Black Gate
Ruthless Legend
I remember this guy i was with him while hes commanding, i remember wiping but its during the start of eotm restart and OG zerg just went straight for us. then he starts freaking out about someone reported him to Anet for match rigging or feeding us and he just quit and stop commanding suddenly and left. maybe hes guilty thats why he freakout, if its just me and i know i didnt do anything wrong i would just ignore whoever pm me anet or not.
Really pathetic attempts to say “I wasn’t impersonating ArenaNet” by UnicornGirl. You can play coy all you like, but it’s pretty obvious what you were trying to do. Having a toon named Banbot just makes it all that much more obvious. If I were ArenaNet, I’d give you a 3-day or just force you to change your character name. Probably not both.
That’s not to excuse the OP if he really was purposefully leading his followers to slaughter. But that’s a hard thing to prove.
That said, neither of you need to worry. My server has a Commander troll who we’ve reported time and time again and ArenaNet doesn’t do a thing about it. Hope you both have continued fun and success in your future trolling and I’m glad that I don’t ever play KarmaTrain of the Mists.
Banbot should be reported for impersonating a staff member.
As far as your situation goes, OP – don’t worry; even if you were running a “rigged” EotM match, it’s not against the ToS. People who say it’s against the ToS aren’t very well read on the ToS.
Who did he/she impersonate?
I think you should read the ToS yourself, since you seem to be unaware that it IS against the rules to fix matches.
We’re not talking about two sides ganging up on the third team, this is a guild attempting to control all three sides at once to avoid fighting and/or farm each other… and harassing people who don’t want to fix matches like they do.
First of all, stop playing dumb. We can see it was you by adding “Banbot” to friends.
Second, it is not against the rules to “fix matches” since he does not have the power to do so. He made the zerg wipe once? Someone else tag up and join his squad. You will see the trolling commander no more.
And third, I have to say, naming yourself “Banbot” sounds stupid and childish. While you make a good point that you did not directly inpersonate an Arena net employee, you pretended that you had the power to suspend his account.
I think he is just overreacting by posting here, but I guess he just got scared. I’d like to see your account suspended, just because you acted like a 10 year old.
@unicorngirl.1487 – If your intention was to make another player THINK you were an Anet employee without actually claiming to be one, that is STILL impersonating an Anet employee and taking the risk that Anet MIGHT just see it that way should make you hesitant to use this tactic again (but many a zealot has thought it noble to sacrifice their life (account) for a cause…..good luck with that. BTW, a crusade to retake EotM from PvE players is doomed to fail unless Anet decides to take action (and they have not for over 6 months). Go back to playing WvW where it matters.
My suggestion to everyone else that has this happen to them is to ask point blank if they are an Anet employee. I’m guessing that will shut them up or if not, take a screenshot and report them.
The reason why eotm is full of pver’s pve’ing is that when it first opened the fighting guilds all showed up, said ‘w t f skyham’ and left, never to return.
1- it was bad for recruitment as you had no guarantee of those players being on same team as you next week
2- there is really no point in winning in eotm, too many objectives (and open) making it easy to defend hard to attack
It is currently a Testing ground for WvW guilds, and PvE’ers go about their buisness in there too, I just hate when the PvE’ers feel entitled to abusing the reporting tool or coordinating over voice or whispers to totally manipulate.
On off nights I used to tag up there an find a good balance between fights & just capping stuff (without really defending – unless it was to get a fights)…These days it seems similar people get mass reported (wrongfully)…
Banbot should be reported for impersonating a staff member.
As far as your situation goes, OP – don’t worry; even if you were running a “rigged” EotM match, it’s not against the ToS. People who say it’s against the ToS aren’t very well read on the ToS.
Who did he/she impersonate?
I think you should read the ToS yourself, since you seem to be unaware that it IS against the rules to fix matches.
We’re not talking about two sides ganging up on the third team, this is a guild attempting to control all three sides at once to avoid fighting and/or farm each other… and harassing people who don’t want to fix matches like they do.
First of all, stop playing dumb. We can see it was you by adding “Banbot” to friends.
Second, it is not against the rules to “fix matches” since he does not have the power to do so. He made the zerg wipe once? Someone else tag up and join his squad. You will see the trolling commander no more.
And third, I have to say, naming yourself “Banbot” sounds stupid and childish. While you make a good point that you did not directly inpersonate an Arena net employee, you pretended that you had the power to suspend his account.I think he is just overreacting by posting here, but I guess he just got scared. I’d like to see your account suspended, just because you acted like a 10 year old.
I hope she get’s off with a warning or something if any action is taken at all.
She brought attention to a real kittenbag guild. That’s a positive thing in my book. Well played, Banbot.
You totally shouldn’t make a habit of doing that for your own sake, but brilliant execution. You were a force for good.
lol ‘Banbot’ is going to get permabanned so hard
Why do people even think of these things as a good idea
does this mean that ‘GM’ is always written in two capital letters? Players are not allowed to create characters with multiple capital letters in a row, so this may be a distinctive difference between them and people who read this post and try impersonating them (outside of whisper chat).
Good catch. Our names do not have back to back caps. Gm has a lower-case ‘m’.
Hey everyone,
I want to clarify a couple of points for you that I feel are important.
1. ArenaNet GMs very rarely send unsolicited whispers.
4. GM whisper text is golden; not purple.
wasn’t that a Gm?
^ I believe that’s a dev, not a GM, Lars.
I really hope Ban Bot doesn’t get banned for this. Funny troll, but never did he claim to be A-Net Staff, just spoke with authority, and you fell for it. If he gets Banned, I may just stop buying gems from A-Net, as I wouldn’t want to support a company that can’t take a joke, especially one that follows their own rules.
Sincerely, someone who laughed when he read the chat box.
It comes down to how the majority of people perceive it, not what he technically said.
He thinks he is being clever acting like an Anet employee, while never saying it. Problem is, that’s enough.
It’s like that scam where someone pulls up to a valet and some guy in a vest walks up to the driver and puts his hand out for the keys, the driver hands him the keys, and then the guy drives off in his car. Then the real valet comes out and is all like “that dude doesn’t work for us!” Technically he never told the driver he was a valet, but the driver assumed (fairly) he was the valet based on how he was acting, how he was dressed and the specific circumstance he was in.
Are we saying that the guy who took the car didn’t impersonate a valet simply because he didn’t say he was the valet? No, he impersonated a valet by acting like one.
Just like this guy impersonated an Anet employee by acting like one.
Please stop pretending EotM is anything but PvE.
Wrong, it’s player versus door.
does this mean that ‘GM’ is always written in two capital letters? Players are not allowed to create characters with multiple capital letters in a row, so this may be a distinctive difference between them and people who read this post and try impersonating them (outside of whisper chat).Good catch. Our names do not have back to back caps. Gm has a lower-case ‘m’.
Thanks, got it!
Banbot should be reported for impersonating a staff member.
As far as your situation goes, OP – don’t worry; even if you were running a “rigged” EotM match, it’s not against the ToS. People who say it’s against the ToS aren’t very well read on the ToS.
Who did he/she impersonate?
I think you should read the ToS yourself, since you seem to be unaware that it IS against the rules to fix matches.
We’re not talking about two sides ganging up on the third team, this is a guild attempting to control all three sides at once to avoid fighting and/or farm each other… and harassing people who don’t want to fix matches like they do.
I hope you do get banned, karma sure has a way of coming back to bite you in the kitten doesnt it? Let the blix farmers rejoice!
I’ve attached an image that shows what a whisper from a GM looks like for further clarification.
This is really cool information! Thanks Talon.
Also, and not to be overly snarky here, but this is a good example of one of the ways players can feel like we’re not receiving the necessary communication from ArenaNet. I’ve been playing this game for 731 days (though a paltry 2200 hours or so) and I just today learned that official communications from a GM have a special chat color.
There’s not always a good place to view this information even if we want to.
That’s not a criticism of GMs or anybody in particular, I just think it’s a good Teaching Moment for all of us. This is an undocumented – but in some cases very important – thing to know.
Or maybe it is documented somewhere and the Teaching Moment is that I haven’t done a good job reading the available documentation. :-)
I’ve attached an image that shows what a whisper from a GM looks like for further clarification.
Implement loadscreen subtitles and include this one as one of the random tips displayed during loadscreens.
This is really cool information! Thanks Talon.
Also, and not to be overly snarky here, but this is a good example of one of the ways players can feel like we’re not receiving the necessary communication from ArenaNet. I’ve been playing this game for 731 days (though a paltry 2200 hours or so) and I just today learned that official communications from a GM have a special chat color.
We’ve only recently started using visible and active GMs in the game. Prior to say – 2 months ago? – you wouldn’t have seen a GM.
Look for us more as we’re slowly ramping up our presence.
Please stop pretending EotM is anything but PvE.
It’s WvW. Please stop misusing a WvW area. Thanks!
No it’s not. You’ve just inspired me to start tagging up in EoTM solely to ktrain.
We’ve only recently started using visible and active GMs in the game. Prior to say – 2 months ago? – you wouldn’t have seen a GM.
This is absolutely awesome news. I hope to interact with and see you guys around!!
This is really cool information! Thanks Talon.
Also, and not to be overly snarky here, but this is a good example of one of the ways players can feel like we’re not receiving the necessary communication from ArenaNet. I’ve been playing this game for 731 days (though a paltry 2200 hours or so) and I just today learned that official communications from a GM have a special chat color.
We’ve only recently started using visible and active GMs in the game. Prior to say – 2 months ago? – you wouldn’t have seen a GM.
Look for us more as we’re slowly ramping up our presence.
That helps explain it. Does this mean we can finally do something about WvW trolls? ;-)
This is really cool information! Thanks Talon.
Also, and not to be overly snarky here, but this is a good example of one of the ways players can feel like we’re not receiving the necessary communication from ArenaNet. I’ve been playing this game for 731 days (though a paltry 2200 hours or so) and I just today learned that official communications from a GM have a special chat color.
We’ve only recently started using visible and active GMs in the game. Prior to say – 2 months ago? – you wouldn’t have seen a GM.
Look for us more as we’re slowly ramping up our presence.
This IS absolutely awesome news. Really appreciate that.
GM’s are going to be innundated with “Can you give me a Legendary?”, “Duel me!”, and other snarky type chat, though.
Great news about the GMs. Every game needs people whose job it is, is to roam around the world, playing and interacting with others, who also have the ability and the game’s ok to report bugs right then. Also to see and evaluate people who aren’t necessarily breaking TOS, but who are obviously griefing (such as using up supply in WvWs to build multiple structures in unneeded spots).
This is really cool information! Thanks Talon.
Also, and not to be overly snarky here, but this is a good example of one of the ways players can feel like we’re not receiving the necessary communication from ArenaNet. I’ve been playing this game for 731 days (though a paltry 2200 hours or so) and I just today learned that official communications from a GM have a special chat color.
We’ve only recently started using visible and active GMs in the game. Prior to say – 2 months ago? – you wouldn’t have seen a GM.
Look for us more as we’re slowly ramping up our presence.
This IS absolutely awesome news. Really appreciate that.
GM’s are going to be innundated with “Can you give me a Legendary?”, “Duel me!”, and other snarky type chat, though.
Generally GM systems are set up so that you can reply to a whisper, but you can’t actually initiate one.
More GMs? not a bad thing. Wonder how many people will get warnings over the stupid things they say in zone chat thinking no one but other players see it lol. Some nights the chat gets interesting lol.
One thing to add…. Since anet is ramping GM presence up perhaps this should be included in a “news” feature so people who aren’t just reading this thread know what to look for when a GM sends them a message.
This is really cool information! Thanks Talon.
Also, and not to be overly snarky here, but this is a good example of one of the ways players can feel like we’re not receiving the necessary communication from ArenaNet. I’ve been playing this game for 731 days (though a paltry 2200 hours or so) and I just today learned that official communications from a GM have a special chat color.
We’ve only recently started using visible and active GMs in the game. Prior to say – 2 months ago? – you wouldn’t have seen a GM.
Look for us more as we’re slowly ramping up our presence.
This should be part of the Feature Pack.
Would read again
i assume the perpetrator in question will get the ban hammer
Does anyone know if Dhuum shows up and kills the character of someone who gets banned? I know they used to do this in GW1, I thought it was a rather amusing way to do a ban.
That helps explain it. Does this mean we can finally do something about WvW trolls? ;-)
One can only hope…. And, we’re all painfully aware of one in particular whom intentionally agitates every large group of players possible. Karma is due this person.
For the “match manipulation” discussion, just by entering, we are all inherently manipulating the outcome of a match. The legal jargon is simply written in such a broad fashion to empower Arenanet to handle any need that may arise. It simply has to be written that way.
This is really cool information! Thanks Talon.
Also, and not to be overly snarky here, but this is a good example of one of the ways players can feel like we’re not receiving the necessary communication from ArenaNet. I’ve been playing this game for 731 days (though a paltry 2200 hours or so) and I just today learned that official communications from a GM have a special chat color.
We’ve only recently started using visible and active GMs in the game. Prior to say – 2 months ago? – you wouldn’t have seen a GM.
Look for us more as we’re slowly ramping up our presence.
GM’s are going to be innundated with “Can you give me a Legendary?”, “Duel me!”, and other snarky type chat, though.
Well the fact that they have a separate account (since their display names also follow a pattern not just character names) specific for doing whatever it is they need to do as a GM I doubt they even log onto it without a reason.
Also, seeing as they can hide their guild tag if they need to or use a different character on that account which does not use the naming convention it would be easy for them to fly under the radar if that was necessary for some reason (they would still get found out if they were in a party, but other than that it would be reasonably incognito).
I am sure they have thought these things out. It is nice to hear that we have in-game GM’s now. I mean I know developers probably have access to similar things a these new official GM’s do, if needed, so besides it being clear distinction between the two technically not that much has changed. Still nice to know though. This kind of information should really on the support site though shouldn’t have to find out about this in a forum thread for the first time.
(edited by Crise.9401)
I mean I know developers probably have access to similar things a these new official GM’s do, if needed, so besides it being clear distinction between the two technically not that much has changed.
Actually, ArenaNet has been pretty clear that developers do not have any special access on their live accounts. They can rep the ArenaNet guild to show the tag, but otherwise, they have the same options as we do.
Banbot should be reported for impersonating a staff member.
As far as your situation goes, OP – don’t worry; even if you were running a “rigged” EotM match, it’s not against the ToS. People who say it’s against the ToS aren’t very well read on the ToS.
Who did he/she impersonate?
I think you should read the ToS yourself, since you seem to be unaware that it IS against the rules to fix matches.
We’re not talking about two sides ganging up on the third team, this is a guild attempting to control all three sides at once to avoid fighting and/or farm each other… and harassing people who don’t want to fix matches like they do.
I hope you do get banned, karma sure has a way of coming back to bite you in the kitten doesnt it? Let the blix farmers rejoice!
What did she do to Blix farmers? Talk about possibly completing the event? Grenth have mercy on her.
Dhuum can have the Venturer scrubs though.
Hey everyone,
I want to clarify a couple of points for you that I feel are important.
1. ArenaNet GMs very rarely send unsolicited whispers.
2. ArenaNet Senior GMs all have character names akin to GM Madi Walker and have the ArenaNet Guild Tag.
3. All ArenaNet GMs have GM ‘Hopefully Cool Alias’.#### for a display name.
4. GM whisper text is golden; not purple.
5. Impersonating a employee or agent of ArenaNet will result in an immediate suspension or termination of your account.
Hope this helps you identify real GMs versus the imposters out there.
Hunt safe.
How about an automated system message that can be displayed once per gamesession, based on your spam filter. If it detects certain words, like GM, Game Master etc. it will print a system message saying how GM messages look like?
Might help you on that front.
UnicornGirl has intentionally tried to disrupt any and all organized player events for as long as I can remember, hiding behind the guise that she’s “not trolling” or “griefing,” despite actions like this:
…wherein she intentionally tried to cause gold Boss Blitzes to fail by bringing a character named The Greefer into gold instances and either burning bosses early or pulling mobs from the boss areas into the players to make it more difficult to get the burn timing right.
Goodbye, good riddance, (not) nice knowin’ ya.
Hey everyone,
I want to clarify a couple of points for you that I feel are important.
1. ArenaNet GMs very rarely send unsolicited whispers.
2. ArenaNet Senior GMs all have character names akin to GM Madi Walker and have the ArenaNet Guild Tag.
3. All ArenaNet GMs have GM ‘Hopefully Cool Alias’.#### for a display name.
4. GM whisper text is golden; not purple.
5. Impersonating a employee or agent of ArenaNet will result in an immediate suspension or termination of your account.
Hope this helps you identify real GMs versus the imposters out there.
Hunt safe.
Thank you Michael for the clarification, much appreciated.
On a side note…. I hope everyone else has noticed the ramp-up of Anet posts to topics, I have the feeling something has changed in a very positive way that is now allowing Anet employees more freedom to share info or respond to threads.
Thank you!
UnicornGirl has intentionally tried to disrupt any and all organized player events for as long as I can remember, hiding behind the guise that she’s “not trolling” or “griefing,” despite actions like this:
…wherein she intentionally tried to cause gold Boss Blitzes to fail by bringing a character named The Greefer into gold instances and either burning bosses early or pulling mobs from the boss areas into the players to make it more difficult to get the burn timing right.
Goodbye, good riddance, (not) nice knowin’ ya.
Hm. Something like an eye for an eye thing going on here. They’re doing this, so I’m gonna get back at them and do this.
The things she’s saying if they’re true aren’t fair to other people if these are the kinds of tactics some of the big guilds are using to do these events.
Not that her response was any better morally (no moral high ground for her), but I can see why she would lash out like that.
She was telling the truth about the Venturers of The Mists, there is proof.
On that precident I don’t see a reason to doubt her on this. If what you say is true and she did do those things in the CP, she’s certainly no saint herself.
If I must pick between King John or Robin Hood, I’ll always pick Robin Hood even if both are dubious characters.
I mean I know developers probably have access to similar things a these new official GM’s do, if needed, so besides it being clear distinction between the two technically not that much has changed.
Actually, ArenaNet has been pretty clear that developers do not have any special access on their live accounts. They can rep the ArenaNet guild to show the tag, but otherwise, they have the same options as we do.
What I meant was that they always had access to accounts that do. Obviously their personal accounts do not have this access. I don’t know what sort of access they have specifically but I know for a fact that the game has several developer overlays to access stuff like stats and graphs about the map and the server instances (which are much less useful on their staging environment that does not have a lot of active players), there are couple of examples of these out there f.ex. in an old GDC presentation I believe.
From an old live stream ages ago, I also recall a dev saying that all developer actions on live are logged and that typically each such action on live needs some kind of approval or something (this was like back when Scarlet’s invasions were a thing though).
(edited by Crise.9401)
i assume the perpetrator in question will get the ban hammer
Does anyone know if Dhuum shows up and kills the character of someone who gets banned? I know they used to do this in GW1, I thought it was a rather amusing way to do a ban.
There’s no animation effect that plays when an account gets terminated in Guild Wars 2 at the moment.
I mean I know developers probably have access to similar things a these new official GM’s do, if needed, so besides it being clear distinction between the two technically not that much has changed.
Actually, ArenaNet has been pretty clear that developers do not have any special access on their live accounts. They can rep the ArenaNet guild to show the tag, but otherwise, they have the same options as we do.
That is correct. Developers do not have access to GM abilities. They play the game just like everyone else, without any sort of special in-game commands. Our non-GM accounts do not have access to GM abilities either.
(edited by GM Talon.4851)
There’s no animation effect that plays when an account gets terminated in Guild Wars 2 at the moment.
There’s no effect at the moment.
at the moment.
Dhuum animations confirmed under development.
CETheLucid, don’t be fooled. The character in question is doing nothing but Greifing, I mean it’s in the name what do you expect. There is no benefit coming from their actions.
Your metaphor has some issues. Robin hood robbed the rich to GIVE TO THE POOR, and King John overtaxed his people with NO REGARD TO THEM. The difference in the situation in Crown Pavillion is that first, the greifers (not just the one being talked about) didn’t help anyone, they were just an annoyance to people trying to have fun. Second, the people organizing weren’t taking everything for themselves, just the opposite, they were working hard to help EVERYONE profit, some of them actually donating a lot of money to the heal-o-tron to get things going faster, so quite the opposite of a “king john” character.
In the end I have a lot of thanks towards the TTS people and the people who weren’t in TTS that were using their channels to lead those things, I had fun and got a ton of stuff. And those people who decided they’d ruin the fun… well no kind words for them so I’ll just leave it there.
(edited by Jerus.4350)
Robin Hood robbed the blind? That’s an interesting take on the character…
UnicornGirl has intentionally tried to disrupt any and all organized player events for as long as I can remember, hiding behind the guise that she’s “not trolling” or “griefing,” despite actions like this:
…wherein she intentionally tried to cause gold Boss Blitzes to fail by bringing a character named The Greefer into gold instances and either burning bosses early or pulling mobs from the boss areas into the players to make it more difficult to get the burn timing right.
Goodbye, good riddance, (not) nice knowin’ ya.
Hm. Something like an eye for an eye thing going on here. They’re doing this, so I’m gonna get back at them and do this.
The things she’s saying if they’re true aren’t fair to other people if these are the kinds of tactics some of the big guilds are using to do these events.
Not that her response was any better morally (no moral high ground for her), but I can see why she would lash out like that.
She was telling the truth about the Venturers of The Mists, there is proof.
On that precident I don’t see a reason to doubt her on this. If what you say is true and she did do those things in the CP, she’s certainly no saint herself.
If I must pick between King John or Robin Hood, I’ll always pick Robin Hood even if both are dubious characters.
She is 100% accurate about [EotM] and Venturers. I agree there. I do, however, disagree with her methods, and the ToS apparently do as well. I was in BBB, the guild she accused of doing all those things, and that’s not how we rolled. We were an easygoing guild, and yes, we did routinely do what we called a “purge.” When a purge was called, we would drop our tags and move to one corner of the map. Anyone could see us. We’d then wait about 15 minutes for all the people AFK at Wiggin/Pyro to leave — and I use “AFK” loosely, because they were not truly AFK, they would wait until the boss spawned and then hit autoattack from a safe spot (ledges), tab out or go do something else — this often caused early burns and eventually so many people were there that the bosses would scale higher than we could DPS them down within the gold time limit. For example, each boss, aside from Wiggin, had 1.2mil HP (Wig at 1.5mil) at a base number up to 5 players. After 5 players, the boss gained an additional 20% HP per player on that boss. If a person can’t make up that 20% damage, or isn’t supporting the others that are with waters, banners, etc, it leads to failures and eventually golds turn to silvers and silvers to bronze and the map implodes.
This is something that we learned doing BB hundreds of times, so generally after a really close call on a gold or a silver, we would enact a purge. We weren’t mean to anyone, and we offered free taxis in LFG to anyone who wanted to join. That was actually one of the guild rules — if you are a BBB member, you were NOT allowed to charge for a taxi. We wanted to get gold and we wanted to help other people get gold as well.
When UnicornGirl showed up as The Greefer and started sabotaging burns, people understandably got angry. Tight player organization and coordination was the entire aim of BB, and achieving gold was a fairly difficult thing to do without it. When a single person aptly named after the activity they were doing (i.e., griefing the entire instance with the intent of ruining it for everyone doing it) comes along, and then even decides to join our TS and taunt us under the guise of “I’m just playing how I want, deal with it” and so forth, how many of the people in our TS are going to be happy about it? That TS channel, until she came along, was an open TS — and then it got a password slapped on it.
She was reviled in BB, she crossed the line here by impersonating Anet staff, and she got what she deserved.
(edited by Ark Bladesteele.2943)
I should have joined you guys for the Pavilion. I stopped doing it after a week due to frustration.
Robin Hood robbed the blind? That’s an interesting take on the character…
Ever had your mind wander while typing and you type a completely random word instead of what you meant… yeah apparently that just happened to me sorry, edited it… pretty hilarious typo though. I guess you could say the morally blind? ;D
UnicornGirl has intentionally tried to disrupt any and all organized player events for as long as I can remember, hiding behind the guise that she’s “not trolling” or “griefing,” despite actions like this:
…wherein she intentionally tried to cause gold Boss Blitzes to fail by bringing a character named The Greefer into gold instances and either burning bosses early or pulling mobs from the boss areas into the players to make it more difficult to get the burn timing right.
Goodbye, good riddance, (not) nice knowin’ ya.
Hm. Something like an eye for an eye thing going on here. They’re doing this, so I’m gonna get back at them and do this.
The things she’s saying if they’re true aren’t fair to other people if these are the kinds of tactics some of the big guilds are using to do these events.
Not that her response was any better morally (no moral high ground for her), but I can see why she would lash out like that.
She was telling the truth about the Venturers of The Mists, there is proof.
On that precident I don’t see a reason to doubt her on this. If what you say is true and she did do those things in the CP, she’s certainly no saint herself.
If I must pick between King John or Robin Hood, I’ll always pick Robin Hood even if both are dubious characters.
She is 100% accurate about [EotM] and Venturers. I agree there. I do, however, disagree with her methods, and the ToS apparently do as well. I was in BBB, the guild she accused of doing all those things, and that’s not how we rolled. We were an easygoing guild, and yes, we did routinely do what we called a “purge.” When a purge was called, we would drop our tags and move to one corner of the map. Anyone could see us. We’d then wait about 15 minutes for all the people AFK at Wiggin/Pyro to leave — and I use “AFK” loosely, because they were not truly AFK, they would wait until the boss spawned and then hit autoattack from a safe spot (ledges), tab out or go do something else — this often caused early burns and eventually so many people were there that the bosses would scale higher than we could DPS them down within the gold time limit. For example, each boss, aside from Wiggin, had 1.2mil HP (Wig at 1.5mil) at a base number up to 5 players. After 5 players, the boss gained an additional 20% HP per player on that boss. If a person can’t make up that 20% damage, or isn’t supporting the others that are with waters, banners, etc, it leads to failures and eventually golds turn to silvers and silvers to bronze and the map implodes.
This is something that we learned doing BB hundreds of times, so generally after a really close call on a gold or a silver, we would enact a purge. We weren’t mean to anyone, and we offered free taxis in LFG to anyone who wanted to join. That was actually one of the guild rules — if you are a BBB member, you were NOT allowed to charge for a taxi. We wanted to get gold and we wanted to help other people get gold as well.
When UnicornGirl showed up as The Greefer and started sabotaging burns, people understandably got angry. Tight player organization and coordination was the entire aim of BB, and achieving gold was a fairly difficult thing to do without it. When a single person aptly named after the activity they were doing (i.e., griefing the entire instance with the intent of ruining it for everyone doing it) comes along, and then even decides to join our TS and taunt us under the guise of “I’m just playing how I want, deal with it” and so forth, how many of the people in our TS are going to be happy about it? That TS channel, until she came along, was an open TS — and then it got a password slapped on it.
She was reviled in BB, she crossed the line here by impersonating Anet staff, and she got what she deserved.
Well kitten me. Color me suspicious.
I remember playing with BBB on multiple occasions and the free taxi’s they provided. I was in the TS a few times and you guys were really nice folks overall.
More chitter chatty than I am, but nice!
I don’t know many people from TTS personally, but a few of my friends do. OT but are you the same Ark from TDF? HoD?
UnicornGirl has intentionally tried to disrupt any and all organized player events for as long as I can remember, hiding behind the guise that she’s “not trolling” or “griefing,” despite actions like this:
…wherein she intentionally tried to cause gold Boss Blitzes to fail by bringing a character named The Greefer into gold instances and either burning bosses early or pulling mobs from the boss areas into the players to make it more difficult to get the burn timing right.
Goodbye, good riddance, (not) nice knowin’ ya.
Hm. Something like an eye for an eye thing going on here. They’re doing this, so I’m gonna get back at them and do this.
The things she’s saying if they’re true aren’t fair to other people if these are the kinds of tactics some of the big guilds are using to do these events.
Not that her response was any better morally (no moral high ground for her), but I can see why she would lash out like that.
She was telling the truth about the Venturers of The Mists, there is proof.
On that precident I don’t see a reason to doubt her on this. If what you say is true and she did do those things in the CP, she’s certainly no saint herself.
If I must pick between King John or Robin Hood, I’ll always pick Robin Hood even if both are dubious characters.
She is 100% accurate about [EotM] and Venturers. I agree there. I do, however, disagree with her methods, and the ToS apparently do as well. I was in BBB, the guild she accused of doing all those things, and that’s not how we rolled. We were an easygoing guild, and yes, we did routinely do what we called a “purge.” When a purge was called, we would drop our tags and move to one corner of the map. Anyone could see us. We’d then wait about 15 minutes for all the people AFK at Wiggin/Pyro to leave — and I use “AFK” loosely, because they were not truly AFK, they would wait until the boss spawned and then hit autoattack from a safe spot (ledges), tab out or go do something else — this often caused early burns and eventually so many people were there that the bosses would scale higher than we could DPS them down within the gold time limit. For example, each boss, aside from Wiggin, had 1.2mil HP (Wig at 1.5mil) at a base number up to 5 players. After 5 players, the boss gained an additional 20% HP per player on that boss. If a person can’t make up that 20% damage, or isn’t supporting the others that are with waters, banners, etc, it leads to failures and eventually golds turn to silvers and silvers to bronze and the map implodes.
This is something that we learned doing BB hundreds of times, so generally after a really close call on a gold or a silver, we would enact a purge. We weren’t mean to anyone, and we offered free taxis in LFG to anyone who wanted to join. That was actually one of the guild rules — if you are a BBB member, you were NOT allowed to charge for a taxi. We wanted to get gold and we wanted to help other people get gold as well.
When UnicornGirl showed up as The Greefer and started sabotaging burns, people understandably got angry. Tight player organization and coordination was the entire aim of BB, and achieving gold was a fairly difficult thing to do without it. When a single person aptly named after the activity they were doing (i.e., griefing the entire instance with the intent of ruining it for everyone doing it) comes along, and then even decides to join our TS and taunt us under the guise of “I’m just playing how I want, deal with it” and so forth, how many of the people in our TS are going to be happy about it? That TS channel, until she came along, was an open TS — and then it got a password slapped on it.
She was reviled in BB, she crossed the line here by impersonating Anet staff, and she got what she deserved.
Well kitten me. Color me suspicious.
I remember playing with BBB on multiple occasions and the free taxi’s they provided. I was in the TS a few times and you guys were really nice folks overall.
More chitter chatty than I am, but nice!
I don’t know many people from TTS personally, but a few of my friends do. OT but are you the same Ark from TDF? HoD?
Yes we certainly had our chatty ones. And yes I am the same Ark of TDF/HoD.
It does sound that this griefer/Anet staff impersonator should be removed from the game.
This thread should also be locked, as it’s not our business past reporting it initially. With Anet staff posting in this thread, they are fully aware of what’s happened now. Take out the trash, and lets carry on already. No need to make a spectacle in paying this type of person any more attention.
GM Talon can you please PM me in forums? I found a disturbing incident that possible contains an Anet employee concerning dungeons and maybe you want to check out if it’s problematic.
UnicornGirl has intentionally tried to disrupt any and all organized player events for as long as I can remember, hiding behind the guise that she’s “not trolling” or “griefing,” despite actions like this:
…wherein she intentionally tried to cause gold Boss Blitzes to fail by bringing a character named The Greefer into gold instances and either burning bosses early or pulling mobs from the boss areas into the players to make it more difficult to get the burn timing right.
Goodbye, good riddance, (not) nice knowin’ ya.
Hm. Something like an eye for an eye thing going on here. They’re doing this, so I’m gonna get back at them and do this.
The things she’s saying if they’re true aren’t fair to other people if these are the kinds of tactics some of the big guilds are using to do these events.
Not that her response was any better morally (no moral high ground for her), but I can see why she would lash out like that.
She was telling the truth about the Venturers of The Mists, there is proof.
On that precident I don’t see a reason to doubt her on this. If what you say is true and she did do those things in the CP, she’s certainly no saint herself.
If I must pick between King John or Robin Hood, I’ll always pick Robin Hood even if both are dubious characters.
She is 100% accurate about [EotM] and Venturers. I agree there. I do, however, disagree with her methods, and the ToS apparently do as well. I was in BBB, the guild she accused of doing all those things, and that’s not how we rolled. We were an easygoing guild, and yes, we did routinely do what we called a “purge.” When a purge was called, we would drop our tags and move to one corner of the map. Anyone could see us. We’d then wait about 15 minutes for all the people AFK at Wiggin/Pyro to leave — and I use “AFK” loosely, because they were not truly AFK, they would wait until the boss spawned and then hit autoattack from a safe spot (ledges), tab out or go do something else — this often caused early burns and eventually so many people were there that the bosses would scale higher than we could DPS them down within the gold time limit. For example, each boss, aside from Wiggin, had 1.2mil HP (Wig at 1.5mil) at a base number up to 5 players. After 5 players, the boss gained an additional 20% HP per player on that boss. If a person can’t make up that 20% damage, or isn’t supporting the others that are with waters, banners, etc, it leads to failures and eventually golds turn to silvers and silvers to bronze and the map implodes.
This is something that we learned doing BB hundreds of times, so generally after a really close call on a gold or a silver, we would enact a purge. We weren’t mean to anyone, and we offered free taxis in LFG to anyone who wanted to join. That was actually one of the guild rules — if you are a BBB member, you were NOT allowed to charge for a taxi. We wanted to get gold and we wanted to help other people get gold as well.
When UnicornGirl showed up as The Greefer and started sabotaging burns, people understandably got angry. Tight player organization and coordination was the entire aim of BB, and achieving gold was a fairly difficult thing to do without it. When a single person aptly named after the activity they were doing (i.e., griefing the entire instance with the intent of ruining it for everyone doing it) comes along, and then even decides to join our TS and taunt us under the guise of “I’m just playing how I want, deal with it” and so forth, how many of the people in our TS are going to be happy about it? That TS channel, until she came along, was an open TS — and then it got a password slapped on it.
She was reviled in BB, she crossed the line here by impersonating Anet staff, and she got what she deserved.
Well kitten me. Color me suspicious.
I remember playing with BBB on multiple occasions and the free taxi’s they provided. I was in the TS a few times and you guys were really nice folks overall.
More chitter chatty than I am, but nice!
I don’t know many people from TTS personally, but a few of my friends do. OT but are you the same Ark from TDF? HoD?
Yes we certainly had our chatty ones
. And yes I am the same Ark of TDF/HoD.
Well you get around. I didn’t connect it to you thinking “Ark is common name, that ain’t him”. You’re a good commander and a nice person as far as I’m concerned.
Think we were in TA/VLK together? You might be in my current guild as an ally. I run with you in WvW now and then.
Small world. Give the Hoelbrak kitten Squad hell. I might be on a bit later.
hello, i’ll start to the point, i was running eotm(overflow) as frostreach, my zerg was lead by someone nick named kimberly blabla, after she capped tytone she was asking for another tag to replace, because of no one tagged up i decided to tag up and lead my zerg to statuary then to eastern altar gate( i decided that because i see orange sword at BL keep, or let me say OG was there) and when my zerg was ramming the gate the OG zerg not finished their job at BL keep but they just run toward my zerg and wiped my zerg, and after that when i was about to continue my run from FR zone i got whispered by someone(maybe gw2 staff) he has name ‘Banbot’ he said that i was reported for doing a setuped match there…
my fact :
- im not in any voice chat
- my guild tag the time i represent was only me as a member( this is my private tag )
- im grouping with random FR dudes
- im not whispering anyone while im tagging up that timethank you for that random dude who reported me,
i hope if that ‘Banbot’ guy is real staff and i’m not guilty the one that reported me should punishedsorry for the bad english
thank you
Walking BagSS attached
You’ve admitted leading zergs to be farmed by enemy zergs in the past… and you have the gall to post this?
oh this ‘Banbot’ showed up, so u are this game staff right??
or u want to join my [bag] exclusive tag?
when i was admitted that? do i know u?
thats 2nd time i commanding, the 1st is running pretty good( leading about 1,5 last hour of match-i always tag when no one else want to tag)
and to someone at page 2 that said i amfraid because of im guilty, im pretty new in this game and i tagged when no one else want to, i just want to help zerg stayed together/coordinated and i got that trolling pm that scared me, i was really dissapointed so i tag down but im staying at the overflow
thank you again for all the response, especially the confirmation, now i know who is that Banbot
(edited by adika.1809)
Good to know that GW2 actually has GM’s. I’ll be keeping my eyes out for them
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