I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
Yes, ranger should be changed to be better suited for certain types of content (dungeons/fractals), but so should other classes (necro, engineer). This, however, has nothing to do with improving fractals and I don’t see how adding rewards only for a class that isn’t played that much because it’s not that great is improving fractals in any way for people that don’t play ranger, and I don’t see why devs should waste precious resources on adding stuff like pet skins in the game that are only going to be used by a small percentage of the playerbase.
Rangers are the only class in the game that has to go out and find their class mechanic. If Guardians could gather multiple virtues and assign them to slots f1 to f3, if the Elementalist had 20 attunements to choose from to fill the f1-f4 bar, if necromancers gained new deathshroud skills depending on which creatures they’ve killed… if any other class had expansible class mechanics I’d be lobbying for new elements of those sets to be placed in fractals too. If there is a way to make fractals play more appealing for more players, it should be considered. Just because only the Ranger actually has a hook of this nature doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be used to increase fractal popularity. Arguing against it based on what amounts to “we don’t want those filthy rangers around anyway” is just spiteful.
And honestly, the precious time required to repaint a critter skin and copy an existing stat blocks seem pretty low to me .
Rewards are obviously a big issue and I’d like to see the rewards get better too. But more gold, emp fragment or even karma are not what I would like to see.
I would like to see unique rewards (skins would be especially good) tied to certain fractals. This would lessen the desire to roll (esp. if water frac had a cool skin).
As mentioned before, having LS items (monocle, molten backpack, aetherblade skins, etc.) drop in associated fractals even at very, very low chance would add excitement.
Having a reward you can ONLY get at lvl 50 or lvl 40-50 would make progression in and of itself rewarding. Having a special relic drop every run at 50 that lets you trade in 10 (for example) for a fractal wep would be really good way to ensure a skilled player can obtain the wep with hard work, while everyone else can still have a chance RNG.
Yes, ranger should be changed to be better suited for certain types of content (dungeons/fractals), but so should other classes (necro, engineer). This, however, has nothing to do with improving fractals and I don’t see how adding rewards only for a class that isn’t played that much because it’s not that great is improving fractals in any way for people that don’t play ranger, and I don’t see why devs should waste precious resources on adding stuff like pet skins in the game that are only going to be used by a small percentage of the playerbase.
Rangers are the only class in the game that has to go out and find their class mechanic. If Guardians could gather multiple virtues and assign them to slots f1 to f3, if the Elementalist had 20 attunements to choose from to fill the f1-f4 bar, if necromancers gained new deathshroud skills depending on which creatures they’ve killed… if any other class had expansible class mechanics I’d be lobbying for new elements of those sets to be placed in fractals too. If there is a way to make fractals play more appealing for more players, it should be considered. Just because only the Ranger actually has a hook of this nature doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be used to increase fractal popularity. Arguing against it based on what amounts to “we don’t want those filthy rangers around anyway” is just spiteful.
And honestly, the precious time required to repaint a critter skin and copy an existing stat blocks seem pretty low to me
Believe me, I know all too well what a ranger can do. I don’t mind having a ranger in my party, as long as he knows what to do. Fact is 99% of rangers in this game have no idea how to play their class effectively and I would never let a pug be a ranger unless they ping their gear and traits. And I do think devs’ time is precious, because if they can’t find the time to fix enormous problems such as LFG merging/instance destroying they must all have very tight schedules.
Now please, let’s get off the topic of ranger rewards and get back to improving fractals as a whole.
(edited by dutchiez.7502)
Then post something inspiring instead of poo-pooing other people’s conversations.
Give me an interesting idea and I’ll elaborate on it.
(edited by Nike.2631)
How about this?
A new fractal with npcs from living story (kasmeer, marjory, rox, etc) where you have are being transformed into them (one player gets one npc skin, randomly of course) and you have to collect their armours to gear up. However, that would be a twist. Namely, if you already have thier skins you could skip that part and go straight to the next part which would be probably some kind of an epic boss encounter. Here comes the next surprise, if you have their weapons you would be able to get different encounter variation.
Or that crafting idea. I’m in love with crafting in general and I would like to see it expanded.
I feel like I should be able to set my watch by how long it’ll take our Elite Fractal Masters contingent to pop out and shriek “no no no!”
I did find the fashion match-up interesting, but a little specialized and likely to prompt a “It’s pay to win!” explosion since the skins come from the gem store.
Then post something inspiring instead of poo-pooing other people’s conversations.
Give me an interesting idea and I’ll elaborate on it.
I’m just stating my opinion and disagreeing with others’ opinions.
Then post something inspiring instead of poo-pooing other people’s conversations.
Give me an interesting idea and I’ll elaborate on it.
I’m just stating my opinion and disagreeing with others’ opinions.
Which is entirely not the point of Brainstorming. You’re supposed to take an idea and build on it, not come in being super negative and crapping all over everyone else’s ideas.
Rangers and Engineers are the only two classes that have a weapon type that they can’t get new skins for. There’s no legitimate reason not to add pet/kit skins to the already existing set of Fractal Weapons.
Then post something inspiring instead of poo-pooing other people’s conversations.
Give me an interesting idea and I’ll elaborate on it.
I’m just stating my opinion and disagreeing with others’ opinions.
Which is entirely not the point of Brainstorming. You’re supposed to take an idea and build on it, not come in being super negative and crapping all over everyone else’s ideas.
Rangers and Engineers are the only two classes that have a weapon type that they can’t get new skins for. There’s no legitimate reason not to add pet/kit skins to the already existing set of Fractal Weapons.
That’s why I suggested adding something that everyone can use, such as armor skins.
Here is an idea. Instead of Profession-specific rewards, such as Pet/skins, place an orb (or whatever) where one would find said Pet/skin that any Profession can interact with. Said orb would bestow upon the player the ability to enhance one piece of armor or weapon with some kind of special effect. Maybe a choice of effects../shrug. A glow, a color, whatever. Something for everyone! =)
Ok, let’s brainstorm and build.
Add pet armors to fractals.
Anyways, if my boss asked me to brainstorm I’m pretty sure he would want me to produce something useful and not random stuff.
(edited by Wethospu.6437)
Here is an idea. Instead of Profession-specific rewards, such as Pet/skins, place an orb (or whatever) where one would find said Pet/skin that any Profession can interact with. Said orb would bestow upon the player the ability to enhance one piece of armor or weapon with some kind of special effect. Maybe a choice of effects../shrug. A glow, a color, whatever. Something for everyone! =)
I like that idea. I’m all for more customization for character effects.
People seem caught up on the idea that people want class-specific rewards and that this wouldn’t be fair to the other classes. So, let me phrase this idea in a different way.
What is the difference between a player taking their Elementalist into Fractals and having a Fractal Great Sword drop and that same Elementalist having a Fractal Pet drop instead?
All I’m trying to do, is expand on the poster’s original idea of the pets and suggest that the already existing set of Fractal Weapons be expanded to include a Fractal Kit for Engineers and a Fractal Pet for Rangers. It isn’t because I’m an advocate for special rewards for certain classes, it’s because those two classes are the only two that are currently, partially left out of the reward system.
Hi All,
Regarding the ranger pet idea thanks for the discussion. We are up to date on the pros and cons and there is really no need to continue discussing it (-:
I wanted to let you know i am super busy today and will not be fully caught up or responsive until tomorrow.
Any estimation when this topic gets closed?
(edited by Wethospu.6437)
Fractal armor’s Rewards….. just use Ascended armor that’s already in game
if you want unique Armor skins/ weps skins then wait for next living world release anet is working pretty hard to shove LW content out Fractals don’t need more Skins they need more Rewards based on already current item because there already well in Demand and shoving more stuff out on Fractal’s alone isn’t really a Good option in my opinion we already have enough skins just focus on the other topics releated in this CDI
that’s about as much as I care to add on this because the Forum is WAAAAY to long to read them all and not get a headache[/quote]
Fractal armor’s Rewards….. just use Ascended armor that’s already in game
I think ascended Fractal Armor (with appropriate aesthetics) would be an incredible way to motivate players to play Fractals. Just don’t gate it in time, and focus on having it acquired through playing Fractals rather than grinding stuff or RNG and that’d be swell.
One cool thought I had was to have the skins awarded for completing certain skill-based achievements in high-level fractals. So there might be six different achievements to complete in entirely different fractals that are incredible difficult and have each one reward a piece.
Fractal armor’s Rewards….. just use Ascended armor that’s already in game
I think ascended Fractal Armor (with appropriate aesthetics) would be an incredible way to motivate players to play Fractals. Just don’t gate it in time, and focus on having it acquired through playing Fractals rather than grinding stuff or RNG and that’d be swell.
One cool thought I had was to have the skins awarded for completing certain skill-based achievements in high-level fractals. So there might be six different achievements to complete in entirely different fractals that are incredible difficult and have each one reward a piece.
I agree with the first, but the rewards for the skins are you suggesting doing it like PvP rewards.? you get a Skin unlocked from opening a PvP box in this case a fractal Box which the skins can be stored in a personal locker or bank? or used at that moment.
I agree with the first, but the rewards for the skins are you suggesting doing it like PvP rewards.? you get a Skin unlocked from opening a PvP box in this case a fractal Box which the skins can be stored in a personal locker or bank? or used at that moment.
My thought was more along the lines of there being an achievement in the Fractal of the Mists achievement tab that demands some difficult task, and once achieved, a box appeared on your screen rewarding the skin, which would then be unlocked for your account.
I think adding rewards that require the player to complete difficult content instead of just forking over an amount of gold or relying on RNG is a really good idea. Maybe doing this through special achievements, or multiple instabilities at the same time or adding additional mechanics to bosses.
I agree with the first, but the rewards for the skins are you suggesting doing it like PvP rewards.? you get a Skin unlocked from opening a PvP box in this case a fractal Box which the skins can be stored in a personal locker or bank? or used at that moment.
My thought was more along the lines of there being an achievement in the Fractal of the Mists achievement tab that demands some difficult task, and once achieved, a box appeared on your screen rewarding the skin, which would then be unlocked for your account.
Like a Daily?
Like a Daily?
The box would pop up like a daily box does, yes.
One additional thought is to make the rewards for gambits/instabilities scale according to popularity. Right now, there is no incentive to do hard/annoying instabilities other than the challenge. While the challenge is enough to motivate some, many others are completely ignored because there is literally no benefit to your experience for running them.
On the other hand, if there was an advertised 3g boost to the least-run instabilities, you might see more people actually running it. And when that becomes super common, you could adjust again and raise the bonus for another level. All of this could be automated, and eventually it would settle in an equilibrium where players get “enough” reward to justify doing the annoying instabilities.
Obviously you would need caps to keep things from getting out of hand (both too much or too little), but a system like this could be flexible and partly address the issues of rewards and less-run instabilities/gambits simultaneously.
I think ascended Fractal Armor (with appropriate aesthetics) would be an incredible way to motivate players to play Fractals. Just don’t gate it in time, and focus on having it acquired through playing Fractals rather than grinding stuff or RNG and that’d be swell.
Please no. I do not want them to create new reasons to play the Fractals, until they figure out how to make the Fractals take less time to play. I don’t want to feel like I’m missing out on even more than I already am by not doing Fractals. There are already the weapon skins and the easier ascended gear and bags, they don’t need more of that stuff.
I would worry that those Rangers that don’t do Fractals would feel left out. However i think this is a really interesting global reward idea so I will pass it on to the rewards team.
Thanks Wolfey,
Could you expound a bit on why this is an issue for you? There are pets that are available in a limited frame of areas and different level ranges, just like some weapon skins only drop in certain areas. If the difference between, say, a Jade Spider and a Cave Spider was purely cosmetic, then you’re not talking about vertical progression at all. The guy that has the Jade version has no advantage over the guy with the Cave Spider. All that’s going on here is cosmetic changes, and perhaps some bragging rights.
I honestly don’t see a difference between things like area specific Ranger pets and Fractal skins. Likewise, if players want WvW armor, they need to go to WvW. Or the massive amount of varied PvE that people need for Ascended gear. Or locking Cultural T3 behind a gold wall. They all require playing in a certain area of the game for more than a passing moment. In fact, I’d suggest that these are exactly the kinds of rewards that work for Fractals. It benefits the players that run them with a cosmetic benefit, without an imbalance. I believe that’s an excellent way to get people interested in the content without forcing them there.
I promise I’m not trying to be contentious here.
I’d just like to get a firmer grasp on the how and why of rewards being matched with content.
I don’t think you are being contentious at all and you put forward a compelling argument. However we try where possible to seed core gameplay rewards across the game. It seems like we have a few inconsistencies in the live environment so I will discuss this paradigm with the rewards team.
This said Ranger pets have abilities and putting a unique pet in the fractals with say unique abilities could be a huge barrier to entry for some players and that is where my concern comes from. The fact is fractal skins do no change the way a player uses his character whereas a pet with unique abilities does.
I hope this provides some more insight.
Make those pets just special-skins out of the regular ones! For example, Jade Spider only spawns after level 30, this would give some incentives for players looking for that specific skin. And it’s a garanteed reward, non-RNG dependent! Wolfie and I both are in accord: those pets wouldn’t have any special abilities, just re-skins, for bragging rights!
And I believe the same could be made for other classes. What do you think about upgrading a skill’s visual effect by doing a certain achievement/completing a high level fractal?
I appologize now for sticking this a bit out of sync with the discussion at hand, just wondering if there is a list of the scenarios people asked for in this thread?
(Just thinking of having a go at designing more of them.)
Apart from saying that I like the idea of having differently skinned tamable ranger pets in various fractals, before the crowd rushes in and complains about one class getting it, you could possibly effect most classes’ “unique abilities” as skins to compensate.
Engineers are an easy example; put new skins for weapon kits in (I know this would be terribly hard to manage without an item slot for it), Elementalist’s could have their “glow” for each attunement changed slightly (such as being a fire graphic rather then a red ring around the wrist in fire attunement) Necromancers could have their “reaper” scythe graphic changed slightly (maybe even just a color change?)
It might be easiest to tie these skins into the achievement system; have them show up whenever a player dons a title only earned in Fractals?
By the way, there are two places where the AoE rings can turn invisible:
Is it possible to replace those with the new full-orange AoE circles that were used in the marionette, wurm and hologram fights?
By the way, there are two places where the AoE rings can turn invisible:
- In Uncategorized Fractal, the Harpies’ knockback attacks. If they target the center of a small platform, the whole rim of the AoE circle is in the air, thus nothing is drawn.
- In Swampland Fractal, against Bloomhunger. Whenever an AoE circle is underwater, it’s invisible, and there’s a lot of water.
- (Tequatl has similar issues with his poison fields in the water, but that’s not a fractal)
Is it possible to replace those with the new full-orange AoE circles that were used in the marionette, wurm and hologram fights?
While I can appreciate the visibility of such AoE circles in massive combat scenarios. I prefer the more subtle approach we see in the rest of the game.
The flashy AoE fields just make things look more like a disco. Which does break my immersion. As well as blocking out combat information that I am less likely to see. Like combo fields etc.
Just to clarify, I wasn’t suggesting to replace all AoE circles with the orange ones, just the ones in my examples. I think the AoE fields are important enough in these situations that they should be visible, no matter what.
Just to clarify, I wasn’t suggesting to replace all AoE circles with the orange ones, just the ones in my examples. I think the AoE fields are important enough in these situations that they should be visible, no matter what.
Fair enough. For the harpies I can see the point. (Though perhaps the orb should be enough of a tell? I can see why getting hit when the circle isn’t there is confusing though)
As for the swamp, I don’t remember having problems there. Does it have something to do with the way our graphics are set up?
Because of the high arc the orbs have and the cripples that the harpies can apply, it is unwise to rely on personal judgement where the orbs will end up. By the time you confirm where one will land, it is often too late to move. If you don’t have a stability skill or reflect ready, it’s an instant downed state (and sometimes straight to dead).
Just had this idea. Don’t know what to do with it. So I decided to post it. This time
Well, who would have thought that THAT would happen? The Fractals are surprising after all!
In addition to the marvelous updates mentioned above, Dessa has decided to write a scientific publication on the dangers of Fractal exploration. And she needs your help for doing so! During this release, every player that finishes a series of Fractals will be given a survey-ticket. You can give Dessa this ticket to take part in her survey. Not only can your opinion be relevant for on what projects Dessa engages next, but you will also be rewarded for your participation with some of the cool new stuff we listed above! A part of the findings will also be published on guildwars2.com… so stay tuned!
Uses normal dialogue system: question above; answers to select from; next choice.
Questions can be related to…
(1) the encountered Fractals
“Which encounter was the most frustrating in the Underground Facility?”
(2) the encountered instability
“Did you notice something odd regarding the weather?”
(3) the class played (at the end of the boss Fractal)
“What do you think was your main role as a Necromancer in the team?”
followed by
“Do you think you could handle this role well?”
A player may not receive the same question twice. Some rewards for participating scale with the number of questions (for example, 10 silver per question).
Proposal Overview
Basically an idea I’ve often humored, not sure if it’s been mentioned (with 29 pages of proposals), but there could be Fractals that are somewhat similar to Bonus Mission Pack in Guild Wars 1, offering the players 5 unique skill bars and preset stat combinations. This would allow people to experience more skill bars, using skills that aren’t used anywhere else, and also allow us to see some really interesting development in potential skill balancing.
Goal of Proposal
The goal is simple, to utilize the idea of the “Bonus Mission Pack” concept to create more skills and skillbars in unique and developmental ways. These could be “test runs” of possible new skills and bars that they want to add to the actual game.
Proposal Functionality
It would work exactly like GW2 already works, just different skills. Similar to how an engineer can have kits or guardian can use tomes, the skill bar of the player will be replaced – except all 10 skills instead of just the 5 weapon skills. An example of this could be having a Fractal where the 5 players take on aspects of the 5 Gods – one gets assigned Balthazar, one gets assigned Grenth, another Lyssa…etc.
Each of these Gods would have skills and bars associated with their “profession” by lowest common denominator (Balthazar=Warrior, Lyssa=Mesmer, Grenth=Necromancer, Dwayna=Guardian, Melandru=Ranger). They would also have unique weapons that cannot be unequipped during the duration of the Fractal.
This example could be extended to other aspects – embodying the members of Destiny’s Edge, playing as a Charr warband, playing from an enemy perspective such as Zhaitan scouts, Aetherblades and more.
Associated Risks
The biggest risk I can see is someone not fully capable of adapting to the given bar, however in the original Bonus Mission Pack that didn’t seem to be a huge concern for the developers, as they made the builds centralized around a certain profession anyway. However, the risk is still possible – such as a warrior suddenly getting a Ranger- or Mesmer-esque bar.
(edited by Cuddy.6247)
As for the AoE fields, I’m not sure. You can see these also as elements of the fight. I can see the fields barely in the water (but they are visible). But you can stay out of the water. Similar, when you stand at the edge of a platform, you will see a part of the circle on the platform (when it is targeted at you). Though I agree that this is not how it usually works in the game and is confusing. I actually like that good positioning can give you an advantage.
But yes, it is debatable if it should be necessary to do something in order to get visual input on what is going on.
Hi Folks,
Just wanted to let you know I am up to date.
As the rewards goes, most of them are gated by tier on a daily basis since the last patch. So if we make any improvement how to use relics (both pristine and regular) it’s actually a good thing and you can calculate with it.
Fractals is the only content in game where you really need ascended gear, thus it would be great that you can get almost everything out from it.
How about to buy earings from Pristine relics? Currently it can be bought with 12 guild commendation (takes 8 days at least to get all if your guild can do everything in a week and do it again on reset day) or with 50 ecto + 40 laurel (it’s horribly overpriced compared to the amuletts). So for a reasonable amount of relics it could be obtained (30-40?).
Weapons. Currently the droprate is well … pathetic. Sorry, it’s really really bad. It could be a more frequent in higher levels, probably after lvl40. Same with fractal skins. These could be bought with relics. Lets say, 1000 normal relics and ~100 pristine.
Another thing, that now if we get a weapon chest, only the weapon type can be choosen, the stats are fixed. How about changing these? You get a weapon, eg. an axe and you choose the stats for it. With the current meta outside of berserker weapons, there is literally no point to get anything else from them.
Armor. As a direct drop, it never should be in fractals, since ascended crafting is a huge gold sink (and you need that), so if we could get some extra material drop in the form of dragonite ore, empyrial fragments and maybe refined materials (Lump of Mithrillium, Glob of Elder Spirit Residue, Spool of Thick Elonian Cord, Spool of Silk Weaving Thread).
Gold. This shouldn’t be the main reasons to run fractals, however currently compared to other dungeons, the gold reward is too low. As others pointed out, 1g*tier would be a reasonable amount, so 5g after lvl40. Maybe throw in some extra to lvl50 (or the current max level if it will be increased).
Exotics. Too much account bound stuff. Too much. Remove them pretty pls, it’s such a tease that you basicly just loose income with them. :C
Ring drops. Make them salvagable or tradable to relics.
By the way, there are two places where the AoE rings can turn invisible:
- In Uncategorized Fractal, the Harpies’ knockback attacks. If they target the center of a small platform, the whole rim of the AoE circle is in the air, thus nothing is drawn.
- In Swampland Fractal, against Bloomhunger. Whenever an AoE circle is underwater, it’s invisible, and there’s a lot of water.
- (Tequatl has similar issues with his poison fields in the water, but that’s not a fractal)
Is it possible to replace those with the new full-orange AoE circles that were used in the marionette, wurm and hologram fights?
Turning on reflections to “Terrain and sky” makes it better, however it still can be improved.
Exotics. Too much account bound stuff. Too much. Remove them pretty pls, it’s such a tease that you basicly just loose income with them. :C
What do you mean with “loose income?” They are a good part of my income of dark matter and usually worth around 3 gold or so for selling the insignia in addition to that (which you don’t always get—but the chance to get it appears rather high to me).
Exotics. Too much account bound stuff. Too much. Remove them pretty pls, it’s such a tease that you basicly just loose income with them. :C
What do you mean with “loose income?” They are a good part of my income of dark matter and usually worth around 3 gold or so for selling the insignia in addition to that (which you don’t always get—but the chance to get it appears rather high to me).
I mean that your only option is to salvage them. So you get dark matter from them. Or not. Or you get ecto from it. Or not. Or you get an insignia from it. Or not. Get it?
Meanwhile if it becomes non-accountbound it can be sold on TP for much more, if you are lucky and get something useful. Two days ago i sold a random exotic for 7g on the TP for example that dropped in fractals.
Okay Dalanor, I see what you mean. Just misunderstood your previous post.
Since this CDI is getting to its end, I wanted to thank everybody for the conversation. Also thanks Chris for running the show. By now, I have the feeling to understand some other Fractal runners a bit more.
Regarding rewards, I just wanted to note that I would like to have a “20 Slot Fractal Ascended Equipment Box” (like this). I usually keep my standard equipment in the bottom most box such that temporary holes (equipping 2 1-hand weapons instead of 1 2-hand) don’t get filled up with loot. However, if I switch back (to 1 2-hand weapon), my off-hand weapon drops into the loot-boxes. You know… it is… untidy…
Well, I said it is a convenience fix. Nothing too important. But I guess it only takes 5 minutes or so?
This would be cool but I wouldn’t house it in Fractals.
You can also find a lot more CDI topics and info here Michael if you are interested:
Super Tyria History Box
Thank you, I did take a look. I’m browsing through older threads at the moment, interesting read.
I wanted to say I appreciate you answering to all the users here and hope Anet benefits from the feedback.
I think fractals should become easier after you’ve failed them a couple times. If someone leaves the group or get kicked, the difficulty resets. This would prevent kicking and helps new ones to get familiar with the bosses.
Story idea.
How about remaking the fight against Kralki as Destiny’s Edge, BUT with a twist in the end, since fractals not neccessary the exact same as past events.
5 player transforms as DE, Snaff will be the event triggering npc.
The instance would follow the story as in the books, like finding Glints hideout, fighting against Glint, preparations, defend Snaff and here actually DE manages to kill Kralkatorrik and it turns out that killing a ED is not a good idea since it disturbs the flow of magic or whatever and they can’t be killed in a permanent way as any other being, thus hinting towards that Zhaitan not 100% dead dead.
Mechanic wise it sounds that it’s an easy, slow, timegated fractal, which i wouldn’t prefer but with some brainstorming maybe it would have nice mechanics.
Any comment on this?
There could be an underground fractal (don’t scare, read further) with a dwarfen story, how they fight against the destroyers, maybe revealing something important about either side.
Explain current fractal stories please! I’m eager to know what was the anomaly in Thaumanova and what is the Colossus actually. Well, all of them need more explanation, but i’m most interested in these. =]
While i agree unavoidable agony is a terrible gear gate for high level fractals. You are somewhat out of date with the game. Farming cof hasnt been a thing and hasnt been possible for several months now. Fractals are not afk facerolled in zerker. While the agony system forces us to gear for fractals and the agony damage is no longer a threat, we still have to dodge attacks and use skill and CC to survive the regular attacks in dps gear.
Maybe you just play another game
Please do explain.
Well, I rly don’t kno how you can struggle on their normal attacks, the groups i’m used to just need to get their 100b’s through and have to dodge once or twice, but i wouldn’t call tht effort. Maybe you should watch some guides to improve your tactics.
I rly appreciate some higher difficulty scaling for the non casuals at least.
(edited by Bart Weird.9671)
While i agree unavoidable agony is a terrible gear gate for high level fractals. You are somewhat out of date with the game. Farming cof hasnt been a thing and hasnt been possible for several months now. Fractals are not afk facerolled in zerker. While the agony system forces us to gear for fractals and the agony damage is no longer a threat, we still have to dodge attacks and use skill and CC to survive the regular attacks in dps gear.
Maybe you just play another game
Please do explain.
Well, I rly don’t kno how you can struggle on their normal attacks, the groups i’m used to just need to get their 100b’s through and have to dodge once or twice, but i wouldn’t call tht effort. Maybe you should watch some guides to improve your tactics.
I rly appreciate some higher difficulty scaling for the non casuals at least.
For the record, and I think you ought to know, Spoj is one of the best pve players in this game.
@ Dalanor:
Your first portion is exactly about what I’ve suggested here so far with a Ghosts of Ascalon-Fractal.
I’d love to see the Novel Books becoming playable.
However I think Fractals should provide also something new and different, than just always only the same kind of tiny zones, in which you have to battle yourself through in 30 mins from boss to boss only.
Even if Chris thinks, it would overcomplicate the fractals, I think it would be just owesome, if Fractals could give us players multiple different kinds of options, what kind of a Fractal Type we want to play, which could reward us in different ways.
Once a Group enters the Fractals of the Mist, when entering the Portal Ground, the group could get asked by Dessa, what kind of Fractal Type you want to play.
Choose out:
and I’m sure I could come up with 1-2 more examples of different Fractal Types…
What I want to sayreally is, that what I describe here, is for me personally the meaning behind “Fractal Evolution”
For me is just only adding new Fractals or raising the Fractal Level from 40 to 80 or so, for me thats no evolution. thats just only expansion, but not evolution what is the name of the CDI topic!!
So for me was always from behin on the question, about what or how we could improve Fractals of the Mists, so that it won’t stay forever exasctly the same mechanic, which would be quickly boring, if everythign we could do in Fractals would stay in always doing only the same random 3 mini dungeons plus a 4th end boss fractal.
I find it very important, that Fractals of the Mists definetely should evolve into something more interesting, than just being only a string of 4 random mini dungeons, that have the option to becoming much much harder to do successfully, so higher your Fractal Level raises.
If Fractals willl stay forever just only this, I’ll ensure ANet, this content will die out quickly cause of boredom from people. Just adding only new fractals to the list of random possible fractals alone won’t work.
Fractals can evolve in regard of providign different types and thats the spirit, that will keep Fractals of the Mist fresh for alot longer of a time, than just expansing a random list of fractals will do and as long as players have a clear option of choosing out, what they want to do at the very beginning, I think, theres also nothing overcomplicated about improving fractals that way.
(edited by Orpheal.8263)
While i agree unavoidable agony is a terrible gear gate for high level fractals. You are somewhat out of date with the game. Farming cof hasnt been a thing and hasnt been possible for several months now. Fractals are not afk facerolled in zerker. While the agony system forces us to gear for fractals and the agony damage is no longer a threat, we still have to dodge attacks and use skill and CC to survive the regular attacks in dps gear.
Maybe you just play another game
Please do explain.
Well, I rly don’t kno how you can struggle on their normal attacks, the groups i’m used to just need to get their 100b’s through and have to dodge once or twice, but i wouldn’t call tht effort. Maybe you should watch some guides to improve your tactics.
I rly appreciate some higher difficulty scaling for the non casuals at least.
For the record, and I think you ought to know, Spoj is one of the best pve players in this game.
Maybe you should reconsider your statement,
just because the majority of skillful players don’t bother with forums,
it doesn’t mean they are non existent.
I think he has a point on that.
(edited by Antony.2398)
While i agree unavoidable agony is a terrible gear gate for high level fractals. You are somewhat out of date with the game. Farming cof hasnt been a thing and hasnt been possible for several months now. Fractals are not afk facerolled in zerker. While the agony system forces us to gear for fractals and the agony damage is no longer a threat, we still have to dodge attacks and use skill and CC to survive the regular attacks in dps gear.
Maybe you just play another game
Please do explain.
Well, I rly don’t kno how you can struggle on their normal attacks, the groups i’m used to just need to get their 100b’s through and have to dodge once or twice, but i wouldn’t call tht effort. Maybe you should watch some guides to improve your tactics.
I rly appreciate some higher difficulty scaling for the non casuals at least.
For the record, and I think you ought to know, Spoj is one of the best pve players in this game.
Maybe you should reconsider your statement,
just because the majority of skillful players don’t bother with forums,
it doesn’t mean they are non existent.I think he has a point on that.
Well, you’re wrong. Check out Spoj on YouTube and such. He is an excellent player who has an immense amount of skill.
While i agree unavoidable agony is a terrible gear gate for high level fractals. You are somewhat out of date with the game. Farming cof hasnt been a thing and hasnt been possible for several months now. Fractals are not afk facerolled in zerker. While the agony system forces us to gear for fractals and the agony damage is no longer a threat, we still have to dodge attacks and use skill and CC to survive the regular attacks in dps gear.
Maybe you just play another game
Please do explain.
Well, I rly don’t kno how you can struggle on their normal attacks, the groups i’m used to just need to get their 100b’s through and have to dodge once or twice, but i wouldn’t call tht effort. Maybe you should watch some guides to improve your tactics.
I rly appreciate some higher difficulty scaling for the non casuals at least.
For the record, and I think you ought to know, Spoj is one of the best pve players in this game.
Maybe you should reconsider your statement,
just because the majority of skillful players don’t bother with forums,
it doesn’t mean they are non existent.I think he has a point on that.
Well, you’re wrong. Check out Spoj on YouTube and such. He is an excellent player who has an immense amount of skill.
Nah, It is fine I do not compare myself but doing fractal level 50 dailys are starting to get a really monotanous thing.
About the mentioned idea around special cosmetical class related Rewards:
Rangers = Unlockable new Pets
Necromancers = Unlockable Minion Skins, everytime you unlock a new Minion Skin somewhere in the Game, you can choose it out under a dropdown menu with scroll bar in the Necro’s Hero Panel
Elementalists = Unlockable Elemental Skins, see above
Mesmers = Unlockable Phantasm Skins, see above, or Shattering Effect Skins
Engineers = Unlockable Turret Skins, see above
Guardian = Unlockable new Spirit Weapon Skins
Warrior = Unlockable War Banner Skins, or Adrenaline Auras instead of these ridiculous tiny yellow bubbles…
Thief = Unlockable Shadow Step Animations
howeve,r that kind of reward system to become more class specific is something, that must not be linked with Fractals only, I think it would be good in general, if the game would provide some more rewards everywhere, be it PvP, WvW or PvE in or outside of dungeons of any sort, which would be class specific to give the plaayer that way more class related cosmetical progression.
I myself for die for it to have for my thief a Shadow Step animation, that looks far more similar to what shadow steps look like from Assassins in Blade & Soul, because it really looks alot more like shadow stepping and not like gw2’s version, like a instant teleportation…
As reminder to compare it:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iCwKkwc-HDA, from Minute 1:02 on
And should we have in future maybe a Combat System CDI … well, Id post that link there too xD just for the better combat action, better use of Z-Achsis in combat ect., but thats an other topic ^^
While i agree unavoidable agony is a terrible gear gate for high level fractals. You are somewhat out of date with the game. Farming cof hasnt been a thing and hasnt been possible for several months now. Fractals are not afk facerolled in zerker. While the agony system forces us to gear for fractals and the agony damage is no longer a threat, we still have to dodge attacks and use skill and CC to survive the regular attacks in dps gear.
Maybe you just play another game
Please do explain.
Well, I rly don’t kno how you can struggle on their normal attacks, the groups i’m used to just need to get their 100b’s through and have to dodge once or twice, but i wouldn’t call tht effort. Maybe you should watch some guides to improve your tactics.
I rly appreciate some higher difficulty scaling for the non casuals at least.
For the record, and I think you ought to know, Spoj is one of the best pve players in this game.
Maybe you should reconsider your statement,
just because the majority of skillful players don’t bother with forums,
it doesn’t mean they are non existent.I think he has a point on that.
Well, you’re wrong. Check out Spoj on YouTube and such. He is an excellent player who has an immense amount of skill.
Bart just seems to have an enormous ego because he got to fractal 80. While that is impressive it doesnt mean he should undervalue the difficulty in using full dps gear, full melee in fractals. The game could and should be a lot harder in high fractals but its still not something someone should smirk at considering how few people can survive consistantly in such situations. Making fractals a lot harder would satisfy me and im sure Bart aswell. But the community has a very large player base with players from all different skill levels. Most of which have extreme difficulty at learning very simply tells.
Anyway Bart, that was my point. Its not completely faceroll (you are exaggerating). You have to dodge or you will face plant. Any class in a dps spec other than warrior gets 1 shot in fractal 49 if they take an arch diviner auto attack to the face without aegis or some other decent damage mitigation (I could be slightly wrong about this but I know my necro does if I dont use DS). So for people who arent very experienced it is very unforgiving and not something you should look down on.
(edited by Spoj The Second.7680)
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