Living Story: 42 /42
Slayer: 607 /617
Hero: 400 /400
PvP: 238 /1478*
Trade: 571 /707
Explorer: 713 /888**
Fashion: 85 /130
Weapon Master: 159 /304
Community: 219 /227
HoM: 18 /20
Activities: 108 /204*
WvW: 46 /816*
JP: 440 /440
Special: 281 /281
Bosses: 80 /80
SAB: 106 /106
Total 4113 /6740
Current 7685
Daily 3572 (46.48% of total)
Living Story: 42 /42
Slayer: 606 /617
Hero: 385 /400
PvP: 308 /1478*
Trade: 707 /707
Explorer: 608 /888**
Fashion: 55 /130
Weapon Master: 101 /304
Community: 163 /227
HoM: 20 /20
Activities: 112 /204*
WvW: 16 /816*
JP: 440 /440
Special: 271 /281
Bosses: 80 /80
SAB: 106 /106
Total 4020 /6740
Current 7537
Daily 3517 (46.66% of total)
(Sorry about the formatting)
Above are two profiles of people within the top 10 achievement points.
As you can see, the daily/monthly represents such a high proportion of the total that new players, or players who had no expectation of leaderboards will never have a chance to ascend via merit.
I’m sure many of you will be able to compare these scores against your own achievements and see that there is one, and only one, factor differentiating #10000 and number #1 and that is the daily/monthly grind.
Is this how the achievement point system should be set up?
Shouldn’t previous day dailies be available to complete with reduced rewards? This would turn the competition from one where people have to forego ever leaving the computer for a day to one based on doing things ingame.
Who cares? I care.
Apparently to a lot of you my preferences make me a loser and a whiner. I hope this feeling of superiority and looking down upon me for what I value makes up for the times that people do it to you for liking video games.
Hopefully that drove the point home and we can discuss the actual issue rather than grandstanding about how some peoples interests are superior to others.
Currently the leaderboards reward 30 minute per day logons. They punish people that didn’t play since launch.
No one is asking for bad players to be given equal rankings. What we are asking for is for players who start today, via hard work, skill, efficiency and determination, to one day eventually compete with the best of the best.
Likely they’ll never get there. But it wont be impossible. Currently it is impossible. There is no way at all that someone can get in to the top 100 that starts today, even if they get every other achievement available.
Kill 500,000 dolyaks is valued the same as 1/3 of the daily reward. When I get my tonsils out tomorrow I’ll need to spend 100g towards my Emperor title to make up for such a failure, and then I’ll need to pray that the people I’m competing against never get 100g to spare.
Any new players can eventually work to test their skill and kill Lupicus solo. There is no barrier preventing them other than their own individual failings, preferences, or commitments. This is not so for achievement leaderboards. You cannot work towards victory, you can only wait for those currently ahead to stop playing.
It’s a war of attrition and I do not believe that such is good design. I don’t think it’s the type of behavior that leads to a healthy player dynamic.
And it seems that a lot of you are in such a rush to feel superior by rubbishing other peoples preferences that you’re lacking the empathy that you’d wish from other people when the things you care about are under attack, or poorly implemented, or disdained for being a ‘waste of time’.
Recommence trolling and name-calling. I promise that I will take it personally and cry.
TLCR:: I’m a big baby who cares about irrelevant things and thinks people read past the first 5 posts of a forum thread.
(edited by Risingashes.8694)