State of CoF Exploit

State of CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: RavenDeBlade.1670


But Anet REALLY need to fix this dungeon because its not doable with a PUG group, and its not doable with Green/Blue items. If you need Exotics to do it them its wrong because WHY would you do it if you already have better equipement already?

State of CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Noviere.7309


@Tercian: You literally defined what an exploit is in your post… Finding a bug, and then taking advantage of it. While not reporting it is well within your rights, using it repeatedly can get you suspended or banned.

State of CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: jozefka.7256


@RavenDeBlade: The only thing that needs fixing in that dungeon are the glitches. It is doable with almost every group. I farmed the whole set without ever leaving because we were too weak. You don’t need exotics, rare equipment is just fine for doing it. You just have to work your way through the dungeon and not expect to get everything on a silver platter. You actually have to be active and fight to survive at all times.

State of CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SoulCtrl.8124


I did the dungeon for the first time today and discovered it was really good xp so ran it a few times more. Its seems every single group is jumping over now. Can’t find any normal groups. One group I joined did the chest exploit thing, didn’t know what was happening until it was finished. Second group I joined also tried to do it again but I just left before it happened. Going to stop running now until it gets some sort of fix. Its a shame, probably my favourite dungeon so far.

State of CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Efaicia.3672


But Anet REALLY need to fix this dungeon because its not doable with a PUG group, and its not doable with Green/Blue items. If you need Exotics to do it them its wrong because WHY would you do it if you already have better equipement already?

You DO realize that you can get THE EXACT SAME stats on crafted gear, right. You DO REALIZE that the ONLY reason to do these is for aesthetic reasons. Everything that comes out of the dungeon has an equivalent that can be obtained in another fashion, the only difference being the way they look.

These dungeons are not meant to be puggable, at all, ever, in any way shape or form. PERIOD.
If you do nto liek them, guess what? you don’t have to do them. If you think it is too much of a grind to get the gear, thats fine, you can get the same stats on gear much easier to obtain. No one is forcing you to do these rediculously hard, and incrdibly long dungeons. You do not have to do them. At all, ever. People who DO overcome them are given nothing but bragging rights.

State of CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kor.3605


“I really need this dungeon for gear, but I guess I will be avoiding it until it’s fixed, because I don’t feel right exploiting it, and that’s basically how everyone is running it. >_< "

This. Exactly this is what I am dealing with now too. Can’t wait for fixes.

State of CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Cavthena.3065


To exploit or not exploit… I rather not. However if every single party you’re in is exploiting then it’s kinda difficult not to, even more so if you really want to run this content of the game.

My thoughts are simple. No one should be banned for using the exploit the content that this exploit is used to avoid is to hard and no fun plain and simple. I’d bet my lousy 3 gold coins that this exploit would of never been found if this part of the dungeon was doable with a pug or an organized group. (not to mention if they did banned offenders I’m sure 1/3 of the player based might be banned O.o)

State of CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Rep.3708


I have decided to stop doing CoF runs until this exploit is fixed.

State of CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Aussa.3605


Hi there i keep going to CoF and every grp im in does the wall jump. and it says find a way in to the chamber. every time ive done it where you kite people leave after 4 attempts of doing the kite. and i myself am getting wound up with how many time i do the dougen. one of 2 things need to be doen reduce the ammount of damage the npcs do so its eayser to do or take out things like this where you can jump a wall and make armor reparis cheeper 30 silver a time is way over the top to be fixing my gear im running out of gold fast hear. so please sort this out or make it eraser to do

State of CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Self Ignition.1640

Self Ignition.1640

There is also another exploit with the part of keeping the NPC alive. I didn’t use this trick, so details may differ.

Basicly, NPC must die and then be rezzed by the eles’ glyph of resurection. By doing this attuned to air, npc is teleported to player.
Big deal! – no, the NPC does not walk back under the wall, so a team making sure to rez him in a safe place, can just wait 200 sec. without even kiting mobs……

[sW] Self – SFR EU

State of CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Aussa.3605


It does say find a way in to the chamber though with makes me laugh a little but yer every grp i have been in in the last 2 days has done it and every time i have tried to kite people leave the grp and wiper you saying how crap each player is and the mutes you before you respond to them. 1 make it eraser to do and take down the damage of the npcs 2 make the timer on the bomb shorter so people don’t leave the dame run 3 take down cost of repiars of kit 4 stop moaning about it every grp im in is doing it if they do it leave the run 5 if they do do it dont kitten about it you have the choice to leave but i bet you find another grp doing it 6 no point in baning people just bring out a fix for the glitch simple and quick fixes make it better

State of CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Fay.2735


One option while finding a group is to state that you do not wish to use the exploit and I’m sure there’s plenty of other people who rather do it properly.

•— Fay Everdunes | Fay Erduna | Lilyfay (Fay.2735) — Mesmer/Revenant — [NA]FA — 8k±Hrs Played —•
Have you heard of the city? The ancient uru? Where there was power to write worlds

State of CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Asioka.9014


One option while finding a group is to state that you do not wish to use the exploit and I’m sure there’s plenty of other
people who rather do it properly.

After getting kicked twice for not using the exploit I decided to search for a group willing to do CoF properly. There’s noone willing to go with me. I guess I’ll stop doing dungeon runs until it’s fixed.

State of CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: RavenDeBlade.1670


But Anet REALLY need to fix this dungeon because its not doable with a PUG group, and its not doable with Green/Blue items. If you need Exotics to do it them its wrong because WHY would you do it if you already have better equipement already?

You DO realize that you can get THE EXACT SAME stats on crafted gear, right. You DO REALIZE that the ONLY reason to do these is for aesthetic reasons. Everything that comes out of the dungeon has an equivalent that can be obtained in another fashion, the only difference being the way they look.

These dungeons are not meant to be puggable, at all, ever, in any way shape or form. PERIOD.
If you do nto liek them, guess what? you don’t have to do them. If you think it is too much of a grind to get the gear, thats fine, you can get the same stats on gear much easier to obtain. No one is forcing you to do these rediculously hard, and incrdibly long dungeons. You do not have to do them. At all, ever. People who DO overcome them are given nothing but bragging rights.

Not meant to be puggable? Sorry to say thatskitten to state that. not even Anet have said so.

State of CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: seventhson.6932


I got 5x piece of cof sets I used exploits to get these easy. Im regret it, I deleted all piece of cof sets,now Im feel like better man. I know I did use exploits but Im really hope for second chance from Anet! Dont need follow my way just I tell to everbody.

Really wow, If they are gonna do a mass ban for this I really doubt they would check to see if you deleted those items or not. But the fact that people are this freaked out about getting banned for this and go to this extreme is not cool, A-net you need to let people know whats going to happen as it seems it is causing unnecessary anxiety with your players.

State of CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Fay.2735


One option while finding a group is to state that you do not wish to use the exploit and I’m sure there’s plenty of other
people who rather do it properly.

After getting kicked twice for not using the exploit I decided to search for a group willing to do CoF properly. There’s noone willing to go with me. I guess I’ll stop doing dungeon runs until it’s fixed.

Oh, That’s not good If you’re in a guild try to find some guildies to do it with? If at least 3 of you refuse to do the exploit you might have better luck doing it properly? I’m not sure just giving ideas

•— Fay Everdunes | Fay Erduna | Lilyfay (Fay.2735) — Mesmer/Revenant — [NA]FA — 8k±Hrs Played —•
Have you heard of the city? The ancient uru? Where there was power to write worlds

State of CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Eszett.6950


I was wondering about this. Not only the Magg exploit is a bit unfair towards the game, but towards the players too. I don’t think I can find ANY group in explorable mode that haven’t said to me “We’re doing 25 tokens right?”.

The very first time I was like “what?” and they pulled me all through the dungeon, and when I didn’t comply, they left. I had to take on the last boss with a friend. but the point is that I’m being forced to play a single path over and over. And if you don’t agree they leave. I mean, I can always pull my guildies into it, but that’s not suppoused to be the intent, is it?

State of CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Drakken.3427


I don’t think they will ban people for it, they learned there lesson last time when a bunch of people chargedback, and then they didn’t want Kripparian to make that chargeback video so they made things right.

State of CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shmerrick.9168


I would love to know how a Devs fail programming is a exploit. Man up and take responsibility for what you’ve coded.

State of CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Massacrul.2016


Same here jozefka, I cannot get a group and was basically taunted by the people for saying I didn’t want to exploit.

Arenanet showed off a nice minimal tolerance policy for the karma weapons fiasco where excessive violators were permabanned. I need to see this continue with a wave of bans for this exploit. These people are making a large profit off glitched treasure boxes and are getting CoF gear without any struggle, and it is absolutely unfair to those of us who aren’t abusing the hell out of it. Call me crazy but this is what I want to see:

2-5 runs – 3 day suspension and a removal of all CoF tokens and gear.
6+ runs – Permaban

Doing it once? Okay, maybe you didn’t know… Doing it twice? You knew what you were doing and chose to exploit.

How will you check if some1 used this?

State of CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Mobius.7041


So basically I can’t play this game anymore because if I try to join any CoF run I risk to get banned? Really? It’s not like I can choose to exploit or not, everyone is doing this. If I’ll get banned for this #@*&, I’m going back playing WoW, no doubt.

State of CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Massacrul.2016


I would love to know how a Devs fail programming is a exploit. Man up and take responsibility for what you’ve coded.

You know that it’s not as it should be, and you use it for your own advantage. You are exploiting it, and you know what you are doing, so don’t act innocent kid here.

State of CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Massacrul.2016


Anyway – in my opinion, Anet knowing that there’s such an exploit, they should somehow Turn off 2nd CoF path to prevent players from using this exploit until they fix it, even if it would hurt normal players doing it the right way.

State of CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DidYouSeeThat.1280


Let me give everyone a very simple strat that I have completed with people that are well not the best players…

People like to call this 2/3.

Two people run around inside while 3 people wait outside the room in a line. As 1 person dies 1 person from outside runs in and replaces them. Simply rinse and repeat and that room is insanely easy to complete.

This is sorta like the old strat where everyone ran around except 4 people aren’t taking damage when only 2 need to be. Again I have done this with people who died 20+ times just getting to that room im talking horrible players and they managed to pull this off decently well. If you can’t do it using this strat I suggest you find a new dungeon to run.

State of CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Nialiss.6459


If they made the kiting room easier but put up an invisible barrier on the rocks, I’d be fine with it. It just isn’t worth it to suicide zurg the kiting room anymore and I’m just not going to waste all of my money on it. I actually don’t care about the end reward as long as I can get my armor but, I also feel that I shouldn’t have to spend 50g+ (total for the full set) in repairs to get it.

State of CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ThrottleFox.2735


To be honest the “jumping” part dont seem to be an exploit since you dont gain anything you actually LOOSE one (1) chest with 5 tokens. But hey im not the one that makes the rules, so i have no idea if this is deemed as an exploit, glitch or nothing at all.

No, Magg revives on the other side, and you can then tell him to plant the bomb in complete safety.

I posted about this a few days ago, moving on I went and made a guardian to ‘tank’ I’m not a tank i know, but I can support the group to live longer in that room, this CAN be done normally, people just refuse to do so. I am glad there was/is more then just me that want to do it the right way.

State of CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: seventhson.6932


The fact is people don’t do the bomb the doors event because most people cant do it without dying alot, and that is not fun, or worth the time and effort. Why is this so hard to understand?

State of CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Massacrul.2016


The fact is people don’t do the bomb the doors event because most people cant do it without dying alot, and that is not fun, or worth the time and effort. Why is this so hard to understand?

Why is this so hard to understand, that you are just BAD and therefore should not do this dungeon?

State of CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Yaptap.7945


There are bugs in every dungeon. What’s GOING ON????

State of CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SoulCtrl.8124


All the dungeons seem to be really buggy, which is to be expected for such a new game, and players can’t really be blamed for testing out new things when there aren’t any real strategies yet. Whenever I enter a dungeon for the first time I always just follow the leader/more experienced players for a few runs until I get the flow of it. A large portion of us entered this dungeon for the first time under these circumstances. With many different routes and no clearly defined strategies it can take few runs before one realises that perhaps this is not the way this dungeon is supposed to be done. Hell, I thought 4 chest was just a term used to describe one of the routes. since that is all that is being spammed outside the entrance, and that the wall jump was just a jumping puzzle. Only after my 4th run did I realise that something didn’t feel right which led me to check these forums for some sort of clarity on the situation. I think until all the kinks in the dungeon programming gets sorted out a daily limit of tokens should be set to prevent massive abuse to the system.

State of CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: seventhson.6932


I think until all the kinks in the dungeon programming gets sorted out a daily limit of tokens should be set to prevent massive abuse to the system.

From what I have seen, it seems they are upping the amount of tokens you get for each run. Therefore I would assume people will speed run them more after patch.

State of CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SoulCtrl.8124


That would be a much better system, up the number of tokens you get per run but limit tokens to only be awarded for the first run of the day, or even better, the first run of each route. The system as it is now encourages extreme grinding, which kind of goes against the whole philosophy of the game.

(edited by SoulCtrl.8124)

State of CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ThrottleFox.2735


All the dungeons seem to be really buggy, which is to be expected for such a new game, and players can’t really be blamed for testing out new things when there aren’t any real strategies yet. Whenever I enter a dungeon for the first time I always just follow the leader/more experienced players for a few runs until I get the flow of it. A large portion of us entered this dungeon for the first time under these circumstances. With many different routes and no clearly defined strategies it can take few runs before one realises that perhaps this is not the way this dungeon is supposed to be done. Hell, I thought 4 chest was just a term used to describe one of the routes. since that is all that is being spammed outside the entrance, and that the wall jump was just a jumping puzzle. Only after my 4th run did I realise that something didn’t feel right which led me to check these forums for some sort of clarity on the situation. I think until all the kinks in the dungeon programming gets sorted out a daily limit of tokens should be set to prevent massive abuse to the system.

You know, I have to agree with you, I would not have known this was bad if i had not spoken to a friend earlier that day, my first group did this hopping over the wall. New players coming out to CoF and joining one of these groups maybe just like you not knowing that its not the way its meant to be done.
As you said the game has only been out for a month there will be kinks and bugs and a few things like this within the game.

State of CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: seventhson.6932


That would be a much better system, up the number of tokens you get per run but limit tokens to only be awarded for the first run of the day, or even better, the first run of each route. The system as it is now encourages extreme grinding, which kind of goes against the whole philosophy of the game.

Honestly if you limit how tokens are distributes at all like only getting one chance a day to get tokens from a certain path in a dungeon would make it more of a grind rather than less, as it would take wayyyy longer, and make running dungeons like doing dailies which would get old really fast.

State of CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SoulCtrl.8124


Ye in retrospect I suppose you are right. I don’t really know what Anet’s dungeon philosophy is but something needs to change because there is a growing tension between those you just want to run dungeons for the fun of it and get some cosmetic gear and those who enjoy a serious highly coordinated challenge.

State of CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Aussa.3605


what ever the argument hear. the wording of the mission still makes me laugh find a way into the chamber. 30silver a time for failed runs is to much in repier costs. if the cost of repearing gear was droped would be better. if the damage was droped from the mobs that spawn from hear would be better. the game is still in its early days and to say ban people is a bit silly for this it will only drive them to go play wow lol. at the end of the day its a bit silly to try the ban train only done the dougen 5 times today as doing it over and over again bores the hell out of me . anyways how many of you like the NFL

State of CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Aussa.3605


i mean the dougen today not the so called expliot

State of CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: OhTeeSee.3870


Let me give everyone a very simple strat that I have completed with people that are well not the best players…

People like to call this 2/3.

Two people run around inside while 3 people wait outside the room in a line. As 1 person dies 1 person from outside runs in and replaces them. Simply rinse and repeat and that room is insanely easy to complete.

This is sorta like the old strat where everyone ran around except 4 people aren’t taking damage when only 2 need to be. Again I have done this with people who died 20+ times just getting to that room im talking horrible players and they managed to pull this off decently well. If you can’t do it using this strat I suggest you find a new dungeon to run.

So Rob Hrouda says “I want you to fight these guys not kite or GY zerg them for 200 seconds”
You respond with:
“This room is INSANELY easy to complete”
“All you have to do is run a suicide chain”
So your post describing how “horrible players” can “easily” complete this content, is not only the complete polar opposite of the “intended” approach, but also requires players throw out 20s+ in repair bills EACH. How does this seem like proper or acceptable dungeon design to you?

State of CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Evil.9061


Let me give everyone a very simple strat that I have completed with people that are well not the best players…

People like to call this 2/3.

Two people run around inside while 3 people wait outside the room in a line. As 1 person dies 1 person from outside runs in and replaces them. Simply rinse and repeat and that room is insanely easy to complete.

This is sorta like the old strat where everyone ran around except 4 people aren’t taking damage when only 2 need to be. Again I have done this with people who died 20+ times just getting to that room im talking horrible players and they managed to pull this off decently well. If you can’t do it using this strat I suggest you find a new dungeon to run.

So Rob Hrouda says “I want you to fight these guys not kite or GY zerg them for 200 seconds”
You respond with:
“This room is INSANELY easy to complete”
“All you have to do is run a suicide chain”
So your post describing how “horrible players” can “easily” complete this content, is not only the complete polar opposite of the “intended” approach, but also requires players throw out 20s+ in repair bills EACH. How does this seem like proper or acceptable dungeon design to you?

Logic bomb.

State of CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Alaztor.6918


So, I guess the suicide chain way is also exploiting since it’s not the ‘’intended way’’.

State of CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Amit.6027


i don’t care what anyone says..ive been in 30+ groups the past week…and we simply CANNOT get past defending magg…just dont have enough DPS to kill the first round quickly enough to take on the next group (which immediately goes after magg)… the repair bills in the beginning are not much but they add up as you keep dying..rezzing downed players is quite they will just kill you in 3+ shots..

i have been slowly getting my completing the fire bomb area..5 tokens at a time..sigh

i refuse to jump over the wall and take the chest twice i have invested too much into my char to get banned.
What i think should be fixed:

1) of course the defending magg section needs a revamp..either make the enemies less tough have (1 silver per, spawn ..not the entire group having veterans etc)…and have a longer spawn time between each group i dont mind magg taking 200sec too get the gate open.

2) the boss needs to be 10x harder (maybe i exaggerated a little but you get the point)…it seems that that the trash mobs hold up a better fight than the boss iteself..this is not only for CoF but most dungeons…i want to get to the end and think “omfg…here we go big boss time..lets get ready”..most of the bosses can get kited away…having to do other tasks while killing a boss is not enough especially in seems more of a chore than anything else..

i hope Robert reads this – (i know your prob swamped with opinions but this is what i see from myself and my fellow gw2 community) ..keep up the great work

(edited by Amit.6027)

State of CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Nethelli.4023


I went to CoF2 last night for the first time since the changes. I fully expected to bang my head against the place for hours, but I figured I should at least see what has become of my favorite dungeon before they fix it (again). To my surprise, the party leader cheerfully explained that we would be in and out in less than 30 minutes. Skeptically, I shrugged and followed the pack. True to his word, we completed the run almost as fast as pre-buff, which was pretty darn mind blowing. After leaving the dungeon for the night, I thought about how everything in CoF has played out.

Go back a few weeks. The players are speed running CoF2. It’s quick, profitable, and most importantly fun. There are a few complaints, mostly centered around the lava field and bomb sections, but those quickly begin to disappear as people learn the tricks to them. Life is pretty sweet, and the exotic gear is plentiful.

ANet decides it’s too quick, too profitable, and is taking advantage of bugs in the coding of the dungeon (all fair points, don’t get me wrong) so they fix it. In doing so, they opt to crank up the difficulty on the two most frustrating and time-consuming parts of the dungeon.

Within 24 hours, players found a way to easily complete the first of those two, making it only slightly more challenging than before. Shortly after, they discover a way to circumvent the bomb section, using the skills they’ve developed from jumping puzzles.

So now here we are, and not only are the players still getting to do their speed runs, they’re actually receiving MORE loot than intended while completely avoiding the major annoyances of three separate encounters.

I think it serves as a fantastic demonstration of the cleverness and tenacity of ArenaNet’s player base. If you dig a pit, we’ll walk around it. If you put up a fence, we’ll climb over it. We will always follow the path of least resistance for fun and profit.

Guildmaster of Nerd Herd [NERD] (Tarnished Coast)
Nethalia Frostmane [Ranger], Lyzanxia Unsu [Engineer]
Torg Darkmaw [Thief], Zekka The Architect [Elementalist]

(edited by Nethelli.4023)

State of CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: seventhson.6932


I think it serves as a fantastic demonstration of the cleverness and tenacity of ArenaNet’s player base. If you dig a pit, we’ll walk around it. If you put up a fence, we’ll climb over it. We will always follow the path of least resistance for fun and profit

Yes, and hopefully they wont punish/ban players for being like this either.

State of CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ominous.7583


Oh they better at least remove all the gear and armor from the people who are doing it despite knowing better and making excuses for it anyways.

I Have not been able to get a group all day that is not doing it, it is that bad now. I would say bans are pretty extreme but I want to see LOTS of rollbacks when they do decide to fix it even if that means I have to give up the 2 peices I already earned without using it.


State of CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ripkord.8567


To be honest the “jumping” part dont seem to be an exploit since you dont gain anything you actually LOOSE one (1) chest with 5 tokens. But hey im not the one that makes the rules, so i have no idea if this is deemed as an exploit, glitch or nothing at all.

First of all, iam from Germany and i too got the same experience like probably everyone did who runs the Magg route. And secondly, everyone did it, until some people realised that it could be a exploit …especially the double chest, where you jump over and kill the boss first before talking to magg to do lay down the bomb.

Yes i did the double chest 4 times in a row… yes iam in shame of that and after i finished my run, i stopped immediately doing it ever again, instead i totaly stopped farming CoF until everything is fixed there. I do Have to mention also that i did the Jumping part mostly everytime, because i dont consider this as a “Exploit”, why? It is very Simple.. I discovered that you can do jump ALSO after killing the scavengers, to the First Boss (you Can do it even at start without killing at all, the same goes for the way after to the end where you could jump over to the boss).. so the Defs created a Dungeon where you can jump over walls to get to the next place ( like a jumping puzzle) [ But they manneged to set a invisible wall to the main entrance where you get portet back if an event started outside to close the dungeon] of course it isnt one, but people are beeing forced to do such things because the patch made it even worse and impossible to do it the legal way. Even running a death chain isnt the money worth it, EVEN if you do it naked.. its impossible with a fully naked group and fighting… just impossible everything is doubled no.. tripled enemys to fight.

Iam going to say this honestly to you Anet-Team, people shouldnt be punished for doing the jumping over the wall part. I do so say also that people (including me, even if i had used it only 4 times) who earn the hole day, day by day, the double chest reward (20 tokken + 5 because of the respawn from the last chest) should be punished for this. Because this, i figured out myself easy IS NOT FAIR . DOT. and if peoples rewards(tokkens) get deleted or earned items. Iam fine with that. But please do not Ban people for it permanently. I do say this because your game is fun for me and many other players. Please iam very VERY honest to right now and i think YOU (Anet-Team) SHOULD take this into consideration.

Thank you for your attention.

State of CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Myrdreon.7398


Is there any news about bans for CoF exploits in general?
It is destroying the market for other exotics, as there is no reason to pay for them. Destroying the market (amongst other reasons) is exactly the reason behind the karma exploit bans…

Would love to do CoF (really like that armor) but i do not dare to go inside. Based on that very same karma-disaster (i was one of the lucky ones getting banned) im expecting a massive ban in both temporary and permanent fashion. And since i already got 1 strike, i dont dare to get any tokens from that place – im risking a permanent ban if i get another mark on my account.
Unless Anet now tells us its OK to abuse exploits, so i can enter there without fearing a permanent account ban if people walk trough closed gates….

State of CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ComeAndSee.1356


I don’t see them banning anyone for this, but hopefully it’ll be a wake-up call for them to adjust the amount of time it takes to finish the other dungeons.

Sha Nari – 80 Guardian (
Lorella Windrunner – 80 Thief
Shayera Nightfall – 80 Mesmer

State of CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: archive.9073


I wish little babies like the OP didn’t exist. QQ more, sigh… PEOPLE WOULDN’T EXPLOIT IF THE DUNGEON MECHANICS WERE NOT GARBAGE.

State of CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tercian.4357



why would u steal my nick?
are you a fanboy?
trying to be me?

ive been using this nick for 13years,
been playing several games,
get ur own name!
dont imitate!

State of CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SinDantes.3417


But Anet REALLY need to fix this dungeon because its not doable with a PUG group, and its not doable with Green/Blue items. If you need Exotics to do it them its wrong because WHY would you do it if you already have better equipement already?

You DO realize that you can get THE EXACT SAME stats on crafted gear, right. You DO REALIZE that the ONLY reason to do these is for aesthetic reasons. Everything that comes out of the dungeon has an equivalent that can be obtained in another fashion, the only difference being the way they look.

These dungeons are not meant to be puggable, at all, ever, in any way shape or form. PERIOD.
If you do nto liek them, guess what? you don’t have to do them. If you think it is too much of a grind to get the gear, thats fine, you can get the same stats on gear much easier to obtain. No one is forcing you to do these rediculously hard, and incrdibly long dungeons. You do not have to do them. At all, ever. People who DO overcome them are given nothing but bragging rights.

THIS! Exactly this! Dungeons are not meant for PUG groups!