gw2 might have the worst dungeon

gw2 might have the worst dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dattebayo.2817


So i got the game about a week ago, got to level 80 fairly quick, 5-6 days. Ran about 10 + dungeons so far. The first dungeon i ran, i was a bit confused….everyone was skipping trash mobs and had no idea, no sense of direction etc…i was being left behind basically. So i figured “hey i’ll just learn and try to keep up next time”, so i did(why even include trash mobs then?).

I’m a Warrior btw

I was also confused about the whole dodging thingy, i didn’t know when to dodge or understood the timing of it. Yea “see the red circle, GTFO”, pretty much 80% of the time i was dodging mechanics and using my rifle…but i wanted to play a melee class….

I’m kind of discourage to do anymore dungeons now. This probably one of the worst dungeons i ran and i’ve been playing MMORPG’s for 10 year plus. It’s not even the difficulty factor more of the mechanics/combat function and design.

I do love the game/world/questing etc…but the dungeons are horrific

gw2 might have the worst dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dattebayo.2817


and those who question me about

“you need do more dungeons”
“you suck”
“get more hp/better builds”

i did all that…i even stacked HP, still bad =/

pretty much in dungeons ive been rolling a range class and dodging stuff but i wanted to play a freaking melee….never had this problem with any other MMO’s

gw2 might have the worst dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ratty.5176


At the moment almost all damage can be avoided in melee. It’s more dangerous, but you can fight in melee with a full DPS setup, and if you do with a Warrior nothing can touch your DPS.

But the thing you need to realise is almost all damage comes from heavy attacks from bosses that you need to avoid. If you don’t avoid them as thing stand no matter how much Toughness you stack a lot of them can kill you.

In other words, being in melee is dangerous, but if you can survive it it’s well worth doing.

gw2 might have the worst dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: LHound.8964


You want to play a melee class, no problem with that. But are you saying you want to suck the damage up because you are a melee class, instead of dodging?

Let’s make a small analogy: Think the red circles as grenades/bombs blast radius. IRL, you might be the strongest wrestler, ninja or whatever you want to be, but if you don’t gtf out of the grenade radius, you are pretty much dead! The same happens in this game. You are responsible for your life, and not dodging a impact zone, will make you die and compromise the whole group!

Dodging is a well made mechanic and it should be used very often. Melee classes and builds are no exception!

—————— ~~ ~~ —-————-
Charr’s need more Love. All is Vain
—————— ~~ ~~ —-————-

gw2 might have the worst dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jski.6180


What i get from your post is that your unwilling to use a new tool and your angry at new things.

Main : Jski Imaginary ELE (Necromancer)
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA

gw2 might have the worst dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: echo.2053


sounds like this is either ta or ac. both that can be rather raw. what build are you curret using? and list what gear as well.

But one thing you did get right is that dungeons arent really worth it :/

Bender the offender – Proud violator of 17 safe spaces –

gw2 might have the worst dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DungeonDaughter.7391


I would recommend running COE a few times. It’s probably the most fun dungeon because mobs don’t spam abilities that make you lose control of movement.

I’ve run all the dungeons multiple times, so I’m just going to tell you what I think is FUN, not what I think is easy or difficult. I’m too jaded to care about what is challenging or not. I just want to have a good time at this point. And yes, I do consider a fair challenge to be fun.

AC is not particularly fun because of all the mob knockdowns. There are ways around it by using stability and stun breaks, but their attacks will keep coming when all your skills are on cooldown. It’s still not exactly a fun place to be, whether anyone considers it an easy or hard dungeon.

CM is also not a very fun place to be because of bosses that spam knockdowns.

TA is not especially fun because of all the poison plants, although they are good to rally off of. Just like knockdowns, they will hinder your freedom of movement and be frustrating to new players who are not expecting a small flower to kill them.

SE is okay, but p1 is too short and p2 is too long. P3 is the way to go. Farming p1 would be a good way to gear up for WVW, because ptv stats are good for it.

COF is easy and people farm p1. Get your quick ppc gear here.

HotW is fun enough, but the bosss’ HP is way too high. Start with p1. P2 and p3 have more under-water content than what most people wanna do.

COE is pretty fun because the mobs are challenging enough, but not super annoying. And Alpha is a pretty fun boss I think. There are also some parts that take group coordination. And LASER-JUMPING! Yep it’s the most fun dungeon in the game.

Arah is fun enough, but p1 and p4 can take some time. Start with p3. Lupi is probably the best boss in the whole game. The only real issue is mobs spamming conditions which is annoying to the point where everyone skips them.

“We just don’t want players…in Guild Wars 2.
No one enjoys [it]. No one finds it fun.” —Colin J.

gw2 might have the worst dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Spiral Architect.6540

Spiral Architect.6540

I’m going to get flamed for saying so, but when ANet did away with the trinity of tank, healer, dps, it made for a dull dungeon experience. Without tanks to soak up damage, and healers to keep everyone’s health bars topped off, dungeons are basically just zerg content. To keep a “level” playing field, that any profession can play in, they designed dungeons so every profession can withstand the damage mobs dish out, and gave us a dodge mechanic (which I love, btw) to avoid the big stuff.

So, how to keep dungeons from just being massive dps-fest facerolls? Give mobs and bosses knockdowns and snares, and (with bosses at least) huge dps-spike one-shot attacks which will kill you regardless of how defensive you are. In some areas, they included traps to slow things down as well.

What this does is:

1) Encourage people to skip trash mobs. They don’t drop anything worthwhile, and are really just annoying bottlenecks.

2) Encourage people to go full berserker and dps things down as fast as possible. If you dodge/avoid the big spikey attacks, then go back to dps-ing, the mob/boss dies faster, and does fewer big spikey attacks. DPS is king in this game.

3) Encourage people to find the dungeon paths that can be completed the fastest, and run them over and over. It’s simple risk vs. reward behavior.

4) Once people learn the mechanics of a particular boss or dungeon path, it gets repetitive (for example: when the boss does xyz, wait 1 second, then dodge, then go back to dps-ing). When content gets repetitive, people look for the fastest repetitive content to do for their rewards (loot, money, etc.), and skip the rest.

Attempts to make content “harder” have really just made content more annoying. If we look at the changes made to AC a few patches back, it’s not really a “harder” dungeon, it just has more annoying mechanics that slow parties down. As a consequence, fewer people run AC now than they used to.

Making dungeons take longer to complete, with more “tripwire” (roots, snares, knockbacks, knockdowns, etc.) type content in them is not a very good solution, because people tend to avoid that kind of content.

In my opinion, dungeons in this game need a massive overhaul. Mobs and bosses need to be made more “interesting”, and “smarter” — not just frustrating and annoying. Some of the paths take way too long to complete, and many players don’t have the time or inclination to run them, given the rewards. Some are too short, and thus get exploited. But the saddest thing? Many dungeon paths in this game just get ignored or avoided.

gw2 might have the worst dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lighter.5631


basically you can’t melee with trash mobs in high difficulty dungeons, only if you go full PTV and TV build, maybe you can stay as a warrior, but elemtanlist or guardian would be a better bet, because warriors don’t have the sustainability.

i basically only go full melee when 1v a few hard mobs/boss, even so i still have to spec a dodge build with stunbreak to run a full zerker. still in this situation, guardian would be a better bet i guess, because of it’s nature blocks and reduce income damage buff, group blind from weapon and stuff.

“i think it’s an underserved nerf. now we have to slot a stun breaker??”
“berserker stance clears all CC on you and you’re still immune to CC for 8 seconds”

gw2 might have the worst dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Mirta.5029


It’s not even the difficulty factor more of the mechanics/combat function and design.

I do not see anything wrong with GW2 dungeons. They are harder than regular PVE though. I would suggest trying to find the dungeon that you do like and then practice on it a lot. Eventually you’ll get used to the combat and dodge mechanics.

gw2 might have the worst dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: CreativeAnarchy.6324


Some dungeon bosses is much much better to range no matter how much you don’t want to range.

I find a combination of ranging and melee is ok for some bosses.

Some have a attack that is similar to another so I don’t always bother trying to dodge everything.

Stay out of those red circles.

If you can skip trash mobs and the group knows it, most likely you’ll just ignore trash mobs. Some want to just get the dungeon done because they don’t care much for it and just want the tokens. That is how I felt with Sorrows Furnace. I would kill if that was what the group wanted but I also would skip if I could.

I speak for my self and no one else. Only fools believe they speak for a majority.

gw2 might have the worst dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Paponzi.1637


A little example on how everything is dodgeable (from the easiest dungeon, but still…)

gw2 might have the worst dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wethospu.6437


Little example for melee Warriors:

gw2 might have the worst dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dattebayo.2817


I’m going to get flamed for saying so, but when ANet did away with the trinity of tank, healer, dps, it made for a dull dungeon experience. Without tanks to soak up damage, and healers to keep everyone’s health bars topped off, dungeons are basically just zerg content. To keep a “level” playing field, that any profession can play in, they designed dungeons so every profession can withstand the damage mobs dish out, and gave us a dodge mechanic (which I love, btw) to avoid the big stuff.

So, how to keep dungeons from just being massive dps-fest facerolls? Give mobs and bosses knockdowns and snares, and (with bosses at least) huge dps-spike one-shot attacks which will kill you regardless of how defensive you are. In some areas, they included traps to slow things down as well.

What this does is:

1) Encourage people to skip trash mobs. They don’t drop anything worthwhile, and are really just annoying bottlenecks.

2) Encourage people to go full berserker and dps things down as fast as possible. If you dodge/avoid the big spikey attacks, then go back to dps-ing, the mob/boss dies faster, and does fewer big spikey attacks. DPS is king in this game.

3) Encourage people to find the dungeon paths that can be completed the fastest, and run them over and over. It’s simple risk vs. reward behavior.

4) Once people learn the mechanics of a particular boss or dungeon path, it gets repetitive (for example: when the boss does xyz, wait 1 second, then dodge, then go back to dps-ing). When content gets repetitive, people look for the fastest repetitive content to do for their rewards (loot, money, etc.), and skip the rest.

Attempts to make content “harder” have really just made content more annoying. If we look at the changes made to AC a few patches back, it’s not really a “harder” dungeon, it just has more annoying mechanics that slow parties down. As a consequence, fewer people run AC now than they used to.

Making dungeons take longer to complete, with more “tripwire” (roots, snares, knockbacks, knockdowns, etc.) type content in them is not a very good solution, because people tend to avoid that kind of content.

In my opinion, dungeons in this game need a massive overhaul. Mobs and bosses need to be made more “interesting”, and “smarter” — not just frustrating and annoying. Some of the paths take way too long to complete, and many players don’t have the time or inclination to run them, given the rewards. Some are too short, and thus get exploited. But the saddest thing? Many dungeon paths in this game just get ignored or avoided.

exactly…im a new player, i thought dungeon was kill trash mobs quickly get to boss etc…, what im getting is all speed runs…a lot of jerks around too…

also i die alot.

i am getting use too it and all but doesnt seem to fun =/. I expected more

gw2 might have the worst dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dattebayo.2817


so too sum it up melee sucks for dungeons…..i should play a range class and its EZPZ…..great……..

gw2 might have the worst dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dattebayo.2817


It’s not even the difficulty factor more of the mechanics/combat function and design.

I do not see anything wrong with GW2 dungeons. They are harder than regular PVE though. I would suggest trying to find the dungeon that you do like and then practice on it a lot. Eventually you’ll get used to the combat and dodge mechanics.

its not thakittens hard….ive played WOW was in 25 man top 200 North America.
top masters in sc2….

i have the hand eye co-ordination, i am experienced but the dungeons are confusing as kitten….especially to a new player/first timers.

gw2 might have the worst dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dattebayo.2817


also whenever i run dungeons i dont see the health of monsters in numbers(not like that matters) also i don’t know if im doing effective DPS…basically im pretty clueless to the things i do….

gw2 might have the worst dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vayne.8563


I’m going to get flamed for saying so, but when ANet did away with the trinity of tank, healer, dps, it made for a dull dungeon experience. Without tanks to soak up damage, and healers to keep everyone’s health bars topped off, dungeons are basically just zerg content. To keep a “level” playing field, that any profession can play in, they designed dungeons so every profession can withstand the damage mobs dish out, and gave us a dodge mechanic (which I love, btw) to avoid the big stuff.

So, how to keep dungeons from just being massive dps-fest facerolls? Give mobs and bosses knockdowns and snares, and (with bosses at least) huge dps-spike one-shot attacks which will kill you regardless of how defensive you are. In some areas, they included traps to slow things down as well.

What this does is:

1) Encourage people to skip trash mobs. They don’t drop anything worthwhile, and are really just annoying bottlenecks.

2) Encourage people to go full berserker and dps things down as fast as possible. If you dodge/avoid the big spikey attacks, then go back to dps-ing, the mob/boss dies faster, and does fewer big spikey attacks. DPS is king in this game.

3) Encourage people to find the dungeon paths that can be completed the fastest, and run them over and over. It’s simple risk vs. reward behavior.

4) Once people learn the mechanics of a particular boss or dungeon path, it gets repetitive (for example: when the boss does xyz, wait 1 second, then dodge, then go back to dps-ing). When content gets repetitive, people look for the fastest repetitive content to do for their rewards (loot, money, etc.), and skip the rest.

Attempts to make content “harder” have really just made content more annoying. If we look at the changes made to AC a few patches back, it’s not really a “harder” dungeon, it just has more annoying mechanics that slow parties down. As a consequence, fewer people run AC now than they used to.

Making dungeons take longer to complete, with more “tripwire” (roots, snares, knockbacks, knockdowns, etc.) type content in them is not a very good solution, because people tend to avoid that kind of content.

In my opinion, dungeons in this game need a massive overhaul. Mobs and bosses need to be made more “interesting”, and “smarter” — not just frustrating and annoying. Some of the paths take way too long to complete, and many players don’t have the time or inclination to run them, given the rewards. Some are too short, and thus get exploited. But the saddest thing? Many dungeon paths in this game just get ignored or avoided.

exactly…im a new player, i thought dungeon was kill trash mobs quickly get to boss etc…, what im getting is all speed runs…a lot of jerks around too…

also i die alot.

i am getting use too it and all but doesnt seem to fun =/. I expected more

Maybe you need to stop pugging, join a guild and find people who do dungeons who don’t run past everything. Such groups exist, if you’re willing to find them.

gw2 might have the worst dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: laokoko.7403


also whenever i run dungeons i dont see the health of monsters in numbers(not like that matters) also i don’t know if im doing effective DPS…basically im pretty clueless to the things i do….

you can check your combat log. But there is no damage meter so hard to tell your relative dps to other people.

And melee do “much more dmg” compare to range. So that is why people melee, more risk = more rewards.

gw2 might have the worst dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dattebayo.2817


i just expected way more…especially nowadays at the level of World of Warcraft is at, Raiders, Rift….i mean i love GW2 story/questing/leveling its just the dungeons…

gw2 might have the worst dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: laokoko.7403


i just expected way more…especially nowadays at the level of World of Warcraft is at, Raiders, Rift….i mean i love GW2 story/questing/leveling its just the dungeons…

ya I felt the same way. I dont think they put alot of thought in dungeon. It definetly not on par with the other games you named. But I can say many games have sub par dungeon too, so I wouldn’t call it the worst dungeon game out there.

Someone made a poll a while ago asking if people care about dungeon more or open world more. And basically most say open world. So maybe Anet just didn’t put too much thought in dungeon because most players want more emphasis on open world anyway.

gw2 might have the worst dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dattebayo.2817


so your saying this game isnt for me…..

gw2 might have the worst dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: JustTrogdor.7892


so your saying this game isnt for me…..

It can’t be for everyone. No game can.

The Burninator

gw2 might have the worst dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Fernling.1729


The dungeons work for some and not for others, I am one of the others. They have a bit of an uncontrolled chaos feel, and that I’m not a fan of. I am a trinity guy and would have loved to see it in GW2.

gw2 might have the worst dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: HawkMeister.4758


so your saying this game isnt for me…..

No, you just need to find a proper Guild ASAP!

You´re problem is you´re barely aware of the combat mechanics and still in your WoW frame of mind. This obviously won´t work out, as you already found out.
Plus you somehow seem to attract the speed runner jerk crowd, some of whom have found this thread too.

Why are you putting so much pressure on yourself? You don´t pay monthly anymore, you have plenty of time to learn the game and try out different things.

But really, try to find a proper Guild. And do try to stay away from the COF speed runner crowd. Or any speed runners.

Oh jah, and there are other classes than the Warrior.

Polish > hype

(edited by HawkMeister.4758)

gw2 might have the worst dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: anonim.5932


You just teamed up with the wrong group-members. You need to find team members who are not rushing and speed-running dungeons. They are (mostly) harsh and unfriendly whenever a new player doesn’t know the fastest way to do the dungeon, because they just want to be as fast as possible.
A friendly guild could be a solution for this problem. Although PUGs can also be really nice, if you’re lucky enough to find a nice group. If you want to play CoF (Citadel of Flame), you will find nice guys by explicitly searching for a “non-rush” (or call it whatever you like) group. Most people there are just farming this dungeon (easy and fast one).
Perhaps try out “”. We always find people pretty easily with this site. Writing “no rushing” into the comment line appears to work =)

For your play style: Try to dodge, but only for really big attacks. Don’t dodge whenever anything happens, but when indeed needed to avoid critical damage. Fighting a boss several times can help to learn identifying the really nasty attacks.

(edited by anonim.5932)

gw2 might have the worst dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Mirta.5029


its not thakittens hard….ive played WOW was in 25 man top 200 North America.
top masters in sc2….

i have the hand eye co-ordination, i am experienced but the dungeons are confusing as kitten….especially to a new player/first timers.

that’s why I said to practice more – after a while it becomes completely not confusing or hard.

(edited by Mirta.5029)

gw2 might have the worst dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: zenleto.6179


so your saying this game isnt for me…..

Only you can decide that. Nothing stopping you from shrugging your shoulders and getting on with other parts of the game or following the decent advice in this thread. And nothing stopping you from walking away either permanently or a short while if you find the game just doesn’t suit you.

Fire up the Hyperbowl ma, we’re going to town!

Would you like some hard cheeze with your sad whine?

gw2 might have the worst dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: randomfightfan.4091


so too sum it up melee sucks for dungeons…..i should play a range class and its EZPZ…..great……..

You’re a warrior. That is the easiest class in the game for meleeing in dungeons. You’re just new to the game and still suck at it for now. You will get used to everything and get better. When you’re hitting something, damage numbers pop up. That’s how you know how much damage you’re doing. While you don’t see numbers on the enemy hp bar, you do see it dropping. You should watch some Strife videos. He has a good group of players but that has made him close minded on the potentials of other classes (namely thief and ele). By watching his videos you’ll see some high end warrior group play.

Melee is pretty crazy strong in this game. If you really think you’re being forced into range, stop and breath. You’re new to this game so you won’t be the best player ever within a week. The dungeon mechanics are pretty good. You dying often is just a sign that you have to learn what the enemies do and learn to dodge the important attacks. Just keep playing dungeons if you want to get good. If you don’t want to do them anymore, want to continue saying gw2 dungeons are super bad b/c you’re dying, then you’re just hurting yourself.

Check out my page for some good thiefisms :)

gw2 might have the worst dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Antares.2586


Actually, I appreciate a lot dungeon gameplay in this game.

It’s not static. You have to adapt in combat.
Some people are going to say it’s chaotic, but it’s not.

First : Get a good guild. Get a good group of team players.

When you will have a leader on TS/Mumble, calling target,
and having a Guardian who protect your group with Shouts or Consecrations,
a Warrior that ouput a lot of damage in Melee range,
a water Elementalist who heals your group, a condition Engineer who can stack all possible ones on bosses… you will begin to appreciate dungeon mechanics in this game.

It’s only an example, every profession can shine in dungeon, if built properly.
None are dedicated to fill just one role.
Don’t listen to the whine on the forum. Think, and build YOUR strategy with your team.

GW2 delivers an “out of the box thinking” way to enjoy its content.

But it’s not because the game doesn’t force you in a particular gameplay, that you can’t build a good group tactic.

Good luck.

gw2 might have the worst dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Azure Prower.8701

Azure Prower.8701

If you want melee. CoF p1 speed runs require nothing from Warriors but melee.

gw2 might have the worst dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: runeblade.7514


Guys, stop.

Here is the problem,

“I was also confused about the whole dodging thingy, i didn’t know when to dodge or understood the timing of it.”

He needs to learn which attacks to dodge. Nothing else matters.

5x Warrior, 5x Ranger, 4x Elementalist, 4x Engineer,
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant

gw2 might have the worst dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: obal.3218


so too sum it up melee sucks for dungeons…..i should play a range class and its EZPZ…..great……..

Melee is the best thing for most situations. If done correctly it will make the fights a lot faster. However, you need skill, experience, and a good group compostion to do it effectively. If you have a tanky guardian taking the aggro and some high dps people in the group and group the mobs up with skills (mesmer focus/guardian gs) or stack around a corner and have them run in to group there, then you will see how easy it is to melee and how easy the game is. If you do this for awhile you will have the opposite opinion and want some content that is actually difficult.

Warrior is a pure dps class. The best build currently is 20 (V, IX)/25 (V, X)/0/10 (VI)/10(V). The best gear is full zerker with scholar runes and force sigils. The best skills would be Healing Surge for your heal, For Great Justice! (always have this on your bar), A banner (Discipline>Strength>Tactics>Defense), Shake it off or Endure Pain, Signet of Rage or Battle Standard. You use GS + Axe/Mace. GS to use hb and whirlind to avoid damage or do good dps if enemies are at a wall. You swap to Axe/Mace to auto attack and for skill 2 and 4 to add invulnerable then swap back to Gs for hb and swap back as soon as you can to axe/mace for auto attack and repeat. If your group is dying a lot or your having a rough time still bring a longbow instead of the axe/mace so you have something to fall back on. Use sword/warhorn + gs for running and skipping stuff.

I would suggest making a guardian if you pug and want to melee. You might have a lot of glass in your group and it will be rough depending what random groups you get. It is a lot easier to stay alive as a guardian and you can less painful time learning the content.

gw2 might have the worst dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Olba.5376


I’m going to get flamed for saying so, but when ANet did away with the trinity of tank, healer, dps, it made for a dull dungeon experience. Without tanks to soak up damage, and healers to keep everyone’s health bars topped off, dungeons are basically just zerg content. To keep a “level” playing field, that any profession can play in, they designed dungeons so every profession can withstand the damage mobs dish out, and gave us a dodge mechanic (which I love, btw) to avoid the big stuff.

I come from Perfect World International and I only played DDs there.

Let me tell you, it was not very much fun. In the early days, DDs were regarded as bottom of the barrel. The PUG picking order was always Tank>Healer>DDs, with the DDs being in order of level. The only way for a DD to circumvent that was to foot the bill for opening the dungeon, but as you might figure, there were tons of people doing that. It eventually devolved to a point where people were offering payment for tanks and healers.

It all changed with a single skill. That skill made tanks nearly obsolete, as it made it so that a good DD could heal themselves fast enough for them to be able to tank most things. The end result? All of the content turned into DD fests, where you had a healer, a bunch of DDs, and if lucky, a tank to do large pulls of mobs.

And all of that sucked.

1) Encourage people to skip trash mobs. They don’t drop anything worthwhile, and are really just annoying bottlenecks.

2) Encourage people to go full berserker and dps things down as fast as possible. If you dodge/avoid the big spikey attacks, then go back to dps-ing, the mob/boss dies faster, and does fewer big spikey attacks. DPS is king in this game.

3) Encourage people to find the dungeon paths that can be completed the fastest, and run them over and over. It’s simple risk vs. reward behavior.

4) Once people learn the mechanics of a particular boss or dungeon path, it gets repetitive (for example: when the boss does xyz, wait 1 second, then dodge, then go back to dps-ing). When content gets repetitive, people look for the fastest repetitive content to do for their rewards (loot, money, etc.), and skip the rest.

1) You could just make it so that you have to kill the trash mobs. Put in gates, make the bosses zerg the crap out of you if you don’t kill the trakitten’s been done before.

2) You could just make it so that instead of doing their big bad stuff after a certain HP percentage, they could throw them out regardless of their HP. Unless of course the attacks are tied to the lore behind the boss. Or you could throw in a mechanic that causes the boss to go berserk if it takes too much damage in a short period of time.

3) This is an issue with the players, not the game. You cannot really fix it, there will always be people who only do the thing that gives them the highest or most consistent coin-per-time stuff.

4) In the modern age, it’s really not possible to make boss encounters that would have mechanics that you could not learn. That’s the power of the internet and brute community force.

And honestly, the reason people gravitate to the easiest dungeon has a lot to do with the mechanics we have going on in the core game. You can get most stats with crafting, so the chance of having to do dungeons for stats is very minimal. That just leaves you with skins, but that’s a subjective matter.

There is no need to do anything other than the easiest, fastest thing. Because if you do that, you’ll get everything you want, unless one of the skins you want happens to be in one of the harder, slower places. And if there is no requirement to do the harder stuff, it just leaves the people who do it for the fun of it. And sadly, that’s a minority nowadays.

But at least it’s still a step ahead from being put on a treadmill that takes you through every single dungeon.

(edited by Olba.5376)

gw2 might have the worst dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Mathiesin.7801


Dungeons are not Dynamic, and broken! When you can run through Fractals without clearing, there is a problem!

gw2 might have the worst dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vayne.8563


Dungeons are not Dynamic, and broken! When you can run through Fractals without clearing, there is a problem!

In your opinion. Fortunately, others have different opinions.

gw2 might have the worst dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Polle.6908


Once you learn the mechanics of the dungeon, you’ll find that you can melee just about everything and to a much better effect. Some encounters will favour ranged which is what weapon switching is for. Your experience will also depend on your group. I usually avoid pick up groups at all costs and go with guild runs only.

gw2 might have the worst dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Aevic.9675


Dungeons are awful in this game. It ends up just being a zerg fest with no real strategy involved. Sure there are mechanics you need look out for but honestly it comes down to just hitting 1-5 and then watching the boss slowly do something that doesn’t really matter. (Ib4 every mmo is like this, no they are not.)

gw2 might have the worst dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ratty.5176


Dungeons are not Dynamic, and broken! When you can run through Fractals without clearing, there is a problem!

Er. Which fractal are you talking about.. There are only a few place you can skip mobs that don’t just respawn (yeah you can’t clear respawning mobs) like the first ramp in Colossus or the Maw at the start. A lot like the Krait, where you need to kill all to open cages. Or the Dredge, which you need to clear for certain doors to open. And even then most of the things the people skip they don’t skip all the time. EG the Wind Riders, a lot of people farm as their drops are reasonable.

It’s fairly obvious by the way they are designed that there are mobs which your meant to clear, mobs that you can avoid if you want to (look at the skills they give them normally pulls, and there are a few places like Ascalonian Battlefield where they just respawn) and mobs which are just there to put pressure on you as you solve a puzzle.

I think the sooner people realise that there are more uses for mobs than just something you have to kill the better. I find it really amusing when people refer to skipping in some dungeons as an exploit. Especially as the bits they are complaining about are often set up as rat runs with traps, pulls, poison traps, slows etc. If they had wanted us to kill everything it’s in their power. It’s obvious that they don’t, that they want to leave it to the players, and actually I like that.

(edited by Ratty.5176)

gw2 might have the worst dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Meglobob.8620


I’m kind of discourage to do anymore dungeons now. This probably one of the worst dungeons i ran and i’ve been playing MMORPG’s for 10 year plus. It’s not even the difficulty factor more of the mechanics/combat function and design.

I do love the game/world/questing etc…but the dungeons are horrific

Yep…you are spot on here…eventually most people come to the exact same conclusion…

Its the mechanics/design/combat function of how they operate…they are not hard…just learn the technique and you can do the dungeon forever…

Its the one area of GW2 that I don’t like…give up completely on dungeons after doing 30+ runs…so I give it plenty of chances…

However, Anet can do good dungeons but choose not too…

Sadly the 2 best dungeons ever were limited time content and not available now, the moten factory and the mad kings dungeon…

gw2 might have the worst dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dattebayo.2817


yea…im just leveling alts now, but i might stop playing cause end game is terrible, crafting is awful, don’t want to waste time leveling to 80.

gw2 might have the worst dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jski.6180


yea…im just leveling alts now, but i might stop playing cause end game is terrible, crafting is awful, don’t want to waste time leveling to 80.

You sure have a lot of bad things to say every try thinking positively? Or can you only talk about things you do not want?
It could of not been that bad if you got a hero to 80 that alone shows there something up with your view point.

Main : Jski Imaginary ELE (Necromancer)
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA

gw2 might have the worst dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wolfgang Hype.8970

Wolfgang Hype.8970

I’m curious which dungeon you were trying to do. It seems like you just got bad groups and need to practice/gear up. Most of the dungeons aren’t too bad once you know what you’re doing and a good group will tell you what to expect if you say you’re new to it. I can’t say whether they’re good or bad overall since this is my first real MMO… but I honestly enjoy most of the dungeons.

Tarnished Coast – Association of Classy Tyrians [ACT]
Shyamal- Asuran Necromancer | Varg Houtman- Norn Ranger
Nemo Randolf- Human Guardian

gw2 might have the worst dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vayne.8563


yea…im just leveling alts now, but i might stop playing cause end game is terrible, crafting is awful, don’t want to waste time leveling to 80.

So go play a game you do like. Because this game is a whole lot better for some of us than you’re giving it credit for. YOU don’t like it. That means what, exactly?

End game isn’t terrible,. it’s not the end game you’re used to. Do you realize how many people came here to get away from end game?

gw2 might have the worst dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SoulSin.5682


Best dungeons on this game are Story modes. But people have no reason to farm those.

Also, if you think that dungeons on this game are just Zerg it to the end, I don’t wanna make certain dungeons with you.

I am tired of people that doesn’t know what they are doing running in front and screwing the whole team up.

If you are new to a Dungeon or path, please stay in the back line and follow those who knows what they are doing.

Then quit the game.
Because you are complaining about grinding on one of the easiests and fastest grinding MMos in the market. At the same time you are commiting the greatest mistake of creating many low lvl alts on a game projected to be enjoyed at lvl 80.

There is a vastly difference between saying that this MMo is bad and not knowing how to play MMos at all. You are a member of the second group.

gw2 might have the worst dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sitkaz.5463


I’ve played wow and gw2 a tonne and I don’t understand people who compare the combat. They’re nothing alike. Being good at wow really does not mean you should be good at gw2.

Edited to say: But the idea that the loss of the trinity makes people rush through dungeons more than in say wow is just so wrong. I heal in wow, and I get left behind tonnes of times. “Keep up!!!,!,!,!” Ok die then… That happens everywhere.

(edited by Sitkaz.5463)

gw2 might have the worst dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Xavier.2176


Well, this game does have pretty awful dungeons. They’re linear and filled with enemies. Arenanet seems to think throwing hundreds of enemies constantly at you makes a fun dungeon, well it doesn’t. GW2 dungeons are boring, unfair and unrewarding. I wish the dungeons in this game were a little more like the dungeons in The Legend of Zelda series where there would be more exploration, more puzzles and the fights would be fun and exciting instead of boring and tedious.

gw2 might have the worst dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Magnus Steelgrave.6580

Magnus Steelgrave.6580

yea…im just leveling alts now, but i might stop playing cause end game is terrible, crafting is awful, don’t want to waste time leveling to 80.

If you just stick to one character and not waste gold and time on alts you are gonna get much better and enjoy the game more… get on your warrior… take a few hours over the course of a couple days and learn to dodge which is arguably the most important mechanic for any class in a dungeon.. esp a melee warrior.. don’t worry about crafting cause unless you need a legendary crafting is virtually worthless unless you wanna quick craft an alt to 80 as you can buy whatever youwant on the tp or get a guildie to craft it…. just practice.. sitting on the forums kittening won’t get you better at the game… however practice will.

gw2 might have the worst dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Slither Shade.4782

Slither Shade.4782

Get 1 full set of pvt gear and one full set of ppc gear that way u can swing your survivability and damage as you want. So start off full ppc gear and throw some pvt gear back on if getting downed to much. Trait 30/30/x/x/x and put the last ten where u like. Get a great sword and a ranged weapon then generally start off melee switching to ranged to keep from going down. Number 3 great sword is a dodge if I recall. Switch back to melee when you get a bit of health back. When stacked with your party generally depend on them to revive you if you go down and don’t leave melee.

gw2 might have the worst dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zeta.3198


I have to say that I haven’t done all the dungeons yet, but my first impression was similiar to yours, I couldn’t really “get in” the feeling of actually doing something important, then I played Arah, that (in my impression) is how every dungeon in the game should be, talking about p1, it sure takes a lot of time to be completed but it really requires you to learn and play smart, not just spamming some random button as in most of the pve content, you have to coordinate with your party and learn the tactics and even think about some yourself, and it makes you feel really rewarned once you do it.
I just loved it.

Please, Anet, make more dungeons like this one.