The Warrior turns to the guardian and says, “Did you hear something?”
Guardian replies, “No, but how’d the elementalist die?”
Every now and then a thread pops up that point a finger at ‘elitists’ in the game. You know those players that think they’re super good and like to tell people who don’t ‘nail’ dungeons 100% that they’re noobs.
Now, one thing that annoys me in game and something that doesn’t get much air time in these threads is more towards the other end of the pendulum, what I see as the other kind of elitist.
There was a thread, sometime back now, where someone had posted about their discontent at an ‘elitist’ group they had joined for a CoF P1 Speed Clear. That as an unsuspecting ranger they were rather upset that the group kicked them because it wasn’t what the group wanted. The general consensus was that the group were a bunch of elitists and they were bringing ‘shame’ to the game of GW2.
Now the thing that I couldn’t understand at the time was WTH did he join a group he knew nothing about? He knew it was a ‘CoF P1 speed clear’ and while perhaps he didn’t understand the specifics of a ‘Speed Clear’ at that time, I wasn’t entirely sure the group hadn’t been anything but informative to him in regards to explaining what they needed in a matter of fact way, which he then took offense to.
Dungeons in general I’ve seen many examples of people not stacking when you ask them to stack. Of individuals in groups that go off on their own tangent at the rest of the teams bereft. How many of us have joined an Arah’s P3 only to get to Lupi and try to explain ‘dodge grubs’. Where you will go at great lengths to explain in detail what to do, typing out everything only to have a team member remain absolutely silent, not dodge once and trigger EVERY SINGLE GRUB.
People might be thinking now ‘Well you’re elitist’. Well, I want to respect my team, and if that makes me elitist, so be it.
I have no experience at meleeing Lupi, if a team wants that, I don’t join. If it’s been awhile since I’ve done a dungeon and I don’t remember the path well, I follow the team lead. If they say stack I stack, they say move over here I move.
Previously, a few months ago now I was going for my Dungeon Master title. If ever I was in a situation and we stopped and someone said “Do people know what to do next?” If I didn’t know, I’d say so. I wouldn’t stand their quietly, knowing I didn’t know and happily cripple my team because I wanted to the game my own way.
The majority of experienced players are more than happy to create a space for new people to join for dungeons. To let non-level 80’s and new players join groups and participate. Only just today I participated in an explorable TA run, 2 members of which were sub-80. It was great, they were good guys and it didn’t bother me that the thief was dying a lot. I understood that he was new and learning his profession.
Sometimes tho, experienced players need a break too. So if they ask for lvl 80’s only or advertise a specific kind run or ask in party chat “Do people know what to do next?” cut them a break because it’s nice to escape the other kind of elitist for a bit.
I’m sure we can all understand that.
I think that the people who don’t say anything bother me the most in any and every MMO. I’m not sure if they’re scared that people will get kitten ed or that they just don’t really care about anything, but that’s probably the worst part of pugging tbh. I’m hardly experienced in my own regards, but whenever anyone would ask if I didn’t know what to do before we go into that section of the dungeon, I would at least answer them.
Dungeons in general I’ve seen many examples of people not stacking when you ask them to stack. Of individuals in groups that go off on their own tangent at the rest of the teams bereft. How many of us have joined an Arah’s P3 only to get to Lupi and try to explain ‘dodge grubs’. Where you will go at great lengths to explain in detail what to do, typing out everything only to have a team member remain absolutely silent, not dodge once and trigger EVERY SINGLE GRUB.
This has been happening a lot lately.Players not dodging grubs,players not stacking while running around pulling more trash mobs and most of all STUPID FREAKEN GUARDIANS USING STAFF THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE FREAKEN DUNGEON SPAMMING THE STUPID AUTO ATTACK ON EVERY FIGHT IN THE DUNGEON!!
And wait here is the most important part guys.These players would use the I play how I want argument.
There are closed minded people in every walk of life why would GW2 be any different?
There is only one type of elitist group in this game, they just don’t realise they are one in the same, yet. The real elitist are those players who think that unless everyone else plays the same way as they do, they are <insert term here>.
The “speed clear” teams and the “anyone but speed clear” groups are just the same thing. Demanding players stick to some arbitrary rule-set they came up with or follow.
The “speed clear” teams and the “anyone but speed clear” groups are just the same thing. Demanding players stick to some arbitrary rule-set they came up with or follow.
Hardly arbitrary for “speed clear” teams. People have limited time and want to do as much as they can in the time they have. That’s pretty reasonable.
The “speed clear” teams and the “anyone but speed clear” groups are just the same thing. Demanding players stick to some arbitrary rule-set they came up with or follow.
No. They are not demanding anyone to play a certain ruleset they have came up with. They are advertising for people with the same mindset to join them in this particular run. If you are incappable or unwanting, simply do nothing. Don’t click the join button. If you join then adher to their rules. If you joined a Hardcore WvW guild who has a raid requirement of 6pm-10pm, don’t join if you are going to PvE and “play how you want”. There are plenty of casual dungeon runs and plenty of casual guilds you can join.
There are closed minded people in every walk of life why would GW2 be any different?
There is only one type of elitist group in this game, they just don’t realise they are one in the same, yet. The real elitist are those players who think that unless everyone else plays the same way as they do, they are <insert term here>.
The “speed clear” teams and the “anyone but speed clear” groups are just the same thing. Demanding players stick to some arbitrary rule-set they came up with or follow.
The point is that dungeons are one of the only parts of this entire game where you are in a restricted team and you need each member to pitch in equally. If people want to play their own way that’s fine, it just doesn’t make sense to join a team and then act like you’re playing solo and that your build/play doesn’t affect anyone else. The “speed clear” teams usually state quite clearly that they intend to clear the dungeon efficiently, if people don’t want to do so then there are plenty of non speed clear runs they can join.
I personally never have an issue running with inexperienced pugs, but it becomes an issue when they refuse to listen and argue that their way is better simply because they enjoy it more. I wish they understood our side of the argument, that if you want to play just for fun then play the other 90% of the game where it doesn’t matter if your build/playstyle isn’t efficient.
It’s fair to respect the requirements of the lfg post. I’ve seen a lot of lfgs for arah lately with things like “first time” and “no skip kill everything” which I find quite a progress.
It’s fair to respect the requirements of the lfg post. I’ve seen a lot of lfgs for arah lately with things like “first time” and “no skip kill everything” which I find quite a progress.
But could that be because there are fewer people wanting to run this way and thus these LFGs stay up longer for you to see?
The more restrictions you see on a post the longer it takes to fill. I usually just put in pX in my self created parties and I get a group pretty quickly. Its a mixed bag, but most of the time there is no problem actually finishing content. Get my fair share of worthless people like bearbows, staffguards, fearnecros, ect, but its not hard to kick if they are really bad (I give them a chance, if they really mess things up its boot time with a msg to watch the path on youtube). I tolerate sluggish clear times as long as it doesn’t cost me a dirtnap (im full zerk and not crazy elite, so I mess up my rotations in long combats which ends up downing me occasionally). Actually I had a group recently in CoF that i asked if they knew the path… All were sub 1500AP, 1 was only lvl75, 2 rangers with bows out and bears out… They asked why was I worried, i said I see bears out. “What is wrong with bears” I said “The fact that you don’t know is what worries me”. The preceded to range the slave driver, die in 2 seconds in acolyte room, complain of no mes in boulders, and one didn’t get in his bubble and ran around like an idiot killing all of the mobs. Got through that ordeal and they needed to be aegis/condition removal baby sat on the final boss because they refused to dodge or have ways to remove burning. Run still took less than 15 minutes, but man it was painful.
All that and I got to say, it was less painful than the AC run I did with 3 other guardians and an ele I did next. The 3 guards were all AH shout builds, didn’t know how to use the ele weapons, and were bragging about their mad heals. All were 8k+ characters. Took forever since it effectively was a duo run of the dungeon.
I personally prefer new players over bad ones set in their ways. There is still hope for the new players.
Yup, whenever I decide to pug a dungeon I specify gearcheck for zerkers in the description to sort out the superbads. I then proceed to sit around and kick people that join and link their full clerics set, people that link their rares, people that link their zerker weapon only to see them linking toughness jewelry after further asking, people that lie to me by linking berserker chatcodes, people that joined for the wrong dungeon or path, people that are not even max level, people that join and then show no reaction at all, people that join and then write “go?”, people that link a ranged weapon as their main weapon, people that join and claim that their damage is more than enough to finish the dungeon etc. etc.. After 10-20mins of kicking and being insulted I usually just rage and give up on it.
If by any chance I happen to actually fill a group of 5 people more or less passing the gearcheck I go ahead to do the dungeon in slow motion, with a group dps that can only possibly be achieved by full defense traits paired with no game knowledge whatsoever. I watch people do things like being sprayed at with the spider queens aoe poison in the corner during the pull and standing in it like sheep, only to be insulted myself for then moving out of it; or people pulling the whole room before lupi into the lupi room trying to get back to the party. Special greetings to people that see me standing ready to pull say alpha, only to then dash past me when he spawns, madly swinging their fiery gs until nearly in touch range, getting encased in a crystal halfway back to the party. I think if I play this game any longer I will develop the ability to punch people over the internet through sheer will.
The times that I actually played how I wanted could probably be counted on one hand.
(edited by Rag.3258)
I am aware that those groups take longer to fill but they are a new occurence from my point of view.
Also stating only Px on the lfg and then kicking people is a kitten move. You never stated any requirements beside the path number. This gives people the right to assume anything goes.
I am aware that those groups take longer to fill but they are a new occurence from my point of view.
Also stating only Px on the lfg and then kicking people is a kitten move. You never stated any requirements beside the path number. This gives people the right to assume anything goes.
People also have the right to kick anyone they want.
Why should one freedom trump another?
Because of ethics. Lol.
But srsly, kicking should be something mandated by certain criteria. Not a freedom you can exercise at whim. From your point of view people shouldn’t be kicked for any reason because freedom to everybody!
Bottom line is the whole point of personalised lfg message is to convey one’s requirements for said run.
When two opposite things clash(i.e. freedom) the one that trumps the other is the one with either higher personal/collective benefit or the more ethical one.
tl;dr don’t be a kitten, don’t kick (unless they don’t respect your lfg post)
The “speed clear” teams and the “anyone but speed clear” groups are just the same thing. Demanding players stick to some arbitrary rule-set they came up with or follow.
Hardly arbitrary for “speed clear” teams. People have limited time and want to do as much as they can in the time they have. That’s pretty reasonable.
This is true and closed minded players with lots of time argue about. Time is limited, goals are high.
Lemme make a meatphor right quick:
I drank beer and got a cool buzz. Wine gives me same buzz but warm fuzzies.
One day i came across Rum. Lots less liquid efforts for more buzz. Oh im liking this better (standard now set).
Same people who i tried rum with had me try jack daniels. Max buzz, minimal efforts.
Now i go back to the bar and lol at guys wasting time and money on beer. “Ill have a jack and coke only please” beer? No thanks.
Because of ethics. Lol.
But srsly, kicking should be something mandated by certain criteria. Not a freedom you can exercise at whim. From your point of view people shouldn’t be kicked for any reason because freedom to everybody!
Bottom line is the whole point of personalised lfg message is to convey one’s requirements for said run.
When two opposite things clash(i.e. freedom) the one that trumps the other is the one with either higher personal/collective benefit or the more ethical one.
tl;dr don’t be a kitten, don’t kick (unless they don’t respect your lfg post)
Haha, I like your reply.
Just remember not everybody is as caring as some people. I don’t know you. You could be an 80 year old granny behind the computer or a 14 year old punk kid, or any mix inbetween. If you join my party, and we haven’t entered the dungeon yet, I have absolutely no obligation of anything to you. I could kick you because you’re a char, because I don’t like your armor, because the color you chose is stupid.
If we’re talking about kicking midway through a run or right at the end boss, then that’s a different issue.
I am aware that those groups take longer to fill but they are a new occurence from my point of view.
Also stating only Px on the lfg and then kicking people is a kitten move. You never stated any requirements beside the path number. This gives people the right to assume anything goes.
The pro’est thing to add to a LFG. Undesirables will be kicked. <— Example “Very Experienced. P1. Zerkers. Melee All bosses. Undesirables will be kicked.”
I am aware that those groups take longer to fill but they are a new occurence from my point of view.
Also stating only Px on the lfg and then kicking people is a kitten move. You never stated any requirements beside the path number. This gives people the right to assume anything goes.The pro’est thing to add to a LFG. Undesirables will be kicked. <— Example “Very Experienced. P1. Zerkers. Melee All bosses. Undesirables will be kicked.”
Yeah, I picked that up from you, and it works great. The other tip was to put the path in the middle or last, not first.
Unforunately when we only have 3 or 4 guildies, our LFG will look something like “Experienced. Know the mechanics. CoE any path, bad=kick”
Because of ethics. Lol.
But srsly, kicking should be something mandated by certain criteria. Not a freedom you can exercise at whim. From your point of view people shouldn’t be kicked for any reason because freedom to everybody!
Bottom line is the whole point of personalised lfg message is to convey one’s requirements for said run.
When two opposite things clash(i.e. freedom) the one that trumps the other is the one with either higher personal/collective benefit or the more ethical one.
tl;dr don’t be a kitten, don’t kick (unless they don’t respect your lfg post)Haha, I like your reply.
Just remember not everybody is as caring as some people. I don’t know you. You could be an 80 year old granny behind the computer or a 14 year old punk kid, or any mix inbetween. If you join my party, and we haven’t entered the dungeon yet, I have absolutely no obligation of anything to you. I could kick you because you’re a char, because I don’t like your armor, because the color you chose is stupid.
If we’re talking about kicking midway through a run or right at the end boss, then that’s a different issue.
Yes you could kick at any point. Does this means it’s fair? Assuming fairness a consensus that I admit might be vague sometimes.
The obligations are obviously of moral nature. It is immoral to waste other people’s time, especially for no good reason.
I believe that this kicking issue keeps popping up because of the lack of communication between people. Hence, to facilitate this interaction the person who joins should always read the lfg ( cmon, it takes a couple of secs because of the character limit) and the one posting should be a bit careful with the wording.
Obviously you can’t describe every single requirement, but most should be obvious.
“Experienced only” is one of the worst things you can write. It attracts scrub elitists(people who believe they are good but they are not). I can remember a lot of groups that asked for experienced only, then failed miserably because everybody is a kittening special snowflake nowadays.
I gearchecked for multiple paths only because it’s a pain to actually get a decent group and it’s not worth it for only one path. I used to do this for AC,CoE,SE 1+3 etc.
I only do Arah now because of time constraints and I state that I will kick people who get grubbed at lupi. I really don’t care if they die from kicks(also a good way to spot bad gears because they only lose like 15% hp) but finishing alone with multiple grub stacks is annoying.
Actually, I even kept people that were open about their lack of experience if they said so from the beginning and tried to give them advice from my limited knowledge. Some even got it right from the first try. Listening does wonders. But this is very rare. Most will get mad that you dare question their playstyle and we all know the silent ones, the ninjas of failure that uncloak themselves in the worst possible moment( and the bubblefest may begin!)
It is immoral to waste other people’s time, especially for no good reason.
Keep in mind this applies both ways.
From a grub’s POV, your LFG should look like: “Gear check. Speed run. Melee all bosses. P#. Bad=kick”. Optional: down=self-rally. It would keep overrated players out.
Joke aside, any groups which stated “kick” will give me nerve wreck. Not because I’m bad, I just can’t be perfect to anyone’s standard.
Now teach me how to get funny and sexy people into my (fast) casual run without attracting scrub elitists and iplayhowiwant.
Edit: iplayhowiwant: autoattack campers who take no advices from others and promptly ragequits most of the time.
(edited by Iris Ng.9845)
Lots of people complaint or are affraid of ranger for nothing. I run jaguard longbow/axe-horn with zerker armor and ive never been kicked out of a group for my class or my spec because i actualy get thing done. However i always offer to use any class amonst my list of 7 (because i play ranger warrior necro ele guardian thief and mesmer) when it comes to a more specialised group with specific needs (aka speedclear wich i rarely join by lack of interest), I didnt down the priestess of dwayna with my ranger but with a specialy prepared full zerk warrior spec i made for the occasion its all a mather of adaptation because a class may be good in a dungeon and fail utherly in another. For most dungeon i wont bother joining speed clear group because ive got little interest into getting thing done quickly i just want to get it done so ill just take my zerk beast mastery ranger in any instance or fractal i want done when im bored (because ranger and necro are actualy quite of fun altrought maybe you guys have forgot after all this time spamming the same rotation or button mashing constantly the same thing on a single class) and i do get bored realy quick when constantly playing the same class over and over so i prety much class switch every instance i do.
Just because im running ranger doesnt mean im mind closed ive been testing every single build i run on dummies in spvp and taking asking around advice or looking other build used by player before i use them in dungeons and theres always an actual logic behind my trait/weapon choice so its not like im actualy ’’testing’’ random stuff in dungeons if im actualy using a longbow on a ranger its because i tested the damage and approved the results. Im aware of one handed sword dps but im also aware that the weapon itself doesnt fit the spec (i made that spec in mind to deal as many critical hit within the smallest amount of time possible in order to stack pet might)
This is always a step toward a maximised effectiveness and polyvalance and not a choice of actual playstyle.
If every single player used their head more and created and tested their build themselves beforehand working tirelessly for the best playstyle/effectiveness wed likely get better players in general and we wouldnt need to be constantly be worried about if a guy is using a very bad build or not. Can you realy pretend after testing it out your build isnt a total failure if the result wasnt satisfying?
Note: I dont join party i make my own i like to keep control of who i want in or out so im always the one to open the dungeon and i keep a friend or two with me for a quick kick when a guy is just behing outright lame or just wont take a hint when i try to explain him how the dungeon work. Damage effiency isnt competance, i dont care if your a zerk warrior or a staff guardian if you actualy are a problem because you have a bad attitude or just dont wanna learn the place playing the ‘’i know everything but i actualy know nothing’’ act you likely gunna get a quick kick the moment this becomes a burden to the team progression. Theres a lot of reason i would kick a player out but the class and spec isnt amonst them as long as you can be helpful.
(edited by kyubi.3620)
you’re bad because you are running longbow axe/horn. doesn’t matter how many crits you get, axe MH is trash dps and you’re better off running MH sword.
you’re also one of those vile “special snowflake” people who will stick by their crappy special builds even though it’s common knowledge that the meta builds are better. no such thing as a “specially adapted full zerk warrior” for simin because the standard build of 30/25/0/0/15 would probably be the best overall in Arah, no need for any dumb gimmicks.
there is also no such thing as “one class is good for one dungeon but sucks at another”. warriors are good in all dungeons. so are eles. while I agree that there are classes that one will definitely want in a party depending on dungeon (something to lawnmower TA for example) there are classes that are extremely strong in all dungeons.
Okay i’ll be honest I got bored reading this thread hence I didn’t get through it all so I will summarise my opinions.
-axe/longbow ranger special ed simin warrior dude, if your gonna talk complete kitten please make your post short enough so illiterate like me can read it without getting a headache
- Guan… LOL
That’s all I read and the OP… my point here is. Please don’t leave long replies I want to participate more please and thank you
If every single player used their head more and created and tested their build themselves beforehand working tirelessly for the best playstyle/effectiveness wed likely get better players in general and we wouldnt need to be constantly be worried about if a guy is using a very bad build or not. Can you realy pretend after testing it out your build isnt a total failure if the result wasnt satisfying?
What do you think the meta build is then? A build someone came up with and thought it was great so he forced others to play it?
The meta is the meta build because people have tested it and found it to be the most optimal build to run for dungeons. Of course this changes as people get more accustomed to the class and realize certain traits are worth taking over others. Why do you think that happens? Surprise, surprise it is because people do in fact test it over and over again.
Guardian for instance; a year ago people thought AH was great, then they came to realize that it’s useless and selfish. As a result people moved towards more offensive builds to what we have now. Again not one person came up with it, but several people trying out builds and seeing what works best, in most cases they just happen to be the same because they are the most optimal for PvE. Especially for dungeons people are using the meta build, because a lot of the content is trivialized by high DPS.
(edited by NeoVaris.4806)
Okay i’ll be honest I got bored reading this thread hence I didn’t get through it all so I will summarise my opinions.
-axe/longbow ranger special ed simin warrior dude, if your gonna talk complete kitten please make your post short enough so illiterate like me can read it without getting a headache
- Guan… LOL
That’s all I read and the OP… my point here is. Please don’t leave long replies I want to participate more please and thank you
I agree. Long walls of text make me not want to read. At least put a tl;dr;
Lots of people complaint or are affraid of ranger for nothing. I run jaguard longbow/axe-horn with zerker armor and ive never been kicked out of a group for my class or my spec because i actualy get thing done. However i always offer to use any class amonst my list of 7 (because i play ranger warrior necro ele guardian thief and mesmer) when it comes to a more specialised group with specific needs (aka speedclear wich i rarely join by lack of interest), I didnt down the priestess of dwayna with my ranger but with a specialy prepared full zerk warrior spec i made for the occasion its all a mather of adaptation because a class may be good in a dungeon and fail utherly in another. For most dungeon i wont bother joining speed clear group because ive got little interest into getting thing done quickly i just want to get it done so ill just take my zerk beast mastery ranger in any instance or fractal i want done when im bored (because ranger and necro are actualy quite of fun altrought maybe you guys have forgot after all this time spamming the same rotation or button mashing constantly the same thing on a single class) and i do get bored realy quick when constantly playing the same class over and over so i prety much class switch every instance i do.
Just because im running ranger doesnt mean im mind closed ive been testing every single build i run on dummies in spvp and taking asking around advice or looking other build used by player before i use them in dungeons and theres always an actual logic behind my trait/weapon choice so its not like im actualy ’’testing’’ random stuff in dungeons if im actualy using a longbow on a ranger its because i tested the damage and approved the results. Im aware of one handed sword dps but im also aware that the weapon itself doesnt fit the spec (i made that spec in mind to deal as many critical hit within the smallest amount of time possible in order to stack pet might)
This is always a step toward a maximised effectiveness and polyvalance and not a choice of actual playstyle.
If every single player used their head more and created and tested their build themselves beforehand working tirelessly for the best playstyle/effectiveness wed likely get better players in general and we wouldnt need to be constantly be worried about if a guy is using a very bad build or not. Can you realy pretend after testing it out your build isnt a total failure if the result wasnt satisfying?Note: I dont join party i make my own i like to keep control of who i want in or out so im always the one to open the dungeon and i keep a friend or two with me for a quick kick when a guy is just behing outright lame or just wont take a hint when i try to explain him how the dungeon work. Damage effiency isnt competance, i dont care if your a zerk warrior or a staff guardian if you actualy are a problem because you have a bad attitude or just dont wanna learn the place playing the ‘’i know everything but i actualy know nothing’’ act you likely gunna get a quick kick the moment this becomes a burden to the team progression. Theres a lot of reason i would kick a player out but the class and spec isnt amonst them as long as you can be helpful.
You’re a detriment to every pug you enter and you don’t even realize it. I don’t kick based on class (unless we asked for a specific class of course), but I would kick based on build.
I’d rather keep a person who is new to the dungeon but who has a good build over a “pro” with a horrible build like yours. At least the person with the good build right up front demonstrates a willingness to bring peak effectiveness to the team instead of saying I do what I want, screw the team
You’re a detriment to every pug you enter and you don’t even realize it. I don’t kick based on class (unless we asked for a specific class of course), but I would kick based on build.
I’d rather keep a person who is new to the dungeon but who has a good build over a “pro” with a horrible build like yours. At least the person with the good build right up front demonstrates a willingness to bring peak effectiveness to the team instead of saying I do what I want, screw the team[/quote]
Peak effectiveness? thats relative on your belief and to be honest i think sword is over rated.
I dont do all of my damage my pet does a good half from the might stack my multihit grants and before looking at the cute numbers sword brings denying everything else maybe you should considerate what the pet can do as well (yes the pet is villified a lot by the AI in pvp but pvewise it cant bring its share of damage as well if traited right). Ive built my spec around the pet rather then around personnal damage im aware of the sword build, im also aware of the damage it does but im also aware of its limitation. what im building is something entirely different.
As for bringing me in? I dont need your aprobation neither do i need to care about close minded people who thinks there is only one good build because I dont join party i make them (And open the dungeon) and people who aint happy with it can just get the hell out because yes we get things done here. Its people like me who work tirelessly to make something new and yet effective (not in the blind i test my build prior to use) who makes the weels run and not sheeps constantly fellowing the builds of others yet cant think on their own.
(edited by kyubi.3620)
@Kyubi. I can’t tell if you are a troll… Adding dungeon master to your sig makes me think you are… But some people may think that is an accomplishment… Hmm…
Elitism. Elitism everywhere.
Peak effectiveness? thats relative on your belief and to be honest i think sword is over rated.
There is math to back the claim fyi so it is not relative to his belief. I’m not going to post it because that would take the fun out of a learning opportunity for you.
sheeps constantly fellowing the builds of others yet cant think on their own.
You know most builds don’t come from one person right? Sure they advertise it, but there are loads of players coming up with them by themselves without realizing it is the meta build. All you really have to do is build around DPS and party support like increasing party wide precision (i.e. spotter) and party wide damage boost (i.e. traiting for Frost Spirit), just as an example for ranger alone.
are those math backed by the sword alone because you gota see the dps of the whole build before judging. I dont do 100% of my damage with my weapon here. Sword build is 100% focused on the player weapon (might on crit for pet is cute but it hold little meaning if your pet isnt speced already statwise into beast mastery wich isnt the case of the current ranger meta i realy dont know why they bother giving those trait to pets if they actualy dont put 30 point into beast mastery in the first place)
I dont think party needs more precision mainly because everyone is already full zerker spamming perma fury and likely over 70% base crit rate. The current build runs marksmanship while i run beastmastery instead so i actualy trade personnal damage for pet damage here. While i do agree on the utility of frost spirit im likely to carry sic em and pet rage signet for damage burst (they should just make sic em also affect the ranger and prevent healing it would solve all the class dps problem if there ever was)
I always have dps and party support up my mind dont ever doubt that. Im running dual battle rune on weapon swap so both me and my pet always have a fair share of might stack as well as fury + ill use spirit elite healing spring and likely frost spirit so they do get their share of buff (ive not tryed new heal yet) and my offhand horn do proc fury for party and prety much keep mine permanant. sword for as far as i remember does not abuse from the buff share since you dont actualy swap weapon that much does it, while i do agree a guardian may proc the might and the fury i dont see that kind of player often unless in organised group.
(edited by kyubi.3620)
I dont think party needs more precision mainly because everyone is already full zerker spamming perma fury and likely over 70% base crit rate. T
70% base crit chance in zerker gear…. With statistics like that, I can’t understand why people don’t listen to you.
I dont think party needs more precision mainly because everyone is already full zerker spamming perma fury and likely over 70% base crit rate. T
70% base crit chance in zerker gear…. With statistics like that, I can’t understand why people don’t listen to you.
im just saying everyone who run zerk already has critical rate off the charts. you dont need this much critical rate. because the moment you hit 70+ you already are nearly perma criting. This just makes a trait like spoter totaly useless id rather have something like increased critical damage percent partywide buff wich actualy will make a real defrence (oh thats right warrior already does it from banner).
(edited by kyubi.3620)
because the moment you hit 70+ you already are nearly perma criting.
Actually you’d probably not crit about 30% of the time.
because the moment you hit 70+ you already are nearly perma criting.
TIL 70% ~= 100%
There always going to be elitist in games. It’s a way of life. Just like there we be new players. Thankful there isn’t much in guild wars 2 to feed these elitist.
@Kyubi. I can’t tell if you are a troll… Adding dungeon master to your sig makes me think you are… But some people may think that is an accomplishment… Hmm…
Well in a way its still an accomplishment. Most that have that title are dungeon enthusiasts. There are great players without the title but i got mine WITHOUT exploits, portal guns, spy kits, spike fruit, portals, wall jumps, stacks, all while PUGing. Only after it i do stacks and high damage like everyone else.
Okay im weighing back in
What if … you youtubed a run through? Or joined a teaching run? Or newbies only?
I don’t mind explaining to people, just don’t be a newbie and join an experienced only run.
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