Are the new weapon skins seriously 2 tickets?
Let’s say on average you get 1 ticket for every 10 keys used. Assuming you buy the most efficient keys, you could get an old skin for about 10$. They just upped that value to 20$… For a single skin, part of a skin pack. If you wanted to try and collect them all through tickets, it would cost about 320$ for the set. Of course, as usual, you’re better off buying the skins for gold and converting gems, but this is absurd.
BLC were already one of the most complained about topics for fashion wars 2, now the problem has been doubled. Soon they will bring back old releases for 10 tickets a pop…
But if they had realized that since the chest change that you were getting 2 tickets per 10 keys used, then maybe the increase in ticket cost is an attempt to keep the Trading Post prices similar for this new set and the older sets at launch time.
It’s a total cash grab from an already dwindling fan base. Anet just keeps making bad calls. It’s a shame too.
If they wanted a cash grab, they’d add all sorts of things to the chests to make them more attractive to those spending RL currency.
This is the opposite of a cash grab, since it largely affects people who stockpiled tickets expecting to be able to get one skin/ticket.
Yep. Joke’s on us for expecting the price to be standardized with the rest of the BL weapon skin releases, I suppose. Serves me right for saving my tickets, eh?
I’m not saying I like 2 tickets/skin. (I don’t)
I’m saying whatever reason they had, it wasn’t a crash grab. The previous poster does disservice to the critique by exaggerating the concern; it makes it easier for people to disagree, including folks such as myself that would agree that 2 tickets wasn’t appropriate, at least not without an explanation.
I’m saying whatever reason they had, it wasn’t a crash grab.
Statistically you have to buy the double amount of Keys for one dollar each to get a single weapon.
Of course, there is no cash grab
I’m saying whatever reason they had, it wasn’t a crash grab.
Statistically you have to buy the double amount of Keys for one dollar each to get a single weapon.
Of course, there is no cash grab
You’ve got a point there. I don’t know (or really care) if it’s “technically” a cash grab or not, I’d rather not get side tracked into an argument over the definition of terms but the facts are:
1) They’ve doubled the price of these skins.
2) This doubles the amount of BL Keys you need in order to get these skins.
3) If this continues with future weapon sets, then it has effectively halved the value of tickets and scraps.
I’ve never been a fan of them bumping the price of skins after a while. I’ve never been a big fan of putting pressure on people to “buy now!” Hopefully, this set will do badly in terms of sales and they won’t try this again, as it is I’ll sit on my (very few) BL Tickets for another while.
The “introduction price” of 2 claimtickets is too high. I don’t think it will promote the sales of black lion keys to the standards they are used to.
From time to time when black lion keys were on sale i bought various of those.
Results usually were:
from 25 keys i usually end up with 7isch ticket scraps from the black lion chest
from 50 keys average 1 claimticket from the black lion chest
I did like the introduction price of a new black lion skin type of 1 claimticket each, which it always had been.
For the current situation, 50 keys are need for 2 claim tickets, 4 scraps?
Let’s say on average you get 1 ticket for every 10 keys used. Assuming you buy the most efficient keys, you could get an old skin for about 10$. They just upped that value to 20$… For a single skin, part of a skin pack. If you wanted to try and collect them all through tickets, it would cost about 320$ for the set. Of course, as usual, you’re better off buying the skins for gold and converting gems, but this is absurd.
BLC were already one of the most complained about topics for fashion wars 2, now the problem has been doubled. Soon they will bring back old releases for 10 tickets a pop…
It is even worse on value. Might be even a bit over double on that.
some googling brought me this:
It is not based on loads of people but still, this actually makes a good repressentation of what to expect on average. It is currently based on 319 keys at the moment of writing. It is similar to what i did see from my own experience.
On that drop rate 319 keys got them (with combining of scraps and claim tickets) 15 claimtickets. Considering the 2 claim tickets for one skin, a whole set would easily take more then double that number.
Playing A Game [TaG]
Gunnars Hold
It looks like I have been lucky with my drop rate… Either way, I’ve now seen the video of these new skins and beyond being way overpriced, I’m not even interested.
I hope less people buy this, so we can continue to get these gambling products as reliably as in the past. Halving the chances of your gamble producing results is aggravating.
i actually hope A’net comes to their senses and brings them back to 1 ticket, that’s all everyone wants really.
I’ve gotten lucky with the free keys and have had 3 tickets in my storage for like over a year, but every skin they release looks like garb most of the time. The new skins look real cool with all them tentacles so maybe I’ll pick one up to use or to sell in a couple months who knows.
it’s pretty obvious Anet simply make it cost 2 when they deem it “nicer” than the usual. Seriously though..
it’s pretty obvious Anet simply make it cost 2 when they deem it “nicer” than the usual. Seriously though..
Wow, you think they deem these nicer. I know it is all subjective, but I am not impressed at all. There are a lot of other skins I would pay 2 tickets for before this one.
Buy more gems!!! Buy more gems!!!!
Over the last 5 years I have seen some skins go for 3 tickets, some for 2 and some for 1. Not false at all.
Sure, but not the newly introduced ones, which is what we’re talking about.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
it’s pretty obvious Anet simply make it cost 2 when they deem it “nicer” than the usual. Seriously though..
Wow, you think they deem these nicer. I know it is all subjective, but I am not impressed at all. There are a lot of other skins I would pay 2 tickets for before this one.
The most likely explanation is the fact that they contain moving pieces (tentacles), which slightly increased the cost of production. They figured to double the prices to make up the extra production cost. But there is no way that these skins cost twice as much to produce. It took me some time, because I love buying shinies, but there is no way I’ll be buying these skins or any other that starts at this price bracket. Going to put this Skrit to bed.
It’s a total cash grab from an already dwindling fan base. Anet just keeps making bad calls. It’s a shame too.
If they wanted a cash grab, they’d add all sorts of things to the chests to make them more attractive to those spending RL currency.
This is the opposite of a cash grab, since it largely affects people who stockpiled tickets expecting to be able to get one skin/ticket.
I have no idea how you arrived at that conclusion. The skins are good and people are going to spend money on chests for scraps. Plus the rest of the loot table. It’s absolutely going to incentivise people to buy more keys.
It’s still cheaper to just flat out buy those skins off TP. And since those skins cost the same as 1-ticket ones usually do (because people for some reason don’t think these skins are worth more) it just disincentivizes people to get them the ticket route even more.
The most likely explanation is the fact that they contain moving pieces (tentacles), which slightly increased the cost of production.
Bullkitten. Those are not the first skins with moving parts.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
(edited by Astralporing.1957)
As Astralporting says, it remains cheaper to buy skins off the TP.
If ANet wanted to grab cash, there are far, far, easier and more efficient ways to do that than setting a price of 2 tickets for a skin. (In fact, just including a legacy fan service item like the elemental sword boosted interest in BL chests far better — the gold:gem exchange ratio didn’t change appreciably with this patch, despite this and there being some new items in the mix.)
And actually, the complexity of the animation does drive prices. On the rare occasion when ANet has commented on gem shop prices, they have given that as a reason for some outfits costing more.
Again, I’m not in favor of any BL skin having an introductory price of two tickets. My point is: that’s all we have to say; we don’t have to guess or care about the reasons to say we don’t like it or to say we don’t want to pay it.
It’s easier to dismiss the complaint if we make it personal, especially if that wasn’t their intent. It’s harder to ignore if we say this tarnishes the content because it feels punitive rather than rewarding.
tl;dr I don’t care why they made it two tickets; I think it was a bad idea on their part especially since they didn’t even attempt to explain it.
And actually, the complexity of the animation does drive prices.
I don’t content with that. I just don’t see how this set is more complex than several of the previous ones that did contain moving parts/particle effects as well (while still initially costing 1 ticket).
Remember, remember, 15th of November
I’ve always been the type that I would spend $20.00 dollars to make a $1.00 point, so in this case I’ll just reverse my stance and say I will spend nothing.
They can keep their skins and I’ll hold on to my tickets. Even though theoretically they don’t win or lose they gain nothing and I gain nothing. Thing is I won’t budge, I have always refused to buy skins after they exceed the 1 ticket price, if this is the new norm I guess I won’t buy any others either.
Heck I may even get a frame for them and hang them on the wall lol……
Wow, you think they deem these nicer. I know it is all subjective, but I am not impressed at all. There are a lot of other skins I would pay 2 tickets for before this one.
That’s the only possible reason no? And like you say it’s all subjective. They KNOW what the players want and like. It’s a matter of whether they want to give it to us easy or not. If players do not want the skin, this thread wouldn’t even exist
(edited by lmaogg.7325)
Maybe there’s a glut of tickets? Scraps drop more frequently since the chest revamp.
If there was a “glut” of tickets (there’s not), the supply on the TP would be high enough that the prices would be marginally higher than the skins which cost 1 ticket. As it stands the prices are running 2x normal, reflecting the normal average ticket value.
If there is some sort of problem with too many tickets, they can further nerf key farming. There are a lot of people who still do that once a week and a number of them on multiple accounts.
Anet simply cannot leave the Black Lion Tickets alone. It seems like every half year or so they have to try some new gimmick which has the same general result of making the players mad.
First it was locking the Immortal skin set in with outfit bundles (which they have apparently forgotten. At the rate the skins are accessible via gem store purchase it will be years before anyone could complete the skin set).
Then they thought it would be “cool” to make Privateer weapon set Account bound, thus forcing players to, one way or another, buy black lion keys.
Now they are breaking from the 5 year old standard and doubling the initial ticket cost.
The results are the same. People upset about it. The whales just buy what they want, because dropping $500 on gems to gamble with black lion keys is nothing to them. Many casuals just ignore it, while a few spend gold on the TP to buy the skin they want, and the collectors are forced to decide just how important it is to complete a set (side note: due to the Privateer skin set, which is locked behind RNG, and the sovereign set, which requires tokens that are no longer available, it is potentially impossible to complete the goal of having all skins of a specific weapon type.)
This is where simple communication from a product maker to it’s audience is needed. They obviously knew at least a week in advance that the skins would start at double the normal cost of EVERY skin since the launch of the game.
The reason could very well be that people get more ticket scraps under some new system so the price really hasn’t “changed” in any real sense.
But, this is why people pay community managers.
A week ago it could have looked like this:
Hey guys, with changes to the black lion chest drops players are receiving more ticket scraps then before. So, with the launch of Episode 6 we are changing the price of the new weapon collection to 2 tickets to offset this and maintain the value of both items.
Sure, people will still complain, but “talking” to the playerbase beforehand is almost always better than letting them discover it on their own.
Te Nosce [TC]
They KNOW what the players want and like. It’s a matter of whether they want to give it to us easy or not. If players do not want the skin, this thread wouldn’t even exist
Butt capes would like to disagree with this statement. Granted, I think butt capes are made solely with the purpose of selling costumes, but even some of those come with butt capes.
Te Nosce [TC]
Look at the bright side :
There’s no need to hunt or buy keys anymore
That’s my upside. I had been looking forward to buying a bunch of keys to get scraps for the weapon set. At 2 tickets per item i longer feel the need to buy keys. It’s okay with me. I really shouldn’t buy the keys anyway
Normally I can see the upside for a company for a decision but this cuts the value of Black Lion chest keys. Getting tickets is a major motivation for buying keys and halving the value of the tickets means keys are that much less desirable as the buyer needs twice as many to get the same number of new weapons.
Right now I have 3 tickets that used to be worth 3 new weapons, and now are only worth one weapon and maybe another in some unknown future time. That’s a pretty hefty devaluation.
ANet may give it to you.
I don’t care why. I don’t like that they doubled the cost.
What is next, will these weapons increase to 4, 6 and then 10 tickets as time goes on?!
Having spent a long time scrimping to save up two whole tickets, my desire to spend them is less. I don’t get the desire for nearly unattainable exclusivity. Why have all of these beautiful weapons, that people had to spend time designing, but players can barely enjoy them? That’s no fun.
See also:
I very much hope this was a one-off attempt at pushing the limits of what they could get away with and not a trend for future BL weapon sets. Again, this change has cut the value of tickets in half, while the weapon price in gold has remained stable with what new BL weapons usually cost. This tells us that while Anet believed these weapons should be worth more, players disagreed and are still trading the weapons at standard prices. This “artificially” inflated ticket price, likely intended to increase the value of weapons, actually ended up devaluing the currency used to purchase them instead. If that was their attempt, it absolutely backfired.
This has done nothing more than discouraged players from using Black Lion Weapon Tickets, and similarly one can assume it has probably discouraged players who would be buying keys with real world currency in the hopes of acquiring a ticket. That’s certainly true for me, at least.
Perhaps key sales have balanced out due to the other rewards added to BL chests with this patch, but as it stands Anet has made it clear to players that they should not waste their time buying keys in the hopes of acquiring scraps or a ticket, because this patch tells us that going forward, those items are meant to have very little value despite their verifiable rarity.
(edited by drunkenpilot.9837)
Maybe there’s a glut of tickets? Scraps drop more frequently since the chest revamp.
If there was a “glut” of tickets (there’s not), the supply on the TP would be high enough that the prices would be marginally higher than the skins which cost 1 ticket. As it stands the prices are running 2x normal, reflecting the normal average ticket value.
If there is some sort of problem with too many tickets, they can further nerf key farming. There are a lot of people who still do that once a week and a number of them on multiple accounts.
Anet simply cannot leave the Black Lion Tickets alone. It seems like every half year or so they have to try some new gimmick which has the same general result of making the players mad.
First it was locking the Immortal skin set in with outfit bundles (which they have apparently forgotten. At the rate the skins are accessible via gem store purchase it will be years before anyone could complete the skin set).
Then they thought it would be “cool” to make Privateer weapon set Account bound, thus forcing players to, one way or another, buy black lion keys.
Now they are breaking from the 5 year old standard and doubling the initial ticket cost.The results are the same. People upset about it. The whales just buy what they want, because dropping $500 on gems to gamble with black lion keys is nothing to them. Many casuals just ignore it, while a few spend gold on the TP to buy the skin they want, and the collectors are forced to decide just how important it is to complete a set (side note: due to the Privateer skin set, which is locked behind RNG, and the sovereign set, which requires tokens that are no longer available, it is potentially impossible to complete the goal of having all skins of a specific weapon type.)
Having tickets doesn’t mean you use your tickets. I have 7 or 8 and if there isn’t anything in a new 1 ticket set I’m interested in, I’m certainly not going to wait for their price to go up and spend them at 3. So if ANet sees a lot of tickets sitting on player accounts unspent, just maybe they may decide if they think a new set would generate a lot of interest, start it at 2 tickets, drive those key sales (besides the new glider, backpiece and pet). And squid “hair” weapon set is a set that would be popular?
RIP City of Heroes
Not bothered by this tbh. They’re still tradeable, and most people with a working brain buy these skins on the TP. The skins are really nice-looking as well, with lots of detail.
It’s really a non-issue imo when there’s much more suspect stuff at play, namely those seasonal account-bound on acquire items they started putting into BL chests.
Pretty alarming that there are some people blindly defending this or pretending it doesn’t matter. just keeps on creeping in on your wallet more and more. A little increase here, a little increase there. On release Black Lion Weapon Skins are 1 Ticket, there is absolutely ZERO reason for them to bump it up to 2 unless it’s to test the waters to see how much they can fleece people of their money in the future.
Yet another shady action they’ve taken yet for some reason people will defend it. It boggles the mind.
I would REALLY love to hear some sort of explanation as to why they did this but I doubt they will ever address it sadly.
(edited by Vyrulisse.1246)
Not bothered by this tbh. They’re still tradeable, and most people with a working brain buy these skins on the TP. The skins are really nice-looking as well, with lots of detail.
It’s really a non-issue imo when there’s much more suspect stuff at play, namely those seasonal account-bound on acquire items they started putting into BL chests.
It’s a non-issue for those players who didn’t have tickets to spend in the first place, or for those players who don’t care whether they get tickets from the BL chests or not. It’s certainly a non-issue if the only way you ever acquire BL weapon skins is through buying them directly from the trading post.
But keep in mind that the BL weapon tickets are a currency, and if this move on Anet’s part is a new trend rather than an outlier, they’ve effectively reduced the value of that currency by 50%. That’s a problem.
It all boils down to how badly their “account bound” weapons skin idea was received by the players. So I guess this is their eventual replacement idea since that first idea was so terrible. It might not be so upsetting if BLC keys, where we get tickets at, didn’t have such terrible yields for so high of a cost. Still, to the people who think a set has ever cost more than one ticket at start: You’re wrong. Those were re-releases, but you missed the first release for some reason.
They are sadly. I noticed this too and it was a huge disappointment to me also.
They need to make it a 100% chance at least that ticket scraps drop from boxes. That would at least help a bit, making it a chance that no ticket scrap drops from boxes is just nonsense on it’s face.
Sad isn’t it? Foolish on it’s face really. At the very least they could do is make it a 100% chance that ticket scraps drop from boxes.
Normally I can see the upside for a company for a decision but this cuts the value of Black Lion chest keys. Getting tickets is a major motivation for buying keys and halving the value of the tickets means keys are that much less desirable as the buyer needs twice as many to get the same number of new weapons.
Right now I have 3 tickets that used to be worth 3 new weapons, and now are only worth one weapon and maybe another in some unknown future time. That’s a pretty hefty devaluation.
i have exactly this view
I guess Anet is hoping for people to buy even more keys now but as i see it you would have even less incentive to buy any keys now since they are worth only half of what they used to be…
26x lvl 80 Characters
Most fabulous Character:
(edited by Orangensaft.7139)
Well, at least the value of a ticket has not halved yet. One ticket has been worth about 40g lately and these weapons seem to be still priced around ~100g each. So far the value of a ticket is stable.
It remains to be seen of course how low their price falls before next set comes.
Pretty alarming that there are some people blindly defending this or pretending it doesn’t matter. just keeps on creeping in on your wallet more and more. A little increase here, a little increase there. On release Black Lion Weapon Skins are 1 Ticket, there is absolutely ZERO reason for them to bump it up to 2 unless it’s to test the waters to see how much they can fleece people of their money in the future.
Yet another shady action they’ve taken yet for some reason people will defend it. It boggles the mind.
I would REALLY love to hear some sort of explanation as to why they did this but I doubt they will ever address it sadly.
Stop acting like you need to pay anything to play this game. You can literally play until the servers close in a decade or more and not pay a cent.
Stop acting like this game is not a business, because it is. Any decent business makes money, that is the whole point.
In this case, they are providing a service completely free that if you so choose to, has different options that you can pay for. Other content, items, etc. This is how they fund the continuation of the service. None of these options are obligatory whatsoever.
When a business designs and creates a new product for sale, they need to set a price. If their usual price for their usual items does not match the production cost of the new item, there will be a new price.
Deadset, get over it, we live in a capitalist society, not benevolent communism.
The 2 ticket price does not affect players who already have tickets more than players who purchase tickets after the release of the Abaddon set. Every ticket takes a certain amount of player work to create and doubling the number of tickets needed doubles the amount of work required. When a player did the work is irrelevant.
Imo, arguing whether doubling the price qualifies as a ‘cash grab’ is just petty semantics being applied to a broad term. I think that may be this forums favorite game. Doubling the price of BL ticket skins has one purpose, increasing the revenue generated by BL ticket skins.
I don’t think it would make sense for the studio to make a formal announcement or warning about the increase in price unless they planned on making the increase permanent. The only purpose I can see for making an announcement is to gather player feedback and I am pretty sure they know we would prefer to pay less. The studio will get the most accurate feedback about how well this change works as a business model by letting the market respond.
They’re special! They got aspirations.”
Finn the human
It also may be another test balloon, like the untradealbe set from a while back. Or ANet rationalized it due to development cost of the set.
We’ve raised a ruckus over the increasing gem prices on minis, gliders, armor pieces/sets, backbacks, etc. over the years.
RIP City of Heroes
Not a good idea to squeeze your fanbase right before an expansion hits the market.
People are going to think “What else now”…..
I have seen many brand new blk weapon skins start at 2 and 3 tickets. There is no gurantee that the next batch will be only one ticket. Its anets choice on how much they are worth if they feel they are worth two tickets instead of one there is nothing we can really do. The weapons may have taken a lot of effort to design and that may be why the weapons cost 2 instead of one who knows.
You have never seen a brand new weapon skin release at 2 tickets. This has never happened ever. Only re-released skins that had gone away for a while. You are wrong.
So where is the problem? Anet has to make money and it’s not like you are forced to pay for that..and if you say “They look ok I guess but they don’t look THAT good” why do you even care?
“We are now! We are forever!”
Do you need skins to access content or do more dmg? I see no problem for the price change,Anet has to make money and you are not forced to buy those skins…why do you even care if you say “They look ok I guess but they don’t look THAT good”?
BTW…it’s kinda clear that some of you are just cheap…
“We are now! We are forever!”
The only effective way to protest price markups is to not buy from the company.
The only effective way to protest price markups is to not buy from the company.
That tactic doesn’t work against a monopoly. Even refusing to buy keys and only buy the skin off the TP, someone had to buy keys to get tickets to buy the skins in the first place. ANet still gets paid.
Same with the gem exchange, someone first laid down cold hard cash for those gems you bought with gold. ANet still gets gets paid.
That leaves buying or not buying the expansion. However a portion of that decision is based on your friends in game. Are you willing to leave them as they move onto the expansion and next LW story content or not?
But ANet does monitor closely what is bought with tickets and if this set simply doesn’t sell as well in the first month or two when compared to other sets, that could dissuade them from making 2 tickets the new starting cost.
RIP City of Heroes
Anet is not a monopoly…… There are plenty of other games to play….
The only effective way to protest price markups is to not buy from the company.
That tactic doesn’t work against a monopoly.
Anet is not a monopoly…… There are plenty of other games to play….
They are the only source for BL keys and BL skins that you can buy from the BL TP. That makes them a monopoly for acquiring this particular set of skins, which, you might recall, was what this thread was about originally.
@Illconceived ….. Please don’t cherry pick what the thread is about. If you will read the entirety of the Op’s 1st post he is complaining about the 2 ticket price being a cash grab. My posts addresses this portion of the ops complaint.
@Illconceived ….. Please don’t cherry pick what the thread is about. If you will read the entirety of the Op’s 1st post he is complaining about the 2 ticket price being a cash grab. My posts addresses this portion of the ops complaint.
I love how the phrase “cash grab” gets tossed around frequently for a game that is buy once and play until the servers are unplugged. Other than the original game (which is now free) and the expansion, the majority of income over the life of the game is generated by the cash shop. A cash shop that revolves around convenience and cosmetics rather than power and pay walls.
You can’t “cash grab” something that’s entirely optional. Now if the cash shop isn’t bringing in enough income, then what’s your solution?
I can understand that doubling the initial ticket price is extreme but that’s the problem when you start at 1. Doesn’t give a lot of room for fine tuning.
RIP City of Heroes
@Illconceived ….. Please don’t cherry pick what the thread is about. If you will read the entirety of the Op’s 1st post he is complaining about the 2 ticket price being a cash grab. My posts addresses this portion of the ops complaint.
This thread is about claiming that this is a cash grab; I addressed that directly. You digressed, without quoting anyone, to say that there’s only one effective technique in dealing with a monopoly; I responded to that.
I think a lot of us, myself included, don’t like two tickets/skin. I think calling ANet “cash grabbers” distracts from the point: it’s highly arguable and irrelevant. If they are evil capitalists, saying so isn’t going to change their tactics; if they aren’t, it’s not going to encourage them too look more closely at the issues raised.
The larger point is that two tickets doesn’t make us appreciate the artwork, it doesn’t get us more invested in the skins. On the contrary, it upsets us that ANet is changing the rules, for reason that they don’t share with us.
Surely, that’s more than sufficient reason for ANet not to make the same mistake in the future, without resorting to accusing them of nefarious practices.