Beauty and the Beast
I have never bought gems to convert into gold, and I am no farming player (I loathe farming with a passion).
You don’t need gold for gear – if you run dungeons you can work toward exotic gear while making gold. Or you can spend karma in Orr. You need gold for travel, but one DE or heart usually is more than enough to cover that expense, so unless you bunny hop all over the maps you should be fine. Same goes for repair expenses.So I really wonder: what are you spending so much gold on?
Like they have a horrible LFG system, so is no point go for dungeons and farm. And is boring and boring
. Also dungeons itself isn’t interested. I think this game is just for free to play players, where no need to think about contest. You just playing same game like others free to play. Nothing interested.
your English is terrible. And there is lots of content in the game. IF you’re not interested in the game it’s not our problem.
I also enjoyed “Also dungeons itself isn’t interested.” I had no idea the dungeons were not interested in farming.
Obviously Robo isn’t a native English speaker – and apparently they make trolls in every culture so he’s still got a job here.
I’m sorry I stepped outta yer box, don’ worry, if
ya whine enough they’ll put me right back.
Expenses are the guild itself, character gear, waypoints and WvW across two accounts. I have been storing mats rather than selling them in order to up my crafting skills later without having to buy everything.
So my last suggestion is a wash. Oooh. I am so sorry for your WvW wallet. I operate by setting myself a 1 gold allowance when I dip into WvW for a large block of time and only spend that plus whatever I may actually make. The remainder at the end goes back into my bank.
And before you say it, 1 gold is not that hard to make . . . do you have oodles of Karma you’re not using? Great. Hop on over to Fort Trinity and buy “Lost Orrian Jewelry Boxes”. You’ll take a bath on costs and won’t get anything spectacularly rare but the “Unidentifiable Objects” add up nicely as vendor-worthy junk.
Next up, your guild. Stop buying Influence with gold if you’re on a budget crunch. I am not entirely sure what to do about this, as my guild is right about at that cusp where we’re small enough not to get Influence fast but big enough to field a full group for a dungeon every other day or so. I would say that you should log the members in every day for an hour so they get the “logged in” Influence gain . . . and do as many chained events together as you like.
In other words developers should work for free. Do you work for free?
Times have changed buddy. Back in our day we’d be lucky to get any patches for a game after release – games nowadays are continuously maintenanced and added to.
Firstly, read the whole thread before wading in and note the following quoted comment.
As stated previously in my original post, I’d be far happier contributing financially if I felt I was doing so voluntarily to support the devs/product. If I feel pushed into it, I’m far more likely to push back and withdraw that support. I’m also far more likely to leave the game completely and therefore reduce ANets income potential to £0.00
Better that they get a little of my money on a goodwill basis than get none at all. That’s basically what I’m saying here.
I’ve already paid somewhere around a couple of hundred pounds on top of two copies of the game. I’ve also made 2 recommendations to friends and family (who have also bought the game). All this within about two months. So to clarify my position on the matter, no I don’t expect the developers to work for free. You drew that conclusion all by yourself
Secondly, back in your day was probably back in my day too. I’m 40 years old and have been gaming since the late 1970’s on the binatone. I’ve been involved in gaming in some form or other throughout my life and have seen passionate developers as well as developers who simply don’t give a ****.
I’m not criticising the dev team at all in this post, merely highlighting areas of concern for me as a gamer. In fact if you read a little of the thread, you’ll note that I said that this game is a treasure that is in my top 5 of all time. No mean feat. I’m happy with the devs attitude to the game and the frequent updates and don’t mind putting my hand in my pocket from time to time to continue to support that.
I also enjoyed “Also dungeons itself isn’t interested.” I had no idea the dungeons were not interested in farming.
Obviously Robo isn’t a native English speaker – and apparently they make trolls in every culture so he’s still got a job here.
Yeah I know it’s obvious he isn’t a native english speaker. I did my best to address his concerns, and I thought that mistake was funny. Sue me.
PS: If the opposite happened, and I spoke in another language and made a similar mistake, I am quite certain people would laugh. Rightly so.
It may be enlightening for all of us to hear from you what a day in the life of TactiCol is (in game, of course). This might help us put a finger on why you are spending more gold than you are making.
Many people have already given helpful tips. I’ll see if I can add one or two things.
Have the appropriate gathering tools equipped and as you clear maps, make sure you’re gathering. You Don’t have to go out with the mindset of farming gathering nodes. Make it incidental. If you were headed to the next point of your story mission, start from the nearest city (which you can get to for 0 silver by using the Heart of the Mists to Lion’s Arch to the Gate Hub) and run there, gathering whatever happens to be relatively close on your map.
Waypoint less when you choose to clear maps. If you must waypoint to a map, so be it, but make sure you are accomplishing goals there (finishing heart quests, doing dynamic events, gathering) enough to recompense your waypoint cost.
Use basic salvage kits for whites and blues. At level 80, you should be salvaging any white and blue Light and Heavy armor. Vendor white and blue medium armor.
Do dungeons for fun. No seriously. If you’ve got decent gear and you’ve got your son and three friends, do some dungeons. If you’re new, choose to do the Easy dungeons first. (You’ll need to do story mode to unlock explorable mode, too.) Try doing one new one a night. Read the guides or watch the videos to know what you’re up against.
Thanks for the tips, couple of handy ones there. Much appreciated.
As to dungeons, I’m just not into that side of MMORPG personally. I will do them all out of necessity rather than desire. Having said that if they are reasonably profitable, it is an avenue we should explore. We have done three of them so far but we are a small family guild so it’s not always easy.
There are only the four of us as and we are not in a rush to let anyone else in due to my sons age. If we find the right people over the course of time we will probably expand a little but quite frankly, I don’t want the management headaches I’ve encountered in previous games when running guilds. I actually want to enjoy the game this time
Maybe a couple of alliances with other small guilds would be the best route for dungeons and looting and that is probably something we will now look to explore in the near future. We went in with GW2 vets on our first and second dungeon runs so we got a nice heads up from them and I suppose we could get to grips with the workings of others and work one different dungeon each day.
If any small guilds on the Fissure of Woe servers are looking to hook up for dungeons, WvW and events – feel free to contact me in game.
how about running dungeons, doing fractals, buying gear with dungeon tokens, salvaging and selling it, doing dragon events, doing high level zones? I bought most of my character slots and minies by converting GOLD to GEMS. Never had ANY money problems. You’re doing something terribly wrong in this MMO.
I am not a dungeon runner tbh and am not interested in making lots of in game money. I’m just concerned with the loot drop rate and low in game incomes. I have to finance two accounts and my son does most of the spending on his account. I am an adventurer by trade (in game wise) and have played MMORPG’s since the day Anarchy Online came out. I have ran several guilds in other titles and I am well seasoned in the dynamics of the MMORPG.
Whilst it is possible to get by with the most basic of gear in this title, it’s is very difficult to gear up without making a financial contribution. I have not really had this problem in other titles in the genre, although most were subscription based.
There is no element of surprise in the loot table, little to no money to be made from gathering and very tight margins on crafting. Short of running dungeons repeatedly (A form of grind I thought ANet was against in principle) what other methods are there for making a living in game ?
It’s not difficult at all to gear up without spending money. You definitely shouldn’t need to convert real money to gold to do it.
When I hit level 80 I had enough karma on the character for 2 pieces of max-stat exotic gear from Orr and enough as jugs from dailies and various other sources for about 6 more, and that’s without using any karma boosts when consuming the jugs. I haven’t worked out how much I’d have with karma boosts but I’m sure it would allow for several more pieces.
Also when you say there’s little/no money to be made from gathering how are you working that out? If you’re selling crafting materials to in-game merchants I agree. But if you sell them on the Trading Post to other players you can make a lot of money. Maybe not from selling one unit (ie. one strawberry, or one lump of copper ore) but it adds up quickly.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
how about running dungeons, doing fractals, buying gear with dungeon tokens, salvaging and selling it, doing dragon events, doing high level zones? I bought most of my character slots and minies by converting GOLD to GEMS. Never had ANY money problems. You’re doing something terribly wrong in this MMO.
I am not a dungeon runner tbh and am not interested in making lots of in game money. I’m just concerned with the loot drop rate and low in game incomes. I have to finance two accounts and my son does most of the spending on his account. I am an adventurer by trade (in game wise) and have played MMORPG’s since the day Anarchy Online came out. I have ran several guilds in other titles and I am well seasoned in the dynamics of the MMORPG.
Whilst it is possible to get by with the most basic of gear in this title, it’s is very difficult to gear up without making a financial contribution. I have not really had this problem in other titles in the genre, although most were subscription based.
There is no element of surprise in the loot table, little to no money to be made from gathering and very tight margins on crafting. Short of running dungeons repeatedly (A form of grind I thought ANet was against in principle) what other methods are there for making a living in game ?
You’re being bombarded with a lot of good information here but I wanted to make sure to check your awareness of two factors:
-Karma Vendors in Orr sell level 80 exotic pieces (best gear in the game) for 42k karma (0 gold)
-There are over 20 world events in-game that provide a guaranteed rare with a chance for more, once per day
Also, to the point of dungeons, it’s worth noting that running them is both a great source of gold and a direct source of endgame gear itself (from the unique dungeon tokens). If you feel this is too onerous a grind of the sort “you thought ANet was against in principle,” bear in mind that it isn’t at all necessary (reference the above tips for starters).
Enjoy the game, and best of luck to you and yours!
edit: As an aside, you absolutely should not have to convert $ into gems to get gold to spend as in-game currency. The fact that you’ve already done this multiple times may have crippled you from becoming accustomed to earning a regular stream of gold in-game, making the cost of things in-game seem inordinately burdensome.
edit again: Just for general knowledge, you need only be on the same server with other players for WvW. Dungeons, open world events, etc. can all be easily done cross-server.
(edited by Hawkian.6580)
Oh the joys of money and it’s problems….
Well, like what other comments stated; there’s no need to buy gems for gold. You can make them by doing a lot of other things!
Guild Research, WvW siege deployment, waypoint travel, repairs and character gear are the main money sinks right now.
Guild Research
I don’t know if you’ve gotten there yet, but if your guild has the new guild bounty training missions available, they might be a good source of influence for you.
WvW Seige
Granted I don’t deploy much seige when I play WvW, but what seige I do have is from the jump puzzles. I’m the world’s worst jumper, too, but I often find friendly mesmers who’re willing to give me a portal to the chest.
Waypoint Travel
Take the Heart of the Mists -> Lion’s Arch -> nearest capitol city -> run or waypoint from there path as much as possible. If you’ve finished the Battle of Fort Trinity personal story, you can also run out from the southern exit of Lion’s Arch to the Chantry of Secrets and take the Asuran gate there to be closer to some areas of the world. The Asuran gate from Divinity’s Reach to Ebonhawke is another option.
In addition, if the only reason you would be waypointing is to get to the trading post, your bank, or a merchant, you can enter your server’s home borderlands in WvW, use the TP/crafting stations (bank)/merchant there, and then log out to your character select screen. Log in again as that character, and you’ll be back where you were, at no cost. Obviously don’t do this when there’s a queue for WvW.
I try to avoid repairing my armor as much as possible until I hit level 80 on a character and buy level 80 armor for that character. Until then, it can often be cheaper to sell the broken armor and replace it by buying new armor on the TP (or putting on armor you’ve gotten as drops or as rewards for completing portions of your personal story).
Character Gear
You can get level 80 exotic armor from karma vendors in Orr for 42000 karma each. If you do your dailies regularly, this is pretty affordable by using some of the jugs of liquid karma you get as a reward. (Make sure to use some karma boosts, like finding a karma banner in Lion’s Arch or eating ice cream, when you open them to maximize the karma you get from them.) You can also buy level 80 exotic armor using badges of honor, if you play a decent amount of WvW.
Vintage Gaming [VG] | Attuned [Att] | Blinkie Ponie Armie [BPA] ~ Jade Quarry
If you’re having difficulty paying for waypoints and repairs then you’re doing it wrong.
Some great information above guys and thanks to all of you who are taking the time out to highlight these points. I really do appreciate it.
Maybe it’s me being a little lazy rather than it being a gold earning issue. I am going to be a little more prudent and follow some of the advice given here. I’ll report back on my progress and let you all know if I managed to get myself out of the red by following your advice. I’m curious to see if I can maintain a reasonable level of self sufficiency in game without any outside investment whatsoever.
I have been storing mats rather than selling them in order to up my crafting skills later without having to buy everything.
Mats go up and down in price. The min price for copper ore may be 5-6c in the morning, 10-12c in the evening, and even go up to 14-15c during particularly busy evenings. For quick cash I sell it at whatever the current price is, if I don’t mind waiting I list it for like 12c each and wait for the lower-priced stuff to sell and make a few silver.
You’re probably sitting on 10-20 gold right now.
You are probably right as I’ve done the buy more at trading post option on some of my mats and there is a good few golds worth. I’m going to evaluate it again whilst selling everything I collect over the next five days. Just so I’m a little clearer on the numbers involved.
Be sure to place sell orders and not sell to the highest buy order. Usually there’s a good 20% difference in the price and you’ll be amazed how fast the lowest sell order moves.
Oh, and also, if you finish heart quests, don’t forget to take the money from the mail!
Vintage Gaming [VG] | Attuned [Att] | Blinkie Ponie Armie [BPA] ~ Jade Quarry
I havent spent a penny on the gem shop either but i plan to(just to help anet out, not coz i need to)
But yeah, its easy to make gold in this game… very easy, so you really dont need to buy gems <.<
I havent spent a penny on the gem shop either but i plan to(just to help anet out, not coz i need to)
But yeah, its easy to make gold in this game… very easy, so you really dont need to buy gems <.<
Yep! I just bought gems for the aesthetics, not the gold and also because I want to support ArenaNet!
Also, I agree with you, making gold in this game is easy. You can make 2-5 gold in WvW just by following a “train” for 2 to 4 hours. You can make 10 gold by selling 30 ectos (depening on the economy) and about 5 gold for 50 mystic coins (again, with the economy and also if you’re not using it). So yea, making gold is easy
Don’t get me wrong, but i don’t see a problem of design, or developers’ greed – i see a problem of invalid approach to very interesting game avenues (rejecting dungeons) and the wish to buy and have everything right here and now (guild upgrades, siege).
It’s fine to take some time to develop guild buffs.
It’s fine to not have any siege on you and hope others do.
It’s fine to play at lv80 in green gear for some time, before you have enough karma/gold/badges/tokens to get exotics (just look how many ways of getting gear there are!).
It’s fine to let the crafting professions wait a bit longer.
If you like to play WvW, look for commanders and stick to them, run with the zerg. If there is no commander and no team to follow, play in a map where you’re outmanned – you will avoid the repair costs.
You don’t need any ‘alliance’ with small guilds to do dungeons, you just shout in Lion’s Arch or in front of a dungeon ‘looking for more for X’, or use Dungeons bring both tokens, which are used to purchase exotic gear with statistics based on dungeon, and gold, which you get from bosses, drops and chests. Ignoring dungeons and saying there’s no way to cover expenses, especially as high and virtually unnecessary as yours, comes across as really silly.
For extra gold, use (or so?) timers on world events, attend them, salvage rare items lv68+ you get using a master’s salvage kit and then sell ectoplasm.
I have equipped 8 toons at lv80, full exotics + some ascended stuff, all of them have spare 50s in their pockets just to cover waypointing and other small expenses, and i’ve never ever sold any gems; i actually bought a lot with in-game gold, to expand my bank, buy more character slots, get costumes and more fun stuff.
Making gold in this game is easy and really doesn’t require farming, just keeping an eye on your expenses, not rushing to get everything done by yesterday, and being open about the game, rather than, for example, playing only WvW and only roaming solo, dying often and not capturing locations – that’s something wrong, but not with the design, yet with the player.
Like they have a horrible LFG system, so is no point go for dungeons and farm. And is boring and boring
. Also dungeons itself isn’t interested. I think this game is just for free to play players, where no need to think about contest. You just playing same game like others free to play. Nothing interested.
WTB: dislike button
And above have exactly what connection with the OT?
The others here have provided lots of good suggestions that I would echo. Without knowing what exactly you are spending your money on, it’s hard to pinpoint where your problems are arising from, but it sounds a little like you’re spending needlessly on things that don’t really need to be spent on. If you’re someone who HAS to buy every single minipet or dye, or MUST have a Legendary, that’s your prerogative as a player. Just be aware that it will cost you a lot of gold to finance your goals.
While I’m not rich by any definition, I also don’t have much money problems because I really watch my expenses. I NEVER waypoint anywhere if I can help it, and I use the PvP portal to Lion’s Arch to save on travel costs if I must travel back to a city. I don’t bother repairing armor until the first piece becomes broken, and then I use a Repair Canister (obtained from Dailies or Map Completion) or just replace my armor set entirely if it’s time to upgrade to a better set. I don’t bother with minipets, harvest all of my own materials for crafting, and use only the dyes that drop for me. The only thing that I buy from the TP are skins that I decide I absolutely want for my characters. This cuts down my expenses to a bare minimum, which is how I get by even though I don’t do dungeons, Fractals, or play the TP.