Spider Queen: Easiest, Fastest Way 4 Everyone

Spider Queen: Easiest, Fastest Way 4 Everyone

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: CuteLilKittenHugz.2064


I am posting this because I am kind of tired of having to explain how to beat the Spider Queen easily and quickly every single time I run.

I am actually surprised that I have found very little discussion about it, given the fact that most pugs pretty much muddle their way through the opening boss fight at Spider Queen, and often times wipe at least once.

Yes I am aware that stacking at normal spot with very specific classes and combination of utilities, summons and skills can still down her in seconds.

However, most pugs don’t fill that requirement, so we need a way that works for everyone.

This is what has been working for me, every single time:

First: stack at normal spot. If some members of the party want to stand on fence and take out gargoyles while waiting to choose a path, great.

Second: When path is chosen and 5th member is on his way, aggro in all the spider hatchlings to the normal stack spot. Kill with extreme prejudice.

Third: pull the SQ over. Kill as many hatchlings as possible before she gets to the stack spot and spits her immobilizing skill. Right before she gets there RUN. It helps to have a condition breaking skill or utility here, for those of us who do, you could consider getting in a few extra hits and cure immobolize if she gets you before you can bail.

Fourth: Fight the SQ towards the rear of that large room if possible. Avoid red circles. As many of you know, she is weak sauce and goes down easy, even when you can’t stack and share buffs with your party.

The key to this tactic is killing as many hatchlings as possible in the normal stack spot. By stacking in the normal spot first and wiping them out quickly, you eliminate all the bleeds they throw out while you’re trying to take down SQ. (And if your party managed to take out some gargoyle heads before the fight too, bonus.)

ANY pug can do this. When I start the run, I simply say “Spider queen: stack at normal spot and kill hatchlings ONLY. Take out as many as possible until queen comes up. When she does – RUN and fight in open area.”

If a pugs listens, SQ goes down very easily, quickly, and with no need to rez or WP. Otoh, pugs that feel no one is going to tell them how to play? Wipe and try again.

(edited by CuteLilKittenHugz.2064)

Spider Queen: Easiest, Fastest Way 4 Everyone

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I hope you know that most of those in your target audience not only can’t read, but don’t care about being tactical either.

Either way, good suggestions. :P

Spider Queen: Easiest, Fastest Way 4 Everyone

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sublimatio.6981


my pugs usually roam in the room and kill the spiders manually _ ^ _ whatevs

Spider Queen: Easiest, Fastest Way 4 Everyone

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Mad Queen Malafide.7512

Mad Queen Malafide.7512

Just stand outside the room, aggro everything, spiders and Spider Queen included, then stack in a corner outside the room. Spam all your skills, and she dies. Why go through so much trouble? It’s not exactly rocket science.

“Madness is just another way to view reality”

Spider Queen: Easiest, Fastest Way 4 Everyone

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dalanor.5387


Just stand outside the room, aggro everything, spiders and Spider Queen included, then stack in a corner outside the room. Spam all your skills, and she dies. Why go through so much trouble? It’s not exactly rocket science.

Exactly. The same tactics works as pre-patch. A single ele can carry the group with a little might stacking and if there is one competent player that can grab the other FGS and press one button.

Spider Queen: Easiest, Fastest Way 4 Everyone

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Embrace The Bold.7619

Embrace The Bold.7619

Wana know cheese mode? Ice bow 5 :P

The Sickest Guild NA

Spider Queen: Easiest, Fastest Way 4 Everyone

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: maxinion.8396


Wana know cheese mode? Ice bow 5 :P

Fear Me is even better.

Spider Queen: Easiest, Fastest Way 4 Everyone

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Embrace The Bold.7619

Embrace The Bold.7619

Wana know cheese mode? Ice bow 5 :P

Fear Me is even better.

yeah but using ice bow gives the other guy the chance to use 4 while I use 5 while our other ele spawns FGS

The Sickest Guild NA

Spider Queen: Easiest, Fastest Way 4 Everyone

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: maxinion.8396


Wana know cheese mode? Ice bow 5 :P

Fear Me is even better.

yeah but using ice bow gives the other guy the chance to use 4 while I use 5 while our other ele spawns FGS

It’s a legit strategy, and I use it often myself as well~

But seriously, try Fear Me. There’s some funny effects where the queen bounces off the wall as she’s walking into it and takes even more damage from FGS (I guess she crosses the ticks multiple times). 1.5 rush’s is sometimes enough.

Spider Queen: Easiest, Fastest Way 4 Everyone

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Casmurro.9046


Can you use that mesmer skill that morphs you into a moa on the spider queen?

Spider Queen: Easiest, Fastest Way 4 Everyone

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Embrace The Bold.7619

Embrace The Bold.7619

Can you use that mesmer skill that morphs you into a moa on the spider queen?

If you want to kill everyone in the party, sure.

The Sickest Guild NA

Spider Queen: Easiest, Fastest Way 4 Everyone

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Silvia.9130


My pugs normally fight the SQ near the gargoyle traps they don’t break in advance, bathing in their fires

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

Spider Queen: Easiest, Fastest Way 4 Everyone

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: CuteLilKittenHugz.2064


Thanks for feedback guys. Like I said, I know it is still possible to kill the Spider Queen the same old way as before, but so far I have not run into too many pugs that are skilled and/or knowledgeable enough to do it. As you’re all aware, pug IQs tend to be in the double digits, so what we need is a way that is easy to learn, easy to do, and effective.

So YOU guys, the guys that actually read and know what you’re doing are the ones that can help others learn how to do it in a way any pug can complete.

I know this method works because I’ve done it dozens of times with all sorts of different pug compositions – and with no failures. It’s super easy to learn and do. In fact, it is actually close to the original way to do it (I included explanations and extra commentary above so it padded the length) but simply put: stack where you normally stack to kill as many hatchlings as possible. Run when the SQ comes up.

I’m hoping against hope this will one day be common knowledge, and if not this method, at least some reliable method any pug can do would be nice. It’s preferable to wiping at the first boss of the easiest dungeon because no one is really quite sure of the best way to do it.

Spider Queen: Easiest, Fastest Way 4 Everyone

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SkyFallsInThunder.8257


Just jave one ele in your party to summon ice bow and FGS on the regular stack and you don’t need to move a muscle, she goes down so fast…

Spider Queen: Easiest, Fastest Way 4 Everyone

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Acotje.5689


Its all about the Technobable

Hello darkness, my old friend.