I’m a serial altoholic across all MMOs I play. I like testing a few different classes and character choices, and of course, usually doing up a matrix to cover as many options as possible!
For GW2 I’ve penciled a table that shows my professions, races, attitudes, and crafting path. I also love being able to supply the best crafted gear to any of my characters through my alts, so expanding their recipe bases is very important and enjoyable to me.
So I’m wondering what would be reasonable and excellent features GW2 could accommodate for us altoholics?
For example, I’d like it to be easier for me to outfit and gear-plan my characters based on what my alts can currently make, and without logging out and in across each character and compiling all the info (often in hand-writing). A way to review the recipe lists of my alts, perhaps?
Conversely, when I’m on a crafting blitz with one character, I’d love to have a way to compare the things I can make with what my alts have in that slot. That way I know I can prioritise those items, craft them, and put them aside, and then spend the rest of my mats knowing I’ve already taken care of my alts.
What would be your favourite feature to add to help you play and manage your characters?
I’ve posted the summary so far (7/1/13) on the suggestions forum here. Please drop by and click the +1 button or add more ideas!
{There’s a possible hitch to requests like these: Does helping players depend less on other crafting players negatively impact on the market, or are altoholics inherently supporting the market more than what they don’t buy in finished products?}
A summary so far…
- View the hero page of any alt
- View the craftable recipes page of any alt
- View the inventory (including bag types) of alts
- Optional toggle to bring up the “currently equipped” tooltip for alts that can equip items that are moused over.
- Be able to easily share account-bound items and currencies across alts, including town clothes, minipets, weapons, armour, tonics, etc. Make this possible without visiting the bank for “swap overs”.
- Be able to view (but not transact with) the bank from anywhere
- Making dyes account wide, or having the means to upgrade a dye to account-wide
- Allowing your alts to appear in your player housing instance, and interacting with their info, skills, and inventory there
- Ability to remove soulbinding from items, or upgrade items to account-wide
- Ability to access the Karma of alts (a high trade rate maybe?)
- Account-bound Gear with stats that scale with level, possibly rewarded from personal story
- Better incentives to play in any area for equal or higher level characters, attracting players back to all areas of the world
- Wider variety of stat combinations (likely through special runes from holiday events, etc?)
- Make Personal Stories more unique than they are, keep them unique and relevant from 1-80.
- Add more unique “factions” per race, and keep these relevant from 1-80
- Add more uniqueness to dynamic events across areas and level-strata
- Add more standard cultural armors for level <80 so each race can keep wearing culturally appropriate level all the way up
- Allow cross-cultural wearing of cultural armours (I’m sure any tailor worth their salt can remeasure and custom make their culture’s clothes for whoever turns up! Extra fee perhaps?)
- Turn tokens into currency that doesn’t take up bank space
- Streamline the character select screen for reviewing your characters easier (option for all on one screen, etc)
What’s new or great already for GW2:
- Making every area replayable regardless of level.
- No limits on number of crafting professions per character, with no waste of progress
- Biography and motivation choices
I give this a day or so more before making a suggestion forum post.
(edited by FacesOfMu.3561)