Anet forgot about GW1 players?
the fact anet’s priority is living story junk + gemstore additions is what will be the ultimate downfall to this game
I don’t care how you people think, but fact is MMOs thrive off meaningful content. There’s a reason why old MMOs from 5+ years ago still make money today (INGAME-content driven updates, not gemstore junk) and are still alive even though they might be lame to some of us (WoW, heck even RS, still has plenty of concurrent members and constantly out gives real updates.
There has been literally NOTHING major or impactful added to this game since release (one set of timegated new armor /weapons (ascended), that’s it).
Can’t even get anet to design even ONE new legendary, but omg yes we will design all kinds of skin for gemstore!!!
Even Runescape has better content updates than this lousy excuse of a “Living Story”
So far since release:
NO new classes/skills (They can’t even balance skills/classes. For god sakes it took them 8 months to figure out healing signet needed a nerf?)
NO new major updates to dungeons (you could consider fractured. That still only 1 lol major update and it’s not even like it added brand new fractals….
NO true changes to endgame (except the addition of champ trains now lol. Go ahead and mindlessly make success without even trying. My 3 year old can farm a champ train).
WvW could have been something amazing for endgame, instead its whoever has the biggest hammer train wins. Roaming means absolutely nothing and is not even a game changer in WvW. Less and less people do WvW now. It is once again brainless zerging.
sPvP, lol, ignore this. They have no clue how to balance and are still thinking this is going to be an e-sport. Delusion at it’s finest. Took them 1.5 years to even think of a better way to reward the most lacking game mode in gw2
So what have we gotten over the past year and a half with the gem store revenue?
More gemstore items and Living story!! yaya!!
This game is going down a terrible path if this nonsense continues
Poll the players playing this game, I guarantee-dam tee you the majority would prefer xpac like ACTUAL AND MEANINGFUL CONTENT instead of this Living Story nonsense. Thank god season 1 of LS is over, I hope it doesn’t get renewed ( or at least cut seriously short and paid less attention to)
I seriously doubt this game thrives as long you some people in this forum believe it will (not unless they get their act together and throw in actual meaningful content)
Welcome to Gem Wars 2!
(edited by SkiTz.4590)
I haven’t played the game since December because of all the crappy stuff that gets added to the game. 90% of every update is just gem store nonsense so I don’t even bother.
Ahh yes, because you have not played you know that 90% of the update is gemstore? This last patch was about 10% store with 90% being LS events. Please do not post your knowledge of something that you do not even play.
Really? Read my post. I get the updates in the email that are the overviews of the new patches. 90% of every patch is RNG and Gem store related. The other 10% is a stupid hat or back skin and the temporary content update overview for the next two weeks.
So you base your knowledge of the game on a one page email?
Saying that 90% of every patch is RNG and Gem store related is demonstrably untrue. If you’d said 90% of each patch is about new achievements that drive people nuts, you’d be closer.
Open your launcher and count the amount of things that talk about the gem store addition.
Come back here and say it out loud
As of now: 9 Announcements on the Launcher – 6 about content – 3 about Gem Store additions. I was pretty good at math in school, so I’m thinking that’s not 90%, or even a majority.
I see 4 about the gem store, 2 about patch notes, 1 about content, 1 about the upcoming WVW tournament, an announcement about pvp glory changes, and an announcement about their Google+ profile.
So that is…
4 for gemstore
1 for content
5 for general information
Gemstore is outweighing content 4:1 on the launcher.
Seer Of The Divine | Sarina Starlight | Tireasa | Caedyra
As a ranger class, i feel forgot about Guild Wars 1 ranger class players.
In Guild Wars 1, ranger players were cherished, admired, appreciated, nurtured, nourished, cared for, comforted, guarded, honored, loved, preserved, embraced, adored, acceptable and valued.
How i see ranger players in Guild Wars 2..
‘they are thrown to the lions’, they are: defenseless, helpless, hopeless, unguarded, unprotected, uncared for, unloved, unpreserved, unnourished, unappreciated, vulnerable, unacceptable and unvalued.
(edited by Burnfall.9573)
What ticks me off most is not that they added the weapons, but that players can be manipulated so easily (and that in a buy2play game!) and end up buying such things repeatedly, thus granting the company extra revenue which imho it does not deserve to start with. I sincerely cannot fathom the thought behind this type of player base.
Bad games shouldn’t be making money, but then again, human stupidity knows no boundaries, and WoW was a massive success too, revenue-wise…………….
(edited by KarlaGrey.5903)
What ticks me off most is not that they added the weapons, but that players can be manipulated so easily (and that in a buy2play game!) and end up buying such things repeatedly, thus granting the company extra revenue
This is what has me worried for the game industry as a whole. There are far too many companies and games succeeding at disgusting tactics because people are so willing to allow themselves to be ripped off.
Mobile games are some of the worst examples of this plague infecting video games.
Here are some nice examples
(language warning on both of those videos)
Both of those games are many many times worse than anything that has happened in GW2, or anything I could imagine ever happening in GW2, but all of them do rely on the same type of gamer. The gamer that is so willing and eager to throw their money at the most absurd and overpriced items in any game, just to have a new shiny thing right now.
This is a complete disregard for a sense of value of your own money, and lack of caring about the actual gameplay experience in favor of getting a new shiny. All this does is encourage companies to continue with these tactics and keep pushing the limits of how much these players are willing to pay for.
If someone is willing to part with $50 for a single item in a game, then happily play through this month’s 1 hour of new content, why should the developers bother to make more content? They have a horde of suckers ready to open their wallets in return for very little effort or new content.
Video games are supposed to be about the gameplay, not about how many new skins you can buy with your credit card each month, or how fast you can progress by throwing money at the game to skip timegates.
Maybe I’m just imagining it, but I think the situation is getting worse in GW2. The more recent living story updates seem to have less content than previous ones. Even the achievements and busy-work seem to take less time/effort to complete. And the gemstore is gaining new items faster than ever.
Seer Of The Divine | Sarina Starlight | Tireasa | Caedyra
(edited by mrstealth.6701)
I don’t really get OP.
He either wants freebies for playing GW1 or he wants to limit GW2 stuff to players who had no interest in GW1.
Silly threads like these really dilute the perceived reasonableness of the players from the eyes of ANet I bet.
Overall I think putting good skins behind a gacha-style gamble is a bad design, but the OP decided to bring forward the issue by raising an irrational entitlement. You got your Tormented weapons in GW1. They are still rare over there… and if you really feel like idolizing your past glory, nobody is stopping you by opening up GW1 and play that game.
Let me ask you a simple question. A month ago, Anet released Edge of the MIsts an entire WvW map. It’s pretty big. It’s an entire zone. What was in the cash shop for that update that represented 90% of the update? I’m genuinely curious.
That’s the patch that added Lovestruck weapons, which at the time took an average of over $1000 ($5000 now) in Black Lion Keys to obtain a full set of, or about $55 ($275 now) each. On the conservative and smarter side, you can exchange about $300 worth of gems to buy them on the TP at around $15 each. (note that the entire supply of these weapons still depends on BL keys being bought/farmed)
Just looking at a single weapon purchase, is EotM really worth $55, or even just $15? What about $300, or $1000 for the full set? Compared to the amount of playable content added, the gem store got a massively disproportionate addition. I think I’d put EotM down for $5 DLC at most, which still gives $5 to $300+ (at the conservative end) comparison between content and skin monetization. With those numbers, 10% content is actually being extremely generous. And this isn’t even including the other gemstore merchandise added at the same time.
And the huge difference in the value placed on claim ticket weapons by Anet ($55-275) and the players that have acquired them ($10-$25) says something on its own. Anet has an absolutely absurd concept of just how much these skins are/should be worth. I could buy several full-price games for the BL key cost of a single weapon.
edit: amusing note
I had to edit this a couple times because the kitten filter didn’t like ‘$5’ being put after the letter ‘a’
You’re equating the release of a set of cosmetic weapon skins (which aren’t content as far as I can tell), with the release of an entire zone?
Weapon skins are skins, not content. They’re a way to customize your look. Those skins will be there for a long time, perhaps they’ll go on sale at some point. But you’re also assuming that everyone who wants weapon skins will want to buy the entire set of those skins. That’s just not the case.
A long time ago, I got two weapons from the black lion specialist from a set. I got them from a ticket that came from a chest that I opened, and I got one from farming keys by doing runs of the personal story on an alt and then deleting the alt. Neither cost me a dime. It did take me a lot of time to get them, but no more time than most end game weapons in Guild Wars 1.
Edge of the Mists, on the other hand, isn’t a weapon skin. Here’s another thing. You can only use one or two skins per weapon type per character. There are weapon skins coming out all the time. Why would you even want to have every weapon skin of one type? But you might play on the Edge of the Mists map if you like WvW for months and months, long after you’ve forgotten about a weapon skin.
Your argument saying it would take a long time to get cosmetic skins isn’t an argument that 90% of the content in a patch is gem store. If nothing else, it took a whole lot longer to create the Edge of the Mists, than it did to create all those weapon skins.
You’re equating the release of a set of cosmetic weapon skins (which aren’t content as far as I can tell), with the release of an entire zone?
I was comparing the amount of content in that release with amount of gem store moneziation it included.
The issue is exactly that these skins are not content in any way. These skins and monetization are what we are getting instead of content. These skins could (and I feel should) be rewards for game content. Or at least rewards for doing something in game.
I make no claims that there are a large number of people that want every weapon in a set. But there are a lot that would want multiple weapons, especially those of us that play multiple characters and builds. And that weapon is something I will see and use every time I play that character or use that build.
The number of people that want 1,2,3, or the whole set does not alter the fact that $1000 worth of BL ticket weapons were added along with rather small bits of playable content. Even going with the TP and gem exchange, nearly $400 is still a huge amount of monetization, accompanying a rather small content release.
I also made no argument about the weapon skins taking a long time to get. The situation is quite the opposite, actually. Adding items via the gemstore is a matter of dropping cash for instant gratification. You’re getting items for opening your wallet instead of playing the game.
And all of that monetization is on top of the $76 worth of merchandise added directly to the gemstore in the last 30 days.
Seer Of The Divine | Sarina Starlight | Tireasa | Caedyra
(edited by mrstealth.6701)
Gemstore is outweighing content 4:1 on the launcher.
And general information outweighs gemstore, but nobody is going to mention that at all. Also, nobody is going to mention what the posts are? 2/18 (Which announces also some changes to the chest drops, the ending of some items, and free stuff), 2/25 (Thresher, lovestruck weapons, and more free stuff), 2/28 (“March Daily Deals coming”), 3/3 (Tormented gear, another finisher, and minis for Battle for Lion’s Arch).
Also, there are two content release notes. Escape from Lion’s Arch and Battle for Lion’s Arch. So it’s 2:1, or 3:2 if you discard the “March Daily Deals” thing.
The funny thing is, I’d almost be agreeing with the spirit of your posts if it wasn’t bone-simple to get your Black Lion Claim Tickets through ways other than spending on Gems. Which is more entertaining too, at least for me. Completing the first chapter of a character’s Personal Story will net you one key. Completing the one at Level 30 will net you another, which I think is the one you do as part of choosing an Order? To note, those three parts are the best part of the Personal Story.
As for Ascended? When they start putting out content outside of Fractals which requires me to get it? I’ll start worrying about it. As it stands, it’s an ugly-looking useless grind. It’s the grind for Legendaries which is really, truly atrocious . . . and the ability to sell them off is what I find much more worrisome than whatever’s going on with Ascended.
It’s just not really something I see as a major focus of the game. It’s a minor focus, but this stuff was started long before Guild Wars 2. Shall we discuss “Game of the Year bonus items” with unique art, or the costumes?
It’s just not really something I see as a major focus of the game. It’s a minor focus, but this stuff was started long before Guild Wars 2. Shall we discuss “Game of the Year bonus items” with unique art, or the costumes?
Those items in GW1 were the exceptions, not the norm like they are in GW2. Typing /bonus on my GW1 account which has every available bonus item gives me 14 weapons. That’s less than a single set of BL ticket weapons in GW2. And the costumes cost less than most (all?) comparable items in GW2, on top of the fact that you get an infinite number of copies you can retrieve from an NPC. That’s a lot better value than a single copy you’re stuck storing.
Aside from the pvp/pet/skill unlock packs, there is about $215 worth of extras in GW1’s store. That’s including the 8-pack of Mercenary Hero Slots. Those items were added over the course of several years. GW2’s gemstore had over $75 worth of merchandise added in the last 30 days alone, and total non-consumable items available already more than double what GW1’s store has.
Add in the monetization from all the BL weapons, and the dollar amounts are simply staggering.
I am with you on the earning of keys via personal story. I’ve done a little of that myself, and I won’t even consider using cash to buy BL keys. But the fact that these skins keep getting pushed out more frequently is evidence that they are seeing significant profits from key sales, either directly from the cash gem buyers or indirectly though gold>gem buyers.
Seer Of The Divine | Sarina Starlight | Tireasa | Caedyra
That’s a lot better value than a single copy you’re stuck storing.
Still hoping they find some way of letting me “save” skins I’ve earned rather than bought so I can reuse them. I’m okay with having to purchase Gem Store skins again so they don’t balk at people buying one skin and not paying again. (Or as okay as I can be – truth is I find most of them just ugly as your choice of sin)
I am with you on the earning of keys via personal story. I’ve done a little of that myself, and I won’t even consider using cash to buy BL keys. But the fact that these skins keep getting pushed out more frequently is evidence that they are seeing significant profits from key sales, either directly from the cash gem buyers or indirectly though gold>gem buyers.
The skins keep getting pushed out more frequently because people said they wanted it that way, and would rather like to have premium skins through the Gem Store. Honestly, at least they added the Claim Ticket Scraps so it wasn’t a total screw like before (Consortium Crates). Still not very good though, would prefer a way of earning and Account Bound skin for game participation. Say, flag it as Exotic and purchased skins as Masterwork rather than the other way around. So the “more prestigious” item can only be earned through play.
I’m fine with adding skins via the gemstore as extras, but the problem is that is nearly all we are getting for new weapon skins. Combined with the fact that they are stuck in the BL RNG/lottery chests, with rather low drop chances plus requiring multiple drops, and it’s just too much.
These should sold at something like $5 each, not an average of $55 worth of gambling. The most appalling fact is that someone at Anet actually thinks a single weapon skin should be worth $55 (current set discount) or $275 (full price for previous).
Having other non-cash means of getting those does ‘ease the blow’ to some degree. But it does not change the fact that someone thinks these skins are really worth that much cash.
I’d also be a lot more ok with this if they were actually adding weapons/skins attainable via gameplay. Even new Mystic Forge recipe weapons would be better than everything being in the gemstore.
Seer Of The Divine | Sarina Starlight | Tireasa | Caedyra
people said they wanted it that way, and would rather like to have premium skins through the Gem Store.
I think that’s the most frightening aspect of if all. That’s the ‘plague’ I mentioned in an earlier post.
Are there really that many people that would prefer to pay out of their wallet instead of playing the game? What are they doing in the game? Endgame goals largely(primarily even) cosmetic and vanity items, so if you’re just buying those with cash, why did you even buy a video game?
That’s not any better than paying to get past an arbitrary 6 hour timer in a mobile game.
We’re going to end up at a point where a “video game” is just a level you stand around in to show off items you bought in a cash shop, with no actual gameplay being included at all.
People need to take a step back and just look at what they are throwing their money at. At the amount they are giving up, and what the are actually getting in return for that. It’s not a good value at all. You can buy entire games for the prices being paid for single items.
Seer Of The Divine | Sarina Starlight | Tireasa | Caedyra
(edited by mrstealth.6701)
GW1 is an entirely different game. Game GW1 players do not ‘deserve’ rewards in GW2. It’s nice that they provided a link, but that’s because Anet chooses to.
If Anet released a Torment weapons in their gem shop in GW1, hey, I can understand.
But GW2 is an entirely different game and you shouldn’t be holding it as a leash to GW1.
Your hint that you are completely wrong here lies in the Guild Wars name that both games share. What we have here is a franchise. Releases within a franchise are not “entirely different games”. Rather, each release stands on the shoulders of what has gone before. Anet themselves said that they took everything we liked about GW1 and put it in the context of an MMO.
This is Guild Wars 2; it follows Guild Wars 1. It is not an entirely new game. Guild Wars is a franchise.
But who in his right mind would buy these ugly weapons? Or to turn it positively: The danger that GW2-only noobs wear these skins is very low, so that your achievement will not be besmirched by grubby gem store buyers.
Seriously, it is only cosmetics, and in my opinion quite bad looking ones.
having 5050 and thankful for anything already given as a reward for that. I really don’t see the need for anything more. We already have GWAMM and Champion of the God’s if someone wants to show their GW1 accomplishments.
Would love to see them put in the wintergreen sets. They are nothing flashy but my favorite collection.
You’re equating the release of a set of cosmetic weapon skins (which aren’t content as far as I can tell), with the release of an entire zone?
I was comparing the amount of content in that release with amount of gem store moneziation it included.
The issue is exactly that these skins are not content in any way. These skins and monetization are what we are getting instead of content. These skins could (and I feel should) be rewards for game content. Or at least rewards for doing something in game.
I make no claims that there are a large number of people that want every weapon in a set. But there are a lot that would want multiple weapons, especially those of us that play multiple characters and builds. And that weapon is something I will see and use every time I play that character or use that build.
The number of people that want 1,2,3, or the whole set does not alter the fact that $1000 worth of BL ticket weapons were added along with rather small bits of playable content. Even going with the TP and gem exchange, nearly $400 is still a huge amount of monetization, accompanying a rather small content release.
I also made no argument about the weapon skins taking a long time to get. The situation is quite the opposite, actually. Adding items via the gemstore is a matter of dropping cash for instant gratification. You’re getting items for opening your wallet instead of playing the game.
And all of that monetization is on top of the $76 worth of merchandise added directly to the gemstore in the last 30 days.
And it’s all completely irrelevant to game play. The game is still the game no matter what they add to the gem store. Buy the stuff or don’t buy the stuff, it doesn’t change the game. Not even a little.
Anyway someone made the comment that 90% of the focus in the gem store. But obviously the people designing a single set of weapons aren’t the same as the people designing an entire map.
Yes, Anet adds cosmetic items to the gem store. Yes, Anet adds stuff to the game. If you don’t like the stuff in the game, that’s one thing, but obviously there are people who do. That’s nothing to do with adding stuff to the gem store.
I didn’t buy any of those weapons, but I had a great time in Edge of the Mists…and I continue to have a great time in EotM.
Not even close to what you think happens.
Shareholders have NO direct say in how a company is run, much less someone with 15% of the shares. They get money and occasionally a meeting where they are told what is happening. If they don’t like what is happening, they sell. THAT is the power of a shareholder. They put in money with the expectation that they’ll get more money back.
About the only time a shareholder directly impacts a company is in the election of a person onto the Board of Directors. And you need a LOT more than a 15% share in order to push a hand-picked person onto said board. Otherwise you have to compromise with other shareholders to get that clout.
As for Crystin Cox (the monetization manager in question), it would take some pretty slick maneuvers for a group to slip in one of their plants BEFORE they even had a stake in the parent company of the developer in question.
Maybe a more, I dunno… realistic… explanation is going, “This cash shop is going to be our primary revenue stream, how do we maximize its effectiveness? Hmm… maybe we should hire a person who helped with one of the most profitable cash shops of the last decade?”
Nah… you’re right. Gotta be a dark conspiracy by Nexon to bleed dry of creativity and money through a gross minority share of its parent company.
Pardon me while I roll my eyes.
“Dear ANet, nerf Paper, Scissors is fine. Sincerely, Rock”
Elysaurus | Warrior | [LOL] | League of the Legendary | Gandara (EU)
Not even close to what you think happens.
Shareholders have NO direct say in how a company is run, much less someone with 15% of the shares. They get money and occasionally a meeting where they are told what is happening. If they don’t like what is happening, they sell. THAT is the power of a shareholder. They put in money with the expectation that they’ll get more money back.
About the only time a shareholder directly impacts a company is in the election of a person onto the Board of Directors. And you need a LOT more than a 15% share in order to push a hand-picked person onto said board. Otherwise you have to compromise with other shareholders to get that clout.
The voting can be more than just for board members. And even if it were just for that, having a higher percentage of the stocks than anyone else (excluding NC) can definitely tip the scales in a board election. It’s not going to get you a handpicked member on the board, but it can get one that is favorable for your own intentions.
As for the monetization manager, the timing does make it seem a bit suspicous. Showing up for your new job, with control over how the company’s primary profit source operates, just before your previous employer buys a big chunk of the shares. It’s entirely possible that her hiring was part of the purchase arrangement. Assuming that sold shares were held by NC, and not some other shareholder, that’s a large influx of money for them. Hiring one person could be a small price to pay for that.
It’s well within reason to think that bringing in someone into a position of power within Anet could be a prerequisite to that sale. NCsoft gets their money, and Nexon gets an added bit of security that GW2’s gemstore gets plenty of monetization to make their investment worthwhile.
It’s not a dark conspiracy. It’s business. A pretty smart move at that. NC gets their shares sold off, and gets a new employee to help ensure GW2’s gemstore makes as much money as possible. Nexon gets a solid investment, with the added security that someone they trust is in charge of their investment’s biggest cash cow. There is no dark plan to destroy Anet or NC. They both just want money.
Seer Of The Divine | Sarina Starlight | Tireasa | Caedyra
(edited by mrstealth.6701)
The skins keep getting pushed out more frequently because people said they wanted it that way, and would rather like to have premium skins through the Gem Store.
As far as I’ve ever seen, what people said is that if the only choices for skins are between gemstore RNG gambling chests or just putting them directly into the gemstore, then just put them directly into the gemstore so that people don’t have to deal with only a small chance at getting said skin.
As far as I’ve ever seen, what people said is that if the only choices for skins are between gemstore RNG gambling chests or just putting them directly into the gemstore, then just put them directly into the gemstore so that people don’t have to deal with only a small chance at getting said skin.
That seems much more likely to me. I know I’d take direct purchase, given those two choices. But obtaining the items totally in-game via drops/crafting/dungeons/etc is still the best option.
It’s truly a sad day for gaming if more people are wanting items via cash shops than gameplay.
Seer Of The Divine | Sarina Starlight | Tireasa | Caedyra
I don’t really get OP.
He either wants freebies for playing GW1 or he wants to limit GW2 stuff to players who had no interest in GW1.
I’ll break it down for you.
GW1 players made Anet a success. I felt that long time players should have more prestige than what’s already offered with the HoM rewards. Free skins and an exclusive title is nice, but I would have rather had my Tormented weapons able to be passed down to my current character. Would have been even better if the Tormented weapons were exclusive to GW1 players who worked hard for them. But then again, other players informed me that those weapons were given away freely towards the end of GW1.
GW2 is connected to GW1 lore wise. The HoM was to store your GW1 achievements, so that your GW2 characters could benefit for their “ancestors” 250 years ago. So even if a GW2 player doesn’t care about GW1, I still do, and my 50/50 HoM confirms this. And as I stated earlier, this is just my self-centered opinions.
we should be allowed to character transfer from our GW1 character to GW2 character. That is the only fair way to do things.
Just imagine playing a game for 10 years and suddenly everything become obsolete.
What disappointed me about the HoM was… well, how many people do you see using those skins? Most of them were badly done. It doesn’t even feel worth the effort for 30/50. Not that I want torment skins for my HoM.
I felt that long time players should have more prestige than what’s already offered with the HoM rewards. Free skins and an exclusive title is nice, but I would have rather had my Tormented weapons able to be passed down to my current character. Would have been even better if the Tormented weapons were exclusive to GW1 players who worked hard for them.
I can’t really disagree with that, but that would have needed to happen back in 2012. It’s too late to be giving exclusives to GW1 players. We are a big part of why Anet was successful and were able to make GW2, but we are a minority in GW2’s playerbase today. The time for exclusive items for us is long over.
Seer Of The Divine | Sarina Starlight | Tireasa | Caedyra
I felt that long time players should have more prestige than what’s already offered with the HoM rewards. Free skins and an exclusive title is nice, but I would have rather had my Tormented weapons able to be passed down to my current character. Would have been even better if the Tormented weapons were exclusive to GW1 players who worked hard for them.
I can’t really disagree with that, but that would have needed to happen back in 2012. It’s too late to be giving exclusives to GW1 players. We are a big part of why Anet was successful and were able to make GW2, but we are a minority in GW2’s playerbase today. The time for exclusive items for us is long over.
That’s true. GW2 evolved since opening day. But with the release of Tormented weapons, it brought back memories of actually having to work hard to get those, and hoping we could pass them down.
Nothing in GW2 makes me want to do a 16 hour dungeon run to get unique weapons like in GW1 (even though there’d be mucho complaintos if there was). That type of grind was worth it back then. :P
I bought gw1 and all of the expansions. And gw1 made me preorder gw2 as soon at it was available. I didn’t even think about it because I had trust in ArenaNet. I haven’t been playing now since september I think. I just got fed up with it. Mostly with cash shop and how they treat PvP.
Now, they can release whatever they want. Either most awesome expansion, weapons from gw1, maps from gw1 or whatever.
I’m not playing it, I’m not buying it. No thanks.
I lost trust in ArenaNet completely. And I’m not the only one. And you know it ArenaNet.
Sadly this is the direction most of the new games are taking nowadays. This quote from is a good summary of what’s happening.
To quote Ramin Shokrizade "You will see that the latest generation of casual gamers is actually somewhat crippled in their ability to master even simple games compared to the previous generation. I propose that this is because this generation is so over stimulated compared to previous generations that the reward mechanisms for games have to be stronger and more quickly delivered to capture the attention of contemporary audiences or otherwise they get bored/discouraged much more quickly. "
(edited by matjazmuhic.1649)
Sadly this is the direction most of the new games are taking nowadays. This quote from is a good summary of what’s happening.
To quote Ramin Shokrizade "You will see that the latest generation of casual gamers is actually somewhat crippled in their ability to master even simple games compared to the previous generation. I propose that this is because this generation is so over stimulated compared to previous generations that the reward mechanisms for games have to be stronger and more quickly delivered to capture the attention of contemporary audiences or otherwise they get bored/discouraged much more quickly. "
The worst part is that we’re to a point where games don’t even have a reward system…or even gameplay mechanics in some cases. You just buy whatever you want with real money. Everything is turning into a Facebook/mobile “game” where all you do is decorate a virtual house with cash shop trinkets.
At that point, you’re just paying for access to a shopping mall to spend even more money, and a place to hang out to show off the things you bought.
I’m not claiming that GW2 is at that point, but it sure does have some aspects of it.
Seer Of The Divine | Sarina Starlight | Tireasa | Caedyra
(edited by mrstealth.6701)
The worst part is that we’re to a point where games don’t even have a reward system…or even gameplay mechanics in some cases. You just buy whatever you want with real money. Everything is turning into a Facebook/mobile “game” where all you do is decorate a virtual house with cash shop trinkets.
Minecraft, Terraria, Civilization 5, Dwarf Fortress . . . yes, you can do RMT in these games for items.
OR wait, they all shipped without mechanics in place and are just existing to pull money out of wallets.
Wait, no that’s Starbound.
Careful with throwing “everything” around like that. It gets painful.
At that point, you’re just paying for access to a shopping mall to spend even more money, and a place to hang out to show off the things you bought.
I’m not claiming that GW2 is at that point, but it sure does have some aspects of it.
If it gets to the point where computer games are like that, or go the way of the mobile “wallet please?” games? I’ll go right on back to my cardboard crack. Magic: The Gathering is at least much more upfront about the fact you’ll be spending money to play beyond a certain casual level.
I played GW1 from beta to GW2 launch. Then I played GW2 for three months and uninstalled it. As others have pointed out, GW2 has nothing to do with the GW1 aside from being based lightly on the same lore. They didn’t market this game to GW1 players and didn’t have any intention of keeping us playing from day one. GW2 is first and foremost about making money and basically everything else that GW1 was against. It’s a shame but ANet lost a lot of loyal fans since this game came out. But then, why should they care? They also made a lot of money by cashing in on that loyalty.
After reading this and several other threads I can safely say that I have no intention of ever reinstalling the game.
I have said it before and it’s worth repeating. This is NOT Guild Wars. This game uses the same name, but it has no connection to the original other then some slapped on lore and a few locations that resemble GW1. Try to think of it as a completely unrelated game that has nothing to do with Guild Wars other then a shared name and in the end, you will be much happier and enjoy the game more.
I played GW1 from beta to GW2 launch. Then I played GW2 for three months and uninstalled it.
I played GW1 shortly after launch, set it aside for a few months, then returned in late 2005 and stayed till GW2 launch.
I’ve been around in GW2 since launch, but for a long time GW2 has been nothing but a game I log into mainly because of friends. I’ll do a daily, a few loot pinata world bosses, and the occasional dungeon (with said friends).
Up till around May of 2013, I was a very active wvw player. That was the main thing keeping me actually playing GW2, till character-bound/anti-alt WXP put a huge dent in that desire. I drifted in and out of wvw since, but never got as hooked as I was before. More recent and upcoming changes have just further lessened my drive to do wvw.
The upcoming “Spring Tournament”, and its server-bound rewards that do nothing but encourage server and community destroying bandwagoning, has finished off my desire for wvw. It became completely clear to me that Anet has no interesting in making the tournament experience better for players, they only want to use it to encourage gem sales from server changes. I don’t blame the players for moving server when it’s obvious that your current server has no chance of giving you the maximum reward. People want the most exclusive rewards for playing, and Anet is abusing the fact that the only way to get that is to spend gems and change server.
Ascended gear and other changes have definitely effected my desire to play GW2, but Anet’s treatment of wvw has had the biggest impact. The reward system in place for this tournament is just sickening, and toxic for our servers and wvw communities.
Seer Of The Divine | Sarina Starlight | Tireasa | Caedyra
(edited by mrstealth.6701)
Just popping in to say I am in strong support of the views expressed by Penguin, mrstealth, matjazmuhic (hello, fellow Slovenian?), and Zonzai.
If only (y)our kind of thinking was the norm.
(edited by KarlaGrey.5903)
Just popping in to say I am in strong support of the views expressed by Penguin, mrstealth, matjazmuhic (hello, fellow Slovenian?), and Zonzai.
If only (y)our kind of thinking was the norm.
//off topic
Hey, yes fellow Slovenian.
//on topic
Yes it’s quite sad what most of the casual players today are like, at least from a perspective of players who grew up with games. I just hope every now an then a decent game comes out. Right now I’m waiting for Dark souls 2 for PS3. That’ll keep me busy for a while. Then I’m going to some other mmo game with subscription model (won’t say which), to see if grass is greener on the other side.
Hehe, zdravo
It seems for me there can only be GW1…no other game can offer such a brilliant pvp experience, nor a gaming experience in general this satisfying (though nostalgia does play a big role in the latter) – and that after all these years still. I most definitely will never choose a sub-based mmo, unless the pvp would outclass the one on GW (not happening), but I wish you good luck. At least you can’t end up as disappointed as with GW2, I suppose.
I’ll just wait on GW1 until Jeff Strain strikes again.
(edited by KarlaGrey.5903)
Now I miss gw1 even more.
Anyone still playing?
We just have to accept nothing is comming close to gw1 ever. There’s a few reasons for it:
- The gaming industry is heading in totally different direction
- Gw1 just had the best skill system and PvP modes and unless someone replicates them we won’t be happy because we got used to it so much
The best we can hope is that some sub based game will have enough balls to pull it of and come close go what we had in gw1. I’m just looking for next best thing. I know gw1 isn’t going to be reborn, that’s what we expected from gw2. And I’m certainly not buying gw3 now.
(edited by matjazmuhic.1649)
Yea, but most pvp places (HA, AB, JQ etc.) are unfortunately only playable during week events when the rewards are doubled – as soon as the rewards are out, so are most players, which is really depressing (I mean, why wouldn’t one continue playing AB when it’s grenz?).
Anyhow, I usually play RA now with my buds as well as occasionally dabble in pve and do GvG guesting here and there.
(edited by KarlaGrey.5903)
Just popping in to say I am in strong support of the views expressed by Penguin, mrstealth, matjazmuhic (hello, fellow Slovenian?), and Zonzai.
If only (y)our kind of thinking was the norm.
Sadly, I’m proud not to be the norm in any way. What do I mean? I miss, despite all the grind, the original Dragon Warrior on the NES. I still view Final Fantasy 4 (GBA) as the best version of that game and one of the best Final Fantasy experiences you can have between story and gameplay. I still occasionally boot up Monster Hunter Freedom Unite even with the atrocious choices made for the RNG. (Heavenly. Scales.)
I enjoy a couple mobile games with . . . shall we say robust . . . monetization options. I’ll even throw a name out there: “Battle Nations” from Z2Games. Still really fun. I don’t mind these games exist, I do mind there’s a sort of push to try to apply monetization to games which don’t need it, but I also recognize the need for free games to . . . well . . . support their companies somehow.
Lastly, I enjoy one of the seriously “moneygrubbing” games out there: Magic the Gathering. Been enjoying it off and on for twenty years now. (God I feel old).
Here’s where I’m weird. If at any time I feel a game is trying to pull me in directions I don’t want to go, or are trying to get me to spend money beyond what I really want to? I walk away. I don’t go ape on the forums, I just turn my back and occasionally go “yeah I used to play that . . . don’t anymore”. I don’t have a problem with just accepting a game as “it has served its purpose for entertainment and no longer is fun” and forgetting it.
And honestly, this is what I wish more people were like. They go “meh, I got my money’s worth” and walk away rather than trying to hold a proverbial gun to a publisher’s head “I’ll stop playing/paying unless you…” . . . because it’s just not worth it in the long run. There’s plenty of other things you can find to entertain yourself, getting worked up to frothing madness over_one_ isn’t healthy.
I think most of the people replying here agree with you and stoped playing a while ago.
At least I did. I didn’t see any point of forcing myself to go online every day, it just wasn’t fun. I never did a ‘I quit’ post on this forums, I just still like to state my oppinion on the forums because I find like-minded people here.
GW1 is an entirely different game. Game GW1 players do not ‘deserve’ rewards in GW2. It’s nice that they provided a link, but that’s because Anet chooses to.
If Anet released a Torment weapons in their gem shop in GW1, hey, I can understand.
But GW2 is an entirely different game and you shouldn’t be holding it as a leash to GW1.
You are right. GW2 is like a bad sequel to GW1.
I already said a million times, Anet choose to go casual for a bigger audience and more money (who doesn’t in this industry tho), but they let down their fans. I adored GW1, every little bit about it. You weren’t bound to skills depending on your weaponset, while some people may think thats cool and more freedom than you get in other mmos, if you did play GW1.. you had HUNDREDS of skills which you have to pick 8 from. Imagine how many builds you could come up with? You had traits similar to how they are in GW2. This led to really interesting fights in PvP.
Making a GvG build meant you had to think hard, not only should you do damage, you should also be able to counter certain meta builds (and the meta builds changed a lot, due to balances). PvP in GW1 was a million times better, in GW2 it’s rather disappointing (for me atleast.. and anyone that played GW1 more than once)
I miss dem days
edit: Don’t get me wrong, Guild Wars 2 is a beautiful game, enjoyable too.. but its casual. GW1 wasn’t.
(edited by Sceinna.3561)
I think most of the people replying here agree with you and stoped playing a while ago.
At least I did. I didn’t see any point of forcing myself to go online every day, it just wasn’t fun. I never did a ‘I quit’ post on this forums, I just still like to state my oppinion on the forums because I find like-minded people here.
And much like them, I won’t get on a soapbox and go “I quit and here’s why”. I may comment on threads to that effect, but no need to go trying to get a spotlight on me over it.
Just to be clear, I have walked from GW2 due to RL needing me more than the game and me going “Eh, nothing really needing me there”. And the one time my computer exploded.
There have already been several times when GW2 has been nothing more than a game I log into on my laptop just to chat with friends and guildies. Only actually playing the game when I’ve been pulled along into doing something. That’s probably as close to quitting as it gets for me, as long as friends still actively play.
I’ll be playing another MMO in a few weeks, and GW2 will be acting as a pretty 3D chatroom on the side of my desk. If my friends quit or move on, I’ll just not bother logging in any more. There won’t be a “why I quit” tantrum on the forums. Quite frankly, there would be just too many reasons behind that to even take the time to post about. But I will likely still keep an eye on these forums, and occasionally post.
Seer Of The Divine | Sarina Starlight | Tireasa | Caedyra
But I will likely still keep an eye on these forums, and occasionally post.
So, mrstealth will become a lurker? Something seems appropriate here.
Lastly, I enjoy one of the seriously “moneygrubbing” games out there: Magic the Gathering. Been enjoying it off and on for twenty years now. (God I feel old).
Think you missed my point. It only ticks me off to see games which are clearly BAD cash in successfully because of human stupidity.
Games such as Magic, on which GW1 is/was heavily based, as well as GW1 deserve every buck they can get. Quality creations should be rewarded, while bad products should suffer a terrible death by massive playerbase exodus (and certain parts of GW2 most definitely already met such fate).
After all, last time I checked the gaming industry was still within the realms of private sector.
Why things end up the other way around, and so often too – bad games earn big bucks and good ones end up underplayed or completely abandoned – is honestly beyond me.
And honestly, this is what I wish more people were like. They go “meh, I got my money’s worth” and walk away rather than trying to hold a proverbial gun to a publisher’s head “I’ll stop playing/paying unless you…” . . . because it’s just not worth it in the long run. There’s plenty of other things you can find to entertain yourself, getting worked up to frothing madness over_one_ isn’t healthy.
I did walk away from the game itself a while back already, and that without some melodramatic goodbye threads. However when the publishers intentionally mislead the same loyal target audience that helped them succeed and gain the reputation in the first place, I feel that simply ‘walking away’ would be wrong, especially since the game seems to be cashing in big time because of the gem shop.
Obviously I am rather limited in what I can actually do/achieve (maybe things were different if I was a widely-known streamer, or anyone with considerable folowing in the online world), so I usually post as to constantly remind everyone what kind of game they’re actually playing – it is but a matter of time when people who currently still support the game come to the same realization the rest of us had – that the game isn’t worth a dime.
I just still like to state my oppinion on the forums because I find like-minded people here.
& that
(edited by KarlaGrey.5903)
Think you missed my point. It only ticks me off to see games which are clearly BAD cash in successfully because of human stupidity.
Eh, I can agree with that to a point. But I also long ago stopped wishing human stupidity wouldn’t turn a quick buck. It just isn’t going to stop and . . . you know, if someone wants to melt daddy’s precious Visa playing Candy Crush Saga (trademark) I don’t pity them anymore.
Games such as Magic, on which GW1 is/was heavily based, as well as GW1 deserve every buck they can get. Quality creations should be rewarded, while bad products should suffer a terrible death by massive playerbase exodus (and certain parts of GW2 most definitely already met such fate).
And MTG had its own versions of that too, which I lived through enough to go “yeah….”. But the thing is, the games don’t deserve all the money they can get – they deserve all the money a person is willing/able to spend while they’re happy to play.
But I don’t want a game to die an ignoble death because they make a bad step. If that happened, MTG would be dead about seven times over by now, Minecraft never would have finished, and we’d never have D&D anywhere anymore.
I have not much patience for games conceived badly or just to cash in. But a game which has a definite spark of something there? I want them to get past bad things and improve. Unfortunately, this is so rare I might as well be wishing people would stop spending more money on designer clothing than on their food.
Obviously I am rather limited in what I can actually do/achieve (maybe things were different if I was a widely-known streamer, or anyone with considerable folowing in the online world), so I usually post as to constantly remind everyone what kind of game they’re actually playing – it is but a matter of time when people who currently still support the game come to the realization I and the rest of us did – that the game just isn’t worth a dime.
No, this game is worth the $60 I paid up front for admission. Currently I’d say it’s worth another $40 along the way, just to try to pay for them to keep the lights on and the rats running on the treadmills to power the servers.
As for what kind of game we’re actually playing . . . we probably aren’t going to agree on this but I think it’s a decent game and a passable imitation of “what if GW1 was a full-on MMO”. Shockingly, I don’t think it would have made a great MMO and I’m not entirely happy to see I was right.
I have not much patience for games conceived badly or just to cash in.
What other reason do you think this one was conceived for though..?
we probably aren’t going to agree on this but I think it’s a decent game and a passable imitation of “what if GW1 was a full-on MMO”. Shockingly, I don’t think it would have made a great MMO and I’m not entirely happy to see I was right.
It could pass as a decent game compared to other typical mmos a-la WoW/Lotro/Tera style, but not while carrying the franchise name of GW, or worse, misleading potential customers with lines such as ‘the best from GW1’.
I have not much patience for games conceived badly or just to cash in.
What other reason do you think this one was conceived for though..?
I’m going to go with “What is lots of booze, a bad idea, and two wagers for ego’s sake”, Alex.
we probably aren’t going to agree on this but I think it’s a decent game and a passable imitation of “what if GW1 was a full-on MMO”. Shockingly, I don’t think it would have made a great MMO and I’m not entirely happy to see I was right.
It could pass as a decent game compared to other typical mmos a-la WoW/Lotro/Tera style, but not while carrying the franchise name of GW, or worse, misleading potential customers with lines such as ‘the best from GW1’.
Well it did take the best from Guild Wars 1. There’s no Spamadan.