(edited by Spider Bro Jenkins.2780)
Bugs/Glitches We Love
Ive fell into the 5th one when Quentin was flipped and we took control. You know when it does that graphics thing and respawns the control point.
Thats when oblivion sucked me in.
For me, I think there was some enemy siege up and I got blasted out of the champion area and glitched down.
Swimming on land!
I wasn’t able to copy it, but my friend knows how to glitch weapon skills animations on swapping weapons and he can be like a beyblade on a warrior, shoot with a sword etc, really fun.
The game wigging out on state changes between land/water and me swimming around with my hat on.
After reading all these comments so far, I am greatly disappointed in the fact I have not swam on land!
All the bugs/glitches in Arah that make it bearable.
Koptev in SE p3 saying “NO NO NO We should go to the armory. That’s where Zadorojny is likely to be” several times in a row. I find it funny every time I run that path.
My favorite is the fall glitch that lets you slide on your face for a while.
The annoying ones are lol.
For example the ones who only we see.. When the Physics system of the game Fails, in our char, and instead we walk we lie in the ground, or our arms get stuck in our head with the greatsword pointed to the sky….
When something FAILS and we enter in a Infinite Ocean behind down the map itself…
Asura thing.
I love when you fall off a cliff and go splat (but don’t take enough damage that you die), and then can slide around on your belly instead of moving properly.
I found a passed out NPC in a pirate cave in one of those “spash water on the drunks to wake them up” type heart quests. This NPC wouldn’t wake up, but was the only one you could still interact with. When you did, he would stand up and do a death animation, complete with scream. I must have spent 10 minutes clicking on him to make him dance like Thriller.
You used to be able to fully fight in costume while holding a Kit/Bundle item. Such as being in costume and fighting with engineer kits and elementalist weapons. I loved this “bug”. The Flamethrower kit and Mad King outfit matched perfectly with my engineer. I would run around back in the farming days of Orr as The Great Mad King Charr burninating all the undead.
Unfortunately there’s a “No Fun Allowed” rule in GW2 so this was fixed in some patch earlier this year and now when in costume and dealing/taking damage you instantly revert to normal armor.
I miss sit-jumping
[Currently Inactive, Playing BF4]
Magic find works. http://sinasdf.imgur.com/
Watching friends chop down trees with a mining pick.
Why didnt anyone posted the video of the “airplane emote” during BWE. That was hilarious.
Why didnt anyone posted the video of the “airplane emote” during BWE. That was hilarious.
Why didnt anyone posted the video of the “airplane emote” during BWE. That was hilarious.
I vote this be made a legitimate action. IMMEDIATELY! >:D
I adore this clip, it made my day! Thanks!
My favorite glitch was falling off of the Uncatagorized Fractal in FotM. I somehow fell in short falls down past the starting point and ended up in a long fall down to a mysterious plain underneath. I found new land!
…too bad I died when I hit the ground and couldn’t explore it…
My favorite is the fall glitch that lets you slide on your face for a while.
I’ve had this happen to me in the Wintersday Jumping Puzzle! Jumping up and down in this mode is absolutely hilarious. I think I made it halfway through that puzzle in faceplant mode until I died. Wish I took screenshots of that. =(
Elementalist glowing glitch.
My favorite glitch was falling off of the Uncatagorized Fractal in FotM. I somehow fell in short falls down past the starting point and ended up in a long fall down to a mysterious plain underneath. I found new land!
…too bad I died when I hit the ground and couldn’t explore it…
If you have a revive orb, you can walk around down there (done it). there are boundaries, so you can’t just keep running forever. the land below it, for me, was the snow fractal. it was fun to be watching it like I was in space or something. (we did the snow fractal just before that one, so maybe it’ll always be the one before the one you’re doing, or maybe that’s where that ma kitten tored?)
I recommend reviving yourself down there only if you want to look around. once revived, the only way to rejoin your party is for them to finish the fractal (no loot for you) or everyone wipe or go back to the lab.
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You can get stuck in incredibly awkward poses that mess up animation if you happen to die while frozen (such as the crystals in CoE).
A week or so ago I caused my guildmates to laugh so hard they cried
Koptev in SE p3 saying “NO NO NO We should go to the armory. That’s where Zadorojny is likely to be” several times in a row. I find it funny every time I run that path.
i once had a pug where all 5 of us ran back and forth over the patch of ground that triggered it so he just kept going NONONONONONONONONO into infinity. best pug.
i also like when you level up and your character raises their weapon triumphantly and never puts it down. he’s just gonna savor this moment as long as possible. little longer….not done yet….nope, still savoring.
You can get stuck in all emote in the game. So far the most fun glitch/bug in the game for me.
Just a fast video show it off
using engie/rifle and a mortar to launch my asura as far as the mortar can go. bug reported in 2012 still not fixed
the egg sacks u find in WvW u can do all sorts of funny animations by clicking inspect on them at varying speeds