180 Gold on no precursor? how about you?
Many players spend more on rares/exotics than the actual price of the precursor.
Mystic Forge is a gamble, you can get your precursor in your next try, or after a hundred more tries.
(and the other 8 elite specs maxed too)
All I know is the cost of precursors on the tp are steadily climbing. As much as 1500 gold these days. And I don’t trust rng to roll in my favor with the mystic forge.
I spent, back then (a year ago?), ~500g accumulated thru several tries of about 80g to 90g worth of rare greatsword. Note that I resell Exotic that I get, so let’s say it’s about ~400g. I don’t really know the inflation rate now compared to a year or so ago, but back then, after spending that much at the forge, I decided to just buy one (about 500g).
Getting a Pre is such an RNG factor, forge is supposed to alleviate some of the RNG factor, but it’s still RNG. As for trying again? I’d say, just get the gold, buy the Pre. That’s what so tricky about luck (or lack of it), you wouldn’t know until you try. And just when you feel like giving up, you get hopes that you will get one (maybe because you heard people got one in less try, etc) and then only to fail again.
I know, I tried it many times. I also know personally, at least two guildies who have tried it less than 10x and got one. RNG is never fair, it can never be fair, otherwise, half of then population would be running with Legendary and people will complain that it;s not so legendary after all (but that’s entirely different topic)….
Anyway, if you “feel” you’ll get it in a few tries, no one’s stopping you. But my suggestion stays: get the gold, buy the pre. If you ever get one dropped, lucky you. If you ever got one dropped and you already bought one, sell either or both if you change your mind.
Good luck, we all need it.
[Aeon of Wonder]
Maguuma Server
I’m working on The Dreamer and I decided right at the start I wasn’t going to waste time and money on the forge.
I need 600g – 700g for the precursor (depending on price fluctuations) and I’ve got 300g so far. It’s slow (especially since I’m not farming) but I’m going to get there eventually.
For me this way is much less frustrating that throwing rares into the forge and maybe getting lucky or maybe spending a lot more and getting nothing.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
Not worrying about a Legendary weapon. Just another time, money sink is all.
Last precursor I pulled from the forge was dusk, I dropped 1000 rare greatswords in, and then finally pulled the precursor on the exotics I got back from throwing all of those rare greatswords in.
At the extremely lowball price of 50s a rare greatsword (and I think they are probably closer to 70-85s), that’s 500g in rares, plus more exotics. I crafted all of mine from scratch, that makes it a kitteneaper.
If you want to gamble in the forge, you need a lot more gold, and that means you may need to do content you don’t particularly enjoy that are actually profitable, like dungeons.
240 G got dusk
300g got dusk
600g got a lot pain
ja total gamble
That site is the most complete research on precursor drop rate I’ve seen so far. according to it, you have a 0.79% chance to get a precursor using 4 exotic blades. According to that, in average, you’ll get a precursor every 126 forges using exotics. Considering that the cheapest exotic sword on the TP right now is about 2g 90s (sell order), you can expect to spend about 1100g into it, which would put you ahead from plain buying it since zap costs 1255g right now… but it’s still a gamble, the website guy at one point did 506 forges without getting any precursor (which would mean 4400g, more than enough to purchase the legendary itself).
So, if you want to go the mystic forge way, be aware that you might get more than one precursor (or one for cheap), you might as well end up with nothing so you’d have to raise the money again.
wrapped up in some crazy ritualist hoo-ha from Cantha.
A real grab bag of ‘you can’t hurt me. They’re called Guardians.
Ive thrown over 600 exotic greatswords into the mystic toilet and got nothing than crap out of it.
Spent about 1000g before getting my precursor (that was when Dusk was 400G)
I got Kudzu dropped and sold for 90 gold long time ago.
Bought Spark – 130 gold (now 1275 gold)
Bought Storm – 70 gold (now 645 gold)
Lot of people waste exotics and lot of items in the forge and no success. And then i go and i throw 2 yellow daggers, a helm and a shield… and Dusk (twilight precursor) drop.
xDD sorry but i can’t just stop laughing about how lucky i was (february, btw, while farming Scarlet Holograms)
Mystic forge is a matter of luck, but there’s a lot of things that you can control, like… only trying with items that drop, not spending money on that. That way you always save money and if no luck… at least you got your money!
Aens / Ellantriel / Nao To Mori / Saelyth. Commander
Guias de Raids en español / Spanish raiding guides
20g spark
60g zap
~300g dusk
150g tooth of frostfang
100g dusk
600g dawn(ouch)
100g zap(few days ago)
900g spark(few days ago)
I had saved up around 1350g in the first year or so of play, or up until about 8 months ago, and got ‘The Legend’ for about 720g. Getting close, only need about 40 more of 3 T6 mats, and then I can spend my 120g on 2 recipes and 100 shards and I should be good to finally make it.
I’m back up to 650, and have spent quite a bit of money in the past 8 months leveling up some ascended crafting, armor and sigils and runes for a few new 80s, etc. I find I’m making a lot more money now than I used to. Might be attributed to my increased magic find or maybe RNG is just on my side with rare drops, but the TP (just selling, not speculating) has been a pretty steady source of money for me lately.
new legendaries when?
If you could easily get spark spending a mere 180 gold at the forge, then its price on the TP would be far lower than the 1200g it’s listed at.
There is a thread in one of the other forums (crafting or BL, not sure which) that a player details the amount of money he has spent on obtaining Precursors from the Forge. I think he was up to +30 Precursors and over 8K gold tossed in (previous number wrong):
Thread: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/crafting/Precursor-Research-30-crafted-DATA-PICS/first
Extrapolating, OP has a lot of farming (or flipping) to do…..
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances
(edited by Brother Grimm.5176)
, half of then population would be running with Legendary and people will complain that it;s not so legendary after all….
Wait. Isn’t most everyone already running around with a legendary? I can’t go into a single dungeon without seeing Eternity or Twilight. No Idea how people can do it, took me a year of playing the game to get The Dreamer……
Rare → exotic chance ~20%
Chance from exotics ~1% (100 tries) – 4 first time, then +3 every attempt
Chance from rares ~0.02% (500 tries) – 4 first time, then +3 if no procs (coz you get 1 rare item back) – you need ~1500-2000 rares total for normal statistics
I spent 10 gold once and decided this is a horrific way to spend my time; even if I were to get the precursor like this eventually; I could be doing more than staring at a toilet for so long. The thing is that there’s no in between. You just get screwed or occasionally end up with an okay exotic that doesn’t sell enough to make up for the waste of time.
Those rare weapons are worth a bit because people like to gamble with em. I think it would be more efficient to sell these to the gambling addicts and I’ll probably simply have enough gold just to outright buy one. >.>
for there you have been and there you will long to return.
I’m up to nearly 1500g spent during this stretch without a precursor dropping. Had 4 Dawns, 1 Zap, and 1 Legend drop in about 3.5k gold before that.
Unstable Shield, Unstable Light
I would never even consider spending money on a chance that the mystic toilet would give me a precursor. I’ve WvW’ed and EOTM’ed ever since they were made, and to this day I still haven’t received a precursor, so I doubt I’d get one from the mystic toilet either.
I think I’d rather wait for a more permanent chance, like precursor hunting – whenever that’s going to arrive (if ever).
I spent over 600g on GS rares, forged them in one sitting, MF teased me with a few Khrysaor the Golden Sword and……no precursor at all.
I now know my luck so I shrugged my misfortune off and swear not to gamble again.
The first time I was going for dusk I got dawn after about 95g in the forge, though this is easy brought another 100g worth GS and got dawn again after about 60g, sold them both, brought dusk, very happy man (nobody believed me).
about 2 months later I proceeded to put over 800g worth of staffs in going for legend and never got it, quit the game for 2 weeks ended up buying it from tp for 600g.
Came out about eve… meh
I dropped 12 random weapons + 4 mystic forge stones….and got Zap.
It’s really all a gamble.
I bought my precursor for 10 gold.
I wish I’d picked up Rage when it was 30g :P
I just bought it on the TP anyways. Gambling by means of MF will not only eat through your money, but also your time, and probably cause you carpal tunnel syndrome. Playing GW2 in other ways that are marginally more fun than running back and forth between TP and MF and making the money in the process will always seem preferable to me.
~ Whips ~ City Minigames ~ City Jumping Puzzles ~
Not worrying about a Legendary weapon. Just another time, money sink is all.
My 1st precursor was forged relatively quick(50 tries or so). Most of the tries were from crafted rares during the sub 1s T5 era.
My second(and final because kitten map completion) was bought right before the latest price spike for 163g on a whim, after a few weeks it spiked over 500g and settled around 350g.
If I were new and saw the TP history on websites I’d be severely demoralized to even bother to try. Luckily though we have ascended weapons and Anet is pretty good at releasing decent skins lately that reduce the urgency felt to stand out with a legendary.
+1200g down the mystic forge without a precursor.
Torch pre drop from a champion bag.
8 bought precursors from the trading post ranging from 100g to 700g.
I bought the 3 precursors for my 3 legendaries. But then I thought I could try it with The Legend. I threw maybe 200 rare staves into the forge and nothing. Then I tried the one thing I really regret: bought 700g worth of exotic staves and threw it all into the forge: nothing. Everything wasted. I just had to save up to 1000 (the then price of The Legend) and bought it off of the TP like I did with the other precursors.
End of story: even after 2.5k hours of play no precursor drop. Nothing from forge. Only wasted money. A guildie gets 6 precursors in 1.5k hours of play. (4 from drops). I just don’t think that this is a solution to make this item valuable. It’s a very bad way to implement Legendary crafting. They should rather make hard quests/content where you can achieve a precursor – I am fine with the rest: Farming and a lot of time needed to create a Legendary is ok. But not plain RNG-luck.
‘would of been’ —> wrong
Spent 60g on the trading post. Sorted.
I just got the game on April sales and saw ppl with legendary. After I lvl my 1st guardian to 80, I brought 4,000 gem with RW money and spend all the gold buying exotic GS from the TP. Got the Dawn on the 2nd try, but i want Twilight so I throw the rest GS into the toilet and nothing good came out. A week later, i had like 18g in an inventory so I purchase 4 exotic GS from TP, got Dusk on 1st try!! So, i sold Dawn for T6 matts and got the Twilight in the end. After that i waste like 600-700g in the toilet, nothing until now.
No precursor since launch.
No precursor since beta. I had to save up 850g to buy one from the TP and grind, grind, grind for the mats too. Not bothering with “crafting” another legendary until either one drops as a legendary miracle, or ANET finally adds a definitive method of acquisition that is not RNG based. RNG in this game sucks and is poorly implemented. I liked another gamer’s suggestion that RNG becomes more ‘lucky’ for people who have notoriously bad luck… the longer they play without a lucky drop the luckier the drop gets over time played.
I spent around 700g spanning almost a year trying to get The Legend via the mystic pit. It never appeared, and I didn’t get anything back worth noting to even soften the crushing defeat.
At that time I was dead set against shelling out hundreds of gold to another player for having the luck I severely lack in any game, but in the end it happened anyway.
I would love to work towards Sunrise as well, but until such time as ANet releases some surefire way to obtain a precursor that doesn’t involve shelling out 1k+ to another player, I will just stare at it through the tp window.
Thousands of gold no precurser, at this point I am just going to finish up my Gift of Fortune and then try my hand at the rng some more when all of that is taken care of. Hopefully it gives me my hunter at some point ;__;
I think I’d rather wait for a more permanent chance, like precursor hunting – whenever that’s going to arrive (if ever).
Honestly, why would they make precursor hunting/crafting now? Just look at what a huge gold sink the MF is.
delicate, brick-like subtlety.
Lot of people waste exotics and lot of items in the forge and no success. And then i go and i throw 2 yellow daggers, a helm and a shield… and Dusk (twilight precursor) drop.
xDD sorry but i can’t just stop laughing about how lucky i was (february, btw, while farming Scarlet Holograms
Mystic forge is a matter of luck, but there’s a lot of things that you can control, like… only trying with items that drop, not spending money on that. That way you always save money and if no luck… at least you got your money!
That’s what I do as well. I only throw stuff in that I got as drop. Not armor, though, because I like to salvage that for the cloth (and the ecto’s)
And I got lucky as well, when there was still a daily which asked you to use the Forge. I dropped in some junk rare weapons and got The Hunter (precursor for The Predator). As I find The Hunter is one of the best looking rifles in the game, you won’t hear me complain :p
And naturally I could sell all those weapons I put in the Forge and get some gold with which I could buy a precursor, but I do like a gamble once in a while, and this way at least I won’t get poorer….
I spent 3000 gold on black lion chests only because i couldn’t find anything else i wanted to spend gold on, unfortunately i just got a kitten load of boosters
Played almost everyday since Early Access, still no precursor. Gave up the capacity to care about it at all. Screw it, don’t need it, gave up.
I’ve probably only put around 200g worth of rares/exotics (only what I received as drops) in the toilet. However, I quickly gave up on that. I ended up getting my precursor in WvW a few months ago.
Since I started playing I’ve thrown just under 3000 gold worth of rares and exotics into the forge. I have a grand total of zero precursors from it.
The highest at one time was 2000 gold on exotic staves in hopes of The Legend. I got nothing. I understand I could have bought the legend several times over, but at that stage I thought there is nothing legendary about buying precursors. Since then I bought the legend. The forge does not like me at all when it comes to precursor drops
I have played since early release, gambling isn’t for me since I’ve spent about .. 10 gold in the Mystic Forge. I’m not interested in legendaries, so if I ever find a precursor I’ll probably give it away to one of my friends who’s hoping to get one. I know he would never accept it for free, so I’ll probably give him a mysterious shopping list of quest ingredients for it (the gathered essence of autumn, the bottled rage of a dragon, etc.) and see what he comes up with. ^^
180g really? If people were getting pres from 180g in mystic forge, I am pretty sure the price would be a lot lower.
I am still waiting for crafting precursor.
I think its primitive to try to craft it, because you need RNG to get it.
When they make precursor craftable I will make my legendary.
I am still waiting for crafting precursor.
I think its primitive to try to craft it, because you need RNG to get it.
When they make precursor craftable I will make my legendary.
Agreed, got plenty of gold in my bank even though I decided to start crafting some ascended armor pieces and it’s such a slow process. , but if I get a precursor as a drop I’ll have to decide whether to keep it or sell it, when I can craft one I might do that but outright buying off the TP or trying my RNG luck at the MF, no thank you.
You have to spend THOUSANDS of gold to make the Mystic Forge more cost effective than simply buying the Precursor outright. This is because you are dealing with a VERY small chance to get one and thus need a VERY large sample size (which costs a VERY large amount of gold to achieve).
Unless you are able and willing to commit thousands of gold to the Forge, don’t spend your gold on the MF but instead save up for your Precursor.
If you want to forge things, do dungeon runs, use dungeon tokens to buy exotic weapons, dump dungeon weapons into the forge.