Achievements Bugged? [Merged]
Since rgrwng.4072 was already so kind as to put up the list of achievements that need to be fixed, I’ll just add one he seems to have missed. (If not, pardon my poor eyesight.)
Lifetime Survivor is also 499,999 rather than full.
i only put up the ones that were broke for me, some of the ones others have that are broken are not for me (for example, my lifetime survivor intact). i went through my listings 3 times to be sure. i also did not take part in Keg Brawls, or some of the other achievement paths that others have, so my list may include most, but not all.
i did go ahead and re-complete some of them, as i updated my list post. spent about 50 silver this morning traveling around before work.
thanks for the responses! i will try the hammer suggestion for massive crit’s later tonight.
(edited by rgrwng.4072)
I lost Dusk! Did anyone else lost their Precursor, too??
(Im obviously being sarcastic lol)
I lost Dusk! Did anyone else lost their Precursor, too??
(Im obviously being sarcastic lol)
I’m sorry. What is the point of this comment? This is a thread regarding lost achievements. A precursor is not an achievement; it’s an item.
Even as a sarcastic comment, it makes no sense in context.
After skimming the thread, I haven’t seen any mention of this here. Can we expect a fix on the Hint Completion achievement as well? It’s been bugged for quite a long time, getting stuck at 80-82/83 despite players having completed 100% of hints.
Well, I hate to sound selfish, but I was in tears this morning. Not from frustration, not because I had to redo achievements, but because for whatever reason my DROP RATE was fixed.
They were tears of sheer joy. It was not that I was getting these stupendous fantabulous spiffy keen drops, but I was not getting NOTHING for hours on end. And I am talking NOTHING, ZILCH, ZERO. Today, yes, there were a few mobs that gave nothing, but my drop rate was, by my estimation back up to about 80 percent of things I killed gave me SOMETHING. This allowed me not only to be in the black for my game time, but to sell materials, and be back IN the game.
And for you people who are gritching about not fixing this immediately, please remember that bugs of this nature need to be looked at carefully to see why they happened, what will fix it, and what they possibly could affect once fixed. Try to give your data about the bug with a little less hyperbole. (And I say this knowing full well I am the queen of hyperbole—-the red headed old woman with a waggling cane)
Just don’t fix my drop rate back to phooey on youey. puleeeeze.
Lucky you. Feels more like 20% of mobs killed that gives loot. Not a huge change for me, that is.
When you awake, quaggans will be here, and there’ll be a crab cake, just for you…
Posted this in a different threat before, but also for me many Slayer titles were affected. In addition Sword Master was set to 4999 and Hint Completion to 81/83, even though in the Hints menu it still shows I actually did complete all hints.
I also counted all my achievement points in the Hero line, and “Hint Completion” is not counted towards the total. I have no idea how I will ever get them back unless it’s fixed/patched.
Strangely my survivor title was not affected, but my friend’s was, who got it approximately at the same time in the same area.
I read in an earlier post that Slayer achievements were affected by something done to counter the game crashing. Yesterday, for the first time in ages, the game ran flawlessly for me – no crashes, no freezes, no lock-ups. Today it’s back to business as usual – my game has already locked up twice.
I realized something was odd when I’d get an achievement practically every time I killed something. When I saw that many were set at 999/1000 I just started going to different areas to finish them off again. I haven’t had a chance to see what my Survivor title looks like. Oh well, I’ll just do it again if I need to.
(edited by RoxBuryNine.4210)
As with most other people, my slayer achieves have dropped by 1. Also my overkill achieve
Warrior Nuuk (80 War)
[ALS], Anvil Rock
I lost Dusk! Did anyone else lost their Precursor, too??
(Im obviously being sarcastic lol)
I’m sorry. What is the point of this comment? This is a thread regarding lost achievements. A precursor is not an achievement; it’s an item.
Even as a sarcastic comment, it makes no sense in context.
there is no point. it was mainly just a joke. And regarding the achievements points: I don’t see why some people are so up on this, I mean for the most part it should be a good thing since we didn’t lose any achievements points and we still have all our titles! Meaning we can get more points easily! The only thing i would be upset for is the Miniature Collector, Holidays events, and 200g in the bank one. Since those are a pain to get and some you can’t even get anymore.
I dont want to sound condescending but you guys in Anet should really look at how you store our achievements track in your databases. There were already several occurrences over the past few months when people lost their achievement tracks. Some were just a display issue which was later fixed, some were just broken but easy to fix by players (slayers 999 series), some are still broken and not easy (Golden) or impossible (Pumpkin Carver) to fix. If this will continue at this rate, one day some disaster will happen like, I dont know, reset of WvW kills achievements back to 0 or something similar. Take a good look at your scripts and databases before this happens. Thanks.
Could this situation be solved with a roll back? I wonder if they image the servers prior to doing a large maintenance.
Also, anyone else seeing improved droprates post patch? (as per Nalora)
there is no point. it was mainly just a joke. And regarding the achievements points: I don’t see why some people are so up on this, I mean for the most part it should be a good thing since we didn’t lose any achievements points and we still have all our titles! Meaning we can get more points easily! The only thing i would be upset for is the Miniature Collector, Holidays events, and 200g in the bank one. Since those are a pain to get and some you can’t even get anymore.
First off, I did lose overall achievement points. Quite a few actually. Secondly, many people did indeed lose their gold hoarder achievement, miniature collection achievement, and pumpkin carver achievement (a holiday achievement that is impossible to replace right now and would be a huge grind to redo, anyway.) Just because you don’t think the loss is a big deal doesn’t mean others feel the same way you do or had the same experience you have had.
how bout lifetime survivor, 499,999 is this gonna be fixed or we suppose to just redo everything like slayers 1 kill
Yip pretty much all the same as everyone else has posted… I love how fixing something always seems to require breaking something else…. its a game of trade off’s I guess
Maybe when they fix the plethora of open world events that mysteriously began bugging last patch we might get lucky and they will break the perma stealth /culling issue with thieves
lol only if they really did fix something
Well, I hate to sound selfish, but I was in tears this morning. Not from frustration, not because I had to redo achievements, but because for whatever reason my DROP RATE was fixed.
They were tears of sheer joy. It was not that I was getting these stupendous fantabulous spiffy keen drops, but I was not getting NOTHING for hours on end. And I am talking NOTHING, ZILCH, ZERO. Today, yes, there were a few mobs that gave nothing, but my drop rate was, by my estimation back up to about 80 percent of things I killed gave me SOMETHING. This allowed me not only to be in the black for my game time, but to sell materials, and be back IN the game.
And for you people who are gritching about not fixing this immediately, please remember that bugs of this nature need to be looked at carefully to see why they happened, what will fix it, and what they possibly could affect once fixed. Try to give your data about the bug with a little less hyperbole. (And I say this knowing full well I am the queen of hyperbole—-the red headed old woman with a waggling cane)
Just don’t fix my drop rate back to phooey on youey. puleeeeze.
Lucky you. Feels more like 20% of mobs killed that gives loot. Not a huge change for me, that is.
Omg I really do know how you feel. I have been stuck in this permanent state of no loot for months and months. (I still have never received an exotic drop from a mob) But to go day in and day out and to force yourself to not give up, getting excited if you get a CLOVE or a VANILLA is just well… sad.
I am still having drops fall at around 70 to 80 percent, many are junk drops, but even these are better than absolutely nothing to me, since nothing = despair.
Are you kidding me? Junk drops = despair + full bags. lol
I see your point, though.
Are you kidding me? Junk drops = despair + full bags. lol
I see your point, though.
My bags have never filled since November. I never get more than 5 or 6 things that are not junk for hours and hours of playing. This morning while playing I was really surprised at how many “normal” crafting materials I had not seen in months. Almost every drop elicited a “Wow, not seen one of those in quite some time….”
Bone shards. Totems. In all honesty for the last 3 months if it did not come from a harvesting node, I pretty much did not get a drop. At least that is how it felt.
Oh, and just to stay on topic, My “counts” in my slayer achievements stopped moving a couple months ago. I just stopped looking at them. It was like trying to ignore my drops tho…it was real hard to go to town and go to the merchant and bank and have nothing to show for my time in game.
(edited by Nalora.7964)
I am on the verge of my patience. I am so tired of Anet’s obsession with adding new content into a few months old game or ridiculous events like karka, refugee event thingy etc, new pvp map and other things while there are countless unattended bugs such as achievements or traits that dont work ever since the day 1. I dont understand your indifference to fix the existing bugs and eagerness to concentrate on stuff no one asks for. And if you were actually good at what you say you are doing I would not mind this much but in fact what you do is only to add more to the list of bugs that you dont give a kitten about. The only time I remember you mentioned fixing a bug was actually to hide the fact that you ninja nerfed the ranger shortbow speed and said you fixed a graphic bug caused by the SB speed.
Well I really dont understand myself either. I ran from a NcSoft game for similar reasons and I am still here even though I learnt NcSoft is not the only publisher of GW2 but also the owner of Arenanet. Famous player friendly Anet can be as much player friendly as Ncsoft and that tells a lot
It’s been posted before but just to post it again:
The character select screen is showing the correct amount of achievement points. However when you log into a character, they become missing.
- Kudzu, Dreamer, Frostfang, Eternity, Flameseeker Prophecies ~
~Nevermore, HOPE, Moot, Incinerator, Meteorlogicus, Howler ~
My “Pumpkin Carver” achievement has zero progression since January patch.
I still have the title. I’m not the only one with this problem.
No I didn’t read any posts in this thread so I don’t know if there was anything about this above.
AFL – Away From Life. // I admit to being a bad person.
Character specific key binds…yesterday if possible. Thank you.
It’s been posted before but just to post it again:
The character select screen is showing the correct amount of achievement points. However when you log into a character, they become missing.
Just checked mine. Both are incorrect. I’m guessing the achievement points showing when you first log in are pulled from a cache and updates after you log off again.
I had 4204.
When I logged in I did all my achievements since they broke except the Gold Hoarder. I have 4204 again, but I also did two parts of the daily achievement.
So it was correct for me.
But yeah, it probably doesn’t change the character select one until you re-log completely.
- Kudzu, Dreamer, Frostfang, Eternity, Flameseeker Prophecies ~
~Nevermore, HOPE, Moot, Incinerator, Meteorlogicus, Howler ~
For me it’s the Slayer achievements to Max-1, Pumpkin Carver to zero, Overkill to Max-1.
Survivor is still maxed for me.
I’d love to see a post where you guys elaborate on what kind of fix caused this bug and how it got through testing. This is something an automated test can catch.
I mean, you guys are not keen on much communications about detailed plans and are completely silent 99% of the time on the profession specific forums, but at least explain this bug to give us some insights on why this kind of stuff keeps on happening over and over. One example is the fix that was supposed to lower drop rates for dyes and ended up crashing the party and guild system.
Gwens Avengers
rootnode, you won’t
Most likely, at night time, in ANet’s offices, there is a big Gorilla jumping on the server’s keyboard messing up the code.
No one can know for sure what changed, as the Gorilla is no where to be found.
Tip: Try the hypermarket with most bananas.
tinny Broadway music
This is the hypermarket. Yes, we have no bananas. Thank you and have a nice day.
Has anyone been able to finish the Overkill Achievements? After the update it seems to be stuck for me. Is anyone having the same problem?
I think these have been mentioned by others:
My slayer and weapon master achievements are down by 1 each.
Pumpkin carving is zero (from being maxed)
Oddly some of my slayer achievements didn’t go down by one, but most did. Do you need to know the ones that didn’t go down?
Some I couldn’t tell you if they went down or not.
The absolute worst one for me is the Lifetime survivor: 499,999/500,000
Hints are ok for me. 83/83
And still nothing new from Anet… 12 + hours and nothing really from them.
This is the bigger problem..
At least share that you still don’t have a handle on it, but say 72 hour, a week something..
slayer achievements missing a point
Math fail. Please laugh hysterically.
(edited by Allisa Wonderland.8192)
We are aware that several of the slayer-style achievements have been affected by a recent fix that was implemented to combat an crashing issue.
We are also aware that this may have affected other achievements and if you notice any other achievements that may also be affected feel free to post below, so we can look into them
And do you plan to fix or you will only “be aware” and we have to do them again?
Same for me too, although most of the broken achievements are just Weapon Master/Slayer ones and not too difficult to get again.
On 3836 points now, don’t know what it was before, never paid regular attention as was just playing the game.
Master of overkill was fun to do when completed and shows now on 299,999 damage on one hit.
Other titles are just that 1 off the completed number, eg:
All you can eat now shows as 799 and Staffmaster is 4,999
Survivor, teamwork gets it done and no one left behind was easy and still shows as completed.
Still have a lot of puzzles completed, so they look safe.
Many titles under Slayer are just 1 point off now.
cold winter friend i had completed and never bothered before to make a report saying it then shows it as not completed. (that was because after submitting a report for toyappocalypse, i gave up because toyappolcapse took so insanely long i was exhausted and no longer wanted to repeat it).
Pumpkin carving has totally gone to nil, tho actually that was not completed, had a tier left to finish and was too lazy.
Only found this thread as was just amazed the gold hoarder title is just stuck on 651, 413 for weeks now, was really wondering how this progressed in the display. I go slowly in this title and only just realised it was possibly stuck as have been making a huge dull effort to go and find and farm the ori nodes so the focus was on gold for a change.. thought maybe it only moved the progress bar up after after timed intervals, not actually when gold went in.
Thanks for looking into this for people.
there is no point. it was mainly just a joke. And regarding the achievements points: I don’t see why some people are so up on this, I mean for the most part it should be a good thing since we didn’t lose any achievements points and we still have all our titles! Meaning we can get more points easily! The only thing i would be upset for is the Miniature Collector, Holidays events, and 200g in the bank one. Since those are a pain to get and some you can’t even get anymore.
First off, I did lose overall achievement points. Quite a few actually. Secondly, many people did indeed lose their gold hoarder achievement, miniature collection achievement, and pumpkin carver achievement (a holiday achievement that is impossible to replace right now and would be a huge grind to redo, anyway.) Just because you don’t think the loss is a big deal doesn’t mean others feel the same way you do or had the same experience you have had.
That’s a shame. Sorry for your lost. But anyways, what i was trying to say is that people should just enjoy the game still since Anet will most likely fix this bug. But once again, sorry for your lost of points. Peace and goodluck!
Anet will most likely fix this bug.
Well, I hope you’re right, Pharm. Best wishes.
Same boat – down ~100pts from my achevement total, all maxed slayers at 999 instead.
“Obtaining a legendary should be done through legendary feats…
Not luck and credit cards.”
The ones I really care about are lifestime survivor and the hints. The others are easy enough to get again.
Just noticed that the Daily Kills % is incorrect, not sure if it was correct before.
49/50 is not 98%, last time I checked… at least it works properly, just a cosmetic issue.
Epic post.
- Kudzu, Dreamer, Frostfang, Eternity, Flameseeker Prophecies ~
~Nevermore, HOPE, Moot, Incinerator, Meteorlogicus, Howler ~
Just noticed that the Daily Kills % is incorrect, not sure if it was correct before.
49/50 is not 98%, last time I checked… at least it works properly, just a cosmetic issue.
49/50 is 98%.
Edit: Ninja’d
I want my Master Carver back! I worked hard on that one and I can’t get it back by doing it again.
Are you actually missing the title? (Check the drop down menu)
Like most people, I have a whole pile of achievements which I’d completed that got un-completed during the latest patch. Of them, pumpkin carving is the annoying one since it cannot be regained. Hopefully they get fixed on the 26th.
One interesting bit that has come out of this…my new mezzie loves the Feedback glamour, especially after casting Illusionary Warden, but even by itself. Anyway, she’s now ‘completed’ most of the projectile weapon achievements like Longbow Master, Dagger Master, etc even though she cannot actually use those weapons. Apparently reflected weapons count towards those achievements, and since I’d already actually completed them and only needed one to recomplete, it made it obvious what was happening which is something I didn’t know before.
But here’s my body – So rez me maybe?
Same problem here all my slayer kills lost 1 kill also the lifetime survivor lost 1 xp.
Achievements that I have lost:
Lifetime Survivor: 499,999/500,000 (still have Golden title)
Gold Hoarder: Max banked 1,999,999
Weapon Master:
Master of Overkill: 299,999k in one hit at 0 points, tier 7
Special Event
Pumpkin Carver, still missing you knew this was gone before; still have Master Carver title
Just to be obnoxious I’ll list what I lost
Centaur, Drake, Harpy, Spider, Indiscriminate, Bandit, Skale, Bat, Shell, Devourer, Dredge, Elemental, Ettin, Ghost, Grawl, Griffon, Hylek, Flame Legion, Fish, Imp, Inquest, Insect, Jotun, Krait, Nightmare Court, Ogre, Ooze, Pirate, Raptor, Skelk, Skritt, Son’s of Svanir, Troll, Wind Rider, Wurm, Zhaitan’s Bane
Glad I didn’t invest the time to finish Plants or Minotaurs when I got irked with Arah path 4. We won’t talk about Giants.
So. I play this game for the enjoyment of chasing Achievements. I’m sure you can see that by breaking this, you’ve broken my enjoyment of the game. I do hope that this gets prioritized as something quick to fix. Sure I could go out and deal with the weapon masters and slayers, but since saving my 200g, all 9 of my characters hit 80. That hoard was allocated for gear and spent. Survivor? Not doing it again, especially without being able to change zones or log during the process. Pumpkin carver? Should be fixed by now, search who has the title and fix the display. Seriously.
oh god when they will fix this
Kneel Before Us [IMBA]
Pisces Rudi – Mesmer
Long shot:
I only appear to have lost about 10 achievements, totaling around 50 points, yet my achievement points dropped with at least 100. I know I had around 4350, and after the patch + daily 4250.
Anyone else seeing more achievements points gobbled up than the lost achievements make up for?
(edited by SeppH.1836)
Long shot: only appear to have lost about 10 achievements, totaling around 50 points, yet my achievement points dropped with at least 100. I know I had around 4350, and after the patch + daily 4250.
Anyone else seeing more achievements points gobbled up than the lost achievements make up for?
Yes. By a factor of about 4 to 3. If that makes sense. (200 points regained vs 150 on paper lost.) I didn’t do precise math though, only accurate to 1 digit here observing a change from 5.5k to 5.7k.
But… here’s my issue, having a) been a programmer, and b) used the gem store. How can they so keenly keep track of gem usage and fail to keep tally of achievement points? Integers are not exactly foreign objects.
So how is floating point math is to blame. Something else may be going on?
oh god when they will fix this
id put this as “will they fix this?”. they dont fix many things, they usually break stuff. since launch. well, since before launch.