ANET can't create good story final boss fight
Anet can howerever create very good RAID boss fights. I love almost all of them so far!
That’s why the next elder dragon’s final encounter should be a raid wing instead of a story instance!
Sure if you want to lose half the game in protest, that’s what they should do.
How can people who enjoy raiding consistently realize that some people really don’t want to get 10 people together to finish their story? This is a really bad idea from a business perspective, no matter how much you’d like it.
They should do both then, so I can enjoy a proper challenging final boss with 9 of my guildies and you can enjoy your solo story instance thingy.
For example “Mind of Primordus” can be the final story istance, “Mouth of Primordus” a world boss and “Heart of Primordus” a raid.
I can only hope that Anet doesn’t listen to a minority group of players whose requests challenges their limited resources and personal. Once was enough imho.
LMAO if we were such a small minority, Anet would not have catered to us. The fact of the matter is that many people left GW2 due to “lack of meaningful endgame content” and have now returned with the inclusion of raids.
Anet wouldn’t be developing raids if they didn’t think it was profitable. The sooner you accept that, the better.
We’re gonna get raids anyway, whether you like it or not. So they might as well make the next elder dragon a raid boss. I’m not saying they should do it instead of a story instance boss, I already said I’m fine with Anet doing both (just like how Mordremoth is both a story instance boss as well as a world boss).
I don’t see why this would be such a big issue to non-raiders.
LMAO—-Show me some stats—otherwise it’s just your personal speculations as to the popularity of Raids.
I could say the same thing to you.
I have no stats nor do you. But what I do know is that Anet dedicated a team to raids and has been consistently putting out new raid wings. What I also know is that I’m in 2 guilds in which the majority of players raid, but one of them is a guild dedicated to raiding so take that as you will.
Clearly Anet thinks developing raids it worth their time, so to me that means raids are probably more popular than you think.
I could say the same thing to you.
I have no stats nor do you. But what I do know is that Anet dedicated a team to raids and has been consistently putting out new raid wings. What I also know is that I’m in 2 guilds in which the majority of players raid, but one of them is a guild dedicated to raiding so take that as you will.
Clearly Anet thinks developing raids it worth their time, so to me that means raids are probably more popular than you think.
You didn’t read my post, did you? Anet doesn’t think anything. I said:
’they’re the masters of inconsistency. They started off with dungeons, then scrapped them in order to focus on fractals. What did we get?’
We had 1 new fractal in 3 years. Let that sink in.
Don’t you think that there are more people who like dungeons and fractals compared to raids? Anet simply has the talent to make wrong decisions and disappoint players. That doesn’t mean that raids are more popular than anything else.
(edited by Tekey.7946)
I could say the same thing to you.
I have no stats nor do you. But what I do know is that Anet dedicated a team to raids and has been consistently putting out new raid wings. What I also know is that I’m in 2 guilds in which the majority of players raid, but one of them is a guild dedicated to raiding so take that as you will.
Clearly Anet thinks developing raids it worth their time, so to me that means raids are probably more popular than you think.
You didn’t read my post, did you? Anet doesn’t think anything. I said:
’they’re the masters of inconsistency. They started off with dungeons, then scrapped them in order to focus on fractals. What did we get?’
We had 1 new fractal in 3 years. Let that sink in.
Don’t you think that there are more people who like dungeons and fractals compared to raids? Anet simply has the talent to make wrong decisions and disappoint players. That doesn’t mean that raids are more popular than anything else.
I read it and decided not to reply to it as there was nothing to reply to other than this:
I find it extremely entertaining that you somehow think to know better how to run and develop an MMO than Anet.
Clearly Anet thinks developing raids it worth their time, so to me that means raids are probably more popular than you think.
I read it and decided not to reply to it as there was nothing to reply to other than this:
I find it extremely entertaining that you somehow think to know better how to run and develop an MMO than Anet.
No matter what you find entertaining, it’s common sense to focus on content that covers the majority of the playerbase.
Locking an Elder Dragon fight (main story) behind raids would be the worst decision ever.
(edited by Tekey.7946)
Clearly Anet thinks developing raids it worth their time, so to me that means raids are probably more popular than you think.
I read it and decided not to reply to it as there was nothing to reply to other than this:
I find it extremely entertaining that you somehow think to know better how to run and develop an MMO than Anet.
No matter what you find entertaining, it’s common sense to focus on content that covers the majority of the playerbase.
Locking an Elder Dragon fight (main story) behind raids would be the worst decision ever.
I said nothing about locking anything behind anything. I said I’d be fully okay with having both.
We can have the final blow to Primordus being delivered in a story instance, that’s fine. I just want to also fight him in an intense 10-men raid battle.
I have experienced a couple of bugs in that story. However, I’ve finished the story upwards of 30 times. Those who say you can’t finish it because of bugs are doing something differently than me and my guild. I’m not sure what, or why, but we all seem to be finishing it easily enough.
If you don’t believe me I’d be happy to run it with you.
Exactly the same experience for me. I have done the story at least twenty times over two accounts. All of them but one Mordremoth battle were solo. I have experienced some bugs, but never any that even required a restart. It is buggy but it always worked for me. I also enjoyed the HoT personal story, including the final fight. It could/should have been longer but the pacing that people complain about was not objectionable to me. As far as difficulty goes, they did include the Migraine option for challenge. :-)
Clearly Anet thinks developing raids it worth their time, so to me that means raids are probably more popular than you think.
I read it and decided not to reply to it as there was nothing to reply to other than this:
I find it extremely entertaining that you somehow think to know better how to run and develop an MMO than Anet.
No matter what you find entertaining, it’s common sense to focus on content that covers the majority of the playerbase.
Locking an Elder Dragon fight (main story) behind raids would be the worst decision ever.
This statement is factually incorrect. Especially so when it comes to themepark MMO’s. The entire point of them is to have enough unique content to cater to everyone, not having content for the majority.
However, locking main story behind raids would be counter-intuitive to story continuity design and that is why it’s not hidden behind a raid (of any challenge) which is why it’s seldom if ever done in games.
This statement is factually incorrect. Especially so when it comes to themepark MMO’s. The entire point of them is to have enough unique content to cater to everyone, not having content for the majority.
Maybe theoretically, but if they don’t have enough resources to do so, that won’t work out. GW2 never meant to have raids, but they decided to introduce them afterwards with HoT.
Now if they abandon content that pleases 90% of the playerbase in order to constantly push out new raid wings for 10% of the players, that won’t end well.
HoT didn’t contain any dungeons or fractals – but raids instead. They said that there’s a dev team for raids and another one for fractals. We got 3 raid wings within 9 months but only 1 fractal in 3 years. Looks like their fractal team could use some help.
You guys are going far off topic …