now we can make more gold, right?
Just more reason to run what I was already running.
Well… dunno it depends how much they will give.. doubt cof is more than 1g xD but will see
Personally as Cof farmer XD 1g per run +loot 5-6min per run sure its boring as hell but.. its fast
and im gonna miss that alot tbh since cof tokens and gold ive got from there really helped me toward legendary
I hope the very long ones are worth the 3g. 50s for se story is a rip off though.
Well… dunno it depends how much they will give.. doubt cof is more than 1g xD but will see
Personally as Cof farmer XD 1g per run +loot 5-6min per run sure its boring as hell but.. its fastand im gonna miss that alot tbh since cof tokens and gold ive got from there really helped me toward legendary
yeah I was half way to my legendary guess I have to find some other way
yeah I was half way to my legendary guess I have to find some other way
ul get there
Well its gonna be more useful to run easy paths but if its account based thing then kitten .
Yet i am curious How much will Arah Paths will be worth now… 4g ea is a must xD
Probably more for people who only do 1 path/day anyway and less for people running the same path repeatedly.
So that depends on who the “we” is referring to.
I have a feeling this is just more daily crap, and the actual gain at the end will be disappointing.
But since I try to speedrun all three paths ofCoE, I probably wont mind.
Most likely to be honest but if champs still give chest after repeated kills its still possible to farm for mats unless ofc nerfed but Coe gives charged cores and lodes so it wount effect much in the end i guess
(except ofc mats value may drop in time )
CoF p1
CoF p2
AC p1
AC p3
Arah p3
With a decent team, all of these paths are easy as hell.
CoF = 1g
AC = 2g
Arah = 3g
CoE = 2g
Much slower than 5g p/ hour in CoF p1 farm, but it’s still a decent way to get money.
Most likely to be honest but if champs still give chest after repeated kills its still possible to farm for mats unless ofc nerfed
but Coe gives charged cores and lodes so it wount effect much in the end i guess
(except ofc mats value may drop in time )
Hmm but higher core/lodestone drop rates would mean lower prices per drop. This will likely hurt more than it helps if you are farming them for gold.
You forgot the best part of the msg
“Each day”.
The bonus will be daily, not something you will get everytime you run the dungeon.
ah indeed well so much of grinding lol and no more easy gift of fortune lol
still doesn’t justify running AC
AC p1 is quite fun, IMO. Run doesn’t take more than ~10, and kholer is a neat boss for checking if people play with goggles on or not
AC p1 is quite fun, IMO. Run doesn’t take more than ~10, and kholer is a neat boss for checking if people play with goggles on or not
Both AC p1 and p3, if done on a decent team (and by this I mean a team that had actually done it a few times before) is easy, fast and quite fun.
If your team can pull off the Spider Queen stack-strategy, the dungeon is quite easy. P3 is easier than P1 (in my opinion, due to the kill-all-burrows-while-defending-hodgings event), but both are quite easy. I ran it a lot for my main’s Staff, ran it a lot on Warrior to level him up, running it a lot on Mesmer to level her up, and will keep running it for gold now.
Daily p1/3 runs are fathomable.
My circuit will be:
CoF p1 > CoF p2 > AC p1 > AC p3 > CoE
SE p1 takes like 7-8 minutes. Probably faster if we ran it enough to come up with a super optimal plan. I would definitely consider it worthy of inclusion in my dungeon gauntlet.
TA up
CoE 3
Arah 3
Arah 2
TA up
CoE 3
Arah 3
Arah 2
I hate SE, never done more than 1 path, and that was like 6 months ago, might have to check it out.
On another note, good luck getting a decent/good team for each one of those runs, especially SE, HotW and Arah 2/3 ._.
On another note, good luck getting a decent/good team for each one of those runs, especially SE, HotW and Arah 2/3 ._.
I’ll just ask my highly skilled guildmates in our voice chat, so it won’t require much luck at all actually.
This is why I really like the update, pugs suck at dungeons but they’re quick, easy and painless for organized groups.
Citation people.. Always include it so others hearing about it here first, understand what’s going on:
Bonus Rewards for Dungeons
Each day when you finish a unique path for any explorable or story dungeon, you’ll receive a bonus reward for completion—1 to 3 gold for explorable dungeons depending on their length and difficulty, 50 silver for story dungeons. Guaranteed coin rewards that previously dropped from bosses in dungeons have been removed in lieu of these new rewards for dungeon completion; all other drops off of bosses have not been changed. Now you have even more incentive for braving the hazards of the dungeons of Tyria!
IMHO, Path4 should give FIVE gold, not 3. (or 2.5 gold, and 3 more gold in Oreochalcum, Gossamar, & Silk thread or Goss thread randomly from the chests).
(edited by ilr.9675)
Let’s wait and see what Anet thinks are difficult dungeons. Somehow I suspect the rewards will be completely out of whack anyway and have nothing to do with actual time needed to finish or how hard a path is.
True not much can be done about it really even tho chance on rare mats on champs is a “chance” and we all know how good it is already if it even effects dungeon champs and how many mats would you get? 1 vile essence (considered as rare mat
As long they evaluate reward vs difficulty and time spent “normally” with 0 skipping it would be great but most likely not.
I would like the update if i would not have to farm for gift of fortune & rune stones due to costs but now it might just throw me back few weeks
but oh well hope for the best expect for the worst
(edited by MagicalSilence.1837)
I dunno… I mean YEAH either way, Anet is going to Scrooge us hard which is why I do the full Temple Run on NSP every night to make sure I get a dozen Rares before doing any dungeons… (I think I’ve seen some of them along for the ride as well … hiding among the other ZoS’ers).
But also factor in return to financial normality that this game was in its first month before COF started getting farmed (yes it’s been farmed for almost a YEAR NOW… if you only just joined the dork parade recently then Gratz, here’s your 4chan Slowpoke Trophy.GIF). IoW: yeah you only get maybe 10g a night now … but maybe that 10g will stretch out to buy 2 or even 3 times as much stuff as it currently does?