(edited by SeNoZinD.9874)
Anet learned :o
To be fair, they tried the same thing last Winterday.
For all we know it could go back and forth.
[Currently Inactive, Playing BF4]
Magic find works. http://sinasdf.imgur.com/
Weapon skins that aren’t RNG……. who are you and what have you done with Arenanet.
But in all seriousness, thanks! Who wouldve thunk it.
Are we going to act like the Wintersday and Rox/Braham weapons didn’t exist? And weren’t on sale for a flat fee?
That dagger animation sure is sweet … ponders
“Whose Charr is this?”- “Ted’s.”
“Who’s Ted?”- “Ted’s dead, baby. Ted’s dead.”
They aren’t a full set of themed weapons, they’re just once of weapons…I think that’s the main difference here.
$7.50 each for a one-time use skin. Thanks.
I have wanted that staff since I first saw it….
Now I have one….the easy way…
$7.50 each for a one-time use skin. Thanks.
Still better than the RNG alternative if that counts for some thing.
they should have been a reward for the meta………………
Nice Weapon skins that aren’t RNG……. who are you and what have you done with Arenanet.
But in all seriousness, thanks! Who wouldve thunk it.
fixed that for you in the quote to adjust for the people talking about wintersday weapons and rox/braham, etc…
$7.50 each for a one-time use skin. Thanks.
Still better than the RNG alternative if that counts for some thing.
Yes, absolutely! No question there, No RNG is always a better than Any RNG. The price point still settles these items deep in Fail territory for me though. Just less so than if they expected me to dice for them.
they should have been a reward for the meta………………
Yeah lol, that’s ooooold school mmo thinking, getting great gear through time and effort.
Nice Weapon skins that aren’t RNG……. who are you and what have you done with Arenanet.
But in all seriousness, thanks! Who wouldve thunk it.fixed that for you in the quote to adjust for the people talking about wintersday weapons and rox/braham, etc…
Much appreciated. I’ll change that right now actually.
Nice Weapon skins that aren’t RNG……. who are you and what have you done with Arenanet.
But in all seriousness, thanks! Who wouldve thunk it.fixed that for you in the quote to adjust for the people talking about wintersday weapons and rox/braham, etc…
Aw, the Wintersday Shield was pretty awesome.
I wonder if they will be available for a limited time or if they will be a permanent addition to the store, because the gems are way too expansive right now. I was going to buy it for my Mesmer so she would have a nice staff skin while I don’t get a white ascended staff for her, but with the 50g I would spend right now I could just finish leveling Artificer.
Probably limited time only, like Braham and Rox’s weapons.
Astrid Strongheart, Norn Ranger.
“I wish juvenile wolves were bigger”
Would be nice if it was permanent. I may get the dagger sometime in future if so.
they should have been a reward for the meta………………
Yeah lol, that’s ooooold school mmo thinking, getting great gear through time and effort.
old can be gold man
$7.50 each for a one-time use skin. Thanks.
Eh, it was about 45 gold when I bought it, and I suspect when gem prices settle a bit it will be less. That’s cheaper then a lot of the skins on the tp.
To be fair, they tried the same thing last Winterday.
For all we know it could go back and forth.
Exactly, and what about those that don’t use a staff, axe or dagger. They will keep going on the same path they are going with alternate sets being available only via the ridiculous RNG black lion system and occasional special weapons for direct sale.
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro
$7.50 each for a one-time use skin. Thanks.
Eh, it was about 45 gold when I bought it, and I suspect when gem prices settle a bit it will be less. That’s cheaper then a lot of the skins on the tp.
Indeed. I am just hoping that the skins will be available for long enough for the gem prices to settle. If it is like Braham and Rox’s skins, then they will be available for a limited time only. I am cautiously hopeful that they will be permanent additions to the store though, since it is not saying anywhere that they are limited time only.
It is not a problem, for me, the fact that it is a one-time use skin, for I just want the staff for my mesmer (my necro does not use axes and I don’t really like the dagger).
Astrid Strongheart, Norn Ranger.
“I wish juvenile wolves were bigger”
They’ve been doing this on and off since launch though, it wont be the new trend; next will be a weapon set streak then eventually more flat rate skins. It’s not a new concept for this game.
$7.50 each for a one-time use skin. Thanks.
gold to gem my friend.
While I love that they make these weapon skins not RNG chest or such (and seriously thank you Anet for this ) …the fact is this isnt really new. Braham/Rox weapons comes to mind.
I’m waiting for a direct purchase method just like this current one, but on whole, complete, singular non-seasonal themed weapon sets (like the fused or sclerite or jade dragon sets)
(clarification: as in we can buy one type of weapon skin from the set, not asking for a bundled all-weapons-in-a-set package)
I’m picking up a Kasmeer Staff and Marjory Dagger when I get home tonight.
However, I doubt that they will be permanent additions to the Gem Store. More than likely they’re limited skins that may return during special sales in the future.
As much as I’d support the BLTC weapons also becoming directly purchasable, I also doubt this will happen. The system seems to be working for ANet, and is quite profitable, so they’re unlikely to change it.
To be fair, they tried the same thing last Winterday.
For all we know it could go back and forth.
The wintersday weapons weren’t fantastic to be honest. It was too much of a seasonal look and didn’t have a lot going for them. Kasmeer’s staff compacts while its in sheathe and has some nice effects.
IMHO, if the wintersday weapons had additional combat effects like the pistols shooting mini snowballs or if the melee weapons left a snowy trail and strikes had snowflake effects on target they would have sold better.
Imagine if the weapon skins also had additional effects on bundles like if using the wintersday pistols made it so the engineer would throw christmas tree bulbs instead of grenades while in grenade bundle or if the mine exploded with ribbons, they would have sold like hot cakes.
I wonder if they will be available for a limited time or if they will be a permanent addition to the store, because the gems are way too expansive right now. I was going to buy it for my Mesmer so she would have a nice staff skin while I don’t get a white ascended staff for her, but with the 50g I would spend right now I could just finish leveling Artificer.
Probably limited time only, like Braham and Rox’s weapons.
I can almost guarantee you that they will be limited time only, and I can also almost guarantee you that the amount of gold that it takes to buy 1 gem will trend upward in the long run. But 800 gems will ALWAYS be $10.
To be fair, they tried the same thing last Winterday.
For all we know it could go back and forth.
We have to believe that we will have more of those nice things that aren’t RNG and it will happen.
I surely hope for that and I’m grateful for those sins.
They look so awesome1
they should have been a reward for the meta………………
Yeah lol, that’s ooooold school mmo thinking, getting great gear through time and effort.
old can be gold man
I tend to agree.
Personally I was relieved when I saw the skins went on gemstore.
I think though there should be more ways other than RNG, meta events and gemstore to obtain the coolest/best weapon skins and armor.
Maybe a new achievment tab with rebootable character specific achievment-chains to craft weapons or some npc reward you with a weapon, and each time you finish an achievment under the tab new ones are unlocked, and some would reward parts required to craft the weapons, and loot and things would change depending on your progress in the achievment like dragons starting to drop dragon scales, or the golem dropping a power core, and even normal mobs dropping things needed, and they would stop dropping whatever they drop once you reach like 25/25. All in a non-rng fashion, non-bound to gold, non-heavy grind, soulbound fashion.
I want a Casino in Lion Arch – wich removes plenty of gold out of the game And rewards you with Skins or Weapons or what ever xD hig cost, high reward. Also lets play against each other: everyone starts with lets say 1 gold, pays 10 silverto play, maybe leaves with 10 gold maybe with 0. So everyone’s happy and gold’s taken away.
“Mentoring engineers / mesmers and showing you what you can do with your fantastic class!
Just pm me for my advice! Always eager to help!”
To be fair, they tried the same thing last Winterday.
For all we know it could go back and forth.
on wintersday we couldn’t preview skins so a lot of people did want to risk buying them. i didn’t know until much later that those skins glow and drop snowflakes when used.
I want a Casino in Lion Arch – wich removes plenty of gold out of the game
And rewards you with Skins or Weapons or what ever xD hig cost, high reward. Also lets play against each other: everyone starts with lets say 1 gold, pays 10 silverto play, maybe leaves with 10 gold maybe with 0. So everyone’s happy and gold’s taken away.
You have it now.
Gather gold → change gold to gems → buy black lion key → open black lion chest.
The casino is in there in LA.
You just have to see it.