Anyone Else Play like Me
One more thing.
Nah…just joking.
This made me laugh. Thanks.
Not sure how this transformed into a discussion on what intelligent/creative people may or may not find stimulating, or how it’s relevant to the thread subject, wherein it was asked if anyone played as the OP does, and not why, but now I digress …
I share similarities to the play-style described … I think the phrase “not all who wander are lost” is quite appropos and suits me well. I lack a main, lack a legendary, lack a single foot stepped into any of the dungeons, as I am one of the dreaded “solo” players in a MMO. Bet eh, that’s my thing — I’ve no particular desire to group up with a bunch of folks to do this, that, or the other DE/quest/etc. I know, I know — why would I not just satisfy me entertainment needs with Skyrim or (insert random single player game here), but there is a certain appeal to playing in a world populated with other real people, even if I never stop to exchange a single word with any of them. I will help where needed, rez downed folks when I see them, whomp on a beastie that may be running amok through the wilderness … but I feel no obligation to DO any of it necessarily.
That’s what the rest of my life is about — professional and familial responsibilities. Tasks, duties, projects, etc., that necessitate completion, thoroughness, dedication. When I log into the game at night, I am seeking an escape from that, not a repitition of that.
I know there are those that argue that repitition (aka grind) is all GW2 is about, but I can personally attest to not feeling pressured, forced, or anything of the kind, into doing anything over and over and over again. I can farm blood, scales, coffers — hell, i can farm carrots if i want to, and do it over and over and over again, but that is a choice I’ve made, not an obligation or a necessity. Since I’M (and I stressed it being something I feel) not concerned with BiS gear, skins, or anything of the sort, it makes such dreary treadmill type effort irrelevant.
So … how do I play? Kind of like when I was a child and I had my box of action figures and their assorted vehicles and whatnot … wherever my imagination took me. And the same applies to how I play GW2 — wherever the game (which is a mixture of what I imagine and what has been imagined for me) takes me …
- Some random quote -
The Walkers and the Whispers, ANVIL ROCK
The problem here is two fold (with regards to posting on negative threads). First of all I don’t post in all negative threads and sometimes I agree with the posts in negative threads. I don’t know white knight mindlessly.
By the same token I know that the biggest percentage of forum readers never post at all and I also know that repetition has an effect on how people think. You probably don’t read a thread and believe what’s being said but a whole lot of people do…and most of them will never post.
By providing a balancing point of view, I’m giving those people a chance to see both sides of the issue.
You aren’t providing a balancing point of view, you’re providing your point of view. And, as you admit, you use repetition to attempt to reinforce your point of view alongside your indirect ad hominem attacks on the people you disagree with. You’re certainly not a white knight.
If enough people play like me, then I’m providing a balanced point of view…that is to say another, seemingly less popular point of view. That’s what balance is.
Edit: To put it another way my point of view isn’t balanced…it simply balances out the other different points of view.
(edited by Vayne.8563)
The problem here is two fold (with regards to posting on negative threads). First of all I don’t post in all negative threads and sometimes I agree with the posts in negative threads. I don’t know white knight mindlessly.
By the same token I know that the biggest percentage of forum readers never post at all and I also know that repetition has an effect on how people think. You probably don’t read a thread and believe what’s being said but a whole lot of people do…and most of them will never post.
By providing a balancing point of view, I’m giving those people a chance to see both sides of the issue.
You aren’t providing a balancing point of view, you’re providing your point of view. And, as you admit, you use repetition to attempt to reinforce your point of view alongside your indirect ad hominem attacks on the people you disagree with. You’re certainly not a white knight.
If enough people play like me, then I’m providing a balanced point of view…that is to say another, seemingly less popular point of view. That’s what balance is.
Not true.
You’re providing your opinion supporting your agenda. If you were truly providing balance, you’d weigh in and suggest balanced, win-win solutions, not simply attack those that disagree with you. And suggesting they play your way isn’t a win-win solution.
The number of people you can get to say they play like you is meaningless. If your ideas are good, they should stand on their own.
The problem here is two fold (with regards to posting on negative threads). First of all I don’t post in all negative threads and sometimes I agree with the posts in negative threads. I don’t know white knight mindlessly.
By the same token I know that the biggest percentage of forum readers never post at all and I also know that repetition has an effect on how people think. You probably don’t read a thread and believe what’s being said but a whole lot of people do…and most of them will never post.
By providing a balancing point of view, I’m giving those people a chance to see both sides of the issue.
You aren’t providing a balancing point of view, you’re providing your point of view. And, as you admit, you use repetition to attempt to reinforce your point of view alongside your indirect ad hominem attacks on the people you disagree with. You’re certainly not a white knight.
If enough people play like me, then I’m providing a balanced point of view…that is to say another, seemingly less popular point of view. That’s what balance is.
Not true.
You’re providing your opinion supporting your agenda. If you were truly providing balance, you’d weigh in and suggest balanced, win-win solutions, not simply attack those that disagree with you. And suggesting they play your way isn’t a win-win solution.
The number of people you can get to say they play like you is meaningless. If your ideas are good, they should stand on their own.
Words like agenda are interesting when used in this fashion. Everyone who plays this game has a play style and wants to see the play style supported. Everyone that thinks about that stuff anyway.
I don’t simply attack people that disagree with me. Arguably, I’m attacked far more than I attack others. I simply express a contrary point of view, if I feel contrary, surely that’s what forums are for.
Bottom line is that I have as much right to lobby for my play style as anyone else does for theirs. But because my play style is under represented, I have to work that much harder.
If that’s what you mean by having an agenda…I’ll happily cop to it. All I’m doing is making sure my side gets heard too (and apparently there are plenty of people who feel the same way).
I don’t believe in any arbitrary rat race when playing this game. Instead it’s better to explore what the game has to offer, and if an area of the game is not interesting to complain about that instead of whining about how I can’t get everything
That’s probably because I don’t find legendary skins appealing. So to me, the rate of acquiring shinies is largely irrelevant. Get more gold to do what exactly? Just sit back and calm down.
for there you have been and there you will long to return.
I was going to say that I think I’m just slightly more goal-oriented than you, Vayne, but since you have a Legendary and I don’t, maybe not. :-)
I mostly play to relax. My time in game is my time to “play.” I’m far more casual in GW2 than I was in GW1 and City of Heroes, mostly because the game hasn’t offered me anything that I care enough to strive for. But it does offer me a beautiful world and I enjoy the lore and I like the way they keep adding to the story with the new Living Story content. The Living Story, open world, and the occasional dungeon, as well as gearing up my characters and experimenting with different builds, which I love doing, are probably enough to keep me playing for quite a while. I no longer log in every day, but that was a personal decision to spend less time in game, not a reflection of lack of enjoyment.
“Worshipping nonsense and imagination” — Hayden Herrera (paraphrased)
I like to think of myself as a hard-core casual.
I’m not particularly looking for challenge in an MMO, I’m looking for fun. I just want to sort of roam around and enjoy myself. I don’t mind occasional challenges, but I’m not always up for them.
I do a lot of everything. I bounce around a lot. I’m not too focused on just getting a legendary or just getting dungeon master, or just finishing my personal story. I’ll get there. When I feel like doing something, I do it.
I’m also a big fan of helping other people. Particularly but not limited to people in my guild. Anyone needs help with a dungeon or WvW or just finding a vista, I’m there.
I guess you could say I’m a social player, who enjoys the world for what it is, without putting too much pressure on the game to entertain me, because over the years I’ve learned to entertain myself.
Guild Wars 2, so far, is the only MMO that actually fits my play style.
I’m that kind. What I do most often in-game is “whatever people happen to be up to,” followed by a pretty even mix of just about everything you can do on your own.
In addition to what you have said, I feel you also enjoy “communicating” with other people on this game’s forum, alot.
In addition to what you have said, I feel you also enjoy “communicating” with other people on this game’s forum, alot.
Actually, I didn’t start on this forum. And I’m happy when people post reasonable critiques on stuff that needs to be fixed, but I will post where I feel that people are being unreasonable or using hyperbole. However, I’m not generally posting to speak to the people who are complaining (because their minds aren’t likely to change anyway).
I’m aware that most people who read forums don’t post ever, and without the balancing posts, it would look like the game is much worse than it is.
There are plenty of threads where I’ve made complaints of my own, but most people seem to ignore those.
And yes, I’m obsessive…always have been. Whatever I’m into at a time is what I’m into. Hopefully I’ll get back into writing again and you guys will never see me. lol
I was going to say that I think I’m just slightly more goal-oriented than you, Vayne, but since you have a Legendary and I don’t, maybe not. :-)
I mostly play to relax. My time in game is my time to “play.” I’m far more casual in GW2 than I was in GW1 and City of Heroes, mostly because the game hasn’t offered me anything that I care enough to strive for. But it does offer me a beautiful world and I enjoy the lore and I like the way they keep adding to the story with the new Living Story content. The Living Story, open world, and the occasional dungeon, as well as gearing up my characters and experimenting with different builds, which I love doing, are probably enough to keep me playing for quite a while. I no longer log in every day, but that was a personal decision to spend less time in game, not a reflection of lack of enjoyment.
I don’t think I’m more goal oriented…I just got lucky and I have a lot of hours to play due to personal circumstance.
In addition to what you have said, I feel you also enjoy “communicating” with other people on this game’s forum, alot.
Actually, I didn’t start on this forum. And I’m happy when people post reasonable critiques on stuff that needs to be fixed, but I will post where I feel that people are being unreasonable or using hyperbole. However, I’m not generally posting to speak to the people who are complaining (because their minds aren’t likely to change anyway).
I’m aware that most people who read forums don’t post ever, and without the balancing posts, it would look like the game is much worse than it is.
There are plenty of threads where I’ve made complaints of my own, but most people seem to ignore those.
And yes, I’m obsessive…always have been. Whatever I’m into at a time is what I’m into. Hopefully I’ll get back into writing again and you guys will never see me. lol
Don’t get me wrong, I love reading your posts. It’s just sometime make me wonder how much free time you have when I see you arguing in almost every thread.
In addition to what you have said, I feel you also enjoy “communicating” with other people on this game’s forum, alot.
Actually, I didn’t start on this forum. And I’m happy when people post reasonable critiques on stuff that needs to be fixed, but I will post where I feel that people are being unreasonable or using hyperbole. However, I’m not generally posting to speak to the people who are complaining (because their minds aren’t likely to change anyway).
I’m aware that most people who read forums don’t post ever, and without the balancing posts, it would look like the game is much worse than it is.
There are plenty of threads where I’ve made complaints of my own, but most people seem to ignore those.
And yes, I’m obsessive…always have been. Whatever I’m into at a time is what I’m into. Hopefully I’ll get back into writing again and you guys will never see me. lol
Don’t get me wrong, I love reading your posts. It’s just sometime make me wonder how much free time you have when I see you arguing in almost every thread.
I’m relatively homebound, caring for someone with a disability. That’s what I do…7 days a week, sometimes it feels like 24 hours a day. I sleep very little on most days. So yeah, I have free time, this is what I do with it.
I suppose I could go back to writing, but deadlines and caring for someone with a disability don’t really go all that well together. This is something I can do for ten minutes, stop for ten minutes and do again for another five minutes, in between doing other things I’m required to do.
Sometimes I’m too busy in real life to play the game, but I can take a minute to write a post.
In addition to what you have said, I feel you also enjoy “communicating” with other people on this game’s forum, alot.
Actually, I didn’t start on this forum. And I’m happy when people post reasonable critiques on stuff that needs to be fixed, but I will post where I feel that people are being unreasonable or using hyperbole. However, I’m not generally posting to speak to the people who are complaining (because their minds aren’t likely to change anyway).
I’m aware that most people who read forums don’t post ever, and without the balancing posts, it would look like the game is much worse than it is.
There are plenty of threads where I’ve made complaints of my own, but most people seem to ignore those.
And yes, I’m obsessive…always have been. Whatever I’m into at a time is what I’m into. Hopefully I’ll get back into writing again and you guys will never see me. lol
Don’t get me wrong, I love reading your posts. It’s just sometime make me wonder how much free time you have when I see you arguing in almost every thread.
I’m relatively homebound, caring for someone with a disability. That’s what I do…7 days a week, sometimes it feels like 24 hours a day. I sleep very little on most days. So yeah, I have free time, this is what I do with it.
I suppose I could go back to writing, but deadlines and caring for someone with a disability don’t really go all that well together. This is something I can do for ten minutes, stop for ten minutes and do again for another five minutes, in between doing other things I’m required to do.
Sometimes I’m too busy in real life to play the game, but I can take a minute to write a post.
That makes sense, glad I can learn more about other players.