2 accounts 2 different loot experiences
It’s logical that a more played account will have more/better drops than a newer account by virtue of rolling the dice more.
In the same timeframe?
That aside…the thread as created is not just about old verses new accounts. It focuses more on trends over time because the over time bit matters.
…considering, that there were massive changes to drop rates both gamewide and for specific locations and/or items over time, comparing drops from 2 years ago with drops now really has no sense (besides realizing the obvious fact that they have changed).
The reason I used “more played” vs “older” is b/c a new account could very possibly have been played the same amount as an older less played one.
Who said I was just comparing my main account then and my new account now? I have played both almost everyday for three months. Prior to obtaining my new account I was comparing my and guildies loot to other guildies loot. In the guild we all know JJ (sry to call you out man) will consistently be the one to get the best loot. That has been happening since day 1 of the game.
Except that hundreds of players all see the same pattern. 2 or 3 people out of countless of complaints on forums just means you haven’t experienced YET what too many others are complaining about.
I have two accounts that I play on daily. My main has had a lot of Precursor drops. My “newer” alt account has yet to see a Precursor drop. According to you and the “hundreds” of others, I should be getting a ton of stuff on my newer account, and less on my main. Am I the exception to your facts?
You’re not included in the numbers because just as you said " I Play daily". this is about newer accounts who don’t play as often getting fantastic drops when they do. Why is it no one is understanding age problem isn’t about how many days you’ve had an account but hours played
re·ward – a thing given in recognition of one’s service, effort, or achievement
en·ti·tle·ment – the belief one is inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment
Here’s the bottom line.
You can’t argue that the RNG system is for sure not bugged or does not purposefully favor newer accounts. The same can be said for DR. You DO NOT know the code. You CAN NOT argue this.
You can state your opinion that you don’t think its bugged and then start linking things like confirmation biase. But you can’t say with certainty that there isn’t an issue.
You can’t test that RNG/DR/loot drop tables (w/e) to show that it is bugged or not bugged. There are simply too many confounding variables and to do this on such a large scale to show statistical significance would be pretty much impossible. Also if you would figure out a way to do this and on a large scale that data would not be valid because we do not know all the variables such as how DR works exactly. So the data would not be valid. With that being said it is not a terrible awful thing to ask Anet to look into this.
Anet in the past said there isn’t a problem with it. Meanwhile in the past random people didn’t get random chest(s) in the mail. The game bugs and these bugs change.
There’s really no reason to get upset about asking Anet to look into this. Unless you’re on some type of ego trip where you want to prove everyone else is wrong even though you have no data and no code then say it’s up to the OP and players that think there could be a problem to provide this data. When it is pretty much impossible to get this data.
So lastly you can ask others if they think it could be bugged too, get replies, and hope Anet looks into it. Of course that means you can’t say it is for sure bugged. And there’s really not much you can do outside that except maybe collect data that won’t be valid nor statistically significant.
(edited by Andraus.3874)
I bet B is new and A is older. I bet B wasnlt played for a long time.
You bet. This doesn’t make that true however.
it does make it true if every player who complains of this has the exact same answer.
…no, that doesn’t mean it at all. All that means is that every person who complains about it complains about it. You seem to ignore that not every player does share that experience however. You especially seem to ignore that there are players with exactly opposite experience (seeing old accounts get way better drops than young ones).
Can’t ignore what doesn’t exist. Every player that I’ve spoken with does share this experience. I don’t ask " Is your new account better loot than you old?" It’s “Any difference in loot?” it’s always yes the newer is better. Never once has anyone ever said “My main gets better loot”. The fact they all have answered the same two questions with the exactly same answer…
Or ignore cases like mine, where an old account and a brand new account don’t have different drops, even when played on similar content and on similar level characters.
can you provide proof they get equal and the exact same loot?
Not equal and exact but similar over time over similar content and similar level chars.
However, does Essence Snow need to prove what he says? Do you need to prove what you say? He has said no, you haven’t answered. If you want to set up something for both your accounts and my accounts, we can give it a try.The burden of proof is on the ones making the claim, not the people asking if it’s true.
I’m going to assume you mean that no, you won’t do anything to prove your claim that one of your accounts gets better drops than the other. Ok.
nah because with another person there are too many variables. i cant ensure your’re doing exactly what i’m doing at the exact same time with both accounts and the exact same place with the exact same dps with exact same magic find.. because that’s how you want to collect data and that is impossible. to do. Where as simply colelcting already provided data that isn’t exact decimal value wouldn’t be sufficient enoug for you, would it?
Doesn’t have to be exact. It only needs to show that 2 accounts of different ages owned by the same person played in a similar manner on equivalent content on similar level chars either have markedly different or have similar loot. After all, that’s all that’s been claimed so far is that 2 accounts of different ages owned by the same person get different or equivalent loot while played normally.
For example, could both start with level 1 char on both accounts. Both play one hour a day on alternating days for the 2 accounts. No buffs of any type. No gear purchased from the trading post. Each one does the same map the other account by the same person does. ie, my two level in Queensdale and your two level in a starter map of your choice. All drops are recorded at the end of the play period and totaled up as they go along.
The claims made so far in this thread only requires that the two accounts owned by the same person do equivalent content, as they are showing drops rate differences/equivalencies between the two accounts only when played normally.
ANet may give it to you.
(edited by Just a flesh wound.3589)
You’re not included in the numbers because just as you said " I Play daily". this is about newer accounts who don’t play as often getting fantastic drops when they do. Why is it no one is understanding age problem isn’t about how many days you’ve had an account but hours played
So let me try to understand this theory. In order for me to be group in category of “lucky” accounts, I need to have the following:
- An account I purchased in the past couple months
- The account can’t be played daily, or must be played sparingly
If I meet these two criteria, then I’m guaranteed to get good drops on that account?
Here’s a question that I’m curious about. Out of all of the people that have an issue with RNG and see that there is a problem, how many actually have an understanding in regards to the basics of probability such as that you would get from a statistics course or petsonal research into the subject?
Quoting myself from the other “rng hates meh” thread.
snipped for length.
Threads like these only show it’s a PERCEIVED problem, not an actual, provable, fixable, problem. Perceived =/= real.
Second, those complaining about lack of drops have a notable LACK of information about what they’re doing. Brand new accounts? Most of them are probably doing open world stuff, things that help level characters and AP. The “old” accounts? Sitting in LA griping or running dungeons. On top of that, the devs arent going to say kitten, because they’ve [b]already stated it[/i]. Why would they repeat something that players have been repeating when it’s clear people who are utterly convinced otherwise (like those wearing tinfoil) refuse to listen? For you, their silence may be an indirect confirmation of an “issue,” but for the rest of us, them not saying anything is perfectly reasonable.
Why is it reasonable? One, JS has stated nothing about your account (this includes your serial code, for mr tinfoil above that mentioned it) other than your magic find boost affects RNG. Two, he’s stated it repeatedly in multiple threads. Three, he’s the game’s Economist, someone who’s definitely going to know more about the RNG than say, Gaile. Especially when said RNG has an impact on the economy he’s in charge of monitoring. Four, a working RNG is going to have outliers, both those with abysmal luck, like the OP of every friggin “RNGesus hates meh” thread, and those who can pull out back to back precursors. I’m in the middle of the average and better luck right now, having recently pulled an ascended chest out of a champ bag. If I was on my desktop I’d upload a picture of it. Fifth, Anet probably understands there’s no reasoning with these people, so arent going to validate their non-concerns, whether with an affirmative or not.
As a sidenote, the OP of one of the other threads has been directly told by JS that account-determined luck is a steaming pile of dolyak kitten. Twice.
Finally, you get to/make a good point. Does the system work? Yes. Does the system work as intended? Quite likely. Does the system work as players think it was intended? Clearly not when you get threads like this. The last one is where a lot of players base their “it dont work” argument. It’s also why JS made a thread asking about the different options working WITH rng (not replacing) with alternate systems, similar to dungeon tokens and fractal relics. While the same idea, they’re different systems- one is for obtaining loot you cant get without doing the dungeon (sans pvp) even though the dungeon doesnt drop it directly (be nice if it could), and the other is a system for obtaining loot if RNG doesnt roll in your favor to give you the exact one you want/need.
And honestly, such a poll would be worthless. New players wouldnt know what to answer (or give “IT’S GREAT”) while other players who have spent weeks/months farming for a precursor will probably give the “it sucks balls” answer despite having gotten frequent exotics and ascended drops. Confirmation bias and perception would utterly destroy the premise of the poll.
The point to Andraus and others is, yes, yes we CAN argue that RNG is perfectly functioning. Why? Because people like you getting kitten loot more often than not means you’re a statistical outlier. Because people NOT like you are getting awesome loot more often than not means they’re a statistical outlier. Both exist because the RNG system works.
Stop arguing that the system doesnt work. It does. At least have the common sense to argue that the system isnt working the way you think it was intended to work. Further, stop asking Anet to look into something based on anecdotal pseudo-evidence. Frankly Anet’s going to ignore the request because they dont have proof to believe it’s true. And frankly I dont blame them when the vast majority of these threads devolve into “MY ACCOUNT IS CURSED AND I NEVER GET GOOD LOOT BECAUSE MY ACCOUNT IS UNLUCKY” circles. And that’s after Anet (in general, JS specifically) has stated beyond your MF% value, your account has kitten. ALL. TO. DO. WITH. RNG.
If you guys cant even believe the lead economist, the one person who has the highest vested interest in a functioning RNG (aside from the poor coder who wrote it), when he says “your account info means nothing for RNG,” there’s no point in even continuing the discussion.
Not that there was even a discussion in the first place.
edit: when i have time, i’ll compile all my “uber” loot I’ve gotten on my “old” main account.
Here’s a question that I’m curious about. Out of all of the people that have an issue with RNG and see that there is a problem, how many actually have an understanding in regards to the basics of probability such as that you would get from a statistics course or petsonal research into the subject?
The thread is about loot. Not just rng. There are many more variables involved in loot, more places for things to go awry. Like I’ve said multiple times, the rng could be working perfectly fine. That does not however mean that loot is. That also does not mean that an unchecked rng derived loot system is a good thing to have in a game.
Aiden, I think you summed up the answer to this conspiracy thread quite nicely. Your post completely counters every single speculation.
+1 to you.
You’re not included in the numbers because just as you said " I Play daily". this is about newer accounts who don’t play as often getting fantastic drops when they do. Why is it no one is understanding age problem isn’t about how many days you’ve had an account but hours played
So let me try to understand this theory. In order for me to be group in category of “lucky” accounts, I need to have the following:
- An account I purchased in the past couple months
- The account can’t be played daily, or must be played sparingly
If I meet these two criteria, then I’m guaranteed to get good drops on that account?
nothing was ever said about the account being purchased recently. You like the others in this thread are only identifying AGE with days. not time played.
re·ward – a thing given in recognition of one’s service, effort, or achievement
en·ti·tle·ment – the belief one is inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment
Here’s a question that I’m curious about. Out of all of the people that have an issue with RNG and see that there is a problem, how many actually have an understanding in regards to the basics of probability such as that you would get from a statistics course or petsonal research into the subject?
The thread is about loot. Not just rng. There are many more variables involved in loot, more places for this to go awry. Like I’ve said multiple times, the rng could be working perfectly fine. That does not however mean that loot is. That also does not mean that an unchecked rng derived loot system is a good thing to have in a game.
Almost everyone uses assumes loot when it comes to loot in this game. Almost every single complain thread is about RNG in regards to loot. It’s safe to use both in the same discussion.
You’re not included in the numbers because just as you said " I Play daily". this is about newer accounts who don’t play as often getting fantastic drops when they do. Why is it no one is understanding age problem isn’t about how many days you’ve had an account but hours played
So let me try to understand this theory. In order for me to be group in category of “lucky” accounts, I need to have the following:
- An account I purchased in the past couple months
- The account can’t be played daily, or must be played sparingly
If I meet these two criteria, then I’m guaranteed to get good drops on that account?
nothing was ever said about the account being purchased recently. You like the others in this thread are only identifying AGE with days. not time played.
Ok, so I’ll revise the criteria. So if I have an account that’s not played much, then I’m guaranteed to get good drops?
Edit – meaning if I stopped playing on my alt for a while, when I log back in, I’m guaranteed to get an Exotic or Precursor.
Think I’m done in this thread. Someone says I said RNG is working perfectly. I never said that. I keep saying the same thing… RNG/DR/loot could be bugged. You can’t argue that it isn’t because you don’t know the code. There’s nothing wrong with Anet looking int this. Yes they looked into it before but the game bugs with every patch it could be bugged currently/recently. And since it’s impossible for us to test this then we can only ask Anet to look into this. Unless someone quotes me I am done here lol.
(edited by Andraus.3874)
You’re not included in the numbers because just as you said " I Play daily". this is about newer accounts who don’t play as often getting fantastic drops when they do. Why is it no one is understanding age problem isn’t about how many days you’ve had an account but hours played
So let me try to understand this theory. In order for me to be group in category of “lucky” accounts, I need to have the following:
- An account I purchased in the past couple months
- The account can’t be played daily, or must be played sparingly
If I meet these two criteria, then I’m guaranteed to get good drops on that account?
nothing was ever said about the account being purchased recently. You like the others in this thread are only identifying AGE with days. not time played.
Ok, so I’ll revise the criteria. So if I have an account that’s not played much, then I’m guaranteed to get good drops?
Now you got it. Play your main all the time and stay off your 2nd account for a while and you will definitely see improvement in loot when you next play it.
Edit : Where are you getting this " Guaranteed" thing? no1 said you’re were guaranteed anything but you’re loot will be better.
re·ward – a thing given in recognition of one’s service, effort, or achievement
en·ti·tle·ment – the belief one is inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment
(edited by Chuck.8196)
You’re not included in the numbers because just as you said " I Play daily". this is about newer accounts who don’t play as often getting fantastic drops when they do. Why is it no one is understanding age problem isn’t about how many days you’ve had an account but hours played
So let me try to understand this theory. In order for me to be group in category of “lucky” accounts, I need to have the following:
- An account I purchased in the past couple months
- The account can’t be played daily, or must be played sparingly
If I meet these two criteria, then I’m guaranteed to get good drops on that account?
nothing was ever said about the account being purchased recently. You like the others in this thread are only identifying AGE with days. not time played.
Ok, so I’ll revise the criteria. So if I have an account that’s not played much, then I’m guaranteed to get good drops?
Now you got it. Play your main all the time and stay off your 2nd account for a while and you will definitely see improvement in loot when you next play it.
I did that with one of my alt accounts and didn’t see as good drops. I guess my account is bugged?
Here’s a question that I’m curious about. Out of all of the people that have an issue with RNG and see that there is a problem, how many actually have an understanding in regards to the basics of probability such as that you would get from a statistics course or petsonal research into the subject?
The thread is about loot. Not just rng. There are many more variables involved in loot, more places for this to go awry. Like I’ve said multiple times, the rng could be working perfectly fine. That does not however mean that loot is. That also does not mean that an unchecked rng derived loot system is a good thing to have in a game.
Almost everyone uses assumes loot when it comes to loot in this game. Almost every single complain thread is about RNG in regards to loot. It’s safe to use both in the same discussion.
What? How can I even respond to that when you use rng alone to counter a point about loot as a whole?
It’s like arguing a car runs fine b/c the gasoline is fine. You can’t omit all the other factors involved in making the car run. Maybe the gas is fine but the fuel injector is clogged. Will the car still run fine? No, ofc not.
You’re not included in the numbers because just as you said " I Play daily". this is about newer accounts who don’t play as often getting fantastic drops when they do. Why is it no one is understanding age problem isn’t about how many days you’ve had an account but hours played
So let me try to understand this theory. In order for me to be group in category of “lucky” accounts, I need to have the following:
- An account I purchased in the past couple months
- The account can’t be played daily, or must be played sparingly
If I meet these two criteria, then I’m guaranteed to get good drops on that account?
nothing was ever said about the account being purchased recently. You like the others in this thread are only identifying AGE with days. not time played.
Ok, so I’ll revise the criteria. So if I have an account that’s not played much, then I’m guaranteed to get good drops?
Now you got it. Play your main all the time and stay off your 2nd account for a while and you will definitely see improvement in loot when you next play it.
I did that with one of my alt accounts and didn’t see as good drops. I guess my account is bugged?
2 or 3 days wont work. i has to be substantial. Now you gonna say " it was weeks" or “Months”
re·ward – a thing given in recognition of one’s service, effort, or achievement
en·ti·tle·ment – the belief one is inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment
Now you got it. Play your main all the time and stay off your 2nd account for a while and you will definitely see improvement in loot when you next play it.
Edit : Where are you getting this " Guaranteed" thing? no1 said you’re were guaranteed anything but you’re loot will be better.
So wait, if I stop playing my alt for a few months, then start playing it again, I’m not guaranteed to get anything but my loot will be better?
Now you got it. Play your main all the time and stay off your 2nd account for a while and you will definitely see improvement in loot when you next play it.
Edit : Where are you getting this " Guaranteed" thing? no1 said you’re were guaranteed anything but you’re loot will be better.So wait, if I stop playing my alt for a few months, then start playing it again, I’m not guaranteed to get anything but my loot will be better?
anything? oh no you are guaranteed something. for sure. tons of stuff in fact. just as your guaranteed loot now. Will it be better? better than what?
re·ward – a thing given in recognition of one’s service, effort, or achievement
en·ti·tle·ment – the belief one is inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment
Now you got it. Play your main all the time and stay off your 2nd account for a while and you will definitely see improvement in loot when you next play it.
Edit : Where are you getting this " Guaranteed" thing? no1 said you’re were guaranteed anything but you’re loot will be better.So wait, if I stop playing my alt for a few months, then start playing it again, I’m not guaranteed to get anything but my loot will be better?
anything? oh no you are guaranteed something. for sure. tons of stuff in fact. just as your guaranteed loot now. Will it be better? better than what?
I’m just trying to understand this thread. If my main already gets Exotics and Precursors, that means an alt that I don’t play as much will get better or more loot than my main. Did I understand you right?
Now you got it. Play your main all the time and stay off your 2nd account for a while and you will definitely see improvement in loot when you next play it.
Edit : Where are you getting this " Guaranteed" thing? no1 said you’re were guaranteed anything but you’re loot will be better.So wait, if I stop playing my alt for a few months, then start playing it again, I’m not guaranteed to get anything but my loot will be better?
anything? oh no you are guaranteed something. for sure. tons of stuff in fact. just as your guaranteed loot now. Will it be better? better than what?
I’m just trying to understand this thread. If my main already gets Exotics and Precursors, that means an alt that I don’t play as much will get better or more loot than my main. Did I understand you right?
no it means your alt will get more and better loot than your alt was 2 months ago. nothing to do with your main. be more specific when you’;re asking questions. Dont ask " Did you see the thing with the thing do the thing on the thing?
re·ward – a thing given in recognition of one’s service, effort, or achievement
en·ti·tle·ment – the belief one is inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment
(edited by Chuck.8196)
no it means your alt will get more and better loot than your alt was 2 months ago. nothing to do with your main. be more specific when you’;re asking questions. Dont ask " Did you see the thing with the thing do the thing on the thing?
If thats the way this thread was going i woulda stayed out…. but no i dont believe this is the case, sorry. I dont play on my account for 3 months sometimes and when i come back, my loot is still absolute kitten. With 157% MF, What are exotics? oh..those are those things i buy…
Do i believe my account is cursed? no. I just believe the RNG in this game is horrible. Do i believe new accounts get better loot, Maybe. It would make sense to keep new players playing, at least to me.
This is so absurd good and bad rng tagged accounts? You really belive anet went out of their way to enable something like this? All I’m seeing in this thread is anecdotal evidence. Do they not teach probability in school anymore?
(edited by RoRo.8270)
no it means your alt will get more and better loot than your alt was 2 months ago. nothing to do with your main. be more specific when you’;re asking questions. Dont ask " Did you see the thing with the thing do the thing on the thing?
If thats the way this thread was going i woulda stayed out…. but no i dont believe this is the case, sorry. I dont play on my account for 3 months sometimes and when i come back, my loot is still absolute kitten. With 157% MF, What are exotics? oh..those are those things i buy…
Do i believe my account is cursed? no. I just believe the RNG in this game is horrible. Do i believe new accounts get better loot, Maybe. It would make sense to keep new players playing, at least to me.
but you have nothing to compare it to without an alt account.
re·ward – a thing given in recognition of one’s service, effort, or achievement
en·ti·tle·ment – the belief one is inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment
no it means your alt will get more and better loot than your alt was 2 months ago. nothing to do with your main. be more specific when you’;re asking questions. Dont ask " Did you see the thing with the thing do the thing on the thing?
But how does that explain my main then? I play that daily, hours at a time, and I’ve gotten a lot of Precursors and Exotics. I do PvE, SPvP, and WvW. How do I get good loot when I play a lot?
but you have nothing to compare it to without an alt account.
I dont need to compare it to anything, i know what loot my only account gets. It gets kitten. If i got a new account i doubt it would it get better, but please if you want to buy me a CD key for one, do so, ill play it and record the drops when i play it.
EDIT: And you said that not playing on account would increase the drop rate. if that was the case, then my account would get better loot when i came back, this is not the case.
no it means your alt will get more and better loot than your alt was 2 months ago. nothing to do with your main. be more specific when you’;re asking questions. Dont ask " Did you see the thing with the thing do the thing on the thing?
But how does that explain my main then? I play that daily, hours at a time, and I’ve gotten a lot of Precursors and Exotics. I do PvE, SPvP, and WvW. How do I get good loot when I play a lot?
What about it? is something wrong with your main?
re·ward – a thing given in recognition of one’s service, effort, or achievement
en·ti·tle·ment – the belief one is inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment
no it means your alt will get more and better loot than your alt was 2 months ago. nothing to do with your main. be more specific when you’;re asking questions. Dont ask " Did you see the thing with the thing do the thing on the thing?
But how does that explain my main then? I play that daily, hours at a time, and I’ve gotten a lot of Precursors and Exotics. I do PvE, SPvP, and WvW. How do I get good loot when I play a lot?
What about it? is something wrong with your main?
I don’t know? I’m trying to understand what this thread is about now. First it was about RNG. Then it turned into Loot from the RNG. Then we got into discussions about how less playing time equals better loot.
As for playing less = better loot – I’m confused as to how my main that has thousands of hours can have better loot without playing less.
Please stop trolling the thread Smooth.
no it means your alt will get more and better loot than your alt was 2 months ago. nothing to do with your main. be more specific when you’;re asking questions. Dont ask " Did you see the thing with the thing do the thing on the thing?
But how does that explain my main then? I play that daily, hours at a time, and I’ve gotten a lot of Precursors and Exotics. I do PvE, SPvP, and WvW. How do I get good loot when I play a lot?
What about it? is something wrong with your main?
I don’t know? I’m trying to understand what this thread is about now. First it was about RNG. Then it turned into Loot from the RNG. Then we got into discussions about how less playing time equals better loot.
As for playing less = better loot – I’m confused as to how my main that has thousands of hours can have better loot without playing less.
Threads been about difference in account loot based of age.Not RNG. but then again anything that your loot in the game is RNG related.
That’s okay to be confused. Alot of people feel that way when can’t understand something.
I don’t think hes trolling I think he cant comprehend the situation.
re·ward – a thing given in recognition of one’s service, effort, or achievement
en·ti·tle·ment – the belief one is inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment
You’re not included in the numbers because just as you said " I Play daily". this is about newer accounts who don’t play as often getting fantastic drops when they do. Why is it no one is understanding age problem isn’t about how many days you’ve had an account but hours played
So let me try to understand this theory. In order for me to be group in category of “lucky” accounts, I need to have the following:
- An account I purchased in the past couple months
- The account can’t be played daily, or must be played sparingly
If I meet these two criteria, then I’m guaranteed to get good drops on that account?
nothing was ever said about the account being purchased recently. You like the others in this thread are only identifying AGE with days. not time played.
Ok, so I’ll revise the criteria. So if I have an account that’s not played much, then I’m guaranteed to get good drops?
Now you got it. Play your main all the time and stay off your 2nd account for a while and you will definitely see improvement in loot when you next play it.
I did that with one of my alt accounts and didn’t see as good drops. I guess my account is bugged?
2 or 3 days wont work. i has to be substantial. Now you gonna say " it was weeks" or “Months”
I’ve had the account since October of last year.
Threads been about difference in account loot based of age.Not RNG. but then again anything that your loot in the game is RNG related.
That’s okay to be confused. Alot of people feel that way when can’t understand something.
I don’t think hes trolling I think he cant comprehend the situation.
If age plays a factor into loot drop dynamics, then is my account bugged because it gets more loot than my alt? Why is it that some accounts that aren’t played much have such good RNG, but my account that I play a lot has good RNG? Where does my account fall into this conversation?
Here’s a question that I’m curious about. Out of all of the people that have an issue with RNG and see that there is a problem, how many actually have an understanding in regards to the basics of probability such as that you would get from a statistics course or petsonal research into the subject?
The thread is about loot. Not just rng. There are many more variables involved in loot, more places for this to go awry. Like I’ve said multiple times, the rng could be working perfectly fine. That does not however mean that loot is. That also does not mean that an unchecked rng derived loot system is a good thing to have in a game.
Almost everyone uses assumes loot when it comes to loot in this game. Almost every single complain thread is about RNG in regards to loot. It’s safe to use both in the same discussion.
What? How can I even respond to that when you use rng alone to counter a point about loot as a whole?
It’s like arguing a car runs fine b/c the gasoline is fine. You can’t omit all the other factors involved in making the car run. Maybe the gas is fine but the fuel injector is clogged. Will the car still run fine? No, ofc not.
I probably could have worded the post better.
People often equate their experience in acquiring loot to RNG. Almost every thread about loot involves a discussion about RNG in one way or another. That’s what I was implying with my previous post. I was trying to give a reason why asking an RNG-related question could be done in this thread. The post before that one was me trying to determine just how much experience that people have with probabilities.
Threads been about difference in account loot based of age.Not RNG. but then again anything that your loot in the game is RNG related.
That’s okay to be confused. Alot of people feel that way when can’t understand something.
I don’t think hes trolling I think he cant comprehend the situation.If age plays a factor into loot drop dynamics, then is my account bugged because it gets more loot than my alt? Why is it that some accounts that aren’t played much have such good RNG, but my account that I play a lot has good RNG? Where does my account fall into this conversation?
yeah its bugged. File a ticket
re·ward – a thing given in recognition of one’s service, effort, or achievement
en·ti·tle·ment – the belief one is inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment
If age plays a factor into loot drop dynamics, then is my account bugged because it gets more loot than my alt? Why is it that some accounts that aren’t played much have such good RNG, but my account that I play a lot has good RNG? Where does my account fall into this conversation?
yeah its bugged. File a ticket
So to sum up the theory in this thread – Players who get better drops than other players isn’t just because of RNG, it’s because RNG is broken. If RNG worked properly, every player would be getting the same good loot.
I can only hope John comes in to confirm this.
No single player or group of players on an internet forum is going to be capable of providing a sample size comprehensive enough to logically “prove” or “disprove” that there is any kind of RNG bias bug.
Therefore, it is not logical or sensible to demand that a player provide large samples of evidence they cannot access. The logical party to demand burden of proof or disproof from would be Arenanet; the only company capable of accessing large sets of data.
To state that someone is experiencing bias in their perceptions, you must also first prove that bias exists. Has anyone here successfully provided a data sample large enough to do this? If not, then who can?
It is also worth noting that account age has a linked statistic; magic find. To prove a sensible distribution of loot drops would be simple – accounts with more magic find, over a very large sample, should be getting more top-tier loot drops than accounts with less magic find. Otherwise, evidence shows that magic find is not working as intended.
(edited by Golby.5348)
Whether or not this helps I do not know (without reading all posts). One account with 6021 play time. Yet to have a precursor drop from any world boss, champ, event, world vs world etc. Assuming we are talking precursors when it comes to RNG? If not & this is about exotic loot in general, then I have done okay.
If age plays a factor into loot drop dynamics, then is my account bugged because it gets more loot than my alt? Why is it that some accounts that aren’t played much have such good RNG, but my account that I play a lot has good RNG? Where does my account fall into this conversation?
yeah its bugged. File a ticket
So to sum up the theory in this thread – Players who get better drops than other players isn’t just because of RNG, it’s because RNG is broken. If RNG worked properly, every player would be getting the same good loot.
I can only hope John comes in to confirm this.
no, see, you still have too many stacks of confusion. let me help you.
To sum up this thread – Players who play much less frequently receive higher quality loot more often than compared with those who play incredulous hours as evidence collected through consistent and repetitious forum threads.
You said both accounts get equal loot. but how can that be possible when they both have completely different ages? One would obviously have recivied waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more loot in the past. If your second was getting equal to the first which has far more experience MF and play time than there is an obvious difference between the accounts loot.
re·ward – a thing given in recognition of one’s service, effort, or achievement
en·ti·tle·ment – the belief one is inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment
To sum up this thread – Players who play much less frequently receive higher quality loot more often than compared with those who play incredulous hours as evidence collected through consistent and repetitious forum threads.
First – i have yet to see a thread on that topic that supplied any evidence about drops received.
Second, it doesn’t match my experience – i have my whole guild to compare, and the best drops consistently go to an account that is both oldest and most played of all. That is (just in case you misunderstood again) not about drops total per whole game life (those in the past). That’s about drops per timeframe which is bigger than a single event (those in the present).
Your claim that everyone experiences drop disparity that fits your theory doesn’t hold water.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
(edited by Astralporing.1957)
If age plays a factor into loot drop dynamics, then is my account bugged because it gets more loot than my alt? Why is it that some accounts that aren’t played much have such good RNG, but my account that I play a lot has good RNG? Where does my account fall into this conversation?
yeah its bugged. File a ticket
So to sum up the theory in this thread – Players who get better drops than other players isn’t just because of RNG, it’s because RNG is broken. If RNG worked properly, every player would be getting the same good loot.
I can only hope John comes in to confirm this.
no, see, you still have too many stacks of confusion. let me help you.
To sum up this thread – Players who play much less frequently receive higher quality loot more often than compared with those who play incredulous hours as evidence collected through consistent and repetitious forum threads.
There must be a Mesmer nearby, because I just got 25 stacks of Confusion again.
If I play for 4 hours a day, and frequently get better loot than my alt that I play 1 hour per day at best, how do I end up with a completely different outcome than your theory?
To sum up this thread – Players who play much less frequently receive higher quality loot more often than compared with those who play incredulous hours as evidence collected through consistent and repetitious forum threads.
First – i have yet to see a thread on that topic that supplied any evidence about drops received.
Second, it doesn’t match my experience – i have my whole guild to compare, and the best drops consistently go to an account that is both oldest and most played of all. That is (just in case you misunderstood again) not about drops total per whole game life. That’s about drops per timeframe which is bigger than a single event.
have you ever seen $10million ? Then it must not exist.
if it doesn’t match your experience than how can you argue its happening? This is why you’re confused.According to you, all the players in your guild have alts that they don’t play for weeks to months on end then get on to tell you what they get. AND they ALL play together ALL the time at the SAME time and all have equal age.. you should collect that information since you veteran packed guild can provide quite a large and valuable amount of information.
re·ward – a thing given in recognition of one’s service, effort, or achievement
en·ti·tle·ment – the belief one is inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment
If age plays a factor into loot drop dynamics, then is my account bugged because it gets more loot than my alt? Why is it that some accounts that aren’t played much have such good RNG, but my account that I play a lot has good RNG? Where does my account fall into this conversation?
yeah its bugged. File a ticket
So to sum up the theory in this thread – Players who get better drops than other players isn’t just because of RNG, it’s because RNG is broken. If RNG worked properly, every player would be getting the same good loot.
I can only hope John comes in to confirm this.
no, see, you still have too many stacks of confusion. let me help you.
To sum up this thread – Players who play much less frequently receive higher quality loot more often than compared with those who play incredulous hours as evidence collected through consistent and repetitious forum threads.There must be a Mesmer nearby, because I just got 25 stacks of Confusion again.
If I play for 4 hours a day, and frequently get better loot than my alt that I play 1 hour per day at best, how do I end up with a completely different outcome than your theory?
What? but you just said something completely different.!!!!!! if you want answers get your story straight. Do you play a lot or 4 hours a day? guess you really are attempting to troll. You’re so bad at it. Another one to report.
re·ward – a thing given in recognition of one’s service, effort, or achievement
en·ti·tle·ment – the belief one is inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment
What? but you just said something completely different.!!!!!! if you want answers get your story straight. Do you play a lot or 4 hours a day? guess you really are attempting to troll. You’re so bad at it. Another one to report.
Not sure what you’re getting at. Is 4 hours a day not considered “a lot”? I would assume it does, as I play all game modes. Then after I finish the 4 hours on my main, I log into my alt for an hour before I go to sleep. Weekends I might play a couple of hours more per account.
Anyways, you never answered my question. How is it that my accounts are the complete opposite of what your theory calls for? Why is RNG better for an account I play a lot, and not for the account I do on the side? I still play both daily. It’s not like Anet flipped a switch to give me better loot, simply because I support their system.
By the way, I give John permission to look into my account data to prove my story, if that helps you any.
What? but you just said something completely different.!!!!!! if you want answers get your story straight. Do you play a lot or 4 hours a day? guess you really are attempting to troll. You’re so bad at it. Another one to report.
Not sure what you’re getting at. Is 4 hours a day not considered “a lot”? I would assume it does, as I play all game modes. Then after I finish the 4 hours on my main, I log into my alt for an hour before I go to sleep. Weekends I might play a couple of hours more per account.
Anyways, you never answered my question. How is it that my accounts are the complete opposite of what your theory calls for? Why is RNG better for an account I play a lot, and not for the account I do on the side? I still play both daily. It’s not like Anet flipped a switch to give me better loot, simply because I support their system.
By the way, I give John permission to look into my account data to prove my story, if that helps you any.
Then if you play both daily you don’t match criteria for the theory. if you would actually read thread you would see its about accounts that don’t get played often. not daily, not every 2 days, or 3.
Answer : Both your accounts RNG is active because its played daily. (not those accounts who just rest for long times)
Answer : The longer you play the larger the qauntity of loot you earn (duh)
re·ward – a thing given in recognition of one’s service, effort, or achievement
en·ti·tle·ment – the belief one is inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment
What? but you just said something completely different.!!!!!! if you want answers get your story straight. Do you play a lot or 4 hours a day? guess you really are attempting to troll. You’re so bad at it. Another one to report.
Not sure what you’re getting at. Is 4 hours a day not considered “a lot”? I would assume it does, as I play all game modes. Then after I finish the 4 hours on my main, I log into my alt for an hour before I go to sleep. Weekends I might play a couple of hours more per account.
Anyways, you never answered my question. How is it that my accounts are the complete opposite of what your theory calls for? Why is RNG better for an account I play a lot, and not for the account I do on the side? I still play both daily. It’s not like Anet flipped a switch to give me better loot, simply because I support their system.
By the way, I give John permission to look into my account data to prove my story, if that helps you any.
Then if you play both daily you don’t match criteria for the theory. if you would actually read thread you would see its about accounts that don’t get played often. not daily, not every 2 days, or 3.
Answer : Both your accounts RNG is active because its played daily. (not those accounts who just rest for long times)Answer : The longer you play the larger the qauntity of loot you earn (duh)
You say you need to let the account sit before it gets better loot. Essence Snow’s post said one of his accounts gets better loot when he plays them both. How can these both be right?
Here’s my issue: My newer account gets drastically better loot. My main account hardly ever gets exotics while my new account gets them frequently. I had always had suspicion that certain players had better drops on average than other. In my guild and ally guilds we know which players will consistently get better drops. It’s so predictable it’s not funny. But, as all that was second hand I couldn’t ever really experience it for myself. Well, now I have. Snip
He has to be playing them both if his main hardly ever gets exotics while his new account gets them frequently.
ANet may give it to you.
(edited by Just a flesh wound.3589)
Then if you play both daily you don’t match criteria for the theory. if you would actually read thread you would see its about accounts that don’t get played often. not daily, not every 2 days, or 3.
Answer : Both your accounts RNG is active because its played daily. (not those accounts who just rest for long times)Answer : The longer you play the larger the qauntity of loot you earn (duh)
Here’s the part that I’m getting confused on. You said that if I don’t play an account for a while, when I log back in, I’ll get much better loot than when I was playing. Then you say that this theory doesn’t work if you constantly play a long time.
So if I already get good loot (i.e. Exotics and Precursors) from playing constantly, how is that so different from the account that I stop playing for a few months, then start playing again? Why would I need to stop playing my alt in order to get better loot, when the better loot comes when you constantly play?
TL;DR – My older main account gets drastically better loot than my newer alt. My older main account gets Exotics all the time, while my alt hardly ever.
(edited by Smooth Penguin.5294)
I love how RNG is a catchall for everything. No matter what happens in the game someone just yells “RNG!!!!!!” and there is never any defense against it. You can’t possibly argue against it because the odds of whatever happened to you can never be 0, and people just spam RNG RNG RNG RNG at you until you give up.
And people wonder why there have been unfixed bugs in the game since launch…
Just FYI john smith had a thread discussing RNG before they closed down the economy section of the forums. It reached about 500 replies with pretty much every person saying that pure RNG was a bad system and there should be streak breakers and only ever semi-RNG. Of course nothing ever came of that discussion.
Smooth, Chuck, and Flesh Wound please take it to pm.
Smooth, Chuck, and Flesh Wound please take it to pm.
The discussion is on topic as they are about whether or not different accounts get different rewards.
ANet may give it to you.