Speaking of LI request on join
and why would you need 80+ li for a sv clear anyway
I figure I do have to join a raid guild.(not happy with the 100% rep though). Pugs just keep wasting my passion and time
End of the story. Sry for the dense atmosphere.
Get the code, ping it, if you have the experience they won’t know, if you haven’t, they will notice.
(edited by Gunsnroll.2657)
eh…thx for the help, but I don’t really wanna deceive anyone (sigh)
btw if you don’t ping enough LI that meet the request on lfm, they would most likely just kick you…..
For now I’ll just wait for ppl in EST to get up lol
LI check is stupid, some guy with 50 LI maybe killed 50 VG, some other guy with 40 may have done all 3 wings .
LI check is stupid, some guy with 50 LI maybe killed 50 VG, some other guy with 40 may have done all 3 wings .
No he couldn’t. People with 50+ LI killed at least two bosses regualary.
There are many training groups without any LI requirement and groups that attempt a clear with low or no LI requirement.
Ceana Mera | Mesmer
Indra Nebelklinge | Revenant
My point was that you don’t know how they got their LI.
If someone asks me for LI I ping 252. Either they’re going to realize that you’re a terrible player on the first pull, or you’ll be at least average like everyone else and they don’t really have a reason to kick you besides they hate your class.(Or you joined a group looking for a class besides what you have)
As always:
Nothing easier than that, but stop complaining about pugs not even able to handle boss mechanics when you are on your way back to this forum afterwards .
I’m currently very upset about the LI request for joining pug squads. The highly-demanding request on LI isn’t fair at all for exp ppl like me who are good but run low on LI. I only started late(in april), but that doesn’t mean I suck. I could understand ppl wanna see high LI for a sense of trust, but it merely hinders the accessibility of the whole content
It’s reset now. Nearly everyone went inside the wings except me, and the only reason was that I only had 30+ LI. And I have waited for an entire hour.
You can always start your own LFG…
Get the code, ping it, if you have the experience they won’t know, if you haven’t, they will notice.
This is very annoying for those of us that actually organize pug runs.
I figure I do have to join a raid guild.(not happy with the 100% rep though). Pugs just keep wasting my passion and time
End of the story. Sry for the dense atmosphere.
I have never heard of a RAIDING guild requiring 100% rep. I was in about ~6 raiding guilds/hubs and none of them required me to rep them. (I’m now in 3 for several months of which one I haven’t even raided with for a long time)
If someone asks me for LI I ping 252. Either they’re going to realize that you’re a terrible player on the first pull, or you’ll be at least average like everyone else and they don’t really have a reason to kick you besides they hate your class.(Or you joined a group looking for a class besides what you have)
Or, that you’re blatantly lying as the max stack is 250. And that you can’t even reach that to begin with (think 153 is the max for those who’ve been raiding from the beginning).
Unless you typo’d that.
Most of the times I’ve pugged with a couple of known friends, we simply ask to ping insights without setting a number. The number is determined by the boss/wing we’re doing. Usually 30 for experienced SV, 40-50 for SP (Spirit quest tonic added bonus with fewer insights), and higher for SotF. I actually don’t meet all of those requirements myself (I have 48 insights with all bosses defeated), but I’ve more than proven to the groups I run with that I’m consistent and thorough with mechanics.
(edited by Rashy.4165)
Or, that you’re blatantly lying as the max stack is 250. And that you can’t even reach that to begin with (think 153 is the max for those who’ve been raiding from the beginning).
159 is the max if you’ve been raiding from the beginning.
Get the code, ping it, if you have the experience they won’t know, if you haven’t, they will notice.
This is very annoying for those of us that actually organize pug runs.
And also your absurd requests are very annoying for people who want to go raiding. This goes both ways
Get the code, ping it, if you have the experience they won’t know, if you haven’t, they will notice.
This is very annoying for those of us that actually organize pug runs.
And also your absurd requests are very annoying for people who want to go raiding. This goes both ways
This is why I don’t see LI as any legit Requirement for Raiding. Its too easy to fake it. And yes if you fake it you should be able to pull your weight otherwise the others will notice, but still its not reliable.
And sometime I see requirements that are just like the 20k AP on CoF1 that were around before HoT. 100+LI on VG? Training Run only EXP? With such ludicrous LI requirements I can see why People are faking their LI. I would totally do it if I would have to rely on PuGs
If someone asks me for LI I ping 252. Either they’re going to realize that you’re a terrible player on the first pull, or you’ll be at least average like everyone else and they don’t really have a reason to kick you besides they hate your class.(Or you joined a group looking for a class besides what you have)
Or, that you’re blatantly lying as the max stack is 250. And that you can’t even reach that to begin with (think 153 is the max for those who’ve been raiding from the beginning).
Unless you typo’d that.
Most of the times I’ve pugged with a couple of known friends, we simply ask to ping insights without setting a number. The number is determined by the boss/wing we’re doing. Usually 30 for experienced SV, 40-50 for SP (Spirit quest tonic added bonus with fewer insights), and higher for SotF. I actually don’t meet all of those requirements myself (I have 48 insights with all bosses defeated), but I’ve more than proven to the groups I run with that I’m consistent and thorough with mechanics.
You can ping up to 255 for an item if you play with code.
I just don’t join groups that ask me to ping my gear/LI on join. I join the groups doing the fights I personally have done and know and I’m honest if we get to a part where I’m less familiar.
I don’t raid often, but haven’t had issues with groups. Sometimes the groups are bad, but hey, extra practice. I’ve only left a group a couple of times because it was just terrible.
As always:
Nothing easier than that, but stop complaining about pugs not even able to handle boss mechanics when you are on your way back to this forum afterwards .
How? 80% in friendlist that do raids are in raid, full represent, straight hours, show up time or get kicked guilds. Others are in lucky 500 man guild that is strong enough to have a core that does raids.
But asking those ppl, ‘wanna raid with me now or later’. Always no. ’i’m busy, i’m raiding in full team already, my guild doesnt accept pugs, etc.
Only way is LFG. And lfg is PLAGUED with LI show off request.
You clearly belong to two groups:
Either superior lucky to be in a good guild (for raids). These guilds are rarity = luck
Or you are in hardcore raid guild (wich usually means you sacrafice quite a bit of the rest for game, bar soloing the rest).
You are not in a wvw, pvp, guild mission (focussed) guild, that’s for sure. Stop acting like everyone has the luxury of you, there isn’t.
No excuse anymore for not giving ‘hide mounts’-option
No thanks to unidentified weapons.
As always:
Nothing easier than that, but stop complaining about pugs not even able to handle boss mechanics when you are on your way back to this forum afterwards .
See screenshot.
Here is a nice guide too
A bit old but still relevant.
As always:
Nothing easier than that, but stop complaining about pugs not even able to handle boss mechanics when you are on your way back to this forum afterwards .
How? 80% in friendlist that do raids are in raid, full represent, straight hours, show up time or get kicked guilds. Others are in lucky 500 man guild that is strong enough to have a core that does raids.
But asking those ppl, ‘wanna raid with me now or later’. Always no. ’i’m busy, i’m raiding in full team already, my guild doesnt accept pugs, etc.
Only way is LFG. And lfg is PLAGUED with LI show off request.
You clearly belong to two groups:
Either superior lucky to be in a good guild (for raids). These guilds are rarity = luck
Or you are in hardcore raid guild (wich usually means you sacrafice quite a bit of the rest for game, bar soloing the rest).You are not in a wvw, pvp, guild mission (focussed) guild, that’s for sure. Stop acting like everyone has the luxury of you, there isn’t.
Conveniently ignoring the obvious alternative of starting a group in LFG with no insight requirement.
People never ask me for LI or other proofs when I try to join groups, maybe you need more AP
Or, that you’re blatantly lying as the max stack is 250.
That’s the joke. Just like having a LI requirement. Jokeception, new meta.
try to join a raid guild
Death is Energy [DIE] – Gandara EU
People never ask me for LI or other proofs when I try to join groups, maybe you need more AP
this is for raid you are talking about? :P cos, every lfm in raids asked for EXP or LI, tonic buff and kill proff
if you have all, you get into team easily
Death is Energy [DIE] – Gandara EU
Thx for reading my post. Let’s just retain it as a friendly discussion of the issue.
I actually just uninstalled the game a week ago…yet I’m currently considering the likelihood to re-download (can’t abruptly abandon my guildies lol). Maybe it’ll happen before LS3.
But still, pugging raid has truly worn me out entirely. I’ll just try to find a guild that raids on weekends…..or leave the content completely after purchasing the wing 3 kills for the legendary armor completion( it’d need conversion of $, of course…..only have 200- gold now )
Thx for reading my post. Let’s just retain it as a friendly discussion of the issue.
I actually just uninstalled the game a week ago…yet I’m currently considering the likelihood to re-download (can’t abruptly abandon my guildies lol). Maybe it’ll happen before LS3.
But still, pugging raid has truly worn me out entirely. I’ll just try to find a guild that raids on weekends…..or leave the content completely after purchasing the wing 3 kills for the legendary armor completion( it’d need conversion of $, of course…..only have 200- gold now)
If you ever find one, please sign me up too, I have the same issue currently with PUGs becoming more and more toxic than ever for raids.
I’m currently very upset about the LI request for joining pug squads. The highly-demanding request on LI isn’t fair at all for exp ppl like me who are good but run low on LI. I only started late(in april), but that doesn’t mean I suck. I could understand ppl wanna see high LI for a sense of trust, but it merely hinders the accessibility of the whole content
It’s reset now. Nearly everyone went inside the wings except me, and the only reason was that I only had 30+ LI. And I have waited for an entire hour.
If you’re really EXP why are you low-LI? Also by whose standards are you good? Your own?
Raids were never meant to be focused around the pugging experience – if you want the full and proper raid experience join a raid guild – prove your worth and get a static group. Then nobody will bother you with LI pings.
Remember that Raiding is a group experience. PUGS will be demanding. Nobody takes chances with people they don’t know – and they’re not obligated to do so.
Get the code, ping it, if you have the experience they won’t know, if you haven’t, they will notice.
This is very annoying for those of us that actually organize pug runs.
And also your absurd requests are very annoying for people who want to go raiding. This goes both ways
Don’t worry – those of us that organize PUGS can tell pretty often if you just took a code off a list. At least I know how to catch people I suspect of this pretty easily.
And it’s very satisfying to kick them too.
Get the code, ping it, if you have the experience they won’t know, if you haven’t, they will notice.
This is very annoying for those of us that actually organize pug runs.
And also your absurd requests are very annoying for people who want to go raiding. This goes both ways
Don’t worry – those of us that organize PUGS can tell pretty often if you just took a code off a list. At least I know how to catch people I suspect of this pretty easily.
And it’s very satisfying to kick them too.
How? Someone wanted me to ping over 80 insights earlier to join a gors group. I only have 50ish. I pinged 87. I have killed it over 10 times on multiple classes and had no issue as normal. How would you catch me in that example?
I would love to tell you but if I did you and others might figure out a way to go around it. Suffice it to say is that it works and people can’t really fake it. Not without being spotted at least.
Regardless of how “good you are” people have a right to post their own requirements for their groups. And they have a right to filter you – even if their requirements are absurd by your standards or by any standards.
By sneaking into the group you are doing something I can’t accept. Regardless of whether you’re good or not.
Like I said – I won’t tell you how I’d catch you because I don’t want you or others to find a way to go around it. Suffice it to say I would.
If you want to be really sure you can just ask them to ping what they have and then to ping any amount of halved stacks. Easy for someone who has them harder for someone needing to generate multiple codes.
Not that I have any LI or would join any high LI clubs anytime soon.
Ingame Name: Guardian Erik
I would love to tell you but if I did you and others might figure out a way to go around it. Suffice it to say is that it works and people can’t really fake it. Not without being spotted at least.
Regardless of how “good you are” people have a right to post their own requirements for their groups. And they have a right to filter you – even if their requirements are absurd by your standards or by any standards.
By sneaking into the group you are doing something I can’t accept. Regardless of whether you’re good or not.
Like I said – I won’t tell you how I’d catch you because I don’t want you or others to find a way to go around it. Suffice it to say I would.
Right…. I hope it isn’t the halve stacks things the guy above posted. If you actually try it out you can generate a code just as fast as splitting a stack. I’m not advocating lying here. I’m just pointing out it is very silly to require LI as a requirement. I can easily pick out who is sucking it up on the first fight because I know the mechanics so well I don’t need to focus on them. Therefore I can watch what everyone else is doing and pin point the problem. I then try to work with that person but I have a three strikes you are out policy. This method is much more reliable than any magically concocted LI “see through” the chat code biz.
On bosses like Sabetha, Matthias and also Sloth you will see it during the first pull if anyone is new or unexperienced.
And I can understand why people are making very high requirements. I met pugs trying to sneak into a group and this leads just to pure rage and frustration. For every of all 10 players, the exp ones and the one hiding behind a bluffed LI because no one of them is getting the kill.
It happens every day, I mean I have nothing against good players faking their LIs and have their part in being successful but the vast majority of fakers is so bad I would be embarrassed myself if I fake and bring such poor playstyle and/or knowledge of a boss. As exp player you sit there and you have to laugh about those chicken running around in circles panically. But they are a time waste so in the end you will get angry.
(edited by Vinceman.4572)
I have the exact same problem. What I did is simple: I made my own Squad with my friend and post the squad in the LFG with the following text: “w1 full clear, full asc, exp, LF ….” and it worked kitten good. Tried doing Sabetha yesterday for the first time with this text and we killed her on the 3rd try. And that was me calling the cannons and heavy bomb. So yeah, a good player that knows the mechanics of the boss well from different guides but has never done it, is a better addition to a team than someone with 30+ LI that just killed VG every week.
30 Li is MORE than enough. I ignore any groups with stupid requests for LI. I once made the mistake of joining one where the leader had 60 li. He kept missing the green on VG.
LI is NOT a barometer of skill. It’s like the old days of people looking for 5k ap for dungeon runs. Just ignore them.
30 Li is MORE than enough. I ignore any groups with stupid requests for LI. I once made the mistake of joining one where the leader had 60 li. He kept missing the green on VG.
LI is NOT a barometer of skill. It’s like the old days of people looking for 5k ap for dungeon runs. Just ignore them.
LI are an indicator of experience and not of skill. You dont need much skill for these raids anyway, experience is more important.
30 is definitely not enough to proof experience, thats just each boss 3 times
(edited by Malediktus.9250)
30 Li is MORE than enough. I ignore any groups with stupid requests for LI. I once made the mistake of joining one where the leader had 60 li. He kept missing the green on VG.
LI is NOT a barometer of skill. It’s like the old days of people looking for 5k ap for dungeon runs. Just ignore them.
LI are an indicator of experience and not of skill. You dont need much skill for these raids anyway, experience is more important.
30 is definitely not enough to proof experience, thats just each boss 3 times
So getting each boss down 3 times is not enough to prove experience? LOL. Well how many is..10..20? The example I gave showed a guy with 60 li’s couldn’t even repeatedly make it to the green circles on VG, causing the rest of us to wipe several times. As far as I’m concerned if you get the boss down once successfully, that is experience enough.
The idea that 30 LI’s is not enough to show you can succeed is absurd. They should be taken as a simple indicator that you have reasonable experience at encountering the fights. But to dismiss someone for simply having 30 LI’s is ridiculous and that is not a group I would want to play in. Not only that, people can post LI code links in chat that are complete BS. Hence 9/10 I make my own groups and get all the bosses I attempt down.
LI is really stupid I agree.
Speaking about PUG, I found really strong The Envoy armor requirement (you need to wear 1 piece).
It’s not really spread cuz people has some trouble with the rng piece, but you can’t cheat it with code (you need to wear 1 piece) and it means you completed the first collection who requires to kill each boss atleast once and other multiple Times
Ofc it’s not a perfect requirement but better than others.
Get the code, ping it, if you have the experience they won’t know, if you haven’t, they will notice.
This is very annoying for those of us that actually organize pug runs.
And also your absurd requests are very annoying for people who want to go raiding. This goes both ways
Don’t worry – those of us that organize PUGS can tell pretty often if you just took a code off a list. At least I know how to catch people I suspect of this pretty easily.
And it’s very satisfying to kick them too.
I don’t know if this was directed at me or not, but I haven’t even tried raiding yet. I’m too focused on general achievements right now to learn the mechanics of those fights atm. Yes you have all rights to put whatever ridiculous requirements you want on a group. And likewise other players have just as many rights to scoff at those if they know they can contribute in a run. This still goes both ways. You can’t defend ridiculous requirements without also defending those players who don’t meet the requirements but are more than experienced enough to contribute so they end up telling a white lie to pass your entrance exam.
i hv been pugging for many weeks now.
from exp. say this week after reset Monday, I joined LFM that asked for 100li + etc
full clear w2 then w1 and stop for break. after that full clear w3 (mostly one shot boss without issue, no updraft for gorse)
yesterday I joined a LFM 50+li group for nothing better to do, spent almost 2 hours, sloth still not cleared the team eventually disband.
so there you go.
Death is Energy [DIE] – Gandara EU
You can’t defend ridiculous requirements without also defending those players who don’t meet the requirements but are more than experienced enough to contribute so they end up telling a white lie to pass your entrance exam.
Since when will be a requirement ridiculous if 9 out of 10 people joining “experienced” runs are failing hard?
I tested it several times with friends, “Exp” lfgs or something like that are only successful at VG. But even there you won’t have consistency. You can forget such lfgs for Gorse & Sab. Won’t work in almost all tries. On the other hand there were just one “full eternal” group I left at VG because it was a clown festival.
30 Li is MORE than enough. I ignore any groups with stupid requests for LI. I once made the mistake of joining one where the leader had 60 li. He kept missing the green on VG.
LI is NOT a barometer of skill. It’s like the old days of people looking for 5k ap for dungeon runs. Just ignore them.
LI are an indicator of experience and not of skill. You dont need much skill for these raids anyway, experience is more important.
30 is definitely not enough to proof experience, thats just each boss 3 times
lol by the time you kill a boss 3 times, you can do it again in a max of 5 pulls if the other 9 people also have 3x+ kill experience. the learning curve is all during the time spent getting the first kill.
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions
I always thought those lovely collection items you get from first time boss kills are pretty legit proof.
Hell, all these Gorseval link 60+ LIs pale to someone linking a few Spirit threads.
…Unless you guys have been selling those.
I’ve managed to kill every boss, and I have gotten KC to under 33% and Xera to around 40%, I am still under 50 LI.
How about instead of constantly inflating LI, set a standard for your experienced groups:
10+ LI for VG and potentially Gorseval.
20+ LI for full SV clear, or Slothasor.
30+ LI for SV, SP, maybe even SotF.
40+ LI for everything.
Escort can be done by anyone, Trio is the same deal but that’s locked behind Sloth.
I can’t wait for someone to ask for 200+ LI for VG, going to join that group just to laugh at the raid lead. It’s about the same thing you did when someone asked for top-tier raid gear for a dungeon back in WoW, and rightfully so.
Putting Perspective on Zerg Sizes since 2012. Common Suffixes for 40+ include ~Zilla and ~Train
“Seriously, just dodge.”
30 Li is MORE than enough. I ignore any groups with stupid requests for LI. I once made the mistake of joining one where the leader had 60 li. He kept missing the green on VG.
LI is NOT a barometer of skill. It’s like the old days of people looking for 5k ap for dungeon runs. Just ignore them.
LI are an indicator of experience and not of skill. You dont need much skill for these raids anyway, experience is more important.
30 is definitely not enough to proof experience, thats just each boss 3 times
So getting each boss down 3 times is not enough to prove experience? LOL. Well how many is..10..20? The example I gave showed a guy with 60 li’s couldn’t even repeatedly make it to the green circles on VG, causing the rest of us to wipe several times. As far as I’m concerned if you get the boss down once successfully, that is experience enough.
The idea that 30 LI’s is not enough to show you can succeed is absurd. They should be taken as a simple indicator that you have reasonable experience at encountering the fights. But to dismiss someone for simply having 30 LI’s is ridiculous and that is not a group I would want to play in. Not only that, people can post LI code links in chat that are complete BS. Hence 9/10 I make my own groups and get all the bosses I attempt down.
3 kills per boss is definitely not enough to be considered “experienced”. 3 kills per boss is what experienced people do in a single week
Personally I probably got more than 500 raid boss kills so far and still not perfect
(edited by Malediktus.9250)
You can’t defend ridiculous requirements without also defending those players who don’t meet the requirements but are more than experienced enough to contribute so they end up telling a white lie to pass your entrance exam.
Since when will be a requirement ridiculous if 9 out of 10 people joining “experienced” runs are failing hard?
I tested it several times with friends, “Exp” lfgs or something like that are only successful at VG. But even there you won’t have consistency. You can forget such lfgs for Gorse & Sab. Won’t work in almost all tries. On the other hand there were just one “full eternal” group I left at VG because it was a clown festival.
The problem is that LI isn’t a measure of whether someone is good at Raiding or not. They could have 80 LI and still somehow managed to never even fought Matthias. Yet just from asking how many LI they have you would now assume they would be helpful in that fight. Unless you are only running with people you know then you can never be 100% sure that people are really actually good at raiding, especially that specific wing/boss. but that still doesn’t change the fact that asking for 50+ LI to go in Wing 1 is ridiculous. It doesn’t mean they are good, they could have been carried through all 50 boss clears. Having none also doesn’t necessarily mean that they will suck. There are a lot of great PvE players that just haven’t been raiding long yet but they could help you out. LI is a terrible metric to use.
30 Li is MORE than enough. I ignore any groups with stupid requests for LI. I once made the mistake of joining one where the leader had 60 li. He kept missing the green on VG.
LI is NOT a barometer of skill. It’s like the old days of people looking for 5k ap for dungeon runs. Just ignore them.
LI are an indicator of experience and not of skill. You dont need much skill for these raids anyway, experience is more important.
30 is definitely not enough to proof experience, thats just each boss 3 times
So getting each boss down 3 times is not enough to prove experience? LOL. Well how many is..10..20? The example I gave showed a guy with 60 li’s couldn’t even repeatedly make it to the green circles on VG, causing the rest of us to wipe several times. As far as I’m concerned if you get the boss down once successfully, that is experience enough.
The idea that 30 LI’s is not enough to show you can succeed is absurd. They should be taken as a simple indicator that you have reasonable experience at encountering the fights. But to dismiss someone for simply having 30 LI’s is ridiculous and that is not a group I would want to play in. Not only that, people can post LI code links in chat that are complete BS. Hence 9/10 I make my own groups and get all the bosses I attempt down.
3 kills per boss is definitely not enough to be considered “experienced”. 3 kills per boss is what experienced people do in a single week
Personally I probably got more than 500 raid boss kills so far and still not perfect
that is crazy talk. plain and simple. your view is skewed. you’ve done whatever you’ve done and it feels normal to you, but it isn’t normal, it’s hardcore. and you feel that “experienced” must be something more than what you think is normal when in fact the only thing more hardcore than doing what you’ve done is going for records.
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions
The problem is that LI isn’t a measure of whether someone is good at Raiding or not. They could have 80 LI and still somehow managed to never even fought Matthias. Yet just from asking how many LI they have you would now assume they would be helpful in that fight. Unless you are only running with people you know then you can never be 100% sure that people are really actually good at raiding, especially that specific wing/boss. but that still doesn’t change the fact that asking for 50+ LI to go in Wing 1 is ridiculous. It doesn’t mean they are good, they could have been carried through all 50 boss clears. Having none also doesn’t necessarily mean that they will suck. There are a lot of great PvE players that just haven’t been raiding long yet but they could help you out. LI is a terrible metric to use.
But LIs are a measure for experience. Maybe a player is experienced in buying raids but then you will see his failure in the first boss pull.
And to have 50+ LI is most likely a very good sign of experience because you cannot have 50 LI from one single boss at this time of the game today’s date.
Sure, it’s not the best measure at all but a strong indicator that someone can pull a weight in a group or not.
And I don’t find it ridiculous to ask for 50 LI in Spirit Vale. Less is not enough to get a safe progress if Gorseval and Sabetha groups struggling hard even with 50 LI.
(edited by Vinceman.4572)
30 Li is MORE than enough. I ignore any groups with stupid requests for LI. I once made the mistake of joining one where the leader had 60 li. He kept missing the green on VG.
LI is NOT a barometer of skill. It’s like the old days of people looking for 5k ap for dungeon runs. Just ignore them.
LI are an indicator of experience and not of skill. You dont need much skill for these raids anyway, experience is more important.
30 is definitely not enough to proof experience, thats just each boss 3 times
So getting each boss down 3 times is not enough to prove experience? LOL. Well how many is..10..20? The example I gave showed a guy with 60 li’s couldn’t even repeatedly make it to the green circles on VG, causing the rest of us to wipe several times. As far as I’m concerned if you get the boss down once successfully, that is experience enough.
The idea that 30 LI’s is not enough to show you can succeed is absurd. They should be taken as a simple indicator that you have reasonable experience at encountering the fights. But to dismiss someone for simply having 30 LI’s is ridiculous and that is not a group I would want to play in. Not only that, people can post LI code links in chat that are complete BS. Hence 9/10 I make my own groups and get all the bosses I attempt down.
3 kills per boss is definitely not enough to be considered “experienced”. 3 kills per boss is what experienced people do in a single week
Personally I probably got more than 500 raid boss kills so far and still not perfectthat is crazy talk. plain and simple. your view is skewed. you’ve done whatever you’ve done and it feels normal to you, but it isn’t normal, it’s hardcore. and you feel that “experienced” must be something more than what you think is normal when in fact the only thing more hardcore than doing what you’ve done is going for records.
It is not crazy. It takes me less than 10 hours of raiding per week, even most people who consider themselves “casual” play more than 10h per week.