Boss monsters resetting too eagerly

Boss monsters resetting too eagerly

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sciros Darkblade.4028

Sciros Darkblade.4028

I wanted to know if anyone else has run into this. Over the last week or so, it has become increasingly frustrating to me to run into boss-level monsters while exploring (typically this will be some dynamic boss-kill event), knock them down a significant amount of HP with a group of other players, only to see the boss return a very short distance back to its “home” spot and regenerate all of its HP.

I understand “resetting” like this makes sense in some isolated cases, such as when a monster gets stuck somewhere and this impedes progress. In other words, to make up for a faulty AI or mesh or whatever. But this is exploit-free, normal monster fighting where players are merely running around the monster’s “platform” or whatever you want to call it, and there’s really no reason that the monster should be prompted to “reset”.. Just today it happened with both that massive “Champion Fluffy” fish and the Inquest Commander inside the Coil. He was just teleporting between his platforms, and every so often would “reset” and get all his HP back. In both cases all players simply left the encounter without beating it, since it was seemingly impossible to complete.

It might be that I’m just going crazy, but is anyone else running into this issue? Because it’s really laming up the experience for me lately.

I suppose I shouldn’t complain without offering up a solution, so here it is: don’t reset monsters while they are engaged in combat, unless they stray an actually reasonable distance from their starting area. I understand tweaking AI is non-trivial, but I rather have NO resetting and deal with those consequences than have these unkillable encounters left and right.

Boss monsters resetting too eagerly

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TemperHoof.6438


This has been a big problem since Beta. Pisses me off too and I scream when I kite a monster and nearly kill it only to have it reset after all my hard work was ruined. I doubt it’ll ever get fixed and we’ll just have to live with it and adjust.

Boss monsters resetting too eagerly

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Knote.2904


Yeah the leash range is FAAAAR too short considering how much kiting is encouraged in this game. They should atleast double it for starters.

Boss monsters resetting too eagerly

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RebelYell.7132


If you want me not to kite, then don’t make the enemies do 1/3 – 3/4ths of my health per hit.

User was infracted for being awesome.

Boss monsters resetting too eagerly

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Clem.2963


I’ve found this to be a big issue, bosses and other mobs will suddenly just walk off and become invulnerable. In ANet’s attempt to prevent safe-spotting, they’ve gone over the top and broken some bosses.

Boss monsters resetting too eagerly

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Apotheosize.4293


Yep, seems to be implemented so you cant exploit enemies by kiting them, or bringing them across vast distances. The problem is you are supposed to kite these mobs, as they take large chunks of hp out of you when hit, so you run and attack, and then it runs back resetting.

Boss monsters resetting too eagerly

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Risky.6932


I can’t comment on the fish and I have seen normal trash mobs do this, not often but particularly underwater. Goes invuln and swims/runs back to its start position. If you chase it down you can often re-tag it before it regens full health.

As for the commander in the coil, it goes without saying you need a decent sized group, he ports to various platforms. If you’re zerging around like a pack of kids chasing a foot ball he goes out of range and resets. The fact that he taunts you for it when this happens suggests it’s by design. Have some players spread out to tag him when he ports. Stop worrying about getting gold rating , you’ll have plenty of uptime on him.

As for enemies hitting too hard.. gear for and spec in some toughness/vital/regen. Remember theres no ‘class roles’ in this game and for the most part your survivability is your responsibility. Full damage is fun, but dead = no damage.

Boss monsters resetting too eagerly

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lollie.5816


They need to fix the leash range, if they insist on taking our hp down by so much each hit we HAVE to kite. I don’t think how this game works is properly understood by the people who made it. They really need to play their own game some time, and see how it is.