4 MILLION worth of Luck, what to do?
Why bother keeping it since you’ll continue getting more, just use it even if it does nothing, but I always say, make sure it’s your Base Luck that is 300%, and not the + Luck which you get from AP*(so your Luck is really 300% + X%).
Why bother keeping it since you’ll continue getting more, just use it even if it does nothing, but I always say, make sure it’s your Base Luck that is 300%, and not the + Luck which you get from AP*(so your Luck is really 300% + X%).
You can sell greens and blues now instead of salvaging so EoL doesnt pile up anymore. And I’d prefer keeping these, cause 4million is almost what you need for 300%MF, so if one day they decide to convert excess EoL in to currency or something similar, this amount might be very valuable. And Yes, it is 300%MF+10 from Achievements, you can see it in the picture
(edited by Stenlys.1387)
Calling it now – Precursor crafting will use Essences of Luck in large numbers.
Calling it now – Precursor crafting will use Essences of Luck in large numbers.
That sounds great if its true
Not sure why the photoshop heroes aren’t calling shenanigans.
Being an exclusive PvP’er I could be missing things but…
-You have an odd number in your inventory and so the numbers don’t match the amount the crafting station says that you have.
-Your luck in your hero panel says 620/620 and that doesn’t seem right.
So that’s my lame attempt at calling someone out on photoshop/paint.
Not sure why the photoshop heroes aren’t calling shenanigans.
Being an exclusive PvP’er I could be missing things but…
-You have an odd number in your inventory and so the numbers don’t match the amount the crafting station says that you have.
-Your luck in your hero panel says 620/620 and that doesn’t seem right.
So that’s my lame attempt at calling someone out on photoshop/paint.
Yea it is pretty lame attempt Luck after you reach 300% MF starts to stack from 0 again, and everytime you use EoL it stacks
So if I would use 1 Exotic EoL worth of 200 luck, that would say 820/820
Number slightly doesn’t match because there’s some EoL left in bank since I was transfering it from my main character to alt who has Artificer crafting displine to convert them. Any time you can whisper me, send an email for the instant screenshot with your message or your char in it if you want. No reason for me to make that up
Check the screenshot with finishers, compare drop rates of finisher and EoL from ToT bags and you can very well calculate that this is not fake
(edited by Stenlys.1387)
wow, so many angry people in this thread. I think they are all jealous.
Hey OP dont listen to these angry comments. You have good point. Anet should do something, like this luck eating thing someone suggested. I am only at 150% magic find, but I agree with you.
People saying that because only small % of players reached 300% nothing should be done, are wrong. If there would be exploid that only small % of players could use that would give them free not tradable gems, would you say the same?
It doesnt matter how many people have reached 300% MF. If at least one did, there should be some options for him to spend this luck. Actually, I belive this option should be added the same day they changed MF. Without a solution for people who reached 300%, this whole magic find system seems temporary. I know Anet didnt have time for that, they had to deliver temporary solution for magic find that day. They said that one day they will come back and do something with it, when players would start to reach 300%. Well I believe the time has come.
I have also a question to OP and other hardcore mini collectors.
What will you do when they add next Mini Gwynefyrrd?
Or next Mini Mr Sparkles? Which would be given to players who buyed more then 100 000 gems in total (as a “thank you gift” for supporting game so much)
Or new mini that would be similar to this ultra rare Mini Kanaxai from GW1 which was given to 28 players on some very special occasion.
What will you do when you realise you are not able to have them all?
Collecting Minis is a nightmare. They can destroy your collection in any patch. You don’t know the day or the hour. Just like that, they can add new mini that is a rare reward for something and thats it. You will not be able to complete your collection.
And why they can do that? Because for Anet minis were never mean to be collected that way.
We have the normal sets collections. But there are also these special minis. And Anet never thought about them as a collection. If they were a part of collection they would be obtainable in mystic forge or would be tradable.
For Anet special minis are rewards. One day They will add new one, that will be impossible for you to get. You will see.
And that day you will look back and realise how much gold you have wasted on them.
Anet, give us something for collecting that is not broken like minis. For example cards! That would drop from monsters , could be bought with karma, and other in game currencies. That all would be tradable. And these cards would unlock info in special bestiary like lore book. And allow us to play card game with other players using these cards. (you could also sell holographic and recolored cards versions in gems shop)
Did not read through the comments.
Create a bank toon, and have him hold all of that until Anet finds a solution for those E.lucks. If they do find any use of it after you capped.
I have also a question to OP and other hardcore mini collectors.
What will you do when they add next Mini Gwynefyrrd?
Or next Mini Mr Sparkles? Which would be given to players who buyed more then 100 000 gems in total (as a “thank you gift” for supporting game so much)
Or new mini that would be similar to this ultra rare Mini Kanaxai from GW1 which was given to 28 players on some very special occasion.
What will you do when you realise you are not able to have them all?
I am hopeful for more collection achievements like Wooden Potatoes suggested. Separate gem store minis/skins from regular in-game minis/skins would be great way to start. I am not that hardcore, since I only have couple of gem store minis, stoped after realising they will keep adding those very often. But I am achiever I would say, I always try to do as much as possible in the game and collect all the rare items. I don’t mind not having all the minis as long there is no achievement saying to buy all the gem minis. With skins I bought long time ago and that are now cost a lot, with all the minis and skins I collected, with laurels, Essence of Luck I am keeping, I would say I always try to predict future and collect and keep items that in my opinion might have good money or any other value later on.
Why are you guys so salty….I know you would also like 300% MF but you don’t know how to get there without spending hundreds of gold, however, there are people who have too much and would be happy to at least give that luck to their friends. Realise that collecting so much luck takes incredible amount of effort and it is really hard for people to just delete it if only there is the slightest chance that we could use it in some other way in the future.
Simply removing the account bound restriction would be great. That luck could be sold to other players and getting to 300% would be much easier task for everyone. Right now it is something that some poeple have no chance of reaching because of the account bound restriction….I don’t think that is fair.
So what was asked by the OP was to create a discussion how we could possibly get rid of this luck in the future…instead you guys see him as the enemy …. but why?
Had another idea for a luck sink. Ascending the exotic Mystic Forge weapons (mystic weapons, Immobulus, Lidless Eye, etc.)
1 Exotic Mystic Forge Weapon
250 Exotic EoL
250 Bloodstone Dust/Empyreal Fragments/Dragonite Ore/Crystalline Ore (if it is ever added)
1 Ascended Ring (gotta have a sink for these things too)
Gates Of Madness
Jewelcrafting to 500!
Just delete it, it’s like having too much of anything that isn’t tradable or sellable. 18k AP and 453 laurels, grats.
i guess i must be afk a lot because i have about 1600 hours logged onto my account and i’m not even close to 200% mf.
Thats verry impressive I have to say
[…] It took me about 300k ToT bags until I got my Mini Gwynefyrrd
ooooh the irony
you had so much bad luck with getting gwynefyrrd but you get 4million luck xD
Anet sure knows how to troll
26x lvl 80 Characters
Most fabulous Character: http://i.imgur.com/5JtcBI1.jpg?1
(edited by Orangensaft.7139)
With all that luck are all your drops like rare and exotic? Just wondering mine is very low in comparison.
With all that luck are all your drops like rare and exotic? Just wondering mine is very low in comparison.
Theres no significant change from 200 to 300, because i had 200 long time ago. But I almost have not farmed monsters after reaching 300. maby 2 dungeon runs, so not much i can tell about the increase in drops
…Any thoughts on what should be done? …
Summer is coming so maybe instead of playing GW 2 lets go to the gym.
…Any thoughts on what should be done? …
Summer is coming so maybe instead of playing GW 2 lets go to the gym.
I have time for both mister tennis You should try Sport section of the forum if you are looking for company
This is crazy! … Hope they do something about that in the future.
I could have had 300 Mf by now, But i don’t. Why? Because threads like this learn me of the mistake to rush magic find. I got 250 now (234 without achievements), It’s very decent drop rate boost already, and all the rest is just a permanent goal to achieve without ‘rushing it’. I probably would have 1-2 legendary weapons less, just for the investment needed for last 66 magic find levels needed. I think i know with I prefer.
Maybe should have calculated in spreadsheet more? I mean just enter your luck that you still need, and how much doing a certain thing would boost it, compare them. make sure you don’t reach the top to fast. Easy.
No excuse anymore for not giving ‘hide mounts’-option
No thanks to unidentified weapons.
I could have had 300 Mf by now, But i don’t. Why? Because threads like this learn me of the mistake to rush magic find. I got 250 now (234 without achievements), It’s very decent drop rate boost already, and all the rest is just a permanent goal to achieve without ‘rushing it’. I probably would have 1-2 legendary weapons less, just for the investment needed for last 66 magic find levels needed. I think i know with I prefer.
Maybe should have calculated in spreadsheet more? I mean just enter your luck that you still need, and how much doing a certain thing would boost it, compare them. make sure you don’t reach the top to fast. Easy.
That is good idea in some cases, but if you’ve read my post you probably know that my intention was to get the mini and got all that luck in the process of trying to get it. There were no rush to boost my MF.
The real Anet solution is to allow more bank space.
Seriously, it draws revenue for the team, it gives people more digital room to store more digital pixels, and it unbalances nothing as the luck is vanity at this point. Same with all the other garbage we collect over the years.
What say Anet? More space so we don’t have to discard stuff that doesn’t become valuable until much later when most have thrown them away **cough**miniframes**cough**!
It’s 3 gold profit every 2500 luck. But only if you haven’t refine your essence.