[suggestion] Change how daily rewards work

[suggestion] Change how daily rewards work

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: LostBalloon.6423


Only being able to do the dungeon paths once a day sucks.

I understand that anet made the change “because its unfair for the casual – most of the playerbase”
But then again, it is unfair to someone that has more time a specific day to run more dungeons and can’t log in every day for instance.

What I suggest is something similar to how Destiny does something and it works well.
Instead of locking rewards on a daily basis, lock it on a longer timeline (weekly, or monthly) and allow for the path to be run multiple times up to the reward limit.
ex: I know i cant log in tomorrow, might as well run it twice today as i have time. Or farm the hell out of the dungeons today (for the week) and do other stuff the other days.

I made this suggestion for the dungeons as it’s something i’d like to see, but the game is getting too much overall “daily musts” which pretty much dictates what you end up doing that day (every day).

At least this way players get back a bit of control over their game time like “today im going to farm dungeons”, “today im going to craft this week’s ascended materials”, etc.

summary: Higher limit over a longer time (basically equivalent to the current system of doing things daily) with the objective of giving players more flexibility of how they feel like spending their in game time.

[suggestion] Change how daily rewards work

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: TKiller.6829


That’be nice but this godforsaken place is a wrong subforum for such general suggestions.

Though this is something a lot of the community could relate to. If we had masses rambling on how much sense this makes maybe we’d get changes in like 2015. Ha.

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[suggestion] Change how daily rewards work

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: LostBalloon.6423


Yeah, at first I was gonna stick purely to dungeons, but the realized it could be applied to other things :P

[suggestion] Change how daily rewards work

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Boneheart.3561


Only being able to do the dungeon paths once a day sucks.

On release, if I remember correctly, the paths could be run as many times as desired. I like it better this way, there was an atmosphere around Citadel of Flame that was just completely unsavory. It’s been eliminated (or at least significantly diminished) with this change.

[suggestion] Change how daily rewards work

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: LostBalloon.6423


Only being able to do the dungeon paths once a day sucks.

On release, if I remember correctly, the paths could be run as many times as desired. I like it better this way, there was an atmosphere around Citadel of Flame that was just completely unsavory. It’s been eliminated (or at least significantly diminished) with this change.

And im not saying it should go back to that, just allow people to get their runs in and dont force them into that daily routine, its a horrible way to gate things.

What’s so bad of people farming their runs during the weekend for the whole week for instance, I’m not saying that it should be farmable with no cap, but heck. Not everybody can afford to log in every day, and on the days they can to be told they cant continue on because they are limited.

Some people can afford 1-2h per day, others can afford 10h they weekend, others can afford, well, too much time..

And these days, those people that were doing their own thing in cof, well, they are ruining other players experience by abusing game mechanics like upscaling + failing events (for their in game time to be worth something)

The system works great when you do put a limit, but on a longer period of time than a day. For instance, in Destiny you can get 100 marks per week from the activities.
- some get them first day
- some get them little by little every day
- others play catchup during the weekend

end of week: everyone that invested their time in said activity got the rewards fairly.

[suggestion] Change how daily rewards work

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Esplen.3940



You can get dungeons rewards once a day.

If you fail to get the dungeon rewards, you will be able to get the previous days dungeon rewards in addition to the daily one.

There is a limit of 7 dungeon rewards.

If you play everyday, you will only get 1 dungeon reward a day.

If you play once a week, you will get up to 7 dungeon rewards (from 7 runs).

If you play once a month, you will get up to 7 dungeon rewards (from 7 runs).

Of course, this is more overhead and information being stored, so… I doubt it’ll happen soon.

[suggestion] Change how daily rewards work

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Boneheart.3561


Not everybody can afford to log in every day…

I’m under the impression that that’s what this game was designed on.

[suggestion] Change how daily rewards work

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: LostBalloon.6423


Not everybody can afford to log in every day…

I’m under the impression that that’s what this game was designed on.

Well then it’s horribly done, because it alienates those that cant every day, but have longer play times on certain days.
It also alienates a majority of those that can play everyday because a good portion of those run out of stuff to do that day because of how the game limits them.

[suggestion] Change how daily rewards work

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Boneheart.3561


Not everybody can afford to log in every day…

I’m under the impression that that’s what this game was designed on.

Well then it’s horribly done, because it alienates those that cant every day, but have longer play times on certain days.
It also alienates a majority of those that can play everyday because a good portion of those run out of stuff to do that day because of how the game limits them.

I’ve been playing every day since release, I don’t see it.

You’re looking for Dungeon Tokens, yeah? Doesn’t Bag of Wondrous Goods still drop on repeat runs?

[suggestion] Change how daily rewards work

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: TKiller.6829


Not everybody can afford to log in every day…

I’m under the impression that that’s what this game was designed on.

Well then it’s horribly done, because it alienates those that cant every day, but have longer play times on certain days.
It also alienates a majority of those that can play everyday because a good portion of those run out of stuff to do that day because of how the game limits them.

I’ve been playing every day since release, I don’t see it.

You’re looking for Dungeon Tokens, yeah? Doesn’t Bag of Wondrous Goods still drop on repeat runs?

Completely missing the point.

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[suggestion] Change how daily rewards work

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Boneheart.3561


Not everybody can afford to log in every day…

I’m under the impression that that’s what this game was designed on.

Well then it’s horribly done, because it alienates those that cant every day, but have longer play times on certain days.
It also alienates a majority of those that can play everyday because a good portion of those run out of stuff to do that day because of how the game limits them.

I’ve been playing every day since release, I don’t see it.

You’re looking for Dungeon Tokens, yeah? Doesn’t Bag of Wondrous Goods still drop on repeat runs?

Completely missing the point.

That’s precisely what I just typed.

[suggestion] Change how daily rewards work

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Marndeis.7815


Two issues with this. 1st is, This game is designed to reward those who play more than others. Someone who can log in everyday and do dungeon runs should have more gold/tokens/rewards then those who cant. I am a Casual player and I have come to accept this fact. I don’t have the time to devote to this game to get a legendary or all ascended armor right away and I AM OKAY WITH THIS. It will take me a LONG time to complete the collections especially the dungeon token ones because I don’t play a lot of dungeons when i have time for the game but….. I STILL ENJOY THIS GAME.

Second issue with your suggestion is although it seems annoying time gated rewards are what help keep this game with a flowing population. If you could do a week or a months worth of activities in one day, you would see the populations of this game SURGE at one time and then go ghost town for 90% of the other time. this is a mechanic working as intended IMO. Having a reason for players to come here and play on a regular basis IS a positive for the game, even if it means you have to wait a little longer to complete your personal goals.

[suggestion] Change how daily rewards work

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: TKiller.6829


That’s precisely what I just typed.

No, I meant you’re missing the point.

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[suggestion] Change how daily rewards work

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Minigrump.4961


Two issues with this. 1st is, This game is designed to reward those who play more than others. Someone who can log in everyday and do dungeon runs should have more gold/tokens/rewards then those who cant. I am a Casual player and I have come to accept this fact. I don’t have the time to devote to this game to get a legendary or all ascended armor right away and I AM OKAY WITH THIS. It will take me a LONG time to complete the collections especially the dungeon token ones because I don’t play a lot of dungeons when i have time for the game but….. I STILL ENJOY THIS GAME.


so using your logic if you work more days and hours at a job more than me, and you get more money than I do because you work more than me. and if i complain that i should get more money because i do not work as much as you and it is not a fair system

[suggestion] Change how daily rewards work

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jahroots.6791


Second issue with your suggestion is although it seems annoying time gated rewards are what help keep this game with a flowing population. If you could do a week or a months worth of activities in one day, you would see the populations of this game SURGE at one time and then go ghost town for 90% of the other time. this is a mechanic working as intended IMO. Having a reason for players to come here and play on a regular basis IS a positive for the game, even if it means you have to wait a little longer to complete your personal goals.

I disagree. Personally, this would just be an incentive for me to play even more. Remove time-gating and it’s far more likely that players who have more time would have more stuff. There’d be some changes to the market (this would likely affect the supply and value of a handful of items, and cause significant inflation). That’s about it.

I miss the days when dungeon rewards were per-character, though.

[suggestion] Change how daily rewards work

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Marndeis.7815


so using your logic if you work more days and hours at a job more than me, and you get more money than I do because you work more than me. and if i complain that i should get more money because i do not work as much as you and it is not a fair system

I’m not sure what you are trying to say.

If you are trying to say that if 2 people do the SAME JOB, and Person (A)works more hours, Then Person (B), Person (A) should get paid more then correct that is my logic.

Also true is that if people worked different jobs at the same company and one is more skilled (Think more efficient Player in game, uses their time better and gets more / harder content done faster with better reward) then YES AGAIN, the person who is more skilled should get paid more to do work in the same or less hours than the unskilled worker.

[suggestion] Change how daily rewards work

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: LostBalloon.6423


(removed some text)

I miss the days when dungeon rewards were per-character, though.

Or something as stupid as this, it would give some use back to having alts, i wouldn’t mind that

[suggestion] Change how daily rewards work

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: LostBalloon.6423


so using your logic if you work more days and hours at a job more than me, and you get more money than I do because you work more than me. and if i complain that i should get more money because i do not work as much as you and it is not a fair system

I’m not sure what you are trying to say.

If you are trying to say that if 2 people do the SAME JOB, and Person (A)works more hours, Then Person (B), Person (A) should get paid more then correct that is my logic.

Also true is that if people worked different jobs at the same company and one is more skilled (Think more efficient Player in game, uses their time better and gets more / harder content done faster with better reward) then YES AGAIN, the person who is more skilled should get paid more to do work in the same or less hours than the unskilled worker.

What I see is you are saying player A “works” 1h every day and should be payed more than player B that works 10h but only during the weekend.

Player A “worked” less than Player B, but got paid more. That’s y I dont like the gating as it exists today.

(all on the hypothesis of similar qualifications/skills)

[suggestion] Change how daily rewards work

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: LostBalloon.6423


Not everybody can afford to log in every day…

I’m under the impression that that’s what this game was designed on.

Well then it’s horribly done, because it alienates those that cant every day, but have longer play times on certain days.
It also alienates a majority of those that can play everyday because a good portion of those run out of stuff to do that day because of how the game limits them.

I’ve been playing every day since release, I don’t see it.

You’re looking for Dungeon Tokens, yeah? Doesn’t Bag of Wondrous Goods still drop on repeat runs?

Completely missing the point.

I agree, a complete miss here…

[suggestion] Change how daily rewards work

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jerus.4350


Not everybody can afford to log in every day…

I’m under the impression that that’s what this game was designed on.

Well then it’s horribly done, because it alienates those that cant every day, but have longer play times on certain days.
It also alienates a majority of those that can play everyday because a good portion of those run out of stuff to do that day because of how the game limits them.

I disagree. First, the entire idea that someone may “run out of stuff to do” is just a lie. Maybe they do everything they ideally want to do and don’t really feel like doing the other stuff but there is so much to do in this game that I call bullkitten.

Finish all the dungeons you care to do? Hit Dry Top, do some WvW, maybe PvP a bit, or how about world bosses, could do some world completion, maybe start a new alt? None of that work? you only like Dungeons? Ok go farm SEp1 champ bags!

There is literally no end to what you can do, you just may cap out on your big ticket paths.

The idea of letting people bang out their weeks worth of say COFp1 is a terrible idea. It’s built to burn people out and have weekends go crazy while the rest of the week will become more desolate. That’s not a good recipe for an active community. Dailies are a very tested and successful option for MMOs. It gets people logging in every day.

If you claim that it alienates people who can’t log in every day, well if they did what you suggest and say made weekly quotas that reset on saturday reset (like guild comms) you’d have saturday night/sunday go crazy then it’d be dull the rest of the week till friday when people slip in the last of their quotas. THis would alienate people who work weekends… how is that more fair?

And, yes, that is what would happen. My old game had weekly lockouts on the most popular content, this resulted in active play on reset night, the next day, then pretty spotty till the day before reset when people who missed the reset night would hit it. I was very much not a fan.

So again, I think Dailies have a purpose, and I think the current situation accomplishes that goal as well as anything could. Extending it would change the dynamic and playtimes in the game for the worse. Don’t beleive me, just look at the current situation, 2-3 hours after reset it’s active, after that it’s much more quiet, it would extrapolate out in much the same way for weekly lockouts.

[suggestion] Change how daily rewards work

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: LostBalloon.6423


What if someone feels like running nothing but dungeons one day, wvw another, stick to crafting on another day, etc.

It’s stupid dictating people what to play when.
HECK, they even removed alts being able to repeat dungeons by putting it to account bound, could that be one of the solutions, sure…

So many people stopped playing because of excessive daily gating.
Is daily stuff good for a game, yeah, but gating too much behind a daily block is just a big annoyance

Good example is how you have to find a commune spot every day for that cristal. Why not allow people to do 7 for the week, so stupid. So much running around for a lot of small things that keep adding up.

Having a daily checklist is just an annoyance that breaks immersion and siphons the fun out of the game. I wish they didnt “update/improve” the game, it was much better @ beta/launch, so many horrible things they did to the game.

[suggestion] Change how daily rewards work

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jerus.4350


What if someone feels like running nothing but dungeons one day, wvw another, stick to crafting on another day, etc.

It’s stupid dictating people what to play when.
HECK, they even removed alts being able to repeat dungeons by putting it to account bound, could that be one of the solutions, sure…

So many people stopped playing because of excessive daily gating.
Is daily stuff good for a game, yeah, but gating too much behind a daily block is just a big annoyance

Good example is how you have to find a commune spot every day for that cristal. Why not allow people to do 7 for the week, so stupid. So much running around for a lot of small things that keep adding up.

Having a daily checklist is just an annoyance that breaks immersion and siphons the fun out of the game. I wish they didnt “update/improve” the game, it was much better @ beta/launch, so many horrible things they did to the game.

Let me take a minute to welcome you to the world of MMOs, where games timegate things to extend the playability because they can’t/won’t produce actual content that lives up to the players expectations.

[suggestion] Change how daily rewards work

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: loseridoit.2756


What if someone feels like running nothing but dungeons one day, wvw another, stick to crafting on another day, etc.

It’s stupid dictating people what to play when.
HECK, they even removed alts being able to repeat dungeons by putting it to account bound, could that be one of the solutions, sure…

So many people stopped playing because of excessive daily gating.
Is daily stuff good for a game, yeah, but gating too much behind a daily block is just a big annoyance

Good example is how you have to find a commune spot every day for that cristal. Why not allow people to do 7 for the week, so stupid. So much running around for a lot of small things that keep adding up.

Having a daily checklist is just an annoyance that breaks immersion and siphons the fun out of the game. I wish they didnt “update/improve” the game, it was much better @ beta/launch, so many horrible things they did to the game.

ummm, did you ever consider there might be other reasons why anet stop it such as gold inflation?

[suggestion] Change how daily rewards work

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Marndeis.7815


What I see is you are saying player A “works” 1h every day and should be payed more than player B that works 10h but only during the weekend.

Player A “worked” less than Player B, but got paid more. That’s y I dont like the gating as it exists today.

(all on the hypothesis of similar qualifications/skills)

This is where I point to my SECOND point that removing time gating would cause a FLOOD of people on weekends and a Ghost Town on Weekdays, good luck finding a dungeon running party or a server full of people to do Bosses on a weekday we can just do Teq 4 times on Saturday and forget about the game the rest of the week with no time-gated content. Remember, there are a large portion of players here that play other games and if there is NO INTENSIVE for them to log-in every day, they will spend their time in other games that do require their daily attention.


[suggestion] Change how daily rewards work

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Izaya.2906


What if someone feels like running nothing but dungeons one day, wvw another, stick to crafting on another day, etc.

It’s stupid dictating people what to play when.
HECK, they even removed alts being able to repeat dungeons by putting it to account bound, could that be one of the solutions, sure…

So many people stopped playing because of excessive daily gating.
Is daily stuff good for a game, yeah, but gating too much behind a daily block is just a big annoyance

Good example is how you have to find a commune spot every day for that cristal. Why not allow people to do 7 for the week, so stupid. So much running around for a lot of small things that keep adding up.

Having a daily checklist is just an annoyance that breaks immersion and siphons the fun out of the game. I wish they didnt “update/improve” the game, it was much better @ beta/launch, so many horrible things they did to the game.

Let’s get something clear first, the +40 tokens and gold Daily Chest you get is a bonus/an incentive to entice people to do different dungeon paths in a day, running CoF P1 7 times in a row during the weekends isn’t exactly what the game wants to promote.

A normal dungeon tour takes 3-4 hours, if let’s say you have 10 hours to play on the weekend then 6-8 hours is already taken off if you run a proper dungeon tour(not spamming CoF P1, SE P1 etc. 7 times in a row mind you).

Also, allowing daily bonus to be acquired by different characters will be an unlimited faucet for gold/dungeon tokens that will lead to more inflation and negatively affect certain markets.

I personally have experience with this for the Nightmare Coil, people could farm thousands of blossoms daily and resulted to oversupply of Nightmare Coils. Sure you can run it all day but the gold you can acquire by selling the Nightmare Coil hits rock bottom because there is no limit to how many blossoms can be farmed daily.

Same thing can be said with daily ascended crafting, you can only sell now with profit because of the time gate, if not for this you can look at other crafting materials and see how little to no profit crafting is there.

[suggestion] Change how daily rewards work

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Boneheart.3561


That’s precisely what I just typed.

No, I meant you’re missing the point.

Jesus christ.

[suggestion] Change how daily rewards work

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Yukiatsuruko.3784


Weekly caps don’t work for player retention or satisfaction. Blizzard tried this the entirety of Cataclysm, and they went back to daily rewards in Mists of Pandaria, although they did leave in reduced rewards for additional runs (up to the weekly Valor cap).

Two in harmony surpasses one in perfection.

[suggestion] Change how daily rewards work

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Charming Rogue.8071

Charming Rogue.8071

The daily timegates is what makes this game such a casual game. And what made a lot of the more hardcore players quit. Dailies also feel more like a chore sometimes, because if you miss something one day you’re not allowed to catch up the next one.

I sometimes can’t even do a dungeon with my friends when I log in too late, because everyone has already done it and there’s no point in doing it more than once per day. It sucks.

Desolation – EU – [KING] – Immortal Kingdom

[suggestion] Change how daily rewards work

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: LostBalloon.6423


The daily timegates is what makes this game such a casual game. And what made a lot of the more hardcore players quit. Dailies also feel more like a chore sometimes, because if you miss something one day you’re not allowed to catch up the next one.

I sometimes can’t even do a dungeon with my friends when I log in too late, because everyone has already done it and there’s no point in doing it more than once per day. It sucks.

Exactly this. And for daily stuff, sure the game needs some, but does every single aspect of this game need to be gated like that, no way! It makes the game suck, no matter how much potential the game has.

And to whoever said a dungeon tour takes 6-8h, are you crazy, it takes about 2h …

[suggestion] Change how daily rewards work

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jerus.4350


Umm, to complete every single dungeon, yeah 6-8 hours seems reasonable.

I’d ask, what do you define as a tour? it doesn’t have a set definition. Judging by your time I’d have to assume you’re leaving a lot on the table though.

Personally I’ve had just COE + CoF take nearly 2 hours when we’re unlucky with megaservers and pre-events (doing the COE pre 3 times in one day is so fun…)

Last I saw from some speedclearing guilds it was like 3-4 hours to do their tours which IIRC consisted of AC1-3, CM1/3, TA F/U, SE 1/3, COF1/3, COE1-3, HOTW1, Arah1-3

So what are you skipping on? And if you do all these in 3-4 hours you still have things you could do. Arah p4, HOTW2/3, CM2 all aren’t terrible. Or you could just spam SEp1 for champ chests.

THe point of a daily is to make it like a chore, to promote logging in every day. It also promotes diversity of what you do. If you’re completing what you want to do in 2 hours you’re surely leaving plenty on the table that are decently rewarding.

@ Charming Rogue, the same thing would happen but on a weekly scale. If you missed say a saturday you’d miss out on the whole week’s worth of runs.

[suggestion] Change how daily rewards work

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Gaile Gray

Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager

I tend to agree that this topic is broader than a Dungeon-specific or Dungeon-only thread, but you’re welcome to discuss here or, if you wish, post in the GW2 Discussion Forum.

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

[suggestion] Change how daily rewards work

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SkyFallsInThunder.8257



You can get dungeons rewards once a day.

If you fail to get the dungeon rewards, you will be able to get the previous days dungeon rewards in addition to the daily one.

There is a limit of 7 dungeon rewards.

If you play everyday, you will only get 1 dungeon reward a day.

If you play once a week, you will get up to 7 dungeon rewards (from 7 runs).

If you play once a month, you will get up to 7 dungeon rewards (from 7 runs).

Of course, this is more overhead and information being stored, so… I doubt it’ll happen soon.

This is a really good suggestion, I would welcome this change.

[suggestion] Change how daily rewards work

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Allisa Wonderland.8192

Allisa Wonderland.8192

Or, you could quit and restart the run when you get to the final boss..