Aegis is a good buff, Not a good effect.
Not to mention the fashion implications the glassy blue shield has on other color and equipment choices.
Place this next to Showing/Hiding color of the Rarity of Weapons
The location of deposit collects
The muting of player chatter
Just one more QoL option to make things a bit more ‘just right’ for those who might want/need it.
Guild Leader: Phantoms of the [Mist]
Server: Emhry Bay
I think this is a legacy from a period during development when Arenanet didn’t want their game to be about staring at boons and conditions. Instead they wanted players to be able to identify boons/condis people had by looking at the playing area of the screen.
Sadly, they abandoned this at some point and adopted WoW-style buff (boon) and debuff (condition) bars.
It’s also needed for PvP. But there is no reason why it could not be removed client-side for your own viewing. It’s what’s stopping me making The Flameseeker Prophesies as guard is the only one I use shield on and it ruins the skin. I have Eidolon now and Aegis covering it is a bit annoying.