Balance changes
Letf fix “Quick Breathing” and Signet of Stamina" of Warrior.
Conversion could be:
- Burn, Bleed, Poison and Torment = Regeneration (DOT = HoT)
- Weakeness = Vigor (low endurance regen = high endurance regen)
- Paralise = Aegis (unable dodge and escape of skills = block incoming attack)
- Chiled = Might (skill usage/mov spd reduction = extra dmg)
- Criple = Switfness (Ok!)
- Blind = Fury (Ok!)
- Fear = Stability (Ok!)
- Confusion = Retaliation (Ok!)
- Vulnerability = Protection (Ok!)
In atual mode, warhorn #5 are useless cause chiled and bleeding grant vigor, and warhonr #5 alredy grants 12s vigor with 16s CD. warhorn #4 alredy cancels chiled/paralise/criple and grants perma swiftness, there is no reason for more swiftness in warhonr #4 and #5. I think this is waste of treat points that affect the warrior.
Signet of Stamine’s passive efect need stack with vigor for grant some advantage, like another Signets that stacks with swiftness and gives advantage in mov spd for another classes.
I think this two changes meke the things more just
I really don’t understand why Thieves would get Torment either. It doesn’t fill any particular need, and it’ll just lead to even more complaints about the class.
Mesmers are even worse though. Confusion stacks on a condition mesmer are bad enough, but if they can now stack Torment on top of it, you’ll be left unable to effectively move OR use abilities without taking heavy damage. So… just sit there doing literally nothing ’till a condition cleanser comes up?
I think Regeneration boon needs changes in formula.
“The Regeneration boon grants healing over time determined by the following formula:
5 + (1.5625 * Level) + (0.125 * Healing Power) per second "
At lv 80 and 300 healing power gives 165,5 per second. Then All another classes fills all health before warriors and necromancers (two more weakenes classes).
I think “health points” (no vitality) needs be added to Regeneration formula and this way provide equality benefit to all classes.
Letf fix “Quick Breathing” and Signet of Stamina" of Warrior.
Conversion could be:
- Burn, Bleed, Poison and Torment = Regeneration (DOT = HoT)
- Weakeness = Vigor (low endurance regen = high endurance regen)
- Paralise = Aegis (unable dodge and escape of skills = block incoming attack)
- Chiled = Might (skill usage/mov spd reduction = extra dmg)
- Criple = Switfness (Ok!)
- Blind = Fury (Ok!)
- Fear = Stability (Ok!)
- Confusion = Retaliation (Ok!)
- Vulnerability = Protection (Ok!)In atual mode, warhorn #5 are useless cause chiled and bleeding grant vigor, and warhonr #5 alredy grants 12s vigor with 16s CD. warhorn #4 alredy cancels chiled/paralise/criple and grants perma swiftness, there is no reason for more swiftness in warhonr #4 and #5. I think this is waste of treat points that affect the warrior.
Signet of Stamine’s passive efect need stack with vigor for grant some advantage, like another Signets that stacks with swiftness and gives advantage in mov spd for another classes.
I think this two changes meke the things more just
Trust me warriors don’t need buffs of any kind. They need nerfs especially in PVE.
The “leaked patch notes” are really disappointing with Ranger.
I like the Engineer changes, but the ranger…
One of the supposed changes shows:
Canine: Bite: Reduced damage by 27%.
This would be silly because Canine bite’s power is only 122. Reducing it any more would make it only have a power of 89, at which point what the hell is the point of using a dog? Its autoattack never dealt much damage in the first place, so they nerf an already underpowered skill?
I’m going to hope these patch notes aren’t true because some of the changes are very nonsensical, or just badly worded. For example:
Swirling strike: .6 to .8
What the heck does that even mean?
Signets of Power: This 5 stacks of might that this trait grants has been increased to 10 seconds.
That seems inauthentic for patch notes ^^
(edited by Kain Francois.4328)
like OMG…SooooOoOooOo stupid! The OP, perma stealth Thieves are getting buffs to other traits?!?! That is so not fair! Not only do they have perma builds, now they have condition builds?! So now, more thieves are going to transition into different builds… How freaking lame is that?!
Oh wait
I think Regeneration boon needs changes in formula.
“The Regeneration boon grants healing over time determined by the following formula:
5 + (1.5625 * Level) + (0.125 * Healing Power) per second "
At lv 80 and 300 healing power gives 165,5 per second. Then All another classes fills all health before warriors and necromancers (two more weakenes classes
I think “health points” (no vitality) needs be added to Regeneration formula and this way provide equality benefit to all classes.
I would actually ask for a better score then this because regen needs alot more then that. It needs to scale much higher over time especially for those of us who would rather play and succeed at playing support roles.
My toon had about 15xx healing power with all the stuff on with boons and I can’t get anything but 150 per second to pop out. The engineer trait that gives regen when a kit is equipped is just as bad. And to top it all off we don’t have a direct heal that isn’t an AOE zone.
EG Fumigate needs to be reworked to include not only a condi removal but also a direct cone heal but then again they’d actually have to fix the cone miss bug once and for all for that to work.
I really can’t believe how much people are not thinking things out with torment being added to thieves and mesmers. Torment is going to be a CONDITION, which scale off of CONDITION DAMAGE. Adding a CONDITION to thieves and mesmers is to help out their CONDITION builds, which are lacking. P/D thief builds are now mostly “troll stealth regen” builds and rely so much on bleeds alone its easy to mitigate their damage with a couple cleanses, and confusion mesmers have been hit so hard with the nerf bat that they kinda need a bone thrown to them.
Even if current backstab/larcenous strike/shatter/phantasm/stealth builds have access to torment, it would deal low damage because they don’t run condition damage. It would also be stupid to put torment on warriors because all their weapon sets scale better with power and would need more than just another condition slapped on to them to make warrior condition builds viable.
Stop worrying that the classes you don’t like get a shiny new condition that hardly affects the popular builds and look forward to the trait and skill fixes and changes that everyone is getting.
I feel your pain, and am already shaking my fist at ANet’s change to Cleansing Fire.
Its actually overall a really good change because they have reduced the cooldown…really, stun break vs cooldown reduction, I far prefer the cooldown reduction. Do more damage faster/remove conditions faster excellent!
Also, your other cantrips have stun breaks, so who cares about losing one?
Other cantrips do have stun break, but none of them remove immobilised. Cleansing fire or death is the only way to remove it on the ele` & I`d rather have cake then death.
Crossing fingers they add an immob` remover somewhere else (or leave the sodding thing where it is) , but placing bets that they didn`t think (at all) that far ahead…
Rocking Wizard Wars until this mess of a game is fixed…
what if …
PvE monsters are able to dodge?
And.. and… they were the same classes as the players… and… they used the same skills that players had access to…
Too bad that would require REAL AI instead of just scripted boss fights and mobs with minimal amounts of AI to function.
Maybe they will sell enemy AI packs in the gem store?
Letf fix “Quick Breathing” and Signet of Stamina" of Warrior.
Conversion could be:
- Burn, Bleed, Poison and Torment = Regeneration (DOT = HoT)
- Weakeness = Vigor (low endurance regen = high endurance regen)
- Paralise = Aegis (unable dodge and escape of skills = block incoming attack)
- Chiled = Might (skill usage/mov spd reduction = extra dmg)
- Criple = Switfness (Ok!)
- Blind = Fury (Ok!)
- Fear = Stability (Ok!)
- Confusion = Retaliation (Ok!)
- Vulnerability = Protection (Ok!)In atual mode, warhorn #5 are useless cause chiled and bleeding grant vigor, and warhonr #5 alredy grants 12s vigor with 16s CD. warhorn #4 alredy cancels chiled/paralise/criple and grants perma swiftness, there is no reason for more swiftness in warhonr #4 and #5. I think this is waste of treat points that affect the warrior.
Signet of Stamine’s passive efect need stack with vigor for grant some advantage, like another Signets that stacks with swiftness and gives advantage in mov spd for another classes.
I think this two changes meke the things more just
Trust me warriors don’t need buffs of any kind. They need nerfs especially in PVE.
I don’t agree.
Warrior has more bit armor and health, this helps in PvE couse PvE enemi are stupid monster (no way to compare Ai with Human inteligence, experience, antecipation and improvise). But in PvP warriors no have tricks or way of mislead the enemi, also have no way of transfer and reduce incoming damage and conditions without help of gears.
(edited by JETWING.2759)
Different builds.
Let me repeat that.
Different builds.
Different builds.
The thing that everyone complaining always forgets about.
Mesmers and Thieves aren’t inherently better duelist classes. They do have, however, better duelist builds. There’s nothing that’s implying that Mesmers and Thieves will get Torment for their strongest builds – if anything, it’ll just open up new possibilities for condition builds, which Mesmers and Thieves are weak at. Also, both Mesmers and Thieves lack build diversity, and are pretty much stuck on one or two builds, so new food for conditions makes sense.
You don’t know how it will be implemented.
Let me repeat that.
You don’t know how it will be implemented.
You don’t know how it will be implemented!
I will say this again. Given Anet past history on “balance” everyone who doesn’t play a thief or mesmer has every right to be concerned about this.
Rumor (via “leaked patch notes”) is torment is attached to a venom skill that most thieves, including condition thieves, will never use. Feel better?
Well its all rumor and there is no way to tell if the leaked patch notes are real or not, even if they are real there is no way of telling how outdated they are. They also said they are going to revamp trait lines which still leaves open the possibility that torment will be added to a line that makes thieves even more op.
The plain fact is that thieves have no need for this…no logic went into the decision to give this to thieves. Just the other night I was doing WvW map completion solo(on my Guard), I almost ran into a group of three enemies, one of which was a thief. Now I popped my speed buff while I still had a good gap between me and the enemies…the thief caught up to me in 2 secs by spamming what ever skill the makes you freaking thieves flip like a monkey…since he caught up to me I said well might as well try and was killed by the three…stuff happens…but my speed buff is useless against thieves?
Now…knowing that…why does it make sense to give thieves torment?
(edited by Amun Ra.6435)
I think Anet want make GW2 what NCsoft made Adventurer, Duelist and Grand Kavatary in L2, giving insane power to 2 or 3 classes for gain fans or adepts.
I prefer leave the game that join Thieves or Mesmers.
I think Anet want make GW2 what NCsoft made Adventurer, Duelist and Grand Kavatary in L2, giving insane power to 2 or 3 classes for gain fans or adepts.
I prefer leave the game that join Thieves or Mesmers.
I have a mesmer wich i like because its effective and its somewhat easy to play, but i dont like a lot his gameplay style, i like my warrior more, but its like playing in super hard difficulty with him at least in spvp , in pve i have no problems with him, i keep playing both but the warrior its clearly underpowered and not a bit, by a lot, and really hate that in order to enjoy the game i should play another class just because the class i like its really poorly designed or underpowered with no justifications.
Thieves on the other hand are for players that explot things, yes, thieves tend to exploit perma stealth, super burst damage from stealth too by the way, and now they are giving them a new condition, so we can not move to try to avoid their burst, if any class its really OP its thieves no other class its capable of perma stealth in the entire combat and then just burst you down with 1 or 2 abilities.
But like you, im not going to make a thief i find them boring, and my mesmer… meh i really dont like a lot his game style either, so ill guess im going guardian since they recieved buffs that were not needed but, well thay were already a balanced class now they are going to became OP for sure and they are melee so.
I’m probably going to get nailed for saying this, but I don’t have a problem with the ranger changes. The long bow did need a bit of a buff, the short bow was always a bit OP, and I don’t think the pet changes, over all, will make that much of a difference.
I know there are people who compare ranger damage to warrior damage and scream bloody murder, but in the open world, I probably have more success on my ranger than with any other profession. Dungeons are harder, but still doable.
I guess if you’re not min/maxing…or not in the I have to kill everything in two seconds camp, rangers aren’t nearly as bad as people say.
There are those who think rangers to completely under-powered, but I’m not seeing this myself in my own game play.
I’m probably going to get nailed for saying this, but I don’t have a problem with the ranger changes. The long bow did need a bit of a buff, the short bow was always a bit OP, and I don’t think the pet changes, over all, will make that much of a difference.
I know there are people who compare ranger damage to warrior damage and scream bloody murder, but in the open world, I probably have more success on my ranger than with any other profession. Dungeons are harder, but still doable.
I guess if you’re not min/maxing…or not in the I have to kill everything in two seconds camp, rangers aren’t nearly as bad as people say.
There are those who think rangers to completely under-powered, but I’m not seeing this myself in my own game play.
Neither do i when i see inmortal rangers that regenerate to everything and insta reviving (idk how they do that), and actually the pet damage nerf was really needed, they were more dangerous than my warrior, they could just kill you while the ranger was siting regenerating to everything.
I’m probably going to get nailed for saying this, but I don’t have a problem with the ranger changes. The long bow did need a bit of a buff, the short bow was always a bit OP, and I don’t think the pet changes, over all, will make that much of a difference.
I know there are people who compare ranger damage to warrior damage and scream bloody murder, but in the open world, I probably have more success on my ranger than with any other profession. Dungeons are harder, but still doable.
I guess if you’re not min/maxing…or not in the I have to kill everything in two seconds camp, rangers aren’t nearly as bad as people say.
There are those who think rangers to completely under-powered, but I’m not seeing this myself in my own game play.
Neither do i when i see inmortal rangers that regenerate to everything and insta reviving (idk how they do that), and actually the pet damage nerf was really needed, they were more dangerous than my warrior, they could just kill you while the ranger was siting regenerating to everything.
I was talking about PvE more than PvP, but yeah, I do quite well in PvP with the ranger too, though it’s more of a harasser profession than a 1v1 profession. It’s great to team up with something like a guardian or a mesmer, or pretty much anything. You can be very annoying as a ranger in PvP.
But in PvE, I just don’t seem to have much problem. Yeah, I’m sure warriors kill stuff faster. Probably why I don’t play my warrior much. I find it quite boring.
Just comparing the changes between my two L80 classes: Guardian and Engineer
- Guardian (in top 3 in every area of the game): all buffs!
- Eng (strong in PvP if played by a master, weak otherwise): a mix of buffs and nerfs, plus Torment is going to hurt Engs bad.
If this is a joke, it’s well done.
If it’s true, then ANet scores a 100% fail on class balance.
Just comparing the changes between my two L80 classes: Guardian and Engineer
- Guardian (in top 3 in every area of the game): all buffs!
- Eng (strong in PvP if played by a master, weak otherwise): a mix of buffs and nerfs, plus Torment is going to hurt Engs bad.
If this is a joke, it’s well done.
If it’s true, then ANet scores a 100% fail on class balance.
If you are running Guardian and are a “master” of the engineer class you will get by fine.
Torment, worst idea ever. Hey we’re going to try and balance a horribly unbalanced game with another condition (basically confusion, but worse).
More PVP based changes, a form of that game that maybe 1-2% consistently play (if that) and mainly to exploit for rewards. Awful.
Letf fix “Quick Breathing” and Signet of Stamina" of Warrior.
Conversion could be:
- Burn, Bleed, Poison and Torment = Regeneration (DOT = HoT)
- Weakeness = Vigor (low endurance regen = high endurance regen)
- Paralise = Aegis (unable dodge and escape of skills = block incoming attack)
- Chiled = Might (skill usage/mov spd reduction = extra dmg)
- Criple = Switfness (Ok!)
- Blind = Fury (Ok!)
- Fear = Stability (Ok!)
- Confusion = Retaliation (Ok!)
- Vulnerability = Protection (Ok!)In atual mode, warhorn #5 are useless cause chiled and bleeding grant vigor, and warhonr #5 alredy grants 12s vigor with 16s CD. warhorn #4 alredy cancels chiled/paralise/criple and grants perma swiftness, there is no reason for more swiftness in warhonr #4 and #5. I think this is waste of treat points that affect the warrior.
Signet of Stamine’s passive efect need stack with vigor for grant some advantage, like another Signets that stacks with swiftness and gives advantage in mov spd for another classes.
I think this two changes meke the things more just
Trust me warriors don’t need buffs of any kind. They need nerfs especially in PVE.
Warhorn warriors are OP in PvE? News to everyone…
Letf fix “Quick Breathing” and Signet of Stamina" of Warrior.
Conversion could be:
- Burn, Bleed, Poison and Torment = Regeneration (DOT = HoT)
- Weakeness = Vigor (low endurance regen = high endurance regen)
- Paralise = Aegis (unable dodge and escape of skills = block incoming attack)
- Chiled = Might (skill usage/mov spd reduction = extra dmg)
- Criple = Switfness (Ok!)
- Blind = Fury (Ok!)
- Fear = Stability (Ok!)
- Confusion = Retaliation (Ok!)
- Vulnerability = Protection (Ok!)In atual mode, warhorn #5 are useless cause chiled and bleeding grant vigor, and warhonr #5 alredy grants 12s vigor with 16s CD. warhorn #4 alredy cancels chiled/paralise/criple and grants perma swiftness, there is no reason for more swiftness in warhonr #4 and #5. I think this is waste of treat points that affect the warrior.
Signet of Stamine’s passive efect need stack with vigor for grant some advantage, like another Signets that stacks with swiftness and gives advantage in mov spd for another classes.
I think this two changes meke the things more just
Trust me warriors don’t need buffs of any kind. They need nerfs especially in PVE.
Most hilarious quote ever.
Trust me warriors don’t need buffs of any kind. They need nerfs especially in PVE.
Most hilarious quote ever.
Oh please. Everyone knows warriors are OP in PVE, that’s why all the PVE farmer groups run 4 of them.
Overall, this will likely be the best balance patch that’s happened so far.
That’s not saying much, attempts to balance the game have been pretty crap so far.
Spammable static field is quite hilarious.
Fresh Air resets Air attunement CD, not Air skills, duh.
Trust me warriors don’t need buffs of any kind. They need nerfs especially in PVE.
Most hilarious quote ever.
Oh please. Everyone knows warriors are OP in PVE, that’s why all the PVE farmer groups run 4 of them.
Actually the usual team set up your probably thinking of is 3 Warriors in beserker gear, 1 Mesmer and a Guardian as the anchor.
A specific setup with a specific play style that was designed to farm a path in COF does not constitute an overpowered class.
If you think it does, then by all means roll a warrior and run around in WvW, tank sungeon bosses or Orr farming in Zerker gear auto attacking whilst bashing button 2 and let us know how you get on. Thanks
Its hylarious how ppl are already whining so much about this new condition without even know how strong it will be, how many stack it will be possible to drop at once, and mainly that it will be a condition thus scaling on condition damage, so wont make busrt builds on mesmers and thief any better (specially considering which weapons/skills are going to host torment :p).
Some are reacting to this like torment will instagib you when u move a step lol, wont be the case for sure, not sure about this but i read it will deal 75% of bleeding dmg if u stand still, and 150% of bleeding dmg if u move…. which means that at best will be 160dmg per tick, on a low access condition…..
I wouldnt worry too much about it, its just going to help a little those weak condition builds to give some chance of build diversity to mesmer and thief.
Trust me warriors don’t need buffs of any kind. They need nerfs especially in PVE.
Most hilarious quote ever.
Oh please. Everyone knows warriors are OP in PVE, that’s why all the PVE farmer groups run 4 of them.
Instead of fixing a dungeon, we must nerf a class!
I just wanted to come in and adress the thieves-mesmer torment QQ going on.
Most likely this condition will be given to the (underpowered) condition specs, 90% run burst builds out there. Thieves running condi builds need some love pretty badly. I don’t think they will give torment to d/x or s/x.
And if they added this new condition, torment, as a replacement for bleeding for Thieves, Mesmer and Necro? In this way, only certain classes can put bleeding (such as warrior or ranger, ecc..) and we will have a greater diversity in condition build without being game breaking.. (I personally would like this idea)
If that’s real then I’m not happy with the changes on Ranger class. My ranger is currently traited to a 15/20/5/0/30 BM GS and S/W zerker Ranger so that skill changes is nothing to me but a straight DPS NERF. Massive DPS nerf across pets while not giving any buffs with Ranger’s weapon DPS.
The nerf should only affect PVP whereas applying the same nerf on PVE will just give people more reasons to ignore or kick rangers from parties for having low DPS.
I also think that they should give incentives to melee build on ranger since you’re risking your life in front of mobs to help mitigate the mobs damage. And for the longbow buffs, I never liked going range with my ranger. If I want to be selfish by attacking afar while keeping my self safe, I have my elementalist for that. Please don’t force my ranger to use longbow by buffing it while nerfing the shortbow..
I think the changes to Ranger (possibly to all the classes) should only apply to PvP…use PvP and PvP only to experiment with changes…that way the 90% of people who don’t PvP wouldn’t care…let the PvPers nerf themselves to oblivion…
Also, does everyone know that PvPers pay NOTHING at all to change there builds?
So big changes? PvP goes to a small area of the game changes all traits for FREE, gets all equipment for FREE, only has to equip 1 piece of jewellery and has some nice test grounds to test it on land and sea. Big changes 5-10 mins later good to go…
In PvE or WvW big changes, 2 months later your still farming equipment for your build, just in time for the next big balance patch…
Trust me warriors don’t need buffs of any kind. They need nerfs especially in PVE.
Most hilarious quote ever.
Oh please. Everyone knows warriors are OP in PVE, that’s why all the PVE farmer groups run 4 of them.
Actually the usual team set up your probably thinking of is 3 Warriors in beserker gear, 1 Mesmer and a Guardian as the anchor.
A specific setup with a specific play style that was designed to farm a path in COF does not constitute an overpowered class.
If you think it does, then by all means roll a warrior and run around in WvW, tank sungeon bosses or Orr farming in Zerker gear auto attacking whilst bashing button 2 and let us know how you get on. Thanks
Nope but when a single class can run Arah solo there’s a big big problem, they still haven’t addressed that one yet.
I think the torment thing should have been spread out. Engineers for example are stuck in PVE using condition heavy builds no matter what the situation because we have no viable burst DPS due to severe class design flaws in PVE. Until they really fix that they needed to make torment style enhancement to other condi damage types and put them on the engineer. (not bleeding but burning purhaps since that doesn’t stack).
I have all the professions at 80 so the usual nerf them, buff me mechanic doesn’t apply. I have played my ranger and engi the least for all the usually described reasons. Necro, because of the way condi dmg is managed (by stacks on mob rather than damage by player) will never be completely ok in all situations (primarily PvE) until that is fixed at a minimum, but I don’t have a problem playing necro generally in the game, and was glad to see some needed buffs there.
Ranger needed LB attention and got a little—this will not be enough to move it from the bottom tier of professions. Engi changes I just don’t understand (especially the stun break shuffle) and more than ever I believe Anet doesn’t understand it either. They really need to develop an internal advocacy group made up of people who actually play the profession that is used to balance the balance group. So many changes (like the recent thief PvE reveal nerf which was subsequently reverted) suggest that no one there actually plays the professions in question.
Overall, it’s a good day to be a guardian. I don’t know how badly warrior PvE success is nerfed but we may need to crown a new overall PvE king. Long live the king!
So nothing for Rangers and Engineers (as usual) so as usual i wont bother entering WvW or sPvP and waste my time and money…
As it stands i very rarely enter the actual game, so this patch isn’t going to change that much. (as usual)
Trust me warriors don’t need buffs of any kind. They need nerfs especially in PVE.
Most hilarious quote ever.
Oh please. Everyone knows warriors are OP in PVE, that’s why all the PVE farmer groups run 4 of them.
That guy implied pvp too , read, “…especially in PVE” so he thinks that they are OP in pvp too.
They says “king of PvE” or “Op in PvE”, and i say “to hell with PvE”.
I am plaing MMO for PvP, PvP PeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeVeeeeeeeeeeeeeePeeeeeeeeeeeee!
I dont want know how class A or B are in PvE, if a class are god in PvE but trash in PvP, then this class does not serve.
All balance needs be considered only for PvP, the rest are rest (human ever will overcome the Ai).
Balanci only in pvp without gears (assuming all classes have access to all gears for free choise, and assuming any classe be afected for incompatible gear hability. Ex: gear hability that trigers o weapon swap but has internal cd of 9s do not serves for warriors)
I feel like all classes got buffed, but some not as much as others. Ele for example had staff skills sped up, but not really any damage/survivability increased. I use scepter/dagger and I won’t be made stronger to handle these other classes that just got buffed.
I really don’t know why they said in that state of the game “we want to decrease ele, but at the same time, bring up every other class”. I don’t see speed groups in dungeons clearing in 5 minutes with 5 eles.
Warriors are taking a damage nerf in PvE from Heightened Focus and Berserker’s Power moving to the grandmaster tier. Their ability to stack a bunch of +%damage traits is what was allowing them to push their damage so high, and pushing those up to the top of their trees breaks up the Warrior’s ability to take them all. It’s a really inspired change that I like a lot, it makes you commit to full glass in PvE and won’t have a big impact on PvP at all.
In general they’re moving power on the Warrior from raw damage to resilience and durability, which should make for a more healthy class overall.
The condition changes to the Thief are similar. Thieves have too much power in their burst and their escapes, but don’t have a whole lot outside of that. They need power taken away from those areas (which are incredibly frustrating and not fun to play against) and shifted into condition damage and sustain, which are more engaging and open to counter-play.
I like the direction of a lot of these changes over-all. While a lot of the little changes don’t do much, the big changes tend to look pretty good. The stuff that I don’t like looks like the reflexive, ‘oh my god we’re making big changes to the game pull it quick!’ stuff that was thrown in last minute (nuking every weakness skill and trait because they’re afraid weakness might be good now, hammering stuff like cantrips and elixirs in response to making other utility skills better). Those are ill-advised, reflexive nerfs that clearly have not been thought through.
Otherwise? Even stuff like the range nerfs look like clean-up that will make it a lot easier to balance going forward. I approve.
i don’t really get this ranger pet dmg either. they’re not dmg kings even with pet dmg traits and skills. if warrior is inferior to pet that only means warriors are crap like they are. some pets -may- need a dmg nerf but that’s probably just some types or just slight adjustment instead of dropping it by unnecessary numbers (pls don’t compare some pve farming here it doesnt/shouldnt matter, its more like AI/difficulty level question than class balance) I haven’t looked too deeply yet in warrior changes but to me it seems warrior just suffers more in terms of survivability and dps both in pvp.
Warriors are taking a damage nerf in PvE from Heightened Focus and Berserker’s Power moving to the grandmaster tier. Their ability to stack a bunch of +%damage traits is what was allowing them to push their damage so high, and pushing those up to the top of their trees breaks up the Warrior’s ability to take them all. It’s a really inspired change that I like a lot, it makes you commit to full glass in PvE and won’t have a big impact on PvP at all.
In general they’re moving power on the Warrior from raw damage to resilience and durability, which should make for a more healthy class overall.
The condition changes to the Thief are similar. Thieves have too much power in their burst and their escapes, but don’t have a whole lot outside of that. They need power taken away from those areas (which are incredibly frustrating and not fun to play against) and shifted into condition damage and sustain, which are more engaging and open to counter-play.
I like the direction of a lot of these changes over-all. While a lot of the little changes don’t do much, the big changes tend to look pretty good. The stuff that I don’t like looks like the reflexive, ‘oh my god we’re making big changes to the game pull it quick!’ stuff that was thrown in last minute (nuking every weakness skill and trait because they’re afraid weakness might be good now, hammering stuff like cantrips and elixirs in response to making other utility skills better). Those are ill-advised, reflexive nerfs that clearly have not been thought through.
Otherwise? Even stuff like the range nerfs look like clean-up that will make it a lot easier to balance going forward. I approve.
Your post was well written, well thought out and highly accurate.
by level 80 should have the best statistical loot in the game.
We want everyone on an equal power base.”
The amount of ignorance people are spouting about classes they clearly don’t play is quite hilarious.
Torment on thieves will be ignored by 90% of them. Why would a burst class ever pick up a condition damage skill? Answer: they won’t unless they are a condition build.
How many threads have you seen complaining about condition thieves? I’ve never seen a single one because condition thieves currently suck, thus the addition of a new condition for them.
The leaked patch notes are at worse an early version that they wanted to test the waters with. Overall I think the classes I play have some good changes in them. Warriors will be brought down in PvE while gaining more viable builds and some help in PvP. Thief has some hurtful changes, but less popular builds are getting some help.
I think the changes still need some work, but they are a good start at least. I’ll need to test the new weakness to know how it is. Right now it seems like an overall nerf to weakness unless you are fighting a D/D thief.
Trust me warriors don’t need buffs of any kind. They need nerfs especially in PVE.
Most hilarious quote ever.
Oh please. Everyone knows warriors are OP in PVE, that’s why all the PVE farmer groups run 4 of them.
Actually the usual team set up your probably thinking of is 3 Warriors in beserker gear, 1 Mesmer and a Guardian as the anchor.
A specific setup with a specific play style that was designed to farm a path in COF does not constitute an overpowered class.
If you think it does, then by all means roll a warrior and run around in WvW, tank sungeon bosses or Orr farming in Zerker gear auto attacking whilst bashing button 2 and let us know how you get on. Thanks
dude i do have a (mostly zerker) warrior, and i do run around in WVW with it, switch between LB, (A/WH, H, GS) depending on circumstances. it’s fine.
like i said, warr in PVE does need a straight damage nerf. i would have liked to see 100b nerfed in damage and made usable while moving (and potentially destroy projectiles).
(edited by scerevisiae.1972)
I just wanted to come in and adress the thieves-mesmer torment QQ going on.
Most likely this condition will be given to the (underpowered) condition specs, 90% run burst builds out there. Thieves running condi builds need some love pretty badly. I don’t think they will give torment to d/x or s/x.
there’s nothing UP about condition mesmers, even after the glamour nerf. it’s still really strong in 1v{1-4} and big zerg clashes, it’s just that power/shatter is better.
I’ll give me a breack of this forum :/
I don’t understand why thieves would get torment too. They’re already the fastest class and hard to catch as it is, no it seems you would get punished too if you try and chase after them.
Of course we don’t know how exactly the new condition is gonna work yet or how powerful it is but that is just my initial assumption.
I raced a warrior on my thief while farming coffers, beat me to almost every one, I even used Inf strike and shadowstep to try and win. GS/Sword+warhorn is more mobile than a thief sadly. Maybe I’m just bad but they are almost on par with each other depending on the situation.
The real question is, have you ever tried chasing a thief in WvW?
Half necros to compensate for the half guardians running around. Reduce boon meta and necro drops in importance.
And by half necros you likely mean zergs, because necro is absolute garbage for roaming.
Has nothing to do with the Guardians and everything to do with marks and wells being both powerful and able to be layered on top of one another to the point that an area becomes an instagib zone for anything not speced for pure deffense.
Dying because you got chain feared by 5 reapers marks in an AoE clusterkitten is only funny the first time it happens.
Step out of the wells and stop running melee trains.