Best MMORPG on the Market!

Best MMORPG on the Market!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nayru.3947


It’s your favourite MMO on the market. Not the best. Not even close.

Mists of Pandaria, an expansion to an 8 year old game, sold copies more in a week than GW2 has to this date.

Also, WoW has over 10m susbscribers currently, while GW2 only has a few thousand active players.

So, yeah. You’d be in the extreme minority if you say GW2 is the best MMO.

actually GW2 outsold Mists of Pandaria

That site is completely wrong. Those numbers are false. Anet even announced they sold over 2m copies ages ago. Blizzard announced they sold 2.7m copies of MoP in its first week. Next.

1. It’s still selling 30 000 units weekly (growth)
2. New servers are being opened to deal with population growth

And again, you’re making stuff up. None of this is true.

Best MMORPG on the Market!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mirta.5029


It’s your favourite MMO on the market. Not the best. Not even close.

Mists of Pandaria, an expansion to an 8 year old game, sold copies more in a week than GW2 has to this date.

Also, WoW has over 10m susbscribers currently, while GW2 only has a few thousand active players.

So, yeah. You’d be in the extreme minority if you say GW2 is the best MMO.

actually GW2 outsold Mists of Pandaria

That site is completely wrong. Those numbers are false. Anet even announced they sold over 2m copies ages ago. Blizzard announced they sold 2.7m copies of MoP in its first week. Next.

1. It’s still selling 30 000 units weekly (growth)
2. New servers are being opened to deal with population growth

And again, you’re making stuff up. None of this is true.

that site was provided by a person saying things against Guild Wars 2 a few days ago. The site is reliable and counts the sale numbers for the first 10 weeks. 30 000 units weekly in hard copies – that’s the number monitored from that site (digital copies are not monitored).

Best MMORPG on the Market!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kakeru.2873


Blast through all the content?

In Aion i played it for a year and never reached max level. In GW2 i played it for 3 months and reached max level. I didn’t blast through anything I even took a month and a half break from the game in Oct/Nov.

That’s not very good for Aion, isn’t it? Also, yes in Aion reaching max level meant something, Guild Wars 2 it means nothing. Aion didn’t have ANY content compared to Guild Wars 2… just a boring/endless grind, that’s why it lasted so long, not because it was full of content, that’s nonsense.

That’s why it lasted so long……. Points at 4.0 and looks as 3.0 with player housing, mounts, skills, new classes, new pvp, new flight mechanics and being the biggest mmo in Korea……………..

Yea really didn’t last long did it?

And it’s free to play everywhere else, so it didn’t “last” much anywhere else. Aion “lasted” up to max level just because it took an insane grind to level up, no thanks I wouldn’t want that in any way.

And this is the problem with western gamers, they want instant gratification, the reason games are losing quality and becoming worse and worse and the reason hardly any western devs decide to make an mmo because of the demanding community that what everything and they want it now now now, it’s already happening with Gw2.

I understand that there was a grind, thought personally i didn’t feel any grind because I came from korean mmos where the level caps where something like 120 and it took years to level to max. Thoguht what you forget is with aion, leveling wasnt’ the only thing to do, like in Gw2 , pigeon holeing the game saying oh well its grindy is a weak point because there was more to do than level. Pvp, the reason Rifts existed in lower level areas, Player housing, Arenas, Abyss content like sieges, Flight race challanges, crafting.

Like in every other game the main goal isn’t only to level, so stop using it as an obstacle because it isn’t.

This is an extremely unfair generalization; and a biased one at that. You stated yourself you “came from korean mmos [sic]” and you’re used to how grindy they are. The Korean market enjoys grinding, the Western market does not. Go play Korean games if you want a grind, go play western games if you don’t. I’m not sure why that’s so hard for people to understand.

Now, I personally find grinding to be a cheap gimmick to lengthen the overall time spent on a game, especially where Subscription Fees are a factor. The Developers can make a lot of money by adding a few more zeros onto things, so why not? To me, it ends up feeling like a chore. Games are supposed to be fun, right? That’s part of the connotation of the word. I personally (and I emphasize “personally,” there, because I’m not turning this into an attack) find games with a heavy grind not fun, therefore, I do not play them.

GW2 is a game with no subscription fees, and therefore no incentive for the Developers to add those extra zeros onto XP requirements; It cheapens the game and that’s not what they’re aiming for. Hitting level cap feels good, and being able to hit cap in a few months is great for that. It’s a goal that you don’t have to set aside some insurmountable amount of time to attain.

And now your generalizing and misunderstanding. You realiseright all game well more so all mmos have a grind and a grind is a repetition of content which believe it or not GW2 has so GW2 does have a grind but it’s not a leveling grind per say it’s a dungeon, instanced grind which is a grind.

Saying extended play cheapens the game is also a weak concept as it allows players to actually view or experience content where as in games like this where people get to 80 without having visited like 30% of the map. If anything it helps players experience more the game has to offer rather then rewarding them for running to a way point or a point of interest they actually do it themselves to experience what the world has to offer not what rewards they get for it.

Any your saying this game’s end game content doesn’t feel like a chore to some because it does, grinding instances, farming constantly to raise gold is a chore. People didn’t come to this game to play trade broker simulator did they.

So we both need to stop generalising.

Best MMORPG on the Market!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mirta.5029


And now your generalizing and misunderstanding. You realiseright all game well more so all mmos have a grind and a grind is a repetition of content which believe it or not GW2 has so GW2 does have a grind but it’s not a leveling grind per say it’s a dungeon, instanced grind which is a grind.

Saying extended play cheapens the game is also a weak concept as it allows players to actually view or experience content where as in games like this where people get to 80 without having visited like 30% of the map. If anything it helps players experience more the game has to offer rather then rewarding them for running to a way point or a point of interest they actually do it themselves to experience what the world has to offer not what rewards they get for it.

Any your saying this game’s end game content doesn’t feel like a chore to some because it does, grinding instances, farming constantly to raise gold is a chore. People didn’t come to this game to play trade broker simulator did they.

So we both need to stop generalising.

you see you have a choice in Guild Wars 2. You’re provided with list of activities and all of them in one way or another can you give loot and profit, therefore you’re not locked into just doing dungeons.
on the grind
Grinder – Grinding it Out- On the grind

1) A player player who puts in his poker hours in a job-like way

2) Grind it Out, on the grind: working particularly hard, like when experiencing
an unlucky run of cards, to make an acceptable return on your time invested;
or when making a solid return when playing from a small bankroll at lower limits

I played plenty of grindy MMOs (perfect world, WoW, runescape) and the fact that leveling took really long, do you think that made me enjoy the game? No! “Kill 200 of this enemy type” “now you’re half a level into level 56”. There’s nothing fun for me about that. If you see something fun in it, then there’s plenty of MMOs out there for you.

Best Game on the market ??? You people are having a laugh GW2 is a load of crap
pve at level 80 is too dam difficult , tried wvw got killed couple of times cost a fortune
in repairs , they could improve it by allowing you to repair FOC .
Personally i played WOW for 8 years and GW2 Sucks in comparison .

So it sucks because you suck at the game and can’t make a decent build? Explored full Orr on my own. I’m able to take a player 1v1 and win. Neither of these are impossible. The only difference between WoW and GW2 is that even the best gear does not make you OP so you have to use skill to get past areas and to combat actual players.

(edited by Mirta.5029)

Best MMORPG on the Market!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LunaNosCustodit.1458


And this is the problem with western gamers, they want instant gratification, the reason games are losing quality and becoming worse and worse and the reason hardly any western devs decide to make an mmo because of the demanding community that what everything and they want it now now now, it’s already happening with Gw2.

I understand that there was a grind, thought personally i didn’t feel any grind because I came from korean mmos where the level caps where something like 120 and it took years to level to max. Thoguht what you forget is with aion, leveling wasnt’ the only thing to do, like in Gw2 , pigeon holeing the game saying oh well its grindy is a weak point because there was more to do than level. Pvp, the reason Rifts existed in lower level areas, Player housing, Arenas, Abyss content like sieges, Flight race challanges, crafting.

Like in every other game the main goal isn’t only to level, so stop using it as an obstacle because it isn’t.

This is an extremely unfair generalization; and a biased one at that. You stated yourself you “came from korean mmos [sic]” and you’re used to how grindy they are. The Korean market enjoys grinding, the Western market does not. Go play Korean games if you want a grind, go play western games if you don’t. I’m not sure why that’s so hard for people to understand.

Now, I personally find grinding to be a cheap gimmick to lengthen the overall time spent on a game, especially where Subscription Fees are a factor. The Developers can make a lot of money by adding a few more zeros onto things, so why not? To me, it ends up feeling like a chore. Games are supposed to be fun, right? That’s part of the connotation of the word. I personally (and I emphasize “personally,” there, because I’m not turning this into an attack) find games with a heavy grind not fun, therefore, I do not play them.

GW2 is a game with no subscription fees, and therefore no incentive for the Developers to add those extra zeros onto XP requirements; It cheapens the game and that’s not what they’re aiming for. Hitting level cap feels good, and being able to hit cap in a few months is great for that. It’s a goal that you don’t have to set aside some insurmountable amount of time to attain.

And now your generalizing and misunderstanding. You realiseright all game well more so all mmos have a grind and a grind is a repetition of content which believe it or not GW2 has so GW2 does have a grind but it’s not a leveling grind per say it’s a dungeon, instanced grind which is a grind.

Saying extended play cheapens the game is also a weak concept as it allows players to actually view or experience content where as in games like this where people get to 80 without having visited like 30% of the map. If anything it helps players experience more the game has to offer rather then rewarding them for running to a way point or a point of interest they actually do it themselves to experience what the world has to offer not what rewards they get for it.

Any your saying this game’s end game content doesn’t feel like a chore to some because it does, grinding instances, farming constantly to raise gold is a chore. People didn’t come to this game to play trade broker simulator did they.

So we both need to stop generalising.

You just made a counter-argument with generalizations and then dismissed everything you said with your last statement, by the way.

Assuming you didn’t render your argument moot, however, yes. All MMOs have a grind, GW2 included. However, during my entire expedition from 1 to 80, I never once realized that I was grinding. Not noticing the grind is something that screams good design. If you can get players to do the same thing, over and over, and not have them realize it? You’re doing something right. Sure, the end game requires farming, and blah blah. Whatever. That’s really only if you want top tier gear, which really doesn’t even matter anyway. I was doing fine on an 80 with level 60 gear I got from story quests.

Also, I’m perfectly fine with not being able to see the entire game in one run. Think of great games like Skyrim, or Fallout. Experiencing EVERYTHING the game has to offer is impossible in one run. So I missed 30% of the world? I’ll start another character, pick a different race, a different class, and go explore that missing 30%. I don’t see your point, here.

That last chunk I addressed up there, so.

Best MMORPG on the Market!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Borked.6824


I just want to thank Arenanet for providing the MMORPG playerbase with the best video game on the market today. Stunning game. I have played every major MMO since the early 2000’s and I can say this is the cream of the crop. Good job and thank you! Much Love!

P.S. Haters gonna hate and potatoes gonna potate…but haters and potatoes are not intelligent.

Loaded. Yeah, I totally agree it is the best MMORPG on the market. For one, it’s about the only A-List MMO to call itself an MMORPG on the market. It’s also extremely worth for the price, moreso than any other online game I’ve played; but only for about 2 weeks and it becomes another disappointment.

Best MMORPG on the Market!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cesmode.4257


In terms of MMO popularity and player base I am going to compare the top 5. Big names only really…

World of Warcraft
Guild Wars 2

In comparison, Guild Wars 2 outshines all of these games excent one or two niché areas in specific games.

I think Tera’s combat is WAY better than Guild Wars 2 and way better than anything on the market.

I think that Guild Wars 2 has the best looking world, most detailed. You can really tell the dev and art team took their time.

SWTOR hands down has the best story telling, closely followed by GW2.

WoW has the best endgame with raiding, pet battles(surprisingly really fun, ff7 style), scenarios, challenge modes. I do like Guild Wars 2 end game though, despite what many would say. I think it’s a fine bang for our buck.

I think Rift has more Quality of Life features, with a copy/paste sort of system for controls and game setup, making creating alts really easy. I also think that the devs over at Trion really have their finger on the pulse of their community with the amount of BUG FREE and QUALITY frequent updates, content updates, new gaming systems, etc. The amount of sheer crap that was poured into that game in its first 1.5 year of life is stunning. Their expansion is a huge hit. Its just so surprising that more do not play this game. Instant adventures and chronicles alone are enough to set this game apart from others. Its pitfall is the performance on some high end machine, and it’s stale outdated combat system(similar to WoW).

Comparing some of these key core systems of an MMO, and these aren’t all ofthem, Guild Wars 2 either leads the back or is in the top 3 in most of these categories. This makes me believe it is still a better MMO, currently, than a game like WoW or Tera.

With that said, this sentiment alone will not keep a community(or me) satisfied for long. Much needs to be done to prevent a mass exit from the game in the near future.

Karma is as abundant as air, and as useless as the Kardashians.

Best MMORPG on the Market!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mirta.5029


In terms of MMO popularity and player base I am going to compare the top 5. Big names only really…

World of Warcraft
Guild Wars 2

If comparing popularity and player base wise, GW2 has more players than Tera and SWTOR (not sure how many Rift has). If it’s your personal list, then it’s completely fine

Best MMORPG on the Market!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nayru.3947


In terms of MMO popularity and player base I am going to compare the top 5. Big names only really…

World of Warcraft
Guild Wars 2

In comparison, Guild Wars 2 outshines all of these games excent one or two niché areas in specific games.

“Popularity and player base” Those games popularity and player base is out of GW2’s league. Sorry. (Except Tera.)

Numbers don’t lie.

So it’s kind of a bad comparison.

Best MMORPG on the Market!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: maddoctor.2738


In terms of MMO popularity and player base I am going to compare the top 5. Big names only really…

World of Warcraft
Guild Wars 2

In comparison, Guild Wars 2 outshines all of these games excent one or two niché areas in specific games.

“Popularity and player base” Those games popularity and player base is out of GW2’s league. Sorry. (Except Tera.)

Numbers don’t lie.

So it’s kind of a bad comparison.


Best MMORPG on the Market!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shilian.5873


This is indeed the best MMO on the market if you consider that you can stop to play for 2 month (like i did) and still be competitive.

but for some player this is also the bad side of the game.

(edited by Shilian.5873)

Best MMORPG on the Market!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MaRko.3165


The ONE thing that GW2 has that I’ve never seen in any other game I’ve ever played is their ‘dynamic leveling system’ where if you wander into a lower level area your stats are nerfed to more closely match that of the area you are in.

While surely not perfect by any means this is a HUGE step in the right direction! No more ‘one hit kills’ in content that I’ve already played through. I wish single player games would incorporate this mechanic.

“I was playing Farmville and a kitten MMO GW2 broke out of it…”
I cut my gaming teeth on Adventure&ZorkI,II,III.

Best MMORPG on the Market!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moddo.7105


So people like to wear furry animal costumes when engaging it coitus activities. To each his own.

Best MMORPG on the Market!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nidwin.6731


GW2 is a great game and I did enjoy my time here. It’s also versalite enough to attract and keep a large playerbase. At the end it just comes down to what you really want to do when logging into a game.

For me it’s actually the best “overall” MMORPG out here, but as core PvP/RvRer there’s still one years ahead of GW2.

Take care all,
The Nid

Best MMORPG on the Market!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mhamilton.3095


Best mmo on the market .LOL its crap , the mob respawn times are way too fast
if you get killed by a mob , you are first penalised by having to pay to get to a way point , and again for repairs ,and at level 80 when you finish questing ,where do you get the money from ? your forced into buying gems to convert into gold . its rip off.
Another thing about this game ! you cant complete the map unless you go into wvw
and for some people they dont like pvp .

Best MMORPG on the Market!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Torvic.8256



Me too!

Best MMORPG on the Market!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Snowy.9580


Should be good on Xbox!

We’ll stop to sleep when the game is the best possible game we think it can be.
We’ve been awake since March 2007! Please help!
“GW2 the game with more rolls than roles!”

Best MMORPG on the Market!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ThePainTrain.8190


yes game is awesome until you get to 80, fullequipped with some exotic sets of gear for different purposes, fancy skins from dungeons etc and 50g on the bank.

then come and tell us again its the best mmo.

I have two 80s fully geared working on a 3nd lots of fancy skins 500g in the bank 700 hours logged.


Best MMORPG on the Market!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bojangles.6912


I have fun every day in GW2.

There will be no new MMO that will beat it, quite simply.

Putting hopes on TESO is a major mistake guys, it’s exactly like SWTOR – an untested team with no experience cashing in on a major franchise (morrowind to skyrim).

And this folks is the definition of a fanboy. One who equates to thinking.

Game X > Game Y > Game Z rather than Game X + Game Y + Game Z. People like you are the reason that the gaming industry is changing for the bad, your shortsighted fanboy eyes, ruin every game that isn’t the one your pledge your alligence to.

There are amazing MMOS coming out in the future.

Black Desert
Elder Scrolls Online
Wild Star

Really? Those are really minor games with the exception of TESO. You’re talking about games like Tera or TSW there. I’ve played nearly every major MMO that has come out in the last decade, and I can tell you it’s very clear when big things happen.

When WoW came out, that was a big deal. It was so much better than EQ – and yet EQ had its fanboys who defended it to the hilt. The same happened with GW2, it’s a huge leap forward compared to old MMOs, not because everything it does is new but because it ties in all those ideas into a great package, just like WoW did.

Anyway – Elder Scrolls. TESO says you can steal objects in the game world. See crafting mats you need? You can steal it?

Really? Think about that for a moment, an entire server of people able to steal things. There will be nothing on any table in Tamriel within 20 minutes of the servers being switched on.

It’s stuff like that which I find alarming about TESO. It’s being developed by Zenimax (very EA-like company) and not Bethesda (geniuses behind Skyrim etc), and they are marketing it with the same obvious bull that EA used for SWTOR.

GW2 has stayed within reasonable limits. It doesn’t do tank/healer/dps trinity, and has replaced it with a more organic tanky/glass/support type structure. It has dynamic events that allow the game world to “change” but not in impossible ways like TESO would have you believe.

Just be careful about hype. We know what bad hype is: SWTOR, Diablo 3, etc. Compared to those, GW2 has managed to keep a structured MMO game with a great metagame, while also making a lot of cool innovations that actually work within the game.

TESO is full of pipe dreams, and literally no reality to them at all.

You seem new to mmo’s. You say be careful of the hype like SWTOR? LOL Look at GW2 and its hype. Even worse. The best was when the fanbois kept posting GW2 won game of the year and all this yet GW2 never did win GotY. All hype no delivery.

On the contrary, GW2 won a MMO of the Year award and PC Game of the year award from IGN. Not to mention it also won two Goty awards from MMORPG and Massively. It was also Time’s #1 video game or you could say Game of the year. While not being in major Goty awards like the VGAs. This MMO achieved so many awards.

IGN PC Game of the year?? WOW that means a lot especially the competition it had. If WoW, Half-Life, Diablo 2, GW2 etc. all came out at the same time, GW2 wouldn’t even be in the top 5. Also I bet if Elder Scrolls came out last year, it would have beaten GW2 as well. Just because a game wins an award doesn’t make it the best game ever or to date. Look at some of the academy award winning movies. A lot of them people never liked or saw.

GW2 also lost some big awards that actually matter too.

You thinking just because it won some awards from something that doesn’t matter is like receiving tons of participation awards for sports.

Best MMORPG on the Market!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moderator.6837



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