Your best LFG reads and puglife stories
One more warrior and it’ll be 2012 again!
Some of us guards will probably add some groupmight too. I should be able to easily keep 10 up with my food/rune setup. Should make up for the light fields, hopefully.
Worth a try, anyway.
wups wrong one
(edited by DonQuack.9025)
wups wrong one
A picture worth a thousand words.
I was confused by the 1st one though, but I thought it was just me.
wups wrong one
4 signets is obviously the new elementalist meta, l2p noob
“Be grateful that my staff keeps you all alive.” – says pug guard.
5 minutes later,
“Stop dying every 5 seconds.” – says the same guard.
- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids
“Be grateful that my staff keeps you all alive.” – says pug guard.
5 minutes later,
“Stop dying every 5 seconds.” – says the same guard.
Joined LFG for fractals: no special requirements. While playing i noticed one person would afk then we would get to where the chest/loot would drop and then suddenly they
weren’t afk anymore Well…I called the person on it and a dude said “she got an unepected phone call.”
Right away I got the feeling “dude is attracted to a supposed girl” syndrome.. They were the only two friends on there so i decided to motion to kick the person that was afk…. Dude gets super kittened and the kick fails so he motions me to be kicked and i get kicked from the group!!! right before the final BOSS!
When I brought up the afking previously he was like “its okay i can carry us” rofl. Thats not the point !!!
I was so mad for being kicked so I send a pm to the guy that had me kicked and he says he wants me to apologize to the girl to let me back in lol. At this point its sooooo obvious its one of those poor souls that is getting used by the girl or the guy is lonely.(well a good chance that’s what it is)
So I apologize to the girl but I also give her a good talking too about proper lfg manners and how afking is not a good thing for such a long time and suggest she just quit if its that long of afk. She actually apologized to me and sent me 1g lol.
Since i got let back in the group and still got my bonus+chest I sent her back the 1g.
So let this be a lesson to you who join a group… If someone is afking right from the start…. find out wha the deal is sooner then later so you can trash that party and find another.
So apprently this person thought it was cool to be carried and afk through the whole fractal.
So apprently this person thought it was cool to be carried through the whole fractal.
That sounds like 90% of all pugs lol
Joined LFG for fractals: no special requirements. While playing i noticed one person would afk then we would get to where the chest/loot would drop and then suddenly they
weren’t afk anymoreWell…I called the person on it and a dude said “she got an unepected phone call.”
Right away I got the feeling “dude is attracted to a supposed girl” syndrome.. They were the only two friends on there so i decided to motion to kick the person that was afk…. Dude gets super kittened and the kick fails so he motions me to be kicked and i get kicked from the group!!! right before the final BOSS!
When I brought up the afking previously he was like “its okay i can carry us” rofl. Thats not the point !!!
I was so mad for being kicked so I send a pm to the guy that had me kicked and he says he wants me to apologize to the girl to let me back in lol. At this point its sooooo obvious its one of those poor souls that is getting used by the girl or the guy is lonely.(well a good chance that’s what it is)
So I apologize to the girl but I also give her a good talking too about proper lfg manners and how afking is not a good thing for such a long time and suggest she just quit if its that long of afk. She actually apologized to me and sent me 1g lol.
Since i got let back in the group and still got my bonus+chest I sent her back the 1g.
So let this be a lesson to you who join a group… If someone is afking right from the start…. find out wha the deal is sooner then later so you can trash that party and find another.
So apprently this person thought it was cool to be carried and afk through the whole fractal.
Many of these groups of friends run pugs with heavy double standards. Any requirements or restrictions don’t apply to them.
You seem to have gotten a rather understanding group, compared to what I am used to.
^ Can confirm. Week or two ago I joined a “metazerk, link gear” LFG only to find out ppl in there were running some random HGH engi and boonshare ele builds eventhough I was on a phalanx warrior. >_>
^ Can confirm. Week or two ago I joined a “metazerk, link gear” LFG only to find out ppl in there were running some random HGH engi and boonshare ele builds eventhough I was on a phalanx warrior. >_>
I once told a group “I’ll link mine if you link yours!”. Quite funny excuses they came up with.
My screenshots to add.
Magg got chatty I see.
i knwo yadda yadda ap. But 17k ap legendaries up the wazoo and ascended armour engineer that doesnt know how to make stealth.
I dont know why i do this to myself
Getting 5+ PS warrior PUG’s in a row in Fractal 30+… who can’t Maintain over 10-15 might.. I lol when they state that they’re Exp..
Getting 5+ PS warrior PUG’s in a row in Fractal 30+… who can’t Maintain over 10-15 might.. I lol when they state that they’re Exp..
Reminds me of all the “exp” eles that don’t prestack might because they think its the phalanx war’s job
I love the new PS war, I actually get to use my signets and F1 burst skills. Only downside is I have to remember to dodge in first to get 10% damage boost.
I had a guardian use empower after I blasted 25 might off my fire field. “We have a ps war”……
Adding some more lfgs.
2nd screenie, AC p3 all welcome group, while not mean or rude, it simply left me puzzled why anyone would even complain about alt account players.
Played with a thief in cm, using only smoke screen and shadow refuge and not pathing mobs, then he asks " why are you waiting like that", I answer for pathing, he asks " wtf is pathing" .
Spent like 20 mins trying to help people understand the difference between pure offensive build and build that maximises offensive capabilities and supportive abilities.
Failed hard. Quoted reasons metabattle.
Bloody site isnt anywhere as good as pvx
Played with a thief in cm, using only smoke screen and shadow refuge and not pathing mobs, then he asks " why are you waiting like that", I answer for pathing, he asks " wtf is pathing" .
I have yet to find a pug that understands what pathing is. It’s only understood in filthy guildmate and dungeon forum cliques. I am doing my best to spread the word of pathing to the masses.
Played with a thief in cm, using only smoke screen and shadow refuge and not pathing mobs, then he asks " why are you waiting like that", I answer for pathing, he asks " wtf is pathing" .
I have yet to find a pug that understands what pathing is. It’s only understood in filthy guildmate and dungeon forum cliques. I am doing my best to spread the word of pathing to the masses.
I had a thief who knew how to combo black powder and how to path, but she left after p3 because she didn’t want to deal with the other 3 players.
I probably do “pathing” in-game but I have no idea what you mean by that word. I even google’d it, the heresy!
I don’t agree with this whole aggression towards ignorance thing. Some people just don’t know. Now, people that don’t care to learn it, or people who don’t care to do it, well, yeah screw those guys. But, I think anyone who is willing to learn it is cool to me. It wasn’t all that long ago that even the "meta""good"elite" groups I’d play with wouldn’t do pathing, so I just kind of feel like it’s textbook elitism, and as much as I strive to be elite, elitism is different, it’s more annoying than cool.
seriously, what is this pathing? I don’t play thief, nor have anyone i know play thief, so what is this you guys talking about? i also don’t do CM all that much, so i guess that’s why i’ve never seen anyone do it
When you’re stealthed, some mobs will still chase you. They won’t engage you, but they’ll follow you around. The little oozes at the start of Arah p1 just before the turrets before Ancient Ooze are a good example — they’ll often follow stealthed parties into the spot where we clear the spiders before Ancient Ooze.
But, if you let them catch up to you, they stop following. So if you stop around the area where the “ledge” is in the very first Arah p1 skip and let the little oozes get close to you, they won’t follow into the next fight. That’s pathing.
If you’re the thief, it’s best to save Shadow Refugee for times where you need to stop to path mobs. Everyone stops moving there anyway, and since you won’t need blasts you don’t need to worry about entering combat.
Pathing can also refer to making mobs walk towards you. Think of the Arah p3 mobs at the start in the area where the elites block the first door. You’ve probably noticed that they walk towards you without attacking for a bit. If you let them walk towards you, then waypoint (or just move quickly out of their pathing radius), you can actually move them out of the way and put them where you want them. You can actually just pull them to one side of the room and walk past them up to the elites if you want.
There are some mobs that do this and some don’t. Doesn’t seem like the “pathing radius” is bigger than the aggro radius for some mobs (or it just doesn’t exist — same behavior).
It occurs in almost every dungeon on 1-2 of the paths. Cm 1/3 the last mob right before you jump into the open area for the boss path; they begin running towards you as you pass the big rock, but they havent used a skill yet, if you are in stealth they attempt to follow you into the boss area which is why groups go out to the shallow water.
If you want an example of how ridiculous pathing can be, All of the oozes had their pathing threshold passed so they started to follow him, then he teleported/ran to lupi and allowed them to catch up so their new base aggro point was at lupi not their spawn.
Look at most record videos, you’ll see the stealth sections where the group will pause for 1-2 seconds near some mobs, these mobs usually path to stealthed groups.
Yup, basically there’s coding to lock on to enemies. Whether you are stealth or not they’ll lock on and follow. You can end the coding sequence by letting them catch you. They will not attack, they’ll just “ok I caught them” and stand there. So you purposefully stay in stealth to cancel this coding, and essentially leave them standing where you do this rather than them following you wherever you go.
That ‘pathing’ you described, sorry but that is so super specific… I read the forums almost every day, have played 3’000 hours and started in betas and didn’t know about this. I knew at the beginning thiefs de-aggroed while stealthed – this got nerfed.
Don’t get too kitteny about such specific mechanics. Under the term ‘pathing’ usually you mean the way your figure walks in RTS and MOBAs and or the mobs in Games patrol path.
‘would of been’ —> wrong
That ‘pathing’ you described, sorry but that is so super specific… I read the forums almost every day, have played 3’000 hours and started in betas and didn’t know about this. I knew at the beginning thiefs de-aggroed while stealthed – this got nerfed.
How can you NOT know about this if you have played 3000 hours?
I would imagine when you’re stealthed, and you still see mobs following you, you wonder why that happens, and search for a solution, no?
I guess you play PvP, which doesn’t have any mechanics at all
That ‘pathing’ you described, sorry but that is so super specific… I read the forums almost every day, have played 3’000 hours and started in betas and didn’t know about this. I knew at the beginning thiefs de-aggroed while stealthed – this got nerfed.
How can you NOT know about this if you have played 3000 hours?
I would imagine when you’re stealthed, and you still see mobs following you, you wonder why that happens, and search for a solution, no?
I guess you play PvP, which doesn’t have any mechanics at all
That’s exactly the kind of rude behavior that make people call folks here “elitists”. I didn’t know either, even after 3300 hours of playing, because yeah, i don’t know every game mechanics, too bad i don’t hard focus on it.
But when i saw them talking about it i got myself informed. Please refrain jumping on someone who may not be as hardcore as you but that is willing to learn.
I know what pathing means but I don’t think I have ever used it. Often you can just kill the enemies and it’s not like you need stealth to skip stuff.
Pathing is an integral part of doing dungeons fast.
Which affects like 1% of players.
Yup, for speed clears, probably, but i don’t think the mass will really care about it since it’s kind of avoidable at a reasonnable cost of time (for casual runs). So, major mechanic for speed clears, minor for casuals fast runs.
Though it’s a good thing to know more about it in order to improve.
EDIT: Wethospu beat me at speed-answering.
I can’t correlate to that, sorry.
We use pathing every day, on casual runs as well (not record attempts, I don’t really care about those personally). Pathing is used in almost all of the dungeons, almost all of the paths at some point or another.
I also use pathselecting daily.
usually when i do arah p1, or nearly any bit that requires pathing early on in the dungeon, i solo just past that point to path them correctly then open myself up to lfg. or just keep soloing and give the path away for free on the lfg because cbf waiting around selling and it is just usually less hassle than having pugs.
That ‘pathing’ you described, sorry but that is so super specific… I read the forums almost every day, have played 3’000 hours and started in betas and didn’t know about this. I knew at the beginning thiefs de-aggroed while stealthed – this got nerfed.
How can you NOT know about this if you have played 3000 hours?
I would imagine when you’re stealthed, and you still see mobs following you, you wonder why that happens, and search for a solution, no?
I guess you play PvP, which doesn’t have any mechanics at allThat’s exactly the kind of rude behavior that make people call folks here “elitists”.
You can call me an elitist, but at least I don’t waste other people’s time by pulling all of Southeast-Asia on every skip
Its pretty important to understand pathing in arah p1 if you dont want random oozes following you all the way across the map. So it is useful for casual runs. Just not essential. And no im not surprised most people dont know about it.
Btw pathing can happen without stealth. Right at the beginning or arah if you run into the corner the entire room of risen will start to path towards you. You waypoint and then the room has enough space for you to get to the p3 gate or coral without aggroing. Also can be used on p3 after lupi. If you run to the right the risen elites will path towards you meaning that anyone hopping over the wall wont aggro them even if they have no stealth (old pre thief tactic).
(edited by spoj.9672)
That ‘pathing’ you described, sorry but that is so super specific… I read the forums almost every day, have played 3’000 hours and started in betas and didn’t know about this. I knew at the beginning thiefs de-aggroed while stealthed – this got nerfed.
How can you NOT know about this if you have played 3000 hours?
I would imagine when you’re stealthed, and you still see mobs following you, you wonder why that happens, and search for a solution, no?
I guess you play PvP, which doesn’t have any mechanics at allThat’s exactly the kind of rude behavior that make people call folks here “elitists”.
You can call me an elitist, but at least I don’t waste other people’s time by pulling all of Southeast-Asia on every skip
Well you didn’t get the point…
Rather than shouting that “people should know”, screaming, whining, qqing and whatever else (that’s pretty much what you’re doing, it’s rude and doesn’t bring anything good for anyone), teach the people willing to learn will be more beneficial to everyone.
That ‘pathing’ you described, sorry but that is so super specific… I read the forums almost every day, have played 3’000 hours and started in betas and didn’t know about this. I knew at the beginning thiefs de-aggroed while stealthed – this got nerfed.
How can you NOT know about this if you have played 3000 hours?
I would imagine when you’re stealthed, and you still see mobs following you, you wonder why that happens, and search for a solution, no?
I guess you play PvP, which doesn’t have any mechanics at all
No, you misunderstood me. I know that they follow you during stealth. As I already mentioned, I know that this was a change way back at the beginning. Before that change you lost aggro and got out of combat immediately after stealthing. But what I didn’t know was, if you stand still during stealth the enemies stay there, even if you de aggro and WP to another place? Is that correct? Thought all enemies in dungeons have a leash in GW2?
I haven’t played stealth classes in dungeons though. Maybe a few runs with thief. But also I never did speed clearing, I run mainly rather fast casual runs without any specific group compositions doing most dungeons in the 10-15mins time span.
‘would of been’ —> wrong
(edited by ProtoGunner.4953)
Its pretty important to understand pathing in arah p1 if you dont want random oozes following you all the way across the map. So it is useful for casual runs. Just not essential. And no im not surprised most people dont know about it.
Btw pathing can happen without stealth. Right at the beginning or arah if you run into the corner the entire room of risen will start to path towards you. You waypoint and then the room has enough space for you to get to the p3 gate or coral without aggroing. Also can be used on p3 after lupi. If you run to the right the risen elites will path towards you meaning that anyone hopping over the wall wont aggro them even if they have no stealth (old pre thief tactic).
Or port the mobs at P2 after berserker for easy way to Lupi.
Or…ahem port half of Arah back to beginning and open LFG stating everyone welcome. I’m sure NOBODY does that, right? Riiiiiiight??