This is not a rant thread, but my constructive criticisms, and things I would like to see worked on with new dlc/expansions, or improve with patches.
This part will be the only be the rant.
The leveling in this game.. is.. horrible.
Here’s why, I never, ever once made a character that reached the cap level 15 in Queensdale. In fact I couldn’t even get to level 6 to go beyond the Garrison in Queensdale I am always constantly falling short 2-3 levels behind. This isn’t a problem for Warriors, and some other classes, but other classes like Thieves, and Elementalists will have a problem. Yes I have collected all the nods, the way points, vistas, etc. I just can’t seem to get my character up to the appropriate level to advance, and I have made several characters (Humans only) and never got to the appropriate levels to move on. I always had to teleport to another starting zone to catch up.
I blame this on the Dynamic Event system which is a good idea, but they implemented it wrong. They made it (From my understanding. If I am wrong sorry!) so you level by doing the Dynamic Event system, and the “Hearts” should lead you to them. This is all fine, and dandy, but here’s the problem. Dynamic Events are random, and or on a time scale. This creates the problem that the Player is roaming around trying to find Dynamic Events to level up after he/she did all hearts, vistas, waypoints, etc. This is what’s wrong. I shouldn’t have to wait for the game to kick a Dynamic Event up for me to continue progressing through it.
For those people who say. “I reach level 15 in Queensdale”. I think are full of crap, or they spent their time crafting. Because I have several human characters to test out all the classes up to level 10ish, and I seriously couldn’t even get to level 6 which is the heart after the Garrison.
I think if they switched the ideas around that the Hearts are the main gain levels, and Dynamic Events are ways to gain extra levels, and just open up the world more. It would be a lot better. This way if you don’t happen to get every Dynamic Event; you’re not stuck in the same area.
I think Dynamic Events should be lore based quests instead of a silly “Guard my giant goat to the next town.” The escorts missions are horrible!
In fact do you know that giant shadow creature in the swamp, and the oak heart champion Dynamic events? I only did those two once. ONCE. Making several human characters, and only did them once.
I am sick, and tired of crafting being almost completely useless games, or insanely overpowered, and lastly.. just being a gimmick.
In Guild Wars 2 crafting is both a just pathetic gimmick, and useless.
From my point of a view, and other Guild Mates. It’s a lot cheaper to just buy the armor from the Trading Post than to farm, and use your own materials.
Also… crafting is completely useless until you hit 400, and even than it’s still cheaper to buy your exotics than to craft them(Sometimes). I honestly feel like they just put crafting into the game just as gold sink for Legendary Weapons.
Next part, because 5001 characters seems to be the limit. ._.