(edited by Eponet.4829)
Balthazar’s Regalia outfit
It would be so much cooler if they added armor this cool as like prestige armor instead of euro-armor.. Like gw1 had so many 15k armor sets..
I remember back when they released armor sets and people complained about those and rather wanted outfits…
Really ? I can’t remember that i ever read that .. and the word “outfits” wasn’t even
known in this game, before they started with that stuff.I remember numerous people complaining about armor in the gem store and how it was a cash grab and how armor in the gem store made this game pay to win and how armor should only be available in game. Every single armor set had threads where people posted about how ugly it was and how they wouldn’t buy them. Post after post after post of complaints about gem store armor.
So now ANet is selling outfits and people post about how they want armor and they will never buy an outfit.
ANet can’t win.
why are you creating a false connection.
armor in store versus in game
has nothing to do with
instore items being armor or being outfitsthese are seperate stances/arguments, why are you using one as a counterpoint, when there is no relation.
I was specifically responding to the part of Lordkrall’s quote where people were complaining about gem store armor and backing him up on that point with examples of what they complained about. Then commenting on how ANet isn’t selling armor now, but outfits, and people are complaining about that and calling it lazy and calling for armor instead.
ANet may give it to you.
(edited by Just a flesh wound.3589)
I remember back when they released armor sets and people complained about those and rather wanted outfits…
Really ? I can’t remember that i ever read that .. and the word “outfits” wasn’t even
known in this game, before they started with that stuff.I remember numerous people complaining about armor in the gem store and how it was a cash grab and how armor in the gem store made this game pay to win and how armor should only be available in game. Every single armor set had threads where people posted about how ugly it was and how they wouldn’t buy them. Post after post after post of complaints about gem store armor.
So now ANet is selling outfits and people post about how they want armor and they will never buy an outfit.
ANet can’t win.
why are you creating a false connection.
armor in store versus in game
has nothing to do with
instore items being armor or being outfitsthese are seperate stances/arguments, why are you using one as a counterpoint, when there is no relation.
Because ANet isn’t currently putting armor in the gem store but outfits. They have to have something to sell you know and if gem store armor was unacceptable then outfits should be fine, yet people are complaining about outfits in the gemstore, how lazy this is and how they would never buy one.
There are several armor sets that have been datamined. Let’s see how they are put in. Hopefully in game so that people can complain about the amount of grind needed to get them.
the people complaining about outfits were complaining because they used to be much more customizable. They had more dye channels, and were seperate pieces people could mix and match.
It has nothing to do with it being in the gemstore, or called outfits.
the people who wanted more armor in game, main complaint was that they had rarely seen any additional armor added in the actual game. Essentially they wanted more armor that they could earn.
Neither of these complaints is solved by having few new armors in game
Neither of these complaints is solved by having outfits that you cant mix and match, or dye as many channels.
To be clear, the people complaining about outfits dont care what they are called, they simply want to be able to mix and match and have more cosmetic options. The reason they say they want armor is because anet changed it so that outfits arent mix and match and have less dye options.
the two issues have very little to do with each other.
and krall said that people wanted outfits over armor (which is false) in the store, he didnt really talk about people wanting armor in game instead of instore.
(edited by phys.7689)
I don’t even understand WHY these armors have to be outfits. I want to mix and match, not look like everyone else. Sure it looks amazing, but loses its appeal after I see it on every other person. Outfits should be festive only. I am in disappoint.
regalia today?
Message Body length must at least be 15.
regalia today?
Message Body length must at least be 15.
The message length thing counts putting in spaces after the text also.
ANet may give it to you.
I am definitely getting this amazing looking outfit. I do hope though that one day Anet are able to separate each individual piece in outfits, so we can mix and match – so we don’t all look the same.
[&DBQAAAA=] yes that balthazar’s regalia
First: THX you so much!!!! I knew you would do it eventually, love you all!!!.
Second: WTH!!?? an outfit!?? really Anet? really??? cmon you know nobody would hesitate to buy it if you make it a skin >:( but nooooo.
so, u guys advocating for outfits , what would you say are the benefits of “outfit” as oppose to “skins”?.
All armor classes (light, medium and heavy) can wear outfits, as apposed to if it were an armor set (which would have probably been only exclusive to the heavy class, judging by how heavy it looks)
And also no transmutation charges.
Those are the 2 benefits I see in outfits. The only con for me is not being able to mix and match. It’s the only thing I don’t like about them.
so, u guys advocating for outfits , what would you say are the benefits of “outfit” as oppose to “skins”?.
the main thing is being able to have a look that’s outside of your armour class. For example I like big awesome plate armour, but I mainly play medium armour classes, so with outfits I can achieve the look I want without being forced to play a class for that armour type
The ability to have one nice look at all times on your chars while leveling instead of the “whatever you can get look” from drops.
The ability to switch easily with the click of a button to a whole new look that’s outside of your char’s weight class.
ANet may give it to you.
darn it! … ok those are reasonable points in favor of the outfit system, but still!!! can anet just break down the outfit into 6 pieces? (helmet, gauntlets, pants, boots, coat, shoulders) and still preserve the qualities that make outfit an advantage?
Actually they can’t, for technical reasons. The whole point is that separate pieces need separate rigging. Much as I miss town clothes, the reason they worked as mix and match was they couldn’t be mixed with combat armor so the tech issues were dodged.
They might be able to make armor rigs designed to look generally the same as outfits, but they’d have to design them for each weight from the ground up and the armatures for some weights wouldn’t support some particular outfit types. They can’t “just break down the outfit,” in other words, it’s a tremendous job.
I still wish they would design the outfits to have toggle-off shoulders and gloves, and to allow any helm — I think the outfit helm should in fact be an armor skin to add to the wardrobe while still not requiring a charge to apply it when in that outfit. I can see that might be tricky programming, because it goes from a binary choice (outfit hat showing/not showing) to multiples (outfit hat on, showing/not showing, or separate helm on, showing/not showing). It would require another toggle box to overwrite the worn armor with the outfit helm.
so, u guys advocating for outfits , what would you say are the benefits of “outfit” as oppose to “skins”?.
No transmutation cost.
I remember back when they released armor sets and people complained about those and rather wanted outfits…
The circle is now complete.
That never happened.
The best part of it is that IT WORKS WITH CHARR TAILS!
We get a freakin’ cape!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6zkT2uZAGA – GW2 – A world of wonder
this is an awesome skin……….and looks amazing on ALL races.
huge props to the artists involved. guaranteed buy
MARA (EU) Gunnar’s Hold
Hey, look, the armor of the human god of war is available for the other races, and even for charr who are historically humanity’s worst enemies. Way to screw up the lore, ANet…
And, to add further insult to the insult, it’s not even an armor, it’s an outfit.
Money does indeed dictate things, but can’t you at least pretend to care about the lore?
Hey, look, the armor of the human god of war is available for the other races, and even for charr who are historically humanity’s worst enemies. Way to screw up the lore, ANet…
And, to add further insult to the insult, it’s not even an armor, it’s an outfit.
Money does indeed dictate things, but can’t you at least pretend to care about the lore?
The war was 250 years ago and the Charr are allies now. One even runs the trading post in the human city of Lions Arch and nearly was voted onto their council. Maybe you need to think less of events that happened centuries ago.
ANet may give it to you.
Also i personally prefer to see outfits in gemstore and earn actual armor pieces in game.
Depends on the amount of grind that is needed. Personally i would had prefered
to buy the carapace armor for gold than to grind 10.000 bandit tokens.
What do you mean? I have head, shoulders, chest legs and boots and i got all of those as rewards from the ls or killing the new boss.
Are we even sure this is gonna be made available to the players?
Are we even sure this is gonna be made available to the players?
God I hope so. I’ve been anticipating the outfit for the last few days and would be a sad panda if ANet will not release it! It would be such a shame if it would not appear in the gemstore!. Whatever it may be, outfit or or armor skin, everyone and their mother can I have it for all I care. I just want it to be released and get my hands on it :P.
The person that should be banned is whoever at Anet holding this outfit at hostage! I want this now!!!
Are we even sure this is gonna be made available to the players?
I’ve wanted this outfit since it was datamined a month and a half ago, if they don’t release it I will be very sad
And that is the dangers with data-mining. Not everything that is data-mined is released.
It is very likely that this will be, but there are plenty of examples that have not been released.
Stuff is not official until they are announced by ArenaNet.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
Watch it be a China exclusive like the Mystical Dragon mini.
Watch it be a China exclusive like the Mystical Dragon mini.
NO! Don’t remind ANet performing this evil sorcery!!!:D
Ho Lee Crap.
Might as well give ANet my account number so that can take all of my moneys. This could be the skin that finally gets my guardian out of his Vigil armor.
I hope this means they will be making outfits of the other gods.
Obviously we have the grenth hood, but I hope we can get a full grenth outfit.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6zkT2uZAGA – GW2 – A world of wonder
Looks good but hey, yet another outfit… Thanks but I’ll pass on low effort gemstore stuff with zero costumization possibilities.
It’s almost as if they are too lazy to put in a bit of extra work to make it an armor set in game that advocates itself as having skins as endgame.
That’s what I call bad design :/
Looks good but hey, yet another outfit… Thanks but I’ll pass on low effort gemstore stuff with zero costumization possibilities.
It’s almost as if they are too lazy to put in a bit of extra work to make it an armor set in game that advocates itself as having skins as endgame.
That’s what I call bad design :/
This is some of the most beautiful gear they have made, and you call it lazy and badly designed, just because you can’t mix and match it.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6zkT2uZAGA – GW2 – A world of wonder
Looks good but hey, yet another outfit… Thanks but I’ll pass on low effort gemstore stuff with zero costumization possibilities.
It’s almost as if they are too lazy to put in a bit of extra work to make it an armor set in game that advocates itself as having skins as endgame.
That’s what I call bad design :/This is some of the most beautiful gear they have made, and you call it lazy and badly designed, just because you can’t mix and match it.
I call it lazy because they didn’t put in a bit of extra effort to make it an armor set that can be mixed. Badly designed was in regards to the design decision to make GW2 endgame about acquiring skins and customizing your character but then releasing most new skins as whole sets with almost zero possibility to do so.
I understand that it’s easier to make and allows for more intersting designs but they should’ve thought of that before making skins the driving force behind endgame.
They painted themselves into a corner and yes, that’s bad design (or at the very least short-sighted).
All I want is for them to use this outfit for the Avatar of Balthazar transformation.
The current model is a ridiculous makeshift mixed armor that doesn’t look like an avatar of Balthazar transformation at all.
Wether we get it as an outfit in the gemstore or not is secondary to that for me.
It should use the Balthazar Regalia, and Volcanus.