5 Diffrent rep chats? and one guild?

5 Diffrent rep chats? and one guild?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tyrion.8632


Ok i just read some of the guild halls thingies and there was something that upset me but it can work in both ways but not relly in a way that a guild are solid as gw should be sounds like they want peolpe to represent all over and have no connection to its current guild Now guildies can chat whit their other representing guild in /g1 to /g5 xD Dont they want people to be in one community at a time? man i dont know what they are trying to make but its not relly a community, I mean, im old fashion and a guild is about build things togheter and grow togheter… and guild halls isnt that for 1 guild at a time??? so why do u wanna represent 5 other guilds? Just feels as if they have no dedication nore any feeling what a guild is all about having a cross chatt when ever the other guilds chat is dead just opens door for more guild jumping. And 0 dedication and morals and feeling as u are a part of somethng. yeaiks what do u think?

5 Diffrent rep chats? and one guild?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

I think, since people belong up to 5 Guilds at a time, that many will appreciate being able to see all Guild chat, no matter which of the Guilds they are representing at the time.

What difference will it make? The player in question already belongs to all the Guilds in their chat, else they would not be able to see them.

5 Diffrent rep chats? and one guild?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tyrion.8632


I mean am i a old school hirachy here or should i go… hey i swing here and there and everywhere when i feel like it and maby someday ill land in a guild that are the same as me… i meanam i that old as i want people to rely and get to know other is the guild instead of… hey ill chatt whit u sometime but ill chatt whit 5 other guilds when im bored of u guys… or maby ill just not chatt whit u at all and dont make a single chance to get to know u… am i beeing totaly out of line here?

5 Diffrent rep chats? and one guild?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

Alliance chat (basically what this is, for some) has been an oft-requested feature. Chatting with one guild does not bar you from chatting with (and getting to know) any of the players in the other guilds.

You are under no obligation, whatsoever, to make use of said up-coming feature.

Good luck.

5 Diffrent rep chats? and one guild?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tyrion.8632


yeah but how many is acculay representing one guild an having 4 guild as a nonrep forever.. i know many people that have taken some other od guild invites and are still repping their solid guild for many years… are they accounted for the people that are accualy guild jumping 5 guilds a day shifting chatts? is this even neccesary. Just leave the guild ure current in and join an other an see their chatt… whats the big deal.. i vote go old school

5 Diffrent rep chats? and one guild?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tyrion.8632


Alliance chat (basically what this is, for some) has been an oft-requested feature. Chatting with one guild does not bar you from chatting with (and getting to know) any of the players in the other guilds.

You are under no obligation, whatsoever, to make use of said up-coming feature.

Good luck.

yeah but again… this dosent make a solid guild, u understand? Its just makes an turncoat nothing else, when the wind is blowing hard then they jump the boat

5 Diffrent rep chats? and one guild?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

I don’t really understand your concern. If the player never represents the other guilds, what difference will chatting make? Are you afraid some of your guild members might start representing other Guilds they belong to? If that is the case, I’m sure it will work both ways. Make sure your guild chat is inviting, and those that seldom or never represent might start doing so! Yay!

5 Diffrent rep chats? and one guild?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SkyShroud.2865


I think TS is talking about creating a real bond between members and not using guild like friend with benefits.

From these three examples, which example belong to the player that is interested in social aspect of guild?
Example #1

  • Main Guild – Spend most of your time in
  • World Bosses Guild
  • Personal Bank Guild
  • Guild of close friends
  • For whatever other use, can be PvP team, can be off hour WvW guild, can be dungeon guild

Example #2

  • WvW/PvE Guild for EST
  • WvW/PvE Guild for PST
  • WvW/PvE Guild for OCX
  • WvW/PvE Guild for EU
  • WvW/PvE Guild for SEA

Example #3

  • Random Large guild of 500 active members
  • Random Large guild of 500 active members
  • Random Large guild of 500 active members
  • Random Large guild of 500 active members
  • Random Large guild of 500 active members
Founder & Leader of Equinox Solstice [TIME], a Singapore-Based International Guild
Henge of Denravi Server

5 Diffrent rep chats? and one guild?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tyrion.8632


why did they even choose people to have the possibility to rep in the first change? has caused more trubble then it works… -welcome to the guild.. now u just have to press join…. ahh ok i mean represent… what is that… well u can represent 5 guilds at a time.. bla bla… yeah.. represent button.. not join… welcome to the guild (3 hours later) hey… ure still nt repping.. just press “G” tab then “guild” then represent… yes the represent button… yes… 2 hours later.. (new char) yeah i see ure not repping… just press “G” tab then Represent button and ure in the guild yey welcome again… man… those hours spending on this… i could have spend them on something else… cut represent whit a samurai sword… today!

5 Diffrent rep chats? and one guild?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cormac.3871


I was in a guild that went dormant for about a year, but I stayed in there because they were my main guild and I was hoping they would revive some day. They did make a bit of a revival but because I wasn’t repping at the time I wasn’t really aware until they demoted me. Part of it was bad communication on their part, but something like this new feature could have helped the situation.

5 Diffrent rep chats? and one guild?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

Ok, but that doesn’t really have anything to do with chat. If he fears his guild members will abandon his guild because they can chat with the members of the other guilds they belong to, he is certainly allowed to create a 100% rep-required guild. Problem solved.

5 Diffrent rep chats? and one guild?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crimson Clouds.4853

Crimson Clouds.4853

From what I understood, because influence will no longer work how it currently does, being in a guild but not actively repping won’t be a problem for guilds.

In the future, guilds will be able to expand themselves just from guildies completing guild mission. Of course, for a guild mission, you have to rep otherwise you won’t get the rewards for yourself. Other than that, representing won’t give any advantage over not representing (other than having the guild tag next to your name and thus advertising the guild).

My main concern is how guild mission rewards are going to be changed to compensate this, if at all. Players are only incentivised to complete guild missions once a week as they won’t be rewarded more than once. But if you rep 5 active guilds, all 5 will want you to complete the guild missions with them so they can make upgrades…

5 Diffrent rep chats? and one guild?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tyrion.8632


Man or girl for that matter… im not affraid of my community.. its solid and has been since gw1, but the problem is that no other guild will get a solid base ground. Because ive seen soooooooo many guild get destroyed because of this repping issue. Noone has any feeling of an oldschool community only turncoats and windfollowers… what makes a guild dedication and followers that are solid to the guild? to the cause and community that u are? If u start whit a base modell whit repping 5 guilds… how can u start that? how can u ever acheve having a solid guild… soooo many guild that are in the trash can because of the 5 guild rep possibility… u have no ideer but Anet has

5 Diffrent rep chats? and one guild?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tyrion.8632


I was in a guild that went dormant for about a year, but I stayed in there because they were my main guild and I was hoping they would revive some day. They did make a bit of a revival but because I wasn’t repping at the time I wasn’t really aware until they demoted me. Part of it was bad communication on their part, but something like this new feature could have helped the situation.

But again Cormac, u should have left them because they will turn inacitve again after the new update is boring.. happen to many of my friends that playes games everywhere. just stay solid to the guild ure in… whats the big deal.. to say BYE to the guild uve been whit 1 year and then ure friends come back and u say HEY and then they get inactive 2 months in the new campaine.. andy u get lonley again and goes HEY im BACK AGAIN ! i mean.. what does people think about this

5 Diffrent rep chats? and one guild?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teleniel.1809


I currently have 2 guilds
1: my PvE, PvP, WvW guild
2: my personal storage guild

It was my intention to eventually be in 4 guilds, the last 2 being personal storage guilds of friends where we would do guild bounties (the low level one) to get cheep influence to continue to build our personal storage space. I don’t know how Guild Hall changes will feature into this, but hey we might end up doing it anyway if it helps advance our cause.

That being said, the /g1~5… I can see some larger guilds having sub-guilds
Guild – WvW squad
Guild – PvP squad
Guild – PvE squad (Dungeon, Rush, Challenge, etc.)
Guild – chat-squad
Guild – leader channel

bam your one guild now has chat channels! which coincidentally could knock you out of other casual guilds but allow you to focus on the members of your guild participating in what you’re doing, or the guild as a whole.

Good / Bad, I don’t know yet, but I’m willing to say it’s probably more good than bad, because hey you could just never use /g2~5 and you wouldn’t ever see the change.

5 Diffrent rep chats? and one guild?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SkyShroud.2865


Ok, but that doesn’t really have anything to do with chat. If he fears his guild members will abandon his guild because they can chat with the members of the other guilds they belong to, he is certainly allowed to create a 100% rep-required guild. Problem solved.

technically, people wont leave guild since they can access to 5 chats

large guild wont really get affected since they already have the foundation otherwise they won’t be large in the first place. this foundation is a community. however, many of these large guilds are 100% rep and thus it deter a lot of other players who are curious about them to join. with this 5 chat thing, a lot of this type of players will be able to be part of these large guilds which already have foundation in place, now the question is, what will happen to the guilds they were part of? The cross chat is a double edge sword if you didn’t realise.

Founder & Leader of Equinox Solstice [TIME], a Singapore-Based International Guild
Henge of Denravi Server

5 Diffrent rep chats? and one guild?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tyrion.8632


From what I understood, because influence will no longer work how it currently does, being in a guild but not actively repping won’t be a problem for guilds.

In the future, guilds will be able to expand themselves just from guildies completing guild mission. Of course, for a guild mission, you have to rep otherwise you won’t get the rewards for yourself. Other than that, representing won’t give any advantage over not representing (other than having the guild tag next to your name and thus advertising the guild).

My main concern is how guild mission rewards are going to be changed to compensate this, if at all. Players are only incentivised to complete guild missions once a week as they won’t be rewarded more than once. But if you rep 5 active guilds, all 5 will want you to complete the guild missions with them so they can make upgrades…

Dont u see the problem here? " Of course, for a guild mission, you have to rep otherwise you won’t get the rewards for yourself. Other than that, representing won’t give any advantage over not representing" so why do they have guild??? why in the gods name to they even want guilds? i eman if the community and the hard work togheter and all the years togheter doesnt mean crap why celebrate it whit hey… why dont u join 5 other guilds and see if u like it there… or after that 5 other… i eman there isnt any dedecation in theese sentenses. None at all 0 Guild feeling in the core of the word… why dont they just up the guild max level to 2500 and then they have one guild whit enough members to never leave their guild

5 Diffrent rep chats? and one guild?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tyrion.8632


Small guild will not even grow.. they will not even get a chance… thats my problem… we have a guild and been active since beta and gw1, we are a solid family and guild community is perfect whit a solid group for 300, but other guilds and in the future i cant see any good comming from repping 5 guilds and 5 diffrent chatts… its just a dead end if u ask me. We, our guild, will strongly stick whit the 100% rep fundation of a old guild and 100% chatt policy is in order i see. Well new guild rules for the future… nice to know

(edited by Tyrion.8632)

5 Diffrent rep chats? and one guild?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tyrion.8632


Ok, but that doesn’t really have anything to do with chat. If he fears his guild members will abandon his guild because they can chat with the members of the other guilds they belong to, he is certainly allowed to create a 100% rep-required guild. Problem solved.

We have been a 100% rep guild since start of beta and in gw1 (where guilds was accualy a guild) Today however a guild isnt a guild its a “hey welcome to universal theme park… choose ure ride… u cna go where every u want no questions asked nore do we question if ure having diffrent relations at a time” Im not affraid.. im affraid for those small guilds and for other guilds that havent even build a community… how can they build a commmunity whit 100 people going… well i got 5 other guilds to choose from what upgrades do u got!" u dont see the issue… and done presonlice the question… its not about me… its about guild community… this will end alot of small communitys trying to build up

5 Diffrent rep chats? and one guild?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crimson Clouds.4853

Crimson Clouds.4853

(Going to be honest Tyrion, had a bit of a hard time deciphering what points you were trying to make, so I’ll have to guess. Sorry if my answer is a bit multi-pronged and vague!)

First of all… “Why be in a guild?”. I’d be in a guild to enjoy the company of like-minded people.

Secondly… “Why be in multiple guilds?”. For a number of reasons.. here’s some hypothetical examples:
-Guild 1 would be my go-to all-round guild. Perhaps I’ve known these people for a long time and see them as good friends. The tight-knit community is awesome, but the guild itself doesn’t excel in many of the game modes.
-Guild 2 would be my WvW guild. If I fancy doing some WvW, I know that during peak times my commander would be online and we would be a somewhat successful and organised zerg.
-Guild 3 might be a PvP guild. I could turn to them for PvP build advice, some sparring in a private arena and join them to party for matches and tournaments.
-Guild 4 could be a personal guild with family and real-life friends. Maybe these guys don’t play all too often, but when they are online we could play together.
-Guild 5 could be a speciality guild, focusing on going Teq/Wurm or dungeon tours and high level fractals.

With these examples being possibilities for people, being able to see all guild chats at once could be highly beneficial.

It means that they can keep an eye out for particular content that is only offered by one of the guilds they are members of. It would also mean I could still chat to my friends whilst I was busy doing something else.

I know that a lot of guild leaders struggle when it comes to organising people who aren’t repping, as it means the leaders have to whisper all of the people who are online to tell them of the upcoming events. Currently, in many guilds that don’t opt for a 100% rule, this is a necessary sacrifice because people don’t remember times/forget etc. This change is a godsend as it means that it will be a lot easier for people to be told what’s coming next.

The only negative I see is that guild leaders and officers will have to moderate what’s going on in chat a bit more strictly. If you are showing 5 chats at once (for the benefit of being up-to-date everywhere) you don’t want guildies spamming. Lengthy conversations that are between only a small group of guildies will need to be moved elsewhere (e.g. party chat, say chat… in a guildhall etc), otherwise people will turn off their chat and will then no longer benefit from the constant up-dates.

(edited by Crimson Clouds.4853)

5 Diffrent rep chats? and one guild?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Harny.6012


Ok i just read some of the guild halls thingies and there was something that upset me but it can work in both ways but not relly in a way that a guild are solid as gw should be sounds like they want peolpe to represent all over and have no connection to its current guild Now guildies can chat whit their other representing guild in /g1 to /g5 xD Dont they want people to be in one community at a time? man i dont know what they are trying to make but its not relly a community, I mean, im old fashion and a guild is about build things togheter and grow togheter… and guild halls isnt that for 1 guild at a time??? so why do u wanna represent 5 other guilds? Just feels as if they have no dedication nore any feeling what a guild is all about having a cross chatt when ever the other guilds chat is dead just opens door for more guild jumping. And 0 dedication and morals and feeling as u are a part of somethng. yeaiks what do u think?

I can see how it can be frustrating, but me personally, I cant wait.
More guild and friendlist features please!

QoL changes are a reason to buy the expansion, right, WP?

5 Diffrent rep chats? and one guild?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tyrion.8632


Quote from one of my guildies: I’m glad I’m not the only one that got upset frown. I was upset over this as we are a 100% rep guild and I think it is the reason why we are cohesive and why we are able to give many guild boosts for our guild. It takes effort so I was quite distressed earlier that you can chat with 5 guilds. This is nice for smaller guilds as they said they didn’t want people to feel like they’re leaving the guild they’re not repping at the time. It also makes sense for allied guilds for WvW but what about for us whose only rules are to be active and represent; isn’t that what being a guild is about?

They are also removing multiple guild boons which was a real morale booster for me. We had gathering, mf, and karma boosts run at the same time, now we can only have one active at a time. frown. We have so much IP as well and while I understand they will be converted to something else, they will be something we can use a bit of each week and that sounds like how bloodstone dust is being used right now. On one hand, I feel good that our guild hall will be top tier immediately after we claim it, but on the other, I’m not too keen on the multiple guild chat because we are a 100% rep guild and newer players wanting to experience cross-guild chat might want to leave any guild to try them out.

5 Diffrent rep chats? and one guild?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Basandra Skye.4031

Basandra Skye.4031

Ok, but that doesn’t really have anything to do with chat. If he fears his guild members will abandon his guild because they can chat with the members of the other guilds they belong to, he is certainly allowed to create a 100% rep-required guild. Problem solved.

Wouldnt solve his problem cedo :P They’d simply rep his guild, turn off his guild’s chat, and then turn on the chats for the guilds people really like. Thus his guild is abandoned in all but name.

And frankly, why do you care, OP? If I’m repping one guild, but also actively rep in another one, it kittening sucks that it’d be forced to miss out on things going on in the other guild because seeing chat required repping. Maybe I rep my personal 1man guild for quiet time, but I want to know if another of my guilds is starting some events?

5 Diffrent rep chats? and one guild?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SkyShroud.2865



i foresee people spamming LF4M ARAH in all the guilds they are in…..

Founder & Leader of Equinox Solstice [TIME], a Singapore-Based International Guild
Henge of Denravi Server

5 Diffrent rep chats? and one guild?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tyrion.8632


(Going to be honest Tyrion, had a bit of a hard time deciphering what points you were trying to make, so I’ll have to guess.)

First of all… “Why be in a guild?”. I’d be in a guild to enjoy the company of like-minded people.

Secondly… “Why be in multiple guilds?”. For a number of reasons.. here’s some hypothetical examples:
-Guild 1 would be my go-to all-round guild. Perhaps I’ve known these people for a long time and see them as good friends. The tight-knit community is awesome, but the guild itself doesn’t excel in many of the game modes.
-Guild 2 would be my WvW guild. If I fancy doing some WvW, I know that during peak times my commander would be online and we would be a somewhat successful and organised zerg.
-Guild 3 might be a PvP guild. I could turn to them for PvP build advice, some sparring in a private arena and join them to party for matches and tournaments.
-Guild 4 could be a personal guild with family and real-life friends. Maybe these guys don’t play all too often, but when they are online we could play together.
-Guild 5 could be a speciality guild, focusing on going Teq/Wurm or dungeon tours and high level fractals.

With these examples being possibilities for people, being able to see all guild chats at once could be highly beneficial.

It means that they can keep an eye out for particular content that is only offered by one of the guilds they are members of. It would also mean I could still chat to my friends whilst I was busy doing something else.

I know that a lot of guild leaders struggle when it comes to organising people who aren’t repping, as it means the leaders have to whisper all of the people who are online to tell them of the upcoming events. Currently, in many guilds that don’t opt for a 100% rule, this is a necessary sacrifice because people don’t remember times/forget etc. This change is a godsend as it means that it will be a lot easier for people to be told what’s coming next.

The only negative I see is that guild leaders and officers will have to moderate what’s going on in chat a bit more strictly. If you are showing 5 chats at once (for the benefit of being up-to-date everywhere) you don’t want guildies spamming. Lengthy conversations that are between only a small group of guildies will need to be moved elsewhere (e.g. party chat, say chat… in a guildhall etc), otherwise people will turn off their chat and will then no longer benefit from the constant up-dates.

Im so sorry, but u dont have no clue what a guild is so ill leave the replyes to that

5 Diffrent rep chats? and one guild?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tyrion.8632


Ok i just read some of the guild halls thingies and there was something that upset me but it can work in both ways but not relly in a way that a guild are solid as gw should be sounds like they want peolpe to represent all over and have no connection to its current guild Now guildies can chat whit their other representing guild in /g1 to /g5 xD Dont they want people to be in one community at a time? man i dont know what they are trying to make but its not relly a community, I mean, im old fashion and a guild is about build things togheter and grow togheter… and guild halls isnt that for 1 guild at a time??? so why do u wanna represent 5 other guilds? Just feels as if they have no dedication nore any feeling what a guild is all about having a cross chatt when ever the other guilds chat is dead just opens door for more guild jumping. And 0 dedication and morals and feeling as u are a part of somethng. yeaiks what do u think?

I can see how it can be frustrating, but me personally, I cant wait.
More guild and friendlist features please!

QoL changes are a reason to buy the expansion, right, WP?

I can see why ure not in a solid guild

5 Diffrent rep chats? and one guild?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tyrion.8632


Ok, but that doesn’t really have anything to do with chat. If he fears his guild members will abandon his guild because they can chat with the members of the other guilds they belong to, he is certainly allowed to create a 100% rep-required guild. Problem solved.

Wouldnt solve his problem cedo :P They’d simply rep his guild, turn off his guild’s chat, and then turn on the chats for the guilds people really like. Thus his guild is abandoned in all but name.

And frankly, why do you care, OP? If I’m repping one guild, but also actively rep in another one, it kittening sucks that it’d be forced to miss out on things going on in the other guild because seeing chat required repping. Maybe I rep my personal 1man guild for quiet time, but I want to know if another of my guilds is starting some events?

Again u dont see the benefits of a solid guild

5 Diffrent rep chats? and one guild?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dante.1763


I have 4 guilds that i split my time between. 2 Roleplay guilds, a family guild and a dungeon guild. Big boon for me!

Big boon for me. AS i can talk to my family, Dungeon and roleplay guilds all at the same time, without having to stop repping. If anything im going to have even more fun! All of them are solid guilds too, most have been around for 2+ years. i enjoy being a part of all three of them, great closed and open communities too.

The pvp community reminds me of what Obi-kittenenobi describes Mos Eisley as from star wars.

(edited by Dante.1763)

5 Diffrent rep chats? and one guild?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tyrion.8632


I have 4 guilds that i split my time between. 2 Roleplay guilds, a family guild and a dungeon guild. Big boon for me!

Big boon for me. AS i can talk to my family, Dungeon and roleplay guilds all at the same time, without having to stop repping. If anything im going to have even more fun!

But again if u had a guild that did all of thoes things what would u do then

5 Diffrent rep chats? and one guild?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tyrion.8632


the more u guys post here the more i see people that dedicate this game as a single player game super sad

5 Diffrent rep chats? and one guild?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tyrion.8632



i foresee people spamming LF4M ARAH in all the guilds they are in…..

yeap a single player game for feeding the people in need for others in 5 diffrent guilds… spamming.. for their own egoistic needs hurray for repping

5 Diffrent rep chats? and one guild?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dante.1763


But again if u had a guild that did all of thoes things what would u do then

My roleplay guild does all of those things(BUT: Not all the time, as they might be busy Roleplaying), and my family would not be with them to talk to(As my family doesnt roleplay.) The dungeon guild is there so if i want to do higher level fractals, and the harder dungeons(as my Roleplay group does not do those). I will not ever join a big guild again, after the two experiences i have had with them, both bad, and neither made me want to stay around or join a new big guild. I went guildless for 1 year because of their actions. So as i said, this feature is awesome for my small…all but one less than 100 member guilds.

EDIT: Crimson Cloud said it rather nicely. I do see the benefit, but i will not ever be part of said guild again. I much more enjoy being part of five guilds, each with a different focus.

The pvp community reminds me of what Obi-kittenenobi describes Mos Eisley as from star wars.

(edited by Dante.1763)

5 Diffrent rep chats? and one guild?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crimson Clouds.4853

Crimson Clouds.4853

I have 4 guilds that i split my time between. 2 Roleplay guilds, a family guild and a dungeon guild. Big boon for me!

Big boon for me. AS i can talk to my family, Dungeon and roleplay guilds all at the same time, without having to stop repping. If anything im going to have even more fun!

But again if u had a guild that did all of thoes things what would u do then

A lot of people don’t have this option of having one guild for everything, Tyrion.

Different people want guilds with a different focus. For example (using Dante’s choice of guilds as an example), If my family and friends don’t like roleplaying, but I do, how am I meant to convince them to join the RP guild? Sure, we could all join a massive guild that offers everything, but then the RP scene might not be as enjoyable or as thriving as the one that was in the RP speciality guild.

Also… maybe I do “see the benefit of a (single) solid guild”. Perhaps I think that the benefit of multiple highly-specialised guilds is greater (and the set-backs for such a scheme will be reduced when I can see guild chats from all 5 guilds).

EDIT: Different people like different things. Some people like being loyal and dedicated to a single group, that’s fine. What I’m not ok with is when OP seems to be looking down his nose at those who want to be a member of multiple guilds… and then doesn’t supply much evidence in terms of how a “solid guild” is significantly better than any other solution for any person.

(edited by Crimson Clouds.4853)

5 Diffrent rep chats? and one guild?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tyrion.8632


But again if u had a guild that did all of thoes things what would u do then

My roleplay guild does all of those things, but the family part(As my family doesnt roleplay.) The dungeon guild is there so if i want to higher level fractals, and the harder dungeons. I will not ever join a big guild again, after the two experiences i have had with them, both bad, and neither made me want to stay around or join a new big guild. I went guildless for 1 year because of their actions. So as i said, this feature is awesome for my small…all but one less than 100 member guilds.

Dante im relly sad for ure behalf, we are a guild that accualy take care of our members and have a positive community whit pepl that helps and we are a 300 solid 3 month inactive rule ( kick ) guild and are active as no other in gw2. And we still ahve fun, no eliteism nore any negative chatt. So there is communities and many of them that are solid and happy and many but they are ofc hard to find.. as we only recruit when we are down on members that gets inactive and keep a solid number at 300. But again.. i understand people that doesnt have any feelings nore any dedication to the game to be repping where ever they want when they log in once a week… if their guild is inactive they they rep an other and then rep back when they doesnt get caught in the act… well i dont know… nothing.. not even cllose positive comes form 5 guild repping… i wont tutch that whit a glove. 0 dedication and 0 guild belefes

5 Diffrent rep chats? and one guild?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Donari.5237


Single player? Hardly. I play these games to hang out with friends and RP with them. Four of my guilds are RP guilds; three of them are mostly the same set of players, but each guild has a different RP theme/flavor. The fourth is inactive but made of my WoW friends so if they come back to GW2 they’ll have a quick way to find me and I’ll know they’re on line. (My fifth is my personal bank guild, so chat is irrelevant to that).

At game launch, my main RP guild was pretty close with another deep RP guild. Alas, we had a falling out some time after launch and went our separate ways. I think a lot of the reasons for that would have been there regardless. However, the lack of ability to chat with each other without hopping rep status contributed hugely to the lack of communication and definitely widened the rift.

Single player? Ha! This change is a boon to hooking up with people more easily. If your guild hasn’t got anyone on line when you’re looking to run a dungeon, say, you can peruse your other chats, find a team, do the run, and never stop repping the one you’re in. No more having to ask people one at a time off your friends list or guild panel or switching rep to broadcast a request.

Multiple guilds don’t dilute community. It is possible to have friends in more than one place.

5 Diffrent rep chats? and one guild?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tyrion.8632


I have 4 guilds that i split my time between. 2 Roleplay guilds, a family guild and a dungeon guild. Big boon for me!

Big boon for me. AS i can talk to my family, Dungeon and roleplay guilds all at the same time, without having to stop repping. If anything im going to have even more fun!

But again if u had a guild that did all of thoes things what would u do then

A lot of people don’t have this option of having one guild for everything, Tyrion.

Different people want guilds with a different focus. For example (using Dante’s choice of guilds as an example), If my family and friends don’t like roleplaying, but I do, how am I meant to convince them to join the RP guild? Sure, we could all join a massive guild that offers everything, but then the RP scene might not be as enjoyable or as thriving as the one that was in the RP speciality guild.

Also… maybe I do “see the benefit of a (single) solid guild”. Perhaps I think that the benefit of multiple highly-specialised guilds is greater (and the set-backs for such a scheme will be reduced when I can see guild chats from all 5 guilds).

EDIT: Different people like different things. Some people like being loyal and dedicated to a single group, that’s fine. What I’m not ok with is when OP seems to be looking down his nose at those who want to be a member of multiple guilds… and then doesn’t supply much evidence in terms of how a “solid guild” is significantly better than any other solution for any person.

well if u dont want to change ure guild into what it can be then dont and have diffrent guild for ure choice its ure own game time, ure own time ure spending… but i rather have a guild that has a social experience whit everything in game. Pvp, wvw, pve, puzzles and dffrent events that is just time consuming but fun or just lie in the grass and chatt… thats what one guild is all about and what ull remember in 20 years. Not 30 diffrent gulds u gone throught the last 1 year.

5 Diffrent rep chats? and one guild?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tyrion.8632


Single player? Hardly. I play these games to hang out with friends and RP with them. Four of my guilds are RP guilds; three of them are mostly the same set of players, but each guild has a different RP theme/flavor. The fourth is inactive but made of my WoW friends so if they come back to GW2 they’ll have a quick way to find me and I’ll know they’re on line. (My fifth is my personal bank guild, so chat is irrelevant to that).

At game launch, my main RP guild was pretty close with another deep RP guild. Alas, we had a falling out some time after launch and went our separate ways. I think a lot of the reasons for that would have been there regardless. However, the lack of ability to chat with each other without hopping rep status contributed hugely to the lack of communication and definitely widened the rift.

Single player? Ha! This change is a boon to hooking up with people more easily. If your guild hasn’t got anyone on line when you’re looking to run a dungeon, say, you can peruse your other chats, find a team, do the run, and never stop repping the one you’re in. No more having to ask people one at a time off your friends list or guild panel or switching rep to broadcast a request.

Multiple guilds don’t dilute community. It is possible to have friends in more than one place.

I have many friends doesnt mean i have to change colors… not even once. Did the french go over to the germans, then italians and then sweeds in the 2 world war? Nope they stayed french.

5 Diffrent rep chats? and one guild?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Palador.2170


When this goes live, you’ll see an upsurge of guilds made JUST for chatting, I think.

Group of friends that want to chat while they play whatever parts of the game they enjoy? Guild.

People that want to talk about anime? Guild.

Roleplayers, especially those centered on a specific part of the game or lore? Guild.

Group of people that like to do flash mob type of events in games? Guild.

Fanfic writers wanting to debate if they should ship Logan with Eir or Rytlock? Guild.

New guilds that people never (or almost never) rep, they just use them to chat though. Once the idea catches on, we may find that 5 isn’t enough…

Sarcasm, delivered with a
delicate, brick-like subtlety.

5 Diffrent rep chats? and one guild?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tyrion.8632


Its about the culture u trying to grow… if ure community is braught up on unstead grounds and the leader says.. we are a small guild but u can try out 5 others until u find ours intresting.. then i dont know what is wrong the game or the people playing it that feels this is a guild game?

5 Diffrent rep chats? and one guild?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dante.1763


Its that kick feature thats one of the big turn offs from any big guild. That and other things. I take 6 month breaks at a time, Constantly. I play for sixth months, leave for sixth months, and go play WOT. I dont log in to GW2 at all during that time. With my current guilds i can leave and come back and they will be here. Hell the people who usually play are always here when i come back too, and they are more than happy to see me! I wouldnt get that with your guild. In 3 months id be gone. When i got back, i wouldnt even bother asking to rejoin the guild, because of how i play this game. And my one roleplay guild, does guild missions, every saturday, they run WVW in the evenings, before most people start roleplaying(Im not on TC so i cant join them), PVP too. Puzzles get done every saturday right after missions.

The pvp community reminds me of what Obi-kittenenobi describes Mos Eisley as from star wars.

5 Diffrent rep chats? and one guild?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tyrion.8632


When this goes live, you’ll see an upsurge of guilds made JUST for chatting, I think.

Group of friends that want to chat while they play whatever parts of the game they enjoy? Guild.

People that want to talk about anime? Guild.

Roleplayers, especially those centered on a specific part of the game or lore? Guild.

Group of people that like to do flash mob type of events in games? Guild.

Fanfic writers wanting to debate if they should ship Logan with Eir or Rytlock? Guild.

New guilds that people never (or almost never) rep, they just use them to chat though. Once the idea catches on, we may find that 5 isn’t enough…

ofc there will be a guild for anything… but what about that guild… that u accualy has a guildhall whit… or should u have 5 guildhalls and join them when ever u choose, then whats the point of joining a fight and claim ure guildhall? where is th dedication and guild feeling?

5 Diffrent rep chats? and one guild?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crimson Clouds.4853

Crimson Clouds.4853

well if u dont want to change ure guild into what it can be then dont and have diffrent guild for ure choice its ure own game time, ure own time ure spending… but i rather have a guild that has a social experience whit everything in game. Pvp, wvw, pve, puzzles and dffrent events that is just time consuming but fun or just lie in the grass and chatt… thats what one guild is all about and what ull remember in 20 years. Not 30 diffrent gulds u gone throught the last 1 year.

There’s a distinct difference between being active and dedicated in 5 different speciality guilds and guild-hopping through 30 different guilds.

And like I mentioned before, people who have multiple guilds often do so because their isn’t enough support in their “home guild” for a game mode that they want to play in. They might love the company of their home-guild, but equally enjoy the skill and dedication to players in a PvP guild or equally admire the expression and ingenuity of the players in a RP guild.

I’ve always been anti-100% rep when it comes to guilds that can’t offer a deep look into all content, as it puts an obstacle in the way of people from exploring the game as a whole.

5 Diffrent rep chats? and one guild?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tyrion.8632


Its that kick feature thats one of the big turn offs from any big guild. That and other things. I take 6 month breaks at a time, Constantly. I play for sixth months, leave for sixth months, and go play WOT. I dont log in to GW2 at all during that time. With my current guilds i can leave and come back and they will be here. Hell the people who usually play are always here when i come back too, and they are more than happy to see me! I wouldnt get that with your guild. In 3 months id be gone. When i got back, i wouldnt even bother asking to rejoin the guild, because of how i play this game. And my one roleplay guild, does guild missions, every saturday, they run WVW in the evenings, before most people start roleplaying(Im not on TC so i cant join them), PVP too. Puzzles get done every saturday right after missions.

Well dante… ure considerd inactive if u dont play the game for 2 months its a rule that even a newcommer can ablige to its a no brainer… if ure not in the game for 2 months… the community and the snowball moves on So to be specific… if ure not logged on for months whitout an notice, then u pertty much doesnt care about ure community or guild

(edited by Tyrion.8632)

5 Diffrent rep chats? and one guild?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dante.1763


Well dante… ure considerd inactive if u dont play the game for 2 months its a rule that even a newcommer can ablige to its a no brainer… if ure not in the game for 2 months… the community and the snowball moves on

Its not a rule obviously. Considering i have 5 guilds that are there for me when i get back from being gone for sixth months.

As i said, i prefer smaller more tight knit guilds. They all know my gaming pattern, so they dont do anything about me being gone. They know me. My two big guilds never knew me as well as these 5 much smaller guilds do. They know things about me that nobody IRL besides my family knows. Thats how much i trust them and how awesome they are as a community.

The pvp community reminds me of what Obi-kittenenobi describes Mos Eisley as from star wars.

5 Diffrent rep chats? and one guild?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tyrion.8632


well if u dont want to change ure guild into what it can be then dont and have diffrent guild for ure choice its ure own game time, ure own time ure spending… but i rather have a guild that has a social experience whit everything in game. Pvp, wvw, pve, puzzles and dffrent events that is just time consuming but fun or just lie in the grass and chatt… thats what one guild is all about and what ull remember in 20 years. Not 30 diffrent gulds u gone throught the last 1 year.

There’s a distinct difference between being active and dedicated in 5 different speciality guilds and guild-hopping through 30 different guilds.

And like I mentioned before, people who have multiple guilds often do so because their isn’t enough support in their “home guild” for a game mode that they want to play in. They might love the company of their home-guild, but equally enjoy the skill and dedication to players in a PvP guild or equally admire the expression and ingenuity of the players in a RP guild.

I’ve always been anti-100% rep when it comes to guilds that can’t offer a deep look into all content, as it puts an obstacle in the way of people from exploring the game as a whole.

we have snapped out many of theese players and made them solid of the cause. But the problem still stands… how many hasnt feeled the warmth of a guild.. and still playes this game solo for their own needs

5 Diffrent rep chats? and one guild?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tyrion.8632


Well dante… ure considerd inactive if u dont play the game for 2 months its a rule that even a newcommer can ablige to its a no brainer… if ure not in the game for 2 months… the community and the snowball moves on

Its not a rule obviously. Considering i have 5 guilds that are there for me when i get back from being gone for sixth months.

As i said, i prefer smaller more tight knit guilds. They all know my gaming pattern, so they dont do anything about me being gone. They know me. My two big guilds never knew me as well as these 5 much smaller guilds do. They know things about me that nobody IRL besides my family knows. Thats how much i trust them and how awesome they are as a community.

Our guilds knows me and we are a community of 300+ thats when u makes the effort to get to know people and make them into the community and make them feel as u got their back in any scenario wvw, pvp or pve. Ure guild option atm is just like an 100+ guild but u just change between them and knows them justas much as a tight knit 100+ guild. whats the diffrence?

5 Diffrent rep chats? and one guild?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tyrion.8632


ok here is the maths… ure in 5 guilds and they are 10 members active at all times… thats 50 members… and there is a scenario where u have a SINGLE guild that is 5 times the size and u have 50 active members… they have the same interest as u do. What would be ure choice?

5 Diffrent rep chats? and one guild?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tyrion.8632


There is Zero commitment in the 5 guild representation community and 0 belonging to a community that can grow into something bigger.

5 Diffrent rep chats? and one guild?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Just a flesh wound.3589

Just a flesh wound.3589

You’re insisting that this multi guild chat is bad. And it isn’t. I’m in one guild that I rep. But I also have a guild for my Guild Wars 1 guildies that’s mostly a place to hold our names. They are scattered around in other guilds. Now we will be able to guild chat together, even though we are all in different guilds. I won’t have to whisper them individually. We can all talk together while repping our own guilds.

Be careful what you ask for
ANet may give it to you.

5 Diffrent rep chats? and one guild?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Basandra Skye.4031

Basandra Skye.4031

Ok, but that doesn’t really have anything to do with chat. If he fears his guild members will abandon his guild because they can chat with the members of the other guilds they belong to, he is certainly allowed to create a 100% rep-required guild. Problem solved.

Wouldnt solve his problem cedo :P They’d simply rep his guild, turn off his guild’s chat, and then turn on the chats for the guilds people really like. Thus his guild is abandoned in all but name.

And frankly, why do you care, OP? If I’m repping one guild, but also actively rep in another one, it kittening sucks that it’d be forced to miss out on things going on in the other guild because seeing chat required repping. Maybe I rep my personal 1man guild for quiet time, but I want to know if another of my guilds is starting some events?

Again u dont see the benefits of a solid guild

I belong to a guild that, at it’s strongest numbers, had 6 thousand people. Clearly, you are the one that doesnt see the point of this change. Frankly, I dont care, you’ve proven that you dont understand, or want to understand, how this change is a benefit.