A reason to push HoT release soon (Archeage)
There’s absolutely no reason for Anet rush anything because of Archeage. AA has been it’s own demise since release from Alpha stage.
Publishing an unfinished expansion wont win any of those players over.
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.
lol Archeage killed itself, this has nothing to do with what Anet should or shouldnt do.
Lmao, I love how when it was in beta people were proclaiming from the mountaintops that they’d never look back-
On topic though, AA sinking doesnt mean Anet should do anything.
Zarin Mistcloak(THF) Valkyrie Mistblade(WAR) Kossori Mistwalker(REV) Durendal Mistward(GRD)
I used to think (build op, pls nerf) like you, but then I took a nerf to the knee.
Ff14 is the only competition gw2 has and it’s on pace to demolish wow. It’s on pc and 2 consoles, and now supposedly heading to xbone.
Lmao, I love how when it was in beta people were proclaiming from the mountaintops that they’d never look back-
On topic though, AA sinking doesnt mean Anet should do anything.
Wonderful how things change, no? xD
FF14 focuses to heavily on PVE and not enough on PVP furthermore elitism in that game is weird as people demand tanks and heals to break there trinity roles?
AA is exactly how the people depicted it earlier
If anything they did wait to long and it’s too late they paraded HoT like some horse and pony show across every major gaming show what was the last one Gamescon? We had in game footage months ago and they wanted to parade it infront of the gaming journalism tabloids instead of buckling down. Heck we all know that we have more beta weekends and more weeks were they’ll just reveal a specialization for that entire week. We still have Eng, War, Thief, and Ranger left that’s basically half the classes still if you don’t count the odd revenant.
Now everything will be dedicated to Legion news and WoW’s change in there model design and upcoming changes with the expac. Gameshows, Websites, and so forth will be WoW now. If they truly go to a yearly model then it only becomes worse for this game.
They can continue to run the circuit as they have been doing but the light will be on WoW from here on out. More so because WoD was so terrible and they’d want to push harder or seem like they are to push publicity and regain lost numbers.
People who still play Archeage would hate GW2, you cant pay to win in gw2 XD
and whats stopping them from playing gw2 before the expansion, if people only coming cus the expansion is whats shiny and new, those arn’t the type of people i want in the community.
i played AA since “alpha”, its nothing more than a mmo facebook game now(and after coming back to gw2 i cant see how anyone can bash anet, its a breath of fresh air here)
People who still play Archeage would hate GW2, you cant pay to win in gw2 XD
and whats stopping them from playing gw2 before the expansion, if people only coming cus the expansion is whats shiny and new, those arn’t the type of people i want in the community.
i played AA since “alpha”, its nothing more than a mmo facebook game now(and after coming back to gw2 i cant see how anyone can bash anet, its a breath of fresh air here)
Please insert credit card number here so that you may participate in more activities.
Can’t tell if I was pretending to be FB or XLgames.
While I wouldn’t say AA players should not be invited to GW2, I do think that anyone who stuck with AA this long since launch would really not fit in to GW2’s community. That game and its forums were an utter cesspit in the time before and after launch. Anyone who thrives on ganking, scamming, griefing, trash talking, and bigotry just isn’t suited to GW2.
Publishing an unfinished expansion wont win any of those players over.
thats right and they never did it with gw1 why change now when it,s ready its ready . and it made for a more better game and enjoyable as well too
Ever heard the expression: “A late game is good eventually. An unfinished game is bad forever”? It kind of applies here.
An expansion pack is a chance to re-sell a game. if the expansion pack goes horribly, then the name of the game will be soured for years. HoT shouldn’t be rushed, because rushing it will just mean a worse experience in exchange for a theoretical (and unlikely) cash grab.
Ff14 is the only competition gw2 has and it’s on pace to demolish wow. It’s on pc and 2 consoles, and now supposedly heading to xbone.
i don’t know why people find ff14 nice, i find it utterly boring and slow.
There’s absolutely no reason for Anet rush anything because of Archeage. AA has been it’s own demise since release from Alpha stage.
I played Alpha. It was the most fun I’ve had in a long time of playing MMO games. If that game went the route of GW2 with it’s item mall, I probably would still be there. However, Xlgames really did kill themselves in the western market by becoming a P2W game.
I certainly won’t look back.
I played ArchAge, Alpha, Beta and the release. Sure it has its interesting bits if you are into crafting over everything else but the font makes it seem cheap, the running animations are atrocious, the skills stutter and then there is the cash shop which was made so that unless you want to just hang out waiting for your crafting stamina to recharge you need to buy it.
Honestly so far the only thing I bought in a game were account slots in GW2. Everything else seems like a ripoff.
While I wouldn’t say AA players should not be invited to GW2, I do think that anyone who stuck with AA this long since launch would really not fit in to GW2’s community. That game and its forums were an utter cesspit in the time before and after launch. Anyone who thrives on ganking, scamming, griefing, trash talking, and bigotry just isn’t suited to GW2.
mm I played GW2 since the betas until April 2014 , when I quit and started playing ArcheAge.
I still play AA and just came back to take a look at GW2 in the last week.
Your statement is not really fair- why would AA players not fit into the GW2 community?
There are enough GW2 players playing AA after all.
You need to understand that GW2 and AA are not compatible at all- they are completely different type of games.
AA is all about direct competition and conflict.
GW2 is all about co-op.
The whole culture is different.
To address the OP- it is not relevant to GW2 what is happening or not happening in AA.
You are also exaggerating – are you on a merge server and salty about your land?
People play these games for different reasons
They put the live GW2 on hold, cuz they’re working on the expansion so they won’t attract anybody…which is bullkitten and bad marketing. Should have slowly added some kind of living story that gradually merges with the expansion in real time. Also they GemGated the LS S2, so new players will have no clue what the story is about in the expansion(1 day of ugly White Wings on sale probably nets them more money).
Soon™ doesn’t work if your game is mediocre and pay2play to begin with, don’t try to imitate Blizzard or hell…even Riot does a better job at communication.
Why should they rush out the expansion when so many of you have rushed to fill their pockets by pre ordering (whatever you’re getting, you don’t even know)?
There’s zero pressure for them to release it this year.
I would be more afraid of wow’s new expac tbh… but any ways rushing only causes more problems. Blizzard had an expac last year with way more stuff then what they have showed us for HoT at the same price. Now they announced legion which should be coming out some time next year and it already seems to have way more than what we have been shown for this expac.
I really hope they aren’t milking the game for money after 3 years of meh. Maybe HoT will have as much stuff as most mmos release for an expac so its worth that $50.
They should take their time with HoT and give it more things because so far what we have seen isnt $50 material. Its more like $25-30. Anyways we should know soon enough I suppose.
Why should they rush out the expansion when so many of you have rushed to fill their pockets by pre ordering (whatever you’re getting, you don’t even know)?
There’s zero pressure for them to release it this year.
You mean except for them actually saying it will be released this year? lol
I would be more afraid of wow’s new expac tbh… but any ways rushing only causes more problems. Blizzard had an expac last year with way more stuff then what they have showed us for HoT at the same price. Now they announced legion which should be coming out some time next year and it already seems to have way more than what we have been shown for this expac.
I really hope they aren’t milking the game for money after 3 years of meh. Maybe HoT will have as much stuff as most mmos release for an expac so its worth that $50.
They should take their time with HoT and give it more things because so far what we have seen isnt $50 material. Its more like $25-30. Anyways we should know soon enough I suppose.
But WoW has a sub fee. So for the last year of no content people were paying $15 a month for that expansions. What else was that money going towards?
You can’t take a sub game, and claim that with all the monthly fees they can’t put a huge amount of time/effort/money into an expansion. And even with that last expansion WoW lost a significant percentage of their playerbase.
Comparing a sub game to a non-sub game is just wrong, at least if you’re talking about pricing of the expansion. You have to look at the whole package, not one little piece of it.
Archeage is no reason to do anything other than point and laugh. That game basically destroyed itself purely by having the worst monetization concept ever. I can just see the design meeting: “MMO players are probably just as idiotic as mobile gamers, let’s make a game where looting enemies is time locked unless you spend real life money!” “This sounds like a great idea, having no respect for our players, the genre and our craft in general will be a big hit!”
I think a better reason to push it sooner is to take advantage of Actiblizz’s suicide with regards to WoW and its childish, borderline-abusive treatment of its playerbase [especially pro-flyers].
Legion is being received with lackluster, esp since they’re going to be delaying flying -again. People there are turning the issue of flying into something resembling a political topic, and its total cancer. And don’t even get me started on the shipyard…
IMO, Guild Wars 2 has a chance to kill WoW with the Reaper Necro alone. That thing is beautiful. Add in the gliders – pseudo-flying in a game that was never expected to have ground mounts in it – along with a FAR more mature playerbase, and a more skill-oriented combat system, and FAR-superior graphics, and the Heart of Thorns expac may very well be a WoW killer – regardless of when it gets released.
So I take back what I said. Release it whenever you want. Whenever it gets released, WoW is going to die a well-earned death because of how it treated the majority of its customers. Like the petrol-dollar, its a ticking time bomb, with an end that is marked in time even more solidly than the events of history, but without a date.
You could casually release it months from now or tomorrow, and it would still be the final nail in the coffin for WoW. The nail would just be more painful for Actiblizz if you made sure that the expansion was fit for release. By all means, make it painful. They ruined one of my favorite games and one of my best coping skills, and put nothing but stress, misery, drama, cancer, and abuse in its place. I paid you $100. I did so to invest in the pleasure of both the upcoming expac, as well as the pleasure of revenge against Actiblizz for what they did to me and Warcraft. >:3
""It’s the slow knife, the knife that takes its time…that cuts the deepest." – Talia
My concern is if anet will take a break after Heart of Thorns is released and for how long. Better start thinking of alternate weapon skills and new job classes for expansion 2. How about that Living Story season 1? wink wink In the short term, they want new players with the first expansion. In the long run, what they want is more buyers and sale of gems. Now that I’ve mentioned it, I see now that GW2’s market model is similar to League of Legends’ market model, ie. boosts, skins, upgrades, characters, etc., albeit you are more inclined to buy skins and characters in LoL because that’s the only way to extend the game and customize your characters. Customize your characters. Try some wacky outfits anet? Or theme outfits? Extend the game. What players call “end game” is the extension of this game, but what is the end game of GW2? Maybe Living Story is really the solution to extending the game, but I don’t think that’s the only way to extend it. I think PvP and WvW are also good candidates for end game (which I think was anet’s original plan for extending the game), but surprisingly, not majority of the population are into GW2’s PvP and WvW, when there are a lot of similar competitive games on the market that are very popular. Maybe make them fun? (Oh lawdy, buzzword) Try experimenting. I know it takes lots of effort to make game modes and changes, but you’ll never know where the gold nuggets are lying until you prospect the ground. I like to try alliance battles style again, like in GW1. I like Fort Aspenwood and Jade Quarry, but somehow Stronghold in GW2 seems lacking, maybe increase the team player count, and make the map larger? Try experimenting with maps that have more than 5 players? Try 8 like in GW1? I’m expecting GvG in GW2 to be awesome. DON’T kitten THIS UP. Guild Wars 2 with a bad, boring guild war gameplay, how ironic it would be.
FF14 focuses to heavily on PVE and not enough on PVP furthermore elitism in that game is weird as people demand tanks and heals to break there trinity roles?
AA is exactly how the people depicted it earlier
If anything they did wait to long and it’s too late they paraded HoT like some horse and pony show across every major gaming show what was the last one Gamescon? We had in game footage months ago and they wanted to parade it infront of the gaming journalism tabloids instead of buckling down. Heck we all know that we have more beta weekends and more weeks were they’ll just reveal a specialization for that entire week. We still have Eng, War, Thief, and Ranger left that’s basically half the classes still if you don’t count the odd revenant.
Now everything will be dedicated to Legion news and WoW’s change in there model design and upcoming changes with the expac. Gameshows, Websites, and so forth will be WoW now. If they truly go to a yearly model then it only becomes worse for this game.
They can continue to run the circuit as they have been doing but the light will be on WoW from here on out. More so because WoD was so terrible and they’d want to push harder or seem like they are to push publicity and regain lost numbers.
yeah, elitism, what a weird idea to want competent people to play with.
There’s absolutely no reason for Anet rush anything because of Archeage. AA has been it’s own demise since release from Alpha stage.
I played Alpha. It was the most fun I’ve had in a long time of playing MMO games. If that game went the route of GW2 with it’s item mall, I probably would still be there. However, Xlgames really did kill themselves in the western market by becoming a P2W game.
I certainly won’t look back.
Exactly that. I played GW2 since launch, after 4 legendaries i had enough of the grind and wanted a break. Tried AA since beta and i remember i was like woooow so much fun im gonna play this for a while. After 8 months i quit AA super disappointed and after more than half my friends have quit it to go Black Desert,GW2 and several other games. Now i came back to GW2 and after all this time my gears are still on par with other people no reason to super grind or stress about things i missed. It reminded me what a great game GW2 is and will always be. Bought HOT expansion and my body is ready for it when it comes. I wont ever go back to AA again no matter what they do.