Want to get this straight
Was it the party leader you voted to kick? As far as I’m aware, as soon as the party leader leaves any dungeon party after they’ve started it, you all get kicked out for it.
I can’t remember if it was always this way, or if they added it at some point to prevent people from kicking party leaders and then re-inviting a friend/guildie to grab the tokens.
EDIT: The party leader in this case can be the person that actually starts the dungeon, rather than the person that created the group.
Excellent question. It might have been but I am not completely sure as I was the last person invited to the group.
You may have kicked the instance owner, which would indeed close the instance and boot everyone out.
We are aware of a problem related to that though, and are working on solutions.
Whoever is the first person into the misty portal/dungeon is considered the owner of the instance, despite his placement in the party.
(edited by Robert Hrouda.1327)
You may have kicked the party leader, which would indeed close the instance and boot everyone out.
We are aware of a problem related to that though, and are working on solutions.
Robert, is there any way you can add a UI element to show who the party leader is or who the instance ‘belongs’ to? I know this may promote people being kick happy to those who aren’t party leaders, but it could also avoid cases where no-ones sure who the ‘party leader’ is in dungeons.
As I’ve said, I’ve created the group before, but because someone else initiated the dungeon by entering first, they were the ‘leader’ of the instance, and left. I thought the entire time that since I created the party that it was tied to me.
You may have kicked the party leader, which would indeed close the instance and boot everyone out.
We are aware of a problem related to that though, and are working on solutions.
Thanks for the quick response.
It was never added, it is something that has always been there – the system has to assign ownership of the instance to someone, as far as the players are concerned. It’s whoever started it. Can’t recall if fractals have cut scenes but I know in Dungeons that’s how you can tell the leader if its unclear. The leader is who shows in cutscenes.
It was never added, it is something that has always been there – the system has to assign ownership of the instance to someone, as far as the players are concerned. It’s whoever started it. Can’t recall if fractals have cut scenes but I know in Dungeons that’s how you can tell the leader if its unclear. The leader is who shows in cutscenes.
True. I forgot about that. I’ve always just skipped them having seen them so much recently that I forgot that’s how it decides who is in the cutscene.
I’ll remember that in Exp Dungeons in the future if I’m unsure.
But yeah, for Fractals it comes down to asking the party who started it.
Allow me to correct myself – it’s not the party leader, but rather the instance owner. Whoever is the first person into the misty portal/dungeon is considered the owner of the instance, despite his placement in the party. I will correct my first statement.
True. I forgot about that. I’ve always just skipped them having seen them so much recently that I forgot that’s how it decides who is in the cutscene.
I’ll remember that in Exp Dungeons in the future if I’m unsure.
But yeah, for Fractals it comes down to asking the party who started it.
In most cases, it’s usually the first name that is listed in the ReadyCheck pop-up when it comes to Fractals, though that was before the patch. I haven’t really checked to see if that’s true since the 28-Jan patch.
I am Fleeting Flash, in-game dungeon cosplayer of Reddit Refugees [RR] .
There’s also an additional problem.
When the instance owner disconnects it’s all fine but when he reconnects the whole party gets screwed since he spawns outside the dungeon.
With some groups we kinda joke that if you dc and you’re the instance owner go get a drink and let us finish the run first.
Can’t you just make people spawn inside as a quick fix for the moment?
As of Monday you should be able to re-enter (unless I e miss a bug thread about that not going through).
This problem here is leader went afk
You may have kicked the instance owner, which would indeed close the instance and boot everyone out.
We are aware of a problem related to that though, and are working on solutions.EDIT:
Whoever is the first person into the misty portal/dungeon is considered the owner of the instance, despite his placement in the party.
Why are dungeon groups designed this way with an “owner”? It seems like something that only causes problems.
Probably because (I’m guessing) they use the same tech as personal stories.
As of Monday you should be able to re-enter (unless I e miss a bug thread about that not going through).
This problem here is leader went afk
This isn’t the case..
Just had this exact issue. 10 minutes into the first fractal, one of the party members left. Not disconnected, but fully left the party, for no reason we could see. No word, we’d had no wipes etc.
Turns out he was the ‘instance’ owner, and we’re all kicked back to lions arch, with no fractals instance. Nothing to reconnect to, and re-entering creates a new instance.
I guess although he wasted the time we’d spent forming the fractals group, at least we hadn’t gotten too far into it :/
You may have kicked the instance owner, which would indeed close the instance and boot everyone out.
We are aware of a problem related to that though, and are working on solutions.EDIT:
Whoever is the first person into the misty portal/dungeon is considered the owner of the instance, despite his placement in the party.
If you do this, make it so party chat remains in your log for reporting purposes, and add a reporting section for people kicking you illegitimately…because currently, if you’re kicked:
1: You don’t see it coming, it just happens out of the blue.
2: You’re instantly kicked out of the instance and loaded into your previous map.
3: Your party chat is wiped, and you must go through roundabout ways to try find out all their names (rarely succeeding in finding all the player names).
Robert, is there any way you can add a UI element to show who the party leader is or who the instance ‘belongs’ to? I know this may promote people being kick happy to those who aren’t party leaders, but it could also avoid cases where no-ones sure who the ‘party leader’ is in dungeons.
Just wanted to pop in to agree and say this is a good idea. Needs to happen, guys
There’s also an additional problem.
When the instance owner disconnects it’s all fine but when he reconnects the whole party gets screwed since he spawns outside the dungeon.With some groups we kinda joke that if you dc and you’re the instance owner go get a drink and let us finish the run first.
Can’t you just make people spawn inside as a quick fix for the moment?
reconnecting shouldn’t kick you, if he switches characters however, it will. As long as he reconnects, logs on the SAME character, then it’s fine.