About that blix exploit....
Why in the first place is failing an event ever rewarded more than succeeding an event?
All that’s needed is to ramp up the rewards for completion of events in general, and decrease the drops of mobs within events, and all of this nonsense will end with equal or better loot per hour for repeated event completion.
Nerfing Blix doesn’t solve the issue here. Blix is not the only event that is farmed in this fashion. The general idea behind it is in error.
Why in the first place is failing an event ever rewarded more than succeeding an event?
All that’s needed is to ramp up the rewards for completion of events in general, and decrease the drops of mobs within events, and all of this nonsense will end with equal or better loot per hour for repeated event completion.
Nerfing Blix doesn’t solve the issue here. Blix is not the only event that is farmed in this fashion. The general idea behind it is in error.
But it’s not.
During the “action” phase failing or succeeding gives you the same mob of critters to kill and loot. The difference is succeeding gives you a reward while failing lets you rerun it again in short order. Something you can’t do if you succeed.
So failing simply means you get to rerun the event over and over and over again until you are bored or your packs are full. Success gives you a bonus and moves you onto the next event in the meta chain.
So for a single run of the event, you might actually earn more succeeding but by failing you get to do start over and run it again.
I can understand why the fail timer is so short because it’s a meta chain link and if a group did fail the entire chain isn’t thwarted because nobody is going to hang around for 20 minutes or whatever it’s now changed to, simply to try it again.
Remember, we weren’t all zerk equiped carbon copy Godlings when we first did this, some of these events were actually hard but now with nearly two years of experience, a honest chance of failure is slim to none.
RIP City of Heroes
It doesn’t matter anymore now…it’s been patched because the 12’s cried about it. So, time to move on. I’ll go back to our private farming with my guildies only again. No biggie.
@Hayashi – you are right about one thing…Blix definitely was NOT the only farm around. But we’ll keep that as Guildies Eyes only information as to the other farms.
My Time Played: 3771 Hours for 771 Days. 80% of that time FARMING!!!
The 12’s? Don’t know the reference.
RIP City of Heroes
The main problem is that a few meta chain exploiter were angry about the blix farmer because the blix farmer interfered there chain exploit. So they took themself the right to troll arround.
Still, commanders and players are running arround and ignoring the defence of a position like pen/shelter/jofast for the purpose that the meta chain will start and they will get more reward is the same like the Blix farm.
I hope this patch will also affect the meta chain exploit, else it would be really unfair to do what a few toxic players want and give them back there exploit while the others are just getting a red card.
This reminds me times in GW1 where the few so called mighty white knight BALANCED PLAYERS in pvp called every other build as GIMMICK or OP. Falmming the other builds in forums as noobish op or whatever and caused them to be nerfed to deaths.
In the end GvG and HoH was reduced only to balanced build because of the nerfs. And HoH and GvG got so onesided with the result that HoH died.
Then builds like Hex builds and spikes got a buff again but it was to late. HoH never got back the faivor like in the first year.
Back to the point. Because of a few Toxic Trolls farmspots like FG are getting nerfed. And the big population is getting ignored.
I hope the same mistake wont happen in GW2 like in the pvp of GW1
(edited by Dreamer.1952)
It’s funny that even after the devs specifically came out and said that it was not an exploit the only defense the griefers have for their actions is that it was an exploit.
What should of happened is that the griefers should have been banned, end of story.
It’s funny that even after the devs specifically came out and said that it was not an exploit the only defense the griefers have for their actions is that it was an exploit.
What should of happened is that the griefers should have been banned, end of story.
I agree with this. Toxic Trolls should be able to be banned or this game will be reduced to a one sided game missing the variety and will also be reduced to the few toxic players playstyle because they are the most noisy in the forums.
The solution shoudnt be to nerf something to handle the toxic talk.
I know what the “12s” refers to and I have to agree. I saw the Blix farm a few nights ago get trolled by a small group of griefers from a Canadian guild who were dancing, jumping and repeatedly doing the laugh emote. At the same time some of the farmers were standing, not saying anything and then they left to do other events. It was pathetic in my opinion. But they, and the other other 12s, got their way in the end. Maybe they can celebrate their success on their FaceBook page.
This reminds me of the Queensdale train, too kewt
A fix is currently being prepared for this issue.
While the behavior (design) of this event was acceptable in the past, changes in the game over time have created an environment around this event that has become increasingly toxic (for the community) due to unintended use/change of mechanics.
Players should not feel that they are in the wrong for completing an event (or event chain), and that is what is happening with this event. The respawn timer for this event will be significantly increased.
Meanwhile the very reason this happens will be ignored once again. DR, loot nerfs, etc all must be adjusted so that when you are level 80 and you have 100+ magic find that it actually makes a difference in the quality and the quantity of the Exotic and higher drops you find as well as the Tier 6 drops which are still essential. There has to be better ways of getting money in game than farming EotM or running dungeons ad nauseum. We need a rewards revamp so this tendency to find exploits stops because it’s not longer necessary!
A fix is currently being prepared for this issue.
While the behavior (design) of this event was acceptable in the past, changes in the game over time have created an environment around this event that has become increasingly toxic (for the community) due to unintended use/change of mechanics.
Players should not feel that they are in the wrong for completing an event (or event chain), and that is what is happening with this event. The respawn timer for this event will be significantly increased.
Meanwhile the very reason this happens will be ignored once again. DR, loot nerfs, etc all must be adjusted so that when you are level 80 and you have 100+ magic find that it actually makes a difference in the quality and the quantity of the Exotic and higher drops you find as well as the Tier 6 drops which are still essential. There has to be better ways of getting money in game than farming EotM or running dungeons ad nauseum. We need a rewards revamp so this tendency to find exploits stops because it’s not longer necessary!
No – people would farm even more if the loot wasn’t nerfed. Who are you trying to kid here. People who have lots of gold do dungeon runs not farming.
A fix is currently being prepared for this issue.
While the behavior (design) of this event was acceptable in the past, changes in the game over time have created an environment around this event that has become increasingly toxic (for the community) due to unintended use/change of mechanics.
Players should not feel that they are in the wrong for completing an event (or event chain), and that is what is happening with this event. The respawn timer for this event will be significantly increased.
Meanwhile the very reason this happens will be ignored once again. DR, loot nerfs, etc all must be adjusted so that when you are level 80 and you have 100+ magic find that it actually makes a difference in the quality and the quantity of the Exotic and higher drops you find as well as the Tier 6 drops which are still essential. There has to be better ways of getting money in game than farming EotM or running dungeons ad nauseum. We need a rewards revamp so this tendency to find exploits stops because it’s not longer necessary!
No – people would farm even more if the loot wasn’t nerfed. Who are you trying to kid here. People who have lots of gold do dungeon runs not farming.
Uhm last time I checked doing dungeon runs over and over again is in fact called FARMING duh! LOL Who are you trying to kid? Oh and loot wasn’t always an issue in this title they did actually have a time when valuable loot was freely available by doing normal everyday things in the game like killing veterans and champions or finding treasure chests out in the wild. As it is they might as well remove vets entirely.
(edited by tigirius.9014)
The answer in my opinion is not “nerfing” the event but when it fails restarting the event from its original point. Also to make the reset time start all over from beginning or making it a bit longer. Cutting down on the rewards or bag drops in my opinion is not helping the situation just making the event less lucrative and giving people less of a reason to want to even do the event. Farming is a part of ALL MMORPG’s guild wars make it work by making it more cooperative.
So people acted like jerks and now their toys got taken away. I’d say “serves ’em right,” but people almost never change.
Or, crazy idea: have there be a tally for the loot you might have gotten from killing those mobs, but only give them in a final chest as a reward for completing the event, and then make the rewards a touch better than they have been all together. The idea of intentionally failing an event for any reason, let alone to get more loot bags means that there is something wrong with the game design. Imagine if there was a loophole/way to garner more points in Scrabble if you intentionally sabotaged the game repeatedly instead of playing it to completion. If that were possible I’d be going back to the people who set the rules for the game and tell them that they needed to fix that loophole.
Soraya Mayhew – Thief
Melissa Koris – Engie – SF for Life!
So people acted like jerks and now their toys got taken away. I’d say “serves ’em right,” but people almost never change.
Agreed, “People don’t change; they only become more so.”
So people acted like jerks and now their toys got taken away. I’d say “serves ’em right,” but people almost never change.
Agreed, “People don’t change; they only become more so.”
I’m sorry but i disagree. We are all constantly changing. Now true not everyone can change but the world is not so dark. We stop changing when we die.
And the only thing that was changed on the event was the timer. At least that is what is posted in the game release notes.
just came back after a year and I see nothing much changed with A-net’s stance on anything that involves FARMING
call it a bug, call it an exploit, what it REALLY is, is a challenge to A-nets sell gems for gold game core
The same thing happened to a number of farms last year ( one of the more well known ones was south of Pearl Inlet in Southsun cove where groups of people were farming mobs a,long the beach, the after a few topics whining in the forum about people “DARING” to play the game the way they wish (i.e farming for the things they want to buy) it was announced by A-net that there was in fact a “BUG” and mobs were re-spawning too quickly (didn’t seem any quicker than any other mob btw)
So I have been playing a week or so after a year break to see that the same thing is happening all over again, groups of people have found a “farm” that they can co-operate in, some people go care-bear to forums and A-net announce that it is a “unintended game mechanic” and are going to nerf it
When will a-net and the care-bears be happy??? when everyone is wandering around with nothing to do other than funneled content (i.e the boredom of fractals) or being forced to run Zerk Warrior to be able to get a PuG group to do anything?
I thought that things may have changed for the better in the time I have been away, looks like it the same thing just a year later.
Soul of Onyx – Guardian
So people acted like jerks and now their toys got taken away. I’d say “serves ’em right,” but people almost never change.
Yes, jerks on BOTH SIDES of the equation here. But as I’ve stated, jerks are jerks, no matter what the situation. They just move to the next area to be jerks. This has nothing to do with the Blix event, really. It has to do with rude players being rude. However, when you have one large group of players with couple (NOT ALL) rude people, and the “white knights” also being rude, then it gets out of control, fast. This is not the fault of the farmers. It’s the culmination of two SMALL groups with opposing opinions hurling insults at each other. This is something that I believe most farmers/players do not do.
So people acted like jerks and now their toys got taken away. I’d say “serves ’em right,” but people almost never change.
Agreed, “People don’t change; they only become more so.”
I’m sorry but i disagree. We are all constantly changing. Now true not everyone can change but the world is not so dark. We stop changing when we die.
Small changes only. When you get old like me (70 and counting) you may realize this.
The people trying to justify this are missing a key point which I feel is an important one, and which Anet have already highlighted. There shouldn’t ever be a scenario where it is desirable to fail at completing an event objective and pit players looking to play the event as intended against players who are trying to manipulate it by failing. That is always and forever going to result in a situation where people get annoyed and insults fly around, which isn’t the desired way the GW2 community should develop.
I’ve farmed the Blix event myself, yet I am still able to acknowledge that the entire notion of intentionally failing something is ridiculous as a concept and undesirable for the aforementioned reason. It should be fixed and so should every occurrence where “failing” something is actually more beneficial than succeeding in future. Failure should mean failure. The goal should always be that everyone is working together to succeed at the objectives set. That’s when community harmony typically prevails and we get less of these toxic arguments and insults, and that’s how I like it.
So people acted like jerks and now their toys got taken away. I’d say “serves ’em right,” but people almost never change.
Agreed, “People don’t change; they only become more so.”
I’m sorry but i disagree. We are all constantly changing. Now true not everyone can change but the world is not so dark. We stop changing when we die.
Small changes only. When you get old like me (70 and counting) you may realize this.
If you don’t change that means your not growing. True the older you get the less you change and thats because older people feel like they know enough (my father as an example, not trying to insult just an observation) i’m 23 still a lot more to learn but ill always try to change and no plateau. (again not trying to insult)
just came back after a year and I see nothing much changed with A-net’s stance on anything that involves FARMING
call it a bug, call it an exploit, what it REALLY is, is a challenge to A-nets sell gems for gold game core
The same thing happened to a number of farms last year ( one of the more well known ones was south of Pearl Inlet in Southsun cove where groups of people were farming mobs a,long the beach, the after a few topics whining in the forum about people “DARING” to play the game the way they wish (i.e farming for the things they want to buy) it was announced by A-net that there was in fact a “BUG” and mobs were re-spawning too quickly (didn’t seem any quicker than any other mob btw)
So I have been playing a week or so after a year break to see that the same thing is happening all over again, groups of people have found a “farm” that they can co-operate in, some people go care-bear to forums and A-net announce that it is a “unintended game mechanic” and are going to nerf it
When will a-net and the care-bears be happy??? when everyone is wandering around with nothing to do other than funneled content (i.e the boredom of fractals) or being forced to run Zerk Warrior to be able to get a PuG group to do anything?
I thought that things may have changed for the better in the time I have been away, looks like it the same thing just a year later.
Its not about “anti-farming” or about selling gems. It’s about players being jerks to other players. I remember the southsun farm, and I do remember thinking that the mobs did spawn a bit quick, so the spawn rate was increased. But it’s still being farmed today. The blixx farm in still intact, it just had the event respawn increased. So you can’t fail the one event, immediately go do the one, scaled up with champs, then immediatly go fail the first one again, and repeat. Similar to how the old tunnel farm worked. Those events spawned WAY to fast, so you do them really quickly.
Now there were some cases where failing an event would create unintentional consquenses, such as endless quickly spawning mobs, and failing these intentionally was rightfully considered an exploit/bug.
Anet doesn’t mind farmers, in fact farmers are good for the economy, and is a legitimate playstyle. I myself am a farmer. But after a good farming spot is discovered and made widely known (events or otherwise), the more people there are, the more people will begin to get rude with each other. Some because they just want to do the event, and others who want to farm it. Thus, when people come to the forums to complain about how bad of an experience they are having with percieved griefers, trolls, and exploiters, Anet needs to step in and try to fix the farm so it can still be farmed, but minimize the causes of the complaints. Just like they did for southsun, and just like they did here.
It’s the chain I beat you with until you
recognize my command!”
To those who claim that Cursed Shore is dead, and the Blix farm made Cursed Shore alive again, let me assure you that is far from the truth. On the contrary, you guys killed Cursed Shore.
Hey, you got what you wanted. A nice, clean, desolate map of Orr * clears throat* to complete your daily event. Dont blame other players who made that map active again for your querulous behavior. And best of all, now you and all your 12’s can do ALL the Blix “completions” you want! (* GASPS* so lucky!!!) As for the farmers, they will find greener pastures to farm. Lol.
Mag is the No.1 killer of WvW. -Exciton.8942
What does not kill me, makes me stronger. -Nietzsche
(edited by Tyyphoon.5301)
just came back after a year and I see nothing much changed with A-net’s stance on anything that involves FARMING
call it a bug, call it an exploit, what it REALLY is, is a challenge to A-nets sell gems for gold game core
The same thing happened to a number of farms last year ( one of the more well known ones was south of Pearl Inlet in Southsun cove where groups of people were farming mobs a,long the beach, the after a few topics whining in the forum about people “DARING” to play the game the way they wish (i.e farming for the things they want to buy) it was announced by A-net that there was in fact a “BUG” and mobs were re-spawning too quickly (didn’t seem any quicker than any other mob btw)
So I have been playing a week or so after a year break to see that the same thing is happening all over again, groups of people have found a “farm” that they can co-operate in, some people go care-bear to forums and A-net announce that it is a “unintended game mechanic” and are going to nerf it
When will a-net and the care-bears be happy??? when everyone is wandering around with nothing to do other than funneled content (i.e the boredom of fractals) or being forced to run Zerk Warrior to be able to get a PuG group to do anything?
I thought that things may have changed for the better in the time I have been away, looks like it the same thing just a year later.
Its not about “anti-farming” or about selling gems. It’s about players being jerks to other players. I remember the southsun farm, and I do remember thinking that the mobs did spawn a bit quick, so the spawn rate was increased. But it’s still being farmed today. The blixx farm in still intact, it just had the event respawn increased. So you can’t fail the one event, immediately go do the one, scaled up with champs, then immediatly go fail the first one again, and repeat. Similar to how the old tunnel farm worked. Those events spawned WAY to fast, so you do them really quickly.
Now there were some cases where failing an event would create unintentional consquenses, such as endless quickly spawning mobs, and failing these intentionally was rightfully considered an exploit/bug.
Anet doesn’t mind farmers, in fact farmers are good for the economy, and is a legitimate playstyle. I myself am a farmer. But after a good farming spot is discovered and made widely known (events or otherwise), the more people there are, the more people will begin to get rude with each other. Some because they just want to do the event, and others who want to farm it. Thus, when people come to the forums to complain about how bad of an experience they are having with percieved griefers, trolls, and exploiters, Anet needs to step in and try to fix the farm so it can still be farmed, but minimize the causes of the complaints. Just like they did for southsun, and just like they did here.
Great post!
To those who claim that Cursed Shore is dead, and the Blix farm made Cursed Shore alive again, let me assure you that is far from the truth. On the contrary, you guys killed Cursed Shore.
Hey, you got what you wanted. A nice, clean, desolate map of Orr * clears throat* to complete your daily event. Dont blame other players who made that map active again for your querulous behavior. And best of all, now you and all your 12’s can do ALL the Blix “completions” you want! (* GASPS* so lucky!!!) As for the farmers, they will find greener pastures to farm. Lol.
You’re really no better than the people you’re calling names. Honestly the whining does you no good.
The ones crying about the Blix “exploit” are the arrogant rich players who want to keep their dominance. They have exploited enough previous events to last them for years, but god forbid the little man tries to come close.
Just pathetic nerds thinking purposely finishing the event, leaving over a hundred players waiting for another one, is somehow related to “justice”.
You’re completely wrong.
I`m not even close to be a rich player, but I hate this atmosphere farming brings about, and not just this stupid event, all of Orr. I can’t tell you how many time some mindless idiot has dragged a mob of 5+ enemies on me while gathering their precious resources.
Maybe an MMO is not for you. You seem to pretty much hate what this game was made for.
Uh not even close. Did you actually read what I wrote? I;m talking about mindless farming. I take it your one of those. Nice.
Running dungeons/WvW/Farming all can make a toxic atmosphere! MMO’s ALL of them have farming that is the nature of all MMO but how we treat each other and how you farm is what makes the difference. GW2 like I posted before have been able to make farming cooperative and fun as a community WE have to root out the toxic players and not accept their hateful behavior.
The ones crying about the Blix “exploit” are the arrogant rich players who want to keep their dominance. They have exploited enough previous events to last them for years, but god forbid the little man tries to come close.
Just pathetic nerds thinking purposely finishing the event, leaving over a hundred players waiting for another one, is somehow related to “justice”.
You’re completely wrong.
I`m not even close to be a rich player, but I hate this atmosphere farming brings about, and not just this stupid event, all of Orr. I can’t tell you how many time some mindless idiot has dragged a mob of 5+ enemies on me while gathering their precious resources.
Maybe an MMO is not for you. You seem to pretty much hate what this game was made for.
Uh not even close. Did you actually read what I wrote? I;m talking about mindless farming. I take it your one of those. Nice.
You call other players “mindless idiots” so excuse me if I assumed you don’t play well with others.
To those who claim that Cursed Shore is dead, and the Blix farm made Cursed Shore alive again, let me assure you that is far from the truth. On the contrary, you guys killed Cursed Shore.
Hey, you got what you wanted. A nice, clean, desolate map of Orr * clears throat* to complete your daily event. Dont blame other players who made that map active again for your querulous behavior. And best of all, now you and all your 12’s can do ALL the Blix “completions” you want! (* GASPS* so lucky!!!) As for the farmers, they will find greener pastures to farm. Lol.
You’re really no better than the people you’re calling names. Honestly the whining does you no good.
Hm. Let’s see here. Where do I start? Ah! Yes.
The ones crying about the Blix “exploit” are the arrogant rich players who want to keep their dominance. They have exploited enough previous events to last them for years, but god forbid the little man tries to come close.
Just pathetic nerds thinking purposely finishing the event, leaving over a hundred players waiting for another one, is somehow related to “justice”.
You’re completely wrong.
I`m not even close to be a rich player, but I hate this atmosphere farming brings about, and not just this stupid event, all of Orr. I can’t tell you how many time some mindless idiot has dragged a mob of 5+ enemies on me while gathering their precious resources.
Maybe an MMO is not for you. You seem to pretty much hate what this game was made for.
Sounds like you are the one whining. “Honestly the whining does you no good.” (Hm..where did I hear that again?)
And I agree with the guy that responded to you, you obviously have not played an MMO. Having mobs aggro’ed on you in a PvE world is far milder crime than someone constantly ressing you in open-world PK so their friends can PK you, indefinitely (and without consequences).
BTW, name-calling….is not nice. LOL @ “mindless idiots”.
You’re really no better than the people you’re calling names. Honestly the whining does you no good.
Hypocrite much?
Mag is the No.1 killer of WvW. -Exciton.8942
What does not kill me, makes me stronger. -Nietzsche
(edited by Tyyphoon.5301)
Sorry devs… As a farmer, it’s still in my interest to continue farming Blix. Try another fix. (Maybe it completes after a certain number of foes are killed?)
That said, this did get me thinking… Events like Blix make me realize players truly want to farm. And I know that goes without saying, but actually farming Blix puts it into a first-hand perspective.
Players put a LOT of effort to make sure Blix works. They have to co-ordinate to pull champs, while surviving the Champion Risen Corrupter with the reflect and aoe-pull. Trying to survive that champion isn’t exactly a walk in the park…
So I came to the conclusion… Why don’t the devs make it rewarding to defend a point instead of capturing it? What if there were really hard defense events which increased in difficulty as time went by, but as reward for succeeding, we get to continue farming a farmfest? Think of Temple of Melandru after defeating the boss.
If players put as much effort in defending as they did Blix, I imagine Cursed Shore would be pretty cool, and much closer to the original “tug-o-war” vision the devs had for Orr.
It doesn’t matter anymore now…it’s been patched because the 12’s cried about it. So, time to move on. I’ll go back to our private farming with my guildies only again. No biggie.
@Hayashi – you are right about one thing…Blix definitely was NOT the only farm around. But we’ll keep that as Guildies Eyes only information as to the other farms.
My Time Played: 3771 Hours for 771 Days. 80% of that time FARMING!!!
All I can say is.. bye, have fun, don’t let the Cursed Shore door hit you on the way… too late!
What I find so interesting is you would go out and buy a game, invest in it in order to spend most of your time farming the same things over and over and over.. all power to you though, I appreciate your sacrifice in the name of economy (that’s the reason you all exploited Blix apparently , right? ) … .. still I guess fun means different things to different people… thanks for coming here today though, av fun and be looty
The main problem is that a few meta chain exploiter were angry about the blix farmer because the blix farmer interfered there chain exploit. So they took themself the right to troll arround.
Still, commanders and players are running arround and ignoring the defence of a position like pen/shelter/jofast for the purpose that the meta chain will start and they will get more reward is the same like the Blix farm.
I hope this patch will also affect the meta chain exploit, else it would be really unfair to do what a few toxic players want and give them back there exploit while the others are just getting a red card.
This reminds me times in GW1 where the few so called mighty white knight BALANCED PLAYERS in pvp called every other build as GIMMICK or OP. Falmming the other builds in forums as noobish op or whatever and caused them to be nerfed to deaths.
In the end GvG and HoH was reduced only to balanced build because of the nerfs. And HoH and GvG got so onesided with the result that HoH died.Then builds like Hex builds and spikes got a buff again but it was to late. HoH never got back the faivor like in the first year.
Back to the point. Because of a few Toxic Trolls farmspots like FG are getting nerfed. And the big population is getting ignored.
I hope the same mistake wont happen in GW2 like in the pvp of GW1
Lols.. not on the Cursed Shore maps I have been running today.. been almost like the Orr of old.. all running events across the map, calling out events/champs on their rotation, dropping off to run Arah, Melandru and Grenth .. seemsto me that Cursed Shore is running as intended once more and not a single bit of Toxic influence to write home about… even the defence events completed without any drama.
We even ran Blix meta a few times and only a single soul chirped in demanding we stay out the circle… awww blesss
Ya see when the smokescreen got blown away and ANET saw sense, the map was able to get back to as it should pretty quickly.. not seen any commander ignoring events, defence or otherwise and farming the lootz is as busy as it ever was there.. you just can’t let it go with your name calling and hate… move on and try to have fun for god sake!
(edited by Bloodstealer.5978)
The farm got nerfed, the folks asking for the nerf are now taunting those who didn’t want it gone. Could we have this closed, so as to avoid the “toxic” atmosphere the “Nerf THIS!” crowd was (in theory) afraid of, please?
I think a lot of people here hit the nail on the head. The problem being is that it is more profitable to fail than succeed. This should not be the case.
I dont understand the problem the only thing that was changed was the timer everything else is the same read the game release notes…
I dont understand the problem the only thing that was changed was the timer everything else is the same read the game release notes…
Yes, correct. I think the problem now is that the people who were taunting the farmers in game can’t help but continue the taunts here because…. well I don’t really know. They just like calling people names and pretending they’re special? They can’t move on, it seems.
We even ran Blix meta a few times and only a single soul chirped in demanding we stay out the circle… awww blesss
…not seen any commander ignoring events, defence or otherwise and farming the lootz
Still talking paradox. Not ignoring defence and running a few times Blix meta doesnt fit.
Good that you got your exploit back with your Toxic Trolling. Have fun with it and now take your right to say its farm and take your right the others are exploiting.
..Cursed Shore is running as intended once more..
And funny that you few Meta Exploit farmers are taking yourself the right to say how GW2 is to play like you alone designed this game.
Yeah reduce this game for the playstyle of the few noisy Toxic players.
My last post here
GG Anet.
(edited by Dreamer.1952)
I dont understand the problem the only thing that was changed was the timer everything else is the same read the game release notes…
Yes, correct. I think the problem now is that the people who were taunting the farmers in game can’t help but continue the taunts here because…. well I don’t really know. They just like calling people names and pretending they’re special? They can’t move on, it seems.
This is why I asked that the thread get closed. Though it does serve as wonderful, empirical evidence of where the “abuse” in map chat was coming from, eh?
Hell, I didn’t even run Blix (better things to do with my time) but the behaviour of the anti-farmers here is just disgusting.
Running dungeons/WvW/Farming all can make a toxic atmosphere! MMO’s ALL of them have farming that is the nature of all MMO but how we treat each other and how you farm is what makes the difference. GW2 like I posted before have been able to make farming cooperative and fun as a community WE have to root out the toxic players and not accept their hateful behavior.
Actually Farming wouldn’t be necessary had they adopted the much more successful system of actually rewarding normal gameplay. If they did that there would have been no need for farming at all. Some examples including higher gold for achieveing map completion, higher rewards when disassembling items (more materials of a Tier 5 Tier 6 nature), not so much RNG on bags, the ability to buy Tier 6 materials for common currencies outside of gold in the game like Karma for example, the ability to earn these as rewards from dailies, Adding weeklys something people have asked for just after dailies began with appropriate rewards for completing them, adding these rewards in appropriate amounts to monthlies. Instead we have a completely stingy game in which it’s nearly impossible to get anything even if you do farm due to incredibly nasty design flaws like DR (which has had a history of destroying whole gaming companies). It’s really not that difficult to see the facts, the fact is if this game weren’t as stingy as it is in rewards or even gold for that matter, no one would look to exploit it because there would be no need, normal gameplay would give plenty.
About the negative effects of this.
Designers let it be more profitable to fail because we tend to not be cynical enough and it generally doesn’t occur until it’s too late that people will INTENTIONALLY fail for rewards. It’s a design mistake to fix when it becomes an issue.
It has to be fixed because it jacks up the zone it’s in and general level 80 dynamics, I don’t think it’s actually more profitable than other options, but rather, like Queensdale, it’s just easier. I mention this because I don’t think it’s being fixed to balance the economy.
The harm is that having to remove the blix exploit hurts the event chain for people who want to play it legitimately. Now if people legit fail they have to wait much longer to try again.
And remember that’s all the change is. They’re adjusting the respawn timer so people aren’t rewarded for intentionally failing events.
Farmers regularly look for the maximum reward for time spent, anywhere in the game. The specifically look for rewards that are out of balance with the rest of the game. When these min/max opportunities are eventually closed down the farmers complain that nobody likes them.
If the farmers don’t like their favorite sites bring fixed in patches they shouldn’t make imbalanced content their favorite sites. Unfortunately, due to the nature of farmers, that will never change.
It doesn’t matter anymore now…it’s been patched because the 12’s cried about it. So, time to move on. I’ll go back to our private farming with my guildies only again. No biggie.
@Hayashi – you are right about one thing…Blix definitely was NOT the only farm around. But we’ll keep that as Guildies Eyes only information as to the other farms.
My Time Played: 3771 Hours for 771 Days. 80% of that time FARMING!!!
All I can say is.. bye, have fun, don’t let the Cursed Shore door hit you on the way… too late!
What I find so interesting is you would go out and buy a game, invest in it in order to spend most of your time farming the same things over and over and over.. all power to you though, I appreciate your sacrifice in the name of economy (that’s the reason you all exploited Blix apparently , right? ) … .. still I guess fun means different things to different people… thanks for coming here today though, av fun and be looty
It doesn’t matter anymore now…it’s been patched because the 12’s cried about it. So, time to move on. I’ll go back to our private farming with my guildies only again. No biggie.
@Hayashi – you are right about one thing…Blix definitely was NOT the only farm around. But we’ll keep that as Guildies Eyes only information as to the other farms.
My Time Played: 3771 Hours for 771 Days. 80% of that time FARMING!!!
All I can say is.. bye, have fun, don’t let the Cursed Shore door hit you on the way… too late!
What I find so interesting is you would go out and buy a game, invest in it in order to spend most of your time farming the same things over and over and over.. all power to you though, I appreciate your sacrifice in the name of economy (that’s the reason you all exploited Blix apparently , right? ) … .. still I guess fun means different things to different people… thanks for coming here today though, av fun and be looty
Oh believe me…I took my 8746 Coffers and ran with them. And I was being VERY Looty
Running dungeons/WvW/Farming all can make a toxic atmosphere! MMO’s ALL of them have farming that is the nature of all MMO but how we treat each other and how you farm is what makes the difference. GW2 like I posted before have been able to make farming cooperative and fun as a community WE have to root out the toxic players and not accept their hateful behavior.
Actually Farming wouldn’t be necessary had they adopted the much more successful system of actually rewarding normal gameplay. If they did that there would have been no need for farming at all. Some examples including higher gold for achieveing map completion, higher rewards when disassembling items (more materials of a Tier 5 Tier 6 nature), not so much RNG on bags, the ability to buy Tier 6 materials for common currencies outside of gold in the game like Karma for example, the ability to earn these as rewards from dailies, Adding weeklys something people have asked for just after dailies began with appropriate rewards for completing them, adding these rewards in appropriate amounts to monthlies. Instead we have a completely stingy game in which it’s nearly impossible to get anything even if you do farm due to incredibly nasty design flaws like DR (which has had a history of destroying whole gaming companies). It’s really not that difficult to see the facts, the fact is if this game weren’t as stingy as it is in rewards or even gold for that matter, no one would look to exploit it because there would be no need, normal gameplay would give plenty.
I understand where you are coming from but to gain karma you have to “farm” WvW or dungeons or event to get loot to salvage you have to “farm” monsters or quests. MMO’s have a peak just like every game. Dailies,weeklies,monthly whatever else are all forms of farming. Kill X many this make X many that. All games end, farming gives players who want the opportunity to make their own content in the world. You will not have a never ending story line. Not everyone enjoys getting all vistas. I personally hate jumping around to find a vista. Just because you explore all of Tyria doesn’t mean you should have full ascended armor. Special event in living story give you special rewards. You don’t HAVE to farm by going in a circle and killing champions but GW2 doesn’t force you to do that you can run events or dungeons. ALL MMO’s have farming its the way of the MMO.
Oh believe me…I took my 8746 Coffers and ran with them. And I was being VERY Looty
Christ, I’d be tempted to use an illegal macro to open up those coffers o_o;
I’d figure it’d be worth the risk because a good mouse is like 70 bucks and I ain’t wasting clicks on that.
Farmers regularly look for the maximum reward for time spent, anywhere in the game. The specifically look for rewards that are out of balance with the rest of the game. When these min/max opportunities are eventually closed down the farmers complain that nobody likes them.
If the farmers don’t like their favorite sites bring fixed in patches they shouldn’t make imbalanced content their favorite sites. Unfortunately, due to the nature of farmers, that will never change.
What are you talking about? The only different now in blix is timer change drops still the same scaled the same there are plenty of event that scale and you can farm but timer is not broken.
Running dungeons/WvW/Farming all can make a toxic atmosphere! MMO’s ALL of them have farming that is the nature of all MMO but how we treat each other and how you farm is what makes the difference. GW2 like I posted before have been able to make farming cooperative and fun as a community WE have to root out the toxic players and not accept their hateful behavior.
Actually Farming wouldn’t be necessary had they adopted the much more successful system of actually rewarding normal gameplay. If they did that there would have been no need for farming at all. Some examples including higher gold for achieveing map completion, higher rewards when disassembling items (more materials of a Tier 5 Tier 6 nature), not so much RNG on bags, the ability to buy Tier 6 materials for common currencies outside of gold in the game like Karma for example, the ability to earn these as rewards from dailies, Adding weeklys something people have asked for just after dailies began with appropriate rewards for completing them, adding these rewards in appropriate amounts to monthlies. Instead we have a completely stingy game in which it’s nearly impossible to get anything even if you do farm due to incredibly nasty design flaws like DR (which has had a history of destroying whole gaming companies). It’s really not that difficult to see the facts, the fact is if this game weren’t as stingy as it is in rewards or even gold for that matter, no one would look to exploit it because there would be no need, normal gameplay would give plenty.
This. 10,000 times over, THIS.
I do agree they should better reward successfully defending events.
See Defending the Gates of Arah for a good example. The loot there is great, and you actually have an incentive to defend.