Are we not allowed to earn gold?

Are we not allowed to earn gold?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yumiko Ishida.3769

Yumiko Ishida.3769

Hers something that is pure profit, savage all lv 68+ heavy armor and metal based weapons, and farm all mithril nodes on every character. Next buy only t 6 dust (you need 5 each time) and get one ori ore piece. Throw all of your mithril into the mystic forge and get your 10-20 ori each 250 mithril. Now sell it. Rinse and repeat.

250 mithril ore + 5 t 6 dust + 1 ori ore + 6 philosopher stones.

Yumiko Emi Ishida 80 Ele, Hikari Kyoko Ishida 80 Guard TC-NA. Active RPer of NA megaserver.

Are we not allowed to earn gold?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: azurrei.5691


The problem is with the word “grinding”. Why do you feel the need to grind? I did practically nothing yesterday – ran fractals twice, ran AC once and played WvW for about 4 hours. I got 9 rares (I’m geared for magic find) and I sold them for 6G. 6G in a day is not bad in my opinion. And then I hear about how people can’t make money.

Yeah, it’s ridiculous.

I run AC two or three times a night, and usually get 2-3 gold not even factoring in rares.

right – you ran DUNGEONS – we shouldn’t have to run dungeons or fractals to earn a reasonable amount of gold – a lot of people HATE dungeons and prefer open world stuff (which by the way, was a major selling point of this game – open world activities.)

Are we not allowed to earn gold?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Apathy.6430


right – you ran DUNGEONS – we shouldn’t have to run dungeons or fractals to earn a reasonable amount of gold – a lot of people HATE dungeons and prefer open world stuff (which by the way, was a major selling point of this game – open world activities.)

Then your whining should be to increase open world rewards (which I agree, event rewards are terrible) instead of acting like it is impossible to get gold.

Are we not allowed to earn gold?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Horrorscope.7632


Truth is …. If you want be rich someone else must be poor.

Honestly that does bother me and I’m not even talking GW2.

Are we not allowed to earn gold?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Horrorscope.7632


we shouldn’t have to run dungeons or fractals to earn a reasonable amount of gold – a lot of people HATE dungeons and prefer open world stuff

Correct, this isn’t DDO. This was to be a new beginning for open worlds.

Are we not allowed to earn gold?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: minion.6245


I really do feel bad for new players to this game. My exotic set costs 10 gold a month
ago, now thats probably up to 25 gold with NO easier ways to make money. In other
words, the costs have gone up massively, but the means to make the money have
seen nothing but nerfs.


In the past week or so from casually pugging AC EM a few times a night I’ve gathered enough tokens for a full set of armor plus over 20g.

So, in my 580 hours of guild wars 2 play I’ve probably amassed around 4k tokens from various dungeons and such.

Now I dont know if im just very unlucky, or your EXTREMELY lucky, but I havent made anywhere near 20g from running dungeons. Matter of a fact, I dont think I’ve even made 10g from all those dungeon runs (I think I’ve gotten 3 loadstone drops all those runs). Granted, i wasnt in it for the gold; but still. 20g in a few dungeon runs?

You get a few exotic drops or something?

Are we not allowed to earn gold?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wethospu.6437


Can open PvE even have good rewards? It is easy and accessible to everyone which means everyone will get more gold which means prices will rise (which is of course what we want because vendor costs won’t scale).
Harder content should be more rewarding because it is actually harder.

Are we not allowed to earn gold?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Apathy.6430


So, in my 580 hours of guild wars 2 play I’ve probably amassed around 4k tokens from various dungeons and such.

Now I dont know if im just very unlucky, or your EXTREMELY lucky, but I havent made anywhere near 20g from running dungeons. Matter of a fact, I dont think I’ve even made 10g from all those dungeon runs (I think I’ve gotten 3 loadstone drops all those runs). Granted, i wasnt in it for the gold; but still. 20g in a few dungeon runs?

You get a few exotic drops or something?

You get like 1g a run.

How you acquired over 4k tokens but haven’t gotten over 10g I cannot fathom.

Are we not allowed to earn gold?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mirta.5029


The problem is with the word “grinding”. Why do you feel the need to grind? I did practically nothing yesterday – ran fractals twice, ran AC once and played WvW for about 4 hours. I got 9 rares (I’m geared for magic find) and I sold them for 6G. 6G in a day is not bad in my opinion. And then I hear about how people can’t make money.

Yeah, it’s ridiculous.

I run AC two or three times a night, and usually get 2-3 gold not even factoring in rares.

right – you ran DUNGEONS – we shouldn’t have to run dungeons or fractals to earn a reasonable amount of gold – a lot of people HATE dungeons and prefer open world stuff (which by the way, was a major selling point of this game – open world activities.)

if you would bother to do full explore in Orr (no matter how annoying those zones are) it was raining tier 6 mats for me, every zone of 70+ gave me a one time exploration reward of an exotic and 20 to 40 silver. Now if you finished the whole explore, there’s nothing much left to do in the zones unless you want to do grinding, but grinding is boring so why would you prefer it instead of running dungeons? Another strategy would be to find the dragon timer on the internet and run dragons one after the other. While dragon drops are random, you can still get rares there. WvW will put you into plus too if you decide not to buy upgrades as long as someone is playing. I had days where I would earn 2 – 4 gold just from WvW. Even if you have dungeons with all your soul, you can STILL make money.

Are we not allowed to earn gold?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tad.4109


right – you ran DUNGEONS – we shouldn’t have to run dungeons or fractals to earn a reasonable amount of gold – a lot of people HATE dungeons and prefer open world stuff (which by the way, was a major selling point of this game – open world activities.)

my guild is small and we have not run many dungeons yet. i am doing just fine financially doing open world content. i know some folks are tired of hearing this, but learning how the game economy works is critical if you want to make money. simple as that.

Are we not allowed to earn gold?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: azurrei.5691


right – you ran DUNGEONS – we shouldn’t have to run dungeons or fractals to earn a reasonable amount of gold – a lot of people HATE dungeons and prefer open world stuff (which by the way, was a major selling point of this game – open world activities.)

my guild is small and we have not run many dungeons yet. i am doing just fine financially doing open world content. i know some folks are tired of hearing this, but learning how the game economy works is critical if you want to make money. simple as that.

so true, but if we all wanted to be a day trader we would do it in real life, not in a game that is not at all about day trading (or maybe it is…) – flipping is for the lazy

Are we not allowed to earn gold?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Apathy.6430


right – you ran DUNGEONS – we shouldn’t have to run dungeons or fractals to earn a reasonable amount of gold – a lot of people HATE dungeons and prefer open world stuff (which by the way, was a major selling point of this game – open world activities.)

my guild is small and we have not run many dungeons yet. i am doing just fine financially doing open world content. i know some folks are tired of hearing this, but learning how the game economy works is critical if you want to make money. simple as that.

so true, but if we all wanted to be a day trader we would do it in real life, not in a game that is not at all about day trading (or maybe it is…) – flipping is for the lazy

So you want to have enough gold to buy anything from just mindlessly wandering around?

The only way that would be possible is if everything was just devalued to the point of being irrelevant.

Are we not allowed to earn gold?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: azurrei.5691


right – you ran DUNGEONS – we shouldn’t have to run dungeons or fractals to earn a reasonable amount of gold – a lot of people HATE dungeons and prefer open world stuff (which by the way, was a major selling point of this game – open world activities.)

Then your whining should be to increase open world rewards (which I agree, event rewards are terrible) instead of acting like it is impossible to get gold.

when and where did I act like it was impossible to get gold? – I didn’t start this tread it was a reply to someone who was oblivious to the overall issue in this thread – you should be able to earn a reasonable amount of gold income from ALL activities – THAT is the issue

Are we not allowed to earn gold?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drakkonis.2768


Well, you can earn a reasonable amount of money from the majority of endgame activities. But if you can earn 5g in one hour, then you’ll be ruining the economy of the game.

Why doesn’t my country print some more money so we can all be rich? Yeah, with pieces of paper that hold no real meaning because everyone has them. I used to sell Elder Wood Logs back when it was profitable. Then everybody started to farm Orr and the profit dropped. Just like in real life, there’s no easy money in GW2.

Chaos is the only true answer.

Are we not allowed to earn gold?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tad.4109


so true, but if we all wanted to be a day trader we would do it in real life, not in a game that is not at all about day trading (or maybe it is…) – flipping is for the lazy

i never said i flipped goods. in fact, i actually don’t do much flipping as i have found it to be too risky.

Are we not allowed to earn gold?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draygo.9473


The margins on flipping make flipping very hard and very risky to do. I rarely see people flip goods.

No matter what Anet really does, the value per hour wont change. If drop rates get nerfed, mat prices go up, selling the mats ends up netting you the same money.

Just look at the price of ecto… Most of you are probably holding your mats because you want a new item from the MF that requires them.

Apathy Inc [Ai]

Are we not allowed to earn gold?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: krojack.4920


^I have a theory.

Actually, gold works the same way in economy than items. It is simple: “The more players have gold, the less it worth.”

Let’s imagine that they implement a new way to get gold: “You get 10 gold every 5 ennemies you kill”. Woaaah! It would be fun, wouldn’t it be?
The fact is, everything on TP would increase. Precursors would worth hundred of thousands of gold instead of a few hundred, etc… Well, a general decrease of the value of gold.
But, if gold decreases, then you need more gold. And killing 5 ennemies again and again would become grindy.

What I want to say, if that, a good amount of gold with fun and without grind in a game, is impossible to get.

Go play Diablo 3 and your theory will be proven correct. Items there sell from 1 million to 500+ million gold. It’s because so much gold drops from mobs.

80 Sylvari Ranger – Jade Quarry
» My current Guild Wars 2 game annoyances

Are we not allowed to earn gold?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyr Lee.2491

Zephyr Lee.2491

It doesn’t matter if Anet increases the amount of gold you make,

Because people who control the TP will just raise the prices of items to fit the raise in gold.

Just like in the real economy.

Are we not allowed to earn gold?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: azurrei.5691


It doesn’t matter if Anet increases the amount of gold you make,

Because people who control the TP will just raise the prices of items to fit the raise in gold.

Just like in the real economy.

Ok, so the solution then is to remove or significantly reduce gold drops from Dungeon bosses/chests? because if they are going to make it not worthwhile to do things out in the world then it should be not worthwhile in dungeons, too by that logic

After all, you run dungeons for the chance at rare drops and the tokens to buy from gear from vendors, right – not for the gold because its the best way outside TP flipping to earn it?

(edited by azurrei.5691)

Are we not allowed to earn gold?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BabelFish.7234


I agree with much that is being said here. Out of 7 yrs of WOW and Rift,
GW2 takes the cake on the number of people I know buying gold. This is
something I refuse to do for many reasons, but I cant say I blame them since
they are all working people.

Im tired of seeing the “learn to work the auction house” posts on the forums. The
reality of it is that buying gold is like drugs: Most people dont admit to it. Personally,
I think its a huge negative to GW2 on the difficulty of earning gold the honest way.
It prohibits you from having 3-4 toons who are equipped in all exotics.

I really do feel bad for new players to this game. My exotic set costs 10 gold a month
ago, now thats probably up to 25 gold with NO easier ways to make money. In other
words, the costs have gone up massively, but the means to make the money have
seen nothing but nerfs.

Personally I think what you described is what’s happening and it mirrors the last 40 years of real life economics.

The rate of inflation exceeds the ways to make profit.

Are we not allowed to earn gold?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Horrorscope.7632


It doesn’t matter if Anet increases the amount of gold you make,

Because people who control the TP will just raise the prices of items to fit the raise in gold.

Just like in the real economy.

Agreed, but in the real economy there is a way to give people some more (not a lot more) without those at the top having to raise their prices. IMO that is the magic we are missing today.

Are we not allowed to earn gold?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Qwonland.7354


they can increase drop rates to reduce the item’s value. not sure if this work… but they can also do tax relief to those who play with TP under 40g(just an example number)old per week.

(edited by Qwonland.7354)

Are we not allowed to earn gold?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fuz.5621


As I already said, I want to play Guild Wars 2, not Wall Street.

Are we not allowed to earn gold?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draygo.9473


Its easy to sell on the market. Right click item, click sell on market, click the options (dont sell now) click match lowest bidder. Sell.


The real currency in video games is time. Everything else is a reflection on that. Time is worth X gold.

If you think of it that way, you realize the value of gold is based on the amount of time it takes to attain gold, and items are worth a set amount of playing time. If anet nerfs gold income, over time the market will correct and prices will drop. But considering that prices are not dropping, thats not what anet did.

They actually increased the amount of GPH you get, except people are simply not leveraging the drops they get for their gold value, instead they are hoarding and banking the crafting and ectos they get instead of selling them, complaining that they are getting less money than before (they arnt).

You dont have to play the market, just participate in it by selling, and that is really really easy to do. I picked up about 100 ecto in a weeks time. If i sold it all that would be 39ish gold at current prices. Considering how little time i play it comes out to about 4-5 gold an hour.


Apathy Inc [Ai]

Are we not allowed to earn gold?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: krojack.4920


Well I didn’t play the TP like some others do. Buy high moving items and reposting them. I crafted my entire exotic set and weapons I wanted using Leatherworking and Huntsman. After that I would farm VERY LITTLE, just when I was bored and buy some mats from the TP. Take those and craft exotic weapons and/or armor and then sell them on the TP. I was pulling in about 20 gold a week. Sure this isn’t anywhere near the income from playing the TP, which is a gamble but I made around 140 gold in Oct. I’ve since stopped playing and well I’ve nothing to do with it all.. sad face

Also the more people that play the TP with buying high moving items and reselling them will cause that method to degrade. If there are 10 people doing it, they will become millionaires. If there are 200,000 people doing it then no one will be making anything really.

80 Sylvari Ranger – Jade Quarry
» My current Guild Wars 2 game annoyances

Are we not allowed to earn gold?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: morrolan.9608


As I already said, I want to play Guild Wars 2, not Wall Street.


Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

Are we not allowed to earn gold?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pickpocket.2071


im just really disappointed anet is spending its vast majority of time nerfing things rather then fixing things And the only people who seem to get rewarded were the ones who exploited early on.

I remember when you would salvage a rare and get 3 or 4 ecto’s now you’ld be lucky to get 1, you use to be able to make a few gold in a hr in cursed shore now that number has be 1/3. The only way your ever going to loot a exotic is if your in fractuals and its account bound.

This started as a good game but has quickly turned into A-net just trying to milk our money into gems, if things keep going the way they are i wouldn’t be surprised if half the people playing now have quit within 6months i know i plan to. I already know so many people who have quit and given up on this hampster wheel of a game. Its just all grind and no fun the complete opposite of what there motto is

Are we not allowed to earn gold?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sargon.2608


Ofcourse not, it is all about the cash shop. It is in their interest to make things hard, so people might buy gold or other stuff from the shop. The question really is: do you want to grind endless for gold or gear or are you willing to pay for the cash shop? For me personally i stopped playing. The picture they showed us we could freely explore all areas and do whatever we want is misleading. The reality is we need to invest a lot of time in grinding before we can actually enjoy this game and the beautifull world they created.

Same reason they won’t fix the stuff which is broken, the reason we only have 1 type of structured pvp, they invest in things which brings the money in.

(edited by Sargon.2608)

Are we not allowed to earn gold?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bluestone.7106


It is very easy to make enough money in GW2 to cover repairs and travel and buying food potions and saving for bigger purchases.

I simply assume the people who complain about making money are either too impatient to save for a legendary precursor, or wasting their money on stupid purchases and leaving nothing for repairs and travel.

Or there is the other scenario I guess where all their money goes on repairs. If that is the case then they need to change the way they play since if you are not making more money than repair costs you have plenty of room to improve. Be adaptable, don’t play GW2 like other MMOs, you don’t have a healer.

My homeworld is Blackgate.
I am a GW2 player in New Zealand.
Check me out on the GW2 wiki.

Are we not allowed to earn gold?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wildcode.5403


It is very easy to make enough money in GW2 to cover repairs and travel and buying food potions and saving for bigger purchases.

I simply assume the people who complain about making money are either too impatient to save for a legendary precursor, or wasting their money on stupid purchases and leaving nothing for repairs and travel.

Answer to point 1: Currently the loot drop rate bug reduces earnings from farming events down to between 38s-50s per hour. I almost ran out of cash and spent a day and a bit (over 12 hours game play) to earn 4G from chaining events in Cursed Shore.

Answer to point 2: It is hard to waste money on stupid purchace when it is very hard to come by in the 1st place. I have had to resort to selling crafting materials as well as other loot to make any sort of income without having to grind every few days to cover the cost of waypointing all over the place and repairs. I know I need some of those crafting materials (like ori) for legendary but money to keep enjoying the game is more important.

Are we not allowed to earn gold?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pickpocket.2071


It is very easy to make enough money in GW2 to cover repairs and travel and buying food potions and saving for bigger purchases.

I simply assume the people who complain about making money are either too impatient to save for a legendary precursor, or wasting their money on stupid purchases and leaving nothing for repairs and travel.

Or there is the other scenario I guess where all their money goes on repairs. If that is the case then they need to change the way they play since if you are not making more money than repair costs you have plenty of room to improve. Be adaptable, don’t play GW2 like other MMOs, you don’t have a healer.

where is the logic in your response? thought we were talking about earning gold for legendaries or ascended gear or other cool weps, not silver for wp or repairs or did i miss the title of the thread is it arnt we aloud to earn silver? i dont understand why any players would want to support the fact this game is taking away ways to make gold so ppl spend money in the cash shop

Are we not allowed to earn gold?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bluestone.7106


I don’t farm ever and I make profit every day. I do the occasional dungeon, I level alts, I play with low level friends. I basically just try enjoy the game and I am never short of money for repairs, travel and savings towards bigger things.

My homeworld is Blackgate.
I am a GW2 player in New Zealand.
Check me out on the GW2 wiki.

Are we not allowed to earn gold?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wildcode.5403


I don’t farm ever and I make profit every day. I do the occasional dungeon, I level alts, I play with low level friends. I basically just try enjoy the game and I am never short of money for repairs, travel and savings towards bigger things.

The the luck of the 6 gods is on your side while the rest of us suffer and struggle with the loot drop bug.

Are we not allowed to earn gold?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bluestone.7106


It is very easy to make enough money in GW2 to cover repairs and travel and buying food potions and saving for bigger purchases.

I simply assume the people who complain about making money are either too impatient to save for a legendary precursor, or wasting their money on stupid purchases and leaving nothing for repairs and travel.

Or there is the other scenario I guess where all their money goes on repairs. If that is the case then they need to change the way they play since if you are not making more money than repair costs you have plenty of room to improve. Be adaptable, don’t play GW2 like other MMOs, you don’t have a healer.

where is the logic in your response? thought we were talking about earning gold for legendaries or ascended gear or other cool weps, not silver for wp or repairs or did i miss the title of the thread is it arnt we aloud to earn silver? i dont understand why any players would want to support the fact this game is taking away ways to make gold so ppl spend money in the cash shop

I have no sympathy for people who think they should be able to easily make legendaries, they aren’t meant to be easy. Anyone can have a legendary it just takes most people longer due to simple luck (RNG).

The thread title? Yes you can make gold, you most definitely can. And I mentioned in my post about saving for bigger things, did you read that part? Did you read my post?

Many people complain about the cost of repairs and waypoints and so those complaints are interlinked with a thread questioning earning gold (the game currency).

If anyone feels railroaded into buying gems to get things in game they are simply impatient, no one has to buy gems, everything can be obtained with over time, and not as slow as people claim if you are wise with your money and your character (ie don’t die so much).

My homeworld is Blackgate.
I am a GW2 player in New Zealand.
Check me out on the GW2 wiki.

Are we not allowed to earn gold?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pickpocket.2071


I don’t farm ever and I make profit every day. I do the occasional dungeon, I level alts, I play with low level friends. I basically just try enjoy the game and I am never short of money for repairs, travel and savings towards bigger things.

i guess your one of the only people here who doesn’t have a problem with the poor loot system atm.

every person i’ve spoken to has thought the same thing about this besides u

Are we not allowed to earn gold?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pickpocket.2071


it has nothing to do with dying, when they are nerfing different ways we all went about making gold?

Are we not allowed to earn gold?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wildcode.5403


I have no sympathy for people who think they should be able to easily make legendaries, they aren’t meant to be easy. Anyone can have a legendary it just takes most people longer due to simple luck (RNG).

You miss the point of this thread, which is saying that it is getting much harder to earn the money to get legendary than it used to be. The loot drop bug does not help matters, it is not just simple bad luck, it is a real issue, read the 9 page thread on it.

Are we not allowed to earn gold?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bluestone.7106


I don’t farm ever and I make profit every day. I do the occasional dungeon, I level alts, I play with low level friends. I basically just try enjoy the game and I am never short of money for repairs, travel and savings towards bigger things.

i guess your one of the only people here who doesn’t have a problem with the poor loot system atm.

every person i’ve spoken to has thought the same thing about this besides u

I am not lucky with loot drops, I am simply content with whatever I get, even if it’s just bags full of trash to vendor after a period of time running around the world playing the game.

I have never hit DR because I don’t sit in one spot doing the same thing over and over, I would get so bored. I don’t complain about changing loot tables because I don’t care if I don’t get awesome drops, every little bit of coin adds up after all.

I may be the minority I guess but I am still enjoying the game and I know I would have been burnt out on GW2 if i sat around farming endlessly.

My homeworld is Blackgate.
I am a GW2 player in New Zealand.
Check me out on the GW2 wiki.

Are we not allowed to earn gold?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bluestone.7106


it has nothing to do with dying, when they are nerfing different ways we all went about making gold?

People who die too much waste money on repair costs. Repair costs take away money that could go towards other things like saving for legendaries. It is basic math really.

My homeworld is Blackgate.
I am a GW2 player in New Zealand.
Check me out on the GW2 wiki.

Are we not allowed to earn gold?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


I really do feel bad for new players to this game. My exotic set costs 10 gold a month ago, now thats probably up to 25 gold with NO easier ways to make money. In other words, the costs have gone up massively, but the means to make the money have seen nothing but nerfs.

Based on current ask prices, a light armor Berserker set consisting of 6 armor, 5 trinkets and two weapons (staff and trident) would cost not quite 52g. If you’re willing to settle for less-desired prefixes, then you can gear up for less.

This is not only higher than it was last month, it is up since last week. For my Ele, who got to 80 last week, I indeed spent ~25g, buying 2 zerker pieces, 2 knight’s and 2 cleric’s, plus a dagger and a staff. I only have 2 exotic trinkets, that I made myself. Also, my trident is a 77 rare that I got as a drop.

Oh, and the prices mentioned I quoted above are just armor, and do not include a superior rune set, which could add substantially to costs.

Yes, it’s possible to make gold in GW2, but unless you are on the leading edge of each new farm, you will be behind the curve. Just playing the game indeed provides you with enough to repair, respec now and then, and waypoint. It does not provide enough to equip in short order in the current market. Yes, there are people who are swimming in gold, and there are a lot who aren’t.

Are we not allowed to earn gold?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pickpocket.2071


i agree with wildcode your just completely missing the whole context of this thread which is the different ways to make gold are being nerfed.

if your happy with trash loot good for you, im glad someone in this sea of complaints is happy. I just hope by the time you get your legendary they haven’t released gw3

Are we not allowed to earn gold?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wildcode.5403


People who die too much waste money on repair costs. Repair costs take away money that could go towards other things like saving for legendaries. It is basic math really.

You’ve gone from saying we are wasting money on stupid purchaces, to wasting money on repairs. I refuse to run around naked to make my money. Yes sometimes we die way too much when leveling a character, but that is only because the loot drop bug has prevented us from upgraded our armor and weapons for the last 15 levels and we’re trying to manage with what we have.

Are we not allowed to earn gold?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bluestone.7106


People who die too much waste money on repair costs. Repair costs take away money that could go towards other things like saving for legendaries. It is basic math really.

You’ve gone from saying we are wasting money on stupid purchaces, to wasting money on repairs. I refuse to run around naked to make my money. Yes sometimes we die way too much when leveling a character, but that is only because the loot drop bug has prevented us from upgraded our armor and weapons for the last 15 levels and we’re trying to manage with what we have.

My comments are not mutually exclusive, it all adds up to wasting money unnecessarily.

Also, pre-80 and non-exotic armor is reaaally cheap. If you can’t afford to buy on-level masterwork armor while leveling then you are doing something wrong, perhaps salvaging too much?
And you don’t need to buy L80 exotic armor, such a waste of money, run a couple dungeons a day and you can have full exotics in a couple weeks (run more daily to get them faster). Or mix it up and you can greatly reduce the amount of money wasted on exotics from the TP.

There are so many ways people can save their money, they just choose not to be smart with their gold and then complain that it’s hard to make money.

My homeworld is Blackgate.
I am a GW2 player in New Zealand.
Check me out on the GW2 wiki.

Are we not allowed to earn gold?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pickpocket.2071


i’m starting to think Bluestone.7106 is trolling us.

Are we not allowed to earn gold?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bluestone.7106


Yes, it’s possible to make gold in GW2, but unless you are on the leading edge of each new farm, you will be behind the curve. Just playing the game indeed provides you with enough to repair, respec now and then, and waypoint. It does not provide enough to equip in short order in the current market. Yes, there are people who are swimming in gold, and there are a lot who aren’t.

People need to stop trying to keep up with everyone else then (the curve). Gear is not as important in GW2 as it is in other MMOs. Out-gearing your enemy is a concept from other MMOs that only has a small bearing on gameplay in GW2.

Also, if someone is struggling with gold in GW2 then they shouldn’t be wasting money on buying exotic armor from the TP. There are cheaper ways to get exotic armor such as running dungeons.

My homeworld is Blackgate.
I am a GW2 player in New Zealand.
Check me out on the GW2 wiki.

Are we not allowed to earn gold?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bluestone.7106


i’m starting to think Bluestone.7106 is trolling us.

I just have a different opinion. Don’t be that person that throws the word troll around just to derail a discussion.

My homeworld is Blackgate.
I am a GW2 player in New Zealand.
Check me out on the GW2 wiki.

Are we not allowed to earn gold?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pickpocket.2071


i have 3, 80’s all in full exotic dungeon gear (mostly arah or cof) full jewel sets, i have 1 precursor and am 4/5 of the way done for creating my leg.

and i have noticed a huge reducation in the different ways you can earn money, now
Bluestone.7106: you can keep saying be happy with farming trash and stop dying.

But here in reality the vast majority of players has scene a huge change in loot drops or other hot fixes that is prevent us from earning gold. and not only have they made it harder to make gold but they’ve increased the costs of everything, so for any person that didnt hit 80 a few months ago is going to have a seriously much harder time then those that did.

like seriously think about it for a second? we use to salvage rares and get 3 or 4 ecto’s at a time………… we use to get 1 rare item every event now its 1 an hr.

anyway i sorta give up if you cant understand our logic and ur happy farming ur white trash loot then each to their own. But to be honest i kinda think your trolling us……………

Are we not allowed to earn gold?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: korelg.7862


i don’t understand you OP, why the need of getting more and more gold? i can get the gold i need runing dungeons once in a while, and doing some random events I haven’t been to orr since before halloween, did the orr zerg farm a couple of times, but it wasn’t really profitable…

also if gold becomes too easy to obtain, prices will go up and this game’s economy will be just like wow’s… believe me, you don’t want that…

Are we not allowed to earn gold?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bluestone.7106


i have 3, 80’s all in full exotic dungeon gear (mostly arah or cof) full jewel sets, i have 1 precursor and am 4/5 of the way done for creating my leg.

and i have noticed a huge reducation in the different ways you can earn money, now
Bluestone.7106: you can keep saying be happy with farming trash and stop dying.

Actually I never said be happy farming (trash or otherwise), in fact I mentioned that I don’t farm and I am quite happy, I just play and I always make a profit. I think farming events is the most boring concept players have attached to GW2 and think DR should be toughened to counter it, get players moving around more, and possibly hinder event bots in the process. But I don’t rally for tougher DR since that wouldn’t make me any friends lol, it’s just my opinion on that.

It is my opinion that if your game income comes from varied sources (which the game allows ample sources) then things don’t appear as bleak as many claim.

My homeworld is Blackgate.
I am a GW2 player in New Zealand.
Check me out on the GW2 wiki.

Are we not allowed to earn gold?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wildcode.5403


i’m starting to think Bluestone.7106 is trolling us.

I just have a different opinion. Don’t be that person that throws the word troll around just to derail a discussion.

Your opinion is to belittle our experiences by telling us that we are playing the game wrong if we are not making enough money (including dieing to much). Yesterday, I made about 75s from loot yesterday. Let see how, I did some spvp, ran a few different events for a while, ran all over the place for those events (not just the same spot) including waypointing. Did have some repairs to do after Grenth because like a possessive partner she would not leave me alone. I did not grind yesterday so the 75s is just from normal game play.

Now, 75s from NPC’s for the day (after repairs and waypointing). I need 600G for Legendary … about 2 years and 2 months … yeah drop rate bug is definitly an issue if I dont grind. Sure I may get lucky once in a while and obtain a big ticket item, but without the grind I have no hope of getting a legendary any time soon, and even with the grind, the loot drop bug still makes it take much longer than it used to take.