Yes I am just like you V. I take it easy while being focused, right now this is the only game I currently play that keeps me interested, I am in no hurry to rush content, and enjoy the game for what it is , a game, entertainment and nothing more, I just cannot understand some of the mentality of the “hardkore” players that constantly whine about the game, sure it has issues, but is in no way the wreck they claim, on the contrary.
As has been stated, no game will ever fulfill the emptiness in some peoples lives, that unending longing for something indeterminate will never be sated in videogames or in entertainment, for me its a sign of the times we live in, sad reflections of human beings, angry and bickering about nothing important just waiting for the next fix, addicts to everything, codependent on their imagined crutches, life looses meaning, so they need to consume everything, as everything is the same thing.
But I suppose part of growing up is looking at things from different perspectives, a game is just a game, leisure time is something one earns after hard work, entertainment is just a pastime, one chooses to make it worthwhile.
This game has allowed me to actually play, and have fun, running around, socializing, making like minded friends, and I mean dont get me wrong, Im focused, I want a legendary and map completion and all the cake and ice cream, but it will come in time, I don’t need it now, to feel I have accomplished something or am being rewarded, playing the game is my reward after stressing out in RL, my objective is to have fun, and in those aspects, GW2 has given me that, like few games have, imagine I feel this game has enormous amounts of content while some say it needs more…
Everything is a matter of perspective, back in the day games weren’t like this, this is a revolution, and we are all invited.
So to all like minded players, congratulations, we have been rewarded and some of us have gotten more than our initial 60 dollar investment, to those that cant have enough, let me tell you , you will never have enough, no amount of content will ever suffice, no game will ever fill your needs…
I am the wonder, I am the storm.