Okay, how could an encounter be fun, now that we have more people to use?
Don`t do this
- Damage Sponges
With more people, there will be more damage. Try not to compensate this with a lot of health, without any other mechanics to look out for. Even if the lore asks for a dumb brute at this point, have other mechanics suplement the encounter.
Encounter Ideas
- Enviromental Weapons
Yes, they have become a bane and some will sigh at the pure mention of them, because the fights feel depended on them.
This not wrong.
However if not all people have to wield them, then it is a different matter and it adds a new layer to the fight.
We add to the “simple” attack and evade gameplay a defend and protect mechanic, which would allow other playstyles to shine through.
Things like the Guardians Shield would suddenly be more viable in dungeons.
While I know people think these things are patting a fight, it is more reasonable as a damage sponge where you just go brain afk.
- Dodging
Oh yeah. We need more dodging. Have fire and brimstone fall from the skies, like with Mai Trin. Not everywhere, but have every place of the battlefield have the possibility to be a dangerzone.
This gets people to move and reduces the stacking (which I loath. I prefer skill play and no brain afk as I mentioned before).
- Split the group
If anything I would love to see encounters that split the team. Have them do different things at the same time.
While it could be something simple like activating things, while another group is holding the boss at bay, it could also be something like that:
Imagine being on top of a tower (fought your way up)
The group has to chase the enemy they encounter up there, as he does not want to fight.
While one half is right behind it, as attacks slow the enemy down (he drops bombs to keep them at bay for example).
The other half is able to take a different route (maybe a jumping puzzle section) on the outside of the tower (maybe a magic one with flying platforms, think easier mad king tower) and stop the enemy on the half way point by closing a door.
- Evolving encounters
Continueing from the idea before, how about the encounter changes, depending on how the enemy is defeated?
Let`s combine some Ideas:
The enemy manages to get to the bottom of the tower. Here he activates a defense system that helps him fighting the whole group.
Another Idea would be choosing which path to follow him be.
If certain environmental items are being used against the boss, he will adapt (or the following) in later encounter.
He won`t be indestructible, but the fight becomes harder (maybe more rewarding) the more different techniques you use (the other way around, the whole thing could also be made easier, if you refrain from using the items)
Basically allow encounters to play out differently, to promote re playability (maybe with some little tongue and cheek humor. Maybe have five enemies who are optional, but combine for an extra boss later in the dungeon for revenge. go go power rangers )