Ascended or Excluded?

Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: FateZero.8536


Personally I have nothing against this thread or the OP but looking at the way OP is behaving it really ticks me off. So what if people are doing fractals and getting Ascended Rings? Do you have to call them freaks just because they enjoy doing this dungeon?

You are not able to craft a stupid Ascended ring just because your Jeweler profession is maxed out doesn’t mean you have to open a thread to whine and stereotype fractals goers. Your mindset is akin to a kid. Show some respect, complain the proper way. If you have a problem with A-Net and their gameplay design then complain about it. There’s no need to call people freaks.

Furthermore, even if A-Net decides to make Ascended gears available outside Fractals then so be it. Fractals goers will still have their progression saved and will still be able to enjoy the challenge that the dungeon poses. Unlike you, like a kid sitting on an armchair whining about why must I go to a shop to buy this specific item, I should be able to get this online too while sitting on my armchair. You don’t like it when I phrase it as such too right?

Like I’ve stated, I have no qualms with you but the way you phrase your concerns is totally not right. There’s no need to label people as freaks or whatever. No need to belittle people just because they do things differently. I took a break from GW2 because I had Heart of the Swarm beta, when I came back and saw all the cool looking items I didn’t whine and said why must I do this to get this and that.

I find out about Fractals from my friend and I decided to give it a go even though I thought it was kitten but hey, I enjoyed all fractals run so far. Met lots of nice folks because we only have a few of us who still does low level fractals. Don’t be sour, cheers.

Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Boa Cinderella.1298

Boa Cinderella.1298

Excuse my bad english.

Some players may state, it would be appropriate to go into a chess game while one of them has 1 figure less on his board. Even if its ridiculous he won’t realize that kind of inequity. Maybe the whole chess-society would be whining about that stupid stylistic inconsistency in a chess game but not those who contradict my arguing. Is it pretentious that i want to go into WvW with maxed items, stats of Ascended included? This after many weeks of crafting and collecting? Did I claim for rare skins – no, I just want attribs maxed for WvW-battle as fraktal-lovers can do. Is that such misunderstandable?

Some of you may think it’s not only suitable that rich people have big and expensive cars. No, they claim to have more rights in traffic, let’s say they want the generall allowance to drive about 3 % faster than others. Oh, its not that much to mention it, they state. Or just even because these drivers spend more time on some special kind of roads than others. Do you really think that would be a minor or insignificant topic in society and press?

A good note in driving license would not be sufficient – you additionally must be a long time driver on special roads to get the permission and access to maxed rights in traffic?

And that’s why I think it was a mistake in our game and I am justified to feel excluded. May fractal-players be happy to have that advantage in WvW. I don’t like to be their target any more until I get access to the same prerequisite Items. And I tell you a good game is really interested to have a kind of compensation between experienced players and those wo can only play some hours a weak. There must be no difference in attribs when a character is maxed. within some industrious weaks and outside of fractals.


- Piken – [ONYX]

(edited by Boa Cinderella.1298)

Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: twwizzie.3842


This after many weeks of crafting and collecting?


A good note in driving license would not be sufficient – you additionally must be a long time driver on special roads to get the permission and access to maxed rights in traffic?

That actually is…true. You can’t take your regular car licence and just hop in a tank for a parade or drive an 18-wheeler or a bus. Each vehicle type has it’s own…class and you need to pass the requirements for it to drive it legally. Jewel crafting(or any other crafting) gives you permit to craft some exotics. And if you wanna drive a tank, you gotta go to the army and do their course.

And that’s why I think it was a mistake in our game and I am justified to feel excluded. May fractal-players be happy to have that advantage in WvW. I don’t like to be their target any more until I get access to the same prerequisite Items. And I tell you a good game is really interested to have a kind of compensation between experienced players and those wo can only play some hours a weak. There must be no difference in attribs when a character is maxed. within some industrious weaks and outside of fractals.


Maybe sPvP would be a better place for you.

Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Boa Cinderella.1298

Boa Cinderella.1298

No need to twist these examples to fit into your narrowed concept. Others understand well what is meant – and finallly, just look on the title and my first posting.

No example is needed to understand the content. Maybe you wont believe what is written here:

There you can call into question the statement of Studio Design Director of Guild Wars 2 and don’t need to pull down some strange tanks to argue.


- Piken – [ONYX]

Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pirlipat.2479


@twwizzie: Your post is contradicting A-Nets own statements that best stats can be acquired by different styles of playing.^^

(edited by Pirlipat.2479)

Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: twwizzie.3842


No need to twist these examples to fit into your narrowed concept. Others understand well what is meant – and finallly, just look on the title and my first posting.

No example is needed to understand the content. Maybe you wont believe what is written here:

There you can call into question the statement of Studio Design Director of Guild Wars 2 and don’t need to pull down some strange tanks to argue.


Why is my concept narrow? Because it doesn’t fit your scenario? You just said that perfect score on the exam should give you full driver privilege which is simply not the case. Your example is flawed and I showed you why.

@twwizzie: Your post is contradicting A-Nets own statements that best stats can be acquired by different styles of playing.^^

Ammm, duhhh. What exactly is wrong with contradicting what another person said especially when that person is not even in this discussion? How about we focus on my post contradicting OP’s claims instead? You know, the guy who actually made this topic and is trying to prove a point?

Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pirlipat.2479


Well in this case I got to contradict you. It was the promise that there would be no second class play-style that there would be no endless gearprogression that made me buy the game. To abandon that principle would be betraying their original promises, so if I wanted a game with only ONE way to acquire the things I need I could play any other game out there. To expand it to this (admittedly strange car example) there was the promise, that there would be no tanks avaiable and that you would not have to join the army to drive the most powerfull vehicle.

They promised ascended would be avaiable through different ways and so I hope they find a good way to implement it in the game.

(edited by Pirlipat.2479)

Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Boa Cinderella.1298

Boa Cinderella.1298

You got my smpathie for that underlining.

And I got another witness for my intention – no one less than “Guild Wars 2 Lead Designer Isaiah “Izzy” Cartwright”:,id257,2,interview_guild_wars_2_lead_designer_isaiah_cartwright.html

He said in another (PvP) context: " … we wanted to avoid with Guild Wars 2 … a fragmented player base … " and I hope he meant it as a general concept of this game. So he has some compassion for me as a badly-fractal-player and equalizes my stats/attribs as a WvW-lover.


- Piken – [ONYX]

Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: twwizzie.3842


Well in this case I got to contradict you. It was the promise that there would be no second class play-style that there would be no endless gearprogression that made me buy the game. To abandon that principle would be betraying their original promises, so if I wanted a game with only ONE way to acquire the things I need I could play any other game out there. To expand it to this (admittedly strange car example) there was the promise, that there would be no tanks avaiable and that you would not have to join the army to drive the most powerfull vehicle.

They promised ascended would be avaiable through different ways and so I hope they find a good way to implement it in the game.

How is that contradicting me in any way? I’m not delusional, I never said they didn’t make such promise or that there are more ways to get the gear. Fact is though, the only thing a player without ascended rings is excluded from would be high lvl fotm. And a player who wants to run high lvl fotm is getting the gear from it naturally anyway. The stat difference is so ridiculously small, it’s virtually unnoticeable. I mean it, I have 2 rings and if you were to ninjaswap them for exotics, I wouldn’t even notice. Not to mention, the main goal of this game would be cosmetics and not stats. Should I now start QQing that I have to run CM if I want the skin because, boohoo, that’s the only way to get it?

Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pirlipat.2479


That point got discussed now already for ages. It remains as a fact that stats are higher, no matter which small percentage and that more items will be implemented. If the statsincrease is that low, there is no reason to implement that higher stats at all. But they have done it and so if they want to keep their promise they have to implement it in other ways of gameplay.

Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: twwizzie.3842


That point got discussed now already for ages. It remains as a fact that stats are higher, no matter which small percentage and that more items will be implemented. If the statsincrease is that low, there is no reason to implement that higher stats at all. But they have done it and so if they want to keep their promise they have to implement it in other ways of gameplay.

Which they already said they will. The rings and back only play a role in fotm runs. Nowhere else. They were implemented to make fotm runs possible above lvl 15. That’s all there is to it, really… Could they have just patched infusion for exotics? Yes. Would that have been a good idea if they were already planning ascended gear(think I read somewhere it was supposed to be in from the start)? Absolutely not. It would’ve meant that ppl who want to run fotm would have to go exotic → infused exotic → ascended → infused ascended. Having in mind the items needed to infuse ascended gear and the current stat difference…this way is by far the less inconveniencing of the two.

Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pirlipat.2479


I am contradicting your tank whatever example. You changed topic in between. First it’s a tank then it’s just a unrecognisable difference then everything is fine because (like I said several posts before) they gonna implement it anyways. Still they don’t have implemented other ways yet and that’s it what the TO is complaining about.

As for your example there is no need for ascended at all if they implemented the agony resistance into exoctics. So the way would be exotic->infused exotic and no ascended on top which is at least like you claimed not really better than exotic. So a statdifference would not be needed at all.

Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Parlourbeatflex.5970


This ascended palava has created soooo much fuss and it isnt even that big of a deal.

1. Ascended items arnt really that much better than exotic.
2. Anet have already stated they are looking at ways to introduce the items in normal PVE, WvW etc. That will prob happen for the rings in jan or febs update.
3. The gear treadmill and power creep is a debate that alot of gamers argue about anyway…
4. The manifesto isnt truly in trouble until they introduce a higher tier than ascended. IF they do that, (which i for one dont believe they will for years to come) then thats the time to start panicking.

Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Boa Cinderella.1298

Boa Cinderella.1298


<<Ascended items arnt really that much better than exotic.>>

1. … while in a car race you would need much place for all your 1st Champions that try to stand on the upper stair of a winner stairs. Dont let them fall down with their tiny deciseconds difference.

I thougt small difference can have some big effect, but who knows?


- Piken – [ONYX]

(edited by Boa Cinderella.1298)

Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: twwizzie.3842


I am contradicting your tank whatever example. You changed topic in between. First it’s a tank then it’s just a unrecognisable difference then everything is fine because (like I said several posts before) they gonna implement it anyways. Still they don’t have implemented other ways yet and that’s it what the TO is complaining about.

The tank example was a direct response to “if I have perfect score on the driving exam, I should have the exact same driving privileges as everybody else”. And it never changed.
Ascended gear is just like a tank licence. It’s very fancy, but you don’t need it. Do you have a tank licence? Doubtful. Do you feel excluded from driving because of it? I hope not.
It is an unrecognisable difference, because most people don’t go to work in a tank(I’m fairly certain that’s illegal anyway) and you never feel the lack of said licence unless you are going to war(in this case, you don’t feel the lack of ascended gear unless you are going to fotm).
It is also fine. Because when everybody starts going with a tank to work, everybody will also be able to get the licence without having to talk the army into letting them.

As for your example there is no need for ascended at all if they implemented the agony resistance into exoctics. So the way would be exotic->infused exotic and no ascended on top which is at least like you claimed not really better than exotic. So a statdifference would not be needed at all.

Except they had already planned ascended to be in the game from the start. It didn’t just come to them after a long night out 2 months ago…

Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pirlipat.2479


A tank is the worst example for a fancy verhicle someone can give. But it’s a perfect example for a very powerfull verhicle.

So they planned Ascended to be more powerfull? (Note we were already discussing that Exotic stats could fullfill the same purpose.) Then we come back to the fact that it has to be at least avaiable for everyone otherwise we would have several inequities. Everything might work perfectly well for any other game, not for this one because it was sold with a certain promise.

Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nausicca.6038


a lot of more hardcore players need a “competitive” aspect to keep playing.
only grinding for looks wont keep them in.

so an item grind and a “fractal difficulty level” is the only tiny bragging right they have.

wvwvw have none at all (no difference betweene somebody who killed 3000 or somebody who killed 3).

lot of hardcore players are not interested in playing for playing, they need a sense of achieving something that other players can look at and say “wow”.

These players could come in WvW and fight agains’t 2-3 times their numbers (not zerging). This is a lot more exciting and harder than doing the same old boring pve content everyday. But yes, they will probably discover there are a lot more competitive and skilled players outthere than in LA.
I understand they prefer to camp LA with their shiny backpacks instead of looking for the real challenge in this game, tho.
And cry endlessly for new gear threadmills.

Actualy, their whinning doesn’t affect wvw, but this time will come. And I don’t want to have to run any pve content anymore to stay competitive. Hopefully Anet will provide wvw players a way to get ascended while doing… wvw.


Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: scoobyconnah.9148



it just amazes me
- how much time and effort you put into hating game you dont even play
- how you refuse to accept anyone opinions except the ones that copy/paste yours
- how you rage at some things, like crafting, coz they are not designed exactly the way you imagined in your mind
- how hard you insist on opinions from some gaming site blog
- your delusion that 1.5% total stats added will dramatically add to your wvw experience
- your refusal to play without that 1.5% stats

i’m casual..
i dont have any ascended gear.. i would like some rings/back.. i know i can get them, but atm, i dont want to spend the time getting them.. i’ll wait for updates, or i’ll get them when i feel like getting them.. i dont feel excluded from any part of game..

i soloed few dungeon paths (even whole SE story), soloed underwater/ascalon/blizzard fractal..
i got master craftsmen just for lols, still buying stuff from TP coz i dont wanna hustle with crafting itself..
i go to wvw having a blast.. big zergs, solo roaming.. name it.. sometimes i even visit spvp to get owned by good pvpers..

i solve jumping puzzle now and then.. complete some map coz i like design/mood/event chains.. when get bored i go and find some mini dungeon (stumbled on vexas lab by accident trying to get to vista.. you can guess it.. i had a blast:)

sometimes, i just sit on one place and chat with ppl on map/guild.. ever try to pm random person and start a conversation? got so many lols that way..

some days i feel hardcore and go on hardcore dungeon run with hardcore ppl -> fun

and when/if all of that gets boring.. i simply create alt or level/learn/gear one i already have.. i saw that thief in pvp, got intrigued.. made one.. got amazed how warr handles dungeons? no probs.. made one..

even if get bored with dungeon/stuff i’m currently doing with group and dont wanna abandon them.. i simply equip wpn i dont use so often, maybe change a trait/skill or two and thing starts to get interesting again..

i got feeling this game is meant to be played that way..
expecting everything is gonna be designed exactly the way you wanted/imagined is kinda unreal.. dont you agree with that?

there are 2 things that could be wrong..
1. i got dis wrong and i’m playing the game the wrong way
2. you have some problems unrelated to this game and you chose this game to mask your problems diverting your hate towards company/other players..

could it be you?
nah.. its everyone else:P

Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eirik.9145


The whole getting specific looks or type of gear from doing some specific dungeon, etc. is frankly illogical to start out with, so I don’t see anything changing in the future, and I would be surprised if Anet actually does make Ascended gear available through other means outside of FotM no matter what they said previously. It’s not like making recipes, and even new mats, for the crafting of Ascended gear is that difficult.

There have been new recipes, along with new mats, released monthly with special events, and Anet said they had already been working on other ways to get Ascended gear before it was released, so what is the hold-up on it, other than that they really don’t want to do it. Recipes for infusions have changed and FotM is scheduled for another update in January, but still no mention of these “other ways” to acquire Ascended gear.

When you get a piece of specific gear to drop in a dungeon, etc. who made it? Did it just materialize out of thin air in a specific location? Someone made, or crafted it, right? So, in a game that specifically lets crafters come up with new recipes through experimentation, why wouldn’t a mastercrafter be able to learn how to craft any type of gear available? It might take time and a lot of experimentation, but it could be done.

Frankly, cosmetic differences in armor would be trivial to copy for anyone who was a true master of the craft. Even special effects like glows, etc. could be achieved, albeit that it might take a combination of several crafting disciplines to do it.

There may be some gear which has been created through a divine providence that might be impossible to recreate, but since even Legendary items in the game can be crafted through means available, I’m not sure what those “divine” items would be. Legendary is pretty much a misnomer anyway. It’s not exactly legendary when you see handfuls of the items around.

I know some would say that the crafting I propose is far too powerful, and that is probably true for the ease it is to become a mastercrafter in this game. True mastercrafting would need to be tougher to obtain. Maybe more like it is in Aion, where getting to the very top of the crafting discipline requires you to do some difficult quests.

And others will say that applying logic and realism to a fantasy game is pointless, at best. Maybe so. I guess if I really want the game that can combine these concepts, I’ll have to wait until I win Powerball and have a couple hundred million to spare to make one myself. Dare to dream. lol

Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: twwizzie.3842


A tank is the worst example for a fancy verhicle someone can give. But it’s a perfect example for a very powerfull verhicle.

I find tanks fancy and it’s my example. Obviously based on my opinion of tanks and not yours. As for “very powerful”…that’s also subjective. I find planes and nuclear submarines way more powerful than a tank.

So they planned Ascended to be more powerfull? (Note we were already discussing that Exotic stats could fullfill the same purpose.) Then we come back to the fact that it has to be at least avaiable for everyone otherwise we would have several inequities. Everything might work perfectly well for any other game, not for this one because it was sold with a certain promise.

Yes, just like Exotics were planned to be more powerful than Rares and Rares were planned to be more powerful than Masterwork. It is available for everyone to begin with. And it will be available through different means when it’s also needed for those different means. It’s like living in Dubai and asking why the local store doesn’t sell snowshoes and feeling excluded because of it.

Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pirlipat.2479


Look, we are turning in circles. What I am talking about is mainly trust. Usually there is a certain way in games to acquire the most powerfull items. It’s mostly dungeons. This game promised to be different. Now they introduce a more powerfull item which can be obtained only through dungeons. You argue that the difference doesn’t matter but it’s still there. And they already stated that they were introducing more items as well. So the difference will become bigger until it might matter. Like we already said there is no real reason to increase the stats on ascended agony resistance would be enough. So there are no different means for higher stats, especially no means to aplly those higher stats to the world ouutside the fractals.

And ofc they could come and say “hey most powerfull items can be obtained only by dungeons, we just changed the rules.” but that would not be the game I bought. I could now go and leave the game like several people did. But I still want to believe that I can trust the company that they make the best stats avaiable through certain ways. And that’s it. The rest is useless arguing.

Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: twwizzie.3842


And they already stated that they were introducing more items as well. So the difference will become bigger until it might matter.

And when that happens, they items will be available through other means. How hard is that to understand?! There are 2 situations:

1. Right now: Ascended available only in fotm and needed only in fotm while making 0 difference in other aspects of the game.

2. In the future: Ascended available through different aspects of the game and also being the regular gear for those aspects, much like Exotics now.

If you decide to, at some point, pay attention to my posts, you’ll notice this: I read somewhere that they intended for pink gear to be in the game since launch, it is part of the original game design and not some random decision.

Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pirlipat.2479


If you agree with us why do you argue with us then lol.

Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Boa Cinderella.1298

Boa Cinderella.1298


Why should I shrug and leave this game in silence as many of others do? Do you still want to keep up that inconsistence that I and many others are talking about – after ArenaNet has fixed it in the future? Would you hinder them or be sad about? I stuck with those here who are arguing with me and I am nearly shure that many of game-employees share our concerns privily. Especially those who dont have time to do these fractal things above level 10.

Let me cite someone else called taugrim: “Ascended Gear Doesn’t Align with Previous Expectations Set by ArenaNet” I think he gives a much better view on the background of it than I can do:


- Piken – [ONYX]

Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: WakkaJabba.3910


reason why OP cannot craft +103 power rings at the moment is that they are ASCENDED gears.

Max craft gives EXOTIC gears AT THE MOMENT.

Anet already said that ascended gears have BETTER stats than exotics prior to Nov 15 release.

No such ascended gear recipe is implemented into crafting YET.

therefore OP cannot craft +103 power rings AT THE MOMENT.

Also, Anet already stated that they will implement MORE WAYS to get Ascended gears, so in the near future, OP might see some ways to get it without setting a single foot into fractal. however i doubt the mats needed to craft it will come easy.

Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Boa Cinderella.1298

Boa Cinderella.1298

“Near future” – let’s hope for, because my enthousiasm dimnishes.

In my opinion, maxed craftmanship and maxed attribs of a character have to be consistent.

It should be understood as logical that a maxed jeweler can produce items that have the maxiumum attrib (e.g. power) that exists in that game. Otherwise a 400jeweler is not a professin but a shame. Why should i work that much for that business, when it’s better to save the time for getting ascended things earlyer?

And why selling selfmade items, when the price you get for those green and golden items is lower than to buy some loot instead?

- Piken – [ONYX]

Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


well, you know maxing jewelcraft take like 4 gold. Isn’t exactly hard to do. So Im’ not sure why everyone think they are so special that they max a craft.

The real question is if ascended item can be crafted, how expensive it will be.

You can already get the ascended piece without technically doing fractal. Just try to get in marsh fractal solo, and grind spiders and masquido’s for a mist essence and have some gold ready.

And you never really answered my question BOA. If you can craft ascended in the future, but it is expensive, will you do it.

Everyone knows ascended gear is coming and there will be more way to get it. Just no one knows how hard/long/expensive it’ll be to get it.

Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pirlipat.2479


Well for me it was not exactely easy to max my professions because I collected the mats myself. You can argue that you can buy all mats via tradingpost, but that is what you can do with many other items too. If the game does not have to be reduced to playing the tradingpost or running one particular dungeon other ways to obtain stuff have to be equal to those ways.

I do not know if it’s hard to run the fractals, but I thought the game was about fun and not about “work”.

Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


ya I know relatively speaking maxing a profession isn’t easy for some.

But take a hard look at the cost to craft an ascended back piece, 250 tier6 material and 50 ecto. That is what I really meant.

What is 4 gold compare to 250 tier6 material and 50 ecto. What I meant is even if they allow us to craft ascended gear in the future. It might not be cheap. But that is all speculation. I only draw my conclusion because of the ascended backpiece.

Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pirlipat.2479


Yep that actually IS something I worry about (can’t find a less strong word atm xD). And I personally do not mind one or two items, but by time there will be a bunch of them and like I understood their statement it is only the beginning of a “slight” powercurve (whatever that’s supposed to mean). And what I actually fear is that this whole ascended-issue turns into a grinding feast, but I still hope that they find a sensible compromise between people who play alot and those who play not that much.

Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Boa Cinderella.1298

Boa Cinderella.1298

Let it be additional 2 gold for the next step. Or to prevent another of your questions: give it 4 gold. Where is the problem to max that step in craftmanship?

But you (and me) are wrong with that estimation – as Pirlipat tells us right. 15 pices of T5 mats are rare and not that cheap when you have to craft 10 of them. The last step on craftmanship was not as easy and took relatively longer than the steps before.

So I wish not more than a linear development equivalent to the Ascended attribs, e.g. 8 mats instead of 5 of T6 Material.

But I’m still wondering why this vertical development was necessary after a few months because it indicates an ugly gear treadmill that I would avoid in my favourite game.

- Piken – [ONYX]

Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cesmode.4257


Attention to all: This is something arenanet noticed right off the bat with fractals and they are going to make ascended gear obtainable from every aspect of the game. When? Who knows. Im going to guess in the upcoming Jan/feb patches. But this is something they wanted to do from the start but it didnt make it into the game when Ascended gear came into play.

Patience…you’ll be able to obtain your ascended pieces via WvW, or from any aspect of the game in due time…

Karma is as abundant as air, and as useless as the Kardashians.

Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Knox.3748


Well, if they are going to implement it outside fractals thats a positive note because i hate the grind to get better stats. Ill get Ascalon, COF, COE, whatever dungeon i have to do to get the correct stats + cosmetic but grinding for something so trivial is ridiculous. And despite being 13 Fractals and having an entire guild doing almost only fractals it pains me to death doing it. In my opinion Fractals helped on killing the game a little more. They just need to give us the feeling of “doing anything when we want”. So i want an exotic jewel? I craft it today or tomorrow. I want to run ARAH? Maybe Tonight, maybe tomorrow. With fractals people just have to do them everyday, dont know why tho, because they need those extra stats and they need to say on guild chat “Hey im 20+. Hey im 30+” I want the extra stats as well and thats the only reason i run fractals. And u know what i do after doing 2 path per day? I log off because some of us bought this game because the main message of the release was “No grind, play when you want and you can still play with your friends any day”

Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


@juno, Dante, velmeister

Thank you for your statements.


You would honestly tell us here its hard to run through Fractals, if you would have me as a teammate … listening to my comments in TS3 ;-) Let’s say from time to time i try that frac. Now i got lvl (3) – but i really don’t see why I’m forced to in view of these ascended items. That game is big and I really prefer to spend time at other aspects to get max. Stats.

And that Backpack is really hard to work for. That’s amazing and annoying. Did I choose the right game? Look, im no 7/24 Player and have to do other jobs and earn some moey.

I just want to max. all Equip within some months and then have fun with playing WvW and many nice PvE Areas, maybe look for some nice Skins. Why does ArenaNet think they have to keep me in game while not allowing me to craft max stats items? They want me to work permanently and hard for it? Is ist a colourful manifold game or a stupid grinding-pot?

Im still offline and waiting for NEWS from ArenaNet when the problem ist fixed.


Actually no I wouldnt call them hard, not even if grouped with you. Since it wouldnt make any difference for me whos in my group. I also wouldnt be bothered by whatever you say on TS, because I never really use VoiP for things like fractals. If I do use it, its because I wanna chatter with some friends about other things.

The back piece is the easiest thing to work for, you can run fractal 2 and get it almost as fast as running fractal 10+. You would need 1 extra run for each ten runs you do or something.

You also say you want max stats within a few months, well fractals doesnt even take that long to obtain max gear from.

As I said, 45 mins per run after level 10, thats 20 days you need to do a daily, unless you are lucky and get 1 or 2 rings you want while running fractals. During that time you will have the back aswell. Plus you get more gold in one fractal than you get from 1 hour of farming, alot more.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Boa Cinderella.1298

Boa Cinderella.1298

Thank you for your contribution.

And if there is some other persons left who say “Yes, that game is much bigger than only fractals!” then it would be quicktime to fix the above mentioned problem.

Nicely you give me some encouraging for fractals, but I was really encouraged for the whole game until I lost my already reached maxed equip by the introduction of Ascended Items. I’m sorry I don’t want to talk much about how easy fractals really are. And it’s me who laughs first when stumbling myself several times into the same dark trap. But advanced and determined players would hate me for my strange comments in TS3. Let me try that maybe some months later but plase understand that I dont want be excluded from maxed items now and outside of fractals.

I just want to say go and get your maxed equip where ever you want in this huge various game … in a forseable time and not in a never ending gear treadmill.


- Piken – [ONYX]

Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Boa Cinderella.1298

Boa Cinderella.1298

Thank you for your contribution.

And if there is some other persons left who say “Yes, that game is much bigger than only fractals!” then it would be quicktime to fix the above mentioned problem with Ascended items.

Nicely you give me some encouraging for fractals, but I was rally encouraged for the whole game until I lost the already reached maxed equipment by the introduction of Ascended Items. I’m sorry I don’t want to talk much about how easy fractals really are. And it’s me who laughs first about stumblin myself several times into the same dark trap. But advanced and determined players would hate me for my strange comments in TS3. Let me try that maybe some months later but plase understand that I don’t want to be excluded from maxed items now, outside of fractals.

I just want to say: go and get your maxed equip where ever you want in this huge various game … and in a forseable time.


- Piken – [ONYX]

Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Evalia.7103


Too many people here talk about WvW.
I find it hilarious.
Because an absolute amount(above 80%) WvW players don’t even bother to use food and wrench buffs, which provide easily 20-30 times the stat difference between ascended/exotic ring.
It’s not like getting it is hard at the moment; fractals are entertaining, too.
Although it’s pretty obvious that we need more ways to obtain them. Well, that should be fixed soon, right?

Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


This after many weeks of crafting and collecting?


A good note in driving license would not be sufficient – you additionally must be a long time driver on special roads to get the permission and access to maxed rights in traffic?

That actually is…true. You can’t take your regular car licence and just hop in a tank for a parade or drive an 18-wheeler or a bus. Each vehicle type has it’s own…class and you need to pass the requirements for it to drive it legally. Jewel crafting(or any other crafting) gives you permit to craft some exotics. And if you wanna drive a tank, you gotta go to the army and do their course.

And that’s why I think it was a mistake in our game and I am justified to feel excluded. May fractal-players be happy to have that advantage in WvW. I don’t like to be their target any more until I get access to the same prerequisite Items. And I tell you a good game is really interested to have a kind of compensation between experienced players and those wo can only play some hours a weak. There must be no difference in attribs when a character is maxed. within some industrious weaks and outside of fractals.


Maybe sPvP would be a better place for you.

Crafters do have a different license then a non-crafter that must use the mystic toilet to make his stuff because we put in the time and resources to get it to max. Ascended should be a crafter only set of bought recipes with resources that drop evenly in the open world. End of story.

and sPVP isn’t required for world completion so that argument is moot. As soon as they remove that requirement for WvW I’m going to throw an online party let me tell yeah. If it weren’t for WvW being a requirement to finish exploration or that there’s an unnatural drop rate there compared to the pve open world this pve’er wouldn’t worry about getting ascended and that’s where the mistake lies methinks.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TWMagimay.9057


Crafters do have a different license then a non-crafter that must use the mystic toilet to make his stuff because we put in the time and resources to get it to max. Ascended should be a crafter only set of bought recipes with resources that drop evenly in the open world. End of story.

There are non-crafters in this game? o.O

and sPVP isn’t required for world completion so that argument is moot. As soon as they remove that requirement for WvW I’m going to throw an online party let me tell yeah. If it weren’t for WvW being a requirement to finish exploration or that there’s an unnatural drop rate there compared to the pve open world this pve’er wouldn’t worry about getting ascended and that’s where the mistake lies methinks.

You do realise that you can get WvWvW completion on a lvl 20 naked char, right? It’s not like you have to fight or w/e, just walk into places. And, lol at needing ascended gear to do WvWvW. I’m currently watching my fiancé level his new char there. As in, he went to WvWvW as lvl 2 in the basic gear and didn’t seem particularly bothered by it…

Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: juno.1840


Other games allow crafting of top tier gear by making the recipes a vertical progression item (i.e. you have to get the drop, you cannot buy the recipe from a trainer).

This is a simple way to include crafting in the vertical progression without eliminating the vertical progress.

If this was the only way of obtaining the ascended gear, imagine all the “I don’t want to craft” whiners we’d have (probably all the players currently defending vertical progression by fractal grind).

Part of me thinks that someone in ANet was thinking “hey, wanna see something funny? Watch this…”

Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Midnightjade.3520


You do realise that you can get WvWvW completion on a lvl 20 naked char, right? It’s not like you have to fight or w/e, just walk into places. And, lol at needing ascended gear to do WvWvW. I’m currently watching my fiancé level his new char there. As in, he went to WvWvW as lvl 2 in the basic gear and didn’t seem particularly bothered by it…

Yep, I am doing world completion right now and was a bit nervous of getting taken down in Borderlands or EB, but I completed the first WvWvW zone yesterday in under an hour. I did have a couple of THF try to gank me but they just bounced off.

Most THF out there don’t really seem to know what they’re doing and are easily countered. And even if the opposition does succeed, you can just respawn. It’s just WvWvW, killing each other is the whole point (and kind of fun).

Also, my limited involvement in WvWvW suggests that organization >>>> gear. I do have an Ascended piece and the rest is Exotic, and I do use food, but if I don’t pay attention I can get surrounded, at which point the gear and buffs are not going to save me.

Onyx: Norn Guardian 80. Queen in Tatters: Asura Mesmer 80.
[The Flameseeker Prophecies] 4/11/13
Itinerant, no guild.

(edited by Midnightjade.3520)

Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dante.1508


This ascended palava has created soooo much fuss and it isnt even that big of a deal.

1. Ascended items arnt really that much better than exotic.
2. Anet have already stated they are looking at ways to introduce the items in normal PVE, WvW etc. That will prob happen for the rings in jan or febs update.
3. The gear treadmill and power creep is a debate that alot of gamers argue about anyway…
4. The manifesto isnt truly in trouble until they introduce a higher tier than ascended. IF they do that, (which i for one dont believe they will for years to come) then thats the time to start panicking.

May not be a big deal to you but to others its a huge deal breaker..

1. They are still better, why do they even need to be better?
2. Anet also Stated that Agony will appear in other places than FotM, i’m not sure where but that is what it said. which means we all need the stuff..
3. for good reason it nullifies players hard work and money, over and over again..
4. If we follow that chain of thought Anet could Ninja in a new tier between Exotics and legendaries as many times as needed and just raise legend stats, That is just happened now with Ascended so i’m worried now not the future..