Blatant TP manipulation
How do you come to the conclusion that it was a super rich person that bought them all out and is now relisting them?
he brought it one by one over a period cause his very smart. the gap in buying is how he flush out any remaining stocks to become the sole item seller n in the process jack up the price 500%
tell me thats not ruining every’s fun just so he can profit
He’s already been undercut (if we assume that there was someone who did this), which mean’s he’s already lost money on the deal. Enjoy some Schadenfreude.
You’re making a lot of assumptions. How do you know it was just one buyer? How do you know that the 950g dye was even recently listed?
Normal market behaviors are not manipulation.
just look at my first post with dated graph from
Aint ruining my fun.
—Napoleon Bonaparte
How do you come to the conclusion that it was a super rich person that bought them all out and is now relisting them?
he brought it one by one over a period cause his very smart. the gap in buying is how he flush out any remaining stocks to become the sole item seller n in the process jack up the price 500%
tell me thats not ruining every’s fun just so he can profit
With a global economy, the chances of him being the sole trader of this item for over a week are next to zip.
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.
How do you come to the conclusion that it was a super rich person that bought them all out and is now relisting them?
he brought it one by one over a period cause his very smart. the gap in buying is how he flush out any remaining stocks to become the sole item seller n in the process jack up the price 500%
tell me thats not ruining every’s fun just so he can profit
He’s already been undercut (if we assume that there was someone who did this), which mean’s he’s already lost money on the deal. Enjoy some Schadenfreude.
lol i just checked tp n he added another new lemon dye at 949.0.99
which goes to prove that its all 1 person’s doing
lol i just checked tp n he added another new lemon dye at 949.0.99
which goes to prove that its all 1 person’s doing
Can you explain how you got from a —> b on that?
truth is the OP is correct.
The distribution of wealth makes rare items out of bounds for poor players.
thats just how the system works right now. Perhaps they should avoid rare items, instead opting for diffucult/time consuming/limited items. However they probably wont.these gem store dye items are basically designed to create feelings of rarity, hence limited time offers.
yes. the really sad part is that as a community we should all be asking for fairer price on items but instead we defend the kitten whos kitten us IN DAY LIGHT
Hi All,
I was watching the lemon dye for the past few weeks and finally saved enough to buy and the price jumped from couple of listings at ~240 gold to just ONE listing at 950+ gold (2015/06/03).
If I wanted be shafted by competent people with competitive behaviour. I would have just stayed in real life where I don´t act smart in a market environment either.
Never coming back to this fair game of open commerce again.
lol i just checked tp n he added another new lemon dye at 949.0.99
which goes to prove that its all 1 person’s doing
Can you explain how you got from a —> b on that?
Easy… it’s him.
This is a pump and dump scheme folks.
truth is the OP is correct.
The distribution of wealth makes rare items out of bounds for poor players.
thats just how the system works right now. Perhaps they should avoid rare items, instead opting for diffucult/time consuming/limited items. However they probably wont.these gem store dye items are basically designed to create feelings of rarity, hence limited time offers.
yes. the really sad part is that as a community we should all be asking for fairer price on items but instead we defend the kitten whos kitten us IN DAY LIGHT
And how do you propose that we get ‘fairer prices’? Have ArenaNet start manipulating the market? Think about that for a while. If you need help understanding why that’s a bad idea let us know.
It sounds like you’d be happier playing with a coloring book and a box of crayons instead of a game with an economy. Maybe you could try that?
lol i just checked tp n he added another new lemon dye at 949.0.99
which goes to prove that its all 1 person’s doing
Can you explain how you got from a —> b on that?
Easy… it’s him.
This is a pump and dump scheme folks.
Considering his posting history, probably yes.
And if it was him, he was spot on with this post:
he brought it one by one over a period cause his very smart. the gap in buying is how he flush out any remaining stocks to become the sole item seller n in the process jack up the price 500%
tell me thats not ruining every’s fun just so he can profit
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.
in real life at least there are protest wall street movements , laws and policy to prevent monopolies.
if it was open commerce i wouldn’t have complained. its market disruption by the rich n powerful. i hope u understand this isnt about me or the dye but really about opening ur eyes to the unfairness
If i had an item that no one else would have, would i sell it for only 50G ? hell no.
If i could make more cash buy buying some stock of an item and reselliing it at a higher price, would i do it ? Hell yeh.
It’s called “improving your character(s)”. You need cash for that, and as it stands, everyone needs more cash at some point or another, that is what drives the economy.
If the so-called “rich” guy wants to be richer so that he/she can buy that oh so wanted legendary or precursor that costs an arm & a leg, all hail to them. I , and 99% of the players (if they admit it) would do the same.
If you can’t handle that (you can’t handle the truth!… lol) , then you shouldn’t be playin an mmo.
p.s. : i’m sorry you didn’t get your so wanted dye, but it’s just pixels on a screen. And we don’t always get what we want.
Hehe, that would explain his absolute certainty, wouldn’t // it? xD
And if not…a competitive market is gasp competitive. Get used to it.
It is a reselling attempt. It happened on at least 9 other items in the 200-300g range.
No excuse anymore for not giving ‘hide mounts’-option
No thanks to unidentified weapons.
in real life at least there are protest wall street movements , laws and policy to prevent monopolies.
if it was open commerce i wouldn’t have complained. its market disruption by the rich n powerful. i hope u understand this isnt about me or the dye but really about opening ur eyes to the unfairness
And the best option for players of this game is to ignore such overpriced items
in real life at least there are protest wall street movements , laws and policy to prevent monopolies.
if it was open commerce i wouldn’t have complained. its market disruption by the rich n powerful. i hope u understand this isnt about me or the dye but really about opening ur eyes to the unfairness
“occupy your own street, socialist looters!” – of cause it is about you.
Whether the “rich and powerful” got into that position in real life in a fair way is open to philosophical debate. In GW2 it certainly is not as everyone plays the same game by the same rules. you are certainly the maker of your own fortune in Tyria. Apparently you decided not to. Tuff luck others did.
950g for this beautiful color? Might buy them later and relist them for 1.800g, that’s the least someone should pay for such an awesome dye!!!
[RUC] Riverside United Corps! For Riverside!
I don’t know what confuses me more:
- The OP was playing for less then 2 months and was considering paying ~$240 GP for a dye
or - He is going to quit the game because he can’t dye his clothes the exact color he wants
Wow, that’s all I can say, wow!
Whether the “rich and powerful” got into that position in real life in a fair way is open to philosophical debate. In GW2 it certainly is not as everyone plays the same game by the same rules. you are certainly the maker of your own fortune in Tyria. Apparently you decided not to. Tuff luck others did.
While I disagree with the OP on a few things; can you actually prove both listings are the same person?: Prove meaning you have proof not just assumption.
I will have to disagree with you on this comment, the OP stated his account was 50ish days old… At this point “making of your own fortune” can be a bit more difficult then it was back on release. So while we are playing the same game, not everyone has had all the same amount of opertunities in game.
950g for this beautiful color? Might buy them later and relist them for 1.800g, that’s the least someone should pay for such an awesome dye!!!
lol yeh but the 950 guy controls all the supply. so he will undercut u at 1799
950g for this beautiful color? Might buy them later and relist them for 1.800g, that’s the least someone should pay for such an awesome dye!!!
lol yeh but the 950 guy controls all the supply. so he will undercut u at 1799
I think the sarcasm went completely over your head here…
If someone else lists one at 1800, “the guy” certainly does NOT control all the supply.
It is a reselling attempt. It happened on at least 9 other items in the 200-300g range.
yes well spotted. its like as if a group of shadowy powerful 1% that’s manipulating the market…
(edited by believe.6514)
spend your money more wisely, play the market game, invest, this is not socialism it’s just a trading post
Buy flare instead. I think it’s cheaper and better looking. But yea, qqing because somebody else has more gold then you and flipping the item…. yeah.
I wanted to buy immobulus 3 months ago for 1k something gold, but for 3 months there was none to be found on tp. Now it appeared, only 1 on tp for 3k gold. More expensive then legendary scepter.
Now… am i going to quit the game because someone listed it on tp for ridiculous price? No. Why? Bacause i’m not in kintergarden and i don’t have to throw a hissy fit when i can’t have something right away.
spend your money more wisely, play the market game, invest, this is not socialism it’s just a trading post
But OP wants it now!!!!! Q_Q
This thread delivers, plz 5 pages at least.
I’m smelling a troll here. On the other hand, this thread is a very amusing look at contemporary human intellect. Thank you for this OP!
Buy flare instead. I think it’s cheaper and better looking. But yea, qqing because somebody else has more gold then you and flipping the item…. yeah.
I wanted to buy immobulus 3 months ago for 1k something gold, but for 3 months there was none to be found on tp. Now it appeared, only 1 on tp for 3k gold. More expensive then legendary scepter.
Now… am i going to quit the game because someone listed it on tp for ridiculous price? No. Why? Bacause i’m not in kintergarden and i don’t have to throw a hissy fit when i can’t have something right away.
thats why i don’t like this train of thought. we as a community should think n demand affordable nice items for all. we should NOT be held as hostage to the powerful 1% who monopolize certain markets. it is a game u play for fun. u don’t play to become a 2 tiers slave
I’m going to have to side with believe.6514 on this one, it is a pretty mean thing to do.
HOWEVER, it will always happen in video games. Some people play the TP/Auction House as their version of the game, because that is fun for them. It’s like playing the stock market without the risk. This version of fun for them, opposes your version of fun, but you can’t infringe on their fun either.
Ultimately, Anet will never do anything about it because if you really want that item, Real money -> Gems -> Gold, and this supports Anet.
Maybe OP should start an Occupy LA movement to protest “unfair” pricing :P On that note, I’ve always wanted a Lamborghini but its sooooo expensive QQ. Excuse me while I go throw a hissy fit outside their HQ.
thats why i don’t like this train of thought. we as a community should think n demand affordable nice items for all. we should NOT be held as hostage to the powerful 1% who monopolize certain markets. it is a game u play for fun. u don’t play to become a 2 tiers slave
I think you don’t get it. I could’ve bought it 2 years ago when it was 1/3 of the price. But i didn’t like to play scepter then. It looked nice, but not nice enough. Now, when you have bigger chance to score a precursor then giant eye, the price spiked. And there is allmost never a stack of giant eyes to buy off tp. I could’ve buy 10 giant eyes a day and crafted 2 of them by now, but i was just lazy. I could’ve flipped too, but i won’t because i’m lazy. AND someone else wasn’t and he’s playing tp and making decent money. Can’t blame them for being smart.
thats why i don’t like this train of thought. we as a community should think n demand affordable nice items for all. we should NOT be held as hostage to the powerful 1% who monopolize certain markets. it is a game u play for fun. u don’t play to become a 2 tiers slave
Anet could always switch the game to a sub, and all dyes can be added in as content rewards. Anets business model is based off of cosmetics and creating rarity in cosmetics to drive spending on either gems or gold converting,
We need a new chest from the login rewards that has a drop down selection of all items in the game, and it needs to never be consumed (multiuse).
Anything short of this is just too unfair because otherwise I can’t get everything I want immediately.
This thread delivers, plz 5 pages at least.
Items being made no longer obtainable will always increase in value. The only way this could be consider unfair is if anet was giving that 1% the OP keeps on about inside information on this so they could buy up the supply before others know about it. But alas they don’t and its posted for all to see at the same time.
BTW op check prices of winterdays skins that will be no longer obtainable next week if you really want to complain about market manipulation. Fact is the 240G you was willing to pay for an item that was worth 40-50g when available in game was probably already manipulated
Also the guy buying it for 250G and listing for 950G is making a massive gamble. he has forked out almost 300g to buy and list it hoping some1 is stupid enough to buy it.
My word, could this be the best troll of the month?
Also, OP, you’re “train of though” is a lil wrong. Lets take a real life situation: Richard Brandson playing as the rich player.
He makes a new Virgin Hotel at a city near the coast which makes him a lot of money but, the smaller hotels are struggling now because the Virgin hotel is a lot better so people whould rather go stay there.
Conclusion: Yes, the smaller hotels are indeed getting the shorter end of the stick, but want could you do? Richard Brandson (the rich player) worked for ever cent (copper) that it took to make that hotel into what it is, and to direct you to one of you’re statements that we must force the government(anet) to redistribute more. How on Tyria will they possible do that without making Richard Brandson (those rich/dedicated players) mad?
Because common, you really dont want to make Richard Brandson angery do you?
The TP is apart of the game that we as players control and if Anet start puting their furry claws in it then people will complain about that! So unless you would give a viable solution to this “problem” then rather try to listen to the people who tried to help and give you advice.
Also the guy buying it for 250G and listing for 950G is making a massive gamble. he has forked out almost 300g to buy and list it hoping some1 is stupid enough to buy it.
Heh, ikr? The odds of someone coming along with the means and motive to spend that much on a dye….well, let’s just say that while it is entirely possible, I wouldn’t be making that flip :-P
thats why i don’t like this train of thought. we as a community should think n demand affordable nice items for all. we should NOT be held as hostage to the powerful 1% who monopolize certain markets. it is a game u play for fun. u don’t play to become a 2 tiers slave
Anet could always switch the game to a sub, and all dyes can be added in as content rewards. Anets business model is based off of cosmetics and creating rarity in cosmetics to drive spending on either gems or gold converting,
im happy to buy gems from anet. its to support the gamer maker. what i am never going to do is buy alot of gems convert them to 950 gold to buy the dye to enrich the 1%. who screwed all of us. even though it is the only way right now to get the dye i really want.
i really believe that all items should be affordable. anet can easily implement this benign price equality by either putting a hard cap on item price or how much an item price can raise over a given period. change the bussiness model to keeping the 99% happy n they will buy more items from u
Lets take a real life situation: Richard Brandson playing as the rich player.
He makes a new Virgin Hotel at a city near the coast which makes him a lot of money but, the smaller hotels are struggling now because the Virgin hotel is a lot better so people whould rather go stay there.Conclusion: Yes, the smaller hotels are indeed getting the shorter end of the stick, but want could you do? Richard Brandson (the rich player) worked for ever cent (copper) that it took to make that hotel into what it is, and to direct you to one of you’re statements that we must force the government(anet) to redistribute more. How on Tyria will they possible do that without making Richard Brandson (those rich/dedicated players) mad?
Because common, you really dont want to make Richard Brandson angery do you?
im sure he pays a lot of taxes too n he single handedly generated the billions. not his staff.
no body on the planet should be ultra rich. its just exploitation no other way about it.
Since the discussion in this thread has derailed, this thread is now closed.