~Sincerely, Scissors
Ascended Gear now 10% Stronger than Exotics
~Sincerely, Scissors
People broke down the math month’s ago on reddit, it always floated around 8%
I remember something similiar to this too when i started looking at ascended armor.
That is because 5% more stats doesn’t equate to 5% more efficient.
It’s all relative to base stats, as x * 1.05 is different than x * 1.05 + y. It would only equate to that if the formula would be (x + y) * 1.05, which it’s not.Not all base stats apply equally from 0 to infinity.
Example. Take off all your armor and check how much precision you have and how much crit % you have.
Note how that baseline 900+ precision gets your crit chance up to about 4%.
I know, I do not assume it to be 0, I assume it to be a normalized 1 (aka 100%) thus one can say x attribute increase doubles the result aka 2, which is what percentage is. You just tripped into the fallacy of using absolute values while it’s about relative values. Which most users here do.
So you are saying that Weapon Power (that is one of weapon statistics) that now equals 5% more than exotic, as other stats. Won’t be increased to 10% to match with other statistics… Interesting.
Also Your example is one of the extreams, as Base stat is significantly higher than stats provided by equipment (it works like you only wore +pow on weapon, if you start doing math with other equipment equipment than you will see diffrence).
I did not see anything about weapon power or armor being increased, only the attributes itself, please feel free to quote it to prove me wrong. The fallacy is that absolute attribute values are higher, but the resulting relative difference in the stats, and resulting values are still about the same as before.
Though as said before, it’s not easy to deduct what they exactly mean by giving each rarity a ~30% boost. Depending on what exactly they do this could make white weapons a lot crappier than they are already and boost ascended a lot in any case.
I have 8 characters with at least 2 builds on each – the average is 3 builds, so if I want to keep up I’ll need 24 new equipment sets. Doesn’t worth saying that are account bound because each one use a diferent rune / sigil set.
Also considering that all my hype died with the Guardian changes and the price of the expansion, I’m not sure if I’ll continue in the game.
There is no more “no grind philosophy” in the game. But I’ll at least try the new changes, I’m still want to see how my Ele, Necro, Mesmer, Ranger, War and Engi builds will be with the new changes. If the grind becomes too much to upgrade them to ascended, I might just give up
I don’t want Ascended to be to far away that Exotics, as GW2 is all about making different builds. Since Ascended are hard to get, If the end game is designed for people who have ascended, it won’t be easy to have multiple builds.
Perhaps they intend to increase the level cap for Fractals….?
All gear is getting boost, since exotic stats are going up so is Ascended.
I think this could be a much larger issue than HoT being overpriced. It’s a bit unfortunate that everyone is all up in arms about HoT pricing.
What happens when they change it again?
It should stay at the 5% that it was previously.
I am actually VERY happy about this. Finally, some meaningful reason to get ascended gear. I am still new, so I have no idea how to get ascended gears yet. But according to a few replies, ascended gears are very hard to get. Then, of course ascended gears should be wayyyyy better than exotic gears. IMO, 10% difference is not big and it should be bigger.
However, I have shared a few opinions in this forum and already know what type of community is this. People are angry about this because they do not have the time to collect the ascended gears or they don’t want to grind for it. Players who have the time to get the ascended gears will be slightly better than them, which those ascended geared players deserve the power difference since they spent more time and afford to get the geared up.
Come on people, your precious exotic gears are not nerfed, you did not lose anything. Mobs are not buff either. You are still exactly the same. You are not happy because people who spent time collecting ascended gears outperform you?
Way to go, Anet. Although I don’t think I have the time to collect ascended gears, I appreciate the ideas that more dedicated players are being rewarded. I really hope to see legendary gears to have that power difference too, instead of acting only as cosmetic gears (I don’t think this will ever happen given this community).
I for one agree with this. A meaningful difference is welcome.
Ascended is easy to get, by my standards anyway. I’ve seen a lot of low AP (2-3k) players in full ascended too.
To the people saying 10% is too much – just let me remind you that just eating food or optimizing your rotation can close that gap.
Why do you people feel like ascended is mandatory for all your characters?
Get trinkets and weapons, they are easier and much cheaper to get.
Wouldnt the difference between character fully geared in ascended, and character only not having ascended armor, be much less then 10% in result?
Are we talking about 3-5% difference in stats being mandatory right now, or are my thoughts on this wrong?It’s the difference between winning and losing fights in WvW, I can tell you that. You need every advantage.
This is only true if you are battling a player with exactly the same skill and character class as yourself. One with exotics, and one with ascended. Yes, the ascended geared character will most likely win due to their stat advantage.
However, this is not realistic….it is only in an ideal world. WvW fights usually consist of battling all sorts of skill levels, as well as uplevels and actual 80s. And usually with at least a few people on each side, some groups organized and skilled in group combat, others…..not so much.
In that world, the stat advantage of ascended armor and weapons and trinkets makes a much more minor impact, if any at all.
Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.
I for one agree with this. A meaningful difference is welcome.
Ascended is easy to get, by my standards anyway. I’ve seen a lot of low AP (2-3k) players in full ascended too.To the people saying 10% is too much – just let me remind you that just eating food or optimizing your rotation can close that gap.
no, it cant, because the guy with food, and the optimized rotation will be further from you again.
is it too much? i dunno, thats subjective, but is it a signifigant increase now between exotic and ascended? yes it is.
most especially since more of your stats come from gear now.
Thanks for screwing altaholics anet, thanks a lot.
I am an altaholic, and I fail to see how this affects us at all. /shrug
Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.
Thanks for screwing altaholics anet, thanks a lot.
I am an altaholic, and I fail to see how this affects us at all. /shrug
You need to make three times as many ascended sets?
Thanks for screwing altaholics anet, thanks a lot.
I am an altaholic, and I fail to see how this affects us at all. /shrug
You need to make three times as many ascended sets?
No, actually I don’t. And even if I did, they’re not that hard to make and/or get the materials for them.
Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.
It seems like this should matter, however I am not sure it does. This change affects PvE and WvW. PvE…does anyone really care about someone being stronger in PvE? If anything things get done faster that way.
So this is a WvW issue then. Does it really even matter here? Half the people in WvW are uplevels, half the time you are fighting in a zerg…so what does this really come down to? Roaming?
Yes, for roaming it may be an issue. Though if you aren’t running meta, roaming in general is an issue.
So nope, I do not think this change matters as much as it looks like at first.
The big issue for me is the need for ascended in the first place to keep people addic—er playing. Legendaries prove cool skins are enough, I sure wish the same was true for armor. Mostly so I could switch my spec every millennia or two without the hassle of crafting / grinding a new set.
zerker before the ferocity nerf was like 10% better. Probably most people who complaining arn’t even effected by the change. Thats like the normal thing.
warrior and we’re the best class” Eugene
What they should’ve did with Ascended armor and weapons was make them have unlimited wardrobe changes rather than higher stats. That would definitely motivate players to actually aim for ascendeds. 10% increase in stats is so miniscule in WVW that it’ doesn’t even matter. Only in PVE does that like 1386 dmg over 1312 dmg even matter.
Like my warrior has full ascended serk armor with runes of strength in them, and I don’t even notice the difference from my exotic serk set with runes of strength. Only when I dont use ascended trinkets do I see a difference
They should not make it exclusive to crafting because it’s really boring. Maybe a Mystic Forge recipe, that costs around the same but less hassle. Should also give PvPers or WvWers a chance to get them. What PvP lacks the most is still rewards; people rather farm event trains to death because it has goal at least.
6k+ PvP games
To everyone whos saying now, that they are done ect.
Can I have your Stuff?
I’ll make sure to keep it all in honor and make good use of it in regard of mats, gold and consumeables like food, but eapecialyl naturally the first two
Awesome, a reason to get ascended gear outside of fractals!
This might be a good change, ascended gear costs like 2000% more than exotic gears
So 10% stronger feels okay, with that said this will make the air/fire sigil burst builds that tiny bit stronger
ascended 10% stronger, new meta with new armor stats needed, a lot of ppl dropping money to convert gems into gold, wp anet
Don’t worry boys, Blade and Soul is coming.
So, general PvE will get even easier now.
William S. Burroughs
It seems most ascended were already 10% better than Exotics. Speaking about jewelry here. Only armor for sure was at 5%. Armor also gives a very very tiny amount of stats so the shift from 5% to 10% will not amount to much.
The real issue is that all equipment gets 30% more stats which does widen a lot the gap between exotic and ascended. It seems that with the trait stats gone and the 30% bonus, Exotic geared players will be slightly worse for the primary stat than before the patch. So in a sence, this change nerfs Exotics a little. On the other hand, Ascended geared players will have slightly better stats than before the patch.
Why ppl are using the auto-attack forumla (base damage +blabla /Amor=Inspector Gadget) , while all the other Weapons skills have different ‘’scale up formula’’ and that way you CANT CALCUALTE THE AVERAGE DPS INCREASE …..
If you want to accurate information you better not the the ’’CURRENT’’ wiki formula , because even conditions will change too in the future . …..
And instead use the what Conditions as Enginner can do and use the NEWER FORMULA in here :
Bleeding: New damage over time: 2+(0.3*Level)(0.075 * Condition Damage)
Burning: : New damage over time: 7.5(1.55*Level)(0.155 * Condition Damage)
Confusion: New damage over time: 2(0.3*Level)(0.04*Condition Damage)
New trigger damage: 3.5(0.575*Level)(0.0625*Condition Damage)
Poison: New damage over time: 3.5(0.375*Level)+(.06*Condition Damage)
>To calculate the average increase …….
Even a high school -uneducated guy like me can see that , even they increase the Stats by 10% , the damage increase is stil 3,86% DPS
(even if that Enginner can mainted 24/7 , 20stacks on Burning+Comfusion+Poison , +25stacks of Bruring)
(edited by Killthehealersffs.8940)
I never understood the ‘oh it’s to hard so it’s not fair’
When the game released, they told us they wouldn’t be launching new armor/weap tiers every now and then, that would make our gear obsolete and force us to grind for the new ones.
Then they released exotic accesories, which were a step up, but hey, the difference is tiny and you only need them for fractals, so who cares?
Then they added weapons and armor, making the process of obtaining horribly expensive and farm intensive. In the case of weapons, the difference wasn’t as tiny anymore (5% damage increase), but hey, you can live with it. So many people crafted their ascendeds, and a lot more people passed.
It’s obvious that, not having hard content to challenge players, this game requires people to farm easy content to keep playing. Otherwise, they just go and play other games. So there, farm, little kittenholes! farm till you die because, now, ascended is no longer lackluster as a damage boost. It’s not hard. It’s boring, it’s repetitive, it’s ugly. Is it what this game wants to be?
Bad change in my opinion. More power creep and more grind.
I think that this is a good change, I like that I can feel that something difficult to craft is actually more rewarding, else why to even exist. Also, the last years we had no new category of gear no new gear goals and we won’t get anything now either. So, I believe this change is fair! Lastly everyone that is playing more than 3 months can easily have or start crafting ascended gear (I started playing the game at the start of May and by August I had full Ascended gear Celestial that is is the harder one to craft).
I don’t think people should QQ about it, it is not impossible to craft ascended gear, just more difficult than just buy it with 100 gold it TP, so when you invest more you should get more! Don’t be lazy people, Keep calm and craft Ascended!
Ah, I forgot to add that the base stats now change, so it won’t be that much of a big deal anyways.
Bad change in my opinion. More power creep and more grind.
Ascended has been in the game for well over a year.
Its not a power creep , ascended has ALWAYS been more powerful than exotics
Everything in this carebear game can be done in exotics anyways (minus high lvl fractals and WvW roaming). Content has always been balanced around exotics.
If you don’t want to get ascended, than don’t. you will still be able to do everything in this game’s easy peasy PvE anyways.
Bad change in my opinion. More power creep and more grind.
Ascended has been in the game for well over a year.
Its not a power creep , ascended has ALWAYS been more powerful than exotics
Everything in this carebear game can be done in exotics anyways (minus high lvl fractals and WvW roaming). Content has always been balanced around exotics.If you don’t want to get ascended, than don’t. you will still be able to do everything in this game’s easy peasy PvE anyways.
The main problem isn’t being more strong, but a lot more strong. In WvW only the stats difference can be the difference between win and death. Also there will be an increased chance to Ascended gear checklist to go in dungeons.
For people like me who loves diversity, this is a really bad change.
(edited by Mikau.6920)
Bad change in my opinion. More power creep and more grind.
Ascended has been in the game for well over a year.
Its not a power creep , ascended has ALWAYS been more powerful than exotics
Everything in this carebear game can be done in exotics anyways (minus high lvl fractals and WvW roaming). Content has always been balanced around exotics.If you don’t want to get ascended, than don’t. you will still be able to do everything in this game’s easy peasy PvE anyways.
The main problem isn’t being more strong, but a lot more strong. In WvW only the sats difference can be the difference between win and death. Also there will be an increased chance to Ascended gear checklist to go in dungeons.
For people like me who loves diversity, this is a really bad change.
WvW is not balanced and it’s not intended to be. Thats why buffs like Food/Oils and all that other good stuff is allowed.
And if your zerging, than it literally makes NO difference between exotic/ascended.
Instead of dying in 1.4 secs, you die in 1.6 secs with ascended lol. You might hit 450 instead of a 400 .. ya thats gonna net you tons of more loot bags..
If you want somewhat balanced PvP, you go to sPvP.
I agree this hurts build diversity ONLY FOR WvW small scale roaming/raiding parties. Everything else is perfectly.
There will be PLENTY of pugs that don’t say “ascended only” for dung runs.. now if you wanna do speed runs, than you have to get ascended.. but you should have already planned on getting ascended if you wanted to speed clear everything anyways…. so no matter here.
This change has MINIMAL impact in ALL aspects of the game except if you were a hardcore WvW roamer who switched up builds constantly…
Ascended armor stats are not changing AND this tues. update will have a new system to change stats on ascended armor. Directly from Colin:
Ascended armor stats are not changing AND this tues. update will have a new system to change stats on ascended armor. Directly from Colin:
Was about to post that myself, thank you!
Thanks for screwing altaholics anet, thanks a lot.
Just make 3 sets, light/med/heavy and trade them back and forth between charz. That’s what I do.
Thanks for screwing altaholics anet, thanks a lot.
Just make 3 sets, light/med/heavy and trade them back and forth between charz.
That’s what I do.
See mine and the persons above post please This issue is nonexistant now!
I put my hand up and admit, I overreacted on this issue when it turned out not to be true.
I apologise to Colin and Anet for my brash and infantile response to a bad rumour.
I put my hand up and admit, I overreacted on this issue when it turned out not to be true.
I apologise to Colin and Anet for my brash and infantile response to a bad rumour.
The lesson?
This does make you wonder though. Of all of the information that Dragon Season and other sites have posted regarding the upcoming update, how likely are they to be taken as credible or true? They stated that ascended would be 10% better and yet Colin just said that wasn’t the case as the difference is remaining the same. So how much from those “patch notes” that hasn’t already been released by Anet is true?
This does make you wonder though. Of all of the information that Dragon Season and other sites have posted regarding the upcoming update, how likely are they to be taken as credible or true? They stated that ascended would be 10% better and yet Colin just said that wasn’t the case as the difference is remaining the same. So how much from those “patch notes” that hasn’t already been released by Anet is true?
Or, more likely: +10% gap → kittenload of complaints → backpedal to +5% gap.
This does make you wonder though. Of all of the information that Dragon Season and other sites have posted regarding the upcoming update, how likely are they to be taken as credible or true? They stated that ascended would be 10% better and yet Colin just said that wasn’t the case as the difference is remaining the same. So how much from those “patch notes” that hasn’t already been released by Anet is true?
Or, more likely: +10% gap -> kittenload of complaints -> backpedal to +5% gap.
lol theres a kittenload of complaints on A LOT of stuff but I never seen anet react this quickly to any of the other complaints like this one lol…
This does make you wonder though. Of all of the information that Dragon Season and other sites have posted regarding the upcoming update, how likely are they to be taken as credible or true? They stated that ascended would be 10% better and yet Colin just said that wasn’t the case as the difference is remaining the same. So how much from those “patch notes” that hasn’t already been released by Anet is true?
The advantage of an early leak to a non-official site is the ability to see the reaction without committing to the leaked change.
lol theres a kittenload of complaints on A LOT of stuff but I never seen anet react this quickly to any of the other complaints like this one lol…
Remember the Commander Compendium incident?
This does make you wonder though. Of all of the information that Dragon Season and other sites have posted regarding the upcoming update, how likely are they to be taken as credible or true? They stated that ascended would be 10% better and yet Colin just said that wasn’t the case as the difference is remaining the same. So how much from those “patch notes” that hasn’t already been released by Anet is true?
Or, more likely: +10% gap -> kittenload of complaints -> backpedal to +5% gap.
But of course. I mean, I can create my own patch notes stating a controversial change, call them official, and then wait for the outcry. Then Anet can say that’s not the case and we can just say that they had changed their minds because of the outcry.
This does make you wonder though. Of all of the information that Dragon Season and other sites have posted regarding the upcoming update, how likely are they to be taken as credible or true? They stated that ascended would be 10% better and yet Colin just said that wasn’t the case as the difference is remaining the same. So how much from those “patch notes” that hasn’t already been released by Anet is true?
Or, more likely: +10% gap -> kittenload of complaints -> backpedal to +5% gap.
But of course. I mean, I can create my own patch notes stating a controversial change, call them official, and then wait for the outcry. Then Anet can say that’s not the case and we can just say that they had changed their minds because of the outcry.
they didnt say that they didnt tell those sites that info. which they usually do say in those situations. They also responded and said those were just the class portion of the changes.
what likely happened is they didnt cut and paste properly from their total patch notes, and included too much info.
Whether they officially changed their minds based on feedback, or those changes werent going to make it to live is unknown.
Sorry for caps lock, but I am very happy this did not go through.