(edited by Latinkuro.9420)
Ascended VS Legendary the hypocrisy !
Well I sure can’t buy either because I’m fantasy poor.
You’ve got quite the leaky bucket there. Care to fix it and make a legitimate argument?
What are legendaries: Skins with soldiers stats applied to them. Possible ascended stats later.
Ascended items: Things that give you barely any bonus unless used in mass; designed to help you in FotM and other PvE areas; no boost to WvW performance as a 3-5% boost to performance in some stats is null.
(edited by Syktek.7912)
You’ve got quite the leaky bucket there. Care to fix it and make a legitimate argument?
the argument is there, suddle but it is there.
they messed up by allowing legendary items to be sold on the TP they just don#t know how to fix it now, they never imagined people would be insane enough to actually sell such an item oh how wrong you were a.net.
Now they didn’t make the same mistake with ascended thank god !
but imo, legendary items don’t belong on the trading post at all and the fact you cannot buy ascended on the TP is prove of the obvious oversight and mistake they allowed to happen.
…no boost to WvW performance as a 3-5% boost to performance in some stats is null.
Only if you are terrible at maths.
Try telling a football team (by football I mean real football, or soccer if you don’t speak proper like what I do) that their goal will be 12 inches wider than that of the opposition’s and that it doesn’t matter because it is only 5%.
Incidentally where is this 3-5% from as in one of these threads their is a guy stating his warrior’s DPS increases by 7.6% when he switches from exotics to 4 ascended trinkets, now work out what will happen when the other 10 slots are eventually open for ascended gear…
(edited by Sylosi.6503)
I think you forgot one thing though.
“Legendary” weapons will be automatically upgraded to Ascended status once Ascended weapons are introduced.
So the whole “At least they don’t sell Ascended on the TP” thing, is going to be void once Ascended weapons are released. Cause then a “Legendary” weapon will be an Ascended weapon and will be sold on the TP.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]
What is suddle?
Make legendaries accountbound on acquire. Usually I’m not for destroying wealth but in this case I feel it is justified.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto
…no boost to WvW performance as a 3-5% boost to performance in some stats is null.
Only if you are terrible at maths.
Try telling a football team (by football I mean real football, or soccer if you don’t speak proper like what I do
) that their goal will be 12 inches wider than that of the opposition’s and that it doesn’t matter because it is only 5%.
Incidentally where is this 3-5% from as in one of these threads their is a guy stating his warrior’s DPS increases by 7.6% when he switches from exotics to 4 ascended trinkets, now work out what will happen when the other 10 slots are eventually open for ascended gear…
You assume we’ll recieve armor.
At that, say a warrior does et a 7.6 increase in damage. What does that mean to those people that he wasn’t able to kill in the first place? They too have a 7.6% increase in their stat of choice. or even if lacking, a lot of warriors are terrible and that 7.6% really won’t help them regardless.
Tack on this. Legendaries with ascended stats will be on the market still. Someone stated that there will be ascended weapons alongside these. Possible, probably, likely, etc. So that means, regardless, people will be able to have ascended weapons with or without legendaries.
So again, legendaries just become a skin you can apply to things. Remains just a thing to show status, wealth or just to give you a really cool skin.
And yes, ascended items are hard to obtain, I know this. But at the moment. EVERYONE. can get them as long as they donate a tad bit of their time a day to complete dailies. Dailies are now very easy. So in time, everyone can and will have them. Just like those necklaces (I don’t have one yet, because I’m addicted to those GF boosts)
(edited by Syktek.7912)
What is suddle?
Make legendaries accountbound on acquire. Usually I’m not for destroying wealth but in this case I feel it is justified.
I assume he means “subtle”.
Also, I agree. Legendaries need to be accountbound on acquire.
Antonius Duarte – Elementalist – Kaineng
You assume we’ll recieve armor.
Yes I assume there will be armour, I also assume there will be higher rarities of infusions as they were very careful not to rule that out.
At that, say a guardian does et a 7.6 increase in damage. What does that mean to those people that he wasn’t able to kill in the first place? They too have a 7.6% increase in their stat of choice. or even if lacking, a lot of warriors are terrible and that 7.6% really won’t help them regardless.
The first bit doesn’t make sense, if the person the guardian is up against only has exotics they won’t have a 7.6% increase in a different stat. And the second bit is a total non-argument, whether someone is terrible or not is irrelvant to the fact ascended items give an advantage in WvW.
Tack on this. Legendaries with ascended stats will be on the market still. Someone stated that there will be ascended weapons alongside these. Possible, probably, likely, etc. So that means, regardless, people will be able to have ascended weapons with or without legendaries.
Which will be useless, as most of the people who don’t have ascended gear are those that don’t enjoy dungeons, which means in most cases they will not have the gold to buy a pricey legendary.
And yes, ascended items are hard to obtain, I know this. But at the moment. EVERYONE. can get them as long as they donate a tad bit of their time a day to complete dailies. Dailies are now very easy. So in time, everyone can and will have them. Just like those necklaces (I don’t have one yet, because I’m addicted to those GF boosts)
The rate at which people aquire ascended gear through dailies is pathetic and that is on the basis of doing them every day, many people can’t do them everyday and outside of weekends have little time to play so even if they get an hour on a couple of weekday evenings, the last thing they wish to do is a tedious daily, this is the game that was sold on “play it your way” and that there would be no gear treadmill, that you would be able to get on actually playing the game, rather than grinding to prepare for playing, yet we get the opposite…
(edited by Sylosi.6503)
Gear bought from merchants isn’t sellable on the trading house, this is not ascended specific.
As for the rings specifically which can be obtained through FoTM daily chests, just like FoTM specific exotics, they are all account bound, so they can have a high drop rate without flooding and ruining the markets.
If Ascended rings were tradable, the broker would be filled with them because people obtain so many every day, it would completely ruin the rings market, where ascended rings were going for as much as it costs to make rare ones, let alone exotic ones.
Legendaries on the other hand, take a lot of time, money, and luck to make. They enter the market at very slow pace, and it does not completely ruin the entire weapons market to have them be sellable.
While you have a point, common sense wise, that a legendary should not be tradable. It has no negative effect on the game’s economy, thus creates no problems in the game that they are.
(edited by Diy.5296)
@ Sylosi – I am not quoting that monster post.
First quote: I doubt armor, I do not doubt high infusions.
Second: First bit doesn’t make sense because I screwed up and din’t proof read before posting. I meant to say warrior. What I meant is this: If a per gets their stat bonus, it doesn’t really matter. These bonuses will become noticeable, maybe, yes. Though, these bonuses will be available to everyone who puts a half hogged attempt into actually getting all the ascended gear possible. Therefore, anyone who’s actually competent will have them. These stats will only matter in one versus one and small group scenarios and ONLY if there players know what they’re doing. These bonuses will only be effectively improving of one’s performance against others only if that other person does not have them.
Third: It does not matter if they have the gold to buy a legendary or not. Legendaries remain as a symbol.
If a person is too unable to go run a dungeon a few times to be able to buy / earn / be reward / recieve a non legendary ascended weapon, then they will not have the time to go buy a Legendary or make one at that.
Fourth: The rate is supposed to be pathetic, it’s a thing to consume your time. And there is no such thing as “No gear treadmill” they should have stated it as a reduced treadmill. I think it is somewhat ridiculous to assume you wouldn’t have to grind for certain gear.
The only issue I have with Ascended gear is that it is much harder, takes longer to get than other items. Then again, this means everyone has to wait longer to receive it.
Im in two minds about putting ledgendarys on the TP.
On one hand, it degrades their worth and makes aquiring one as easy as spending (yes thousands) on the gem store (and yes i do realise how that statement is ridiculous but true none the less).
On the other hand though, the sale of legendaries allow people to take control of the trading post away from high end precursor buyers, who buy all precursors to drive up the price of them. While this doesnt directly stop them, it gives people other options to get their legendary if the price of a precursor vs time spent grinding for everything else doesnt seem worth it.
I have a feeling that when ascended items are all out, and there are multiple ways to get each type then i can expect to see them on the TP aswell.
To be honest, i feel like it wouldnt make much of a issue if ascended items were on there, i just dont know how i feel about legendaries.
@Syktek: I see you have now stumbled upon the real problem with ascended in wvw. If it’s easy to obtain and it makes a negligible difference, why does it even exist in the first place? Why did the devs put work into making new gear? Why do we now have to obtain that gear?
If something adds nothing to the game it has no place being in there. Agony resist didn’t need to bring a stat increase with it and if it hadn’t the treadmill would have been contained to pve where it belongs. If it were like this we wouldn’t even need to discuss what can and cannot be sold on tp.
Well I sure can’t buy either because I’m fantasy poor.
Make that two fantasy poor.
later. It doesn’t care that I’m there.”
@Syktek: I see you have now stumbled upon the real problem with ascended in wvw. If it’s easy to obtain and it makes a negligible difference, why does it even exist in the first place? Why did the devs put work into making new gear? Why do we now have to obtain that gear?
If something adds nothing to the game it has no place being in there. Agony resist didn’t need to bring a stat increase with it and if it hadn’t the treadmill would have been contained to pve where it belongs. If it were like this we wouldn’t even need to discuss what can and cannot be sold on tp.
It’s just more stuff to get, that’s it. In the end, what makes games last longer? More content. It’s just something else to get. That’s it. One player has it, next player says “Oh man, I need dis to stay in line,” drives him to go get it and keeps him playing. It keeps a lot of people playing.
I honestly only have one ascended item that appeals to me and I have it. The book. I’ll be getting a necklace soontm so I can have extra Gold Find.
I don’t mean to defend mistakes the devs have made, but some of the attacks I’ve seen just don’t hold enough ground to be important.
(edited by Syktek.7912)
I agree legendary weapons shouldn’t be sold on the trading post, but I disagree with your use of the word hypocrisy. How is this hypocritical?
Ascended items: Things that give you barely any bonus unless used in mass; designed to help you in FotM and other PvE areas; no boost to WvW performance as a 3-5% boost to performance in some stats is null.
It is, currently, about 8-15% per stat, depending on trinket and stat. While +10% on a part of the equipment is a lot less relative to the entire set, it is obvious from dev-posts that more (all) gear will eventually be available as Ascended, making it Best-In-Slot.
If you think 10% isn’t much consider this. In a chess game each player has 16 pieces, with pawns the least powerfull, yet any chess player would consider a match where one of the players is without their (say) king’s pawn (that is 1 in 16 pieces) as highly favourable for the party that can play with all pawns.
Ascended items: Things that give you barely any bonus unless used in mass; designed to help you in FotM and other PvE areas; no boost to WvW performance as a 3-5% boost to performance in some stats is null.
It is, currently, about 8-15% per stat, depending on trinket and stat. While +10% on a part of the equipment is a lot less relative to the entire set, it is obvious from dev-posts that more (all) gear will eventually be available as Ascended, making it Best-In-Slot.
If you think 10% isn’t much consider this. In a chess game each player has 16 pieces, with pawns the least powerfull, yet any chess player would consider a match where one of the players is without their (say) king’s pawn (that is 1 in 16 pieces) as highly favourable for the party that can play with all pawns.
Your example holds no water as everyone can get Ascended gear, making it to where everyone has all the pieces they can get.
Still an equal fight.
If you do not have ascended gear a few months down the road it is your fault. So please don’t use “But so and so, cannot get” arguments.
And yes, maybe an increase of 10-15% on the items themselves. But when added into all the other stats on a character, you get a max of a 3-5% increase.
Now when everything comes out, we’ll see a 10% increase no doubt. But at current, increases are null and are easily overcome by skilled players.
I will no longer be responding to posts, I am going to bed.
(edited by Syktek.7912)
On one hand, it degrades their worth and makes aquiring one as easy as spending (yes thousands) on the gem store (and yes i do realise how that statement is ridiculous but true none the less).
If you consider that easy then why doesn’t everyone have legendary weapons? Consider 2000g ~ 15000 gems ~ 1000 euros. The person who wants to pay the equivalent of 100 monthly fees can have it for all I care. I don’t know if spending half your monthly salary on a virtual item is “easy” though.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto
On one hand, it degrades their worth and makes aquiring one as easy as spending (yes thousands) on the gem store (and yes i do realise how that statement is ridiculous but true none the less).
If you consider that easy then why doesn’t everyone have legendary weapons? Consider 2000g ~ 15000 gems ~ 1000 euros. The person who wants to pay the equivalent of 100 monthly fees can have it for all I care. I don’t know if spending half your monthly salary on a virtual item is “easy” though.
Well played good sir, you completely ignored what I put in the brackets. Top marks for observation
I meant ‘easy’ as in doesn’t require any time or skill within the game.
You clearly know nothing about Ascended items whatsoever.
1) Devs have confirmed that there will be Ascended gear of all types: weapons, trinkets, and armor. There’s a screenshot floating around of what Ascended stats on a weapon look like from back when they accidentally upgraded the “legendaries” too early during the Nov patch.
2) Devs confirmed that the intended power increase per item is between 5% and 10%, not 3-5%. And if you’d even bothered to compare the stats on existing Ascended gear to their Exotic equivalents, you’d have known this.
3) A mere 5% increase in three stats for every article of gear yields roughly 13% better performance in terms of damage (and 5% better armor, obviously) on a Berserker build. A 10% increase is even more significantly lopsided. Anyone claiming that the difference between Exotic and Ascended is “small” hasn’t done their homework, including the devs themselves.
The OP has a perfectly valid, reasonable point. The devs stated that the sale of so-called"legendaries" was perfectly okay and not against any sort of game mechanic, that it was an intentional design. So if we can sell these so-called “legendaries”, why can’t we sell Ascended items? Heck, why are there Exotic items dropped in Fractals that also can’t be sold? Why is ANet so adverse to the idea of players making money off of gear that they don’t want to use themselves?
How’d that work out for us so far?
Now let’s try some ideas that will really work.
Well I sure can’t buy either because I’m fantasy poor.
Aint that the truth brotha. Even with 100 gold, when you are staring at a precursor that costs over 500, not even considering the rest of what you need, you are indeed fantasy poor!
To make ascended gear a true step between legendary and exotic would mean it could not only be sold on the TP but also crafted.
I do think selling legendaries does ‘cheapen’ them a bit. They did not drop from anything, therefore it’s not like you received the wrong one for your class. Ie. precursors or other exotic level gear.
I think ascended should be just like exotic once all the pieces are out. The crafted ones are ugly but functional, the pieces everyone wants are rare drops, the ones bought from NPC’s can’t be sold or salvaged.
Implement ascended like all other tiers of gear and the problem goes away. Right now everyone is in a frenzy because the options are so limited. If it drops it should be able to be sold. Unfortunately when they do implement this there will be a flood of rings.
EDIT: and like some others on here, none of this really matters to me cuz’ I too am fantasy poor.
Devs: Trait Challenge Issued
(edited by Infernia.9847)
Ascended gear is being rolled out piece-by-piece so that we constantly have something new to get, and is tied to specific activities (dailies/fracts/guild missions) so that we do such activities.
Why are they doing this? Simple, when they released Lost Shores they realized that people won’t touch certain content without a statistical incentive (infact LS map was barely visited), so they keep tieing new content to one piece of new gear.
Making it craftable/sellable would obviously defeat its whole point, and it’s pointless that you make threads asking this.
The problem with this method is, what happens when all Ascended gear is released?
They won’t have any more carrots to stick to new content so either the new content will be unrelated to gear progression, or there will be a new tier tied to it.
(edited by HannaDeFreitas.4236)
you cannot buy ascended off the trading post ! thank god for that but…
you can sure as hell buy a legendary of the trading post, oh the irony, oh the hypocrisy !the argument is there, subtle but it is there.
they messed up by allowing legendary items to be sold on the TP they just don#t know how to fix it now, they never imagined people would be insane enough to actually sell such an item oh how wrong you were a.net.Now they didn’t make the same mistake with ascended thank god !
but imo, legendary items don’t belong on the trading post at all and the fact you cannot buy ascended on the TP is prove of the obvious oversight and mistake they allowed to happen.Discuss.
If I throw $2000-$5000 Arena Net’s way, you bet I would want a Legendary -skin-.
I still don’t understand the Q_Q about Legendary’s being sold on the TP. It doesn’t offer anything better than a 5 gold exotic.
The whole thing is starting to seem overly childish to me.
Wasn’t the whole selling point for this game the fact that when everyone got to level 80 everyone would be equal when it came to gear, and that gear would be fairly easy to obtain?
If the difference between exotic and ascended is so unimportant, why the heck is it there? To annoy people like me who bought the game based on what they said to sell it, as opposed to those who wanted another MMORPG to faff about in?
I’m not sure why Arenanet is taking a dump on it’s product on a regular basis, but it seems to be intentional. And I doubt anything that is said on the forums or in game is going to change how the people who influence and impliment things, think of us. And given how vague their ideas for their game are put across, and the amount of supprises they like to give us, I can’t see them changing their attitudes to actualy include those people who they were selling the game to, when it comes to adding content, or considering what they already have.
A Canthan, an Asura and a Human get shot down. Having survived the crash the Asura suggests they search for supplies, so they head off in their own directions to see what they can find. On the way back the human, carrying some wood, bumps into the Asura, that’s found something to cook, and both head back to the crash site together. Wondering where the Canthan had gone as they approched, he, all of a sudden, jumped out of the bushes, with a legendary, and shouts “Supplies!!”.