A question about GW2
Its becoming increasingly difficult to buy items because of constant inflation. With gold flooding the market, the value of that gold lowers, making items more expensive over time. It is not the gem store that has done this. Its over farming. How is ArenaNet supposed to solve this problem?
The whole reason people over-farm is to buy stuff from the cash shop. ANet floods the cash shop with new, desirable items. People farm endless to convert gold into gems to buy said describable items. ANet could easily solve the problem by having some of the items account bound rewards from in-game content. They won’t, but they could.
Nerf farming/loot or increase farming options/loot gain? Which do you really think is better. If we were to go with the latter option, or even stay current with the same model we have been running with for the last year, just imagine how much items would cost in another 2 years. DUSK may end up costing more than Twilight is today, t6 mats will be 1g+ each, etc etc. It would be an ever increasing nightmare.
Let’s not pretend those are the only two options. I’d posit that the nerfs were done to slow people’s gold-to-gem conversion, not to combat inflation. But even if they were, there’s a lot more that could be done than just A or B.
I wouldn’t say the game is getting “harder.” Due to the trait pushback to 30/60/80, Anet reduced the difficulty of just about everything in the open world. Not to mention that crit% now scales properly, increasing downscaled players’ crit%. Which means, the game got dumbed down.
My buddy just started playing the game last month. He’s finally settles on a class and is about level 38-40 and can’t understand why he’s 1/2 done leveling and still has barely any traitpoints. Not to mention he has to either buy them (waaay more expensive than before) or spend all kinds of time being directed to specific content to unlock them. This makes combat become rather stale after a while, being unable to trait and experiment with builds. I feel bad for him honestly. By the time he hits 80 he’ll still be endeavoring to unlock traits he should have automatically earned at 60.
I’m fine with champ trains disappearing. Honestly, they’re mindless zergs that exploit champ schedules and promote 11111111111 combat. Not very fun (subjective, I know) but they made it incredibly easy to earn decent loot bags/gold, not to mention trivialized monthlies.
Dungeon reward reductions are dumb. With the champ train nerf, dungeons are the primary and best way to earn gold. What’s more, they’re at least challenging and require more than 1111111 zerging. You actually earn your rewards.
Of course, with the trait pushback, now new level 35-45 are at a serious loss for strength when joining dungeons like AC and CM. Where before a level 40 would have access to some great traits at the master level, they’ve now got like a single adept. How…underwhelming.
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)
People want the EotM farm gone because it’s not what EotM was supposed to be. It’s supposed to be a less serious WvW where players can do what they like in WvW without the pressure of failure. A bastion for open world PvPers to experiment, hone their skills or have mock battles in a more relaxed atmosphere.
Then someone found out you could do a loot train and all that ideal was thrown out the window. The place that was a resort for open world pvpers, was turned into just another mindless farm route where PvP is even discouraged.Is that ANet’s official position, or is this something you inferred from the release notes that came out with the EotM update.
That phrase ‘supposed to be (x)’ gets tossed around a lot regarding content, but usually without any evidence. I’m not trying to be a kitten about this, just genuinely curious.
And Re: the topic at hand, GW2 seems to be trying to maximize profits (consistent monetization) with minimal effort (sparse content and updates). Standard practice for any business, but it sucks for us as consumers.
What ever it was supposed to be, I doubt Anet went ‘you know what the WvWers need? Another karma train!’ when they made EotM.
My guild is a great example of that. People quitted right after the pavillion, Exams also played a role in this, but now, there exams are over, and i barely see them in guildwars anymore, “I got bored with it” Is one thing i head from them.
I’m not against harder content, it just needs to be rewarding.
Let’s not pretend those are the only two options. I’d posit that the nerfs were done to slow people’s gold-to-gem conversion, not to combat inflation. But even if they were, there’s a lot more that could be done than just A or B.
I wasn’t pretending, tyvfm. Next time you post maybe you could share your other brilliant ideas with the rest of us, the lowly ignorant masses that we are.
I’m confused as to why people want the ETOM train gone, it hurts nothing.. if you want to wvwvw go play a real map. I find it funny that there is always a group within this game that wants to force people to play it their way. You’re all the same, bunch of self entitled whiners who think your way is right. GW2 community is terrible, even WoW didn’t have this level of angst and people trying to force everyone to march in a line.
But alas, trains are bad, people should have to be forced to do harder content for lesser rewards and it’s all for the greater good. Why don’t you people take that in and think about a certain type of people you sound like.
Guess so, had an argument with someone who was braggin about shutting down the QD train and how they would kill champs to bait people into getting mad and then report them. I was appalled by this behavior.. seriously killing a champ is fine but bragging about it so you can goad people into getting mad? Talking smack to them to get them to swear so you can hit the report button? This is what our community is now, bunch of people trolling each other and thinking that what they do is good.
I’ve played MMOs for a long time and never seen this kind of behavior, this game has the worst community of any game out there and it’s not just one group it’s all of them.
I do not believe you have ever played a single other MMO than this one if you think this community (particularly everyone in it, as your last statement indicates) is bad. I especially don’t believe you ever played a single expansion of WoW. That is a flat-out laughable claim.
The community in GW2 is fantastic. I actually have played a lot of MMOs. GW2 has, by far, the nicest bunch of people I’ve ever encountered on such a large scale.
-Mike O’Brien
Because we can’t be angry about both?
That’s why people say “permanent content”, not just “content”.
I’ve seen plenty of people claim “temporary content” doesn’t even count as “content”.
Because it doesn’t.
When it’s LS arc is over, it’s gone. Content that’s not there is not content at all.
~Sincerely, Scissors
Because it doesn’t.
When it’s LS arc is over, it’s gone. Content that’s not there is not content at all.
So if I were to go to a festival or convention for a weekend – It would magically not have happened and be erased from my mind and everyone else that participated in it once it was packed up and cleared?
Please keep in mind that I am not a fan of the Living Story and the lack of permanent content. I’m just disagreeing that it isn’t content, because it is.
All the last patch/update of gw2 have made the game harder. Trains are gone (queensdale and old frostforge) and dungeons are getting harder (some of the old tactics dont work anymore). People are quitting the game because best itens are almost impossible to buy and the best ways to make gold are being destroyed by gw2. From my usual group of friends to create a party (about 13 people), only 3 of them keep playing everyday since the last update. Im getting frustraded too and i just dont get what is the point of this.
Sorry, but the FGS train is FAR FROM GONE.
Mud Bone – Sylvari Ranger
Two way gem to gold, gold to gem conversion was bad to begin with. My only comments, as viewing the game from a casual perspective and not having kept up with every event, without going into a long post is: Mats cost too much to buy if you want to level a craft. I had 26g and spent around 11g leveling armorsmithing from 136-400 buying mats from the market, you cant farm them yourself because drop rates are really aweful. It would take weeks or months to get everything you need in pve farming the old fashioned way. Most casuals wont make the money to level a craft like a normal mmo in a reasonable time frame, which in turn people will buy more gems and convert to gold which makes this game no different than a facebook, android or ios store game. Dungeons are too hard for normal people. Frequent nerfs are intolerable to seasoned players. Making pvp a seemingly better source of income and other things than pve is really bad business because not everyone likes or will do pvp, and prefer pve. Even as a long time gw player, I found the new (and even old) pvp system so complicated I couldnt figure out what I was supposed to do and gave up. Now when entering heart of the mists, it didnt seem I had a locker or auto lvl 80 gear anymore but options to add sigils and things to my current gear? Unless I missed something. I dont pvp, but it seemed like they wanted me to go in with my lvl 26 armor on, but be a lvl 80 with prefabbed traits. Anyways it all seems too much of a hassle, time sink, real money sink, but with pretty nice armor and rewards if youre willing to invest your money (esp for bl keys to open chests to get all the cool gw1 skin weapons) etc. Its all been a pretty big turnoff to me after release to a few months into the game. Anyways… just my 2c from afar.
I just wish they’d actually make something harder. Dungeon changes are all just adding minor annoyances or making classes useless. The only real challenge is the RnG golem bug in CoE… But I’m guessing that was another intended timegate.
So yeah, all in all an awesome patch.
Guys this is a mmorpg.
There is not much space from uberskill.
For how the game is designed, once someone succeed in something (this is skill) he can just post a vid on youtube and everyone will be able to do the same.
But you must accept that “farming” (not grinding) as stated in manifesto and many times from anet at the begining when this game was much better is good for a mmorpg.
I’d better have champion trains lowering the cost of crafting materials, that have the game depend on a broken TP that sees anything useful in the hand of few, and prices increasing even with gold scarcity…
Champ trains provided SUPPLY of materials more than GOLD.
Everyone would benefit from it.
Doesn’t take an economist to see that.
(maybe the same that decided silk requirements and promised they would do something about it…….).
Gold instead is being destroyed because is no more a reliable value.
Its becoming worthless even if rare because of TP.
We need farming.
We also need GOLD to be a reliable value, because today the least gold you have the safest your wealth is.
And this is NOT a natural phenomenon.
Its the product of continuos nerfs of supply everywhere and forcing the player to use the TP.
Or just keep lowering supply nerfing everything….. when you’ll push enough players out of the game even the demand will decrease.
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
(edited by LordByron.8369)
Please keep in mind that I am not a fan of the Living Story and the lack of permanent content. I’m just disagreeing that it isn’t content, because it is.
It was content when it was still around. It ceased to be content when it disappeared. Just because people still have memory of it doesn’t make it so.
~Sincerely, Scissors
Honestly, If I wanted to have challenge, serious bussiness, mix maxing and drama, I would be better raiding in WOW.
I’m playing GW2 instead of Wow because Guild Wars 2 is more nice, relaxing, casual. People actually work together instead of competing. You can play the way you like. Nobody will kick of the dungeon for not having certain achievs or Gearscore.
Or so I was told.
Everyday the game looks more and more elitist and mean in general.Add the thing that anet has for temporary content and PvC (Player vs Clock) and I starting to think that I made a big mistake.
It’s a shame, because the game itself is really nice. I love the visuals and art style. The cooperative style of play (no killsteal, only helping, yeay!).In some places there’s a nice and welcoming athmosphere, like in the Cliffs. But in others…
PD: It’s funny, people still complains of the toxicity of the QD train… I witness toxicity everywhere. One group particulary toxic is the train haters. Irony?
I’m not disregarding what you say about Guildwars 2 being a more relaxing experience for an mmo overall but there comes a point when people just want more of a challenge something to work towards like a wall to get over not only alone but with friends and guild mates. The whole game is currently built around casual players but there becomes a point where people want/need more progression. Before anyone says go play <mmo> here if you want a challenge I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t love this game for what it is.
For the topic of the temp content, Anet have confirmed that they have seen the light and the whole next living story is all perm content which can’t be complained about.
Yes there people who were against the Queensdale train could be toxic and yes not everyone is polite but I spend a lot of time in Queensdale myself as it is a great place to do dailies and the amount of times I have seen a new player for example at the champion troll event pick up the stone and try to fight it only to be verbally abused over map chat for literally doing the content how it is expected in the game is unprecedented.
I’ve heard people called names for simply trying to take down a champion with a few other players.
Then there are the veiled threats to new players. " so and so attacked the troll out of turn…what a &^#$ing (*&^ … I hope he never needs a group…or wants to get in a guild, i know if he tries to join pone of mine, he’s as good as kicked."
I HAVE heard that On map chat. That wasn’t a result of being antagonized. SOME train riders were toxic, Not all…. but the ones that were NOT toxic never did anything to curb them.. and if anyone spok out against them, they rationalized the behavior of the toxics…Kinda made them all " Birds of a feather" in my book…
As well as this the queensdale train was a huge problem for the state of the game as new players who have just created their character not only saw constant toxicity in the mapchat from the sheep but they got sucked into thinking that following a mindless train zerg was how the game was meant to be played and failed to actually explore the rest of the world.
/thread.The only time QD train became heated was when someone was actively and quite purposefully antagonizing it. Kind of like the terms you are using against your fellow players in this thread. And, to even mention EotM and use PvE as some derogatory term too??? Sounds like you just don’t like seeing others have fun or be rewarded in game.
The dev’s would be wise to leave EotM alone and stop antagonizing the majority of their customers. Attempting to force players into playing in a fashion they do not wish to is not a good idea. There’s a big difference in encouraging and forcing. The dev’s should be mindful of it.
I guess you were ofline the 5 days out of 7 when the people on the QD train would Literally curse out players for taking a champion out of turn….
or is it your position that mearly takinga champion By yourself qualifies as " antagonizing the champ train"?
Could it be you feel the champions all belonged to the Champ train?
Regarding EotM – one of the original goals of that map was to be a testbed/experiment area, so it is supposed to get changed over time. Which is why I don’t spend so much time on it, as I fully expect it to be changed left, right and sideways eventually. (One evil, though outlandish, idea – change the character and rewards to the PvP model instead of the PvE one!)
Regarding trains – I just don’t do them, its not safe for my wrists. Same problem with longer runs through LS1 content, or even a dungeon train (though we ran a Story Dungeon train for DM progression once – very fun, we ended up with two teams competing on time). On the flip side, I absolutely abhor the looks of every Legendary, and most of the other supposed ‘end goal’ items (as a former WvW player, stuff like that just paints a target on ya). So I can happily live on a diet of Exotics just fine…
Regarding progression and difficulty in general – I’m happy with the current state of things, and yet I found myself not playing as much. I think its because of my reasons for playing have shifted – I like to foster and help grow player communities, since those can last well beyond any one game (as we’re learning now with WildStar – we’re having a few pains with that, but it looks like we’ll work it out). Plus activities around community are usually easy on the wrists. Social Producer ftw.
My perspective on ‘Hardcore’ also appears to be extremely skewed from every one else – I came here from Eve Online, where baiting and evil behavior are not just legal, but encouraged by their Devs. IMNSHO, absolutely nothing will beat Eve at being hardcore (well, maybe Second Life, but that’s a different discussion).
I like to view MMOs through the lazy eye of a Systems Admin, and the critical eye of a
Project Manager. You’ve been warned. ;-)
Let’s not pretend those are the only two options. I’d posit that the nerfs were done to slow people’s gold-to-gem conversion, not to combat inflation. But even if they were, there’s a lot more that could be done than just A or B.
I wasn’t pretending, tyvfm. Next time you post maybe you could share your other brilliant ideas with the rest of us, the lowly ignorant masses that we are.
I did post a solution. In fact, I posted it in the very post you’re quoting, you just chose to edit it out of your reply. So if you’re ignorant (your words, not mine) it’s because you’re choosing to ignore the enlightenment others so freely offer you. But I’ll humor you all the same.
You state that inflation is a problem. You then state that over-farming is the cause of the problem. You finally state that the only solutions to the problem are either to nerf farming/loot or increase farming/loot. I said decreasing the need for gold decreases the over-farming problem. If the most desirable items were account bound and obtained through quests, scavenger hunts, crafting, etc rather than purchased off the Trading Post or the gem shop the need to farm gold would be greatly alleviated, and you wouldn’t have to resort to nerfing or increasing farming/loot for that.
More gold sinks could reduce the amount of gold in the economy. Suppose player housing were introduced, and the upgrades and/or maitenance of said housing was paid in gold. Now gold is being taken out of the economy in both large chunks (for the house and upgrades) and on a regular basis (for the services and consumables) without resorting to nerfing or increasing farming/loot.
So there you go, there’s two potential solutions to the problem of inflation. You said the only solutions were A or B, and I’ve just given you C and D. And E could be all of the above, if you want another option. There are more, but I think the two I’ve given you are sufficient enough to underscore my statement that there are more options to combat inflation than the nefing or increasing of farming/loot.
My perspective on ‘Hardcore’ also appears to be extremely skewed from every one else – I came here from Eve Online, where baiting and evil behavior are not just legal, but encouraged by their Devs. IMNSHO, absolutely nothing will beat Eve at being hardcore (well, maybe Second Life, but that’s a different discussion).
There are other reasons as to why EVE just so happens to be a tad bit more hardcore than anything else, their players actually make demands when something isn’t right. Even the “white knights” in EVE doesn’t just sit back and watch as CCP attempts to introduce things that are not what the players feel are within the spirit of the game; The prime example being Monoclegate.
My perspective on ‘Hardcore’ also appears to be extremely skewed from every one else – I came here from Eve Online, where baiting and evil behavior are not just legal, but encouraged by their Devs. IMNSHO, absolutely nothing will beat Eve at being hardcore (well, maybe Second Life, but that’s a different discussion).
There are other reasons as to why EVE just so happens to be a tad bit more hardcore than anything else, their players actually make demands when something isn’t right. Even the “white knights” in EVE doesn’t just sit back and watch as CCP attempts to introduce things that are not what the players feel are within the spirit of the game; The prime example being Monoclegate.
Several people have lost their jobs in Iceland, being open to the whims of the players is no guarantee you will be able to pay your rent.
Gold Boss farm in the Pavilion will give you 150+ champ box per hr so I would say champ farm is buffed if anything
Not for the far majority of people.
All too often I see the same three or four people stating the same tired arguments and excuses for the state of the game every patch as things have gotten progressively worse.
All Is Good.
Man, if you can’t get money IRL, will you complain about it? Is it God’s fault? Goverment? Laws?
“Get rich or die trying” man…
This man from “I do dungeon everyday” like classic worker. Its ok. Middle class…High class…lumpens…
Easy money man. Easy.
All Is Good.
Man, if you can’t get money IRL, will you complain about it? Is it God’s fault? Goverment? Laws?
“Get rich or die trying” man…
This man from “I do dungeon everyday” like classic worker. Its ok. Middle class…High class…lumpens…
Easy money man. Easy.
With the big difference that GW2 is a game. Not kitten RL. People come here to relax.
Not sure if troll or just lack of active brain cells.
Sure thing they do. GW2 EU/NA is profitable, but not as much as they wish so they don’t care. And there’s the Chinese milking cow. Who would even go play Wildstar if they weren’t angry and gave up on Anet? They got their deals with NCSoft…
Man, IRL only for similarity (lack of active brain cells pls)
If you want to relax, go to sauna. Ok? Or play something freaking casual.
Games = interest. Not freaking “relax”
I dont’ know what you mean good players or bad players.
If you mean players that want to log and play anytime they want are bad players, sure. Since they’ll most likely have to join pug.
I guess bad was too harsh of a word. Let’s go with inexperienced.
You can have an experienced PUG that can complete all of these newly “nerfed” paths without any problem whatsoever.
It’s the players that only know how to stack / “exploit” (to use the term loosely) the encounters that are complaining that now its harder. It isn’t harder. At all.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
Dear NC Soft,
You have your super bad kitten ultra hardcore MMO now in Wildstar. All the amazing super pro elites are playing it and loving it. Can Guild Wars 2 please go back to being a safe haven for us casual and gulp bad players again?
I’ll buy gems!!
Dear NC Soft,
You have your super bad kitten ultra hardcore MMO now in Wildstar. All the amazing super pro elites are playing it and loving it. Can Guild Wars 2 please go back to being a safe haven for us casual and gulp bad players again?
I’ll buy gems!!
LOL Wildstar hardcore – ROFL too funny.
Nothing wrong with GW2, just stop trying to make everything out as A.Net’s fault (they do have some duplicity but not as much as y’all seem to make it out to be).
“Get More Gold!
Remember that you can exchange gems and gold at our currency exchange on the second tab of the Black Lion Trading Company! Currently, you can get 1 gold for about 15 gems and 50 gold for about 675 gems!"
Anyone else feel like Ted Dibiasi wrote this, not a dev?
WvW Rank ~ 2,4xx / WvW Kills ~ 1xx,xxx / PvP Rank ~ 7x
EBAY ~ [Void] → FA/SoS ~ [HOPE] → FA ~ [CM] → FA/DB ~ [TheD] → ?
making the game harder and nerfing gold farming methods accomplishes two things
1. people who are dedicated players who like to farm for stuff will quite, making server load lighter
2. people who aren’t so dedicated but still want gold will end up spending even more money on buying gold because it’s now impossible to make gold by playing the gameit’s very easy to understand these kind of situations once you face the fact that it’s all about the money
inb4 “omg how dare anet try to make money blah blah blah”
yes, anet deserves money for content. however, taking present content and making it harder is not content, and therefore not deserving of money.
it’s sad to say that i’m thinking about leaving too, for wildstar
Do it, you won’t regret it. I approached it with reservations after the severe disappointment suffered with this game over the last year. Wildstar’s what an MMO should be and is worth the $15 a month.
All Is Good.
Man, if you can’t get money IRL, will you complain about it? Is it God’s fault? Goverment? Laws?
“Get rich or die trying” man…
This man from “I do dungeon everyday” like classic worker. Its ok. Middle class…High class…lumpens…
Easy money man. Easy.With the big difference that GW2 is a game. Not kitten RL. People come here to relax.
Not sure if troll or just lack of active brain cells.Sure thing they do. GW2 EU/NA is profitable, but not as much as they wish so they don’t care. And there’s the Chinese milking cow. Who would even go play Wildstar if they weren’t angry and gave up on Anet? They got their deals with NCSoft…
I play both because each has something to offer. When I want a more traditional MMO, I play Wildstar. It has more depth. When I want some drop in-drop out action, I come to Guild Wars 2. For me, this isn’t really the game I can log in every day anymore – after 4 80s, I’ve peaked. If Guild Wars 2 can come back from the Living Story mistake and release more permanent, meaningful content (zones, dungeons), that’d liven it up for me. However, Wildstar is offering multiple types of group content, quests (missed those!), and its fantastic housing. Guild Wars 2 can’t beat that.
If you want free loot with no effort, then interactive games like Guild Wars 2 are not for you. In fact, there is a classic MMO that should suit your purposes just fine: Progress Quest. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Progress_Quest)
How does asking for rewards that match the difficulty mean people just want something for nothing?
It doesn’t they just like to marginalize people who are actually making valid points but instead of directing their attacks at the points people make about historically how this system is flawed and destroyed whole gaming companies they’d rather attack the people call them lazy and tell them to go elsewhere.
Well guess what we’re not going anywhere. Either argue against our points or don’t post it’s simple, isn’t there some clause about not attacking other players? Well I personally feel that their statements that somehow people are lazy and want something for nothing is in fact an attack and they shouldn’t be allowed to post such arguments. If we eliminate the fluff maybe we can get some real suggestions going on how to improve the game.
I’ve also read recently an interview talking with economist who is in charge of the economy we have. He left out alot when he was explaining some things to the interviewers, like how there were loot bugs, DR bugs, the ability to login on multiple accounts for the same queen chest on the Island launch day that gave certain lucky people an enormous advantage with not one but multiple precursors to sell which adversely affected the economy because it created this games very own 1%. It allowed people an exploit which was never addressed. Since then the costs for anything that is functional or effective in combat or crafting has steadily increased on top of many items increasing in price over a few months of having that island event make these people very rich in game.
Other more recent articles have left out this history as well as the most recent of nerfs to open world nerfs to loot. Might I point out that one of the selling points of this game was that players could play how they wished and that no one should be forced to play only in certain ways. That means no one should have to WVW, Eotm, Train, or Run dungeons endlessly in order progress if they prefer the open world.
(edited by tigirius.9014)
If you want free loot with no effort, then interactive games like Guild Wars 2 are not for you. In fact, there is a classic MMO that should suit your purposes just fine: Progress Quest. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Progress_Quest)
How does asking for rewards that match the difficulty mean people just want something for nothing?
It doesn’t they just like to marginalize people who are actually making valid points but instead of directing their attacks at the points people make about historically how this system is flawed and destroyed whole gaming companies they’d rather attack the people call them lazy and tell them to go elsewhere.
Well guess what we’re not going anywhere. Either argue against our points or don’t post it’s simple, isn’t there some clause about not attacking other players? Well I personally feel that their statements that somehow people are lazy and want something for nothing is in fact an attack and they shouldn’t be allowed to post such arguments. If we eliminate the fluff maybe we can get some real suggestions going on how to improve the game.
I’ve also read recently an interview talking with economist who is in charge of the economy we have. He left out alot when he was explaining some things to the interviewers, like how there were loot bugs, DR bugs, the ability to login on multiple accounts for the same queen chest on the Island launch day that gave certain lucky people an enormous advantage with not one but multiple precursors to sell which adversely affected the economy because it created this games very own 1%. It allowed people an exploit which was never addressed. Since then the costs for anything that is functional or effective in combat or crafting has steadily increased on top of many items increasing in price over a few months of having that island event make these people very rich in game.
Other more recent articles have left out this history as well as the most recent of nerfs to open world nerfs to loot. Might I point out that one of the selling points of this game was that players could play how they wished and that no one should be forced to play only in certain ways. That means no one should have to WVW, Eotm, Train, or Run dungeons endlessly in order progress if they prefer the open world.
How can we expect honesty when we’re not getting the full picture of what’s really happening for the sake of the shareholders?*
We don’t need to know that information. Also, A.net does not have shareholders, NCSoft does. Since they are a Korean company they work under Korean laws not ours.
Besides, it is arrogant of players to think they are the same as shareholders.
I don’t train and I am progressing fine. Just because you think Trains are needed for progression, doesn’t mean it is the truth. The players that do trains are just lazy.
Collecting hundreds of champion loot bags for spamming 1 in a crowd of 20-30 other people spamming 1 shouldn’t be an alternative way of earning gold, expensive skins through the RNG of those bags, and leveling. When a new player arrives and they are automatically directed to such brainless, yet profitable activity it is bad for the game. You are risking NOTHING, but gaining rewards that would rival those who actually run dungeons.
Don’t even get me started on dungeons. I’ve completed my Hobby Dungeon Explorer achievement 219 times and I was cycling through my daily dungeons way before I completed the Arah paths I needed with guildies for that title/achievement. People LOVE to complain about the difficulty of dungeons being too easy on players yet they are the same ones crying about changes like these. Boo hoo OH NO they changed the troll boss at HotW! It’s not as easy anymore! THIS IS WRONG! Give me a break, it’s sad that people found a way to range the troll from a safe spot on the roof, just goes to show that the community is too baby to handle encounters outside of their little safe holes and stacking spots, yet are eager to cry about how easy it is to hide in such spots.
Sad part is that the Spider Queen at AC can still be stacked on and rushed with the fiery exploitstick that eles drop, just have to let her spit her poison fields before pulling her behind the pillar. Pug groups still skip Kholer on a dungeon that rewards 1g50s… more than than other dungeons that have no skippable bosses. The Ghost Eater can still be cheesed to death with FGS with 1 trap active. Colossus can still be killed while stacked at the safe spot on the pillar. I do not understand the change to Malrona’s projectiles or the wurm’s egg projectiles, they need to tweak their attacks to not being projectiles somehow or add new ones for more danger instead of throwing Wall of Reflection under the bus with “super special” projectiles. Making the CoE golem mobile was random since now pugs can pull it out of the room and cause it to reset.
If you’re a player that has a problem with dungeons actually getting some attention for once and increasing in difficulty, the game would be better off if you did end up quitting.
First off to answer the question of this thread; yeahhhh
I work, about 60 hour weeks, and have two kids under 5, I travel about 3 hours a day. I have little time to play with after work, kids, and sleep, shopping et,… So I play Guildwars2 only about 10 hours a week now.
The Queendsale Train:
I have been playing for 2 years now, but I am not a responsibility-free elitist MMO nerd. I cannot fight Champions on my own, which according to everyone against the trains, seem to think I should be able to do. Is my gear wrong? Probably. Know why? Because I play this game, and every kittening RPG with exclusive drop-reliance. If it drops, ever, I don’t buy it. So sorry I can’t wield the kittening Twilight because I refuse to gemstore. The train for me, as a perpetual noob, was one of the best things I liked to do, I would mainly be foraging around Krytan Waypoint and would often be in the Hunters Lodge selling crap, plus I just like the aesthetics of the area. But one thing I liked to do, since I was kitten compared to others in combat, was announce the boar and start it. I didn’t even know about the “train” system until it was nerfed, and I have NEVER been raged at by players for kittening up the train. I would activate the boar. Often, as it turns out, out of order. But players would just thank me and be on their way to fight it. This made me feel useful. The train did NOT teach me to zerg, The train did NOT make me feel abused. The Train did NOT teach me to farm for gold.
Want to wear a certain style of armor? kittening wait for it to drop, or buy it. Help me understand this. “Unlocking” styles? What is this a console game for preteens?
My hardest rage comes from the townclothes. IIIIIIIIIIII kittening used that, moreover the tonic are kitten to me, because I bought Riding Boots, Riding Pants, and the Country Lace shirt. I DID NOT buy the kitten “Riding Outfit/Costume” I bought only TWO components from an otherwise lame set. Same with the shirt, I only wanted the shirt. So NO the infinite tonics does nothing for me. And it took me like 80 gold to save up for that in gems to buy. And unlike half the people here I can’t make that easy, see intro. The entire Hero Panel just makes me rage.
I get it, I do. Is business.
Just don’t insult me, by being totally over about why you want me to play and how. Anet can’t even give me the illusion of control in my own game. I have to suffer in mediocrity because frankly I am not that good at the game, can’t invest more time, and won’t invest more money.
In closing, I now just wander around collecting materials from nodes, I am working on Armorsmith and THIS is why I play the game. When I finish, it’s likely I’m finishing the game. Absolutely everything about this game that I loved is gone.
I fight in the world-bosses and other big bosses now and feel useless, I get the only blue drops, save the bonus chests, and nobody talks to eachother save “Next?”
There is zero social aspect or teamwork to this game as it progresses. Fractals? Everyone who plays there is an kitten and I haven’t been able to get past 4 minutes on my own.
GW2 is designed, I feel, for elitist basement-dwellers, with massive disposable income.
Or Gold-sellers.
Feel free to tell me if I should be looking at things differently, give me tips, etc.
Lunar Sunset.8742
>>>The derogatory term “scrub” means several different things. One definition is someone (especially a game player) who is not good at something (especially a game). By this definition, we all start out as scrubs, and there is certainly no shame in that. I mean the term differently, though. A scrub is a player who is handicapped by self-imposed rules that the game knows nothing about. A scrub does not play to win.<<<<
And these folks aren’t the reason things keep getting nerfed. The reason things keep getting nerfed is because of the other end of the spectrum – the folks who play to win and use every exploit they can find to do so. All of the players who aren’t exploiting the game are scrubs by the definition given, everyone who plays “fair”. The book that quote comes from goes on to say “The scrubs will play for fun and not explore the extremities of the game. They won’t find the most effective tactics and abuse them mercilessly”. The good players “found the cheap stuff and abused it”. These are the players who are the reasoning behind nerfs, they found something cheap and abused it until Anet changed it then they cry their exploit is gone.
It stinks but that’s how it is.
I should add, I’m not trying to offend nerds, I guess I am one, just thoooosssee kind.
Lunar Sunset.8742
The thing that the uber l33t fail to realize, is that this game is not exclusively for them. They are a small percentage of the player population, and therefore in the minority. Casuals, and those that are more casual than the uber l33t are not an annoyance to be removed from the sight of the uber l33t, they are what is sustaining the game, so that everyone (including the uber l33t) can play it. Without casuals GW2 would die, and no one would be playing. So we don’t need to be eliminating casual content, or casual players.(As hard as it may be for the high and mighty uber l33t to stomach their presence.)
er, is making a game more challenging a bad thing? Is encouraging people to play other content a bad thing?
If all you do is train farm in the hopes of getting that shiny, that’s addiction.
I laughed at the last part.
But no you’re not wrong, playing new content is good, but when you get the feeling it’s specifically gearing towards, sayyy Gemstore, it makes you kinda bitter.
Lunar Sunset.8742
er, is making a game more challenging a bad thing? Is encouraging people to play other content a bad thing?
If all you do is train farm in the hopes of getting that shiny, that’s addiction.I laughed at the last part.
But no you’re not wrong, playing new content is good, but when you get the feeling it’s specifically gearing towards, sayyy Gemstore, it makes you kinda bitter.
But it is not – y’all think it is because they do tend to ‘Overwhelm’ us with ads for the TP – I ignore them like I ignore other commercials.
Just play ignore the rest…
Honestly, If I wanted to have challenge, serious bussiness, mix maxing and drama, I would be better raiding in WOW.
I’m playing GW2 instead of Wow because Guild Wars 2 is more nice, relaxing, casual. People actually work together instead of competing. You can play the way you like. Nobody will kick of the dungeon for not having certain achievs or Gearscore.
Or so I was told.
Everyday the game looks more and more elitist and mean in general.Add the thing that anet has for temporary content and PvC (Player vs Clock) and I starting to think that I made a big mistake.
It’s a shame, because the game itself is really nice. I love the visuals and art style. The cooperative style of play (no killsteal, only helping, yeay!).In some places there’s a nice and welcoming athmosphere, like in the Cliffs. But in others…
PD: It’s funny, people still complains of the toxicity of the QD train… I witness toxicity everywhere. One group particulary toxic is the train haters. Irony?
Expect food in your mailbox soon.
Lunar Sunset.8742
er, is making a game more challenging a bad thing? Is encouraging people to play other content a bad thing?
If all you do is train farm in the hopes of getting that shiny, that’s addiction.I laughed at the last part.
But no you’re not wrong, playing new content is good, but when you get the feeling it’s specifically gearing towards, sayyy Gemstore, it makes you kinda bitter.
But it is not – y’all think it is because they do tend to ‘Overwhelm’ us with ads for the TP – I ignore them like I ignore other commercials.
Just play ignore the rest…
This is true, but I still feel poopy.
Lunar Sunset.8742
>>>The derogatory term “scrub” means several different things. One definition is someone (especially a game player) who is not good at something (especially a game). By this definition, we all start out as scrubs, and there is certainly no shame in that. I mean the term differently, though. A scrub is a player who is handicapped by self-imposed rules that the game knows nothing about. A scrub does not play to win.<<<<
And these folks aren’t the reason things keep getting nerfed. The reason things keep getting nerfed is because of the other end of the spectrum – the folks who play to win and use every exploit they can find to do so. All of the players who aren’t exploiting the game are scrubs by the definition given, everyone who plays “fair”. The book that quote comes from goes on to say “The scrubs will play for fun and not explore the extremities of the game. They won’t find the most effective tactics and abuse them mercilessly”. The good players “found the cheap stuff and abused it”. These are the players who are the reasoning behind nerfs, they found something cheap and abused it until Anet changed it then they cry their exploit is gone.
It stinks but that’s how it is.
Then I say, Sir, I am a kittening Scrub.
Lunar Sunset.8742
Omar, do not demean yourself with words like that. Casual players have as much right to play GW2 as anyone else.(Except hackers, exploiters, spammers, and others engaged in non-legitimate types of game play.) Some people work hard all day and just want to do something simple and fun to relax. That isn’t a crime. Wanting everyone who doesn’t think and play like you do, to leave the game – IMO, that is out of line.
I should add, I’m not trying to offend nerds, I guess I am one, just thoooosssee kind.
I find this funny lol, especially with all the negative terms aimed towards those who have more than 1 and a half hours to play per day. Don’t apologize or feel shame for your views, even if they make you look unnecessarily bitter and childish towards people in a video game.
The Queensdale champ train got the bucket because it was in a starter zone. New players arriving in Queensdale would see this and get the wrong impression about what it is to play GW2 and make money, chasing after champion-rank monsters in a party spamming auto attack for money that rivals the amount dungeon runners make. Maybe not from Queensdale’s old train, but definitely from the hundreds of exotic bags from the train at Frostgorge.
There are still trains going on in zones above the starter zones. The option to chase after champions is still there, but not in Queensdale. I expected more from someone who has been playing for 2 years. How the Queensdale farmers would lash out, berate, and harrass newcomers and casuals who wandered back into Queensdale and fought champions by themselves. How these people would scream threats at those who fought the champions by themselves and played the game as is was intended to be played. You seemed to have forgotten about that kind of attitude, maybe you should actually play the game instead of wasting that 1 hour at the Hunting Lodge lol. You know you can activate dynamic events in others zones too, right? Just announce it in map chat and people will come, the megaserver should have done it’s job and grouped you up with fellow explorers, talking to those NPC’s will help you achieve that satisfaction of leaving that 5 minute mark in the world.
And surprise, GASP, it’s freeeee!
Want to wear a certain style of armor? kittening wait for it to drop, or buy it. Help me understand this. “Unlocking” styles? What is this a console game for preteens?
Funny that you would mock such an inclusive addition to the game, such an elitist neck-beard nerd, pampered, basement-dwelling, loser!
You are ironic. Complaining about the purge of a “press 1 to cheese” zerg activity while complaining about World Bosses, which require alot more out of you than “press 1, receive champ box.” Your main issue is the lack of teamwork and social involvement but all you ever brought up about your experience in getting involved with the community is “I talked to this NPC and brought out the boar, WOOO!” That is basically how most dynamic events throughout the game work, you can do that anywhere and it will all revert back so you can do it again, and again, so the megaserver buddies can meet up at your location and complete the event with you. You also bash the game for lack of teamwork, but bash content that requires a team to complete.
There is no pleasing you, is there? Just because you’re too scared/turned off from enjoying the more demanding areas of the game (such as fractals, dungeons, probably guild missions, world bosses, etc) doesn’t mean the game should be HELD BACK. Guild Wars 2 is far from perfect, but you have not mentioned any negative consequences with the removal of the Queensdale train besides “I can’t summon the boar whaa whaa.”
- You have kids, that was your choice now take care of them.
- You have a job, congratulations? You’re not the only one fyi, expecting special treatment?
- Oh you know how to drive! You travel to work, read the above.
- Oh you buy food too, kitten people who play longer than 10 hours a week must be starved nerds with their scrambled priorities.
These things should be held high in everyone’s priority lists if they have them. Not everyone has children. Some people cannot work, while others are studying college students. Some study, work, AND play GW2. Be my guest if you want to avoid the above to play GW2 more often, but your life shouldn’t drag the entire game down/backwards. It most certainly shouldn’t drag your game to such a halt, learning meta builds and finding pug dungeon/fractal groups isn’t hard and taking part in community events like the recent festival and boss blitz can be way more fun than talking to an NPC for a boar and waypoint-racing through a zone.
>>>The derogatory term “scrub” means several different things. One definition is someone (especially a game player) who is not good at something (especially a game). By this definition, we all start out as scrubs, and there is certainly no shame in that. I mean the term differently, though. A scrub is a player who is handicapped by self-imposed rules that the game knows nothing about. A scrub does not play to win.<<<<
And these folks aren’t the reason things keep getting nerfed. The reason things keep getting nerfed is because of the other end of the spectrum – the folks who play to win and use every exploit they can find to do so. All of the players who aren’t exploiting the game are scrubs by the definition given, everyone who plays “fair”. The book that quote comes from goes on to say “The scrubs will play for fun and not explore the extremities of the game. They won’t find the most effective tactics and abuse them mercilessly”. The good players “found the cheap stuff and abused it”. These are the players who are the reasoning behind nerfs, they found something cheap and abused it until Anet changed it then they cry their exploit is gone.
It stinks but that’s how it is.
10/10 good read
Several people have lost their jobs in Iceland, being open to the whims of the players is no guarantee you will be able to pay your rent.
Oh really? You mean the WoD department, which was scrapped because CCP utterly failed to form a coherent plan for the game and what approach it would be taking?
Or do you mean the simple fact that countless of developers at CCP has left for other companies..
The Eve players aren’t making unreasonable requests either, nor are they to blame for the various individuals who lost their jobs at CCP or elsewhere on Iceland.. But I’m sure you know something I don’t.
I dont have anything against champion train i believe its important to have something like that , specially for kids or people that are not experienced overall in games.. however it shouldnt be very well rewarded.. as they are not doing much either..
However 10 hours a week is more than enough to get good.. theres no excuse , there are many guides explaining everything you need to know in youtube . The problem is people dont want to read , Most people dont bother to read anything at all.. and have above 1000hours of game and still dont know anything about boss mechanics, traits , or anything that has numbers or letters is hardcore or elitist nerd?…. but if you cant even kill a champion… after 10 hours a week of game.. maybe this game is too hard for you..
I just want to say I do like to read. Very much, but I don’t like being a wikiplayer. I like discovering on my own, and maybe I am just bad at this. But I felt more fulfilled when I found all sky crystals in the Labyrinthine Cliffs on my own and got the achievement, when I totally know I could have gone on dulfy and got it all in15 min.
Bit I see what you’re saying.
Lunar Sunset.8742
There is no pleasing you, is there? Just because you’re too scared/turned off from enjoying the more demanding areas of the game (such as fractals, dungeons, probably guild missions, world bosses, etc) doesn’t mean the game should be HELD BACK. Guild Wars 2 is far from perfect, but you have not mentioned any negative consequences with the removal of the Queensdale train besides “I can’t summon the boar
whaa whaa.”
I like how you assumed I have ever pressed the “1” key to use my first skill. Ever. I actually click different skills and kitten when fighting, well anything.
And I like how you ignore the part that specifically states how the nicect people to me in Guildwars2, save my guildmates from GW1 were; Train-Running Motherkitteners. The nicest people, who helped me way more that asking the “pro” gamers like yourself in High-End areas.
The people who do QD/Train were the perfect people to introduce me into this game. Sorry that wasn’t the same more others. Maybe it’s because I played on the German server, who knows. Even then, it never kittened them off that I barely know the language. They still helped.
As for nerdrage, the stereotype of the 18-24 year old social kitten who clocks 16 hours of gameplay a day and eat cheetos and kitten? Kitten off kitty-cat. ACTUALLY! I like those guys, they are rather nice and cool once you talk to them, I’m talking about the person who get soooooo mad when other players aren’t as vested into the game/“lifestyle” as they are. Sorry I’m not META enough for you. Were you one of those players that would lose their marbles and froth at the mouth when someone running a build not c&v from pvxwiki joined your goup in gw1(OMGGG YU NO YMLaD!111!111fhghdgdddd).This is a game, not a career.
Ok explain how I’m personally holding back the game by participating in trains? Also I actually have done dungeons and guild mission, the latter being more fun. But fractals is full of jerks. World bosses ARE zergs. Boss Blitz was a giant kittenshow since it’s un-coordinated, and all commanders on scene are farming random groups instead of leading organized groups. The only reason I even got bronze half the time is pure attrition, eventually it happened. And boss Blitz happened largely due to Gold Farmers, I am not a gold farmer.
I’m not ironic. I don’t play “press-1-to-play” I feel like I do a lot to help during world bosses, and go out of my way to revive players instead of fight sometimes. So the ONLY thing you got on me is, yeah, I feel like items should be exclusive and I feel accomplished when I worked hard for something such as an achievement(Balloon toy) or got lucky with a drop(Koss’ Chest thingie, which by the way is the most advanced gear I’m packing) It’s exciting.
Buying Twilight from TP is not exciting.
Buying skins is not exciting. (my opinion)
Also let me end with I never said the changes were bad/whatever for the game, just that -I- did not like them, and MY style of gameplay. Difference between you(and Anet) and I is that you want to control my game-play because you don’t like it, and I could care a less about yours.
I was defending train-runners and participants against the idea that they “ruined” my experience when I started playing. You don’t like the train? Get off at the next station. Those people were good to me, and all I read I all about how elitists like you think they made me feel like kitten and I should hate them and not grow up to be like them.
Maybe the Train wasn’t the problem.
Lunar Sunset.8742
(edited by Omar Aschi Popp.7496)
Holy kitten I’m long-winded. I promise to never do that again.
Lunar Sunset.8742