intel 335 180gb/intel 320 160gb WD 3TB Gigabyte GTX G1 970 XFX XXX750W HAF 932
8 months and zero optimization
intel 335 180gb/intel 320 160gb WD 3TB Gigabyte GTX G1 970 XFX XXX750W HAF 932
While GW2 is CPU bound it is also CPU limited. The client does not use multithreading or use more than 3 heavy threads during operation. Thus, the game is limited as a previous poster mentioned to a tri-core CPU with 5-6ghz being the sweet spot. Anet’s implementation of an engine with high CPU draw with no room for ever advancing beyond 2007 standards is apparent in the design. The game’s predominantly relies on high amounts of users on the same map which of course the engine and servers cannot handle. Using an old API does not help but is not the main factor.
Try doing a T1 WvW zerg and toss all the settings down to their lowest. You will not see much of a difference in FPS at all. This is due to the server on Anet’s side not being able to handle the information it is sending and receiving.
TL,DR= It is both the client and serverside causing issues atm. Since client is apparently out of the question we, as a group can only hope that the issues be rectified serverside.They are using the same outdated servers that GW1 is on and I heard word that they also moved AION to those same servers.
That sounds a bit dodgy to me. I’m not calling you a liar, but claiming to have heard a rumor makes me question the credibility of the source.
Researching this for myself, I know what you mean by hearsay, will divulge my findings.
EDIT Preliminary findings/research has turned up nothing on this, so, until I find otherwise the shared server hearsay is just that and only a rumor so far.
I’m not sure with how GW1 networks are set up, but I’m pretty sure that the number of shards that you need to manage as well as the processing power needed to provide for events and NPC AI makes the required infrastructure for GW2 wholly different.
+1, needs more optimization. in the meantime, I’ve found that putting shaders on low gives me a nice FPS boost.
But shaders/textures is what makes the biggest difference in graphics-.- I can’t set those two to anything lower than High.
dunno, I don’t think it’s that big of a deal
Take a pic of your character on shaders low/mid/high and compare them three, there’s a huge difference.
There really is; it affects things like hair, armor and skin. Looks way, way worse when set low.
For all the FPS hungry people out there, I would suggest going out and mowing a few lawns on weekends, save up your money and buy a decent graphics card—Nvidia GTX580 or higher.
That’s not the issue. Did you even read the thread ?
Yeah my system is no slouch and it has FPS drops right in the middle of the most senseless things that should never be an issue like coming to the surface after swimming, turning when a player is running the opposite direction, and random stops while the system is trying to figure out where the mobs are. Not to mention the extreme load times.
It doesn’t happen every play session but it definitely happens just after a patch which usually requires a second patch to remove most of it and then it returns to the buggyness it has in general.
Also, there is a memory leak in the kernel of the game, this the is the only game that I play right now that just suddenly crashes because it just becomes a memory hog and builds and builds and builds until the system can’t handle it and shuts the game down. I play all kinds of mmos and 3D games both modern and old and this is the only title this happens with. There’s something definitely wrong with this game, not people’s computers.
They have made quite a few changes with more to come, but you should post any feedback you have to the official thread so they can better review it.
As this discussion has run its course, it is now closed.