Hey guys o/
I have a few question about the aggro system.First question is how is it supposed to be work ? Of course i checked wiki and it said it depends on range and dmg and if you are inside the event or not.But this doesnt work well , because as example ,when i was running around in a map and was opening a chest and i saw some peoples(6-10 players) a bit far away from me like 900 – 1200 range from them ,while they was attacking the enemy over and over and i got just suddenly the aggro from the target ? i was like wtf ? I did not attacked it or anything else.So i couldnt open the chest of course , because of that trasher ,which loved to put vines into my kitten …
Then on a diffrent map i was this time attacking the trasher was one of those champions in sw.So this time i attacked it like a maniac ( thanks to engi dps ?) But i notice this time it stucked his whole attacks on me ? It wasnt going for randoms or atleast i didnt gave me the feeling , because at the first time i though:" okay it`s totally random aggro" , but nope this time it was attacking me the whole time ,even , if i was at a range of 900.I mean there was tons of other places , why it didnt attacked them ? If it is maybe “rangebased ?”
Next situation: This was in bwe 3 raid content.I was playing rabid engi ( full asc armor) other ppls used full asc aswell.They ran forward i went in later , but before i want to say what happend.Wiki say it doesnt depends on toughness ? or so.
So here we go.I went in was far away,while the other ones was still attacking it,then again it went straight to me and stucked at me , even , if i was downed ? I didnt not attacked it. I was just running around and it followed me( dont worry ! i didnt ruined the raid for pugs!I was doing it with friends).Everyone was like wtf ?
So my question is now … Does those stuff like ,how far you are away from the npc,How much dmg you dealt and are you inside the event circle affect all npcs at once ? I mean this is some kind of bullkitten atleast for me ,because i always ended up dead , because no one else got the aggro after it until i died ? It happends in dungeons ,fractals or somewhere else.Also over time it getting quite abit annoying.I even tried whole knight gear in hope to deal zero dmg (to prevent aggro) almost or soldier for some toughness , but nope still ended up dead , while the aggro stucked on me ? …. So is it now toughnessbased ? Dmgbased AND rangebased ? Can anet just set a priority list?Would be more handier or not ?Since we are slowly stepping into the magic trinity direction ( druid healer cough) and got some tanky classes and high dmg classes.Also the ranger pet got taunt ? Does warrior will get taunt soon aswell for pve ?
As i said its a bit annoying over time.To enjoy your dmg by doing conditions or pure dmg or using a tanky build , but the amount of inc dmg is too much ,because i usually end up with 3-5 mobs at once :P and sadly even bunker down doesnt help or healing turret only for a few secs and some dodges until i ran out of some resources or anet beloved lags kills me :PSo now i ask all those mighty veterans out there for telling me how this aggro system works :P ? and if you think if it should need a overwork ? Because for me its kind of annoying (especially for stationary dps classes like ele) if the npcs randomly went to a player far far away , because it change it “thinking” that it switched from rangebased to dmgbased or otherwise?
Also ending up for being dead is kitten.It’s useless also , if dodges getting “vulnerable” means , if anet manage it to bug around with it, that it will be “useless” ?
Well whats your opinion ? and how do you think about how the aggro system works ? Any explaination ? And what about the idea to go further into the magic trinity :P ?
Greetings o/
(sorry if this may sounds a bit confusing)