and permanent weakness and blinds helping mitigate incoming damage to your group.

Weakness/blind matter a lot less vs most bosses, and dagger still has heartseeker.

Heartseeker is only impactful once a boss hits 25% health or lower, wether you believe that small burst is worth taking over the defensive capabilities of the sword/pistol set is up to you.
Personally I stick to sword/pistol when stacked in a corner also because pistol whip is a great way to maintain your DPS uptime when you have to dodge.

(edited by Veckna.9621)

Small things that bug you in (PUG) dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Flissy.4093


I’m not very easily annoyed but here’s a few things that grind my gears when I have to pug:
3. Thieves that camp D/D when we’ve stacked in a corner, thieves that don’t know when or how to stealth people to speed up a run, thieves that don’t realize they got smoke screen to block projectiles and thieves that don’t help blasting fields;

If you don’t have a bundle weapon and are in a corner isn’t the dagger auto chain the thief’s highest DPS option?

Sword/pistol becomes more effective unless you’re in a situation where you can position yourself behind the target, with comparable DPS simply in AA chain and permanent weakness and blinds helping mitigate incoming damage to your group.

Weakness/blind matter a lot less vs most bosses, and dagger still has heartseeker.

Heartseeker is only impactful once a boss hits 25% health or lower, wether you believe that small burst is worth taking over the defensive capabilities is the sword/pistol set is up to you.
Personally I stick to sword/pistol when stacked in a corner also because pistol whip is a great way to maintain your DPS uptime when you have to dodge.

I just take Ele LH if I can’t BS tbh. More DPS & Blinding? Yes please.

Light Up the Darkness
“Dear ANet, nerf Paper, Scissors is fine. Sincerely, Rock”
Elysaurus | Warrior | [LOL] | League of the Legendary | Gandara (EU)

Small things that bug you in (PUG) dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: OrianZeta.1537


“It is not selfish to live how you want to. It is only selfish when you want other people to live the way you want them to.” -Oscar Wilde.

^Most of this thread.

Judging from these complaints, my guardian (I admit I’m not too experienced) violates just about every rule in the “player” handbook. Terribly sorry I took it to mean “support allies”; what are people like me thinking!?

Small things that bug you in (PUG) dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: rfdarko.4639


I’m a pretty patient person, but for some reason thieves and especially engis who can’t blast stealth really really annoy me. I was running TA Forward and I ask the engi to blast smoke bomb. He says “k”, we wait for a good 30 seconds, he places smoke bomb and everyone just stands there. The only blast was mine on my torch on my mesmer. The guard runs forward, we get to the next spot, I say “you have to blast in it”. He drops smoke bomb, and waits. I sigh and pop viel/mass invis. I know I see people do dumber stuff in pugs all the time but for some reason that especially bugs me to no end.

guildless hobo who likes to solo – [x]

Small things that bug you in (PUG) dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Silberfisch.3046


“It is not selfish to live how you want to. It is only selfish when you want other people to live the way you want them to.” -Oscar Wilde.

^Most of this thread.

Judging from these complaints, my guardian (I admit I’m not too experienced) violates just about every rule in the “player” handbook. Terribly sorry I took it to mean “support allies”; what are people like me thinking!?

Um, guardians are top of the line when it comes to support and I don’t think anyone here will argue that.
The main problem would be what you define as support. And if we specify defensive support, that’s even more so the field where guardians excel. Aegis, reflect, condition removal, decent amount of blind, stability, permanent protection if running hammer (and no ele or engi around to go bonkers over the permanent light field or in high level fractals, or if in doubt just pop a firefield yourself for the might stackers so the symbol won’t interfere). All that is defensive support and can and will be done by any good guardian in a dungeon group.
People just sometimes confuse healing with support. Don’t get me wrong, healing is a form of defensive support, but it is by no means the only one. And in a setting like guildwars damage mitigation usually trumps healing after receiving damage.

Straying off topic here… sorry.

What bugs me most is lack of communication. Why do we have a chat if half of the players never seem to read/write in there anyway?

If you happen to stumble across any typos,
you may keep them to rear new and interesting variants in your basement.

(edited by Silberfisch.3046)

Small things that bug you in (PUG) dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: OrianZeta.1537


The nature of PUG: Nobody knows each other (build, experience, skill, etc.), won’t be together for long and could have new groups all day. Random cycling helps create the following:

-Lack of social interaction
-Failure to coordinate play (leadership, decision-making, etc.)
-Aversion to coordinating builds (also, the game lacks a build manager/save template, making people more rigid with their builds).

On players who don’t admit when they’re clueless: psychologically no one wants to be “that person”, so just following/keeping your mouths shut is the “safe” pattern, especially when many pugs advertise EXP.

It also takes up time to explain things, which is embarrassing when the meta wants speed. That much is obvious when people here are complaining about ptv/clerics guardians. Seriously, when you’re bugged by other peoples’ gear because you feel they’re sabotaging the group by not hitting hard enough, is it any surprise they don’t want to admit when they don’t know what to do?

And just a word on warrior banners/signet warriors: groups that rush ahead or don’t help carry banners make it more frustrating to take them. I’m perfectly fine with my own passive buffs or stability, especially if the group is burning down the house, than putting up with that.

Edit: @Silberfisch.3046 – I was exaggerating over the people bugged about several guardian weapons and ptv/clerics gear, it just sounds like people want a damage build with buffs+reflect, nothing more.

(edited by OrianZeta.1537)

Small things that bug you in (PUG) dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: RoseofGilead.8907


This a really nitpicky thing (and is something that happens in pugs and guild groups), but it happens so much that I have to list it:

When you’re either in the middle of safely rezzing someone or about to drop Warbanner, and the person mistforms/teleports out of range of you/the banner. When I have an ele, thief, or mesmer in party I’ve started trying to link Warbanner in chat right before I drop it, so the person might not run out of range . . . But a lot of the time, they just move out of range and die alone.

Small things that bug you in (PUG) dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Clyan.1593


Plp not reading chat.
Plp bossing around.
Plp abuse kicking.
Plp not using wp after death.
Plp blabla zerker or warrior or both is best.
Plp insulting other plp due to their own incompetency.
Plp making odd comparisons between lupi solo fights and usual dungeon runs.
Plp claiming ranger and necro are worthless classes after reaching lvl50 bonus frac. (popcorn grab)
Plp opening dungeon and then going afk forever.
Plp threatening other plp.
Plp exaggerating.

“Bagh Nakh! Bagh Nakh!”
– Dark Lord of Moshpoipoi

Small things that bug you in (PUG) dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Laar.5476


What is plp?

Pulp? Pyridoxal-phosphate? Professional Liability Protection? Progressive Labour Party? Producer Loyalty Program?

Small things that bug you in (PUG) dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Rag.3258


When I specify LINK YOUR GEAR in capital letters on my lfg and 7/10 people joining say “hi” and nothing more and 2/10 people ask something like “you want to see my gear?”

When I ask for melee zerker, zerker with proper runes, meta dps, dps ele or anything like that on my lfg and I have to kick upwards of 20 people every time I make a group just because theres so many people that dont care I dont want to play with them.

The amount of “exp zerkers” in game that are neither exp nor zerker and are giving everyone a bad reputation.

What bugs me the most is the poor party leadership system. Its come to a point where forming a proper group takes me somewhere between 30-60 minutes, and this is largely due to people blocking the lfg while taking 2 minutes to link their pvt gear of melandru, being kicked, then joining again (deleting the lfg again) to tell me omg why was i kicked ive got zerker trinkets/you need support/reported :)/ive got enough dps/youre all stupid elitists. Then I have to kick them again, hoping that my teammates are still awake, not afk and did not change zones while I voted for kicking so someone can confirm it.

Small things that bug you in (PUG) dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: GrimmR.3541


Rangers. No, not the class itself, just general ranger players. Those players who go shortbow/longbow and take a bear or a spider! And when they finally notice that they do absolutely no dps, do you think they try to get the meta builds ? Noo, they don’t. They actually visit the forums and start bit*hing around about how bad rangers are.

Aswell as people pretending to be experienced but in fact they aren’t.

Useless Pugs (So like most of them)

Refusing to take tipps or strageties

still so much to say..

toxic since 2012

Small things that bug you in (PUG) dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Boyd.5438


people that purposely make me laugh when fighting lupi -.- or type

Small things that bug you in (PUG) dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jerus.4350


Guardians who force me to take defensive utilities on my ele instead of allowing me to go full yolo damage mode.
Ele’s that dont might stack.
Warriors that dont banner.
ANYTHING that interferes with my fire fields. Im looking at you guardians and necro’s.

“It is not selfish to live how you want to. It is only selfish when you want other people to live the way you want them to.” -Oscar Wilde.

“IDGAF” – DonQuack.9025

I dont always guardian but when I do I make sure my teammates have to worry about as little as humanly possible. Their own defensive abilities are for when my defences run out.

^^ it is called GUARDian, might as well put the tools to use. I just really wish I didn’t block all other fields when running hammer, pretty much my only frustration with guardian =).

Small things that bug you in (PUG) dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ArmsteUllion.8409


I’m not a huge fan of Guardians in TA Up who immediately throw up their wall at the final boss when there’s nothing to reflect.

It’s fashion wars 2, baby, and I’m freaking winning it. – Lilith Ajit.6173

Small things that bug you in (PUG) dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: OrianZeta.1537


I just really wish I didn’t block all other fields when running hammer, pretty much my only frustration with guardian =).

IMO, fields are not in a good state. We need to see the active field at any given time during a fight, including its range, and skill bar+skills should dynamically update to show that you’re in a field, and what effect each combo skill will play on the field when you hover over it.

Fields+Finishers should also be included in the tutorial section for new characters.

Small things that bug you in (PUG) dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: FriskiestSpoon.6289


People being offended when I ask them questions about what they are doing.

Small things that bug you in (PUG) dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: TheKillerAngel.3596


Rangers. No, not the class itself, just general ranger players. Those players who go shortbow/longbow and take a bear or a spider! And when they finally notice that they do absolutely no dps, do you think they try to get the meta builds ? Noo, they don’t. They actually visit the forums and start bit*hing around about how bad rangers are.

Aswell as people pretending to be experienced but in fact they aren’t.

Useless Pugs (So like most of them)

Refusing to take tipps or strageties

still so much to say..

One of the problems I have with rangers is that their DPS is is very weak when their pet is dead. I’ve had to solo lupicus on my ranger in some Arah groups and it can take quite a while if my ranger isn’t traited for solo combat.

Think stacking and skipping trash is cheap?
Read: Playing to Win.
Guide: How to play a Mesmer in dungeons.

Small things that bug you in (PUG) dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Cormac.3871


People that don’t use consumable buffs. I’m not after people popping the good stuff, but at least use something like Blackberry Pie or Steak & Asparagus just to show you’re at least trying.

I bought a whole lot of Griffon Egg Omelettes at 4 copper each specifically for doing low level dungeons with. Sadly they have gone up in the last couple of months.

Small things that bug you in (PUG) dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

^ some of the foods I use went up slightly, but some others went down so it kind of evens out.

I use truffle steaks and candied dragon rolls in pug runs. I understand that not everyone has cash to spend but wtf… at least use minotaur steaks or something.

To be honest I find it even more insulting when I see people using magic find food than none at all. It’s like “I have literally no interest in making sure we do well.” because if they weren’t using anything, there’d be the chance they simply forgot to refresh their nourishments.


Small things that bug you in (PUG) dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dlonie.6547


MF is OP, doe. Need those blues and greens so I can get….more….MF.


Small things that bug you in (PUG) dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Just remembered something that is usually kind of irritating. 3 or more warriors on the team, especially for AC/CM/SE/FotM… even more so irritating, people that insta-kick rangers without even bothering to check if it’s one that knows what they’re doing.

Also, people that post requirements on LFG pertaining to AP.

Small things that bug you in (PUG) dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Veckna.9621


Also, people that post requirements on LFG pertaining to AP.

Lol I so agree on this, I could count with my fingers the number of players with ridiculously high AP that performed at least acceptably in dungeons with me.
While I find the best players are usually in the 3-8k AP range.

Small things that bug you in (PUG) dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I was actually denied to a fotm 50 team that asked for full zerk, warr, 8k+ AP and 70 AR when I had:

full zerk, 7.6k AP, 85 AR and even asked politely the second I joined if the 8k was absolutely necessary. It’s kittened. Some people legitimately think that you need to farm Living Stories in order to perform well in dungeons/fractals.

Small things that bug you in (PUG) dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Cormac.3871


I was pugging in a group that had a level 46 warrior in CM with about 350 AP. Towards the end of the dungeon I told him he needed to die more because he was making me feel bad. 2,000 AP is a reasonable cut off if you absolutely must use AP, and even then there are plenty of reasonable players with less.

Another thing that irritates me: Thieves who insist on soloing the first part of CM1 when you are already inside.

I guess it just shows I’d rather spend an extra five minutes doing stuff than spending two minutes sitting around doing nothing.

Small things that bug you in (PUG) dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Aphrodesiac.2913


Full zerk warriors insisting that everyone and their mom must wear zerk while not dodging skills and dying every 3 seconds.

Thieves that think it’s ok to try to solo bosses in fractals and seemingly not realizing that they’re paper.

Watching someone kill the mob we just spent 20 minutes explaining about why it isn’t killed then saying “oh lol I didn’t know” ……………..


Small things that bug you in (PUG) dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: GrimmR.3541


Rangers. No, not the class itself, just general ranger players. Those players who go shortbow/longbow and take a bear or a spider! And when they finally notice that they do absolutely no dps, do you think they try to get the meta builds ? Noo, they don’t. They actually visit the forums and start bit*hing around about how bad rangers are.

Aswell as people pretending to be experienced but in fact they aren’t.

Useless Pugs (So like most of them)

Refusing to take tipps or strageties

still so much to say..

One of the problems I have with rangers is that their DPS is is very weak when their pet is dead. I’ve had to solo lupicus on my ranger in some Arah groups and it can take quite a while if my ranger isn’t traited for solo combat.

I don’t think that rangers do deal low dps even if their pet is dead. I mean there are other classes which do more damage but im quite happy with my ranger.
To be fair i’ve only soloed lupicus once on my ranger but my pet was dead for about 2 times. So not a big deal tbh.

toxic since 2012

Small things that bug you in (PUG) dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Azrael.4960


People joining 40+ fractals without enough AR. Had a guardian join us in harpies and figured cool, he can shield us. Get to the boss and he goes down in 1 hit from a ball. Check his AP (which I normally don’t do but can give me an idea on whether to ask the next question) and ask “dude how much AR?” Response “What’s that?” Guildie links ascended trinkets, response “I’d be lucky if I have any of those”…..

Idiot rangers that just cycle through their long bow attacks on CD. There’s a bloody reason why the mob is all stacked up Y U POINT BLANK SHOOT HIM OUT OF THE stack?! Has happened on the harpies golem fight too many times…

Guardians that don’t know to take shields. I, as a warrior, had to tutor the guardian on what skills to take in lava fractal and when to pop them. This was after 3 wipes. I don’t even play my guardian.

Full zerk warriors who don’t know how to dodge.

Lack of communication in party chat. BIGGEST. PEEVE. EVER

Small things that bug you in (PUG) dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dakota.4591


People who don’t know what to do in a dungeon and either don’t say anything or don’t ask.

If you’re new to the dungeon, it takes 15 seconds to explain that everyone needs to stand in a bubble to open the gate. If we have to reset twice because you didn’t know what the hell to do and didn’t say “I don’t know what to do, help me out”, you get kicked.

Small things that bug you in (PUG) dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Azrael.4960


I totally do not understand the mentality that people have with not piping up about being a newbie to a dungeon. Do they really think that people will yell at them for being a noob? I’m pretty sure that veteran dungeon runners who host open groups will be more than happy to explain things but that generosity decreases exponentially as things get worse and the wipes more frequent

Small things that bug you in (PUG) dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Flissy.4093


^ some of the foods I use went up slightly, but some others went down so it kind of evens out.

I use truffle steaks and candied dragon rolls in pug runs. I understand that not everyone has cash to spend but wtf… at least use minotaur steaks or something.

To be honest I find it even more insulting when I see people using magic find food than none at all. It’s like “I have literally no interest in making sure we do well.” because if they weren’t using anything, there’d be the chance they simply forgot to refresh their nourishments.


Spicier Flank Steaks for me!

Light Up the Darkness
“Dear ANet, nerf Paper, Scissors is fine. Sincerely, Rock”
Elysaurus | Warrior | [LOL] | League of the Legendary | Gandara (EU)

Small things that bug you in (PUG) dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Xenon.4537


That guy that wants to bring his level 58 ranger friend to AC who can’t get past the flame traps. And after waiting 15 minutes watching him wipe over and over and over trying to get down those stairs with the flame jets… I vote to kick him, and his friend leaves with him, who also happened to be the host. So we all get booted from the dungeon and have to start from scratch…