finally done and here are my thoughts

finally done and here are my thoughts

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: darres.8203


at long last got most of the gears I want!
but i gave up on the arah piece and settled for something else…
first I wanted to say good luck to the rest of you guys who are still struggling to acquire your desired equipments in dungeons

I was unhappy most of this month…it was the darkest month in all the games i’ve
ever played
dungeons are fun the first time around
2nd and 3rd runs are chores
repeat it for a month or so then it just becomes plain brutal

it’s not like the dungeons are too hard for me to run but
between the long hours, and I use the word “hours” carefully, of searching for a group
, raging quitters, resets , the occasion arah dungeon that only opens briefly during new patches which the devs are just absolutely incapable to fix, annoying pre events
and other bullsheet, i quickly lost all interest in this game.

eventually I developed the mind set of “work.”
“ugh…I have to get my 3 runs in today, or i’ll have to wait anther day to get it”
“man I have to get home. didn’t get all my runs in yesterday and it resets in 1 hour”
many thoughts came to mind, you name it

Every time I think about gw2, the feeling of grief and working a job that I didn’t like just overwhelms me
it’s painful.
never been so miserable playing a game

school, work, friends and other things leave me with very little time to play
and when I do have time, i just don’t want to double click that irritating shortcut of gw2 lying on my desktop…but, gradually, i powered through them

inevitably I came to a realization that this game was not made for people like me
perhaps those who find repetitive and “challenging” content interesting

If my fiancee and guildies didn’t want those dungeon gears, i probably would have quit the game by now
and I wouldn’t be surprised if this has already turned away many players

call me noob, call me bad, but that’s just the feeling i developed from playing this game
the problem with dungeons, in my opinion, is not that they’re too hard
but they’re unnecessarily long…even the things you have to do before a dungeon
are annoying

Mrs. copes’ calculus midterm back in freshman year was fun and challenging…but that didn’t last endless hours
Madking’s clock tower jumping puzzle really wasn’t long…but the 6+ hours spent jumping with stranger, I thoroughly enjoyed.
yeah shout outs to the team which developed that puzzle.
it was great!

anyways, dungeons have too many unreliable factors
you absolutely need to find 4 other people and no one seems to be interested in arah, and cof p3
when you finally find enough, you pray HARD that they are competent players
then onto, hours upon hours of same, boring grind
oh yeah, did I forget to mention arah?
the readily available arah only comes around once a year when it’s fresh out of its “bugged shell” but quickly retreats back in because it likes being an ashhole

maybe things wouldn’t be so bad if there are more ways of obtaining dungeon gears
maybe if we can acquire those gears without dependence on other people

but for now i’m just going to stare at the unreachable light arah shoulders and hope it looks uglier by the minute…

wow i wrote a lot
most people will not sit through it but this is the dungeon section so…people here should be fine with it right?
at least that’s what this part of the game suggests

anyways, I hope you enjoyed the two cents i put down
or mock me for my whinning
do as you will
but I still wish the best of luck to all of you
and see you in wvw…or just anywhere but in a dungeon

darres out

finally done and here are my thoughts

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ninth Requiem.3250

Ninth Requiem.3250


In my experience, I’ve enjoyed dungeons more by changing things around.
My first set was TA, and just ground that place into dust – got around half the tokens before it got upgraded to 60 per run. I think mine was probably spread out over a lot longer period than yours; didn’t feel quite as oppressive as yours seems to have been for you, and definitely didn’t do 3 runs every single day. However, now that I do have it, I never want to see that place again.
Since then I’ve just been mixing things up, hitting whatever dungeon is suggested. I’ve finished an AC set, am about two thirds through HotW and a few pieces through CoE (I have a lot of alts … ) and things are much better. I’ve also been changing which char I use, and changing between different builds, and still actively enjoy dungeoning.

Interestingly, while most of my runs lately have been with pugs, I’ve not had problems with rage quitters/resets/idiots. I’m pretty surprised about this, and put it mostly down to luck. Then again, I have yet to do Arah Explorable, so that could be it.

finally done and here are my thoughts

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Solid Gold.9310

Solid Gold.9310

I’ve done a couple of dungeons, and to be honest they are just terrible.

There’s no real tactics, it’s just die, waypoint, back to it.

Now Fissure of Woe and Underworld, that was proper stuff, tactical, doable, always fun, even with a pug.

Jumping puzzles, love them or hate them, I hate them. Thread killer.

finally done and here are my thoughts

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: drkn.3429


@Solid – i can assure you that you can do all routes of all dungeons without a single party wipe. If your party wipes, it’s only your fault, not a bad dungeon design. Just like in GW1 – doable, tactical, no need to die if you’re good enough; and if you can’t do FoW, it’s not FoW’s fault.

@OP – if you find dungeons tedious or boring, why bother farming them for gear? You can craft it, too. Sure, i get that there are different stat combos on dungeon gear – but there’s no exclusive dungeon stat, aka you can get the same stats from CoF, CoE and Arah, and CoF is not only very easy but also short enough not to feel it becoming a chore. And CoE is always fun – blowing that inquest dude up never gets old…
I mean – it it’s so boring, if it becomes a job and so on, why do it? Take a break, do some PvP, take it easy – it’s not like you absolutely have to get all that gear in a week. And if you’re farming a specific dungeon, i assume you’re doing it for the looks you like and want, thus making it your own choice to make it a chore…

You can do all 3 routes of AC, yielding the imo best pow/tough/vit gear, in about 1-1,5h. 180 tokens a day per character. It takes about a week of playing 1-1,5h a day to get full exotic armor set with best stats on it (same stats as SE and HotW). Yes, it’s repeating the same dungeon, but after farming AC you’re also left with lots of gold coins in your pocket, on top of the exotic gear…


finally done and here are my thoughts

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Solid Gold.9310

Solid Gold.9310

@Solid – i can assure you that you can do all routes of all dungeons without a single party wipe. If your party wipes, it’s only your fault, not a bad dungeon design. Just like in GW1 – doable, tactical, no need to die if you’re good enough; and if you can’t do FoW, it’s not FoW’s fault.

Hang on here, I had no problems doing FoW or UW.

And I don’t believe you could possibly blame a player for dieing, you may have well used the ltp line.

So there you all are, crammed in a little room, surrounded by mobs that are as hard as nails, the camera angle wedged God know’s where, you can’t see whats going on, and you know you can die at any minute from a one hitter.

Yeah it’s all about tactics right, no, it all about mobs doing massive damage in one hit and having massive amouts of health.

Jumping puzzles, love them or hate them, I hate them. Thread killer.

finally done and here are my thoughts

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: drkn.3429


Don’t run a glassy build and you won’t die in one hit. I don’t die in dungeons on my elementalist, who has the lowest health AND armor pools in the game – and if i do, it’s because of my mistake or being really, really unlucky (or, very rarely, because my whole team screws up).
One thing is unbalanced in the game at the moment – tanky builds are promoted all across the game. This is something i will never deny. But if you are tanky and you know what’s around the corner – or at least you follow general dungeon-sense – you will not die, or not that often. For example, my ele can eat the pull from Kholer (AC), get hit by his whole whirling combo and still survive – if i make a mistake of getting pulled in the first place.
Then there’s proper use of cc skills, and every profession has some knockbacks, knockdowns, chills, cripples, blinds, stuns… everyone.

Don’t try to rush it, be tanky enough, be tactical, use combo fields with your teammates, communicate with teammates and focus fire – and that’s it! You’ll breeze through all dungeons, including explorable Arah. Sure, sometimes it will take a wipe or two before you learn the puzzle mechanic involved – before you time your actions right with teammates (CoF3) or learn to imprison all orbs fast enough (Arah4). Other than that, we’ve gone through all Arah routes last weekend, without ever doing them earlier, and with no full party wipe at all – and all we are is just regular players, but properly geared and willing to learn rather than cry in the forums.


finally done and here are my thoughts

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Solid Gold.9310

Solid Gold.9310

but properly geared and willing to learn rather than cry in the forums.

Sorry but that’s about the typical reaction here, ltp, gear up and don’t cry.

Sorry but these “so called” dungeons are not designed with casual players in mind, MANY people will be excuded from dungeons (even for completing their personal stories) or because they just can’t face them because of their terrible design.

They are not fun, they are not easy, and many casual players will tell you the same.

Seems we can’t all be “elite” and not die.

Jumping puzzles, love them or hate them, I hate them. Thread killer.

finally done and here are my thoughts

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Questorian.1098


The one thing that gets me about the orignial posters posting is: “Why rush thru everything to get the Gear?” Will the Gameservers stop come Christmas? Is there a time limit in which you have to finish your exotic gear requirements you set yourself by the way?
I log on every day, sometimes I feel like dungeons, sometimes I feel like personal story, sometimes PvP it does not matter I know that the next day or next week I can still do the same, there is no rush hence there is no ‘work’ feeling in the game for me.
Just my 2c worth of thoughts

finally done and here are my thoughts

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Stormchoir.3276


Chalk this up as another, possible, WoW player who has been handed everything to him/her. I could be wrong but in my experience that has been the case. You think the dungeons are hard for you? Learn how to adapt and overcome it instead of crying like a little girl. Game seems like work you say? Well you have two options, quit or suck it up and find ways to make the game better for you.

“Always tell the truth, even if it leads to your death.”

finally done and here are my thoughts

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: drkn.3429


Solid – we all worked to get our gear. We were utter noobs when we came to GW2. We never mastered any of the GW1 elite areas, just done them a few times. We weren’t handed proper exotic gear on a silver plate; no one ever came to us telling us what gear should be go after in the first place. We figured that out on our own, simply noticing that if we get killed in one hit, we need to invest more in survivability. It’s not that hard to find out.
Then no one guided us through dungeons. We all tried different tactics at tougher spots, wasting as much as 2h to just lit the torches in CoF3. But instead of trying two times, dying and claiming it’s too hard, we just kept on trying until we succeeded. Thanks to this, right now we can overcome all those tasks much, much easier – and the dungeons are, indeed, easy for us.

They can be easy for everyone. If you are a ‘casual player’, which means you don’t have much time to min-max everything and just want to play, it might take you a bit longer to learn that stuff, but you are still not excluded from it. If you are a ‘casual player’, which means you don’t WANT to learn anything and you just want to mash buttons and swing your sword again at mobs… dungeons indeed might not be a place for you.
But i firmly believe that everyone wants to get better at something they suck at in the first place. It’s just that not everyone understands that GW2’s dungeons are not meant to be doable by any casual, totally random pug out there, that it takes time, patience and willingness to improve in order to overcome the obstacles of rough beginnings. Instead, lots of people die a few times in a dungeon run, do a few dungeon routes, possibly with other ‘like-minded’ people who refuse to learn on their failures, and then complain how dungeons are hard, unbalanced or not fun.

The ‘learn to play’ argument is very much in power, as much as i hate it to be. The only difference between you and me is that i sucked it up and spent my time in dungeons, trying to figure out how to improve, rather than on forum commenting how i’m constantly dying and it’s unfair. Because i were wiping all the time as well, until i stopped – because i’ve learnt to play.


finally done and here are my thoughts

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Solid Gold.9310

Solid Gold.9310

The ‘learn to play’ argument is very much in power, as much as i hate it to be.

Stop with the using it then. (And the “crying on the forums”).

And I don’t care what you say, dungeons are too hard, yes I am a casual player, no I don’t want to spend weeks “learning” how to do a dungeon, or weeks just getting the kit to be able to do a dungeon..

They are just stupidly hard.

Ah this is yours as well…………..

Hmmmm, a copy and paste job.

Jumping puzzles, love them or hate them, I hate them. Thread killer.

(edited by Solid Gold.9310)

finally done and here are my thoughts

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: drkn.3429


Ok, have it reworded – instead of saying that dungeons are hard, ask people in this forum how can you improve your build. Post what stats on items you’re using, what traits, what utilities, what weapons – and ask the veteran dungeon runners what can you do to make it better.
The next time you are in dungeon, try not to rush it and try to follow the basic, intuitive things like ctrl+clicking one mob and focusing it down with other teammates, using all of your skills including your weapon swap (or other attunements on ele, or kits on engi), try not to overaggro things (aggro one mob/group from a safe distance and let them come to you).
If you have troubles fight a certain path, possibly a certain encounter, ask for help in the forums – post what was your team composition, just in general, and what was the problem – and where, of course. Wait for replies and try out what you get the next time you’re there.

All of the above doesn’t take weeks. Writing a thread ‘help me get better’ is as easy as replying to this thread, and takes about the same time. Then, tomorrow or in a few days – whenever you have a moment – read the replies, find the ‘prevailing consensus’, ask more questions if needed and try it out.
I’m pretty active in the forums lately and i’ve seen two or three threads outright stating ‘please help me improve’, and it was mostly about Arah. That’s something really worth doing – since there are enough dungeon veterans here, supposedly enough of them will try to help you if you only provide the necessary data and are willing to listen – i can at least assure that yours truly will try to help you if you let him. Things were tougher 5-7 weeks ago with less videos on yt, less people willing to share their strategies and just less dungeon vets in general.


finally done and here are my thoughts

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Solid Gold.9310

Solid Gold.9310

Ok, have it reworded – instead of saying that dungeons are hard, ask people in this forum how can you improve your build. Post what stats on items you’re using, what traits, what utilities, what weapons – and ask the veteran dungeon runners what can you do to make it better.
The next time you are in dungeon, try not to rush it and try to follow the basic, intuitive things like ctrl+clicking one mob and focusing it down with other teammates, using all of your skills including your weapon swap (or other attunements on ele, or kits on engi), try not to overaggro things (aggro one mob/group from a safe distance and let them come to you).
If you have troubles fight a certain path, possibly a certain encounter, ask for help in the forums – post what was your team composition, just in general, and what was the problem – and where, of course. Wait for replies and try out what you get the next time you’re there.

All of the above doesn’t take weeks. Writing a thread ‘help me get better’ is as easy as replying to this thread, and takes about the same time. Then, tomorrow or in a few days – whenever you have a moment – read the replies, find the ‘prevailing consensus’, ask more questions if needed and try it out.
I’m pretty active in the forums lately and i’ve seen two or three threads outright stating ‘please help me improve’, and it was mostly about Arah. That’s something really worth doing – since there are enough dungeon veterans here, supposedly enough of them will try to help you if you only provide the necessary data and are willing to listen – i can at least assure that yours truly will try to help you if you let him. Things were tougher 5-7 weeks ago with less videos on yt, less people willing to share their strategies and just less dungeon vets in general.

I think there’s enough info on dungeons here without being bombarded with more.

Because it’s the same old stuff all the time, “I’m good, your bad” stuff, no thanks.

Read some of it and you’ll see.

Jumping puzzles, love them or hate them, I hate them. Thread killer.

finally done and here are my thoughts

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: drkn.3429


Just to prove you’re wrong, i found specific threads where the starter explicitly states the problem and asks for help. Not cries about something being too hard, not suggests that something should be changed because of X, etc. Every reply in those threads is full of hints, tips and additional questions, NOT any kind of bashing, growing kitten and so on:

I’ve gone through the top 10 pages. That’s 300 threads.
Six of them asked for help.
Loads of them pointed at bugs – warned about them, cried about them, were angry about them. This is pretty understandable, as bugs are bugs – it’s good to talk about them, it’s natural to be annoyed.
Several of them were of positive feedback, but i could count them on one hand – some love for CoE, HotW being fun and so on.
kittens of them were about how dungeons are hard, overpowered, broken, unfair, not fun. kittens of them were about supposedly impossible dungeon mechanics that are undoable, at all, and need to be changed. Some threads were about completely doable mechanics that should be changed for some reason.

But only SIX threads out of THREE HUNDRED were about asking for help, helping to understand something, getting advice.


finally done and here are my thoughts

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ilr.9675


Some people hate to admit it… but Guildwars has never been an easy game. Sure, along the way people found ways to make FotM Discordway & SF builds that trivialized all the content (except Polymock, lulz). And that will (or already has) happened with some specialized teams here. But it can be pretty darn frustrating to people who don’t have atleast a bit of a “hardcore” streak running through them.

And some of it just bad fight orchestration. This game is billed as an Action-RPG but in most cases the only mechanic we can employ is Dodge. We can’t interrupt most Bosses and Dazes have their own cast times so there really isn’t a whole lot of “reaction” in these fights. Just lots of auto-attacking while running in circles. Real action games employ easily twice the action elements currently available to us in dungeon fights. So it may not even be a “Skill” argument anymore like it was in GW1.

finally done and here are my thoughts

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: drkn.3429


Most often the problem is not player ‘skill’, as this is based on experience and you need to play the content to gain such experience, but about ‘build’ and ‘tactic’.
What i don’t get, however, is why people are so reluctant to ask for help when they’re constantly wiping and their only way out is to say that dungeons are too hard. We have enough Dungeon Masters by now proving otherwise.


finally done and here are my thoughts

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: darres.8203


Just to prove you’re wrong, i found specific threads where the starter explicitly states the problem and asks for help. Not cries about something being too hard, not suggests that something should be changed because of X, etc. Every reply in those threads is full of hints, tips and additional questions, NOT any kind of bashing, growing kitten and so on:

I’ve gone through the top 10 pages. That’s 300 threads.
Six of them asked for help.
Loads of them pointed at bugs – warned about them, cried about them, were angry about them. This is pretty understandable, as bugs are bugs – it’s good to talk about them, it’s natural to be annoyed.
Several of them were of positive feedback, but i could count them on one hand – some love for CoE, HotW being fun and so on.
kittens of them were about how dungeons are hard, overpowered, broken, unfair, not fun. kittens of them were about supposedly impossible dungeon mechanics that are undoable, at all, and need to be changed. Some threads were about completely doable mechanics that should be changed for some reason.

But only SIX threads out of THREE HUNDRED were about asking for help, helping to understand something, getting advice.

ok 1 last time
I’m not here to ask for help
it’s merely my thoughts on the dungeon
it just so happens that I don’t have anything positive to say, doesn’t mean I made the
post just to cry.

if you read the beginning, I said i’ve already gotten all my gear and I did not rush to get it.
I am a efficient dungeon runner though
it still took me a whole month to obtain everything.
I am giving feed backs

sure you can say there are 3 paths to every dungeon, but they are pretty much all the same…and even if you do manage to get 180 everyday ( that’s highly unlikely for arah)
to get all your gear, you’ll still need 7 consecutive days

what i’m saying is
dungeons are way too long, and too dependent on getting people, getting the right people AND the devs actively coming to our rescue which they don’t

there are so many factors that are beyond our grasps

the way how current dungeons are designed promote this mentality of pure labor
it’s. just. not. fun
and discourages people to play

finally done and here are my thoughts

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ilr.9675


Most often the problem is not player ‘skill’, as this is based on experience and you need to play the content to gain such experience, but about ‘build’ and ‘tactic’.
What i don’t get, however, is why people are so reluctant to ask for help when they’re constantly wiping and their only way out is to say that dungeons are too hard. We have enough Dungeon Masters by now proving otherwise.

Define “tactic” please, without using elements that are only Build-Based or fall under Dodge-spamming …I ask because this goes back to the old “BuildWars” argument that the Devs promised us would be less prevalent in this game

(and plz keep in mind that you’re not talking to some newb who struggled through any of this stuff. I barely died at all in my first Explorables b/c I did them with a very skillful guild at release and we were all on Teamspeak)

(edited by ilr.9675)

finally done and here are my thoughts

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: drkn.3429


darres - i was replying to Solid Gold. My initial response to your post was in my first reply here, titled 'OP’. I think we got a little misunderstanding here.

@ilr – tactic answers on questions like ‘how to lit the torches in CoF3’, ‘how to kill Simin in Arah4 without bruteforcing her with 5 gs wars’. ‘how to easily be done with Alpha in CoE’ (well, it’s about dodge-spamming in CoE3, but it’s good to know that it’s enough to just dodge back and forth for 5 minutes if you’re ranged… you don’t even need to watch what’s going on unless you get imprisoned in a crystal or a teammate decides to bring you more red circles), ‘how to deal with those big groups in CM1 and CM3’, ‘how to blow up the gate in CM2’, ‘how to easily destroy the dredge car in SE3 without ever getting hit’ (no dodging!), and so on.
Proper builds and gear help a lot with those kinds of things, but are not enough – or don’t provide as much edge as proper tactic.


finally done and here are my thoughts

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Solid Gold.9310

Solid Gold.9310

Yeah first post I read “Get a bow, train in obtaining reflexes like Bruce Lee”, great advice.


“the way how current dungeons are designed promote this mentality of pure labor
it’s. just. not. fun
and discourages people to play”.

Coming from somebody that’s done it all !

Jumping puzzles, love them or hate them, I hate them. Thread killer.

finally done and here are my thoughts

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: drkn.3429


Well, Arah requires you to bring a ranged weapon and train your reflexes with dodging at the Lupicus fight. Not much more about it – but people went into a bit more detail later on.
Still, only 6 people out of 300 threads asked for help. I weep.

I mean – it’s really okay to ask. It’s really fine to come and say ‘hey guys, so i have problem doing this and this, this is my spec, i need a tip how to make it better; i suck at dodging so i need some other advice, too’. No one ever got bashed in such thread. Sometimes it’s hard to tell more than ‘just dodge!’, but still – it’s about the mentality of people having troubles, who seem to prefer whining rather than improving.


(edited by drkn.3429)

finally done and here are my thoughts

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Relickan.4261


I agree completely with drkn. Once i changed my warrior build from glass cannon to defensive heal shout (with other options to still maintain viable DPS) I rarely if ever die doing a dungeon run. This is with PUG’s 100% of the time. Even more rare these days is a full party wipe.

Dungeons are easy once you adjust your play style, build, and gear to be more fitting towards them.

finally done and here are my thoughts

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ilr.9675


Proper builds and gear help a lot with those kinds of things, but are not enough – or don’t provide as much edge as proper tactic.

Fair enough …. would also have accepted ‘Leashing’, Diversion/bait runner, kiting Aggro-magnet gearing, CC<—>DPS teamsplit, & Temp powers/Cons

Also: Lupic can have one permanent Melee under him but as I just listed, you need TWO other kiting Aggro-magnets (geared to meet those aggro function conditions) to take both his Shadowstep/Bubble Aggro, and his Homing-Bolt / LifeSiphon Aggro (because unlike most bosses, he focuses on 2 players at the same time). I’ve only been on 1 team that ever met all 3 of these conditions.

(edited by ilr.9675)

finally done and here are my thoughts

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tinni.4351


OPs reasons are exactly why I didn’t set dungeon set X as my goal. I looked at the token counts and I was like “not happening”. Don’t get me wrong, getting guaranteed tokens is not the same as running Stratham 100 times and never even seeing the Beaststalker pants drop but it still gets meh after awhile. (Quit WoW during Vanilla)

That said, I must have collected 2000 tokens by now. Except that they are from different dungeons. I still have some nice dungeon gear to show for it (staff from AC, pistol and shield from CM, Longbow from TA, Hammer from CoF, 2 x Superior Runes from CoE). I just don’t have armour. I do have full exotic armour that was funded from dungeon runs but it was funded from the money I made in dungeons, not tokens.

I don’t really see a problem with this. It’s just a matter of finding what you are willing to tolerate and staying within that tolerance.

My brain is shagging under the weight of changes… having six characters was not a good idea!

finally done and here are my thoughts

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wethospu.6437


Regards Arah, today I two-manned Arah P3 (actual goal was to practice against Lupicus, I can now solo first phase in 5 minutes and do phase 2 quite well).
It took hours of retrying and changing stuff but at least I know it now better. And this is supposed to be one of the hardest encounters.
Truth is, game is not really that hard.

(edited by Wethospu.6437)

finally done and here are my thoughts

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: zallis.2138


Sorry but that’s about the typical reaction here, ltp, gear up and don’t cry.

Sorry but these “so called” dungeons are not designed with casual players in mind, MANY people will be excuded from dungeons (even for completing their personal stories) or because they just can’t face them because of their terrible design.

They are not fun, they are not easy, and many casual players will tell you the same.

Seems we can’t all be “elite” and not die.

Dungeons arent supposed to be easy. They are designed well and if you can’t do them without dying, then you obviously can’t figure out how to kill the bosses. CoE was seemingly impossible at first with Subject Alpha, but I now know how to fight him without getting hit more than 2 times.

Information about New Outriders

finally done and here are my thoughts

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zogyark.4597


darres – congrats on ur gear mate. I think the main problem was the arah gate bugged which I admit sucks, I wouldn’t have finished my arah set if my server was bugged all the time also. Arah was tough for me in the beginning, first dungeon I ever did and went in with green/yellow gear before i got my first dungeon piece.

Like everything you gain experience, you know the fights and the paths, I found a couple of people to run it late and kept good players on my friend list and invited them when i needed other people. Runs became much smoother, 3-4 hrs run from pulling lups turn into 2 hrs and into 1hr one shotting him everytime, after a while path 3 took only 30 mins and 1 and 2 about an hour my last pieces of my set came by way faster than my first two.

After that I got dungeon master in less than a week and was amazed at how much easier the rest of the dungeons are, if anything they could learn something from arah, anyways we’ll see with this update.

And I’m not sure what’s up with that Solid Gold guy, I pug dungeons all the time and usually do just fine, maybe running with the same bad players I guess.

Necromancer Lupicus Solo –

Retired Until Expansion or Meaningful Content is Released.

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in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Nuka Cola.8520

Nuka Cola.8520

i’m also hating how dungeons feels like work in a sense that you get 60 tokens per path once and if you wanna do the same path (cuz you like it the most?) you have to wait 24h… this kitten is stupid to say the least, why do we even have tokens? All they do is waste inventory space. All dungeon weapons/armor should’ve been a random drop from end chest like gw1. REMOVE THIS TOKEN BS, ANET! Back on topic i’m also burned out on dungeons for about a month now and if their new dungeon is fun for 2-3 days and after is a boring fest with nothing worth farming in it, i’m out of this game and this is from some1 who played gw1 since 07 to gw2 launch day. GW2 HAS NOTHING WORTH DOING… why releasing a game with nothing worth doing for over a week and leveling up is the worst i’ve seen in any rpgs in general. You play an mmo to level up with tones of ppl doing their thing around you but in gw2 you see one person per 2h in the explorable world, just pathetic.

Fact: every Thief tells you to “l2p” when the subject is to nerf stealth.

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in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tinni.4351


i’m also hating how dungeons feels like work in a sense that you get 60 tokens per path once and if you wanna do the same path (cuz you like it the most?) you have to wait 24h… this kitten is stupid to say the least, why do we even have tokens? All they do is waste inventory space. All dungeon weapons/armor should’ve been a random drop from end chest like gw1. REMOVE THIS TOKEN BS, ANET! Back on topic i’m also burned out on dungeons for about a month now and if their new dungeon is fun for 2-3 days and after is a boring fest with nothing worth farming in it, i’m out of this game and this is from some1 who played gw1 since 07 to gw2 launch day. GW2 HAS NOTHING WORTH DOING… why releasing a game with nothing worth doing for over a week and leveling up is the worst i’ve seen in any rpgs in general. You play an mmo to level up with tones of ppl doing their thing around you but in gw2 you see one person per 2h in the explorable world, just pathetic.

You are of course joking about removing tokens. Lucky drops? Are you kidding me? You think dungeons feel like work now, how many more times do you think a person has to run a dungeon if dungeon armour pieces were a completely random drop?

Also, who is forcing you to run dungeons anyway? You can easily get exotics without ever setting foot inside a dungeon and there are a myriad of looks you can transmute on the exotics too! If you really, really, really want a dungeon set, yes you have to grind for it. But that’s what prestige armour always has been in Guild Wars.

I mean, I remember soul crushing amber grinding for Kurzik armour and just thinking of the things I had to do for Vabbi armour is enough to make me crawl into a hole and not come out. By contrast running dungeon paths 23 times at max token hardly seems worth complaining about.

I also disagree with everything you said about levelling and stuff and would like to point out that in GW1 we levelled in instance world where nobody was around us unless we took them with us.

My brain is shagging under the weight of changes… having six characters was not a good idea!

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in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sarcasmic.6741


Sorry but these “so called” dungeons are not designed with casual players in mind,

You said it yourself. Dungeons are /not/ designed for casuals. If you read discussions with the Anet staff members, you’ll find out that dungeons (particularly explorable mode dungeons) are part of their “end game content”. Giving something to do for people who’ve already progress fully through their story, gotten their gear sets and builds figured out, have spent tons of time in sPvP/WvW, etc etc.

That said, they are all doable. Some faster and easier than others. Experience and actually knowing the mechanics of your profession are all that’s needed.

Stace (Lv 80 human quickness portal bot) | Sarcasmic (Lv 80 elixir-drunk norn pyro)
Saladtha (Lv 80 salad sidekick to bears) | Dunelle (Lv 80 eviscerating muppet)
Karmell (Lv 80 human might dispenser) | Vast says hi~.

(edited by Sarcasmic.6741)

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in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ruien.9506


The ‘learn to play’ argument is very much in power, as much as i hate it to be.

Stop with the using it then. (And the “crying on the forums”).

And I don’t care what you say, dungeons are too hard, yes I am a casual player, no I don’t want to spend weeks “learning” how to do a dungeon, or weeks just getting the kit to be able to do a dungeon..

They are just stupidly hard.

Ah this is yours as well…………..

Hmmmm, a copy and paste job.

Umm I think your equating casual player with bad player. I know many many casuals who have the dungeon master title. I dont know any bad ones that do.

Bad camera angles? are you rotating it with the mouse or the keyboard? I have yet to see any of these bad camera angles ever. Never had a problem with the clocktower jumping puzzle either.

These dungeons are not difficult in any form of the word. If you cant complete then then either you are a bad player, your group is made up of bad players, or both. Holy cow theres youtube vids on every fricken zone now with TUTORIALS. Your basically being spoon fed the content yet bad players still cant win.

TLDR: A bad player is a bad player. Sorry if that hurts your ego.

BTW I am not saying LTP. If you cant watch a video that shows you EXACTLY how to win or do any kind of research then I cant honestly tell you to LTP. Its obvious at that point that LTP isnt the answer for you.

(edited by Ruien.9506)

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in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Solid Gold.9310

Solid Gold.9310

“You said it yourself. Dungeons are /not/ designed for casuals.”

There’s not much of a game left for casuals then, pretty much a sandbox game, finish it in a bit over a week, then, nothing but boredom.

“TLDR: A bad player is a bad player. Sorry if that hurts your ego.”,

No ego here sunshine, but I do see lots of big strong hero’s here telling me how easy dungeons are.

Jumping puzzles, love them or hate them, I hate them. Thread killer.

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in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: hedition.7261


I feel for you bro.

Dungeon run is farming. No way you can keep doing the runs everyday for a month and enjoy every bit of it. I can do dungeon runs 3am at night half asleep I don’t see any enjoyment. I just wanna finish the path, meet my quota for the day and sleep.

Some people like it, others don’t. You don’t like it and yet you are doing it for your friends and fiancee. I’ve been through that too. Nothing like a smile on her face upon seeing these items even if the rest of the world think they are useless virtual items.

Running with pugs can be one of the worst things to go through. We’ve all been there, done that. Most of us keep quiet, finish the run and leave the party.

Still I have to say (probably mentioned 25 millions times already anyway), dungeon runs are just another way of obtaining exotics and yields the skin we work towards.
Stats are pretty standard, but Anet has made it such that different skins are available through different means. I say it is a good thing.

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in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: arete.9831


I appreciate what people are saying about “tactics” and “good players”, but I’m telling you Anet is making a big mistake with the current dungeon lackofmechanics. Way too many mobs for inconsistent cc, too large of a health pool, too easy to get 2-3 shot. If you can kill 6-7 mobs pve but get rolled in 5 seconds after drawing aggro in a fight, how is that fun?

Fix the dungeons, please.

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in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ruien.9506


Most often the problem is not player ‘skill’, as this is based on experience and you need to play the content to gain such experience, but about ‘build’ and ‘tactic’.
What i don’t get, however, is why people are so reluctant to ask for help when they’re constantly wiping and their only way out is to say that dungeons are too hard. We have enough Dungeon Masters by now proving otherwise.

Define “tactic” please, without using elements that are only Build-Based or fall under Dodge-spamming …I ask because this goes back to the old “BuildWars” argument that the Devs promised us would be less prevalent in this game

(and plz keep in mind that you’re not talking to some newb who struggled through any of this stuff. I barely died at all in my first Explorables b/c I did them with a very skillful guild at release and we were all on Teamspeak)

Ill give you some tactics.

1) Thief with smoke screen and any person in the group smart enough to combo off it.
2) Guardian and reflect wall = best ability in the game for dungeons hands down. This ability makes trash into easy mode.
3)Any character with a daze.
4) Any class with a knockdown. Every class has multiples.
5)Any group that builds around vulnerability. 25 stacks and watch any mob in the game melt like wax.
6)Quit thinking downed=dead. If a person actually dies with the plethora of instant revives available to every single class then you deserve to wipe.
7)Any combo field with people who can get away from tunnel vision long enough to use them.
8)Dont wear full dps gear and 4 signets and 0 utility.
9)Using line of sight and choke points to funnel mobs into your AE.
10)Using a ranger, thief, necro to single pull every dungeon. Psst those 3 classes can do it on 95% of the mobs in the WHOLE game. Mesmer can do it on about 60%.

And there you go. Do the above and youll be back here in a week saying how easy this crap really is.

Edit. I play a dual axe warrior. Do you know I actually TRY to get downed when im low health and waiting on my heal? I will take a shot ment for another member just so ill go down because of 3 facts….

1) my group is sooo good about reviving that i am literally down no longer than 3 secs before i am revived.
2) When I am revived I actually have more hp than if I had originally used my heal.
3) I actually lose less dps doing this than if I had backed out and waited on my heal.

Being downed doesn’t mean you failed. Its a core mechanic. Learn it, use it, and soon you can be a dungeon master as well.

(edited by Ruien.9506)

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in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ninth Requiem.3250

Ninth Requiem.3250

Now Fissure of Woe and Underworld, that was proper stuff, tactical, doable, always fun, even with a pug.

They weren’t originally – I remember early in GW1, it was rare to join a FoW pug and finish even the first quest. UW pugs did even worse, with wipes happening on the first fight. People were pretty bad back then, and yes, some people called them impossible.

And while much much later on we had PvE skills to help, even much before that we learned how to clear it with no problems. The areas weren’t nerfed, we just got better.

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in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: darres.8203


I feel for you bro.

Dungeon run is farming. No way you can keep doing the runs everyday for a month and enjoy every bit of it. I can do dungeon runs 3am at night half asleep I don’t see any enjoyment. I just wanna finish the path, meet my quota for the day and sleep.

Some people like it, others don’t. You don’t like it and yet you are doing it for your friends and fiancee. I’ve been through that too. Nothing like a smile on her face upon seeing these items even if the rest of the world think they are useless virtual items.

Running with pugs can be one of the worst things to go through. We’ve all been there, done that. Most of us keep quiet, finish the run and leave the party.

Still I have to say (probably mentioned 25 millions times already anyway), dungeon runs are just another way of obtaining exotics and yields the skin we work towards.
Stats are pretty standard, but Anet has made it such that different skins are available through different means. I say it is a good thing.

is the best replyso far
thanks man!

makes me feel a lot better

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in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: drkn.3429


Arete – what you’re saying is the big gap between open PvE and dungeons, NOT dungeons being intrinsicly hard. It is true that you can faceroll 5 mobs at once in Cursed Shore and you can’t do it in dungeons, but once you accept that fact and adapt to it, it’s all much easier.


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in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Svarty.8019


we’ve gone through all Arah routes last weekend, without ever doing them earlier, and with no full party wipe at all

You are stretching credibility beyond breaking point with this claim!

We managed the Arah with the necromancer at the end (can’t remember the name of the path), but Lupicus was very very wipey.

Nobody at Anet loves WvW like Grouch loved PvP. That’s what we need, a WvW Grouch, but taller.

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in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: drkn.3429


Our first two encounters with Lupicus made us ragequit after 2h of wiping, each attempt. But then we took our time, tweak our builds and went through with no single death, just some downs.


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in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Quasimojo.2547


Chalk this up as another, possible, WoW player who has been handed everything to him/her. I could be wrong but in my experience that has been the case. You think the dungeons are hard for you? Learn how to adapt and overcome it instead of crying like a little girl. Game seems like work you say? Well you have two options, quit or suck it up and find ways to make the game better for you.

Pretty much this. It’s a mistake for people to insist on every game being tailored to their play style. Personally, I like having difficult content available through which I can obtain the more desirable items. This isn’t Farmville, where one succeeds by simply spending time at the keyboard and then showing off all their bling. It’s no coincidence that games like Farmville and the like are played with $0 investment by the player.

The thought of someone leaving work early to get their daily’s done just boggles my mind. Seriously? Why? If it’s that important to them, why is having to put a little effort into being able to be successful in dungeons something that pushes them over the edge??

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in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Khairos.3890


TC, I hope you’ll read this post!

I was in the same situation as you.

But then I started running dungeons with my guildmates. I am dedicated to a single guild, and I don’t treat it as a hub for doing WvW or activities with: my guildmates are real people that I talk to and build a friendly relationship with, built strongly with the help of voicechat like Teamspeak.

Run a dungeon with 4 other friends on Teamspeak, and dungeons stop being a chore. It makes dungeons a LOT easier. Zero stress on performance if you have a strong relationship with the guildmates. The posititve atmosphere and willingness to help out fellow members, this makes all the difference.

After doing guild dungeon runs (Not with a guild that is a dedicated hub for dungeon players to meet up for a dungeon, there’s no personal relationship between you and the teammates that way), I could never go back to typing “LFG ____” in map chat anymore, because the experience of running it with friends just doesn’t compare; it is infinitely more enjoyable, and dungeons are so much easier to do.

I didn’t read all the other replies in the thread so I’m not sure if someone has said this already, but that’s my input on it. When I read your original post, I just knew I had to login to share my experience, since I had a similar situation like yours. It makes all the difference man. Good luck in the future and happy dungeoning!

Helia – Stormbluff Isle – [MORD]

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in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: zallis.2138



in gw2 you see one person per 2h in the explorable world, just pathetic.

1st: Calm down.

2nd: if it was a random drop people could run the same thing over and over and over and never see the item they want. With tokens you know that you will get an item every few runs.

3rd: You are either way over exaggerating to make a point that is made up, or you chose a very underpopulated server. I see people all the time in every zone in the world.

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