Stacking in Dungeons and how ANET can fix it

Stacking in Dungeons and how ANET can fix it

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: moiraine.2753


I think the stacking is not the problem.The problem are the corners.I don’t mind to stack with the group just don’t let bosses be pulled to the corners.Make them imune or something like that if they are pulled to a wall.

What advantage do you gain by pulling a boss into a corner. Please post a specific in game example where you have an advantage. I know of one, but I want to see your idea.

Of course there is difference between a stack near a wall and stack in the middle of the room.When you stay against a wall you can use all your abilities full potential.When you ar ein the middle of the room you can’t do that.Lets take for instance warrior’s wirldmill.Agains a wall it will do more dmg compared to when you are in middle of the room.

So yea i repeat what i said earlier.There is huge difference between stacking against the wall and in a place that is not even close to a wall.I don’t mind to stack far a way from a wall.That is perfectly normal.

I am against pulling bosses to walls and stack there.The dps increase is significant.
Also boss’s specific phases and abilities can be negated.Such example is lupicus.When he is pulled to a wall he is not using some of his abilities(charge and green bubble).When you fight him not near a wall he is using all his abilities.

TxS – Tequatl Slayer Alliance (EU)

Stacking in Dungeons and how ANET can fix it

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: oxtred.7658


I think the stacking is not the problem.The problem are the corners.I don’t mind to stack with the group just don’t let bosses be pulled to the corners.Make them imune or something like that if they are pulled to a wall.

What advantage do you gain by pulling a boss into a corner. Please post a specific in game example where you have an advantage. I know of one, but I want to see your idea.

Of course there is difference between a stack near a wall and stack in the middle of the room.When you stay against a wall you can use all your abilities full potential.When you ar ein the middle of the room you can’t do that.Lets take for instance warrior’s wirldmill.Agains a wall it will do more dmg compared to when you are in middle of the room.

So yea i repeat what i said earlier.There is huge difference between stacking against the wall and in a place that is not even close to a wall.I don’t mind to stack far a way from a wall.That is perfectly normal.

I am against pulling bosses to walls and stack there.The dps increase is significant.
Also boss’s specific phases and abilities can be negated.Such example is lupicus.When he is pulled to a wall he is not using some of his abilities(charge and green bubble).When you fight him not near a wall he is using all his abilities.

Thieves and rangers loose damage by stacking against a wall because they can’t flank. Engis have harder time using ft 2 as well.

If you’re on EU and need help to get into dungeons, pm me.

Stacking in Dungeons and how ANET can fix it

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ropechef.6192


I am against pulling bosses to walls and stack there.The dps increase is significant.
Also boss’s specific phases and abilities can be negated.Such example is lupicus.When he is pulled to a wall he is not using some of his abilities(charge and green bubble).When you fight him not near a wall he is using all his abilities.

that is incorrect.

the Shadow Step and Bubble have nothing to do with him being on the wall or not.

Stacking in Dungeons and how ANET can fix it

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: moiraine.2753


I am against pulling bosses to walls and stack there.The dps increase is significant.
Also boss’s specific phases and abilities can be negated.Such example is lupicus.When he is pulled to a wall he is not using some of his abilities(charge and green bubble).When you fight him not near a wall he is using all his abilities.

that is incorrect.

the Shadow Step and Bubble have nothing to do with him being on the wall or not.

You may be right about Lupicus.I haven’t done it in a while.But still pulling bosses to a wall must not be allowed.

There is huge difference between stacking against the wall and stacking somewhere else that is not even close to a pillar or wall.Everyone remembers how OP was the FGS against a wall before the nerf.If bosses weren’t pulled to a wall FGS would never be so kittenly OP and wouldn’t need a nerf so much.
So i think it is a wall stacking problem and not a general stacking problem.
Stacking in the room no where near an objecktive is fine by me.There is nothing wrong with that.The problem starts by stacking at a wall or pillar.That is just a broken mechanic

TxS – Tequatl Slayer Alliance (EU)

(edited by moiraine.2753)

Stacking in Dungeons and how ANET can fix it

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: oxtred.7658


“You’re right, my exemple doesn’t stand, and I don’t know how dungeons work- but still, there’s a huge difference between stacking and stacking when I feel like it’s unintended.”

If you’re on EU and need help to get into dungeons, pm me.

Stacking in Dungeons and how ANET can fix it

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dalanor.5387


[TARD] The anti-rallybots diplomats is the only thing I have for now.

Carebear scrubs [NABS] are still open for any likeminded individuals.

Stacking in Dungeons and how ANET can fix it

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: FenrirSlakt.3692


I am against pulling bosses to walls and stack there.The dps increase is significant.
Also boss’s specific phases and abilities can be negated.Such example is lupicus.When he is pulled to a wall he is not using some of his abilities(charge and green bubble).When you fight him not near a wall he is using all his abilities.

that is incorrect.

the Shadow Step and Bubble have nothing to do with him being on the wall or not.

You may be right about Lupicus.I haven’t done it in a while.But still pulling bosses to a wall must not be allowed.

“Oh no, I got proven wrong. Quick, try not to look like a complete ignorant!”

Lupi uses his Shadowstep as a gapcloser. He won’t use it if there’s no gap to close.
Lupi uses his bubble to keep people in melee range. He won’t use it if people stay melee.

You would know this if you had solo’d him or paid attention to the fight.

Stacking in Dungeons and how ANET can fix it

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jerus.4350


Such example is lupicus.When he is pulled to a wall he is not using some of his abilities(charge and green bubble).When you fight him not near a wall he is using all his abilities.

2 benefits to walling Lupi:

Phase1: You’ll have some of the Locust spawn behind the wall, this means less you have to deal with
Phase3: He won’t do his Frenzied Blast attack(… or will he? it’s unreliable)

So you’re right in that there are benefits. But, you’re wrong on what they are.

That’s one of the frustrations on this topic. There are a lot of people talking, but many aren’t coming from a point of full understanding, myself included honestly. There are many who make walling out to be some miracle that instantly makes things die… no it’s just a tool.

As far as bosses not doing things because of walls, Lupi does those two things (not commonly used in groups though as usually groups that push him to a wall use that reflect gimmick in p2 anyways…) The Nightmare Warden in TA is the only other one I know of, if pulled to the flower stack spot he won’t do his big slam. CMp2 boss can be bugged out on the rock (unless fixed? been a while). Those 3 are the only ones I know that will act any differently based on where you fight them. Both Warden and the CM boss are considered Exploits by GWSC as far as I know. As far as I know the Lupi thing no one sees as exploitative but it’s also silly to do in most groups as utilizing that Frenzied blast for more reflect damage is always nice so outside of solos it’s kinda silly to use.

Stacking in Dungeons and how ANET can fix it

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: spoj.9672


I think the issue is pugs still wall stack for many bosses. So everyone thinks its trivialising content.

I decided to pug AC yesterday and the group seemed fairly decent. The only thing was they kept wall stacking for a few bosses which didnt really make sense. I sort of understood on kholer because they didnt want him to jump around. Other than that I was actually very surprised with how up to date their tactics were. This was a no requirement pug yet they ended up using pretty recent speedclear tactics. We even had a necro and an engi.

Stacking in Dungeons and how ANET can fix it

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wynne.3908


OP you should change the title to your post to something like “Make Boss Battles Difficult”, that way you don’t invite all these losers arguing about how to stack on Lupi, which has nothing to do with the post at all.

In regard to your post I think adding some mechanics to existing bosses to punish stacking is a great idea. The bosses are just too easy in this game.

Stacking in Dungeons and how ANET can fix it

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lindbur.2537


Strawman detected, readying lasers…

A remnant of times past.
“Memories are nice, but that’s all they are.”

Stacking in Dungeons and how ANET can fix it

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Trice.4598


I kind of like those thread now, they help expand my block list, this way I make sure I’ll never have to play with one of those anti-stacking anti-meta players.

Stacking in Dungeons and how ANET can fix it

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Nokaru.7831


In regard to your post I think adding some mechanics to existing bosses to punish stacking is a great idea. The bosses are just too easy in this game.

There is no dungeon team and hasn’t been for almost two years now by our estimate.

Stacking in Dungeons and how ANET can fix it

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: hybrid.5027


In regard to your post I think adding some mechanics to existing bosses to punish stacking is a great idea. The bosses are just too easy in this game.

You know whats even easier than stacking? Everyone ranging from 1200 distance all spread out. There is almost no chance of even being hit by a single attack from the boss. Maybe they should add anti-ranging mechanics to every boss to force people to melee.

I know who I am, do you know who you are?

Stacking in Dungeons and how ANET can fix it

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

In regard to your post I think adding some mechanics to existing bosses to punish stacking is a great idea. The bosses are just too easy in this game.

You know whats even easier than stacking? Everyone ranging from 1200 distance all spread out. There is almost no chance of even being hit by a single attack from the boss. Maybe they should add anti-ranging mechanics to every boss to force people to melee.

Stacking in Dungeons and how ANET can fix it

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dlonie.6547


In regard to your post I think adding some mechanics to existing bosses to punish stacking is a great idea. The bosses are just too easy in this game.

You know whats even easier than stacking? Everyone ranging from 1200 distance all spread out. There is almost no chance of even being hit by a single attack from the boss. Maybe they should add anti-ranging mechanics to every boss to force people to melee.

They really should add some anti-stacking mechanics to bosses. I made a list of anti-stacking mechanics that they should add to Lupi. If they implemented these, then NO ONE would stack at Lupi EVER again!

Stacking in Dungeons and how ANET can fix it

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Iris Ng.9845

Iris Ng.9845

Add the OP teragriff charge. It’s evil.

“Raids are like fortune cookies. You eat the cookie and then read the paper scraps.”

- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids

Stacking in Dungeons and how ANET can fix it

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Corvette.5687


I have to agree that staking is not fun. I only do low level dungeon for gold like killing a risen and get heavy moldy bag to sell. If u want challenge and good gameplay, plz do Arah HoTW CoE or fractal of the mist.

PS. I have to say that I am waiting for some new fractals.

Schizophrenic player

Stacking in Dungeons and how ANET can fix it

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lindbur.2537


“staking is not fun”

Only if you’re a vampire, really.

A remnant of times past.
“Memories are nice, but that’s all they are.”

Stacking in Dungeons and how ANET can fix it

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Cries Of Sorrow.5864

Cries Of Sorrow.5864

Poor vampires whom thought to be invincible, amirite?

Main Elementalist:Train Of Thought
Alt Warrior: Burning Paris
Best Ele build EU.

Stacking in Dungeons and how ANET can fix it

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lindbur.2537




A remnant of times past.
“Memories are nice, but that’s all they are.”

Stacking in Dungeons and how ANET can fix it

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jerus.4350



Rainbow with sparkles… yup sums up the new era of vampires perfectly…

Stacking in Dungeons and how ANET can fix it

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jerus.4350


I have to agree that staking is not fun. I only do low level dungeon for gold like killing a risen and get heavy moldy bag to sell. If u want challenge and good gameplay, plz do Arah HoTW CoE or fractal of the mist.

PS. I have to say that I am waiting for some new fractals.

COE= stack and learn to dodge.
HOTW = yay HP sponge.. this is… fun?
Fractals = where the hell is the enemy all I see is fire and other effects…

Arah… yup it’s awesome

Stacking in Dungeons and how ANET can fix it

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: deSade.9437


“staking is not fun”

Only if you’re a vampire, really.

/thumbs up

Also swooping. Swooping… is… bad.

Stacking in Dungeons and how ANET can fix it

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Faux.1937


Ok.. Lets 1st start by saying, Stacking ISNT THE PROBLEM AT ALL.

Corner stack.. thats different, but with 1 mesmer or 1 guard 99% of the fights the mobs can be pulled together and that….. is a stack.

Stacking gives Many benefits

* Boons

  • Cleave Damage
  • Mobs not running out of aoe/cleave
  • If someone goes down other 4 there ot res
  • Res skills are small aoes (ned to be stack to use on multi players)
  • Reflects are small aoes (need to stack)

Stacking doesnt make the game less fun, the No need for any other mechanic makes it that way.


Stacking in Dungeons and how ANET can fix it

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: hybrid.5027


Stacking doesnt make the game less fun, the No need for any other mechanic makes it that way.

Yeah so besides reflects, offensive boons, defensive boons, CC, ressurection utilities, blinds, blocks and dodging the lack of mechanics is small.

More and more I am convinced that people who have never actually done a speed run think there is nothing happening mechanically because when they watch the videos it happens too quickly for them to understand whats happening. Maybe I should take a video of a record run and do slow-motion narration of what is happening in key parts to show the detail of what is happening?

Who am I kidding, I could make a video exactly like that and the reply would be “hur dur zek metah is boring lol”

I know who I am, do you know who you are?

Stacking in Dungeons and how ANET can fix it

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dalanor.5387


Maybe I should take a video of a record run and do slow-motion narration of what is happening in key parts to show the detail of what is happening?

Do it man! Everytime the Abomination CC video came up in the past it was worthless (imo) to show to the inexperienced player since he/she saw only an encounter where nothing happens (due to defiant stripping and CC, but they oversee it anyway).
Explaining mechanics, how to counter them and do X instead of Y, what class is beneficial for a certain fight and so on.

Stacking in Dungeons and how ANET can fix it

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Enaretos.8079


More and more I am convinced that people who have never actually done a speed run think there is nothing happening mechanically because when they watch the videos it happens too quickly for them to understand whats happening. Maybe I should take a video of a record run and do slow-motion narration of what is happening in key parts to show the detail of what is happening?

This is exactly what I do when I stream.
The main things I say during a run is :
- stacking might
- deep-freezing
- dropping reflects
- wtb stab
- someone CC please
- cleansing

Then “believe in senpai” as we make our way skipping to the next boss where i explain why we retrait/take other weps to reblast stealth or give swiftness etc…

I once linked my stream on the forums and nobody gave a flying kitten though :/

Snow Crows member since January 2014
My Twitch

Stacking in Dungeons and how ANET can fix it

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: GrimmR.3541


Sam is sad because no one watches his stream! :D

toxic since 2012

Stacking in Dungeons and how ANET can fix it

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dlonie.6547


I’d only watch it to lol at all the WvW griefers.

Stacking in Dungeons and how ANET can fix it

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tom Yzf.5872

Tom Yzf.5872

More and more I am convinced that people who have never actually done a speed run think there is nothing happening mechanically because when they watch the videos it happens too quickly for them to understand whats happening. Maybe I should take a video of a record run and do slow-motion narration of what is happening in key parts to show the detail of what is happening?

I once linked my stream on the forums and nobody gave a flying kitten though :/

Separate your stream into segments and upload to YT, then post relevant vids when a phiw makes a dumb post to debunk them.

Stacking in Dungeons and how ANET can fix it

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sparrow.5936


I’m a big PVE player. Unfortunately most players out there are in it for the speed run grind/farm fests. That sounds so much fun! I can just stack at a boss and it melts in seconds with zerker gear and dungeon is over in 5-10 minutes. How about I just go back to work at that point, because that sounds more like mindless repetition rather than a fun game.

I was recently in Twilight Arbor and had a small revelation. We were at the spider boss Malrona or whatever her name is, which happens to be a boss that is hard to stack at because of it’s overlapping AOE attack then can wipe a group. I was mesmerized about how bad all the players were in my party at fighting a boss where you couldn’t stack. I had to solo her at the end and laugh to myself while everyone was confused about how to play a game where they don’t smash their face into keyboard to win.

So I think more bosses in this game should have some sort of attack that can wipe a group or severely damage players if they are just stacked on top of each other fighting like mindless nubs. ( maybe overlapping AOE that magnifies in damage when near other players or something similar).

The meta of stacking has sucked the fun out of the game and also crippled new players abilities as well. The learning curve is low. Players can’t hold their own anymore, and can’t think for themselves.

On the plus side, it makes picking off those same players in WvW much more easygoing.

No more stacking! Let’s make this game fun again!
To all those who will reply with “you don’t have to stack, let it be the players choice”. Well first off, you will get kicked out of 90% of all parties out there if you don’t. And let’s be real, you just want things handed to you on a silver platter in easy mode.

This game wasn’t designed to be played the way it is. Players found a way to make it disgustingly easy, maybe it’s time for the game to evolve and bring some GAMEplay back to it. Boss changes needed!


If you don’t mind, can I ask a few questions and get your opinion them?
I’m not trying to be rude here, just wanta better understand your side.


Sure , what did you wanna ask?

Stacking in Dungeons and how ANET can fix it

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: hybrid.5027


I’m a big PVE player. Unfortunately most players out there are in it for the speed run grind/farm fests. That sounds so much fun! I can just stack at a boss and it melts in seconds with zerker gear and dungeon is over in 5-10 minutes. How about I just go back to work at that point, because that sounds more like mindless repetition rather than a fun game.

I was recently in Twilight Arbor and had a small revelation. We were at the spider boss Malrona or whatever her name is, which happens to be a boss that is hard to stack at because of it’s overlapping AOE attack then can wipe a group. I was mesmerized about how bad all the players were in my party at fighting a boss where you couldn’t stack. I had to solo her at the end and laugh to myself while everyone was confused about how to play a game where they don’t smash their face into keyboard to win.

So I think more bosses in this game should have some sort of attack that can wipe a group or severely damage players if they are just stacked on top of each other fighting like mindless nubs. ( maybe overlapping AOE that magnifies in damage when near other players or something similar).

The meta of stacking has sucked the fun out of the game and also crippled new players abilities as well. The learning curve is low. Players can’t hold their own anymore, and can’t think for themselves.

On the plus side, it makes picking off those same players in WvW much more easygoing.

No more stacking! Let’s make this game fun again!
To all those who will reply with “you don’t have to stack, let it be the players choice”. Well first off, you will get kicked out of 90% of all parties out there if you don’t. And let’s be real, you just want things handed to you on a silver platter in easy mode.

This game wasn’t designed to be played the way it is. Players found a way to make it disgustingly easy, maybe it’s time for the game to evolve and bring some GAMEplay back to it. Boss changes needed!


If you don’t mind, can I ask a few questions and get your opinion them?
I’m not trying to be rude here, just wanta better understand your side.


Sure , what did you wanna ask?

I don’t know what his question was but I have one.

Why do you feel that your playstyle is so superior and important that you want to alter the current game mechanics to suit your own wishes and at the expense of everyone elses?

To serve as an construct for why you are misguided, allow me to show you the following…

What we have now
Speed runners: I can join a speed run and use active defense and solid teamplay to speed run a dungeon.
Play How I wants: I can join a no-stacking no skipping party and play how I want.

what you propose
Speed runners: I am forced to join no-stacking no skipping parties because thats the only way to play.
Play how I wants: I can join a no-stacking no skipping party and play how I want.

So you see, as it currently exists we can BOTH be happy. Under your changes only you can be happy. Stop being so selfish.

I know who I am, do you know who you are?

Stacking in Dungeons and how ANET can fix it

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sarahfull.4930


Thank you,

Again, Im not trying to be mean, just want to understand.

I just wanted you opinion on other toury trats in other games and if you think they also " suck the fun out of them too "

" stacking " , " Line of sight " , " active defence " are all guild wars 2 trats used at a tourament level to complete a dungeon as fast and as most efficient way. Others looking to improve and/or have a easier time doing content will copy these trats and use them as needed.

In call of duty, well.. any fps " how " or " do " you feel the same way about headshots or weapons strong enough to 1 hit kill? In fighting games, in regards to " save moves " , " fast hits " do you feel the same?

Im out of time for my lunch break ( :p haha ) but you get the idea of were im coming from. I just hope the mood doesnt come off wrong and you get the wrong immprrssion.

I just want to understand.


Stacking in Dungeons and how ANET can fix it

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Arkengel RaF.9672

Arkengel RaF.9672

Proximity landmine, if two or more players start to stack they get blown to pieces and die instantly. That solves the problem.

Stacking in Dungeons and how ANET can fix it

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jerus.4350


Proximity landmine, if two or more players start to stack they get blown to pieces and die instantly. That solves the problem.

What’s the proxemity, if we happen to drop a wall of reflect on a boss and everyone goes and stands behind it is that suddenly bad? Or is it only when we literally occupy the same space hugging in a corner? Are we going to accidently blow eachother up if we just cross paths? You see how this idea could be troublesome right?

Stacking in Dungeons and how ANET can fix it

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ropechef.6192


Proximity landmine, if two or more players start to stack they get blown to pieces and die instantly. That solves the problem.

Go run fractal Level 39,

and then you tell me how that would be a good idea?

In truth it would solve nothing. Most of us would figure out how to deal with it. and the rest of the game would cry until they nerf it.

a quote from a Wise man:

If you want to decrease the berserker population, add brand new dungeons that don’t have established guides and community tactics yet and watch the casual berserker users put on defensive gear, or avoid the content altogether.

Stacking in Dungeons and how ANET can fix it

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ropechef.6192


you know, thinking on it…. the whole thing bears repeating for this thread. SLightly out of date due to FgS being nerfed since this writing. But the point still stands.

I’m still somewhat vexed by a few of the more bizarre notions circulating in this thread. Hopefully, I will be able to help some of the more misguided notions.
Character Building
Your “playstyle” is defined foremost by your weapon choices, skill choices and traits. If you choose utility skills of a support nature, along with melee weapons and use traits that give defensive benefits to your team, you are a support melee character. If you choose offensive boosting skills, ranged weapons and DPS boosting traits, you are a ranged DPS character. These things are true regardless of your gear prefix. Again, who you are is defined by your weapon choice, skill choice and trait choices.
The second component of character build, gearing, has nothing to do with playstyle. Gearing is a measure of the damage you expect to be unable to avoid in your chosen game mode. Additionally, gearing is primarily how you determine whether you will be direct damage or condition damage. But the primary function of gearing is an estimate the amount of damage you anticipate you will need to soak in your chosen content. If you feel you will be able to dodge every attack you would select a gearing that sacrifices passive defense for more offense. Alternatively, if you feel you will receive large amounts of unavoidable damage you would be well advised to bring gear with more passive defense. The only aspect of gearing that determines playstyle is direct vs condition damage.
What is a character in defensive (soldiers) gear with dps skills and dps traits? A dps character. What is a character in offensive gear (berserkers) with defensive support traits and defensive support skills? A defensive support character.
With that out of the way as an established fact, let’s debunk some of the weaker arguments in this thread…
“Build Diversity”: Since playstyle is determined by everything EXCEPT gear, the concept of changing a gear type to encourage different playstyles is literally an absurdism. If you want to actually make defensive support builds more viable, you have to change the things that actually affect the playstyle: traits and skills. Or change the content to make healing/boon duration more useful, but that runs the risk of creating a trinity system where teams require a specific profession using a specific build to complete content, which has a problem all its own.
“Stacking”: Nothing to do with gearing. Even if Apothecary gear became meta, stacking would still be done in places where stacking is done. This is not a gearing issue.
“Zerker trivializes content”: Depends. There are a few bosses who are killed very quickly with fiery greatswords and berserker gear in such a way that their mechanics are skipped. There are also other bosses that aren’t, or aren’t outside of a very organized group. This is partially a content issue, partially a downscaling issue, and partially a fiery greatsword issue. Very little of it has to do with berserker gear itself. In fact, I would argue that Fiery Greatsword is the biggest culprit. The damage it is capable of is so far beyond the scope of everything else that it allows even the least skilled players the ability to speed run certain dungeons. If fiery greatsword was nerfed, it is entirely likely that many people who are being carried by it would go back to complaining about dungeons being too difficult.
“The content is too easy”: No, the content is too old. I assure you, the first time you did Arah path 1 in September of 2012 was not as fast as it is done now, even if you are an elite dungeon runner now. Arah is very, very hard. Drop a new player into Arah with no experienced teammates and no video guides and suboptimal builds. He will fail very hard. In fact, drop the same player into any of the dungeons and they will likely struggle mightily. The content isn’’t too easy, it’s just too old. Even the more challenging raids in other games go on farm after two years of existence. The type of raid that took progression guilds two weeks to beat the first time around are facerolled by pugs after two years once the builds and strats are known. This is how MMO goes. If you want to decrease the berserker population, add brand new dungeons that don’t have established guides and community tactics yet and watch the casual berserker users put on defensive gear, or avoid the content altogether.

Stacking in Dungeons and how ANET can fix it

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Enaretos.8079


THIS is how I feel when I stack in dungeons. Please don’t destroy my fun :’(


Snow Crows member since January 2014
My Twitch

Stacking in Dungeons and how ANET can fix it

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Taku.6352


THIS is how I feel when I stack in dungeons. Please don’t destroy my fun :’(


Stacking in Dungeons and how ANET can fix it

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: hybrid.5027


you know, thinking on it…. the whole thing bears repeating for this thread. SLightly out of date due to FgS being nerfed since this writing. But the point still stands.

I’m still somewhat vexed by a few of the more bizarre notions circulating in this thread. Hopefully, I will be able to help some of the more misguided notions.
Character Building
Your “playstyle” is defined foremost by your weapon choices, skill choices and traits. If you choose utility skills of a support nature, along with melee weapons and use traits that give defensive benefits to your team, you are a support melee character. If you choose offensive boosting skills, ranged weapons and DPS boosting traits, you are a ranged DPS character. These things are true regardless of your gear prefix. Again, who you are is defined by your weapon choice, skill choice and trait choices.
The second component of character build, gearing, has nothing to do with playstyle. Gearing is a measure of the damage you expect to be unable to avoid in your chosen game mode. Additionally, gearing is primarily how you determine whether you will be direct damage or condition damage. But the primary function of gearing is an estimate the amount of damage you anticipate you will need to soak in your chosen content. If you feel you will be able to dodge every attack you would select a gearing that sacrifices passive defense for more offense. Alternatively, if you feel you will receive large amounts of unavoidable damage you would be well advised to bring gear with more passive defense. The only aspect of gearing that determines playstyle is direct vs condition damage.
What is a character in defensive (soldiers) gear with dps skills and dps traits? A dps character. What is a character in offensive gear (berserkers) with defensive support traits and defensive support skills? A defensive support character.
With that out of the way as an established fact, let’s debunk some of the weaker arguments in this thread…
“Build Diversity”: Since playstyle is determined by everything EXCEPT gear, the concept of changing a gear type to encourage different playstyles is literally an absurdism. If you want to actually make defensive support builds more viable, you have to change the things that actually affect the playstyle: traits and skills. Or change the content to make healing/boon duration more useful, but that runs the risk of creating a trinity system where teams require a specific profession using a specific build to complete content, which has a problem all its own.
“Stacking”: Nothing to do with gearing. Even if Apothecary gear became meta, stacking would still be done in places where stacking is done. This is not a gearing issue.
“Zerker trivializes content”: Depends. There are a few bosses who are killed very quickly with fiery greatswords and berserker gear in such a way that their mechanics are skipped. There are also other bosses that aren’t, or aren’t outside of a very organized group. This is partially a content issue, partially a downscaling issue, and partially a fiery greatsword issue. Very little of it has to do with berserker gear itself. In fact, I would argue that Fiery Greatsword is the biggest culprit. The damage it is capable of is so far beyond the scope of everything else that it allows even the least skilled players the ability to speed run certain dungeons. If fiery greatsword was nerfed, it is entirely likely that many people who are being carried by it would go back to complaining about dungeons being too difficult.
“The content is too easy”: No, the content is too old. I assure you, the first time you did Arah path 1 in September of 2012 was not as fast as it is done now, even if you are an elite dungeon runner now. Arah is very, very hard. Drop a new player into Arah with no experienced teammates and no video guides and suboptimal builds. He will fail very hard. In fact, drop the same player into any of the dungeons and they will likely struggle mightily. The content isn’’t too easy, it’s just too old. Even the more challenging raids in other games go on farm after two years of existence. The type of raid that took progression guilds two weeks to beat the first time around are facerolled by pugs after two years once the builds and strats are known. This is how MMO goes. If you want to decrease the berserker population, add brand new dungeons that don’t have established guides and community tactics yet and watch the casual berserker users put on defensive gear, or avoid the content altogether.

The problem then when I originally wrote that and now is that the people it’s aimed at essentially respond with, “what you say is 100% correct but I still don’t like it and I still want to change it.”

You cannot rationalize with that mentality.

I know who I am, do you know who you are?

Stacking in Dungeons and how ANET can fix it

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jerus.4350


“I don’t like how GW2 does it’s entire combat system, can we change it because I don’t want to play another game”

Stacking in Dungeons and how ANET can fix it

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: EcoRI.9273


As a casual player who does not speed run, please correct me if I am wrong but if you can pull a boss against a wall in less than a second you should still do it because ice bow and glyph of storms will have their area attacks concentrated to only half a circle,effectively increases the rng chance of more damage.(the strikes can’t target the wall spots)
Wynd Cloud | Fierce N Licious

Stacking in Dungeons and how ANET can fix it

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Iris Ng.9845

Iris Ng.9845

As a casual player who does not speed run, please correct me if I am wrong but if you can pull a boss against a wall in less than a second you should still do it because ice bow and glyph of storms will have their area attacks concentrated to only half a circle,effectively increases the rng chance of more damage.(the strikes can’t target the wall spots)

Currently, there is a way to get all the damage of Icebow/Meteor Shower/etc landing on a fraction of its original area without pulling the boss to the wall. There is hardly any reason to stack onto the wall without FGS anymore (except a few).

“Raids are like fortune cookies. You eat the cookie and then read the paper scraps.”

- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids

Stacking in Dungeons and how ANET can fix it

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dlonie.6547


Dooooo tell?

Stacking in Dungeons and how ANET can fix it

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zui.9245


Dooooo tell?

Line casting. You can see it done twice in this video, although it’s not well-explained:

Stacking in Dungeons and how ANET can fix it

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dlonie.6547


Can’t say I noticed anything out of the ordinary on it :/

Stacking in Dungeons and how ANET can fix it

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zui.9245


Watch the first Ice Bow #4 versus the champion, with dodging away at the right time so that the ice bow damage hits a much smaller area than it otherwise would. You basically want to move backwards after the AoE has been queued.

Stacking in Dungeons and how ANET can fix it

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dlonie.6547


iiiinteresting. Good to know!

Stacking in Dungeons and how ANET can fix it

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Enaretos.8079


Don’t talk about it too much though. I enjoy ele right now, wouldn’t want a QQ IceBow meta needs nerf cycle :/

If you want help practicing it I can lend a hand but outta the forums :p

Snow Crows member since January 2014
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