Auto add Essence of luck when salvaging
I do have to say, I’m not sure why this wasn’t implemented from the get go. It’s not like you can use Luck for anything else or even trade it.
How would you be potentially losing the opportunity for better drops? Just out interest.
Would you like some hard cheeze with your sad whine?
There’s only one situation where saving the luck is useful, leveling artificer from 0-25 and getting daily crafter or monthly masterwork crafter done. These situations are so limited that I personally wouldn’t mind if they made luck autoclick. To each their own.
we’ve all seen what happens in games where there’s no disadvantage to taking your pants off.
I would be happy for right-click>use stack on soooooo many items
I think the OP has a great idea. Honestly I hate the tons of clicking for luck. I salvage pretty much everything. I can’t even imagine how many clicks I’ve used on using luck! And I can’t think of any reason why this should not be implemented.
Yup. My thoughts exactly. Auto add luck and r-click use stack would make life so much easier. However the potential problems I see would be people using stacks of food to gain 17,000 hours of a buff. I know it doesn’t work that way NOW but with a use whole stack option implentation that could very easily be a bug that would arise. Other than that I would welcome it with open arms!
It’s the chain I beat you with until you
recognize my command!”
There’s only one situation where saving the luck is useful, leveling artificer from 0-25 and getting daily crafter or monthly masterwork crafter done. These situations are so limited that I personally wouldn’t mind if they made luck autoclick. To each their own.
Make it an account option to auto-add the luck. That way an Artificer still has the ability to craft with them.
Automaticly add Essence of luck to account when salvaging
When salvaging, if essence of luck drops it should automatically be added to your account. This would save lots of mouse clicks and time during gameplay.
Some may say, just save and upscale them for less clicking. The problem with this is that we could potentially lose out on better drops because we are saving the essence of luck to upscale and click them all off at a later time.
Your situation only applies if someone’s below +100% MF. Once you reach that point, it takes so much more Essence to get the next point of luck. That is why people accumulate essence of luck before using it.
Or better yet, Deposit Collectibles opens all of your Essences as well. Would be a checkbox in options of course.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
Your situation only applies if someone’s below +100% MF. Once you reach that point, it takes so much more Essence to get the next point of luck. That is why people accumulate essence of luck before using it.
Does it make a difference? Whether I open a thousand +10 orbs or twenty +500 orbs, it’s all the same amount of luck in the end. The only difference is whether I want to trade some inventory space for less mouse abuse.
How would you be potentially losing the opportunity for better drops? Just out interest.
I think Reave is talking about inventory space. If I have a bunch of low quality Essences of Luck, that’s two or so inventory spaces I can’t use for storing other drops. Although, for me, I personally haven’t had much trouble with inventory space since they implemented the ability to deposit collectibles from the inventory. But, anyway, I think that’s what Reave means.
Unless they add some other use for Essences of Luck, it’s a little silly to have to click on them en masse, or else haul them around until your artificer can combine them. I get the same satisfaction as the next player from clicking on powerups and getting a positive response, but it’s hard to justify the lack of a “use all” option.
(edited by Redenaz.8631)
How would you be potentially losing the opportunity for better drops? Just out interest.
I think Reave is talking about inventory space. If I have a bunch of low quality Essences of Luck, that’s two or so inventory spaces I can’t use for storing other drops. Although, for me, I personally haven’t had much trouble with inventory space since they implemented the ability to deposit collectibles from the inventory. But, anyway, I think that’s what Reave means.
Unless they add some other use for Essences of Luck, it’s a little silly to have to click on them en masse, or else haul them around until your artificer can combine them. I get the same satisfaction as the next player from clicking on powerups and getting a positive response, but it’s hard to justify the lack of a “use all” option.
I was thinking that, or maybe he thought that luck takes the place of something else. I don’t have much problem with having them stored either since they end up stacking in the bank until I get 250, then I roll them up to exotic.
And, a big YES to Use All.
Would you like some hard cheeze with your sad whine?
even a use all would be nice. I’m sick of all the clicking!
Oh and btw storing luck does reduce your potential drop rate temporarily. That is until you use the essences. The equivelent of 1% MF in your bank is 1% MF not on your account. The MF modifier is applied new to every roll.
(edited by sinzer.4018)
There’s no other uses or recipes for it.
Same with karma potions for monthly.
If there’s no reason to keep the item to use for something else, its effects should be provided on acquisition.
The only reason no to use essences of luck is having an account to test drop rates without MF or something like that.
They might be planning to use luck for something else in the future when more people start to get around 300% magic find.
Hmm…that’s a really good idea. Thumbs up.
Oh and btw storing luck does reduce your potential drop rate temporarily. That is until you use the essences. The equivelent of 1% MF in your bank is 1% MF not on your account. The MF modifier is applied new to every roll.
If that’s what the OP meant, then what Aidan Savage said makes more sense, and totally applies; I could have quite a large pile of essences gathering dust in my inventory before I’d be able to increase my MF by 1%, and at that point it’s such a minimal fraction (1/~100th for example) of the MF boost that I’m getting that it hardly makes a difference if I wait until I can combine them. And if I don’t have enough to bump me up to the next level, then it makes no difference at all.
even a use all would be nice. I’m sick of all the clicking!
Oh and btw storing luck does reduce your potential drop rate temporarily. That is until you use the essences. The equivelent of 1% MF in your bank is 1% MF not on your account. The MF modifier is applied new to every roll.
This makes some sense, though I wouldn’t use the word “reduce” here. If I have 5% worth in my bank or pack its not taking 5% off my MF. Its just not adding to it. Its just sitting like a gamer in his chair, getting bigger and bigger, and doing nothing particularly useful
Would you like some hard cheeze with your sad whine?
In general .my hand can feel that there are more clicks now than when I started.
advanced mice. keyboard are currently what keeps me from carpal tunnel syndrome.
Remember the loot bags during LA LS? again sooooo many clicks….. So its not only the luck.
I would suggest a drop down menu option of – use all.
would love is………..its silly that they make you either click it all, or use crafting to lessen the stack number.
MARA (EU) Gunnar’s Hold
Either add it automatically or give a right click option to do it all from that menu.
I would prefer an option, as I use them for the Monthly Crafter Achievement. Options are always best. =)
In general .my hand can feel that there are more clicks now than when I started.
advanced mice. keyboard are currently what keeps me from carpal tunnel syndrome.
Remember the loot bags during LA LS? again sooooo many clicks….. So its not only the luck.I would suggest a drop down menu option of – use all.
While “Use All” would work perfectly well with luck consumables, with bags, it’s worth noting the possibility that someone will Use All on 250 bags with an otherwise full inventory. If someone is stockpiling valuable bags or boxes (and I’m sure there are people who have,) that could lead them them having well over a hundred items piled up in the “You are encumbered!” interface.
I suppose the “Use All” process could abort itself if the number of items in the encumbered window reaches a certain point, but it’s something interesting to think about.