to make this post a little bit more accurate i will try it again. im tired of writing long post because i dont think anything will change and i dont think anything written here will affect developer decisions. i dont think they read here anything ever. still wondering this post didnt get an infraction.
i love the released game, but im not happy with the released upgrades. fractal patch was awesome. aetherblade dungeon was ok and the first adventure box was ok.
i did most events/patches for achievements but i dont think doing achievements for the points is really satisfying. some ppl made it a goal to have lots of avs but thats only a hand full. its not really rewarded and for me it doesnt fit. its doing content u dont like just for points and many avs had been a grind.
my thoughts on the tequatl upgrade:
i think to adress the real problem that keeps us away from awesome content upgrades is very complex.
except fractals we didnt get any permanent content. its is still the game that has been released 1 year ago. a few skins, ascended weapons and thats it. there is nothing new that came into the rotation of content we r playing. there is nothing new to explore. we need new content for small groups badly.
the goal with the boss revamp is “to make them more challenging and fun”
i think we have a totally different idea of “challenging and fun”
it would never come to my mind to release something like that to “improving the gamers experience”
i never enjoyed these big events. there r different reasons why i dont like them and why i tried to avoid them.
now we have come to a point where we got “challenging content” with ppl that we cant choose.
challenging is ok, but not like this
we got an overflow and bad performance problem with big events. instead of giving us something new where we dont have this problem we get it over and over. content that always forces these problems.
i think many things u r saying is misleading. u r selling everything as “awesome and fency” and u r always proud of small things that pretty much no one cares about. u r hyping everything to a ridicolous level.
“bosses – upgraded” doesnt fit. its bugfixes and increased hp. loot table is pretty much the same what imo is the main problem here. the hole loot system in the game is just really really bad.
these bosses have never been fun. and to think it will be fun with more hp and more onehit mechanics is totally wrong.
i watched the tequatl kill video and i really cant understand how u can call this “fun”
u pretty much dont see any red circles due to the masses. ppl dying over and over. its a zerg and nothing else. everyones standing in the same spot. events with masses of people never run smooth and if something doenst run smooth u cant call it “fun”.
it might be challenging but its no fun.
give us challenging content for small groups. where u can choose your group. where u get rewarded for challenging stuff.
imo the main reason for unsatisfying content is the free 2 play concept.
with the announcement they will stick to the living story all hope was gone. tiny upgrades every 2 weeks is not enough. i was hoping for a major upgrade with dungeons or whatever.
content upgrades that feel like addons. stop hyping everything….. we never got this. i kinda feel like we r getting fooled
it hard for me to adress the problems but even though i could point out the problems nothing would change.
i love the game but i feel the gemshop concept keeps us away from a better experience. i would like to pay 10 or 15 bucks a month to see satisfying content
(edited by Jordy.1570)