Are people having fun? Or are they robots?
Must depend on your server. I don’t do WvW very often (and I’m mainly just there to map), but when I do, the chat is full of people reporting on enemy activity, calling for help defending objectives, the Commander giving instructions, and the odd banter during quiet moments. What server are you on? If it’s a small one it might explain the silence.
There are always chats in SoR pretty much anywhere.. If I remember there was once a “DoomSayer” of Gw2 and religious heretics here and there. But most of those are in LA, not that I am excluding their “habitats” to just LA.
People also talk a lot in Dungeons especially those paranoid Pug’s checking for leeroy’s. and a plethora of explicit perversions from Queensdale. Not limiting to Queensdale there are also fits of rage here and there, people that needed help and plenty of “Is anybody here?” (excluding people that shout events and the zerg gossips)
#include < guildwars2 >
#include < fun>
Error. Library not found. Aborting program . . .
Yes it’s just poking fun. No I haven’t written a forum reply bot yet. Yes I am still playing, no not currently due to the mild instability tonight.
My guild is having fun. We’re also chatty. Sometimes that chat is on mumble though and not in guild chat. We laugh all the time.
Sometimes too much I think.
Must depend on your server. I don’t do WvW very often (and I’m mainly just there to map), but when I do, the chat is full of people reporting on enemy activity, calling for help defending objectives, the Commander giving instructions, and the odd banter during quiet moments. What server are you on? If it’s a small one it might explain the silence.
voice comm. is a necessity on wvw groups for fast communication. chat is there mainly for reports and coordination.
personally im having fun following energetic commanders
My guild is having fun. We’re also chatty. Sometimes that chat is on mumble though and not in guild chat. We laugh all the time.
Sometimes too much I think.
Stop drinking Zommoros’ wine. Drink the fine norn ale instead.
My guild is okay right now, most of us have lives keeping us busy and schedules which don’t mesh.
However, still is fun to poke my head in for a couple hours a day and finish Dailies, a few jumping puzzles, maybe a little progress on Living Story chapters or whatever I want to do that day. If it’s being let known something like Temple runs are happening then I jump in on them; I find them a lot of fun.
I’m on Ring of Fire btw, the permanently Outnumbered server
My guild is having fun. We’re also chatty. Sometimes that chat is on mumble though and not in guild chat. We laugh all the time.
Sometimes too much I think.
Stop drinking Zommoros’ wine. Drink the fine norn ale instead.
My guild is okay right now, most of us have lives keeping us busy and schedules which don’t mesh.
However, still is fun to poke my head in for a couple hours a day and finish Dailies, a few jumping puzzles, maybe a little progress on Living Story chapters or whatever I want to do that day. If it’s being let known something like Temple runs are happening then I jump in on them; I find them a lot of fun.
But….but….I like that wine. It’s got a sort of fruity undertones with a rich body that never fails to please the palate. ;-)
My guild is having fun. We’re also chatty. Sometimes that chat is on mumble though and not in guild chat. We laugh all the time.
Sometimes too much I think.
Stop drinking Zommoros’ wine. Drink the fine norn ale instead.
My guild is okay right now, most of us have lives keeping us busy and schedules which don’t mesh.
However, still is fun to poke my head in for a couple hours a day and finish Dailies, a few jumping puzzles, maybe a little progress on Living Story chapters or whatever I want to do that day. If it’s being let known something like Temple runs are happening then I jump in on them; I find them a lot of fun.
But….but….I like that wine. It’s got a sort of fruity undertones with a rich body that never fails to please the palate. ;-)
Is it fueled by the tears of precursor hunters?
Our guild communicates almost exclusively through ventrilo. Keep in mind that GW2 is a rather fast paced game, and the faster the pacing of play, the less likely people are to pull their fingers over and opt to type.
That said, I do love it when people opt to type, and on Tarnished Coast I have all sorts of interesting conversations with people everywhere in chat.
Writer/Director – Quaggan Quest
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
Exterminate! Exterminate!
Yak’s Bend Server
Crimethink [ct]
Efficiency = joy. Human\\animal speech is irrelevant\\unnecessary. Cease//desist immediately.
> vim gw2fun.js
var fun = require(‘GW2Fun’);
> node gw2fun.js
> * ERROR * unknown function “init()” in object “fun”
> * ERROR * closing application : error(2)
Put we have a plan…
RIP City of Heroes
Honestly, if the responses in this thread are any indication?
Yes, people are having fun
the same thing we do everyday pinkie
the same thing we do everyday pinkie
TRY TO TAKE OVER THE file not found
Some people are very quiet, though. That doesn’t mean they aren’t having fun. I rarely chat, much less use mike, yet I am having fun in my mind with my characters. I love interacting with nice, mature players, as well as light role-play (all my characters have a concept to them, anyway) but not chat all the time, ‘cause that’s not who I am.
Hi. Has anyone seen John Connor or his mother Sarah? I am trying to find them. It is a matter of life and death. My future depends on finding them.
Hi. Has anyone seen John Connor or his mother Sarah? I am trying to find them. It is a matter of life and death. My future depends on finding them.
Go home River, you’re dreaming again.
Look sir, droids!
[DV] – megaboss community
Hi. Has anyone seen John Connor or his mother Sarah? I am trying to find them. It is a matter of life and death. My future depends on finding them.
Minotaur spirit blesses you with a virtual cup of tea.
As for fun… depends. I shy away from any farming location though, guaranteed no fun there.
Not to mention… FUN? We’re in a state of war, my good sir OP.
You should find yourself a better server(t1) and a real guild, I don’t have such problem.
Sometimes my guild/map chatbox even gets flooded ^^
Likely grinding for Ascended gear has made mindless zombies of everyone on your sever.
I’d suggest you go to LA if you want to chat, lots of nonsense in the chat there. Atleast on my server.
The Answer is 42….
…and don’t forget your towel…
My guild is vibrant and a live and always willing to do something fun like a dungeon, fractal, jumping puzzle, mini dungeon, levelling, world bosses, exploring what events lead up to. And probably many more.
Gold Farmers aren’t allowed to talk, their prison wardens beat them if they do.
where s the fun? i tried to call him but gw2state answered he was still at
Efficiency = joy. Human\\animal speech is irrelevant\\unnecessary. Cease//desist immediately.
You never tried cof then:
ty guys,bb "
Beep boop Son, beep boop
I’m probably one of the few that don’t use a keyboard to play GW2 I use a G-13 game pad, to use chat I have to use a keyboard that is not on my desk, in WvW if I want to chat I have to stop moving (very bad idea) or be in a safe place to type, not the most ideal conditions but I love the game pad and have grown to accept the fact that in most cases I can only communicate via TS or mumble if I want to survive. In PvE it’s different not as intense combat and spamming a auto attack leaves time to type in chat.
Why can’t the robots have fun?
Robots are people too!
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
Too busy playing to chat.
Northern Shiverpeaks
case 1:
cout << “Chase Carrots” << endl;
I mean, everybody is having a blast.
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
F2P and B2P games are really hard to have any sense of community in. You need a good guild in GW2 to get anywhere socially, otherwise you may as well be playing a SPRPG.
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
Let the wookiee win!
You must be in Asuran Guilds!
Actually funny thread on this subforum.
Does not compute. Does not compute. Does not compute.
for there you have been and there you will long to return.
I’ve noticed that GW2 has the least amount of active chatting for any MMO I’ve played. There are a lot of really nice people, fewest trolls and immature and mean people. But they’re all pretty silent. I try to spice up dungeon runs and zergs with witty banter and am often rewarded with silence. Heck, even when I log on and say “hi” to the 30 guildies that are on, sometimes I get no “heya’s” back.
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)
I chat, but not many seem to.
It seems alot of players are farmers, trying to get the best item and what not. (at least on aurora glade. ) It’s why I don’t really play the game unless me and some friends are playing at the same time.
I like to chat. and I die alot because of it XD. I just play to relax. Find vistas etc.
I usually play with 3 to 10 person in my Guild’s mumble so maybe I don’t really see when the map chat is dead silent. But i remember a lot of times when I had fun on the map chat. In dungeon I’m usually with 2-4 guildmates so i’m talking mostly to them via mumble, also a bit tougher to play while you are in a dungeon, but when something special happen i’ll always participate in the chat. In WvW it depend. In a big night more people chat about the situation and as a commander i tend to keep my chatting on the map short so i can stay concentrate. In a bad night where you are outnumber then people are usually not really chatty for a reason, losing is never fun. The best time his when the situation is calm and you are winning, then you have more time to chat and people are more happy to participate.
But the best place to chat are when i farm. In Queensdale or World Boss even. I usually end up auto-running in a wall at several occasion, always funny to see the reaction of people when they see the commander doing that ; )
I don’t talk much on map chat because even online I find it hard to carry on a conversation with a stranger on my own, and if there’s already a conversation going I rarely have much to contribute. But I talk in guild chat all the time, which is maybe why I don’t notice when there’s not much going on in map chat.
I think it does vary depending on your server though. I’d say mine is about average. I’ve guested to some where there was hardly any talk and others where there was a constant conversation in every map I visited.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”